Advanced biology chapter 12

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For newly evolving protists, what would be the advantage of using eukaryote-like cell division rather than binary fission?

Cell division would allow orderly and efficient segregation of multiple linear chromosomes

Which regard to mitosis and cytokinesis, what is one difference between higher plants and animals?

Cell plate in plants, cleavage furrow in animals

What must occur in order for anaphase to begin?

Cohesion proteins must be cleaved by enzymes

Cdk is a protein maintained at a constant level throughout the cell cycle that requires what?

Cyclin to become catalytically active

If a cell has 8 chromosomes at metaphase, how many will it have during anaphase?


If cells in the process of dividing are subjected to colchicine, which stage of mitosis would be arrested?


Which stage of mitosis has replicated chromosomes aligned along the center of the cell?


What phase has centromeres uncoupling, sister chromatids separating, and the two new chromosomes moving to opposite poles of the cell?


What is the best way to explain how density-dependent inhibition occurs as related to the cell cycle?

As cells become more numerous, the cell surface proteins of one cell contact the adjoining cells and they stop dividing

Cyclin is a protein synthesized at specific times during the cell cycle that does what?

Associates with a kinase to form a catalytically active complex

G1 is...

At the beginning of the first cycle and DNA is increasing during this phase

What follows the chromosomes lining up at the center of the cell?

Formation of telophase nuclei

During which phases of mitosis are chromosomes composed of two chromatids?

From G2 of interphase to metaphase

Cells that are in a nondividing state are in what phase?

G0 phase

The restriction point occurs in what part of the cell cycle?


What was their conclusion?

Infection causes lymphocytes to divide more rapidly.

The shortest part of the cell cycle is what?

Mitosis, abbreviated M

PDGF is released by what?

Platelets in the vicinity of an injury

What phase would have two centrosomes arranged at opposite poles of the cell?

Pro metaphase

Chromosomes first become visible during which phase of mitosis?


What phase has the centrioles beginning to move apart in animal cells?


The general term for enzymes that activate or inactivate other proteins by phosphorylating them is called what?

Protein kinase

What is the centromere?

Region in which chromatids remain attached to one another until anapahse

What is a chromatid?

Replicate chromosome

How do the daughter cells at the end of mitosis and cytokinesis compare with their parent cell when it was in G1 of the cell cycle?

Same number of chromosomes, same amount of DNA

DNA is replicated during what?

The S part of the cell cycle

MPF triggers what?

The cell's passage past the G2 checkpoint into mitosis

Taxol must affect what?

The fibers of the mitotic spindle

Chromosomes move towards the poles of the spindle during mitosis by what?

The motor proteins of the kineticores which move the chromosomes along the spindle microtubules.

DNA synthesis occurs during what?

The second part of the G1 phase of the first cycle

Mitosis is...

The shortest part of the cell cycle and amount of DNA decreases

Name three things that are true concerning cancer cell formation.

They are not subject to cell cycle controls. They do not exhibit density-dependent inhibition. When they stop dividing, they do so randomly in the cell cycle.

Why do chromosomes coil during mitosis?

To allow chromosomes to move without breaking or becoming tangled

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