african american history exam

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What was the purpose of "stay laws"

They tried to assist blacks by prohibiting state authorities from taking property.

What religious group began the antislavery movement in the North


Who was Crispus Attucks

went down in history as the first black man to fight for the independence of America from the hands of the British. He is credited with leading The Boston Massacre.

Where was the Klan most powerful in the South

where blacks were small minority

What were the components of the Compromise of 1850

1. Cali was admitted as a free state 2. divided the Mexican cession in 2 - new Mexico and Utah 3.ended slave trade in Washington 4. fugitive slave act was passed 5. settled border dispute over Texas and new Mexico

What amendment did the NAACP claim southern states were violating by refusing to segregate schools


How did whites justify racism in the 1830s and 1840s

Many whites actually began to denounce racism in this time period

What state was generally seen as symbolic center of racism and violence in 1964


Which state had the highest growth in the rate of slaves


What is the goal of the Urban League

National Urban League doesn't care if you live in the city or the country. If you are African American, it wants to empower you to get into the economic and social mainstream. Through more than 100 affiliates in 36 states and the District of Columbia, the Urban League offers reading and scholarship programs, job and financial literacy training, health information, voter education and registration, and civil rights programs.

What event sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott\

Rosa Parks being arrested for not giving up her seat

Who was the largest class of laborers in British North America before 1670

endanger servants

How did Andrew Johnson becoming president affect blacks

he wants a white government for white people

What was the main purpose of the Freedmen's Bureau

helped black communities to establish schools and churches and monitored the civil authorities

What was the biggest factor in the North's abolition of slavery

its more industry in the north and less agricultural

What was the 1st war to see integrated US troops in combat

korean war

What is the result of Brown v. Board of Education

laid the foundation for shaping future national and international policies regarding human rights.

What form did violence in the South take towards black


What was the violent way whites used to prove supremacy


During the march from Selma to Montgomery what happened during Bloody Sunday

marches and protests held in 1965 that marked the political and emotional peak of the American civil rights movement. All three were attempts to march from Selmato Montgomery where the Alabama capitol is located. The marches grew out of the voting rights movement in Selma, launched by local African-Americans who formed the Dallas County Voters League (DCVL). In 1963, the DCVL and organizers from the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) began voter-registration work. When white resistance to black voter registration proved intractable, the DCVL requested the assistance of Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, who brought many prominent civil rights and civic leaders to support voting rights.

Which group of slaves were the most open in defying their masters

newly arrived african slaves

What was the problem with enforcement of laws against the actions of the Klan

no one would prosecute against kkk in the south

What was LIncoln's initial aim of the Civil War

not to end slavery but to preserve the union

Why did blacks serve in the Spanish-American War

one reason may have been to prove themselves. They were still second-class citizens at this point, and they wanted to show the Establishment that they could fight just as hard as white soldiers

How did Congress to repeated attempts to stop blacks from exercising political power

pass 15th amendment

Which 2 states abolished slavery immediately during 1770s and 1780s

Vermonts and Massachusetts

Why do we know so little about the underground railroad

b/c it was a secret

What type of music replace ragtimes' popularity


What was the most famous club in Harlem

the Cotton Club

Where did the term "buffalo soldiers" come from


What were "black laws"

Black codes were laws passed in the southern united states. These laws limited the rights of African Americans to work, move, and to have general activities

What was Executive Order 9981

Executive Order 9981 is an executive order issued on July 26, 1948 by President Harry S. Truman. It abolished racial discrimination in the United States Armed Forces and eventually led to the end of segregation in the services.

What were the Freedom Rides

Freedom Riders were civil rights activists who rode interstate buses into the segregated southern United States in 1961 and following years to challenge the non-enforcement of the United States Supreme Court decisions Irene Morgan v (bus riders made up of black and white Americans determined to bring the issue of racism in the south to the attention of John F. Kennedy who they thought had supported the end of racial discrimination, but in actuality had done nothing since taking office. Riding on buses, they travelled through the south with blacks riding in the front of the bus and whites in the back. Whenever they stopped at a rest stop, the whites used the blacks-only restroom and the blacks used the whites only restroom.These freedom riders met violence and physical injury all through the south. Although they were jailed for trumped up charges, and prevented from continuing their ride, they did get the national attention they were looking for. And they got Bobby Kennedy (the Attorney General) and the president to notice what was going on.The freedom riders made a great contribution to the cause of civil rights in the south)

What was the famous revolution that played in influence to slave uprisings in the US

