Anth 4050 test 2

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Better Babies Contest

"scientific" baby judging at state fairs based on physical and mental health and appearance focus on health young to prevent future health deformities

Herbert Spencer

"survival of the fittest" applied to eugenics (the preservation of favored races)

Bachhofen - Das Mutterrecht (1861)

(1) State of nature and evolution - primitive promiscuity. (2) Matriarchy (3) Patriarchy

Alfred Binet

created ways to separate kids into academic vs vocational tracks, assign people to special needs; came up with the "mental age" idea


- Study by Sociologist Richard Dugdale - Argued that a family (Jukes) had criminal tendencies due to feeble-mindedness

Materialist Marx vs. the Marx of false consciousness

-Materialist Marx (late 19th-early 20th) ---base/superstructure -The Marx of False Consciousness (1920s-present) ---Commodification of labor ---Alienation ---Workers are controlled by false ideas that are presented as universal social values- serve to control the proletariat ---The ruling class must prevent the proletariat from realizing their exploitation, controlling the spread of information

R. Travis Osborne (UGA)

taught IQ courses at UGA, director of testing, proponent of IQ heritability

Bruno Manser

-Swiss ethnologist and activist -spent six years living with the Penan in 80's unifying and rallying. For them against loggers

Herbert Spencer (1820-1903)- "survival of the fittest" and The Synthetic Philosophy

-those with the most desirable/adaptive traits will survive and reproduce at greater numbers -explanations for literally everything (biology, sociology, ethics, philosophy)

Natural selection (three core points)

-variation: individuals differ amongst themselves -these differences are partially determined by heredity -traits of better adapted individuals will occur in subsequent generations

Indian Wars

1850 to 1890; series of conflicts between the US Army / settlers and different Native American tribes

Committee on the Negro

1926: focused on anatomy, possibly endorsed comparisons to apes

Japanese internment camps - Manzanar

1942 *FDR authorized the evacuation of all Japanese from the West Coast into relocation centers *The government interned around 120,000 Japanese-Americans, 2/3 of them native-born US citizens *The move came with public fear of Japanese sabotage following Pearl Harbor and was in some part due to racial discrimination *In 1988, Congress voted to pay compensation to each surviving internee

Armchair anthropology

19th c., people sat in their studies and read accounts of explorers, missionaries, etc. to create their ethnographies- not producing original work just synthesizing (ethnology) Challenged by Boaz (Kwakiutl), Margaret Mead (Samoa)

W. Montague Cobb

1st African American phd in anthropology, pioneering figure in biological anth, work focused on race and health disparities, created biocultural anth, but active in America Eugenics Society Questions around black athleticism

Francis La Flesche

1st Indigenous (Omaha) ethnologist, preserved Indigenous culture (songs, history, stories)

Bureau of Indian Affairs

A government agency created in the 1800s to oversee federal policy toward Native Americans, manage reservation system

Kula Ring

A mode of balanced reciprocity that reinforces trade and social relations among the seafaring Melanesians who inhabit a large ring of islands in the southwestern Pacific Ocean

Manifest Destiny

A notion held by a nineteenth-century Americans that the United States was destined to rule the continent, from the Atlantic the Pacific.

Human Behavioral Ecology

A perspective that focuses on how ecological and social factors affect behavior through natural selection

False Consciousness

A term used by Karl Marx to describe an attitude held by members of a class that does not accurately reflect their objective position.

The Kallikak Family

A well-known "criminal family" studied by Henry H. Goddard.


Absolute antithesis of savagery Western civilization was the pinnacle Thomas Carlyle's 3 great elements of civilization: gunpowder, printing, and the protestant religion

Indian Removal

Andrew Jackson 1830, forced removal of indigenous people from their homes to create space for white settlers.

Carleton Putnam - Race & Reason

Ardent segregationist, wanted to find scientific evidence for segregation, critical of Boas book advocated for racial segregation

Frank Livingstone

Argued for the nonexistence of race, established the need to shift from racial typologies to populations, clines, gene frequencies, etc

The New Eugenics

Arther Jensen (psychologist), proponent of hereditary intelligence The Bell Curve: 1994, claimed to show a link between race and intelligence ICE facilities: for-profit institutions, evidence of forced sterilization Mental health racism: institutional racism in mental health industry

Sigmund Freud

Austrian physician whose work focused on the unconscious causes of behavior and personality formation; founded psychoanalysis.

