adult 1 test 5

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A patient's temperature has been 101° F (38.3° C) for several days. The patient's normal caloric intake to meet nutritional needs is 2000 calories per day. Knowing that the metabolic rate increases 7% for each Fahrenheit degree above 100° in body temperature, how many total calories should the patient receive each day?

2410 cal

A patient with asthma has a personal best peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) of 400 L/min. When explaining the asthma action plan, the nurse will teach the patient that a change in therapy is needed when the PEFR is less than ___ L/minute


A patient who was admitted the previous day with pneumonia complains of a sharp pain of 7 (on 0 to 10 scale) "whenever I take a deep breath." Which action will the nurse take next? a. Auscultate for breath sounds. b. Administer the PRN morphine. c. Have the patient cough forcefully. d. Notify the patient's health care provider.


A new nurse performs a dressing change on a stage II left heel pressure ulcer. Which action by the new nurse indicates a need for further teaching about pressure ulcer care? a. The new nurse cleans the ulcer with half-strength peroxide. b. The new nurse uses a hydrocolloid dressing (DuoDerm)on the ulcer. c. The new nurse irrigates the pressure ulcer with saline using a 30-mL syringe. d. The new nurse inserts a sterile cotton-tipped applicator into the pressure ulcer.


A nurse obtains a health history from a patient who has a 35 pack-year smoking history. The patient complains of hoarseness and tightness in the throat and difficulty swallowing. Which question is important for the nurse to ask? a. "How much alcohol do you drink in an average week?" b. "Do you have a family history of head or neck cancer?" c. "Have you had frequent streptococcal throat infections?" d. "Do you use antihistamines for upper airway congestion?"


A patient arrives in the emergency department with a swollen ankle after a soccer injury. Which action by the nurse is appropriate? a. Elevate the ankle above heart level. b. Apply a warm moist pack to the ankle. c. Ask the patient to try bearing weight on the ankle. d. Assess the ankle's passive range of motion (ROM).


A patient experiences a chest wall contusion as a result of being struck in the chest with a baseball bat. The emergency department nurse would be most concerned if which finding is observed during the initial assessment? a. Paradoxical chest movement c. Heart rate of 110 beats/minute b. Complaint of chest wall pain d. Large bruised area on the chest


A patient has a magnesium level of 1.3 mg/dL. Which assessment would help the nurse identify a likely cause of this value? a. Daily alcohol intake b. Dietary protein intake c. Multivitamin/mineral use d. Over-the-counter (OTC) laxative use


A patient has a serum calcium level of 7.0 mEq/L. Which assessment finding is most important for the nurse to report to the health care provider? a. The patient is experiencing laryngeal stridor. b. The patient complains of generalized fatigue. c. The patient's bowels have not moved for 4 days. d. The patient has numbness and tingling of the lips.


A patient receives 3% NaCl solution for correction of hyponatremia. Which assessment is most important for the nurse to monitor for while the patient is receiving this infusion? a. Lung sounds c. Peripheral pulses b. Urinary output d. Peripheral edema


A patient who has been experiencing an asthma attack develops bradycardia and a decrease in wheezing. Which action should the nurse take first? a. Notify the health care provider. b. Document changes in respiratory status. c. Encourage the patient to cough and deep breathe. d. Administer IV methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol).


A patient who has been receiving diuretic therapy is admitted to the emergency department with a serum potassium level of 3.0 mEq/L. The nurse should alert the health care provider immediately that the patient is on which medication? a. Digoxin (Lanoxin) 0.25 mg/day b. Metoprolol (Lopressor) 12.5 mg/day c. Ibuprofen (Motrin) 400 mg every 6 hours d. Lantus insulin 24 U subcutaneously every evening


A patient who has diabetes is admitted for an exploratory laparotomy for abdominal pain. When planning interventions to promote wound healing, what is the nurse's highest priority? a. Maintaining the patient's blood glucose within a normal range b. Ensuring that the patient has an adequate dietary protein intake c. Giving antipyretics to keep the temperature less than 102° F (38.9° C) d. Redressing the surgical incision with a dry, sterile dressing twice daily


A patient who is experiencing an acute asthma attack is admitted to the emergency department. Which assessment should the nurse complete first? a. Listen to the patient's breath sounds. b. Ask about inhaled corticosteroid use. c. Determine when the dyspnea started. d. Obtain the forced expiratory volume (FEV) flow rate.


A patient who is lethargic and exhibits deep, rapid respirations has the following arterial blood gas (ABG) results: pH 7.32, PaO2 88 mm Hg, PaCO2 37 mm Hg, and HCO3 16 mEq/L. How should the nurse interpret these results? a. Metabolic acidosis c. Respiratory acidosis b. Metabolic alkalosis d. Respiratory alkalosis


A patient with acute dyspnea is scheduled for a spiral computed tomography (CT) scan. Which information obtained by the nurse is a priority to communicate to the health care provider before the CT? a. Allergy to shellfish c. Respiratory rate of 30 b. Apical pulse of 104 d. O2 saturation of 90%


A patient with an open leg lesion has a white blood cell (WBC) count of 13,500/μL and a band count of 11%. What prescribed action should the nurse take first? a. Obtain cultures of the wound. b. Begin antibiotic administration. c. Continue to monitor the wound for drainage. d. Redress the wound with wet-to-dry dressings.


A patient with renal failure who arrives for outpatient hemodialysis is unresponsive to questions and has decreased deep tendon reflexes. Family members report that the patient has been taking aluminum hydroxide/magnesium hydroxide suspension (Maalox) at home for indigestion. Which action should the nurse take first? a. Notify the patient's health care provider. b. Obtain an order to draw a potassium level. c. Review the last magnesium level on the patient's chart. d. Teach the patient about magnesium-containing antacids.


A postoperative patient who had surgery for a perforated gastric ulcer has been receiving nasogastric suction for 3 days. The patient now has a serum sodium level of 127 mEq/L (127 mmol/L). Which prescribed therapy should the nurse question? a. Infuse 5% dextrose in water at 125 mL/hr. b. Administer 3% saline at 50 mL/hr for a total of 200 mL. c. Administer IV morphine sulfate 4 mg every 2 hours PRN. d. Give IV metoclopramide (Reglan) 10 mg every 6 hours PRN for nausea.


A young adult patient who denies any history of smoking is seen in the clinic with a new diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The nurse should plan to teach the patient about a. 1-antitrypsin testing. c. use of the nicotine patch. b. leukotriene modifiers. d. continuous pulse oximetry.


After assessment of a patient with pneumonia, the nurse identifies a nursing diagnosis of ineffective airway clearance. Which assessment data best supports this diagnosis? a. Weak cough effort b. Profuse green sputum c. Respiratory rate of 28 breaths/minute d. Resting pulse oximetry (SpO2) of 85%


After being hit by a baseball, a patient arrives in the emergency department with a possible nasal fracture. Which finding by the nurse is most important to report to the health care provider? a. Clear nasal drainage b. Complaint of nasal pain c. Bilateral nose swelling and bruising d. Inability to breathe through the nose


An older patient is receiving standard multidrug therapy for tuberculosis (TB). The nurse should notify the health care provider if the patient exhibits which finding? a. Yellow-tinged sclera b. Orange-colored sputum c. Thickening of the fingernails d. Difficulty hearing high-pitched voices


Employee health test results reveal a tuberculosis (TB) skin test of 16-mm induration and a negative chest x-ray for a staff nurse working on the pulmonary unit. The nurse has no symptoms of TB. Which information should the occupational health nurse plan to teach the staff nurse? a. Use and side effects of isoniazid b. Standard four-drug therapy for TB c. Need for annual repeat TB skin testing d. Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine


Following a thyroidectomy, a patient complains of "a tingling feeling around my mouth." Which assessment should the nurse complete? a. Presence of the Chvostek's sign b. Abnormal serum potassium level c. Decreased thyroid hormone level d. Bleeding on the patient's dressing


On auscultation of a patient's lungs, the nurse hears low-pitched, bubbling sounds during inhalation in the lower third of both lungs. How should the nurse document this finding? a. Inspiratory crackles at the bases b. Expiratory wheezes in both lungs c. Abnormal lung sounds in the apices of both lungs d. Pleural friction rub in the right and left lower lobes


The nurse administers prescribed therapies for a patient with cor pulmonale and right-sided heart failure. Which assessment could be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the therapies? a. Observe for distended neck veins. b. Auscultate for crackles in the lungs. c. Palpate for heaves or thrills over the heart. d. Monitor for elevated white blood cell count.