Haitian Revolution

Why did John Kennedy get so much support in African American communities

In the early 1960's people with the different skin colour where treated differently. . Blacks and Whites usually went to separate schools. President John F. Kennedy helped change this unfairness by developing the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned segregation in the US schools and public places. It also started the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

What former Confederate state had the most blacks holding office during Reconstruction

South Carolina

How did Lincoln change the nature of the Civil War with the Emancipation Proclamation

The Proclamation angered the South because their slaves tried to escape to the North to attain freedom. The South lost a large portion of their workforce; thus losing their crops and income. No income meant no money for funding a war

What was the role of the "black cabinet"

The original name given was the Federal Council of Negro Affairs. This group of black people gave help to President Franklin D. Roosevelt. They helped him with policies that concerned the public

Where did the term "Jim Crow" come from

The term is believed to have originated around 1830 when a white, minstrel show performer, Thomas "Daddy" Rice, blackened his face with charcoal paste or burnt cork and danced a ridiculous jig while singing the lyrics to the song, "Jump Jim Crow

What was the Tuskegee experiment

a notorious medical experiment carried out in the United States between 1932 and 1972, in which almost 400 black Americans with syphilis were offered no medical treatment, allowing researchers to see the course of the disease. The events of the Tuskegee Experiment triggered extensive ethics legislation, including the National Research Act, and the experiment attracted a great deal of public attention. Many people regard the Tuskegee Experiment as an extremely shameful event in American history, and several organizations including the Centers for Disease Control have extensive archives on the experiment which are available to interested members of the public who want to learn more about it

Why did white America find presence of blacks in boxing so disturbing

black fighters beat up white fighters

What were the reasons white southern men use to justify sexual exploitation of black women

black women seduced white mens, keep white women pure, they were promiscuous because they were black

How did bomber groups feel about the Tuskegee Airmen

bomber groups very supportive requesting the group to fly with them

What sport did Joe Louis excel during the 1930s


What was the "shotgun policy"

campaign of violence against blacks in mississippi to bring state under "civilized" white control

Who do the KKK add to the hate list in the 1920s

catholics, jews, immigrants

What black institution was the most important in the antislavery movement


What crop did most slaves tend


How did the Fugitive Slave Law strength previous laws

required ordinary citizens to help with fugitive slaves or face fine or jail time

What roles did blacks actors generally play in films produced by whites

servants or buffoon, but they could make a lot of money

What was the compromise over the Atlantic slave trade in the Constitution

slave trade gradually ends over next 20 years

How did an African become a slave

some were kidnapped by European slave traders. Some were kidnapped by the king or chief of a neighboring tribe, then sold to the slave traders. Some were enslaved by their own chief and sold to the traders.They were even captured in their home towns,Capturers came and acted like guests but in the end they captured them and took them to trade for precious items such as gunpowder, guns, green glass bottles etc

How did Europeans get their supply of slaves

the Atlantic triangular slave trade. They got them from boats that came from Africa, they also bought them at slave auctions, they obtained slaves thru trade with African tribes

How did the Cold War influence African American struggle for rights

the Cold War added some push to the Civil Rights Movement. The U.S. was declaring its democracy to be the best, most effective, way of running a country and was claiming that Communism reduced human rights and individual freedoms. The irony was that in the U.S., despite our ideal form of government, these rights and freedoms were being denied to American citizens - most particularly African Americans. This did not go unnoticed by the higher-ups in the government or by African-American leaders. It made for an uncomfortable hypocrisy throughout the Cold War, and was used as an arguing point by some leaders of the Civil Rights Movement.

What was the "Harlem Renaissance"

the Harlem Renaissance was a celebration of African-American heritage and culture between 1919 and the mid-1930s, manifested through an outpouring of new business, art, literature, music and dance. This boom of expression, also called the New Negro Movement, had long-lasting, positive effects on the social, intellectual and economic standing of African Americans. People consider the period to be a significant foundation for the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s

What role did white southerners think that free blacks played in slave revolts

the free black would encourage the slaves rebellion

How did the 54th Massachusetts protest discrimination

they protested by not accepting pay

How did most African Americans feel about entering WWI

they supported it

What did Joseph Cinque and Madison Washing have in common

they're black

What sport did Jesse Owens excel during the 1930s

track and field

What was the effect of Plessy v. Ferguson

upheld separate but equal right under the laws. It is the same law that made it legal to discriminated against Afro-Americans in the late 19th - 20th century, until Brown vs. Board of Education in 1950's was passed

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