Administrative Responsibilities LAH

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Commissioner's main responsibilities

1. licensing insurance producers and companies 2. approving, administering, or contracting the administration of relicensing education courses, insurance producer licensing exams, and CE programs 3. secure or require any documents or information, including fingerprints, reasonably necessary to verify the accuracy of information provided on an application 4. participate with the NAIC in a centralized insurance producer license registry for the purpose of submitting or obtaining information on insurance producer, including license history, lines of authority, and regulatory action. 5. approve forms to be used by individuals and business entities to apply to the department for an insurance producer 6. approve additional limited lines of authority

how long does the Commissioner hold office?

4 years

insurer must notify of all appointments and terminations of appointments of producers in the format and within the time frame specified by Commissioner

Department of Insurance

Medicare supplements must be approved by

Department of insurance

All continuing education programs courses must be approved by


All forms, including changes to previously approved forms, must be filed with


Any insurance company must provide a copy of any medicare supplement advertisement intended to be used in this state to ____ for review or approval


Authority to conduct frequent reviews to access the insurer's compliance with the investment requirements for variable annuities


Authority to conduct frequent reviews to assess the insurer's compliance with the investment requirements for variable annuities


Can suspect that an insurer or its agent has committed a violation or is engaged in an unfair trade practice, and issue a statement of charges and hold a hearing for any purpose deemed necessary may request a legal hearing and give written notice of the time and place of the hearing to the person in violation.


Can waive the requirements of the insurance exam


Corporations, associations, partnerships, and individuals may apply to _____ for rating organization licenses. ______ will make decisions on these applications within 60 days of the date on their filing.


Distributes certificate of authority after examining business and finding it to be financially stable and organized in accordance with the insurance code.


Each insurer must notify ___ whether or not a life insurance policy or annuity product will be marketed with illustrations


Establishes regulations that any insurers marketing a policy with illustration must comply with


Examine each rating organization as often as deemed necessary, but at least once every 5 years


If a licensee wants to transact insurance under a different name than that listed on his or her producer's license, they must report to who


Limited lines is a type of insurance determined by


May issue a nontransferable temporary producer's license without requiring a written examination


May issue subpoenas and administer oaths to anyone on any matter


Pennsylvania Insurance Code requires insurers to file their premium rates with


Punishment for violation of the state insurance license


Whenever any life insurance company does not have on hand the net value of all policies in force, ______ will notify the company and its agents that it cannot issue any new policies until such funds become available


if licensee is doing business under a fictitious name other than the name appearing on the producer license, the licensee is required to notify


insurer must notify terminated producer appointment within 30 days after effective date of termination.


may suspend or revoke the insurance company's certificate of authority, refuse to issue a new certificate of authority for a period of up to 1 year, and/or impose a penalty between 5k-25k for each violation


must notify within 5 days when there is any material change in their ownership, control, surplus, or solvency


specifies format and time frame of appointment and termination of producers


charged with monitoring the financial strength and integrity of insurers authorized to conduct business in PA in order to determine whether the continued operation of any insurer might be financially hazardous to policyholders, creditors, or to public in general

Commissioner and Department of Insurance

If specific regulations of the place of domicile of foreign or alien insurers prevent them from being compliant with any of the Pennsylvania regulations ______ must be notified in writing, then determines degree of compliance and acceptability for sure foreign or alien insurer

Department of Insurance

Monitors the financial strength of insurers

Department of Insurance

Must conduct an examination of every insurer at least once every 5 years, or as often as deemed appropriate

Department of Insurance

Producers must notify ____ of a change in address within 30 days

Department of Insurance

Variable life insurance is regulated by _____ as an insurance product

Department of Insurance

May accept an examination report on the company as long as the report was prepared by an NAIC-accredited insurance department in lieu of an examination of a foreign or alien insurer

Department of Insurance

an insurer that appoints an insurance producer must file a notice of appointment to ____, will verify if the insurance producer is eligible for appointment

Department of Insurance

May conduct an examination of any company authorized to transact insurance in this state to ensure that the companies remain solvent and conduct business of insurance in compliance with state laws and regulations pertaining to licensing, policy forms, rates, claims, and market conduct

Department of Insurance

May immediately and without notice revoke a temporary license if it is in public interest

Department of INsurance

Applying for a viatical settlement license from

Department of Insurance

Approves buyer's guide

Department of Insurance

Authorizes insurers

Department of Insurance

Who is the commissioner appointed by?

Governor with the consent of the senate

Who is the Commissioner

Head of the State Department

Create uniformity among life insurance policies


Developed format of the long-term care insurance shopper's guide


Models Unfair Trade Practices Act, expressly cites false advertising as an unfair trade practice and prohibits it


maintains producer database


Develop long-term care insurance shopper's guide

National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC)

Paying producer appointment fees

appointing insurer

Authorize transfer of assets made by a company between any of its separate accounts

Pennsylvania Department of Insurance

Must be notified in writing if specific regulations of the place of domicile or foreign or alien insurers prevent them from being compliant with any of the Pennsylvania regulations. Then determines degree of compliance and acceptability for foreign or alien insurer.

Pennsylvania Department of Insurance

Periodically examine operations and investments of any separate account

Pennsylvania Department of Insurance

Approval of Medicare SELECT policies

State Department of Insurance

Approve of private insurers and HMO's policies for Medgiap

State Department of Insurance

insurers must submit 3 copies of all advertisements to _____ for approval

department of insurance

authorizes a producer to solicit or negotiate insurance on its behalf, must certify the producer's appointment as a representative


authority to make changes to an insurance policy

insurer's executive officer

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