The nurse assesses a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who has been admitted with increasing dyspnea over the past 3 days. Which finding is important for the nurse to report to the health care provider? a. Respirations are 36 breaths/min. b. Anterior-posterior chest ratio is 1:1. c. Lung expansion is decreased bilaterally. d. Hyperresonance to percussion is present.


The nurse assesses the chest of a patient with pneumococcal pneumonia. Which finding would the nurse expect? a. Increased tactile fremitus c. Hyperresonance to percussion b. Dry, nonproductive cough d. A grating sound on auscultation


The nurse completes discharge instructions for a patient with a total laryngectomy. Which statement by the patient indicates that additional instruction is needed? a. "I must keep the stoma covered with an occlusive dressing." b. "I need to have smoke and carbon monoxide detectors installed." c. "I can participate in my prior fitness activities except swimming." d. "I should wear a Medic-Alert bracelet to identify me as a neck breather."


The nurse in the emergency department receives arterial blood gas results for four recently admitted patients with obstructive pulmonary disease. The results for which patient will require the most rapid action by the nurse? a. pH 7.28, PaCO2 50 mm Hg, and PaO2 58 mm Hg b. pH 7.48, PaCO2 30 mm Hg, and PaO2 65 mm Hg c. pH 7.34, PaCO2 33 mm Hg, and PaO2 80 mm Hg d. pH 7.31, PaCO2 58 mm Hg, and PaO2 64 mm Hg


The nurse is caring for a hospitalized older patient who has nasal packing in place after a nosebleed. Which assessment finding will require the most immediate action by the nurse? a. The oxygen saturation is 89%. b. The nose appears red and swollen. c. The patient reports level 8 (0 to 10 scale) pain. d. The patient's temperature is 100.1° F (37.8° C).


The nurse is caring for a mechanically ventilated patient with a cuffed tracheostomy tube. Which action by the nurse would determine if the cuff has been properly inflated? a. Use a hand-held manometer to measure cuff pressure. b. Review the health record for the prescribed cuff pressure. c. Suction the patient through a fenestrated inner cannula to clear secretions. d. Insert the decannulation plug before removing the nonfenestrated inner cannula.


The nurse is caring for a patient who has a right-sided chest tube after a right lower lobectomy. Which nursing action can the nurse delegate to the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)? a. Document the amount of drainage every 8 hours. b. Obtain samples of drainage for culture from the system. c. Assess patient pain level associated with the chest tube. d. Check the water-seal chamber for the correct fluid level.


The nurse is caring for a patient who has just had a thoracentesis. Which assessment information obtained by the nurse is a priority to communicate to the health care provider? a. O2 saturation is 88%. b. Blood pressure is 155/90 mm Hg. c. Pain level is 5 (on 0 to 10 scale) with a deep breath. d. Respiratory rate is 24 breaths/minute when lying flat.


The nurse notes a serum calcium level of 7.9 mg/dL for a patient who has chronic malnutrition. Which action should the nurse take next? a. Monitor ionized calcium level. b. Give oral calcium citrate tablets. c. Check parathyroid hormone level. d. Administer vitamin D supplements.


The nurse reviews the medication administration record (MAR) for a patient having an acute asthma attack. Which medication should the nurse administer first? a. Methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol) 60 mg IV b. Albuterol (Ventolin HFA) 2.5 mg per nebulizer c. Salmeterol (Serevent) 50 mcg per dry-powder inhaler (DPI) d. Ipratropium (Atrovent) 2 puffs per metered-dose inhaler (MDI)


The nurse will perform which action when doing a wet-to-dry dressing change on a patient's stage III sacral pressure ulcer? a. Administer prescribed PRN hydrocodone 30 minutes before the change. b. Pour sterile saline onto the new dry dressings after the wound has been packed. c. Apply antimicrobial ointment before repacking the wound with moist dressings. d. Soak the old dressings with sterile saline 30 minutes before the dressing change


When caring for a patient with renal failure on a low phosphate diet, the nurse will inform unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) to remove which food from the patient's food tray? a. Skim milk c. Mixed green salad b. Grape juice d. Fried chicken breast


Which action can the registered nurse (RN) who is caring for a critically ill patient with multiple IV lines and medications delegate to a licensed practical/vocational nurse (LPN/LVN)? a. Flush a saline lock with normal saline. b. Verify blood products prior to administration. c. Remove the patient's central venous catheter. d. Titrate the flow rate of vasoactive IV medications.


Which finding in a patient hospitalized with bronchiectasis is most important to report to the health care provider? a. Cough productive of bloody, purulent mucus b. Scattered crackles and wheezes heard bilaterally c. Complaint of sharp chest pain with deep breathing d. Respiratory rate 28 breaths/minute while ambulating


Which finding is most important for the nurse to communicate to the health care provider when caring for a patient who is receiving negative-pressure wound therapy? a. Low serum albumin level b. Serosanguineous drainage c. Deep red and moist wound bed d. Cobblestone appearance of wound


Which information about prevention of lung disease should the nurse include for a patient with a 42 pack-year history of cigarette smoking? a. Resources for support in smoking cessation b. Reasons for annual sputum cytology testing c. Erlotinib (Tarceva) therapy to prevent tumor risk d. Computed tomography (CT) screening for cancer


Which nursing action for a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) could the nurse delegate to experienced unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)? a. Obtain O2 saturation using pulse oximetry. b. Monitor for increased O2 need with exercise. c. Teach the patient about safe use of O2 at home. d. Adjust O2 to keep saturation in prescribed parameters.


Which patient in the ear, nose, and throat (ENT) clinic should the nurse assess first? a. A patient who is complaining of a sore throat and has a muffled voice b. A patient who has a "scratchy throat" and a positive rapid strep antigen test c. A patient who is receiving radiation for throat cancer and has severe fatigue d. A patient with a history of a total laryngectomy whose stoma is red and inflamed


Which statement by the patient indicates that teaching has been effective for a patient scheduled for radiation therapy of the larynx? a. "I will need to buy a water bottle to carry with me." b. "I should not use any lotions on my neck and throat." c. "Until the radiation is complete, I may have diarrhea." d. "Alcohol-based mouthwashes will help clean my mouth."


Which factors will the nurse consider when calculating the CURB-65 score for a patient with pneumonia (select all that apply)? a. Age d. O2 saturation b. Blood pressure e. Presence of confusion c. Respiratory rate f. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level

A, B, C, E, F

The nurse is reviewing the medical records for five patients who are scheduled for their yearly physical examinations in September. Which patients should receive the inactivated influenza vaccination (select all that apply)? a. A 76-yr-old nursing home resident b. A 36-yr-old female patient who is pregnant c. A 42-yr-old patient who has a 15 pack-year smoking history d. A 30-yr-old patient who takes corticosteroids for rheumatoid arthritis e. A 24-yr-old patient who has allergies to penicillin and cephalosporins

A, B, D

The nurse notes new onset confusion in an older patient who is normally alert and oriented. In which order should the nurse take the following actions? (Put a comma and a space between each answer choice [A, B, C, D].) a. Obtain the O2 saturation. b. Check the patient's pulse rate. c. Document the change in status. d. Notify the health care provider.

A, B, D, C Obtain the O2 saturation Check the patient's pulse rate. Notify the health care provider. Document the change in status

The nurse assumes care of a patient who just returned from surgery for a total laryngectomy and radical neck dissection and notes the following problems. In which order should the nurse address the problems? (Put a comma and a space between each answer choice [A, B, C, D].) a. The patient is in a side-lying position with the head of the bed flat. b. The patient is coughing blood-tinged secretions from the tracheostomy. c. The nasogastric (NG) tube is disconnected from suction and clamped off. d. The wound drain in the neck incision contains 200 mL of bloody drainage.

A, B, D, C The patient is in a side-lying position with the head of the bed flat The patient is coughing blood-tinged secretions from the tracheostomy. The wound drain in the neck incision contains 200 mL of bloody drainage. The nasogastric (NG) tube is disconnected from suction and clamped off.

A patient is scheduled for a computed tomography (CT) scan of the chest with contrast media. Which assessment findings should the nurse report to the health care provider before the patient goes for the CT (select all that apply)? a. Allergy to shellfish b. Patient reports claustrophobia c. Elevated serum creatinine level d. Recent bronchodilator inhaler use e. Inability to remove a wedding band

A, C

The clinic nurse is teaching a patient with acute sinusitis. Which interventions should the nurse plan to include in the teaching session (select all that apply)? a. Decongestants can be used to relieve swelling. b. Blowing the nose should be avoided to decrease the nosebleed risk. c. Taking a hot shower will increase sinus drainage and decrease pain. d. Saline nasal spray can be made at home and used to wash out secretions. e. You will be more comfortable if you keep your head in an upright position.