Indians as spectacle

Buffalo Bill, movies demonizing and romanticizing them and life in the "wild west" modern movies representing Natives without native actors sports teams using native symbols

Harry Shapiro - The Pitcairn Islanders

Challenged idea that race mixing led to degeneration (white mutineers marry tahitian women on the island)

Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802)

Charles Darwin's grandfather. Believed in common ancestry, but never attempted to explain the evolutionary process.

Ruth Benedict - Patterns of Culture

Compares the Zuni, Kwakuitl, and the Dobuans to understand the relationship between culture and the individual

Karl Marx

Contributions to political economy, challenging economics in general Evolutionism, primitive communism as the original state (then feudalism and capitalism) Materialism: idea that religion, social formations, kinship, etc can be explained in reference to the means of production False consciousness

Buck vs. Bell

Court ruled that a state statute permitting compulsory sterilization of the unfit, including the intellectually disabled, "for the protection and health of the state" Better to prevent "imbeciles" from reproducing than to deal with the crimes and troubles of their offspring later

Marx & Freud - 4 common themes

Deep structure vs. Surface structure Theory of consciousness; rationality Conflict Evolutionism

The unconscious

Deep structure/surface structure The things we are unaware of and cannot become aware of Requires a method/guide to get from surface to deep Psychoanalysis: to access your deepest mind/memories

Henry Schoolcraft

Did not believe it was possible for indigenous people to become "civilized", wanted them to disappear so a "higher being" (white people) could take their place

C. Loring Brace - Race is a Four Letter Word

Dismantled concept of race through history and modern synthesis

Anti-German hysteria

During WWI, German were labeled as the cause of the war and targeted with negative ads and comments

Data vs. Evidence

During and after fieldwork, preparation for court, in court Field books, sketchbooks, recorded interviews, drawn maps, reference to published sources, the importance of acknowledging gaps in data

Thomas Malthus

Eighteenth-century English intellectual who warned that population growth threatened future generations because, in his view, population growth would always outstrip increases in agricultural production.

The Concept of Evolution

Enlightenment: biblical account called into question, fossils Search for the meaning of anatomical similarities

Nick Estes - Our History is the Future

Estes traces the history of Native resistance over two centuries. He is a Lakota organizer, historian, and journalist

Ethnology vs. Ethnography

Ethnography is the fieldwork done to collect very descriptive data that is specific to a group or community. Ethnology examines and interprets the results of ethnography to compare and contrast and make generalizations about society and culture.

The Final Solution

Final solution of the Jewish question-murder of every single Jew-had begun-mass arresting, and trafficking of Jews to the concentration camps-mass killings occurred as well in the gas chambers also Roma, LGBTQ, disabled people

Ales Hrdlicka

First to document migration over Bering strait (?), convinced that white people were superior, believed that Europe was the cradle of humankind (not Africa), on American Eugenics Society board Loved to steal skulls from massacre sites (Yaqui massacre, Pearl Harbor) Important in instituionalism of physical anthropology

Henry Ford - The International Jew: The World's Foremost Problem

Ford believed Jewish people were corrupt money-changers

The Pioneer Fund

Founded in 1937 to advance the scientific study of heredity and human differences; connections with eugenics in Germany, advocates of Nazi's racial ideology and racist policies; influenced by Earnest Sevier Cox who pushed legislation to "repatriate" all blacks to Africa; Influenced by Madison Grant, promoter of scientific racism

Id, Ego, Superego

Freudian terms to describe the three parts of the self and the basis of human behavior, which Freud saw as basically irrational Id: inborn tendencies/drives we share with animals Without restraint we would be violent/promiscuous Superego: angel on your should, conscious Ego: argument between the Id and Superego

English Men of Science: Their Nature and Nurture - 1874

Galton examined the antecedents, environment, education and hereditary features of the most prominent men of science in order to establish certain laws relating to heredity.

Eugen Fischer

German professor promoted eugenics as a form of Social Darwinism member of the Nazi party


Hatred or fear of Muslims. the invasion narrative, the Great Replacement, fear of "race suicide", 9/11

The Bell Curve - 1994

Herrnstein & Murray - There is a 'real' general factor of cognitive ability - human groups differ on this - IQ tests measure this most accurately - IQ scores = intelligence - IQ tests are not biased - Cognitive ability is 40-80% heritable

Standards of fieldwork

• Adequate planning and supervision. • Understand the entity and its environment including internal control. • Sufficient appropriate audit evidence.

