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Review (tab) -> Comments (command group) -> Next

Suppose your worksheet has a comment in cell A1 and a comment in cell B5. Your active cell is B1. Which command can you use to navigate to the comment in cell B5?

Name box. The number of rows and columns in the selection is displayed here.

The boxed area is called ____. What is displayed in this boxed area when a range of cells is selected? _______

The word "budget" can appear anywhere within the cell.

The formula =COUNTIF(range, "*budget*") will count the number of cells in the specified range containing the word "budget" in certain positions within the text. Which of the following best describes the cells counted?

Chart Tools --> Design --> Data --> Select Data --> Hidden and Empty Cells --> Zero --> OK --> OK

There are two charts, Expenses_1 chart represents the data in cells A1:B13 and Expenses_2 chart represents the same data but the missing values are replaced by ZEROS. Which of the following options is the correct set of steps to obtain Expenses_2 chart from Expenses_1 chart?


To calculate the percentage of the total widget sales made by the top 5 employees, which of the following formulae would you enter in cell "C22" (shaded purple)

a tilde followed by an asterisk

To find an asterisk (i.e., the symbol: * ) within a cell, you enter which of the following in an Excel form search criteria?

Click anywhere on the table

To gain access to the Table Tools / Design tab in the Excel Ribbon when working with tables, you should do the following:

10%, 400%

What are the minimum and maximum zoom ranges that can be displayed in an open Excel worksheet (respectively)?


What characters are NOT allowed in sheet names ?

Selects a rectangular range of cells around the active cell

What does selecting the option "Current region" within the: Go To Special Dialog Box (Home (tab) -> Editing (command group) -> Find & Select) do?

pastes values and number formatting

What does the middle button (circled in red) in the row of "Paste Value" do?

Replace the digits exceeding 15 with the number zero

What happens if you try to store a number greater than 15 digits in Excel ?

protect you from malware

What is the primary purpose of "Protected View?"

The entire table, an entire row, or an entire column from a table can be selected

What part(s) of a table can be selected?


What will be the result of this formula =IF(A1<100000,A1*5%,A1*7.5%) , if the cell A1 has a value of 90000?

It displays a different graphic to remind you that the table is sorted by that column

When a column is sorted within a table, which of the following is true about the drop-down list in the header row?

Excel applies currency formatting to the new value in that column cell.

When you apply currency formatting to a Table column and then add a new row to the table, what happens to data entered in the new cell?


Which of the following Excel tabs is NOT visible in a worksheet by default?

a mini-chart that is displayed in a single cell

Which of the following best describes what a Sparkline is?


Which of the following chart types does NOT support the Data Table chart element?

current date and time

Which of the following does the function =NOW() return?


Which of the following does the search string ~?NULL~? match when entered in the find and replace dialog box?

ISERROR() ISERR() ISNA() all of the provided choices are valid

Which of the following function(s) can be used to count error values in a range?


Which of the following is NOT a tool in Analysis ToolPak for Excel?

Excel does not allow you to add additional worksheets to a workbook that has been saved previously

Which of the following is NOT true when it comes to adding new worksheets within an existing Excel workbook?

it helps prevent unauthorized users from copying existing worksheets it helps prevent unauthorized users from revealing hidden sheets it helps prevent unauthorized users from inserting new worksheets All of the above options are true

Which of the following is TRUE of the "Protect" option in an Excel Workbook?


Which of the following is a VALID range name in an Excel workbook?

Using table and column names in formulas provides greater flexibility as extending a table does not require re-writing of formulas

Which of the following is an advantage of using Excel tables?

Ctrl + N

Which of the following is the keyboard shortcut that creates a new blank workbook in Excel?

Ctrl + X

Which of the following keyboard shortcuts "cuts" the current selection of cells to both the Windows and Office clipboards?


Which of the following keyboard shortcuts can be used in Excel 2016 to create a table?

Ctrl + Shift + :

Which of the following keyboard shortcuts will add the current time to a cell in an Excel worksheet?