A, C, D, E

A patient who has an infected abdominal wound develops a temperature of 104° F (40° C). All the following interventions are included in the patient's plan of care. In which order should the nurse perform the following actions? (Put a comma and a space between each answer choice [A, B, C, D]). a. Administer IV antibiotics. b. Sponge patient with cool water. c. Perform wet-to-dry dressing change. d. Administer acetaminophen (Tylenol).

A, D, B, C Administer IV antibiotics. Administer acetaminophen (Tylenol). Sponge patient with cool water. Perform wet-to-dry dressing change.

A diabetic patient's arterial blood gas (ABG) results are pH 7.28; PaCO2 34 mm Hg; PaO2 85 mm Hg; HCO3 - 18 mEq/L. The nurse would expect which finding? a. Intercostal retractions c. Low oxygen saturation (SpO2) b. Kussmaul respirations d. Decreased venous O2 pressure


A patient admitted to the emergency department complaining of sudden onset shortness of breath is diagnosed with a possible pulmonary embolus. How should the nurse prepare the patient for diagnostic testing to confirm the diagnosis? a. Ensure that the patient has been NPO. b. Start an IV so contrast media may be given. c. Inform radiology that radioactive glucose preparation is needed. d. Instruct the patient to expect to inspire deeply and exhale forcefully.


A patient comes to the clinic complaining of frequent, watery stools for the past 2 days. Which action should the nurse take first? a. Obtain the baseline weight. b. Check the patient's blood pressure. c. Draw blood for serum electrolyte levels. d. Ask about extremity numbness or tingling.


A patient has a parenteral nutrition infusion of 25% dextrose. A student nurse asks the nurse why a peripherally inserted central catheter was inserted. Which response by the nurse is accurate? a. "The prescribed infusion can be given more rapidly when the patient has a central line." b. "The hypertonic solution will be more rapidly diluted when given through a central line." c. "There is a decreased risk for infection when 25% dextrose is infused through a central line." d. "The required blood glucose monitoring is based on samples obtained from a central line."


A patient has just been admitted with probable bacterial pneumonia and sepsis. Which order should the nurse implement first? a. Chest x-ray via stretcher b. Blood cultures from two sites c. Ciprofloxacin (Cipro) 400 mg IV d. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) rectal suppository


A patient in the clinic with cystic fibrosis (CF) reports increased sweating and weakness during the summer months. Which action by the nurse would be most appropriate? a. Teach the patient signs of hypoglycemia. b. Have the patient add dietary salt to meals. c. Suggest decreasing intake of dietary fat and calories. d. Instruct the patient about pancreatic enzyme replacements.


A patient is admitted to the emergency department with severe fatigue and confusion. Laboratory studies are done. Which laboratory value will require the most immediate action by the nurse? a. Arterial blood pH is 7.32. b. Serum calcium is 18 mg/dL. c. Serum potassium is 5.1 mEq/L. d. Arterial oxygen saturation is 91%.


A patient is receiving 35% O2 via a Venturi mask. To ensure the correct amount of O2 delivery, which action by the nurse is important? a. Teach the patient to keep the mask on during meals. b. Keep the air entrainment ports clean and unobstructed. c. Give a high enough flow rate to keep the bag from collapsing. d. Drain moisture condensation from the corrugated tubing every hour.


A patient is receiving a 3% saline continuous IV infusion for hyponatremia. Which assessment data will require the most rapid response by the nurse? a. The patient's radial pulse is 105 beats/min. b. There are crackles throughout both lung fields. c. There is sediment and blood in the patient's urine. d. The blood pressure increases from 120/80 to 142/94 mm Hg.


A patient who had a transverse colectomy for diverticulosis 18 hours ago has nasogastric suction. The patient complains of anxiety and incisional pain. The patient's respiratory rate is 32 breaths/min, and the arterial blood gases (ABGs) indicate respiratory alkalosis. Which action should the nurse take first? a. Check to make sure the nasogastric tube is patent. b. Give the patient the PRN IV morphine sulfate 4 mg. c. Notify the health care provider about the ABG results. d. Teach the patient how to take slow, deep breaths when anxious.


A patient who has a right-sided chest tube after a thoracotomy has continuous bubbling in the suction-control chamber of the collection device. Which action by the nurse is appropriate? a. Adjust the dial on the wall regulator. b. Continue to monitor the collection device. c. Document the presence of a large air leak. d. Notify the surgeon of a possible pneumothorax.


A patient who has a small cell carcinoma of the lung develops syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH). The nurse should notify the health care provider about which assessment finding? a. Serum hematocrit of 42% b. Serum sodium level of 120 mg/dL c. Reported weight gain of 2.2 lb (1 kg) d. Urinary output of 280 mL during past 8 hours


A patient with a pleural effusion is scheduled for a thoracentesis. Which action should the nurse take to prepare the patient for the procedure? a. Start a peripheral IV line to administer sedatives. b. Position the patient sitting up on the side of the bed. c. Obtain a collection device to hold 3 liters of pleural fluid. d. Remind the patient not to eat or drink anything for 6 hours.


A patient with acute shortness of breath is admitted to the hospital. Which action should the nurse take during the initial assessment of the patient? a. Ask the patient to lie down to complete a full physical assessment. b. Briefly ask specific questions about this episode of respiratory distress. c. Complete the admission database to check for allergies before treatment. d. Delay the physical assessment to first complete pulmonary function tests.


A patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has coarse crackles throughout the lung fields and a chronic, nonproductive cough. Which nursing intervention will be most effective? a. Change the O2 flow rate to the highest prescribed rate. b. Teach the patient to use the Flutter airway clearance device. c. Reinforce the ongoing use of pursed-lip breathing techniques. d. Teach the patient about consistent use of inhaled corticosteroids.


The emergency department nurse is evaluating the effectiveness of therapy for a patient who has received treatment during an asthma attack. Which assessment finding is the best indicator that the therapy has been effective? a. No wheezes are audible. b. O2 saturation is >90%. c. Accessory muscle use has decreased. d. Respiratory rate is 16 breaths/minute.


A patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has poor gas exchange. Which action by the nurse would support the patient's ventilation? a. Have the patient rest in bed with the head elevated to 15 to 20 degrees. b. Encourage the patient to sit up at the bedside in a chair and lean forward. c. Ask the patient to rest in bed in a high-Fowler's position with the knees flexed. d. Place the patient in the Trendelenburg position with pillows behind the head.


A patient with multiple draining wounds is admitted for hypovolemia. Which assessment would be the most accurate way for the nurse to evaluate fluid balance? a. Skin turgor c. Urine output b. Daily weight d. Edema presence


A patient with new-onset confusion and hyponatremia is being admitted. When making room assignments, the charge nurse should take which action? a. Assign the patient to a semi-private room. b. Assign the patient to a room near the nurse's station. c. Place the patient in a room nearest to the water fountain. d. Place the patient on telemetry to monitor for peaked T waves..


A patient with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) tells the nurse, "I wish I were dead! I'm just a burden on everybody." Based on this information, which nursing diagnosis is most appropriate? a. Complicated grieving related to expectation of death b. Chronic low self-esteem related to physical dependence c. Ineffective coping related to unknown outcome of illness d. Deficient knowledge related to lack of education about COPD


A young adult female patient with cystic fibrosis (CF) tells the nurse that she is considering getting married and wondering about having children. Which initial response by the nurse is best? a. "Are you aware of the normal lifespan for patients with CF?" b. "Would like more information to help you with that decision?" c. "Many women with CF do not have difficulty conceiving children." d. "You will need to have genetic counseling before making a decision."


After receiving a change-of-shift report, which patient should the nurse assess first? a. The patient who has multiple leg wounds with eschar to be debrided b. The patient receiving chemotherapy who has a temperature of 102° F c. The patient who requires analgesics before a scheduled dressing change d. The newly admitted patient with a stage IV pressure ulcer on the coccyx


An experienced nurse instructs a new nurse about how to care for a patient with dyspnea caused by a pulmonary fungal infection. Which action by the new nurse indicates a need for further teaching? a. Listening to the patient's lung sounds several times during the shift b. Placing the patient on droplet precautions in a private hospital room c. Monitoring patient serology results to identify the infecting organism d. Increasing the O2 flow rate to keep the O2 saturation over 90%


An hour after a thoracotomy, a patient complains of incisional pain at a level 7 (based on 0 to 10 scale) and has decreased left-sided breath sounds. The pleural drainage system has 100 mL of bloody drainage and a large air leak. Which action should the nurse take? a. Clamp the chest tube in two places. b. Administer the prescribed morphine. c. Milk the chest tube to remove any clots. d. Assist the patient with incentive spirometry.


