American revolution part 1

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King George III

-British King during following the French & Indian War through the Revolutionary War -Struggled to control the colonies and their revolts against British rule

Quartering Act

-British law granting British soldiers access to "quarter" (live with) in colonists' homes. -Intended to offset cost of keeping troops in the colonies -Many colonists resented British presence in their homes

Boycott / Repeal

-Colonists would boycott British goods in an act of nonviolent protest of taxation. -Successful boycotts led to the repeal of British laws including the Sugar and Stamp Act -The Sons of Liberty organized several boycotts of British imports

Sugar Act

-First tax law passed following the French & Indian War -Was eventually repealed following boycotts organized by the Sons of Liberty

Samuel Adams

-Helped create and run the Sons of Liberty. -Led the Boston Tea Party to protest the Tea Act -Organized boycotts of British goods -Cousin of John Adams

John Adams

-Husband of Abigail Adams; Boston-based lawyer and reluctant revolutionary -Successfully defended British troops in trial following the Boston Massacre -Went on to join the Continental Congress -First Vice President of the USA -Cousin of Sam Adams

Abigail Adams

-John Adams' wife -First advocate for women's rights in the USA

Intolerable Acts / British Reaction to the Boston Tea Party

-KIng George passed the Coercive Acts to punish the people Boston following the Boston Tea Party -The acts reinforced the Quartering Act, added soldiers to police Boston, and closed Boston harbor -People of Boston survived the Coercive Acts (nicknamed the Intolerable Acts) with help of other colonies banding together -Boston relief was organized through the Committees of Correspondence

Boston Massacre

-March 1770 -5 Colonists killed following a skirmish in front of the Customs House in Boston, MA -British soldiers found not-guilty of murder, defended by John Adams in court -Incident used as a rallying cry for colonists and encouraged the growth of the Sons & Daughters of Liberty

Sons & Daughters of Liberty

-Organized Boycotts of British goods in order to protest taxation in the colonies -Worked with Committees of Correspondence to organize revolt against Britain

Committees of Correspondence

-Organized colonial effort to communicate about trade, economics, and politics in the individual colonies -Helped supplement the effort of the Sons & Daughters of Liberty

Boston Tea Party

-Organized revolt by the Sons of Liberty in protest of the Tea Act -Colonists dressed as Mohawk Indians boarded 3 British trade ships and dumped 342 crates of tea into Boston Harbor -The Boston Tea Party led to the passed of the Coercive (Intolerable) Acts

Townshend Act

-Passed to eliminate smuggling -Gave British soldiers power to enter any home and confiscate any goods that were smuggled (or potentially smuggled)

Stamp Act

-Taxes placed on paper goods following the repeal of the Sugar Act -Eventually repealed following colonial protest that the tax was unfair

House of Burgesses

-Virginia state government that helped organize boycotts and protests -Active in the Committees of Correspondence

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