Advanced Vocabulary C1, Denis Vocabulary C1-C2

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"застенчивый, робкий

precarious (/prɪˈkeəriəs/)

A precarious situation is likely to become worse. ненадежный, рискованный not fixed and likely to fall неустойчивый, шаткий

hesitant (/ˈhez.ə.tənt/) (You ​seemed a ​bit hesitant about ​recommending that ​restaurant - is something ​wrong with it?)

If you are _______, you do not do something ​immediately or ​quickly because you are ​nervous or not ​certain (колеблющийся, нерешительный)

conscientious (/ˌkɒnʃiˈenʃəs/) (a conscientious student)

always doing your work with a lot of care добросовестный


[straif] борьба; раздор, спор, соперничество

alacrity (/əˈlæk.rə.ti/) (She accepted the money with alacrity) (We accepted the invitation with alacrity) (It was an interesting challenge and I responded with alacrity)

cheerful willingness, eagerness, speed живость, готовность, рвение

to chivvy

chivy along / up гнать, подгонять, подстёгивать (кого-л.)

reservation (to have reservations about sth) (I still have reservations about her ability to do the job)

a doubt or a feeling that you do not agree with something completely сомнение


a polite thing that you say when you meet someone любезность, вежливое замечание

setback (The project has suffered a series of setbacks this year) (I quite understand that you have had personal setbacks, but the deadline must still stand, I am afraid)

a problem that makes something happen later or more slowly than it should задержка, неудача

query (His job is to answer telephone queries about airline schedules.)

a question вопрос

vested interest

own interest личный интерес

castigation (verb- to castigate) (We have always felt that that is where the castigation should take place.)

punishment, criticism, chastisement

aesthetic (/esˈθet.ɪk/)

relating to beauty or art


relating to the regular rising and falling of the sea связанный с приливом и отливом

solemn (solemn music; solemn warning)

serious or sad серьезный, торжественный

abeyance (/əˈbeɪ.əns/) (The project is being held in abeyance until agreement is reached on funding it)

temporary suppression or suspension

to burnish (The presidential candidate used his time at the podium to burnish his image in the eyes of the nation.) (I spent the whole evening burnishing my car)

to rub metal until it is smooth and shiny to polish sth To burnish the image of someone or something means to improve their image полировать

set sth aside

to save something, usually time or money, for a special purpose откладывать, копить


to say exactly what must be done предписывать, ставить условием, обусловливать, оговаривать в качестве особого условия

to belittle

to say that someone or something is not very important or not very good преуменьшать

repercussion (/ˌriː.pəˈkʌʃ.ən/) (Any ​decrease in ​tourism could have ​serious repercussions for the ​local ​economy)

the ​effect that an ​action, ​event, or ​decision has on something, ​especially a ​bad ​effect (последствия)

appease (They attempted to appease international opposition by promising to hold talks.) (Ancient civilizations were known for appeasing their gods by making sacrifices)

to calm; pacify; placate Успокаивать, умиротворять

call off (I called off the party appointed on Tuesday)

to cancel

to expedite (We've got to expedite this order because they need it by tomorrow) (Can you please expedite a delivery)

to cause something to be done or progress more quickly ускорять Syn: to push, to accelerate, to hurry, to quicken

to be on the same wavelength ('You and your boss seem to agree on most things'. 'Yes, we are on the same wavelength') (Let's see if we are on the same wavelength)

to share similar opinions and ideas to think in a similar way to another person; (syn. : to be on the same page)

to get straight to the point ( OK, I'll get straight to the point. I am afraid we're going to have to let you go)

to talk about the most important thing (сразу перейти к делу)

malediction (noun) (He left, muttering maledictions against them) (Now the spell he had nurtured would become an old man's malediction)

words that are intended to bring bad luck to someone or that express the hope that someone will have bad luck (проклятие)

Figment (I suggest that this pain is just a figment of your imagination) (The commercially successful electric cars is still a figment)

Выдумка, высысел

to upend plans

Перевернуть планы


Щипчики, пинцет


Эмигрант, иностранец

proximity (noun)

близость, соседство (We chose the house for its proximity to the school) (The restaurants benefits from its proximity to several cinemas)


бодрящий (о воздухе)


более поздний, последующий, следующий

to be chuffed to bits (I just got my exam results! I'm chuffed to bits) (You would be chuffed to bits if you were really pleased about something) ( I am chuffed to bits to be back at work)

быть вне себя от радости to be happy or pleased

to be up for

быть готовым/в настроении что-либо сделать

to suffice

быть достаточным, хватать

to be the exception to the rule

быть исключением из правил

perpetual (/pəˈpetʃuəl/) ( syn.- everlasting, endless) (He seems to be in a perpetual state of confusion.) (Studying is a perpetual process)

вечный, бесконечный

mutually (Being attractive and intelligent are not mutually exclusive (= someone can be attractive and intelligent).

взаимно, обоюдно


взаимный, обоюдный



to reimburse

возмещать, покрывать (сумму)

every so often

время от времени

time slips by

время проходит (бежит)



to implement

выполнять, осуществлять



voice my concern about (I am writing to voice my concern about the proposed changes to the education system in the district)

выражать озабоченность


выражать протест





to gape at

глазеть (в состоянии изумления) с открытым ртом

to stall

глохнуть; тянуть время (to intentionally make someone wait or make something happen later so that you have more time)

to brood (about life) (I wish she wouldn't sit brooding in her room all day.) (The divorce still feels painful, so I try not to brood on it too much.) ( They force the reader to slow down, to dwell or brood on what is happening)

to think for a long time about things that make you sad or angry размышлять с грустью

to brood about life

to think for a long time about things that make you sad or angry размышлять с грустью

come up with (We need to come up with a good scheme to make money)

to think of a plan, an idea, or a solution to a problem

tether (/ˈteðər/)

to tie an animal to a post so that it can only move around within a limited area привязывать

to go travelling (I'll go travelling to India next wek)

to travel somewhere for a long time

to go on a trip

to travel somewhere for a short time

look for (I looked for you at the party, but I didn't see you Excuse me, can you help me? I am looking for a big mall)

try to find something or someone

facetious (/fəˈsiːʃəs/)

trying to make a joke or a clever remark in a way that annoys people неуместно шутливый

to allude to


to intimate (syn- to imply, insinuate)


deliberate attempt

намеренная попытка

at all costs

любой ценой; во что бы то ни стало

to pry

любопытствовать, совать нос в чужие дела



to smear

мазать, размазывать



juvenile delinquent

малолетний преступник

to disguise

маскировать, скрывать, изменять облик

to thump

наносить тяжелый удар, ударять

to prick up ears

навострить уши, насторожиться


навязчивая идея

to impose on sb

навязываться, беспокоить


надгробная надпись

to fob off

надувать (обманывать)

to brew

назревать, варить пиво, заваривать (чай)


напыщенные шумные тирады, разглагольствования



contravention (/ˌkɒntrəˈvenʃən/ )




to taunt

насмехаться, дразнить

to scoff

насмехаться, осмеивать

Don't judge a book by its cover

не суди книгу по обложке

unobtrusively or furtively

ненавязчиво или украдкой




ненадежный, непрочный, голословный (a precarious situation is likely to become worse)



unaccountable (syn- inexplicable)

необъяснимый, непостижимый

to haunt

неотступно преследовать (кого-л.) , ходить хвостом

invincible (syn- undefeated, invulnerable) (Last year the company seemed/looked invincible but in recent weeks has begun to have problems.) (Young athletes think of themselves as invincible.) (Weapons that would have been invincible twenty years before are now vulnerable and obsolete.) (The French army seemed invincible.)

непобедимый, неуязвимый, несокрушимый, неукротимый

off the coast of (This hotel is located off the coast of Italy)

неподалёку от берега

insubordinate (insubordinate condact) (His behavior was unprofessional and insubordinate) (Many teachers dislike insubordinate children) (Do as mother says. If you are insubordinate, father will probably hear of it.) (syn- rebellious)



ознаменовывать, отмечать

to blight

оказывать губительное воздействие, разрушать (надежды, планы и т. п.)

to petrify

окаменеть, приводить в оцепенение

to take (in the sea) (syn- to have a dip in the sea)

окунуться (в море)

he is content with very little

он довольствуется малым

She is a class act

она неподражаемая, непревзойденная



to acquit




to tip over


to tip over


scetchy knowledge

поверхностные знания



to the hilt




to help out

помочь, выручить

to dispatch

посылать, отправлять

to encroach


to pander to smb

потворствовать, угождать кому-либо/чему-либо


поток (стремительный)

a deluge of complaints

поток жалоб


потомство (у животных), отпрыски (у людей)

to crackle



потухание, угасание

lewdness (syn- lust) (Lewdness is the worst of all sins.) (Love is related to purity , beauty , and goodness , while lust relates to filth, debauchery, and lewdness.)

похотливость, распутность

honorary [


to feel a chill down my spine

почувствовать мурашки по коже (волосы встали дыбом)




пребывание (в должности)

to reside

пребывать, находиться

to surpass


to outnumber

превосходить численно

to exceed (verb) (Never exceed the recommended dose of painkillers) (The final cost should not exceed $1000) (Drivers who exceed the speed limit can expect to be fined heavily)


to consign

предавать, предназначать


предварительное условие

to foreshadow

предвещать, предзнаменовывать


предел слышимости


пределы, масштаб

to admonish (verb) (/ədˈmɒn.ɪʃ/) (I do not want to admonish him publicly) (Admonish your friends privately, but praise them openly) (He admonished his uncle for drinking alcohol)

предостерегать, предупреждать, наставлять, напутствовать

allegedly (syn- presumably)


to envisage (The police don't envisage any trouble at the festival.)

представлять себе, предвидеть



foreboding (noun) (The sky was dull, with a forebosing of rain) (She had a foreboding that she's never see him again) (The dark clouds forebode a rainstorm) (I foreboded that I might fail)

предчувствие дурного

to despise









пререкание, мелкая ссора

to bicker

пререкаться, спорить

to exaggerate


to belittle


on duty Examples: Who is on duty here? I need some help. I can't help you now, but I'll be on duty in about an hour.

при исполнении служебных обязанности working

on condition that Examples: -Visitors are allowed in the gardens on condition that they don't touch the plants - She said she'd help with the costumes on condition that she would get ten free tickets to the play

при условии, что if only

to resort to compulsion

прибегать к принуждению

to partake ( I'd like to partake in English corporate classes)

принимать участие

pity is akin to love

жалость сродни любви


жалость, сострадание

jargon (/ˈdʒɑː.ɡən/)


airtight alibi

железное алиби

to castigate

жестко критиковать





pros and cons

за и против


заброшенный, запущенный

to flunk

заваливать, проваливать (например, экзамен)

to reassure (He tried to reassure me that my mother would be okay) (I reassured him that we were safe) (The airline tried to reassure the customers that the planes were safe)

заверять, успокаивать

ambush (syn- trap) (It was a perfect position for an ambush) (He suspected an ambush. ) (The bus was ambushed by a gang of youths.) (We have reports of enemy soldiers ambushing civilians on this road.) (The soldiers were lying in ambush, waiting for the enemy to approach) (Many soldiers were killed in the ambush)

засада (глагол- нападать из за засады)

to shield

заслонять, прикрывать, щит

to thrust

засовывать, просовывать, всовывать

to compel

заставлять, вынуждать

to take by surprise

застать врасплох

to distort




to have moral fiber (He didn't have the moral fiber to be a leader)

иметь нравственный (моральный) стержень

to seek out opportunities (He always sought out opportunities to move abroad)

искать возможности


имеющий историческое значение important in history or likely to be important in history


интенсивная работа; лихорадочная активность


исключительно, только

to sparkle



искусный, умелый

withering look

испепеляющий взгляд

to redeem

исправлять, искупать



to set the table

накрывать на стол

which appeared in ( I am writing to complain about the article which appeared in yesterday's issue of your newspaper)

который появился в...