A workbook can have many worksheets.

Which of the following statements is true?

View Side by Side

Which option provided in the View ribbon tab is best to compare two open Excel workbooks simultaneously in Excel 2016?

None of the (other) options provided is correct

Which type of chart does not allow format changes to the Plot area?

Synchronous Scrolling

While comparing two sheets using the "View Side by Side" feature, there is an option which lets you scroll the two sheets in sync. What is that option called?


While using cell references in Excel, what key is used to change the type of the reference?


Would you be able to apply the "watch window" option in multiple sheets at the same time ?

Returns the number of cells containing the current date in the range named Data.

number of cells containing the current date

descriptive information about a workbook

what is metadata?


By default, what is the extension used when you save a workbook in Excel 2016?

No, you cannot

Can you print data in an Excel Form attached to a table?

Select cells A1 through C4 in Sheet1 -> Copy -> Go to Sheet2 -> Paste -> Transpose

Please examine the attached workbook. Given the data in Sheet1, which of the following steps should be followed to obtain the data in Sheet2 ?

Data bars

Please examine the attached workbook. Which conditional formatting rule is applied?

Either of the previous options (resetting through the menu or the right-click options work)

If you format a chart element with the font seen in Chart 2, how can you reset it to its original state?

select a row

In Excel, Shift + Spacebar (keyboard shortcut) is used to _______.

content other than text (e.g., a date or a number) or a blank cell

In Excel, the ISNONTEXT() function returns TRUE if its argument refers to which of the following?


In an Excel worksheet, what column name comes directly after Column Z?


In the Top Salespersons list, which feature can be used to populate the numbers "3," "4," and "5" in cells "A17," "A18," and "A19," respectively?


In the attached spreadsheet, please use an appropriate formula to compute the total of the Cells C2 through C11 (surrounded by a red border in the worksheet). What is this total?


In the following formula, Excel sums up the data in which range? =SUMIF(Products!I2:I50,"=Canned Fruit & Vegetables",Products!F2:F50)


A group of cells is referred to as which of the following?


A single element in a worksheet that can hold a value, some text, or a formula is referred to as which of the following?


After pressing "Alt + H" while in an open Excel worksheet, a number of Key Tips are displayed. Which ribbon tab do these Key Tips relate to?

change the chart type, formatting, and data series

After you create a chart, which of the following actions can you perform on it?

Insert --> Charts --> Column --> Clustered Column

After you have selected the data to create a chart, which of the following is the correct sequence of options needed to create a clustered column chart?


If cell "A1" contains JOHN F. SMITH and you want this value to be changed into a proper case like John F. Smith, what Excel function would you use?

Yes, the statement is accurate

Different table formatting styles can be previewed by mousing over different options within "Table Styles" (i.e., you can see what the appearance will be like without actually applying a new style). Is this statement accurate?

a range reference

Examine the 6th argument in the formula below. What kind of argument is it? =SUM(B1, 5, 6, 7, SQRT(4), A1:A5, TRUE)

Section B

Examine the attached image. What will the result of the following formula be? ="Section " &mysection

Click on: (Chart Tools) Design tab --> Move chart (Location) --> New Sheet (option)

Examine the attached workbook. To move "Chart 1" in "Sheet1" to a new Excel worksheet named "MyChart", which options will you use?


Examine the survey results in the attached workbook (in Sheet2). What type of chart would be most suitable to represent the survey response data?

number of cells containing the current date

For a range called Data, what does the function =COUNTIF(Data, TODAY()) return?

Add a comment to the sales figure cell, and explain to your assistant what you want him to do

You are reviewing a Spreadsheet that records daily sales for Burgers, Hotdogs and Chili. Monday of last week shows exceptionally high sales for Burgers. You want to email the spreadsheet back to your assistant so he can look into whether the data was correctly entered. Which of the following methods should you use to explain your request to your assistant?

Resize table

You may refer to the attached workbook to answer the following question. What command under the Table Tool /Design Tab can you use to add two more rows to the table?

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