An older adult patient who is malnourished presents to the emergency department with a serum protein level of 5.2 g/dL. The nurse would expect which clinical manifestation? a. Pallor c. Confusion b. Edema d. Restlessness


IV potassium chloride (KCl) 60 mEq is prescribed for treatment of a patient with severe hypokalemia. Which action should the nurse take? a. Administer the KCl as a rapid IV bolus. b. Infuse the KCl at a rate of 10 mEq/hour. c. Only give the KCl through a central venous line. d. Discontinue cardiac monitoring during the infusion.


The clinic nurse makes a follow-up telephone call to a patient with asthma. The patient reports having a baseline peak flow reading of 600 L/min, and the current peak flow is 420 L/min. Which action should the nurse take first? a. Tell the patient to go to the hospital emergency department. b. Instruct the patient to use the prescribed albuterol (Ventolin HFA). c. Ask about recent exposure to any new allergens or asthma triggers. d. Question the patient about use of the prescribed inhaled corticosteroids.


The home health nurse cares for an alert and oriented older adult patient with a history of dehydration. Which instructions should the nurse give this patient related to fluid intake? a. "Drink more fluids in the late evening." b. "Increase fluids if your mouth feels dry." c. "More fluids are needed if you feel thirsty." d. "If you feel confused, you need more to drink."


The home health nurse is visiting a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Which nursing action is appropriate to implement for a nursing diagnosis of impaired breathing pattern related to anxiety? a. Titrate O2 to keep saturation at least 90%. b. Teach the patient how to use pursed-lip breathing. c. Discuss a high-protein, high-calorie diet with the patient. d. Suggest the use of over-the-counter sedative medications.


The nurse assesses a patient's surgical wound on the first postoperative day and notes redness and warmth around the incision. Which action by the nurse is appropriate? a. Obtain wound cultures. c. Notify the health care provider. b. Document the assessment. d. Assess the wound every 2 hours.


The nurse discusses management of upper respiratory infections (URIs) with a patient who has acute sinusitis. Which statement by the patient indicates that additional teaching is needed? a. "I will drink lots of juices and other fluids to stay well hydrated." b. "I can use nasal decongestant spray until the congestion is gone." c. "I can take acetaminophen (Tylenol) to treat my sinus discomfort." d. "I will watch for changes in nasal secretions or the sputum that I cough up."


The nurse is admitting a patient diagnosed with an acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). How should the nurse determine the appropriate O2 flow rate? a. Minimize O2 use to avoid O2 dependency. b. Maintain the pulse oximetry level at 90% or greater. c. Administer O2 according to the patient's level of dyspnea. d. Avoid administration of O2 at a rate of more than 2 L/min.


The nurse is caring for a patient who has a central venous access device (CVAD). Which action by the nurse is appropriate? a. Avoid using friction when cleaning around the CVAD insertion site. b. Use the push-pause method to flush the CVAD after giving medications. c. Obtain an order from the health care provider to change CVAD dressing. d. Position the patient's face toward the CVAD during injection cap changes.


The nurse is caring for a patient with a massive burn injury and possible hypovolemia. Which assessment data will be of most concern to the nurse? a. Urine output is 30 mL/hr. b. Blood pressure is 90/40 mm Hg. c. Oral fluid intake is 100 mL for the past 8 hours. d. There is prolonged skin tenting over the sternum.


The nurse monitors a patient in the emergency department after chest tube placement for a hemopneumothorax. The nurse is most concerned if which assessment finding is observed? a. A large air leak in the water-seal chamber b. 400 mL of blood in the collection chamber c. Complaint of pain with each deep inspiration d. Subcutaneous emphysema at the insertion site


The nurse observes a student who is listening to a patient's lungs. Which action by the student indicates a need to review respiratory assessment skills? a. The student compares breath sounds from side to side at each level. b. The student listens during the inspiratory phase, then moves the stethoscope. c. The student starts at the apices of the lungs, moving down toward the lung bases. d. The student instructs the patient to breathe slowly and deeply through the mouth.


The nurse observes that a patient with respiratory disease experiences a decrease in SpO2 from 93% to 88% while the patient is ambulating. What is the priority action of the nurse? a. Notify the health care provider. b. Administer PRN supplemental O2. c. Document the response to exercise. d. Encourage the patient to pace activity.


The nurse obtains the following assessment data on an older patient who has influenza. Which information will be most important for the nurse to communicate to the health care provider? a. Fever of 100.4° F (38° C) b. Diffuse crackles in the lungs c. Sore throat and frequent cough d. Myalgia and persistent headache


The nurse plans to teach a patient how to manage allergic rhinitis. Which information should the nurse include in the teaching plan? a. Using oral antihistamines for 2 weeks before the allergy season may prevent reactions. b. Identifying and avoiding environmental triggers are the best way to prevent symptoms. c. Frequent hand washing is the primary way to prevent spreading the condition to others. d. Corticosteroid nasal sprays will reduce inflammation, but systemic effects limit their use.


The nurse provides dietary teaching for a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who has a low body mass index (BMI). Which patient statement indicates that the teaching has been effective? a. "I will drink lots of fluids with my meals." b. "I can have ice cream as a snack every day." c. "I will exercise for 15 minutes before meals." d. "I will decrease my intake of meat and poultry."


The nurse provides discharge instructions to a patient who was hospitalized for pneumonia. Which statement, if made by the patient, indicates a good understanding of the instructions? a. "I will call my health care provider if I still feel tired after a week." b. "I will continue to do deep breathing and coughing exercises at home." c. "I will schedule two appointments for the pneumonia and influenza vaccines." d. "I will cancel my follow-up chest x-ray appointment if I feel better next week."


When assessing a pregnant patient with eclampsia who is receiving IV magnesium sulfate, which finding should the nurse report to the health care provider immediately? a. The bibasilar breath sounds are decreased. b. The patellar and triceps reflexes are absent. c. The patient has been sleeping most of the day. d. The patient reports feeling "sick to my stomach."


The nurse receives a change-of-shift report on the following patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Which patient should the nurse assess first? a. A patient with loud expiratory wheezes b. A patient with a respiratory rate of 38 breaths/min c. A patient who has a cough productive of thick, green mucus d. A patient with jugular venous distention and peripheral edema


The nurse receives change-of-shift report on the following four patients. Which patient should the nurse assess first? a. A 23-yr-old patient with cystic fibrosis who has pulmonary function testing scheduled b. A 46-yr-old patient on bed rest who is complaining of sudden onset of shortness of breath c. A 77-yr-old patient with tuberculosis (TB) who has four medications due in 15 minutes d. A 35-yr-old patient who was admitted with pneumonia and has a temperature of 100.2° F (37.8° C)


The nurse supervises a student nurse who is assigned to take care of a patient with active tuberculosis (TB). Which action, if performed by the student nurse, would require an intervention by the nurse? a. The patient is offered a tissue from the box at the bedside. b. A surgical face mask is applied before visiting the patient. c. A snack is brought to the patient from the unit refrigerator. d. Hand washing is performed before entering the patient's room.


The nurse teaches a patient about pursed-lip breathing. Which action by the patient would indicate to the nurse that further teaching is needed? a. The patient inhales slowly through the nose. b. The patient puffs up the cheeks while exhaling. c. The patient practices by blowing through a straw. d. The patient's ratio of inhalation to exhalation is 1:3.


The nurse teaches a patient with chronic bronchitis about a new prescription for Advair Diskus (combined fluticasone and salmeterol). Which action by the patient would indicate to the nurse that teaching about medication administration has been successful? a. The patient shakes the device before use. b. The patient rapidly inhales the medication. c. The patient attaches a spacer to the Diskus. d. The patient performs huff coughing after inhalation.


When admitting a patient with stage III pressure ulcers on both heels, which information obtained by the nurse will have the most impact on wound healing? a. The patient has had the heel ulcers for 6 months. b. The patient takes oral hypoglycemic agents daily. c. The patient states that the ulcers are very painful. d. The patient has several incisions that formed keloids.