кран, жучок, использовать (обычно ресурсы), стучать (легко ударять)

reddish tinge

красноватый оттенок

to jot down

кратко записать; бегло набросать

credit crunch

кредитный кризис

robust (syn- strong, firm, solid)






constraint (syn: compulsion)

принуждение, давление (compulsion - непреодолимое влечение)

to get the hang of

приобрести навык

to suspend (1)



припадок, приступ







to fuel interest in sth (Travelling fueled my jnterest in the ancient history)

разжечь интерес в чем-либо



contemplation (Some people will tell you, without the briefest contemplation, that they are living in the dream)





размышление, задумчивость

diverse (/daɪˈvɜːs/) (London is a very diverse city)

разнообразный, многонациональный



glitzy ['glɪtsɪ]





рывок, прыжок вперед


рык, рычание


рыло, морда (у животных)

to fumble

рыться, нащупывать

to growl (syn-to snarl)


with good intent

с добрыми намерениями

on a budget Examples: -How to travel on a budget in your 20-s?

с ограниченной суммой денег with a limited amount of money

on the first try

с первого раза

with reproof

с укоризной





self-complacent (syn- smug)


to fend for oneself

самому заботиться о себе



on one's own Examples: She's raised three kids on her own.

самостоятельно independently If you do something on your own, you do it without any help from other people.


самоуважение; чувство собственного достоинства

to baffle

сбить с толку


сверстник, ровесник





to whizz

свистеть в воздухе


свободный, освобождённый (от обязанностей, налога, военной службы)



to squint

смотреть искоса, косить


смущенный, озадаченный; сбитый с толку

laid-back (city) (syn- relaxed, calm) (I don't know how you can be so laid-back about your exams) (I've never seen her worried or anxious in any way - she's so laid-back) (She's always so laid-back about everything)

спокойный; непринуждённый; неторопливый relaxed in manner and character; not usually worried about other people's behaviour or things that need to be done




спокойный, отрешенный

take issue with (I would also like to take issue with the statement made by your journalist that the students of the college are to blame for this situation)

спорить, не соглашаться to disagree with what someone says or writes

to dispute (dispute-спор)

спорить, пререкаться

contentious (a contentious issue)



способность быстро восстанавливаться

conducive (working conditions not conducive to productivity.)

способствующий; благоприятный; подходящий; содействующий Tending to cause or bring something about; contributive


стремительная атака

to judge people by appearances (Don't judje people by appereances)

судить людей по внешности


суетливый, нервный



to forge a reputation

сформировать репутацию

to grasp




to jostle

толкать, толкаться

to thrust

толкать, толчок

to jostle (['dʒɒsəl])


to tread

топтать, давить, потоптать, ступать, наступать

to haggle over price


to stick out


derogatory (He made derogatory comments/remarks on my report) (The restaurant's derogatory name caused people to avoid eating there.) (My husband's derogatory comments really hurt me.)

уничижительный, пренебрежительный



to foster ( The teacher's task is to foster learning)

усиливать, способствовать росту Encourage the development of sth



to complicate


to mollify

успокаивать (syn- quiet, calm, soothe)

weary (Syn.- tired, exhausted)





усталый, изнуренный, утомленный

to prance

ходить с важным видом, красоваться

to tag along

ходить, следовать по пятам

good ecxhange

хороший обменный курс


хотя и

to snore


throaty (syn-hourse)



хрупкий, непрочный






ценить, приз

a valuable asset to the company

ценный человек для компании

genuine (He shows a genuine concern for the welfare of his students)

​If a person or their feelings are genuine, they are sincere and honest. искренний


​kind and ​helpful (тактичный, деликатный)

to flew off the handle (If she keeps flying off the handle like that, she'll have a heart attack)

(idiom) to lose one's temper, become angry

It is not my cup of tea (Thanks for inviting me, but ballet isn't really my cup of tea)

(idiom) It is not the type of thing that I like

to rub sb up the wrong way (He was rubbing me up the wrong way) (It's not her fault - she just rubs me up the wrong way) (Whenever they meet, they always manage to rub each other the wrong way)

(idiom) to annoy someone without intending to

to be at the end of your tether (or to be at the end ofyour rope) (I am at the end of my tether) (By six o'clock after a busy day I'm at the end of my tether)

(idiom) to be run out of patience having no strength or patience left

to go by the book (to do sth by the book) (My lawyer always goes strictly by the book.) (This is a private deal - we don't have to do everything by the book)

(idiom) to do something exactly as the rules tell you to follow procedures

to throw in the towel (I am done. I am throwing in the towel)

(idiom) to give up, to admit defeat or failure

tangential (/tænˈdʒen·tʃəl/)

(of a subject or activity) different than the one you are talking about or doing отклоняющийся (от темы)не имеющий прямого отношения (к чему-л.)


(privy to) посвящённый (во что-л. секретное), осведомлённый (о чём-л. тайном); причастный (к чему-л.)

to wear on

(медленно) тянуться (о времени); проходить

can't make head or tail of it (This report makes no sense at all. I can't make head or tail of it) (Sorry, but I can't make head or tail of the instructions)

-to fail to understand anything -to absolutely not understand something

to get our wires crossed (If you think our biggest problem is market share then you have got our wires crossed)

-to misunderstand one another; -to have a different understanding of a situation -RUS: неправильно понять; перепутать

to put it in a nutshell (It is a very complicated system, but to put it in a nutshell it works exactly like a big kettle) (Could you please just put all that in a nutshell?) (To put it in a nutshell - People need good schools and teachers if they are to learn well)

-to summarize briefly, -to say something shortly, -to reduce a large, complicated amount of information into a much smaller, easier to understand size


1) Хлопьевидный; 2) Слоистый, шелушащийся


1) безразличный, равнодушный; 2) беспечный

to dump

1) выгружать, разгружать, сваливать

to drown out

1) заглушать 2) затоплять


1) заостренный, острый; 2) раздражительный, нервный


1) кучка, скопление; 2) скапливать, валить в одну кучу, толпиться


1) плотный (густонаселеный), сжатый (density - плотность)

to clear up

1) прибирать, убирать

to enlighten

1) просвещать; 2) информировать, осведомлять

to tell on

1) сказываться на; 2) нажаловаться на к.-л., ябедничать

to crowd

1) скапливаться; 2) оказывать давление, давить

to shake off

1) стряхнуть (пыль)

vain (1)

1) тщетный, напрасный

veneer (1)

1) фанера

to draw up

1. (draw oneself up) выпрямляться, вытягиваться

show up (1. I was supposed to meet my sister for lunch, but she hasn't shown up yet; Over a hundred people showed up for the new conference; will you show up at the meeting? 2. It is hard to photograph polar bears, because they don't show up well against the snow)

1. when you appear somewhere, you ____ ____. Turn up is similar to ____ ____. 2. when something appears or becomes visible, it ____ ____.

run into (1. Ali was driving too fast, and he ran into a telephone pole; I was run into by a drunk driver 2. We ran into Karen and her new boyfriend at the supermarket yesterday; I owe Fran $300, so I hope I don't run into him) 3. I thought it would be easy to fix my car, but I've been running into problems; Jackie ran into one problem after another at work today. 4. The number of starving people in the country ran into millions; If you fixed everything on that old car that needs fixing, it would run into thousands of dollars)

1. when you are driving and hit another vehicle or something near the road, such as a tree or a telephone pole, you _______ ________it. 2. when you meet people unexpectedly or unintentionally , you _____ _____ them. 3. when you unexpectedly encounter problems or difficulties, you _____ _____ them 4. when the total of something grows to a large amount of number, it _____ ______ that amount of number.

come from (1. Mike comes from Alaska, so he's used to cold weather 2. Jane had a difficult childhood. She came from a broken home 3. The word "admiral" comes from an Arabic word The mechanic heard a strange sound coming from the engine)

1. when you come from a place, you were born there or lived there previously. 2. when you come from a family or a social situation, your past experience helps to explain your present attitudes and behavior. 3. when something comes from a source , that is where it originated

put on (1. I put on my new dress before going to the party. Eric forgot to put suntan lotion on, and now he is as red as a lobster 2. I put the book on the table 3. The Wilson's put a new roof on their house last year I told the tailor to put red buttons on the dress he's making for me 4. I need to go on a diet, I've been putting a lot of weight lately 5. The club put on a show to raise money for the party The opera hasn't been put on in more than 200 years 6.- You won the lottery? You're putting me on Don't put me on- tell me the truth - He didn't really win the lottery. It was all a big put-on to impress his girlfriend)

1. when you place something on or apply something to your body, you put it on 2. when you place something on or apply something to another surface, you put it on 3. when you attack or affix something to another thing, you put it on 4. when you put on weight, you gain weight 5. when you organize or perform something to another entertainment, such as a play or a concert, you put it on 6. -when you put people on, you kid or tease them -something done with the intention of fooling or deceiving people is a put-on

take off (1. Please, take off your shoes; I was so tired when I got home that I took my clothes off and went straight to bed. 2. I took the book off the table; you need to take the old wax from the floor before you wax it again. 3. After Jane took the flat tire off her bicycle, she put on the new one. 4. I can't work tomorrow. I have to take the day off for some tests at the hospital; Our company always lets us take the week between Christmas and New Year's Day off. 5. Our plane took off an hour because of the snow; Put on your seat belt, we are taking off now. 6. The new restaurant's business is taking off because it got a good review in the newspaper; If this business takes off, we could make a lot of money. 7. The party is boring- let's take off; After he found out that FBI was looking for him, he took off in a hurry; After the police arrived, we took off quickly. 8. The car dealer took $2000 off the list price; The sign in the store window said ' Every Monday take 10 percent off all marked price')

1. when you remove something from your body, you ____ it____ 2. when you remove something from a surface, you ____ it____ 3. when you remove something from something it is attached or affixed to, you ____ it____ 4. when you ____ time_____from work or study, you do something different, in stead of working or studying 5. when an airplane leaves the ground and flies up into the air, it ____ _____ *noun-takeoff 6. when a business or other organized activity becomes very successful, it ___ ____ 7. when you leave suddenly or quickly, you _____ ______ 8. when you reduce the price of something that is for sale by a certain amount, you ____ the amount ______the price

to lose one's bearings

1. заблудиться 2. терять ориентировку

to take one's bearings

1. определять положение 2. ориентироваться

to revise

1. перерабатывать, исправлять; 2. повторить

to abide (syn- to adhere) (They have got to abide by the rules.) (I can't abide that man - he's so self-satisfied.)

1. соблюдать, придерживаться, выполнять 2. to strongly dislike someone or something не мочь выносить, терпеть (что-л.)

veneer (2)

2) показуха, видимость

vain (2)

2) самовлюбленный, самодовольный


2) тупой (foolish, silly, stupid)

anarchy (/ˈænəki/) (This place is close to anarchy) (As soon as the teacher stepped in the hall, the classroom descended into anarchy.) (There must always be a leader or else anarchy will prevail.) (If prices rise the country could slide into anarchy)

Absence of government; state of disorder Анархия, безвластие


CHANGE ​a small, temporary, and usually negative change from what usually happens временное явление (обычно негативное) SOUND/LIGHT a small spot of light on an electronic screen, sometimes with a short, high sound сигнал (на экране)

compliant (The teacher was shocked when her normally rebellious class became compliant.) (Many child psychologists believe negative consequences do not make students compliant.) (Even though I have been compliant with tax laws, I am still nervous about meeting with the auditor.) (As soon as my teenage daughter thinks I am going to take away her mobile phone, she becomes compliant and follows directions.)

Compliant people are willing to do what other people want them to. податливый observing the requirements and rules

antipathy (His antipathy towards her ex-wife was evident for everyone in this room) (When the actor was fired from the play, he converted his antipathy into a popular television show.) (After hearing about public antipathy to his programs, the candidate hired a new consultant.) (Is your antipathy for me so great that you no longer care about my feelings?)

Dislike, hostility Антипатия, отвращение

I do feel guilty about saying no

I am really sorry to say no

I laid my cards on the table

I was open and frank

run out of something (We've run out of bread) (I've nearly run out of money)

If a supply of something runs out, there is none left because it has all been used.


If people behave in a conciliatory manner, they try to make people stop being angry with them. примирительный


If someone has a propensity for something or to do something, they often do it. склонность

coherent (/koʊˈhɪr.ənt/) (When she ​calmed down, she was more coherent)

If someone is ______, you can ​understand what that ​person says:

morose (she was morose and silent when she got home) ( I felt morose when I was stuck in the elevator alone in a complete darkness)

If someone is morose, they are not friendly or happy and they talk very little. мрачный, замкнутый


If someone is superficial, they never think about things that are serious or important. поверхностный, несерьезный

to befall

If something bad befalls you, it happens to you. случаться, приключаться

to penetrate (The bullet penetrated his skull.) (No one in our industry has successfully penetrated the Asian market.)

