Agile Coach 3.0 - 3. Agile Principles

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35. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continious delivery of valuable software. What is a factual and objective way to measure progress

Breaking up the effort into well defined pieces that each have a clearly defined critera for being considered "Done".

29. Deliver working software frequently, with a preference to a shorter timescale. F____ E_____, F_______ O________

Fail Early, Fail Often.

12. "At regular intervals, the team relfects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly". What is essential for a highly adaptive, empirical development process.

Focus on continious improvement.

28. Deliver working software frequently, with a preference to a shorter timescale. When do people work more productively ?

Given short time boxes to get things done.

64. Developers generally have the mindset to resent meetings with users - leads to uncovering changes - leading to rework. What is the best practice ?.

Having an agile mindset. - Meeting with users most often keeps them in synch. - Actually prevents those changes.

43. What is the primary focus of Principles..

Helping teams find the best mindset - that makes their practices as effective as possible.

5. "Build projects around motivated people". How should you as an Agile Coach direct the team members in a team.

Provide direction. Expected to figure out how to get work done most effectively and efficiently themselves.

33. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continious delivery of valuable software. What opportunity does this value provide.

Provides an opportunity for the customer to see the software early in the development cycle.

50 _______________ noun developing a project artifact in steps, using knowledge gained from the previous step to improve it.

Progressive elaboration

32. Welcome changing requirements. What is considered important when it comes to handling changes.

Project Team and the Customers should have a mutual understanding upfront on how to manage change.

30. Working software is the primary measure of progress. What makes an estimate a suspect.

A clear Definition of Done.

"8. ""Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project. "" Is consistent with _________ Agile Manifesto value.

" Customer Collaboration over Contract Negotiations

"26. Continious attention to good design and technical excellence enhances agility.What is considered waste

" Going beyond that level of "just barely good enough" is considered waste. 27. Deliver working software frequently, with a preference to a shorter timescale. Scrum is based on ___________ ____________.# Continious Improvement.

"3. ""Build projects around motivated people"" Philosophy of Agile is based on ?

" High level of empowerment and individual initiative by the people on the project.

"22. The best requirements, designs and architectures emerge from self organizing teams. What is the idea here ?

" High performance, cross functional teams that work collaboratively can produce superior results

"21. The best requirements, designs and architectures emerge from self organizing teams. What is the empasis here ?

" If you have the right people on the team and the team is empowered to collectively use all the skills on the team - in a collaborative manner, it will generally deliver a better result - than a single individual could deliver acting alone

"24. Continious attention to good design and technical excellence enhances agility.Agile approach should not result in what?

" Over-designing the product.

"2. ""Build projects around motivated people"" Traditionally how did PMs help teams deliver results faster.

" Project managers uses high-pressures, command and control tactics.

"23. Continious attention to good design and technical excellence enhances agility.How can you avoid unnecessary rework later?

" The need for doing things the right way to avoid uncessary re-work.

"25. Continious attention to good design and technical excellence enhances agility.How should the work be done?

" The work should be done to a sufficient level of completeness and quality to fullfill the prupose.

63. Name the agile principles that help your team to communicate and work together.

* Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project. * Build projects around motivated individuals - Give them the environment and the support they need and trust them to get the job done.

38. What is "Early delivery".

* Getting the first version, * into user's hands as early as possbile * so that you can get early feedback.

1. Name the different principles of Agile.

1. Build projects around motivated individuals. 2. Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project. 3. Face-to-Face communication is a MUST as a way to conveying information. 6. Agile processes promote sustainable development. 5. Simplicity - that art of maximizing the amount of work NOT done - is essential. 12. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. 7. The best requirements, designs and architectures emerge from self organizing teams. 8. Continuous attention to good design and technical excellence enhances agility. 11. Welcome changing requirements. 10. Working software is the primary measure of progress. 9. Deliver working software frequently, with a preference to a shorter timescale. 4. At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.

46. Name the best way to manage changing requirements...


54. What is one challenge that is seen - when adopting practices...


37. Name the agile principles that help you deliver your product ?

1. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. 2. Welcome changing requirements even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage. 3. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to a shorter timescale. 4. Working software is the primary measure of progress.

55. What is the purpose of agile principles..

1. To make sure we have the best interests of stakeholders, users and customers when building the software. 2. Helps teams find the best mindset that makes their practices as effective as possible.

65. Face-to-face conversation is the answer to what problem ?

1. Writing Technical material is hard. 2. Reading Technical material is even harder. 3. There could be multiple interpretations for people reading it.

60. Give an example on how we can have "Practice without Principle..."

A team holding a retrospective - providing marginal improvement.

4. "Build projects around motivated people". What should the Agile Project Manager do w.r.t leadership style.

Adapt the leadership style to fit the situation.

62. Scenario : Your teams often feels empty, like they are just going through the motions and they have started looking for alternatives...What is the problem behind this...

Adopting practices without the right principle mindset

20. Agile processes promote sustainable development. Why is it important to create an environment, that should be sustainable.

Agile depends on Creativity and Motivation.