Hunter-gatherer studies

Increased interest in contemporary hunter-gatherers Focus on men and hunting

Alfred R. Wallace

Independently developed an evolutionary theory similar to Darwin's, but Darwin published first.

Edward B. Tylor - Primitive Culture (1871)

Interested in animism and origins of religion Saw people who held animist beliefs as prehistoric Believed culture is acquired by man in society, passed down (more contemporary) Published 1st anth textbook

Multi-sited ethnography

Investigation and documentation of peoples and cultures embedded in the larger structures of a globalizing world, utilizing a range of methods in various locations of time and space Research tracks a subject across spatial and temporal boundaries Attempts to look at a particular cultural formation wherever it is relevant

Theories of Mind in the history of anthropology

Lucien Levy-Bruhl: idea of primitives being characterized as having a pre-logical mentality (child-like) Claude Levi-Strauss: founder of structuralism The imperative to classify

"The Negro Project"

Margaret Sanger; invest in birth control and abortion clinics in non-white areas to limit their reproduction

Masters of suspicion

Marx (life about the have and have nots), Freud (goal to avoid death and carry out human drives), Nietzsche (fasad about the surface but we are all actually looking for personal gain), these three believed that life is all about power and that's okay -critics of religion, tried to show how religious beliefs served social and moral purposes yet mask what it does


Monogenism: Commitment to the idea that all humans derived from a common ancestor Polygenism: Idea that the different races of humans evolved separately -Natives are not "an improvable breed" or "susceptible to civilization"

The two Morgans

Morgan the kinship theorist - Systems of Consanguinity and Affinity Morgan the evolutionist - Ancient Society

Levi-Strauss's three mistresses

Music Geology Psychoanalysis and Marxism ----Deep structure vs. surface structure


Myth of the vanishing race, "Our knowledge is not primitive" NAGPRA and repatriation


Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act

We are here

Native Americans reasserting their sovereignty, "our knowledge is not primitive"

Penan death names

Not names, more like titles; Penan have over 65 for any kind of conceivable relationship They see death as predatory, always listening, attracted to vulnerable people You can talk about your own death but not someone else's

The Melting Pot ideal

Ours is a nation of immigrants and we should welcome them

Classical Evolutionism

People trying to understand human diversity in evolutionary terms Saw indigenous people as the survival of history; ex: stone age Living examples of human ancestors

Lewis Henry Morgan

Pioneer cultural anthropology-- armchair anthropologist in Rochester, U.S. *studied the Iroquois *unilinear cultural evolution Kinship theorist (fossilized forms of deeper histories) and evolutionist

positive vs. negative eugenics

Positive - encouraging more people with desirable traits; make people with desirable traits have kids. Negative - discourage reproduction of undesirable people; let them die out so as to get rid of their bad qualities.


Prejudice against Jews question of loyalty, "the wandering Jew", blood libel

Charles Darwin- The Origin of Species (1859)

Presented the theory of evolution, which proposed that creation was an ongoing process in which mutation and natural selection constantly give rise to new species. Sparked a long-running religious debate over the issue of creation.

Heinrich Himmler - Ahnenerbe

Pseudo-scientific organization devoted to promoting racist doctrines Blood ties to Germany, paganesque rituals

Vogue for evolutionary sequences

Relied on writings of travelers, missionaries, etc Used archaeology Darwin: biological realm Spencer: systematizer; extended evolution past biology; to demonstrate that the universe exhibited a single, continuous, path of development

Instinct vs. culture

Restraint - "the burden of culture" 2 forms of developmentalism- how we develop as humans Individual: child is father to the man (what makes you an adult is a result of childhood experience) Historical: evolutionary

Extractive research

Salvage quickly became extraction- taking artifacts for display Collect your data, write your paper, never return/repatriate or give back Anthropology + Native America = parasitic relationship Native Americans fight back, "here come the anthros" Native Americans becoming anthropologists (Margaret Bruchac- proponent of restorative research) Native American Activism: occupy Alcatraz, Standing Rock

Crania Americana

Samuel George Morton: Indigenous people are slow to learn, unable to assimilate, and war-like

Bronislaw Malinowski - Trobriand Islands

Set the standard for what ethnography and fieldwork are meant to be (problematic) Go there, stay there, learn the language, live in the community Trobriand Islands

Qualitative vs. quantitative data

Statistical/measurable information such as demographic composition, types/quantities of crops grown, or ratio of spouses born in and out of the community vs. Most used by anthropologists, participation as well as observation; field notes