If something penetrates an object, it moves into that object. проникать внутрь If someone penetrates a place or a group, they succeed in moving into or joining it.

to drift apart

If two people drift apart, they gradually become less friendly and their relationship ends

anomalous (The climate here is anomalous) ( It is not anomalous nowadays not to be married in 40-s) (This anomalous phenomenon has been taken under control by the local government)

Irregular deviating from the norm Ненормальный, неправильный, аномальный


SHINE: to shine brightly and suddenly APPEAR: to appear for a short time to move somewhere fast

What a small world!

Say this in reaction to an unexpected coincidence. Как тесен мир

I rest my case ("You can't cook at all" "I cook all the time. I make those instance noodle soups" "I rest my case")

Say this when you are expressing a fact or opinion, and something happens to prove point perfectly and show that you are completely correct как я и говорил

enviable (adj) (Nonenviable; Envy, Enviableness) (She is a woman of enviable beauty) (He achieved enviable results with the minimum of effort) (You are in position that many could consider enviable)

So desirable as to arouse envy (завидный)

gullible (How could you be so gullible?)

Someone who is gullible is easily tricked because they trust people too much. легковерный, доверчивый


Someone who is outgoing is friendly, talks a lot, and enjoys meeting people. общительный

tangible (tangible benefits)

Something which is tangible is real and can be seen, touched, or measured. реальный, ощутимый

Good call

Used to say that the other person made a good decision. правильное решение

saving grace

a good quality that something or someone has which stops them from being completely bad


a piece of music at the end of a longer piece of music, usually separate from the basic structure he final or extra part of a speech, event, or piece of writing

charcoal (​ /ˈtʃɑːkəʊl/) ​

a hard, black substance that is produced by burning wood without much air, and that is used as fuel or for drawing древесный уголь

flaw (There's a flaw in your reasoning) (This report is full of flaws)

a mistake or bad characteristic that stops someone or something from being perfect изъян, недостаток, дефект


a piece of spoken or written advice about how someone should behave

locality (The schools work with states, localities, teachers, and parents)

a particular area or neighborhood населенный пункт


a person with a short hair

occupation (He listed his occupation on the form as "teacher.") (Sailing was his favorite weekend occupation) (the occupation of France during World War II)

a person's job a regular activity the act of controlling a foreign country or region by armed force

outlier (People who live past 100 are genetic outliers, whose longevity is unreachable for most of us.)

a person, thing, or fact that is very different from other people, things, or facts, so that it cannot be used to draw general conclusions

proliferation (We all can see the proliferation of fast food restaurants)

a rising number of...


a set of numbers or things that is part of another, larger set множество


a shop that provides a particular type of goods or services салон, ресторан

blurb (I'll write a nice blurb for his book)

a short description to advertise a product, especially a book рекламный текст (на обложке)

dirge (When Kim sang a dirge for her deceased father, she brought everyone to tears.) (As the dirge was played on the church piano, the widow and her children wept.) (Because I am a writer, my best friend's mother asked me to write a dirge to honor her husband at his funeral.) (The members of the Indian tribe sang a dirge in unison as their chief was put to rest.)

a slow sad song or piece of music, sometimes played because someone has died = funeral dirge погребальная песнь медленная торжественная траурная музыка


a speech, especially one which is long and spoken quickly and is intended to persuade the listener about something


a substance which burns with a strong, sweet smell, often used in religious ceremonies ладан


a very small amount or number


a ​piece of ​furniture with a ​sloping ​part on which a ​book or ​paper is put to be ​read from

to get round sb

to persuade someone to allow you something by using your charm

She did it on a hunch

Она сделала это интуитивно

competent (Our teacher was very competent in his subject) (competence- the ability to do something well; компетентность)

able to do something well компетентный, знающий

competent (a competent swimmer/teacher)

able to do something well компетентный, знающий


able to speak clearly and expressively (членораздельный)

viable ( I am not sure if the proposed plan is viable in this situation; I could not suggest a viable alternative)

able to ​work as ​intended or ​able to ​succeed практически осуществимый, жизнеспособный




amusement or lack of seriousness ветреность, легкомыслие, непостоянство, несерьёзность

diatribe (/ˈdaɪ.ə.traɪb/) (He launched into a long diatribe against the lack of action in Congress.)

an angry speech or piece of writing that severely criticizes something or someone резкая обличительная речь

turning point (Meeting my spouse was a turning point in my life)

an event that causes an important change

fellow feeling

an understanding or sympathy for another person because you have a shared experience

approbation (Kids need their fathers' approbation.) (I need to write a powerful resume to gain approbation from an employer) ( With my mother's approbation, I can sleep over at your house.) (You cannot take prescription medication without doctor's approbation.) (The King received the official approbation of the church.)

approval; praise одобрение, согласие

on target Examples: My prediction was not on target

as planned, on schedule; exactly as predicted как и запланировано

be engaged (1. I am engaged in the project. I do not feel engaged at my new job.)

be engaged means to become interested and committed to something


behaves in a very formal way and is easily shocked by anything rude. чопорный

compendium (/kəmˈpen.di.əm/ ) (The book is nothing more than a compendium of the author's rants against the government.)

brief, comprehensive summary конспект

caustic (After waiting over an hour for my food, I became caustic with the waitress.) (Her caustic remarks made me sad.) (Because my uncle was a mean man, he took pleasure in making caustic statements to people.) (Even though you are upset, you should realize that making caustic comments is not helping the situation.) (Although Jill made a caustic remark about her boss, she does not deserve to lose her job.) (When Harold is in a bad mood, he can be very caustic with his wife.)

burning, sarcastically biting A caustic remark is extremely unkind and intended to upset or criticize someone. язвительный


careful in spending money: бережливость, экономностьскромность, умеренность (в расходовании или потреблении чего-л.)


caring about other people and not about yourself самоотверженный, бескорыстный



to have dibs on

claim rights

banal (Don't you find this story a little banal?) (At nearly every meeting, he made that same banal speech.) (Filled with repetitive tasks, Sally's job can only be described as banal.) (How can one enjoy banal romance novels when they are so predictable?) (This story has been told so much it has become banal.)

commonplace, trite банальный

analogous (She has an analogous dream to her sister) ( I could not think of an analogous situation) (Why you bought a dress with the analogous style and color?)

comparable Аналогичный, сходный

disparate (people from disparate cultures) (Because there was so much disparate information on the topic, the research process took longer than expected. When a husband and wife have such disparate incomes, there can often be some degree of resentment in the marriage. Even though they are identical twins, they have such disparate personalities that it's impossible to get them confused. I understand that we all have disparate opinions on what to do with the generous donation, but let's make a thorough study on where it would best be spent. Everyone in the book club has disparate ideas on what we have read, but that's what makes every discussion so interesting. If you want to keep from going broke, don't even try to keep up with all the disparate fashion trends that usually only last one season. There are plenty of disparate articles on that star, many of which contradict each other.)

completely different в корне отличающийся

restraint ( he beat her up without restraint)

control over something ограничение

pious (She was a deeply pious woman)

having strong religious beliefs, and living or behaving in a way which shows these beliefs набожный

audacious (/ɔːˈdeɪʃəs/ ) (The fact that it was such an audacious ambition fired the imagination.) (He was an audacious soldier who never ran from a battle.) (The millionaire earned his fortune by being an audacious player on the stock market.) (The most successful people are those who are audacious and not afraid to take risks.) (Even though Kim is an audacious driver who rarely drives the speed limit, she has never been in a car accident.)

daring; bold дерзкий, смелый, отважный наглый (audacity- наглость)

brusque (/bruːsk/) (His secretary was a little brusque with me) ("I don't have time to deal with it today," she said brusquely) (The President was his old friend of decades, but his tone was brusque)

dealing with people in a quick way that is unfriendly or rude резкий, грубый

twig (syn- branch)


impermeable (/ɪmˈpɜr·mi·ə·bəl/)

describes a substance that does not allow liquids or gases to go through it непроницаемый, герметичный; не пропускающий (жидкость или газ)непроходимый

sublime (/səˈblaɪm/) (sublimely )

extremely good, beautiful, or enjoyable великолепный, возвышенный

aberrant (1. His behavior was aberrant yesterday 2. An example of an aberrant animal would be a flying squirrel)

deviating (different) from what is normal


difficult to understand неясный, непонятный If an object or substance is ________, you cannot see through it. непрозрачный, мутный

assiduous (/əˈsɪdjuəs/) (The government has been assiduous in the fight against inflation) (With an assiduous attitude, we will finish this project.) (If you give up easily, then you don't have an assiduous mindset.) (With your assiduous attempt at learning English, I think you will master the language in no time.) (Give an assiduous performance on stage, and the audience will adore you.)

diligent; hard working showing a lot of effort and determination упорный, усердный

downside (there are a few downsides to having kids of the same age) (The downside of living in a city is all the pollution)


modest (syn. shy)

do not talk in a proud way about your skills or successes. скромный

unconventional (an unconventional lifestyle)

doing things in a way that is different from most people нетрадиционный, чуждый условностям

Impromptu (conference)

done without being planned or rehearsed


ветхий, полуразвалившийся

to take aback


to pin smth on smb

возлагать на кого-л. вину

to resort to sth/doing sth (They should be able to control the riots without resorting to violence.)

ething that you do not want to do because you cannot find any other way of achieving something прибегать к чему-либо


extreme rudeness without any ability to understand that your behavior is not acceptable to other people бесстыдство, наглость, нахальство

craven (My husband James proves he is not craven every time he runs into a burning building to save a stranger.) (Josh is such a craven individual that he did not bother to stand up for his wife when a stranger attacked her.) (The craven employee shocked everyone when he finally stood up to his mean boss.) (Are you so craven you will snitch on your friends to avoid getting into trouble?)

extremely cowardly (= not brave) трусливый

arduous (/ˈɑr·dʒu·əs/) (In those days, a trip to the West was an arduous journey.) (Playing the piano may seem arduous at first, but it gets easier with practice.) (One of the most arduous questions to answer is, "If there is another life after death?") (With arduous practice, you will get better at English) (Needless to say, mastering a foreign language is an arduous challenge.)

extremely difficult; laborious, needing a lot of effort to do трудный

fervor (/ˈfɜːrvər/) (The terrorist's fervor made him believe that giving his life for his cause was his purpose in life. Although I love college football, I do not have the same fervor for the games as those fans that paint their faces with their team colors. The teacher used his religious fervor as the basis for his refusal to teach his students about the evolution of mankind. When the airlines increased their fares, passengers responded with fervor about their plans to find alternate travelling means. The woman's spiritual fervor led her to leave her husband and become a nun. As the voters screamed and waved banners for their favorite candidates, their fervor was quite evident in the crowded auditorium. Car dealerships offer their salespeople incentives to ignite fervor in hopes of increasing vehicle movement. When the dead soldier's mother was shown on national television crying outside of the White House, the action stirred a great deal of anti-patriotic fervor.)

extremely strong beliefs or feelings рвение, пыл


extremely unpleasant or bad ужасный, ужасающий

distraught (adj) (Her distraught mother shad spent all night waiting by the phone) (They were terribly distraught at the news of this accident)

extremely worried, nervous or upset (обезумевший от горя, расстроенный)

fidelity (noun) (How important do you think is sexual fidelity in a marriage?) (He promised fidelity to the Queen) (There is nothing more than a dog's fidelity to its owner)

faithfulness to a person, cause or belief demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support; sexual failthuness to a spouse or a partner (верность)


famous for something bad

contrite (Show how contrite you are by writing an apology letter.) (If you were contrite, you would have said "I'm sorry" by now.) (Don't you have any contrite in your heart for murdering my brother?!) (The local news was noticeably contrite and apologized to viewers for the countless on-air technical difficulties.) (Since you wrote a contrite letter expressing remorse, I will forgive and accept you back into my life.)

feeling regret and guilt for something bad that you have done кающийся, раскаивающийся, сокрушающийся

complacent (We can't afford to become too complacent about our work)

feeling so satisfied with your own abilities or situation that you do not feel that you need to try any harder самодовольный

capricious (Because of his capricious nature, Jeremy found it hard to keep a steady job.) (You need to settle down and stop being so capricious!) (Because fate is capricious, you never know what it will bring into your life.) (Even though the couple wanted to get married outside, they knew their ceremony depended on the capricious weather.)