When assessing a patient with a sore throat, the nurse notes anterior cervical lymph node swelling, a temperature of 101.6° F (38.7° C), and yellow patches on the tonsils. Which action will the nurse anticipate taking? a. Teach the patient about the use of expectorants. b. Use a swab to obtain a sample for a rapid strep antigen test. c. Discuss the need to rinse the mouth out after using any inhalers. d. Teach the patient to avoid nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).


Which action is appropriate for the nurse to delegate to unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)? a. Listen to a patient's lung sounds for wheezes or crackles. b. Label specimens obtained during percutaneous lung biopsy. c. Instruct a patient about how to use home spirometry testing. d. Measure induration at the site of a patient's intradermal skin test.


Which action should the nurse plan to prevent aspiration in a high-risk patient? a. Turn and reposition an immobile patient at least every 2 hours. b. Place a patient with altered consciousness in a side-lying position. c. Insert a nasogastric tube for feeding a patient with high calorie needs. d. Monitor respiratory symptoms in a patient who is immunosuppressed.


Which action should the nurse take first when a patient develops epistaxis? a. Pack the affected nare tightly with an epistaxis balloon. b. Apply squeezing pressure to the nostrils for 10 minutes. c. Obtain silver nitrate that may be needed for cauterization. d. Instill a vasoconstrictor medication into the affected nare.


Which assessment finding in a patient who has received omalizumab (Xolair) is most important to report immediately to the health care provider? a. Pain at injection site c. Peak flow reading 75% of normal b. Flushing and dizziness d. Respiratory rate 24 breaths/minute


Which finding by the nurse for a patient with a nursing diagnosis of impaired gas exchange will be most useful in evaluating the effectiveness of treatment? a. Even, unlabored respirations c. Absence of wheezes or crackles b. Pulse oximetry reading of 92% d. Respiratory rate of 18 breaths/min


Which nursing action could the registered nurse (RN) working in a skilled care hospital unit delegate to an experienced licensed practical/vocational nurse (LPN/LVN) caring for a patient with a permanent tracheostomy? a. Assess the patient's risk for aspiration. b. Suction the tracheostomy when directed. c. Teach the patient to provide tracheostomy self-care. d. Determine the need for tracheostomy tube replacement.


A 55-yr-old patient with increasing dyspnea is being evaluated for a possible diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). When teaching a patient about pulmonary spirometry for this condition, what is the most important question the nurse should ask? a. "Are you claustrophobic?" b. "Are you allergic to shellfish?" c. "Have you taken any bronchodilators today?" d. "Do you have any metal implants or prostheses?"


A lobectomy is scheduled for a patient with stage I non-small cell lung cancer. The patient tells the nurse, "I would rather have chemotherapy than surgery." Which response by the nurse is most appropriate? a. "Are you afraid that the surgery will be very painful?" b. "Did you have bad experiences with previous surgeries?" c. "Tell me what you know about the treatments available." d. "Surgery is the treatment of choice for stage I lung cancer."


A nurse is assessing a newly admitted patient with chronic heart failure who forgot to take prescribed medications and seems confused. The patient has peripheral edema and shortness of breath. Which assessment should the nurse complete first? a. Skin turgor c. Mental status b. Heart sounds d. Capillary refill


A nurse is caring for a patient who has had a total laryngectomy and radical neck dissection. During the first 24 hours after surgery what is the priority nursing action? a. Monitor the incision for bleeding. b. Maintain adequate IV fluid intake. c. Keep the patient in semi-Fowler's position. d. Teach the patient to suction the tracheostomy.


A patient diagnosed with active tuberculosis (TB) is homeless and has a history of alcohol abuse. Which intervention by the nurse will be most effective in ensuring adherence with the treatment regimen? a. Repeat warnings about the high risk for infecting others several times. b. Give the patient written instructions about how to take the medications. c. Arrange for a daily meal and drug administration at a community center. d. Arrange for the patient's friend to administer the medication on schedule.


A patient from a long-term care facility is admitted to the hospital with a sacral pressure ulcer. The base of the wound involves subcutaneous tissue. How should the nurse classify this pressure ulcer? a. Stage I c. Stage III b. Stage II d. Stage IV


A patient has acute bronchitis with a nonproductive cough and wheezes. Which topic should the nurse plan to include in the teaching plan? a. Purpose of antibiotic therapy b. Ways to limit oral fluid intake c. Appropriate use of cough suppressants d. Safety concerns with home O2 therapy


A patient hospitalized with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is being discharged home on O2 therapy. Which instruction should the nurse include in the discharge teaching? a. Travel is not possible with the use of O2 devices. b. O2 flow should be increased if the patient has more dyspnea. c. O2 use can improve the patient's prognosis and quality of life. d. Storage of O2 requires large metals tanks that each last 4 to 6 hours.


A patient in metabolic alkalosis is admitted to the emergency department and pulse oximetry (SpO2) indicates that the O2 saturation is 94%. Which action should the nurse expect to take next? a. Complete a head-to-toe assessment. b. Administer an inhaled bronchodilator. c. Place the patient on high-flow oxygen. d. Obtain repeat arterial blood gases (ABGs).


A patient is scheduled for spirometry. Which action should the nurse take to prepare the patient for this procedure? a. Give the rescue medication immediately before testing. b. Administer oral corticosteroids 2 hours before the procedure. c. Withhold bronchodilators for 6 to 12 hours before the examination. d. Ensure that the patient has been NPO for several hours before the test.


A patient newly diagnosed with asthma is being discharged. The nurse anticipates including which topic in the discharge teaching? a. Use of long-acting -adrenergic medications b. Side effects of sustained-release theophylline c. Self-administration of inhaled corticosteroids d. Complications associated with O2 therapy


A patient scheduled for a total laryngectomy and radical neck dissection for cancer of the larynx asks the nurse, "Will I be able to talk normally after surgery?" What is the most accurate response by the nurse? a. "You will breathe through a permanent opening in your neck, but you will not be able to communicate orally." b. "You won't be able to talk right after surgery, but you will be able to speak again after the tracheostomy tube is removed." c. "You will have a permanent opening into your neck, and you will need rehabilitation for some type of voice restoration." d. "You won't be able to speak as you used to, but there are artificial voice devices that will give you the ability to speak normally."


A patient seen in the asthma clinic has recorded daily peak flow rates that are 75% of the baseline. Which action will the nurse plan to take next? a. Increase the dose of the leukotriene inhibitor. b. Teach the patient about the use of oral corticosteroids. c. Administer a bronchodilator and recheck the peak flow. d. Instruct the patient to keep the scheduled follow-up appointment.


A patient who had a total laryngectomy has a nursing diagnosis of hopelessness related to loss of control of personal care. Which information obtained by the nurse indicates that this identified problem is resolving? a. The patient allows the nurse to suction the tracheostomy. b. The patient's spouse provides the daily tracheostomy care. c. The patient asks how to clean the tracheostomy stoma and tube. d. The patient uses a communication board to request "No Visitors."


A patient who has a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) was hospitalized for increasing shortness of breath and chronic hypoxemia (SaO2 levels of 89% to 90%). In planning for discharge, which action by the nurse will be most effective in improving compliance with discharge teaching? a. Have the patient repeat the instructions immediately after teaching. b. Accomplish the patient teaching just before the scheduled discharge. c. Arrange for the patient's caregiver to be present during the teaching. d. Start giving the patient discharge teaching during the admission process.


A patient who is taking rifampin (Rifadin) for tuberculosis calls the clinic and reports having orange discolored urine and tears. Which response by the nurse reflects accurate knowledge about the medication and the patient's illness? a. Ask the patient about any visual changes in red-green color discrimination. b. Question the patient about experiencing shortness of breath, hives, or itching. c. Explain that orange discolored urine and tears are normal while taking this medication. d. Advise the patient to stop the drug and report the symptoms to the health care provider.


A patient with a chronic cough is scheduled to have a bronchoscopy with biopsy. Which intervention will the nurse implement directly after the procedure? a. Encourage the patient to drink clear liquids. b. Place the patient on bed rest for at least 4 hours. c. Keep the patient NPO until the gag reflex returns. d. Maintain the head of the bed elevated 90 degrees.


A patient with a systemic bacterial infection feels cold and has a shaking chill. Which assessment finding will the nurse expect next? a. Skin flushing c. Rising body temperature b. Muscle cramps d. Decreasing blood pressure


A patient with a tracheostomy has a new order for a fenestrated tracheostomy tube. Which action should the nurse include in the plan of care in collaboration with the speech therapist? a. Leave the tracheostomy inner cannula inserted at all times. b. Place the decannulation cap in the tube before cuff deflation. c. Assess the ability to swallow before using the fenestrated tube. d. Inflate the tracheostomy cuff during use of the fenestrated tube.


