ADS 105 Test#3 Ch's 6,7 & 8

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After ingestion, the effects of LSD begin to appear in

15 to 60 minutes.

Hoarding is similar to

compulsive shopping.

The effects of LSD

last 6 to 8 hours.

The average street cost for an ounce of marijuana in the United States is

$200 to $400.

During Prohibition, there was

a reduction in domestic violence.

The effects of inhalants most often resemble those of

alcohol and cause drowsiness.

DRD2A1 allele gene signals a susceptibility to both

alcoholism and gambling

Bulimia nervosa is an addiction to

binge eating followed by weight control techniques like over-exercising.

Compulsive shoppers describe the same relief of bad feelings and the subsequent high as someone describing the use of


The following factors influence the length of time that a drug can be detected in someone's blood, urine, saliva, or other body tissues:

1. An individual's rate of drug absorption. 2. An individual's rate of metabolism. 3. The rate of excretion from the body. 4. The type of drug testing method used.

The following are the most effective HIV disease prevention strategies:

1. Drug-abuse treatment on demand. 2. Education on the risks of high-risk sexual activity and aids. 3. Needle-exchange programs that are tied to treatment.

The Internet has an addiction potential because

1. It can be used to escape feelings. 2. It is always available. 3. It doesn't criticize. 4. It produces a stimulant-like rush.

The following statements are true about prevention programs:

1. Prevention programs need to be tailored to specfic age groups. 2. Prevention programs need to be tailored for ethnicity, culture, and gender. 3. Prevention programs should span a lifetime.

The following have been identified as risk factors for substance abuse among veterans and military service members:

1. The stress and the anxiety of combat and deployment. 2. The regional availability of indigenous drugs like cannabis (Hashish, Marijuana) and Opiates (Opium, Heroin). 3. Social norms that support a heavy-drinking culture within branches of the military.

The following are common mistakes made by alcohol and other drug prevention and education efforts on college campuses:

1. They often overlook and do not recognize the level of sophistication most college students have regarding most aspects of alcohol and other drugs. 2. Prevention messages often appear condescending to the average student.

Pathological (compulsive) gamblers are obsessed with

1. getting the money to gamble 2. figuring out ways to stay in action 3. gambling

The following statements are true about the age group(s) that should be targeted for prevention of substance abuse and addictive behaviors.

1. psychoactive drugs and addictive behaviors affect people's lives from conception to death. 2. prevention programs should be available for every stage of a person's life.

The following are warning signs that someone may be abusing inhalants

1. recurring or frequent headaches 2. chemical odor on the body 3. inflammation of the nasal lining

Marijuana in the urine of a regular user is detectable for

3 to 6 weeks.

Herpes is not commonly spread by

IV drug use.

Pathological gambler is the most compulsive kind of


Ketamine is most similar

to PCP.

The hallucinogenic effects of salvia divinorum last for

30 minutes.

About the effects of ketamine and PCP (angel dust): they mentally disassociate users;

About the effects of ketamine and PCP (angel dust): they mentally disassociate users;

Marijuana has been illegal in the United States since 1937. This occurred with the passing of the

Marijuana Tax Act.

About the effects of ketamine and PCP (angel dust): they mentally disassociate users;

The effects usually last one to six hours; and bad trips are common.

The following statements are true about the age group(s) that should be targeted for prevention of substance abuse and addictive behaviors.

The following statements are true about the age group(s) that should be targeted for prevention of substance abuse and addictive behaviors.

The three parts of the public health model used to explain the prevention model are

The three parts of the public health model used to explain the prevention model are

The psychological effects of marijuana withdrawal include

anger, depression, anxiety and irritability.

The chemicals that are most responsible for the psychedelic effects of magic mushrooms

are psilocin and psilocybin.

Hallucinogens and psychedelics are

characterizers all-rounders.

People who smoke marijuana commonly present

chronic bronchitis.

Concerning the US prison population- nearly 50% of the inmates in federal prisons were sentenced for

drug offenses.

Generally, a gambler who is drawn to a slot machine is an

escape-seeking gambler.

Using a designated driver is a form of

harm reduction.

The provision of free and clean needles to IV drug users reduces


The three parts of the public health model used to explain the prevention model are

host, environment, and agent.

Misperceiving a rope as a threatening snake is an example of an

illusion (mistaken perceptions of real stimuli).

Secondary and tertiary levels of prevention are most likely to include


Secondary and tertiary prevention levels of prevention are most likely to include


.The usual current strength of LSD street samples

is 20 to 80 ug.

Prohibition strengthened

many criminal organizations.

Dopamine neurotransmitter regulates

mood, emotional behavior, motor control and orgasms.

Right before deciding to purchase an item, a compulsive shopper experience the highest level

of excitement.

Cyber-addiction and gaming addiction, including MMORPGs (massively multiplayer online role-playing games), are characterized by

1. using the computer or video game to the exclusion of social interactions 2. using the computer and games obsessively for stimulation 3. using the computer and games for relaxation

Drug courts are a collaborative approach among the courts, prosecution, public defenders, probation, and treatment providers for

convicted drug offenders.

The DRD2A1 allele gene has its greatest effect on

dopamine neurotransmitter system

Tissue dependence condition found in a

drug addict is not found in a compulsive gambler

Harm reduction acknowledges the risks associated with

psychoactive drug use.

Addictive behaviors alter brain chemistry in similar ways that

psychoactive drugs do.

The mental effects of LSD, psilocybin mushrooms and other indole psychedelics result from interactions with the brain's serotonin (especially 5HT2A)

receptors and subsequent downregulation of serotonin receptors.

The term chasing in problem gambling means to try to

recoup gambling losses by continuing to gamble.

Binge eating is

regularly eating large amounts of food at one sitting, without vomiting

Indole alkaloids types of psychedelics exert most of their effects through

serotonin receptors.

Serotonin drugs that stimulate neurotransmitter have the potential to treat

sexual addiction

Serotonin drugs that stimulate which neurotransmitter have the potential to treat

sexual addiction

depression is a major reason why

some people become compulsive shoppers (develop oniomania).

10-15% of drugs are kept off the U.S. market due to the United States' current

supply reduction approach (IE the war on drugs).

Some people measure their self-esteem by

the activity of their cell phone.

The sensation of a big win for a gambler is the equivalent of

the first intense rush from cocaine.

College students have a higher rate of pathological gambling than

the general public.

The effect an all arounders has on the user depends on the user's mind-set,

the physical setting in which the drug is used, and the amount taken or dosage.

ccording to the textbook, the "lag phase" refers to

the time between initial use of alcohol or other drugs and the development of severe consequences due to the use or abuse of the substance.

Anorexics have a distorted perception of

their body's shape and size.

. Regarding the addiction profile for psychedelics such as psilocybin mushrooms, LSD and peyote,

they do not generally produce compulsive drug-seeking behavior and are not considered addictive.

The reasons for compulsive behaviors are identical to

those for compulsive drug use.

Drug courts reduce the strain on the justice system caused by

thousands of minor drug offenses by diverting first-time offenders to treatment.

Marijuana withdrawal has been associated with inability to concentrate and marijuana cravings;

chills, aches, and sweating; sleep disturbances and slight tremors; decreased appetite and stomach pain.

Almost half of all teenagers who are very sexually active have had

chlamydia, often without knowing it.

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