fickle likely to suddenly change your ideas or behaviour капризный, непостоянный

figure out (Joe is so hostile all the time. I can't figure him out. I looked everywhere for my keys, but I couldn't figure out where I put them)

find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of when you figure out something, you think about and succeed in understanding it

garrulous (/ˈɡær·ə·ləs)

having the habit of talking a lot, esp. about unimportant things болтливый, говорливый, словоохотливый




frightened or worried, встревоженный

exuberant (He is an exuberant young man full of energy)

full of happiness, excitement, and energy жизнерадостный, энергичный

concise (syn: succinct)

giving a lot of information clearly in a few words (краткий)


having practical, modern ideas and ways of dealing with things просвещенный


horrified, shocked, потрясенный

to extort


artless (The Japanese produce bland, artless copies of European products, totally without character: they have never given us a car like a Citroen) ("Why did you take the money?" she asked the child. "Because I wanted it," came the artless reply.) (It was built in 1830 and, in its artless simplicity, it looks like the kind of house that children draw.)

guileless; natural, simple and not wanting to deceive простой, безхитростный

posthumous ( /ˈpɒstjəməs/)

happening after someone's death посмертный

to lit up

озарять, загораться


having long, thin lines, marks, or strips of colour бороздчатый, полосатый

be snowed under (I am snowed under at work)

having too much to do

upright (can you please sit upright?; He was an upright man)

honest and morally good честный

Meaningful (syn- significant, important, substantial) (This meeting is very meaningful for al of us) (He wanted to feel that his job was meaningful) (The trip turned out to be very meaningful for both of them) (Meaningful work is something we all want but what makes your work meaningful?)

important or valuable значимый

to stack


pristine (/ˈprɪstiːn/)

in very good condition, as if new идеальный, нетронутый


including many different styles and types эклектический

apathy (Since the football team has not won a game all year, there is a rising apathy among the cheerleaders.) (When people close their eyes to world affairs, apathy becomes dangerous because there is no one to speak out against injustice.)

indifference when someone is not interested in anything or willing to change things Безразличие, равнодушие, апатия


interested only in yourself эгоистичный

to endure

выносить, выдерживать (испытание)

beneficent (My beneficent neighbor gives out meals to the poor every Sunday.) ( He is a beneficent man who never refuses to help his friends with everything) (The beneficent king made sure no one in his kingdom went without food.) (A volunteer who gives money and helps in soup kitchens is an example of someone who is beneficent.)

kindly, doing good

Aboveboard (noun) (Everything was perfectly legal and aboveboard) (Their business was open and aboveboard) (These transactions are aboveboard)

legitimate, honest and open (честно, открыто)


making a ​positive and ​quick ​reaction to something or someone (отзывчивый, чуткий)

conducive (Such a noisy environment was not conducive to a good night's sleep.) (Our office created the environment which is conducive towards hard working and self-development)

making something possible or likely to happen способствующий



abstemious (/æbˈstiː.mi.əs/)

moderate in appetite (not doing things that give you pleasure, especially not eating good food or drinking alcohol)

dormant (/ˈdɔːmənt/) (a dormant volcano)

not active or developing now, but possibly active in the future недействующий

inhibited (I feel inhibited making a presentation in front of a lots of people; He was so shy and inhibited)

not confident enough to say or do what you want (скованный)

deficient (adj) (Vegetarians can become iron-deficient) (Deaf people are sometimes treated as being mentally deficient.) (Our knowledge of the matter is deficient.) (As many as 2 million students leave school with deficient basic skills.) (His theory is deficient in several respects.= means not good enough)

not enough, inadequate in amount or degree (недостаточный, дефицитный)

obscure (He was an obscure actor)

not known by many people малоизвестный difficult to understand невразумительный, непонятный

stationary cars

not moving cars неподвижные автомобили

subtle (a subtle difference in meaning between the words)

not obvious or easy to notice

secular (The process of booking a priest on Amazon can feel disconcertingly secular)

not religious or not controlled by a religious group светский, мирской


not thinking or worrying about other people or their feelings; selfish; невнимательный к другим

ascetic (Jacob chose to live an ascetic life because of his strict religious beliefs.) (Usually, ascetic shoppers only purchase items that are essential for everyday life.) (The smartest guy in my math class has ascetic habits and never does anything but study in his free time.)

one who practices self denial avoiding physical pleasures and living a simple life, often for religious reasons аскетический, воздержанный


only recently or partly formed, or not completely developed or clear только что начатый, начальный, зарождающийся несовершенный, неразвитый, зачаточный

eloquent (She made an eloquent ​appeal for ​action)

persuasive and moving, especially in speech (красноречивый)

lassitude (Shareholders are blaming the company's problems on the lassitude of the CEO)

physical or mental tiredness усталость, утомление; апатия

agreeable ( /əˈɡriːəbl/ formal) (an agreeable young man)

pleasant and nice приятный

cordial (Thank you for the cordial atmosphere)

polite and friendly радушный

bombastic (The angry student made bombastic threats about blowing up the school.) (Determined to gain his girlfriend's forgiveness, the teenager made a bombastic declaration in front of the entire school.) (Jane and I both agreed that the senator's bombastic speech wasn't going to prove conducive to any actual change.)

pompous, using inflated language

commensurate (/kəˈmen.sjər.ət/ ) (I would like a salary that is commensurate with skills and experience) (You will get a salary increase commensurate with your additional responsibilities and work.) (A punishment of 10 years in prison with hard labor for stealing a loaf of bread is not commensurate with the crime)

proportional in a correct and suitable amount compared to something else соразмерный

deft (deft/) ​

quick and showing great skill ловкий, проворный

give back ( Can I use your pen? I'll give it back after the test. Timmy, give that toy back to your sister right now!)

to return something to someone

boorish (Cindy was horrified at her boyfriend's boorish behavior when she introduced him to her parents.) (Many celebrities go to great lengths to avoid the paparazzi and their boorish invasion of privacy.) (Gideon's boorish behavior in front of the judge earned him a night in jail for contempt of court.)

rude, insensitive a person who is rude and does not consider other people's feelings


Человек, возвратившийся после долгого отсутствия

succinct (/səkˈsɪŋkt/) (Keep ​your ​letter succinct and to the ​point)

said in a ​clear and ​short way; ​expressing what ​needs to be said without ​unnecessary words (краткий, лаконичный)

Every cloud has a silver line

said to emphasize that every difficult or unpleasant situation has an advantage

Better luck next time

said to tell someone that they will succeed when they try again

What's the catch? (Dan is going to sell me his car for just $500." "Hmmm...what's the catch?")

say this when something sounds too good to be true. It means you suspect there's a hidden problem, which might make the situation not as good as it appears to be) в чем подвох?

ubiquitous ( /juːˈbɪkwɪtəs/) (the ubiquitous security cameras)

seeming to be in all places вездесущий, повсеместный

autonomous (/ɔːˈtɒnəməs/) (This city became autonomous in 1935) (A year after her college graduation, the young woman was entirely autonomous.) (He always wanted to live an autonomous life and that's why he moved out of his parents house in his 16)

self-governing, independent независимый, автономный

compassionate (She is very compassionate to animals)

showing compassion сострадательный, сочувствующий


shows no emotion. безразличный, невозмутимый


без конца повторяющийся, скучный

wistful (a wistful look/smile) (wistfully)

slightly sad because you are thinking about something you cannot have задумчивый, мечтательный


someone who is good at persuading people to do what he or she wants


someone who obeys a particular set of rules, principles, etc приверженец


someone who supports a particular idea or plan of action сторонник, защитник


someone who thinks and behaves in an unusual way человек, не похожий на других, белая ворона


someone whose job is to look after children while their parents are working няня

catalyst (Recent riots and suicides have acted as a catalyst for change in the prison system.) (Jake's termination from his job was the catalyst for his uncontrollable anger.) (In his latest campaign speech, the politician promised to be a catalyst for change.) (The lack of productivity is often a catalyst for invention.)

something causing change катализатор

anachronism (The book is full of anachronisms) (The system of ruling in this country is anachronism)

something out of proper time Анархонизм, нарушение хронологической точности

incentive (The government should provide incentives for young people to stay in school) (People had little incentive to work harder) (As an added incentive, there's a bottle of champagne for the best team) (Awards provide an incentive for young people to improve their skills)

something that encourages you to act in a particular way стимул

Ploy (noun) (He only said he had a meeting as a PLOY to get her to leave) (His usual PLOY is to pretend he is ill) (It was all a PLOY to distract attention from his real aims) ( It is a good PLOY to make your child go to bed)

something that is done or said in order to get an advantage, often dishonestly (уловка)

caveat (/ˈkæviæt/ ) ​

something you say which warns that there is a limit on a general announcement made earlier клаузула, оговорка


странный, чудной

abrasive (She was a tough girl with rather an abrasive manner) (My boss is a very abrasive person)

speaking or behaving in a rude and unpleasant way

to spill the beans (My friend promised me not to spill the beans about my plans to get married)

Выдать секрет, проболтаться


strong enough to get better quickly after damage, illness, shock, etc способный быстро восстанавливаться

implicit (We interpreted his silence as implicit agreement.)

suggested but not stated directly подразумеваемый, не выраженный прямо complete безоговорочный


the condition of having very little or not enough of something малочисленность, малое количество, недостаточность, нехватка

consumption (China's total energy consumption) (The consumption of energy is growing every year) (Vigorous exercise increases oxygen consumption) (The consumption of alcohol on the premises is forbidden.)

the amount of something that someone uses, eats, or drinks потребление

seduction (​ /səˈdʌk.ʃən/) ​

the attractive quality of something

proprietor ​

the owner of a business such as a hotel, shop, newspaper, etc владелец

prospect (Is there any prospect of the weather improving?)

the possibility that something good might happen in the future шанс, надежда


the regular rise and fall in the level of the sea прилив и отлив

penury (/ˈpen.jə.ri/)

the state of being extremely poor бедность, нищета, нужда

Ambivalence (/æmˈbɪvələnt/) (We are both somewhat ambivalent about having a child) (He was ambivalent about moving to London)

the state of having conflicting emotional attitudes not sure whether you want or like something or not Двойственность; раздвоение чувств


the system of railways under the ground in London метро (в Лондоне)

posture (She has very good posture.)

the way one holds one's body; a pose or position осанка

go for it ("I'm ​thinking of ​applying for that ​job." "Go for it!")

to do anything you have to in ​order to get something to take the opportunity of doing something

coagulate (/kəʊˈæɡ.jə.leɪt/ ) (The sauce coagulated as it cooled down.) (The venom of this snake coagulates the blood.) (The killer did not realize the blood would coagulate on the floor and form a huge blob.) (Over time the milk will coagulate and become a bottle of disgusting clots.) (I knew the blood had started to coagulate when it stopped oozing from the wound.)

thicken, congeal to change from liquid to a more solid state, or to cause something to do this свертывать, сгущать


thinking too much about details and rules педантичный

go along with something (She'll never go along with this idea) (yes, I'll go along with that)

to accept to support an idea, or to agree with someone's opinion

to condone (His comments appeared to condone drug abuse.) (We don't condone discrimination in any shape or form)

to accept or allow behaviour that is wrong потворствовать

to concede (Even the company chairman concedes that the results are disappointing.)

to admit that something is true, even though you do not want to признавать

aver (/əˈvɝː/) (The lawyer averred her client's innocence) (She averred that he was guilty) (I aver that I wasn't at this bar last night) (The political candidate's ads aver he is the best choice for governor.) (Even though the country is in an economic crisis, its leader will aver the nation is doing well during his monthly address.)

to affirm, declare to be true to say that something is certainly true

to emerge ​

to appear from somewhere or come out of somewhere появляться, возникать

turn up (Fred turned up late again) (The trouble with Frank is that he usually turns up about an hour late for meetings)

to arrrive

blindsided (adj) (I was blindsided by his suggestion) (Their car was blindsided by a bus at the intersection)

to attack where a person is vulnerable (изподтяшка)

to fathom (No one could fathom why she had left so early.) (Your future is more noble than I ever fathomed)

to be able to understand something after thinking about it a lot понимать, постигать

to fret

to be nervous or worried

I am not in the position

to be not able to do something because of your situation

take after somebody (Peter's very tall - he takes after his father)

to be similar to an older member of your family пойти в кого-либо

to recede ('his footsteps receded down the corridor) (Much of the water has receded, but the damage is already done)

to become further and further away отступать, удаляться If a memory or feeling recedes, it becomes less clear or strong. отступать в прошлое, забываться If a man's hair recedes, it stops growing at the front of his head. редеть (о волосах)

to contravene

to do something that is forbidden by a law or rule нарушать

Amalgamate (formal) (The Wimm Bill Dann company amalgamated with PepsiCo Company two years ago in order to stabilize their business) (The editors will amalgamate all the information into one article.) (Could you please amalgamate all the data given in the attached document in one report?)