A patient with bacterial pneumonia has coarse crackles and thick sputum. Which action should the nurse plan to promote airway clearance? a. Restrict oral fluids during the day. b. Teach pursed-lip breathing technique. c. Assist the patient to splint the chest when coughing. d. Encourage the patient to wear the nasal O2 cannula.


A patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has a nursing diagnosis of imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements. Which intervention would be most appropriate for the nurse to include in the plan of care? a. Encourage increased intake of whole grains. b. Increase the patient's intake of fruits and fruit juices. c. Offer high-calorie protein snacks between meals and at bedtime. d. Assist the patient in choosing foods with high vegetable content.


A patient with cystic fibrosis (CF) has blood glucose levels that are consistently between 180 to 250 mg/dL. Which nursing action will the nurse plan to implement? a. Discuss the role of diet in blood glucose control. b. Evaluate the patient's use of pancreatic enzymes. c. Teach the patient about administration of insulin. d. Give oral hypoglycemic medications before meals.


A patient with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH) is receiving nifedipine (Procardia). Which assessment would best indicate to the nurse that the patient's condition is improving? a. Patient's chest x-ray indicates clear lung fields. b. Heart rate is between 60 and 100 beats/minute. c. Patient reports a decrease in exertional dyspnea. d. Blood pressure (BP) is less than 140/90 mm Hg.


A patient with newly diagnosed lung cancer tells the nurse, "I don't think I'm going to live to see my next birthday." Which is the best initial response by the nurse? a. "Are you ready to talk with your family members about dying now?" b. "Would you like to talk to the hospital chaplain about your feelings?" c. "Can you tell me what it is that makes you think you will die so soon?" d. "Do you think that taking an antidepressant medication would be helpful?"


A patient with right lower-lobe pneumonia has been treated with IV antibiotics for 3 days. Which assessment data obtained by the nurse indicates that the treatment is effective? a. Bronchial breath sounds are heard at the right base. b. The patient coughs up small amounts of green mucus. c. The patient's white blood cell (WBC) count is 9000/μL. d. Increased tactile fremitus is palpable over the right chest.


A patient's 4 3-cm leg wound has a 0.4-cm black area in the center of the wound surrounded by yellow-green semiliquid material. Which dressing should the nurse apply to the wound? a. Dry gauze dressing c. Hydrocolloid dressing b. Nonadherent dressing d. Transparent film dressing


A young adult patient who is receiving antibiotics for an infected leg wound has a temperature of 101.8° F (38.7° C) The patient reports having no discomfort. Which action by the nurse is appropriate? a. Apply a cooling blanket. b. Notify the health care provider. c. Check the patient's temperature again in 4 hours. d. Give acetaminophen (Tylenol) prescribed PRN for pain.


A young male patient with paraplegia has a stage II sacral pressure ulcer and is being cared for at home by his family. To prevent further tissue damage, what instructions are most important for the nurse to teach the patient and family? a. Change the patient's bedding frequently. b. Apply a hydrocolloid dressing over the ulcer. c. Change the patient's position every 1 to 2 hours. d. Record the size and appearance of the ulcer weekly.


After 2 months of tuberculosis (TB) treatment with isoniazid, rifampin (Rifadin), pyrazinamide, and ethambutol, a patient continues to have positive sputum smears for acid-fast bacilli (AFB). Which action should the nurse take next? a. Teach about drug-resistant TB. b. Schedule directly observed therapy. c. Ask the patient whether medications have been taken as directed. d. Discuss the need for an injectable antibiotic with the health care provider.


After a laryngectomy, a patient coughs violently during suctioning and dislodges the tracheostomy tube. Which action should the nurse take first? a. Arrange for arterial blood gases to be drawn immediately. b. Cover stoma with sterile gauze and ventilate through stoma. c. Attempt to reinsert the tracheostomy tube with the obturator in place. d. Assess the patient's oxygen saturation and notify the health care provider.


After receiving change-of-shift report, which patient should the nurse assess first? a. Patient with serum potassium level of 5.0 mEq/L who is complaining of abdominal cramping b. Patient with serum sodium level of 145 mEq/L who has a dry mouth and is asking for a glass of water c. Patient with serum magnesium level of 1.1 mEq/L who has tremors and hyperactive deep tendon reflexes d. Patient with serum phosphorus level of 4.5 mg/dL who has multiple soft tissue calcium-phosphate precipitates


After the home health nurse teaches a patient's family member about how to care for a sacral pressure ulcer, which finding indicates that additional teaching is needed? a. The family member uses a lift sheet to reposition the patient. b. The family member uses clean tap water to clean the wound. c. The family member dries the wound using a hair dryer on a low setting. d. The family member places contaminated dressings in a plastic grocery bag.


After the nurse has received change-of-shift report, which patient should the nurse assess first? a. A patient with pneumonia who has crackles in the right lung base b. A patient with chronic bronchitis who has a low forced vital capacity c. A patient with possible lung cancer who has just returned after bronchoscopy d. A patient with hemoptysis and a 16-mm induration after tuberculin skin testing


An occupational health nurse works at a manufacturing plant where there is potential exposure to inhaled dust. Which action recommended by the nurse is intended to prevent lung disease? a. Treat workers with pulmonary fibrosis. b. Teach about symptoms of lung disease. c. Require the use of protective equipment. d. Monitor workers for coughing and wheezing.


An older patient receiving iso-osmolar continuous tube feedings develops restlessness, agitation, and weakness. Which laboratory result should the nurse report to the health care provider immediately? a. K + 3.4 mEq/L (3.4 mmol/L) c. Na+ 154 mEq/L (154 mmol/L) b. Ca+2 7.8 mg/dL (1.95 mmol/L) d. PO4 -3 4.8 mg/dL (1.55 mmol/L)


During the admission process, the nurse obtains information about a patient through a physical assessment and diagnostic testing. Based on the data shown in the accompanying figure, which nursing diagnosis is appropriate? a. Deficient fluid volume c. Risk for injury: seizures b. Impaired gas exchange d. Risk for impaired skin integrity


Postural drainage with percussion and vibration is ordered twice daily for a patient with chronic bronchitis. Which intervention should the nurse include in the plan of care? a. Schedule the procedure 1 hour after the patient eats. b. Maintain the patient in the lateral position for 20 minutes. c. Give the prescribed albuterol (Ventolin HFA) before the therapy. d. Perform percussion before assisting the patient to the drainage position.


The health care provider writes an order for bacteriologic testing for a patient who has a positive tuberculosis skin test. Which action should the nurse take? a. Teach about the reason for the blood tests. b. Schedule an appointment for a chest x-ray. c. Teach the patient about providing specimens for 3 consecutive days. d. Instruct the patient to collect several separate sputum specimens today.


The long-term care nurse is evaluating the effectiveness of protein supplements for an older resident who has a low serum total protein level. Which assessment finding indicates that the patient's condition has improved? a. Hematocrit 28% c. Decreased peripheral edema b. Absence of skin tenting d. Blood pressure 110/72 mm Hg


The nurse assesses a patient who has been hospitalized for 2 days. The patient has been receiving normal saline IV at 100 mL/hr, has a nasogastric tube to low suction, and is NPO. Which assessment finding would be a priority for the nurse to report to the health care provider? a. Oral temperature of 100.1°F b. Serum sodium level of 138 mEq/L (138 mmol/L) c. Gradually decreasing level of consciousness (LOC) d. Weight gain of 2 pounds (1 kg) over the admission weight


The nurse assesses a patient with a history of asthma. Which assessment finding indicates that the nurse should take immediate action? a. Pulse oximetry reading of 91% b. Respiratory rate of 26 breaths/min c. Use of accessory muscles in breathing d. Peak expiratory flow rate of 240 L/min


The nurse completes a shift assessment on a patient admitted in the early phase of heart failure. When auscultating the patient's lungs, which finding would the nurse most likely hear? a. Continuous rumbling, snoring, or rattling sounds mainly on expiration b. Continuous high-pitched musical sounds on inspiration and expiration c. Discontinuous, high-pitched sounds of short duration during inspiration d. A series of long-duration, discontinuous, low-pitched sounds during inspiration


The nurse has just auscultated coarse crackles bilaterally on a patient with a tracheostomy tube in place. If the patient is unsuccessful in coughing up secretions, what action should the nurse take? a. Encourage increased incentive spirometer use. b. Encourage the patient to increase oral fluid intake. c. Put on sterile gloves and use a sterile catheter to suction. d. Preoxygenate the patient for 3 minutes before suctioning.