Sherwood Washburn

Student of Hooten, face of modern biological anth, introduced the "new physical anthropology", shifted focus from racial typology to human evolution to human adaptability, father of primatology

Stanley Garn

Student of Hooten, known for work on health, disease, etc but still racialist thinking, tried to rectify old racial typologies with population biology Believed there were 34 races that evolved through isolation

Ashley Montagu - Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race - 1942

Student of Malinowksi (ethnography standard), outspoken on race (branded a communist during red scare) The Fallacy of Race 1942; discussed how race was a myth and the term should be abandoned in anthropology

Margaret Mead - Coming of Age in Samoa

Studied adolescence in Samoa compared to the US. Found it was less stressful due to cultural norms


The dream of assimilation and the concern that certain people are not assimilatable

The Modern Synthesis

The following of the implications of mendelian genetics with darwinian natural selection Major impact on contemporary ideas on race

Dialectical materialism

The idea, according to Karl Marx, that change and development in history results from the conflict between social classes. Economic forces impel human beings to behave in socially determined ways. -superstructure maintains base, base shapes superstructure

Boas - Changes in Bodily Form of Descendants of Immigrants

children of immigrants different from parents not due to genetics but because of growing up in a new environment Fought against racist ideas that immigrants could never change/fit in phenotypical plasticity


The squaw- object of desire and conquest Driven by essentialism- pocahontas Indians as spectacles- Buffalo Bill

Human Adaptability

The study of the diverse ways in which humans adapt to different environments

Reservation System

The system that allotted land with designated boundaries to Native American tribes in the west, beginning in the 1850s and ending with the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887. Within these reservations, most land was used communally, rather than owned individually. The U.S. government encouraged and sometimes violently coerced Native Americans to stay on the reservations at all times.

Morgan and Ely Parker: Ethnical periods - Savagery, barbarism, civilization

There were different ethical periods that each contained levels.

"Alien Waves" and "Expansions of whiteness" (Painter)

This chapter discusses the wave of anti-Catholic Catholicism and the racist parallels drawn between Irish Catholics, enslaved Africans, and Native Americans. The Irish were seen as drunk, lazy, criminals. She discusses the growing hatred towards Irish Catholics with the founding of the Know-Nothings group.

George Hunt

Translator for Franz Boas.

The American School of Anthropology

Treated as the first real anthropologists (armchair) Truly believed they were seeing stages of evolution in human diversity --Schemes for the designation of phases --Subjecting history to "scientific" analysis --Use of the comparative method --Conflation of evolution with progress

Theodosius Dobzhansky - Genetics and the Origin of Species

comprehensive account of the evolutionary process in genetic terms one of the first and most important works of the Modern Synthesis

Man the Hunter - 1968

comprehensive look at recent ethnographic research on hunter-gatherers. Man is accepted and used as the universal term for people

James George Frazer - The Golden Bough

Try to understand human cultural evolution through religion, "The Golden Bough"- comparative study of religion, armchair

The M Plan

WWII: Hrdlicka involved in the M Project (FDR planned to resettle displaced Jews to keep them "thin" globally, diminish their power), after Pearl Harbor, believed Japanese were innately war-like (could it be bred out- FDR)

Carlton Coon - The Races of Europe, The Origin of Races

Wanted to keep alive scientific racism, fought against the condemnation of Carleton Putnam's book, believed we all evolved separately from each other after homo leading to racial disparities

Frederick Jackson Turner - the Frontier Thesis

Western frontier shaped American identity Democratic, optimist, and individualistic The frontier was now closed- Natives are disappearing, let's save what we can

Collaborative event ethnography

What can anthropologists contribute to the understanding of global biodiversity governance by attending major meetings?

Modes of production

concept for characterizing the dominant economic system in a society. 5 types: primitive communism, slave society, feudalism, capitalism and communism

Race Betterment

concern over race degeneration, foundation sponsored fitter family competitions

The Great Replacement

conspiracy that nonwhite immigrants are being brought into predominantly white countries to replace white voters popular among white supremacist groups

Fitter Families Contest

contests held to judge families physical appeances and overall health winners were typically the eugenic standard of white, western european heritage

Earnest Hooton

Work on racial classifications, Harvard professor, trained 1st/2nd generations of biological anthropologists Focused on somatotypes (body types) to measure temperment questions over whether he was racist

Hereditary Genius - 1869

Written by Francis Galton About human ability as a hereditary trait - does genius cluster in families