to combine into a inified whole if two organizations amalgamate, or if one amalgamates with another, they join and make one big organization Объединять, объединяться

to proceed

to continue as planned

adulterate (/əˈdʌl.tə.reɪt/) (There were complaints that the beer had been adulterated with water) (Can you please adulterate this orange juice with water?)

to corrupt or make impure

abate (1. The storm/wind/rain has started to abate. 2. The fighting in the area shows no sign of abating. 3. The government should come up with a program to abate air pollution 4. We were waiting for the rain to abate)

to decrease, reduce, become less stronger

hold up (There were several hold-ups on the motorway) (My train was held up for several hours)

to delay something that slows you down or makes you late

to beat about the bush (He never gives you a straight answer. He's always beating about the bush)

to delay talking about something when somebody is avoiding talking about a difficult or unpleasant topic

abscond (/æbˈskɒnd/) (Two prisoners absconded last night. She absconded from boarding school with her boyfriend)

to depart secretly and hide

to delineate (Jamie asked her teacher to delineate the project description once more.) (The main characters are clearly delineated in the first chapter.) (The boundary of the car park is delineated by a low brick wall.)

to describe something completely, including details:

to obliterate (The town was obliterated by bombs.)

to destroy something completely уничтожать, разрушать

to leverage (How to leverage existing contacts without appearing sleazy and manipulative)

to develop and use fully

go in (входить I looked through the window, but I didn't actually go in)

to enter a place

check out (I'd like to check out this complaint we received from a client. It seems quite serious) (We'll need to check out his story)

to examine something or get more information about it in order to be certain that it is true, safe, or suitable

go off (The bomb went off in a main street near the centre, but luckily it was at a quiet time of the day)

to explode If a bomb or gun goes off, it explodes or fires

to burgeon (/ˈbɜː.dʒən/) (Love burgeoned between them.) (The best business decisions will allow a company to burgeon and increase profits.) (As car prices go down, car dealers are expecting sales to burgeon.) (When the new factory is built, job opportunities are expected to burgeon in our community.) (The actor hopes the use of social media will burgeon his popularity.) (Because Janice is pregnant with triplets, everyone is expecting her stomach to burgeon quickly.)

to florish to develop or grow quickly

to hustle (On weekends they hustle tourists on the waterfront)

to forcefully encourage someone to buy something, or to cheat someone

to swear

to insult

to bolster (Strong sales are bolstering the economy.) (John's recent lottery win is sure to bolster his appeal to women.) (If I want to feel better about myself, I need to bolster my self-esteem.) (In order to bolster its profits, the computer company is cutting its workforce.) (Did you fake an illness to bolster sympathy from your ex-boyfriend?) (Raising your voice is not a good way to bolster your position during an argument.) (The defense attorney hoped to bolster his case by providing his client with a solid alibi.)

to give a boost to, to prop up, to support укреплять

be riveted (Her eyes were riveted on/to his face.)

to give something all of your attention because it is so interesting or important быть прикованным к чему-либо

to put you in the picture ( Some important decisions were taken at yesterday's meeting. Let me put you in the picture)

to give the latest information, to update you

to come along (I'd like you to come along as my guest) (We're going to the cinema. Do you want to come along?)

to go somewhere with someone идти вместе

to hear it on the grapevine ( I heard it on the grapevine that he's been fired. Is it true?)

to hear about something passed from one person to another (rumors, gossip)

Ameliorate (/əˈmiːliəreɪt/) (Modern technology has helped to ameliorate our life length) (It is not clear what can be done to ameliorate the situation.)

to improve to make a problem or bad situation better Улучшать, улучшаться

apprise (/əˈprɑɪz/) (to apprise sb of sth) (The parents were apprised of their son's injuries.) (The district chairman was fully apprised of all the details.)

to inform

to intimidate

to intentionally frighten someone, especially so that they will do what you want запугивать

to flee-fled-fled (Police think the suspect has now fled the country.)

to leave a place quickly because you are in danger or are afraid спасаться бегством

penchant (/ˈpentʃənt/)

to like something very much иметь слабость к чему-либо

to restrain emotions (to restrain somebody from doing something) (I have to restrain her from leaving her job) (He should be physically restrained from children)

to limit something сдерживать эмоции

to shed

to lose a covering, such as leaves, hair or skin, because it falls off naturally, or to drop something in a natural way or by accident

distill (distilled water)

to make a liquid stronger or more pure by heating it until it changes into a gas and then changing it into a liquid again дистиллировать, фильтровать, очищать

to blare (There was music blaring from his room.) (Did you hear this blaring siren?)

to make a very loud noise греметь

impede (A broken-down car is impeding the flow of traffic)

to make it difficult or impossible for someone or something to move or make progress затруднять, мешать

assuage (/əˈsweɪdʒ/ ) (The government tried to assuage the public's fears.) (Warm soup does very little to assuage my sore throat.) (Having friends by my side will assuage the worries of becoming a parent.) ( While smoking may assuage stress, it will upset your overall health.) (Aspirin will assuage your headache.) (You could assuage the crowd by being less tense and more humorous with your character.)

to make less severe to make unpleasant feelings less strong успокаивать

engender (We want to engender loyalty to our products)

to make people have a particular feeling or make a situation start to exist вызывать, пробуждать (чувство)


to make someone less angry or upset, or to make something less severe or more gentle ослаблять, смягчать, успокаивать

to contaminate (All factories contaminate water and soil) (radioactive contamination)

to make something dirty or poisonous загрязнять

facilitate (I will do everything in my power to facilitate the process.) (The translator will facilitate the conversation between the immigrant and the attorney. According to the contract, a mediator will facilitate the settling of our dispute. The hotel concierge will facilitate car service for guests who do not have their own transportation. As a real estate agent, my mother often helps facilitate deals between property sellers and buyers. The new software application will facilitate collaborative efforts between writers in different countries by allowing them to simultaneously type on one document. If you choose the gold package, a tour guide will personally facilitate your trip by travelling with you during your mountain hike. Keith is going to hire a packing company to facilitate his family's move so his pregnant wife will not have to exert herself. Hopefully offering a reward will facilitate citizen involvement in the capture of the child abductor. The questions on the paper should facilitate a discussion between you and your group members. With the extra funding, the school is going to install elevators to facilitate mobility for disabled students.)

to make something possible or easier облегчать, способствовать

to exacerbate (/ɪɡˈzæs·ərˌbeɪt/) (Her allergy was exacerbated by the dust)

to make something that is already bad worse Syn: to worsen, to aggravate

exacerbate (Sunny weather exacerbates the effects of pollution.)

to make something worse усиливать, усугублять

to unveil (verb) (Apple plans to unveil a new iPad early this month.) (Companies from across Europe are here to unveil their latest models.)

to make visible представить,открывать, предстать в истинном свете

to belie (His shy manner belied his very sharp mind) (Jason tried to belie the fact he was a lousy worker by showing up early at the office.) (Janice hoped her smile would belie the sadness she felt.) (In order to belie the truth about his illness, Jack always pretends to be healthy and happy at work.)

to misrepresent, to give a false impression to give a wrong idea about something давать неверное представление

to talk at cross purposes ( I think we are talking at cross purposes. I mean next month, not this month) (Talking at cross purposes can be frustrating)

to misunderstand to talk about different things

to get the wrong end of the stick (Everyone arrived for the meeting at different times. We must have got the wrong end of the stick) (I'm so sorry. I must have got the wrong end of the stick. I'll be right there) (This isn't it, you've got the wrong end of the stick)

to misunderstand what someone has said or to misunderstand a situation

to traverse (/trəˈvɜːs/)

to move across something пересекать

to flock (Tourists are flocking to the beaches.) (Chinese tourists are flocking to Britain in greater numbers to buy luxury goods in the aftermath of the "Brexit" vote and with the British pound slumping)

to move or come together in large numbers стекаться, валить толпами

oscillate (oscillation- колебание, движение взад и вперед)

to move repeatedly between two positions or opinions двигаться взад и вперед, колебаться

to backon

to move your hand, head, etc to show someone that you would like them to come nearer подзывать

substantiate (/səbˈstænʃieɪt/ ) (His claims have never been substantiated)

to provide facts which prove that something is true подкреплять доказательствами

to prod (she took up a fork and prodded at the food)

to push someone or something with your finger or with a pointed object тыкать ​ to encourage someone to do something побуждать

to skim ​ (She began skimming through the reports on her desk.)

to read or look at something quickly without looking at the details бегло просматривать

get over something (It took her months to get over the shock of Richard leaving)

to recover from something to begin to feel better after being unhappy or ill


to reduce the harmful effects of something смягчать, уменьшать

to rebuff

to refuse someone's suggestion or offer, especially in an unfriendly way давать отпор, резко отклонять

gainsay (verb)

to refuse to accept something as the truth отрицать возражать, противоречить

to buttress (To buttress his lecture, Dr. Wren prepared a PowerPoint presentation of fifty slides.) (If you don't use quality materials to buttress the balcony, someone could get seriously hurt when it falls down.) (After the third earthquake, it was impossible to buttress the wall adequately, so we ended up tearing it down.)

to reinforce, to support поддерживать

chill out (Just chill out and give yourself a break) (Chill out, Dad - if we miss this train there's always another one)

to relax

alleviate (/əˈliː.vi.eɪt/) (The drugs did nothing to alleviate her pain/suffering) (The government should spend more money every year in order to alleviate the effects of soil contamination) (A good book and a cup of hot coffee can alleviate the feeling of depression)

to relieve, improve partially, to make something bad such as pain or problems less severe облягчать, смягчать

obviate (A peaceful solution would obviate the need to send a UN military force)

to remove a difficulty, especially so that action to deal with it becomes unnecessary избегать; устранять; избавляться

to depict (The cartoon depicts the president as a vampire.)

to represent someone or something in a picture or story изображать

He is a laughing stock

Он объект для насмешек (шут гороховый)

to liaise (/liˈeɪz/) (Our head office will liaise with the suppliers to ensure delivery.)

to speak to other people at work in order to exchange information with them поддерживать или устанавливать связь

to embark on (to embark upon)

to start something new or important

to digress

to start talking about something that is not related to what you were talking about before (отклоняться от темы)

to accelerate

to start to happen more quickly, or to make something start to happen more quickly ускорять

get away with something (He shouldn't treat you like that. Don't let him get away with it) (She can get away with almost anything)

to succeed in doing something bad or wrong without being punished or criticized

go ballistic

to suddenly become very angry выходить из себя

codify (What type of system is used to codify the movies so they can be easily located in the school library?) (The author tries to codify important ideas about language.) (The codification of the laws began in the 1840s.)

to systematize to arrange something, such as laws or rules, into a system

supersede (/ˌsuːpəˈsiːd/)

to take the place of someone or something that went before вытеснять, заменять

deride (/dɪˈraɪd/ formal) (Her novel, once derided by critics, is now a classic.) (When I am a parent, I will not deride my children and make them feel worthless.) (If the police do not intervene, the fans of the winning team will deride the losing players as they leave the arena.) (My sister's ex-husband liked to deride her whenever they had friends over to visit.) (Because the book was written so poorly, the critic had no choice but to deride the book's author in the review.) (Jason's spoiled daughter thinks it is okay to deride homeless people.) (If you want to teach your children a good lesson, teach them it is not kind to deride others for sport.)

to talk about someone or something as if they are ridiculous and do not deserve any respect высмеивать

He's done only that much

Он сделал только это

to tip sb off phrasal verb

to warn someone secretly about something that will happen, so that they can take action or prevent it from happening

attenuate (/əˈten.ju.eɪt/) (Radiation from the sun is attenuated by the earth's atmosphere.) (Doctors claim taking the flu vaccine will attenuate the effects of the illness.) (How can I attenuate my headache?) (Because the sunlight wakes me up every morning, I am going to hang dark curtains to attenuate the sun's rays.) (Leaders from countries all over the world meet at the United Nations to attenuate hostility between nations.)