49. _________ is a practice used by the teams in which the team works with users, customers and/or stakeholders to maintain a list of features that will be built in the future, often prioritized with the most valuable features in the top


31. Welcome changing requirements. How is change viewed.

Change is expected and welcomed.

67. "I just found out that the audience size calculation alogirithm does not work. Needs to be pushed to the next iteration". Compatible or In-compatible ?

Compatible. Principle : Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with preference to a shorter timescale.

69. "I am running the latest build, but i thought we would have been a lot further along on the Analytics feature. Is there a problem I dont know about ?"

Compatible. Working software is the primary measure of progress.

38. What is "Continious Delivery"

Constantly getting updated versions to the users... they can help the team build software. ...that solves their most important problems.

11. "At regular intervals, the team relfects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly". Agile is based heavily on _____ ?

Continious improvement and using short intervals.

41. What is the best way to avoid rework ?

Deliver working software to the users frequently.

10. "Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project. ". What is the most important factor for making the project successful.

Design an approach that to engage the right people at the right time for the success of the project.

68. "Ok, which of you idiots wrote this buggy code - Its your fault that we are all behind. Compatible or In-Compatible ?

In-Compatible. Principle : Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.

66. "Why are you asking me questions ?. I already wrote down everything the users asked for in the specification". Compatible or In-compatible ?

In-Compatible. Principle : Welcome changing requirements even late in development. Agile processes harness change for customer's competitive advantage.

3. "Face-to-Face communication is a MUST as a way to conveying information". What are the different factors to be considered.

Is face-to-face only form of communication ? | What should be considered | Factors for optimal mix.

53. Why is agile manifesto effective...

It lays out values - that helps teams to get into the agile mindset.

44. Name the two main practices that will bring out the following principles... 1. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. 2. Welcome changing requirements even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage. 3. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to a shorter timescale. 4. Working software is the primary measure of progress.

Iteration Backlog

51. _____________ is a kind of methodology in which teams break the project down into smaller parts, delivering working software at the end of each one, and possbily changing direction based on the feedback from the working software.


19. Agile processes promote sustainable development. Underpinnings of Agile comes from _________ and ____________

Lean Manufacturing and Total Quality Management.

9. "Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project. ". The degree of engagement should be appropraite to ?

Nature of the project

7. "Build projects around motivated people". Leadership style depends on which of the factors.

Nature of the project / Project Complexity + Level of Maturity + Team experience.

13. "Face-to-Face communication is a MUST as a way to conveying information". Does the principle mean that the only form of communication is Face-to-face ?


2. "Build Projects around motivated people". What factors will you consider to assess ?

Philosophy of Agile | PM Leadership Style | Directing Team members | How are results delivered faster ?

40. What is to "Welcome" changes.

Putting user's long term needs ahead of their own.

47. ___________ work done by the team to change previously written code to make it function differently or serve a different purpose, often considered risky by teams - due to it increased likelihood of introducing bugs.


45. Define Iteration..

Repeatedly performing all the project activities to continuously deliver working software.

16. Simplicity - that art of maximizing the amount of work NOT done - is essential. Why does the project goes out of control.

Requirements become too complex. Very difficult to implement.

15. "Face-to-Face communication is a MUST as a way to conveying information". What factor must be considered to choose the optimal communication channels.

Scope of the project + Complexity of the project + Distribution team.

6. "Build projects around motivated people". P______ O________ Leadership.

Servant Leadership / People - oriented Leadership.

18. Simplicity - that art of maximizing the amount of work NOT done - is essential. What is the most effective approach

Take an incremental approach to start with something simple and then expand it only as necessary.

61. Give an example on how we can have "Principle without Practice.."

Teams working on...on how to become more effective....but do not have a retrospective as a practice. - Everyone has in the mindset of reflecting often - When the team feels its time for making corrections, that person discusses with other team members , to does a reflection.

17. Simplicity - that art of maximizing the amount of work NOT done - is essential. What is a Minimum Viable Product.

The minumum set of functional featuers a product has to have to be viable at all in the marketplace.

39. What is "Satisfied Users" ?

The users help the team stay on track by making sure that the most important features are added first.

48. __________ is setting a hard deadline for an activity to be completed and adjusting the scope of that activity to meet the deadline.


52. _________________ is a type of model, process or method for building software in which the entire project is broken down into sequential phases, often including a change control process in which changes force the project into a prior phase.


56. "Welcome changing requirements" indicate .....

When software is delivered early and stakeholders, users and customers lot of chances to find changes early...when they are much easier to make.

34. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continious delivery of valuable software. What is a considred a good measure of progress.

Working Software.

58. Can you have principles without practices...?


59. Can you have practices without principles..?


57. What are the advantages of an iteration being timeboxed.

Your team can discover partway through the iteration - that there is too much work - planned for it - you can push features to the next iteration.

14. "Face-to-Face communication is a MUST as a way to conveying information". In a given situatuon what should be chosen...

information can be communicated in various forms. An optimum mix should be chosen for a given situtation.

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