Bureau of American Ethnology

a late 19th century institution created by the government of the United States to promote anthropological research

Intelligence testing

a method for assessing an individual's mental aptitudes and comparing them with others using numerical scores We can acknowledge the value of tests but critically see where they originated Consequences of the idea that intelligence is inheritable- consequences on social policy

Participant observation

a research method in which investigators systematically observe people while joining them in their routine activities

The Communist Manifesto - 1848

articulated the core of Marx and Engels' beliefs, preaching Saw history as struggles between proletariats and bourgeoisie Employers benefit from laborers but laborers don't Rich getting rich, poor getting poorer Dialectical materialism: superstructure maintains base, base shapes superstructure Hegel's dialectic: state of conflict in constant operation between old and new ideas -mechanism: class struggle

Base vs. superstructure

base: relations and means of production and economy (proleteriat, bourgeosie, machines, factories) superstructure: everything not directly involved in production (ideology, media, religion, culture, politics, family, education)

Richard Lynn

board of Pioneer Fund, shift from eugenics to "human diversity"

Lewis Terman

built on Binet tests; persistent advocate for intelligence testing in education; alpha (literate) and beta (illiterate) test

Fieldwork as a rite of passage

can't be a proper anthropologist/ethnographer without fieldwork

Lamarck (1744-1829)- Inheritance of acquired characters

early proposal of evolution, ex: giraffes necks grow during their lifetime to reach higher plants so the next generation has longer necks

William Schockley

eugenicist (no training in related fields), crisis narrative (retrogressive evolution), physicist so argument by authority

Gregor Mendel

eugenics precursor: proponents of eugenics believed that intelligence, character, etc were inheritable biologically

The Galton Society

eugenics society founded in 1918, Grant, Davenport, Laughlin, Osborn, dissolved by 1935


evolution was hand in hand with civilization which was the epitome of progress.

Race Suicide

fear that immigrants were too fertile, so white anglo-saxons were encouraged to refuse birth control and have lots of children to avoid the decline of the superior race. -Theodore Roosevelt- big supporter

Sterilization laws

first state=Indiana (1907) Peak of the laws(1930s) (30 states) Involuntary sterilization laws. Case= Buck vs Bell Sterilized Buck against her will For "mental defectives", largest in the US Sterilization continued well into the 1960s after the eugenics movement Most women, suffering from a mental illness

Engels - The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State in the Light of the Researchesof Lewis H. Morgan (1884)

focuses on early human history, following the disintegration of the primitive community and the emergence of a class society based on private property

Margaret Sanger

founded planned parenthood, promoted use of birth control but a eugenicist against any non-white person

Francis Galton

founder of eugenics in 1883, after Darwin prior to Mendel Polymath, mania for counting/measurement

Claude Levi-Strauss

founder of structuralism

Wickliffe Draper

founder of the Pioneer Fund

Eugenics Records Office

gathered biological and social information about the American population, serving as a center for eugenics and human heredity research

Charles Lyell (1797-1875)- Uniformitarianism vs. catastrophism

gradual changes to the landscape over time vs rapid, violent events making big changes (biblical accounts)

J. Phillipe Rushton

headed pioneer fund, talked about populations rather than races, dismissed critics

Stanley Porteus

helped create Eugenics Foundation, studied temperament in relation to race, deemed Asian people the smartest

Stephen Jay Gould - The Mismeasure of Man

history and critique of the statistical methods and cultural motivations underlying biological determinism argues against ideas from "The Bell Curve"

Lucien Levy-Bruhl - Pre-logical mentality

idea of primitives being characterized as having a pre-logical mentality (child-like)

Intelligence, heretibility and race

ideas that intelligence is inherited and some races are more intelligent than others continued eugenics thinking

The Invasion Narrative

immigrants are "invading" the US due to mass immigration they'll take our jobs and homes and eventually replace us

The Concept of Progress

industrial revolution, urbanization, enclosure, farm to factory


invention of intelligence as a quantifiable object Critiques: reductive, culturally bound questions, don't account for inequalities, educational disparities, cultural differences

Mankind Quarterly

journal that promotes scientific racism and the spread of false information concerning race

The Chinese Exclusion Act - 1882

law that suspended Chinese immigration into America. The ban was supposed to last 10 years, but it was expanded several times and was essentially in effect until WWII. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was the first significant law that restricted immigration into the United States of an ethnic working group. Extreme example of nativism of period

Miscegnation Laws

laws against race mixing ex: US interracial marriage laws, South Africa's apartheid