to weaken to make something smaller, thinner, or weaker ослаблять, истощать

to engage with somebody (-She's an ​intelligent ​child but in ​class she doesn't really engage. -Just ​stay out of his way as much as ​possible, and don't engage with him)

to ​become ​involved, or have ​contact, with someone or something взаимодействовать с коллегами

to procrastinate (/prəˈkræs.tɪ.neɪt/ ) (I ​know I've got to ​deal with the ​problem at some ​point - I'm just procrastinating)

to ​keep ​delaying something that must be done, often because it is ​unpleasant or ​boring


too eager to tell people what to do and having too high an opinion of your own importance назойливый; навязчивый; вмешивающийся не в свои дела

rambling (rambling speech) (His speech was so rambling that I couldn't make a head or tail of it; It was a long rambling story; My head is filled with rambling thoughts)

too ​long and ​confused (бессвязный)

chicanery (/ʃɪˈkeɪ.nər.i/ ) (You can smell the chicanery from a dishonest politician.) (Instead of dealing with my lawyer's chicanery, I will hire another.) (People don't trust you because of your chicanery.) (The investigation revealed political chicanery and corruption at the highest levels.)

trickery, fraud clever, dishonest talk or behavior that is used to deceive people:

repressed (I feel repressed about telling my friend that I love him)

unable to show your true feelings and emotions скованный, подавленный A repressed feeling or emotion is one that you do not show. сдерживаемый

austere (/ɒsˈtɪər/) (She was an austere woman) (Without any decorations, the Christmas tree looked austere.) (A monk chooses to live an austere life because of his religious beliefs.) (When he thought no one was watching, the austere palace guard would smile at the small children.)

unadorned plain, simple, and without unnecessary decorations or luxuries strict or severe простой, суровый

sleazy (He spent the night drinking in a sleazy bar)

unpleasant and morally wrong, often in a way that relates to sex


upset or worried

She is a barrel of laughs

Она очень веселая (шутник)


what must happen before something else can happen предварительное условие

perception (The public perception of him as a hero is surprising.)

what you think or believe about someone or something восприятие, представление


when an emotion is expressed a lot in public излияние (чувств)


when people react against an idea which was previously popular обратная реакция

valour (You showed uncommon courage and valor)

when someone is very brave, especially during a war отвага, доблесть


when someone or something is sent to a different place or person for information or help направление (за помощью, справкой и т. д.

to compromise (We need to reach a compromise over this issue) (Decorating is usually a compromise between taste and cost) (Would that be an acceptable compromise for you?)

when you agree to something which is not exactly what you want

prowess (Your listening prowess can occasionally get you to conversational places that you would rather get out of. )

when you are good at doing something мастерство, умение

Take your pick ( I have red, green and black tea. Please take your pick)

when you are offering various items for the other person to make a choice выбирайте


when you say very strongly that you think something is wrong or very bad осуждение


when you think or worry about something so much that you do not think about other things озабоченность, поглощенность

complaisant (Marsha's complaisant character made her the perfect servant.) (Because John is too complaisant in his willingness to please others, people often take advantage of him.) (After my husband cheated on me, I did not feel the urge to be complaisant in divorce court.) (Hector was a poor manager because he was too complaisant and found it difficult to give orders.) (The complaisant little boy gave away all his cookies to his friends.)

willingness to please others by being polite and fitting in with their plans обходительность , услужливость , покладистость

desultory (/ˈdes.əl.tər.i/ ) (She made a desultory attempt at conversation.) (He wandered around, cleaning up in a desultory way.) (Because he was not happy with his pay increase, James made only a desultory effort to complete his duties at work.) (The committee meetings are desultory in practice because they generally have no real purpose other than as a social gathering.) (Because Janice was not a football fan, she showed only a desultory interest in the game.) (Since my grandmother suffers from a brain disorder, she often speaks in a desultory tone which comes across as unorganized.)

without a clear plan or purpose and showing little effort or interest not having a plan or purpose несвязный, отрывочный; бессвязный, несистематический; бесцельный


without speech; lack of words; quiet, лишившийся дара речи

I am tasked with

В мои обязанности входит


Взаимозаменяемый, равнозначный

to fall for sb (She is starting to fall for him)


to refrain (It is hard for me to refrain from bying a new dress at the salary day)


to revolt

Восставать, бунтовать

holistic ( holistic knowledge) (To protect the Earth from pollution, we should create a holistic plan that acknowledges all of the environmental threats to the planet.) (The comprehensive high school provides students with a holistic education that allows them to become well-rounded adults.) (According to the holistic view of good health, a body will not heal if the mind is injured.)


to go out with sb ( I am going out with Tom)

Встречаться с кем-либо

to clatter

Греметь, грохотать

Census data

Данные переписи

Things went awry

Дела пошли вкривь и вкось

to stick together (In order to win in this battle, we need to stick together)

Держаться вместе

loudspeakers (Today I am connecting through my laptop's loudspeakers because I forgot my headphones at home)

Динамики, колонки

colander (/ˈkɒləndər/ ) ( Use a colander to strain the vegetables.) (Strain the liquid through a colander ) (Place the rice in a colander and rinse well under the cold tap until the residue salt has been washed away.)





Заметный, видный

to stagnate



Звук, короткая песня


Земляк, соотечественник


Искренний, сердечный, откровенный, глубоко прочувствованный


Исход Массовый уход

The company is on the brick of financial collapse

Компания находится на грани финансового краха

hemorrhage (noun) (Twelve hours later she suffered a massive brain hemorrhage.) (Elya would die of a hemorrhage.) (He sank into a coma after suffering a brain hemorrhage.)

Кровоизлияние, кровотечение

traffic offense

Нарушение правил дорожного движения

hereditary ( /hɪˈredɪtəri/) (He has a hereditary illnesss)

Наследственный, потомственный (passed to a child from its parents before birth)

incredulous (He looked incredulous when I told him the results.) (The lottery winner was incredulous and could not believe his good fortune.) (Because Leslie is such a tiny woman, people find it incredulous she is a police officer.) (I could tell by my husband's incredulous smile he had serious doubts about my excuse for coming home late.)

Недоверчивый not able to believe something




Незначительно Slightly

infallible (They're experts, but they're not infallible.)

Непогрешимый, безошибочный always right, true, or correct

His bark is worse than his bite

Он больше лает, чем кусает

He is the embodiment of angel

Он воплощение ангела


Правонарушитель, преступник



to impede



Просвечивающий, полупрозрачный

It is a pleasure to meet you digitally

Рад познакомиться с вами оффлайн

to debunk ( I came here to debunk your claim about election fraud)

Разоблачать обман, развеивать

to erode (The coastline is slowly being eroded by the sea.) ( this humiliation has eroded his belief in love)

Разрушать; размывать

to slump sales

Резкое падение продаж

to converge

Сводить воедино, сближаться, сходиться в одной точке

High winds hindered firefighters in their efforts to put out the blaze

Сильные ветра мешали пожарным потушить пламя



Larval stage

Стадия личинки


Счастливого пути

I have a hunch that she will not come

У меня есть подозрение, что она не придёт.

to contrive


It frightened the life out of me (She frightened the life out of me, shouting like that) (The story nearly frightened the life out of me) (The noise I've heard in the kitchen frigtened the life out of me)

Это напугало меня до смерти to make someone feel very frightened

to litter

а) разбрасывать в беспорядке (вещи и т. п.; тж. litter up, litter about, litteraround)


абсурдный, нелепый, несообразный

airplane mode (Put your phone in the bottom of your bag or in airplane mode to be used only in an emergency. )

автономный режим


агрессивный, воинственный


адвокатская контора; юридическая консультация



up to date

актуальны на дату







glove compartment (syn- glove box)

бардачок, ящик для мелких вещей


барсук, 1) изводить, травить; 2) выклянчивать

vigilant (Police have asked people to be vigilant after yesterday's bomb attack) (syn- alert, attentive)

бдительный, неусыпный, зоркий, недремлющий (watching carefully and always ready to notice anything dangerous or illegal)


беглец, беглый

to flip through

бегло просмотреть, пролистать



to abscond

бежать (от суда, следствия и т. п.); скрываться (обыкн. с чужими деньгами)

to scamper

бежать быстро семеня ногами

to loaf

бездельничать, слоняться (syn- to loiter about)


бездомный, сбиться с пути, заблудиться

immaculate (syn-impeccable, faltless)


to beware of

беречься, остепегаться, опасаться

perpetuity (/ˌpɜr·pɪˈtu·ɪ·t̬i/ ) (The land will be passed on from generation to generation in perpetuity) (syn- infinity, eternity)

бесконечность, вечность



barren (syn- fruitless, infertile) (The barren land could produce little food.) (She became very depressed during the barren years when she was unable to paint.) (He prayed that his barren wife would one day have a child.)

бесплодный, неплодородный

to fret about (syn- to fret over)

беспокоиться, волноваться из-за ч.-л.


бесполезный, бесплодный (о времени, человеке, планах, земле)

to glisten



бремя, ноша

to dump sb (She dumped him two weeks ago)

бросить кого-либо

to forsake

бросить, отказаться, отвергнуть

to fling


to fling-flung-flung


has been rescinded

было отменено

to be on the lookout

быть на чеку

to be down in the dumps (He was down in the dumps) (Things hadn't been going so well for her at work and she was feeling a bit down in the dumps) (I've been feeling very down in the dumps because my best friend is moving to Barcelona)

быть несчастливым, унылым It is a common idiom used to describe a negative emotion. We use this idiom when we are feeling a little depressed, gloomy or sad.

to be bold as a brass ( She marched into the store, as bold as brass, and demanded her money back) (No one had invited her to the wedding, but she showed up at the church, bold as brass)

быть очень уверенным в себе

to be (like) putty in (someone's) hands

быть податливым, уступчивым

to be prone

быть подверженным

to be at stake

быть поставленным на карту, быть в опасности

to be privileged (I am happy to be privileged to share a table with the president)

быть привелигированным

be glued to sth ( syn.- to be hooked to sth) (He is glued to his smartphone)

быть прикованным к ч-л

to be shocked and stunned (I was shocked and stunned when I saw my ex-girlfriend at the party)

быть шокированным и ошарашенным


в высшей степени, в высшей мере

over the weekends (I will do a report over the weekends)

в выходные дни, на выходных

on the off chance Examples: -I went to the station on the off-chance that she'd be there. -I went to the theater on the off chance that there were tickets for the show left. -We didn't think we would get into the football game, but we went on the off chance.

в надежде, на всякий случай hoping that something may be possible, although it is not likely

In the midst

в разгар

to perfection

в совершенстве

by a matter of months

в считанные месяцы

at one's disposal

в чьем-л. распоряжении

cotton wool


to confide to

вверять, поручать

to fill smb in

вводить кого-то в курс дела





to twirl

вертеть (-ся), вращать (-ся), кружить (-ся)


верхом на чем-л.



to lead a healthy lifestyle

вести здоровый образ жизни

to fluff a pillow

взбивать подушку

to key up (2)




to peek at


intruder (Syn: hacker, invader, conquerer)


to hit the roof (syn- hit the ceiling) (The third time we were late for class, our teacher hit the roof) (If I'm late again he'll hit the roof) (She asked where they met and when he told her the bar of his club, she hit the roof)

взорваться от злости get very angry and fly into a rage





to screech (syn- to squeal)

визг, скрип (издаваемый неодуш.предметами)


виток, кольцо



to meddle (syn- to intrude, interfere)


to chip in

вмешиваться; принимать участие (в разговоре, складчине и т. п.)

beside oneself

вне себя (от горя, волнения и т. п.)




внешний, неглубокий, поверхностный

to peruse

внимательно изучить

in one's youth

во времена чьей-л. Молодости





to deploy

воен. развертывать, разворачивать, дислоцировать (войска)

to key up (1)



возмущение, гнев, негодование

outrage (syn- indignation, anger) (The scandal caused public outrage.) ( The guests all shouted in outrage.)

возмущение, гнев, негодование

to spring up

возникать, появляться

to stem

возникать, появляться из (syn- to arise from)

be concerned (I'm a bit concerned about/for your health. Aren't you concerned (that) she might tell someone? He was concerned to hear that two of his trusted workers were leaving. Concerned parents have complained about the dangerous playground.)


to fret

волноваться, переживать

blatant lie

вопиющая ложь

to absorb (syn- to take in, soak up)


to cram into

впихивать, втискивать

on second thoughts Examples: -'ll have tea, please - on second thoughts, make that coffee -On second thought, maybe you should sell your house and move into an apartment. -On second thought, let's not go to a movie.