The nurse interviews a patient with a new diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Which information is most specific in confirming a diagnosis of chronic bronchitis? a. The patient tells the nurse about a family history of bronchitis. b. The patient indicates a 30 pack-year cigarette smoking history. c. The patient reports a productive cough for 3 months every winter. d. The patient denies having respiratory problems until the past 12 months.


The nurse is caring for a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Which information obtained from the patient would prompt the nurse to consult with the health care provider before administering the prescribed theophylline? a. The patient reports a recent 15-lb weight gain. b. The patient denies shortness of breath at present. c. The patient takes cimetidine (Tagamet HB) daily. d. The patient complains of coughing up green mucus.


The nurse is caring for a patient with cor pulmonale. The nurse should monitor the patient for which expected finding? a. Chest pain c. Peripheral edema b. Finger clubbing d. Elevated temperature


The nurse is caring for a patient with diabetes who had abdominal surgery 3 days ago. Which finding is most important for the nurse to report to the health care provider? a. Blood glucose of 136 mg/dL b. Oral temperature of 101° F (38.3° C) c. Separation of the proximal wound edges d. Patient complaint of increased incisional pain


The nurse is caring for a patient with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH). Which assessment information requires the most immediate action by the nurse? a. The O2 saturation is 90%. b. The blood pressure is 98/56 mm Hg. c. The epoprostenol (Flolan) infusion is disconnected. d. The international normalized ratio (INR) is prolonged.


The nurse notes that a patient has incisional pain, a poor cough effort, and scattered coarse crackles after a thoracotomy. Which action should the nurse take first? a. Assist the patient to sit upright in a chair. b. Splint the patient's chest during coughing. c. Medicate the patient with prescribed morphine. d. Observe the patient use the incentive spirometer.


The nurse provides preoperative instruction for a patient scheduled for a left pneumonectomy. Which information should the nurse include about the patient's postoperative care? a. Bed rest for the first 24 hours b. Positioning only on the right side c. Frequent use of an incentive spirometer d. Chest tube placement to continuous suction


The nurse takes an admission history on a patient with possible asthma who has new-onset wheezing and shortness of breath. Which information may indicate a need for a change in therapy? a. The patient has chronic inflammatory bowel disease. b. The patient has a history of pneumonia 6 months ago. c. The patient takes propranolol (Inderal) for hypertension. d. The patient uses acetaminophen (Tylenol) for headaches.


The nurse teaches a patient about pulmonary spirometry testing. Which statement, if made by the patient, indicates teaching was effective? a. "I should use my inhaler right before the test." b. "I won't eat or drink anything 8 hours before the test." c. "I will inhale deeply and blow out hard during the test." d. "My blood pressure and pulse will be checked every 15 minutes."


The nurse teaches a patient about the transmission of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB). Which statement, if made by the patient, indicates that teaching was effective? a. "I will take the bus instead of driving." b. "I will stay indoors whenever possible." c. "My spouse will sleep in another room." d. "I will keep the windows closed at home."


The nurse teaches a patient how to administer formoterol (Perforomist) through a nebulizer. Which action by the patient indicates good understanding of the teaching? a. The patient attaches a spacer before using the inhaler. b. The patient coughs vigorously after using the inhaler. c. The patient removes the facial mask when misting stops. d. The patient activates the inhaler at the onset of expiration.


Using the illustrated technique, the nurse is assessing for which finding in a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)? a. Hyperresonance c. Reduced excursion b. Tripod positioning d. Accessory muscle use


Which action by the nurse will be most effective in decreasing the spread of pertussis in a community setting? a. Providing supportive care to patients diagnosed with pertussis b. Teaching family members about the need for careful hand washing c. Teaching patients about the need for adult pertussis immunizations d. Encouraging patients to complete the prescribed course of antibiotics


Which action should the nurse take first when a patient complains of acute chest pain and dyspnea soon after insertion of a centrally inserted IV catheter? a. Notify the health care provider. b. Offer reassurance to the patient. c. Auscultate the patient's breath sounds. d. Give prescribed PRN morphine sulfate IV.


Which instruction should the nurse include in an exercise teaching plan for a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)? a. "Avoid upper body exercise to prevent dyspnea." b. "Stop exercising if you start to feel short of breath." c. "Use the bronchodilator before you start to exercise." d. "Breathe in and out through the mouth while you exercise."


A patient arrives in the ear, nose, and throat clinic complaining of a piece of tissue being "stuck up my nose" and with foul-smelling nasal drainage from the right nare. Which action should the nurse take first? a. Notify the clinic health care provider. b. Obtain aerobic culture specimens of the drainage. c. Ask the patient about how the cotton got into the nose. d. Have the patient occlude the left nare and blow the nose.


A patient is admitted to the emergency department with an open stab wound to the left chest. What action should the nurse take? a. Keep the head of the patient's bed positioned flat. b. Cover the wound tightly with an occlusive dressing. c. Position the patient so that the left chest is dependent. d. Tape a nonporous dressing on three sides over the wound.


A patient is admitted with active tuberculosis (TB). The nurse should question a health care provider's order to discontinue airborne precautions unless which assessment finding is documented? a. Chest x-ray shows no upper lobe infiltrates. b. TB medications have been taken for 6 months. c. Mantoux testing shows an induration of 10 mm. d. Sputum smears for acid-fast bacilli are negative.


A patient is diagnosed with both human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and active tuberculosis (TB) disease. Which information obtained by the nurse is most important to communicate to the health care provider? a. The Mantoux test had an induration of 7 mm. b. The chest-x-ray showed infiltrates in the lower lobes. c. The patient has a cough that is productive of blood-tinged mucus. d. The patient is being treated with antiretrovirals for HIV infection.


A patient who has just been admitted with community-acquired pneumococcal pneumonia has a temperature of 101.6° F with a frequent cough and is complaining of severe pleuritic chest pain. Which prescribed medication should the nurse give first? a. Codeine c. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) b. Guaifenesin d. Piperacillin/tazobactam (Zosyn)


A patient who is taking a potassium-wasting diuretic for treatment of hypertension complains of generalized weakness. Which action is appropriate for the nurse to take? a. Assess for facial muscle spasms. b. Ask the patient about loose stools. c. Recommend the patient avoid drinking orange juice with meals. d. Suggest that the health care provider order a basic metabolic panel.


A patient who was involved in a motor vehicle crash has had a tracheostomy placed to allow for continued mechanical ventilation. How should the nurse interpret the following arterial blood gas results: pH 7.48, PaO2 85 mm Hg, PaCO2 32 mm Hg, and HCO3 25 mEq/L? a. Metabolic acidosis c. Respiratory acidosis b. Metabolic alkalosis d. Respiratory alkalosis


A patient with a possible pulmonary embolism complains of chest pain and difficulty breathing. The nurse finds a heart rate of 142 beats/min, blood pressure of 100/60 mm Hg, and respirations of 42 breaths/min. Which action should the nurse take first? a. Administer anticoagulant drug therapy. b. Notify the patient's health care provider. c. Prepare patient for a spiral computed tomography (CT). d. Elevate the head of the bed to a semi-Fowler's position.


A patient with pneumonia has a fever of 101.4° F (38.6° C), a nonproductive cough, and an O2 saturation of 88%. The patient complains of weakness, fatigue, and needs assistance to get out of bed. Which nursing diagnosis should the nurse assign as the priority? a. Hyperthermia related to infectious illness b. Impaired transfer ability related to weakness c. Ineffective airway clearance related to thick secretions d. Impaired gas exchange related to respiratory congestion


A patient with rheumatoid arthritis has been taking oral corticosteroids for 2 years. Which nursing action is most likely to detect early signs of infection in this patient? a. Monitor white blood cell counts. b. Check the skin for areas of redness. c. Measure the temperature every 2 hours. d. Ask about feelings of fatigue or malaise.


A young adult patient with cystic fibrosis (CF) is admitted to the hospital with increased dyspnea. Which intervention should the nurse include in the plan of care? a. Schedule a sweat chloride test. b. Arrange for a hospice nurse visit. c. Place the patient on a low-sodium diet. d. Perform chest physiotherapy every 4 hours.


