Anatomy Chapter 5-11

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The attachment of a muscle to a bone is called

either a tendon or an aponeurosis

The connective tissue that surrounds each skeletal muscle fiber and binds each muscle fiber to its neighbor is the ________.


The layers of connective tissue surrounding a skeletal muscle from the inside to the outside in correct order are

endomysium, perimysium, and epimysium

The ________ is a dense irregular connective tissue layer that surrounds the entire skeletal muscle.


What characteristic of muscle tissue allows it to respond to stimulation by the nervous system?


Which of the following is an example of angular motion?


A skeletal muscle is divided into a series of internal compartments, each of which contains a bundle of muscle fibers called a ________.


Movement in the anterior-posterior plane that decreases the angle between the articulating elements is


A specialized form of fibrous synarthrosis that binds each tooth to the surrounding bony socket is a


The capitulum is a part of the


Endochondral ossification begins with

hyaline cartilage

Which bone is not in direct contact with any other bone of the skeleton?


Which of the following features belongs to the occipital bone?

hypoglossal canal

The structure that surrounds a synovial joint is called (a)

joint capsule

What movement occurs when the vertebral column bends to the side?

lateral flexion

Long Bone

long thin shape(arms and legs)

Types of bones

long, flat, short, irregular, sesamoid

The small depression on the temporal bone with which the mandible articulates is called (the)

mandibular fossa

Which of the following muscles is the most powerful muscle involved in the process of chewing or manipulating food in the mouth?


Which of the following bones contains the infra-orbital foramen?


Which of the following lists includes only facial bones?

maxillae, palatines, mandible, zygomatics, lacrimals

Which of the following features belongs to the mandibular bone?

mental foramen

The palms of the hand are supported by the

metacarpal bones

When one motor neuron fires a single action potential the result affects one

motor unit

When a resting muscle contracts only enough to produce tension without movement, this is an example of

muscle tone

Which of these orders of functional muscle structures progresses from the smallest to largest in diameter?

myofibril, muscle fiber, fascicle, muscle

In the hip bones, the pubic and ischial rami encircle the

obturator foramen

Which of the following is a structure located on the ulna?


On the humerus, the olecranon process of the ulna projects into the ________ when the arm is extended

olecranon fossa

In osseous tissue, which of the following is always removing matrix and releasing minerals?


Mature bone cells that maintain and monitor the protein and mineral content of the surrounding matrix are called


The functional unit of mature compact bones is called the cylindrical


The lambdoid suture is the boundary between which bones?

parietal and occipital

The connective tissue surrounding a fascicle is called


Compared with that of females, the male coccyx

points anteriorly

As a long bone develops, the point where osteoblasts first replace calcified cartilage with spongy bone becomes the ________, from which further development proceeds.

primary ossification center

Regarding long bone formation, bone development proceeds from the ________ in the shaft.

primary ossification center

The ________ processes are vertical projections of the sphenoid bone that are important sites for attachment of muscles that move the lower jaw and soft palate.


Pronation and supination occur at a/the

radio-ulnar joint

The ________ muscle is divided longitudinally by a median collagenous partition called the linea alba

rectus abdominis

Which type of vertebra has a transverse costal facet?


Knee extensors, known as the quadriceps femoris, include the

three vastus muscles and the rectus femoris muscle

The medial condyle of the femur articulates with the

tibial medial condyle

The function of an osteoclast in osseous tissue is

to dissolve old bone matrix and release amino acids and the stored calcium and phosphate

The temporal processes are part of which bone?


Which of the following is a large process that projects anteriorly from the lateral end of the scapular spine?


A muscle whose contraction is mostly responsible for a movement is said to be the ________ for that movement.

agonist and prime mover

The triceps brachii and biceps brachii are good examples of

an agonist-antagonist pair

A bone cell that secretes the organic components of bone matrix is

an osteoblast

Which structure is found immediately superior to the inferior iliac notch?

anterior inferior iliac spine

The pectoral girdle, upper limb bones, pelvic girdle, and lower limb bones make up the

appendicular skeleton

Bones located within a space in the temporal bone that provide the sense of hearing are called

auditory ossicles

The divisions of the skeletal system include (the)

axial and appendicular

What vertebra contains the dens?


The triceps brachii muscle is opposed in extension of the elbow by the antagonistic muscle,


In a ________ muscle, the muscle fibers are based over a broad area, but all the fibers come together at a common attachment site.


A small, flat articular surface is a


The scapula is an example of what type of bone?


Flat Bone

Flattened broad surface(ribs,shoulder blades breast skull)

Which of the following is most likely to have a nerve pass through it?


A shallow depression on the surface of a bone is called a


Features of the maxillae include

All of the answers are correct.

Which of the following is a function of skeletal muscle? (maintain posturemaintain body temperaturesupport soft tissuesproduce skeletal movement)

All of the answers are correct.

Which of the following is produced within red bone marrow?

Blood cells

Sesamoid Bone

Bones embedded in tendons(pattela,some hands knee and feet)

Ribs 11 and 12 and called ________ ribs.

Both floating and false are correct

Osseous tissue is classified as which of the following?

Connective Tissue

The parietal, temporal, frontal, and occipital bones are part of (the)


An example of a pneumatized bone is the(hallow or contains air cells)

Ethmoid bone

Which of the following is true of the foramen magnum?

It is located in the inferior surface of the occipital bone

An extension of a bone that is set at an angle to the rest of the bone is usually called a


________ are struts or plates within spongy bone which assist in withstanding stresses in a specific direction.


Which of the following is an example of an irregular bone?(weird bones sacrum vertbra etc)


A joint that permits free movement is called

a diarthrosis

An example of angular motion away from the longitudinal axis of the body in the frontal plane is


The surface of all bones are covered by a layer of

compact bone

In the ankle, the largest tarsal bone is the


The periosteum

covers the outside of bones

The head of the femur articulates with the acetabulum of the

coxal bone

A prominent ridge on a bone is called a(n)


The muscular partition that separates the abdominopelvic and thoracic cavities is the


A lever in which the load is between the fulcrum and the applied force is a

second-class lever

The depression that cradles and protects the pituitary gland is called the

sella turcica

Which of the following muscles belongs to the group known as "hamstrings"?

semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and biceps femoris

Which of the following is a classification of bone shape?


Irregular bone

shape unlike the others(vertebrae,sacrum)

Which of the following structures can most easily be felt on the dorsum?

spinous process

The two types of osseous tissue are

spongy and compact bones

Which of the following sutures marks the boundary between the temporal bone and the parietal bone of each side of the skull?


Short Bone

squat cubed shape(bones in wrist and ankles)

Which is a major function of the skeletal system?

support of the body

Small, flat, oddly shaped bones that develop between the flat bones of the skull are called

sutural bones

A fibrous synarthrosis joint that holds skull bones together is called (a)


A cartilaginous joint that permits slight movement is (a)


Which of the following is a classification of a joint in which the bones are separated by a pad of fibrous cartilage?


Which of the following contains the external acoustic meatus?


The muscles that form the rotator cuff include the

teres minor, infraspinatus, supraspinatus, and subscapularis

Which of the following is a special characteristic of spongy bone?


Which of the following can be found on cervical vertebrae only?

transverse foramina

Processes that form where tendons or ligaments attach to a bone include

trochanters, tuberosities, and tubercles

A smooth, grooved articular process, shaped like a pulley, is a


Ribs 8-10 are called ________ ribs.


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