впрочем, хотя used when you want to change a decision you have made


врасплох, неожиданно

to suspend (2)

временно отстранять

provisional government

временное правительство


всесторонний, полный, всеобъемлющий; исчерпывающий; обширный

in the wake

вследствие чего-то



to insert

вставлять, помещать (во что-л.; между чем-л.)

to see each other ( I don't think we should see each other anymore)


to chime in (syn- to conspire)

вступать в общий разговор

to edge in

втискиваться, пролезать, влезать



to file in

входить шеренгой


выговор (syn- reproach)

to allot


to single out


to exude

выделяться из чего-либо (о веществе)

to induce formal

вызывать (to cause a particular condition)

to induce

вызывать, to cause something to happen



to fly out of (The tourists flew out to any destination that was available) (My plane will fly out of Atlanta tomorrow at four in the morning) (Do you fly out of Domodedovo airport?)

вылетать из



to bail out

выручить из беды, спасти

to evict (syn- to expel) ( Police had to evict demonstrators from the building.) (The landlord can evict a tenant who doesn't pay the rent.) (They were evicted after complaints from their neighbours.)

выселять ( to force (someone) to leave a place)

to track down


to poke out

высовывать, высовываться


высокомерный, заносчивый

to lay out

выставлять на показ

to flaunt

выставлять себя напоказ, рисоваться; щеголять



to deprecate

выступать против

to jut out

выступать, торчать, выпирать

to compel from


bolt upright

вытянувшись в струнку


вялый, пассивный

to wilt

вянуть, вялость, слабость

to splutter

говорить быстро и бессвязно, лопотать

formative years

годы взросления

tadpole (A tadpole is the larval stage of a toad)



голый, босой



head held high ( I do my job with my head held high)

гордо поднятая голова




грандиозный; впечатляющий


гремучая змея


грудная клетка




губка, мыть губкой

to vent

давать выход; изливать (напр., чувство; on, upon - на кого-л.)


дверной косяк



to be in force (Is our agreement still in force?) (This contract is still in force and you should follow the rules) (No-smoking rules are now in force at our office) (The new law came into force in April)

действовать, быть в силе

to squirm

дергаться, поеживаться (to twist your body because you are embarrassed, nervous, etc)

to hold a grudge

держать обиду

to elaborate

детально разрабатывать

hatchling (The mom took the hatchling to a river and urged them to swim.)

детеныш, птенец (a young bird or animal that has recently come out of its egg)

to coax

добиваться чего-л. с помощью уговоров

to confide in


gullible ['gʌlɪbl], credulous

доверчивый, легковерный

content with food

довольный питанием

to pester

докучать, донимать

to waft

доносить(ся) (о звуках, запахах)

to piss off

доставать (надоедать)

to dote on smb

души не чаять





to strike up an acquaintance

завязать знакомство




загадка, решето

to atone

заглаживать, искупать




загривок; затылок, задняя часть шеи



thoughtful (syn- pensive)




to chat someone up

заигрывать с кем-либо


заколдованный, очарованный

barrette (/bəˈret/ )


legislative requirements (According to Russian legislative requirement, we have to do a wage indexation on a year basis)

законодательные требования


закуска; то, что возбуждает интерес


заманивание, приманка

to entice

заманивать, соблазнять

to entice (Supermarkets use all sorts of tricks to entice you to buy things) (The club has come up with an attractive membership pack to entice new members.)

заманивать, соблазнять


замедленный, умственной отсталый

to torment

замучать, мучать

to take up a post (He took up a post of General Director)

занять должность


запоздалый, поздний

to pervade

заполнять, наполнять (что-л.)

to prohibit





заросли, чаща

to enlist

заручиться поддержкой








затруднительное положение

to hamper (syn- to make difficult)


to stick up for

защищать, поддерживать


заядлый курильщик

to tinkle

звенеть, звонить (о колокольчике)

potion (Three drops of herbal potion placed on my tongue by my maternal grandmother saved my life.) (So it's a magic potion?) ( I will make you a potion that will turn you into a human for three days.)

зелье, снадобье


землячка, соотечественница




злокачественный (об опухоли)

to gloat


to overindulge (It's not good for children to be overindulged) (It's hard not to overindulge during the holidays.)

злоупотреблять, баловать себя (to allow yourself or someone else to have too much of something enjoyable, especially food or drink)


знак, символ, символический


знания, передаваемые из поколения в поколение




значительный, существенный

sweltering (sweltering summer)

знойный, душный



on principle Examples: She doesn't wear fur on principle.

из принципа; принципиально If you refuse to do something on principle, you refuse to do it because you think it is morally

to steer clear of


to capitalize on

извлекать выгоду из чего-либо




издержки, расходы, тратить

to modify a behavior (You won't be promoted unless you modify your behavior)

изменить поведение

to teem

изобиловать, кишеть


изобретательный, находчивый

to insulate from

изолировать; отделять от (кого-л.) , обособлять



to cringe (Jan cringed at the sight of her father dancing)

испытывать неловкость, сжаться (от страха)


исторический relating to events or people in the past, or the study of history

to deplete

истощать, исчерпывать, разорять

to exhaust one's possibilities

исчерпывать возможности

iodine (First use some iodine to disinfect the wound.) (The cut burns from the iodine.) (Apply some iodine before you bandage.)


footage (The media acquired some footage of the incident)

кадр, отснятый материал

in the (very )nick of time

как раз вовремя


капризный, вздорный

to clamber

карабкаться, взбираться

to pump

качать, перекачивать





to libel


to drive at

клонить к ч.-л., метить






койка (на пароходе и т. п.) ; спальное место (в ж.-д. вагоне, самолете)

to fluctuate

колебаться, меняться

to prod

колоть, тыкать; прокалывать, протыкать; пронзать

to crumple

комкать, мять





to terminate (1)

кончать(ся), завершать(ся) (чем-л. - in)


корень, рыться

to warp

коробиться; деформироваться (обычно о древесине)



loads of people (There are loads of people at this time)

куча людей


куча, груда




лак для волос







nudge (Hours later, I woke up to a gentle nudge and a whisper. "Are you awake? )

легкий толчок


легкий удар, стук, постукивание



giddy (syn- light-headed)





лезвие, травинка


лента, ленточка


лестничная клетка


лесть, подхалимство

to fly into (I flew into Deli)

лететь в

foliage ['fəʋlɪɪdʒ]

листва, лиственный орнамент


лихорадочный, полный активности

dissembler (syn- hypocrite)



лобовой, фронтальный


ловко, проворно, расторпно







to trundle

медленно катить(ся) вдоль/по/вверх и т. д.

to twinkle

мерцать, сверкать

to hinder (syn- to impede)

мешать, препятствовать


мешок, увольнять

pinkie (syn- little finger)




views contained (The views contained in your report were extreme and unfounded)

мнения, содержащиеся


много о себе возомнивший

variety of something

множество ч-л

tacit agreement

молчаливое согласие


мор, чума, напасть;


моющее средство



to rumple

мять; приводить в беспорядок

on the coast

на побережье

at your peril (You challenge that at your peril)

на свой страх и риск



to pluck up the courage (He finally plucked up courage to ask her to marry him) (I'd love to do a parachute jump, but I can't pluck up enough courage) (I want to ask him on a date, but I haven't been able to pluck up the courage) (Tina plucked up the courage to tell her parents that she was pregnant)

набраться смелости to force yourself to be brave enough to do something, although you are frightened or worried about it

to saturate

насыщать, переполнять ( with - чем-л.)




начинающийся, зарождающийся

Our sales began to drop off this month

наши продажи начали падать в этом месяце

hasn't given a dime

не дал ни копейки

to discord

не совпадать, расходиться (во взглядах, мнениях) ; противоречить (один другому)

not that much

не только это


небольшое помещение, кабина, отсек

negligent (adj) (She was negligent in her work) (The hospital was negligent in the way it looked after its patients)

небрежный, халатный, неосторожный

clueless (adj) (He is completely clueless about computers)

невежественный, несведующий (Syn- rude; ignorant)


невыполненный, несдержанный (об обещании)



junk food

нездоровая пища


нездоровый, болезненный

imminent (syn- inevitable) (Her death was imminent) (The system is in imminent danger of collapse.) (He smiled in anticipation of her imminent arrival.) (The black clouds show that a storm is imminent.)



неизвестность, неопределённость; беспокойство; тревога ожидания

throwaway (syn- disposable)


to endorse

одобрять, поддерживать



obnoxious (adj) (He is the most obnoxious man I know) (She has this really obnoxious look on her face) (He was loud and obnoxious)

неприятный, отвратительный (Syn- unpleasant; disgusting; nasty)


неравенство, несоответствие





discrepancy ( /dɪˈskrepənsi/) (Why we have this discrepancy in the calculation?)



нетронутый, неповрежденный

inexorably (inexorable- неудержимый) (These events led inexorably to war) (Mary did not want to watch the movie because she knew the plot contained an inexorable tragedy.)

неумолимо, непреклонно continuing without any possibility of being stopped

weak currency

неустойчивая (валюта с понижательной тенденцией движения курса)


оживлённый, живой

grudgingly (syn-unwillingly , reluctantly)

нехотя, неохотно


нечеткий, туманный




неясный, размытый

on a whim Examples: On a whim, we drove to the beach for the weekend.

ни с того ни с сего impulsively

fat chance ("The Red Socks are going to win the championship this year" "Fat chance! They'll never beat the Yankees")

ничтожный шанс when there is very little possibility of something happening- the possibility is so small that you think it won't happen

to sniff at



обаяние, очарование










обладать влиянием/властью

guile (syn: deceit, deception, cunning) (With a little guile she might get what she wanted.) (I love children's innocence and lack of guile.) (He is a simple, honest man, totally lacking in guile.)

обман; хитрость, коварство; вероломство, ложь (clever but sometimes dishonest behaviour that you use to deceive someone)



emboldened (syn- encouraged) (He was emboldened by the success of his speech)

ободренный, приободренный (to make someone brave or willing to take more risks; to make (someone) more confident)

to prosess

обрабатывтаь (информацию)

to draw attention

обращать внимание

to pay attention to sth

обращать внимание на что-либо

to regain (It was several hours before he regained consciousness) (The government has regained control of the city)

обретать снова, восстанавливать


обрыв, пропасть


обрывки (сведений, памяти и пр.)


общепринятый, традиционный, обычный



to rummage


to rifle

обыскивать с целью грабежа

compulsory (syn. Obligatory)


combustible products

огнеопасные продукты

to grieve

огорчать, глубоко печалиться

finite (syn- limited)







одичавший, высаживать, оставлять (на необитаемом острове, на пустынном побережье ), насыщенный красно-коричневый или коричнево-малиновый цвет

throwaway razor

одноразовая бритва




осада, осаждать

to impair






to bewitch

очаровывать, заколдовывать


острая боль



to deplore



отверженный, ненужный, брошенный

to fend away


to insulate oneself


to relinquish

отказываться от чего-либо, уступать (to allow something to be taken away from you)

to recline on a chair

откинуться на стуле

to swerve (from)

отклоняться, сворачивать

to revoke (syn- to recind, to cancel officially, to call off)

отменять, аннулировать

to bear with

относиться терпеливо к к.-л., ч.-л.


отныне, с этих пор

to tear away


respite (2)


repellent (syn- disgusting, appaling) (from "Outlander": Do you find my legs as repellent as the tailor does?) (His arrogance was utterly repellent to her.) (The sight of blood is repellent to some people.) (So what do you do if you wish people to work harder, faster, under conditions repellent to them?)



отталкивающий, омерзительный

to jostle from (to jostle away)

оттолкнуть, вытолкнуть


отчетливо произносить

to creep over

охватывать (кого-л.), овладевать (кем-л.)

overwhelmed (I overwhelmed by our results at school)


to mind-blow

ошеломлять, изумлять ("сносить крышу")

to bristle





панировочные сухари





to flip

переворачивать, перекидывать (резким движением)

to obstruct

перегородить, создать препятствие

respite (1) (['respɪt])


to flip a notebook

перелистнуть блокнот


перелом [мед.], разрыв, трещина

the variable


to adjourn to

переносить заседание в другое помещение или на другое время

to interlace

переплетать, сплетать ( with)

rugged terrain

пересеченная местность

to quest

поиск, искать

to outwit

перехитрить, провести




петух (adult male chicken)


печальный, жалобный, заунывный



nail file

пилочка для ногтей


плачевный, прискорбный



bad exchange

плохой обменный курс

in essence

по существу, в сущности

to reiterate (syn- to repeat, to repeat once again) (Let me reiterate the most important points.) (As for me, I should reiterate my view that the tests were legitimate but, in their timing, wrong.) (I must reiterate that our position on this issue is very clear.) (I must reiterate that we have no intention of signing this contract.)