After change-of-shift report, which patient should the nurse assess first? a. A 72-yr-old with cor pulmonale who has 4+ bilateral edema in his legs and feet b. A 28-yr-old with a history of a lung transplant and a temperature of 101° F (38.3° C) c. A 40-yr-old with a pleural effusion who is complaining of severe stabbing chest pain d. A 64-yr-old with lung cancer and tracheal deviation after subclavian catheter insertion


The nurse prepares a patient with a left-sided pleural effusion for a thoracentesis. How should the nurse position the patient? a. High-Fowler's position with the left arm extended b. Supine with the head of the bed elevated 30 degrees c. On the right side with the left arm extended above the head d. Sitting upright with the arms supported on an over bed table


Spironolactone (Aldactone), an aldosterone antagonist, is prescribed for a patient. Which statement by the patient indicates that the teaching about this medication has been effective? a. "I will try to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day." b. "I will use a salt substitute to decrease my sodium intake." c. "I will increase my intake of potassium-containing foods." d. "I will drink apple juice instead of orange juice for breakfast."


The laboratory has just called with the arterial blood gas (ABG) results on four patients. Which result is most important for the nurse to report immediately to the health care provider? a. pH 7.34, PaO2 82 mm Hg, PaCO2 40 mm Hg, and O2 sat 97% b. pH 7.35, PaO2 85 mm Hg, PaCO2 50 mm Hg, and O2 sat 95% c. pH 7.46, PaO2 90 mm Hg, PaCO2 32 mm Hg, and O2 sat 98% d. pH 7.31, PaO2 91 mm Hg, PaCO2 50 mm Hg, and O2 sat 96%


The nurse admits a patient who has a diagnosis of an acute asthma attack. Which statement indicates that the patient may need teaching regarding medication use? a. "I have not had any acute asthma attacks during the past year." b. "I became short of breath an hour before coming to the hospital." c. "I've been taking Tylenol 650 mg every 6 hours for chest wall pain." d. "I've been using my albuterol inhaler more frequently over the last 4 days."


The nurse analyzes the results of a patient's arterial blood gases (ABGs). Which finding would require immediate action? a. The bicarbonate level (HCO3 - ) is 31 mEq/L. b. The arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) is 92%. c. The partial pressure of CO2 in arterial blood (PaCO2) is 31 mm Hg. d. The partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (PaO2) is 59 mm Hg.


The nurse completes an admission assessment on a patient with asthma. Which information given by patient is indicates a need for a change in therapy? a. The patient uses albuterol (Ventolin HFA) before aerobic exercise. b. The patient says that the asthma symptoms are worse every spring. c. The patient's heart rate increases after using the albuterol (Ventolin HFA) inhaler. d. The patient's only medications are albuterol (Ventolin HFAl) and salmeterol (Serevent).


The nurse completes discharge teaching for a patient who has had a lung transplant. Which patient statement indicates to the nurse that the teaching has been effective? a. "I will make an appointment to see the doctor every year." b. "I will stop taking the prednisone if I experience a dry cough." c. "I will not worry if I feel a little short of breath with exercise." d. "I will call the health care provider right away if I develop a fever."


The nurse could delegate care of which patient to a licensed practical/vocational nurse (LPN/LVN)? a. The patient who reports increased tenderness and swelling around a leg wound b. The patient who was just admitted after suturing of a full-thickness arm wound c. The patient who needs teaching about home care for a draining abdominal wound d. The patient who requires a hydrocolloid dressing change for a stage III sacral ulcer


The nurse develops a teaching plan to help increase activity tolerance at home for an older adult with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Which instructions would be appropriate for the nurse to include in the plan of care? a. Stop exercising when you feel short of breath. b. Walk until pulse rate exceeds 130 beats/minute. c. Limit exercise to activities of daily living (ADLs). d. Walk 15 to 20 minutes a day at least 3 times/week.


The nurse is caring for a patient who has a calcium level of 12.1 mg/dL. Which nursing action should the nurse include on the care plan? a. Maintain the patient on bed rest. b. Auscultate lung sounds every 4 hours. c. Monitor for Trousseau's and Chvostek's signs. d. Encourage fluid intake up to 4000 mL every day.


The nurse is caring for a patient who has acute pharyngitis caused by Candida albicans. Which action is appropriate for the nurse to include in the plan of care? a. Assess patient for allergies to penicillin antibiotics. b. Teach the patient to sleep in a warm, dry environment. c. Avoid giving the patient warm food or warm liquids to drink. d. Teach patient to "swish and swallow" prescribed oral nystatin


The nurse is performing tuberculosis (TB) skin tests in a clinic that has many patients who have immigrated to the United States. Which question is most important for the nurse to ask before the skin test? a. "Do you take any over-the-counter (OTC) medications?" b. "Do you have any family members with a history of TB?" c. "How long has it been since you moved to the United States?" d. "Did you receive the bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine for TB?"


The nurse notes that a patient who was admitted with diabetic ketoacidosis has rapid, deep respirations. Which action should the nurse take? a. Give the prescribed PRN lorazepam (Ativan). b. Encourage the patient to take deep slow breaths. c. Start the prescribed PRN oxygen at 2 to 4 L/min. d. Administer the prescribed normal saline bolus and insulin.


The nurse notes that a patient's open abdominal wound widens as it extends deeper into the abdomen. How would the nurse document this characteristic? a. Eschar c. Maceration b. Slough d. Undermining


The nurse palpates the posterior chest while the patient says "99" and notes absent fremitus. Which action should the nurse take next? a. Palpate the anterior chest and observe for barrel chest. b. Encourage the patient to turn, cough, and deep breathe. c. Review the chest x-ray report for evidence of pneumonia. d. Auscultate anterior and posterior breath sounds bilaterally.


The nurse provides discharge teaching for a patient who has two fractured ribs from an automobile accident. Which statement, if made by the patient, would indicate that teaching has been effective? a. "I am going to buy a rib binder to wear during the day." b. "I can take shallow breaths to prevent my chest from hurting." c. "I should plan on taking the pain pills only at bedtime so I can sleep." d. "I will use the incentive spirometer every hour or two during the day."


The nurse should plan to use a wet-to-dry dressing for which patient? a. A patient who has a pressure ulcer with pink granulation tissue b. A patient who has a surgical incision with pink, approximated edges c. A patient who has a full-thickness burn filled with dry, black material d. A patient who has a wound with purulent drainage and dry brown areas


The nurse supervises unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) who are providing care for a patient with right lower lobe pneumonia. The nurse should intervene if which action by UAP is observed? a. UAP assist the patient to ambulate to the bathroom. b. UAP help splint the patient's chest during coughing. c. UAP transfer the patient to a bedside chair for meals. d. UAP lower the head of the patient's bed to 15 degrees.


The nurse teaches a patient about discharge instructions after a rhinoplasty. Which statement, if made by the patient, indicates that the teaching was successful? a. "My nose will look normal after 24 to 48 hours." b. "I can take 800 mg ibuprofen every 6 hours for pain." c. "I will remove and reapply the nasal packing every day." d. "I will elevate my head for 48 hours to minimize swelling."


The nurse teaches a patient who has asthma about peak flow meter use. Which action by the patient indicates that teaching was successful? a. The patient inhales rapidly through the peak flow meter mouthpiece. b. The patient takes montelukast (Singulair) for peak flows in the red zone. c. The patient calls the health care provider when the peak flow is in the green zone. d. The patient uses an albuterol (Ventolin HFA) inhaler for peak flows in the yellow zone.


When assessing a patient who has just arrived after an automobile accident, the emergency department nurse notes tachycardia and absent breath sounds over the right lung. For which intervention will the nurse prepare the patient? a. Emergency pericardiocentesis c. Bronchodilator administration b. Stabilization of the chest wall d. Chest tube connected to suction


Which assessment finding indicates that the nurse should take immediate action for an older patient? a. Weak cough effort c. Dry mucous membranes b. Barrel-shaped chest d. Bilateral basilar crackles


Which information will the nurse include in the asthma teaching plan for a patient being discharged? a. Use the inhaled corticosteroid when shortness of breath occurs. b. Inhale slowly and deeply when using the dry powder inhaler (DPI). c. Hold your breath for 5 seconds after using the bronchodilator inhaler. d. Tremors are an expected side effect of rapidly acting bronchodilators.


Which intervention will the nurse include in the plan of care for a patient who is diagnosed with a lung abscess? a. Teach the patient to avoid the use of over-the-counter expectorants. b. Assist the patient with chest physiotherapy and postural drainage. c. Notify the health care provider immediately about any bloody or foul-smelling sputum. d. Teach about the need for prolonged antibiotic therapy after discharge from the hospital.


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