повторять, повторить еще раз повторить,

to bump up


to extinguish

погасить, уничтожить; лишить (надежды и т.п.)

to rivet

поглощать (внимание) ; приковывать


поглощенный мыслями; озабоченный

under the guise of

под видом, под маской

subdued spirits

подавленное настроение



to forge

подделывать (документы), налаживать связи-отношения

to fake (syn- to falsify)

подделывать что-либо




показ, выставка



to attempt




to broach

поднимать, ставить на рассмотрение (вопрос)



to corroborate


to hitch up

подтянуть, подтягивать



to devour

пожирать,лопать, есть в жадностью



to acquaint with sth

познакомиться с

to disgrace

позорить, бесчестить




поочередно, чередуясь

to take the jump at (syn- to swallow the bait)

попасться на удочку, поддаться искушению

to astound

поражать, изумлять




порванный, оторванный

to engender

порождать, вызывать


посадка, высадка

to play a hunch

поступать, руководствуясь интуицией



to instill in smb (It is easy to instill the minds of young children with fixed ideas) (Instill the love of learning in each student.) (We must instill a sense of responsibility in our children) (A good teacher should have the ability to instill the desire to learn in the students.) (My parents instilled in me a love of reading.)

прививать, внушать, вселять

to get in order

приводить в порядок

to take to

привязываться к

to keep tabs on smb

приглядывать за к-л.

to uphold the view

придерживаться взгляда

to hold on to

придерживаться чего-либо



to snuggle (1)


to clutch to

прижимать (к себе), прижиматься (к к.-л.)

to concede (1)


to exhort


to reach a mutual understanding

прийти к взаимопониманию


прилежный, старательный


приманка, наживка

to invoke

применять (закон, правило и т. д.)

adjacent to smb./smth.

примыкающий, смежный

to ascribe (verb) (People like to ascribe human feelings to animals.) (We ascribe great importance to these policies.) (To what do you ascribe the enormous success of your latest book?)

приписывать, относить к чему-либо


пристально, внимательно, сосредоточенно


пристрастие (for - к чему-л.)

to confer a degree (An honorary degree was conferred on her by Harvard in 2003)

присуждать ученую степень

to be on hand (Twenty professional trainers are on hand to teach you any sport you wish)

присутствующий, находящийся рядом

intrinsic (Physical culture is an intrinsic part of the school's curriculum)

присущий, неотъемлемый

to feign

притворяться, симулировать

to dull





приходящий в ужас



to hobble





проблеск, беглый взгляд

to validate the quality

проверять качество


провисание, прогиб

to saunter

прогуливаться, прогулка



to transpire (Whether or not he understood what had transpired)

происходить, случаться


происхождение, источник, начало

damnation (syn- curse) (He believed that he would be condemned to eternal damnation for what he had done.) (They believe he will suffer damnation for his sins.) (I think strong drink is damnation.)

проклятие (the act of sending someone to hell or the state of being in hell)



to permeate

проникать, пропитывать


пропасть, бездна; морской залив; бухта

to rinse

прополоскать, ополаскивать

to seep

просачиваться, протекать


просвечивающийся (о ткани)

to solicit formal

просить, ходатайствовать, умолять (to ask someone for money, information, or help)



to impale

протыкать, пронизать (to push a sharp object through something or someone)

vocational training

профессиональное обучение


проход, коридор, пассаж





to sprout (verb) (The seeds will sprout in a few days) (Trees are starting to sproud new leaves) (It was twenty years ago when I began TO SPROUT A MOUSTACHE)

пускать ростки, давать побеги, расти



to chug

пыхтеть,двигаться с пыхтением (о машине)

to be on a bender

пьянствовать, быть в запое

to operate at a loss

работать в убыток



to leave one's things all over the place

разбрасывать вещи

to strew

разбрасывать, усыпать

to reconnoiter (syn- to explore) ( I would like to reconnoiter the terrain around the castle) (It seems wise to reconnoiter before entering the town.) (An expedition reconnoitered the coast to find out the exact location of enemy forces.)


to dump

разгружать, сваливать

to split up with sb

разойтись, расстаться

disillusionment (/ˌdɪsɪˈluːʒənmənt/) (There's growing disillusionment with the government.) (He couldn't hide his disillusionment and lost his job) (Many staff member appeared dissilusioned and sceptical that positive change was possible)


to devise

разрабатывать, продумывать (планы, идеи), изобретать


разрез, прорезь

to rake the soil

разрыхлять землю граблями




расплывчатый, нечеткий


распространитель слухов

to disseminate information (to spread information)

распространять информацию

to disband

распускать, расформировывать

to puff up


to exasperate

рассердить, сердить



to dissipate


to scatter

рассыпать, разбросать

to squander

расточать, проматывать, безрассудно тратить (на что-л.)

to drawl

растягивать слова



to throw right and left


expansion (noun) (The rapid expansion of cities can cause social and economic problems) (There are plans for the expansion of our business)

расширение, рост, увеличение


расщеплять, расщепляться, заноза, щепка


рвение, усердие

harsh voice

резкий голос

to retort

резко возражать

to shoot up

резко повышаться

to sum up

резюмировать, суммировать

to tackle a problem ( how are you going to tackle this problem?)

решать проблему


ров, траншея, окоп



blood clotting

свёртывание (сгущение) крови

to be agog

сгорать от любопытства, нетерпения


семейная реликвия, фамильная ценность (вещь)

to cower

сжиматься, съеживаться


сила духа, сила воли

to shine


good riddance

скатертью дорога

to cajole

склонять лестью к ч.-л.

to slide




unpretentious (syn- modest)

скромный, простой, ненадменный

There is more than meets the eye

скрыто от простого взгляда




скрытый, подразумеваемый


скрытый, тайный; незаметный


скука, внутренная опустошенность



consequently (Syn- hence) (He fell in love with her. Consequently, he started to plan marrying her)






to lump together

смешивать, валить всё в одну кучу, в одну массу

to compound

смешивать, комбинировать, сочетать


снижение, сокращение, спад



to assemble a furniture

собирать мебель

to solicit (ideas) (The newspaper's editors want to solicit opinions from readers.)

собирать, получать

to commit rape

совершить изнасилование

to pass for

сойти за кого-либо




солома, соломинка




сонливый, вялый



to be in compliance with (We are fully in compliance with the legislative requirements)

соответствовать ч-л



contender (syn-rival)


thwarted (My escape attempt was thwarted) (The guards thwarted his attempt to escape from prison.) (My holiday plans have been thwarted by the strike.) (His ambition to become a pilot was thwarted by poor eyesight.)





соска; манекен

to slide off









соучастник, сообщник


сохранение, удержание


средства к существованию

to set a trap

ставить ловушку



work placement


to get nosy

становиться любопытным, пронюхивать



pack, troop

стая (о млекопитающих)


стая (о птицах)

self-concious (adj) (The majority of adolescents are self-conscious)

стеснительный (человек, которого волнует, что о нем думают другие люди)

to stand in indecision

стоять в нерешительности

odd behaviour

странное поведение


странный, таинственный

go off the beaten track (We found a great vacation spot, off the beaten track) (Ronald hates following tour guides around temples with flags and hordes of other tourists. He prefers to go off alone and explore; he likes to see places off the beaten track, which are not on the main tourist routes)

сходить с проторенной дорожки (идиома) be away from the frequently traveled routes

to hold accountable

считать ответственными

to pull over

съезжать на обочину и останавливаться



to lurk


on the sly



тайно, украдкой, тайком


таким образом


талант, способность (a natural ability to do something well)

to haul

тащить, таскать, волочить

strong currency (Ruble is not a strong currency nowadays)

твердая (устойчивая) валюта

your market cap is shrinking

твоя рыночная капитализация сокращается




тем самым

to suffer a setback

терпеть неудачу

on purpose Examples: I didn't do it on purpose, it was an accident.

умышленно, нарочно intentionally

exactly (syn- precisely)


precision ( syn.- accuracy)





транспортировка, доставка

to require (Training to be a doctor requires a lot of hard work) (A recent law requires that all programmes are censored) (You are required by law to produce a valid passport)

требовать, нуждаться to need or demand something to officially demand that someone does something



to gasp

трудно, тяжело дышать, задыхаться

nebulous (idea)

туманный, расплывчатый, неясный, смутный


тупик, безвыходное положение

blunt angle

тупой угол




тяжкое уголовное преступление



piss off


to wane

убывать, слабеть

to crank up

увеличить (напр. громкость)

to dismiss


to terminate (2)


to wither and thrive

увядать и процветать

to bring round






to stow

укладывать, складывать

tax evasion

уклонение от уплаты налогов

to shirk responsibility

уклоняться от ответственности

to adorn (syn- to garnish)


to bolster

укреплять (to make something stronger by supporting or encouraging it)

to daunt


to skip out (syn- to skip off)

улизнуть, уматывать

to deminish


to decompress (verb) (After you download a compressed file, you must decompress it to get it to work) (If a plane window breaks, the cabin will rapidly decompress) (I went to Hawaii for a week to decompress)

уменьшать давление, разжимать, распаковывать (Syn- unpack; unzip; unclench)

to shrink

уменьшать(ся), садиться

apt (syn- appropriate)


to entreat

умолять, упрашивать

mentally retarded

умственно отсталый

to concede (2)


brain drain

утечка мозгов


утешение; смягчение (боли, страдания и т.п.)





to snuggle (2)

уютно устраиваться



phony ( [ˈfəʊnɪ]) (syn- false, fake) (He gave the police a phony number)

фальшивый, поддельный, ложный, липовый, лживый

hair dryer


financial outlay

финансовые затраты

to ring up

фраз. гл. пробивать (чек); выбивать (сумму)

to praise


to clutch at

хвататься (за какую-л. возможность)


хитрость, уловка

sly as a fox

хитрый как лиса

to giggle (She started giggling and couldn't stop) (When she suddenly started to sing, we all looked at each other and started to giggle) (What are you giggling about? Have I said something funny?) (There were a few nervous giggles from people in the audience) (I will buy this for a friend's birthday as a giggle = means to buy it for fun)

хихикать to laugh in a childish way, nervously or foolishly.

to giggle (She started giggling and couldn't stop) (When she suddenly started to sing, we all looked at each other and started to giggle) (What are you giggling about? Have I said something funny?) (There were a few nervous giggles from people in the audience)

хихикать to laugh nervously or foolishly


хлопья, снежинки

to gush (out)

хлынуть; литься потоком; хлестать (о жидкости)

to whimper




to alternate (syn- to take turns)

чередовать (ся), меняться

government official


death toll

число погибших; жертвы


чреватый опасностью/трудностями и т. д.

Make yourself at home

чувствуй себя как дома

visceral ( ['vɪsərəl])

чувствующий нутром

a tad wider

чуточку шире

ballpoint pen

шариковая ручка

to shuffle

шаркать, смешивать в беспорядке

to totter



шатающийся, нетвердо стоящий на ногах (об одуш. предметах)

to fling

швырять, бросать

to budge

шевелиться, сдвинуться с места

to rustle

шелестеть, шуршать, действовать быстро и энергичнo



to penalize





шутливая беседа







recession (A recession is associated with high unemployment, slowing gross domestic product, and high inflation)

экономический спад






этническая или расовая принадлежность;

I am not accustomed to sth (I am not accustomed to wake up so early)

я не привыклы к ч-л

dogmatic (The preacher was a dogmatic individual who was quick to argue with anyone who challenged his opinion. I don't mean to come across as dogmatic, but I am certain I am correct on this issue! Because he refused to listen to others, everyone considered the politician to be too dogmatic. While my supervisor liked to think of himself as an open-minded individual, he was really dogmatic and always had to have the last word. The surgeon was dogmatic in his opinion and refused to listen even when the nurse warned him of possible problems during the operation. During the debate, Karen was very dogmatic on the subject of gun control even though she had not reviewed the information provided on the topic.)

​not willing to accept other ideas or opinions because you think yours are right догматичный, категорический, не допускающий возражений

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