James Watson

led Cold Spring Harbor lab (home for eugenics record office), racist, sexist

Immigration Restriction Act/National Origins Act of 1924

limited number of immigrants from each country

J.N.B. Hewitt

linguist and ethnographer who specialized in Iroquoian and other Native American languages, wrote "Iroquoian Cosmology"

Roger Pearson

one recipient of pioneer funding, established Northern League- pro-Nordicism organization, pro-segregation and apartheid


personality traits based on body type

Thomas Malthus (1766-1834) - Essay on the Principle of Population

pessimistic view: inevitable poverty and famine with population growth (increase population vs. means of production)

Robert Yerkes

pioneered mass mental testing, wanted to make psychology a science, involved in army testing

Charles Darwin- eugenics

precursor: Darwinian thinking applied to the betterment of society

Arthur Jensen

proponent of eugenic foresight, believed race impacted intelligence, opposed Head Start programs

Steven Pinker

proponent of idea that Ashkenazi Jews are the most intelligent

Charles Murray

proponent of the Bell Curve (coauthor)

Carl Brigham

proponent of the idea that Nordics were superior mentally, Jews were unintelligent, adapted army test for college admissions (precursor to SAT)

Julian Stewart

proposed a more nuanced model of cultural ecology. culture is shaped by its immediate environment

Immigrants as vectors of disease

racist narrative spread to help limit immigration immigrants carried foreign diseases ex: ebola, covid

Madison Grant - The Passing of the Great Race - 1916

racist, discusses theory of Nordic superiority, believed race mixing led to degeneration, praised by Hitler

John Wesley Powell

racist, mapping and classifying Native American communities in the west Confident that they would assimilate one of the 1st of the salvage ethnographers

Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz - An Indigenous People's History of the United States

reconstructs and reinterprets U.S history from the perspective of marginalized people. The history of the U.S is a history of settler colonialism. Ortiz is an American historian, writer, professor, and activist

Salvage ethnography

recording of the practices and folklore of cultures threatened with extinction, including as a result of modernization

Apollonian Zuni vs. Dionysian Kwakiutl

reservced people vs crazy, ecstatic

Edward Curtis - The Vanishing Race (1904)

series of photos sought to record the culture and lifestyle of Native American tribes before it was 'lost forever. backlash bc it romanticized without showing the harsh realities

Ella Deloria

sioux anthropologist who was one of the only co-authors with Boas

American Eugenics Society

society dedicated to "furthering the discussion, advancement, and dissemination of knowledge about biological and sociocultural forces which affect the structure and composition of human populations."

Dillingham Commission - 1907-1910

special committee formed to study the origins and consequences of recent immigration to the United States.

Hegel's dialectic

state of conflict in constant operation between old and new ideas

Charles Davenport

studied human evolution, became promoter of eugenics, believed race determined behavior, worked to limit immigration Eugenics supporter but circulated with biological anthropologists, believed race integration led to race degeneration


study of disease and injury in skeletons from archaeological sites


the archaeological study of human remains, emphasizing the preservation of cultural and social processes in the skeleton


the belief that people are related to particular animals, plants, or natural objects by virtue of descent from common ancestral spirits

Class Struggle

the conflict of interests between the workers and the ruling class in a capitalist society, regarded as inevitably violent.

Racial Hygiene

the idea that a race must be purified through the use of selective breeding, sterilization of undesirable races, and laws forbidding marriage between races


the method by which researchers attempt to understand a group or culture by observing it from the inside, without imposing any preconceived notions they might have

Commodity fetishism

the perception of the social relationships involved in production, not as relationships among people, but as economic relationships among the money and commodities exchanged in market trade


the science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics- Francis Galton


the study of geographic phenomena by visiting places and observing how people interact with and thereby change those places


the study of living nonhuman primates as well as primate fossils to better understand human evolution and early human behavior

Forensic Anthropology

the study of physical anthropology as it applies to human skeletal remains in a legal setting


the study of the history of human evolution through the fossil record


to access your deepest mind/memories You are incapable of understanding your own emotions; privileges the analyst


to fall below a normal or desirable level in physical, mental, or moral qualities; deteriorate Idea of hereditary criminality, judged by physical appearance Training programs designed to help people identify the unfit

UNESCO Statement on Race - 1950

to prevent future wars and violence we need to educate the public on race (brought anthropologists together)

Henry Herbert Goddard

translated Binet's work into English; proponent of hereditary position; studied Ellis Island immigrants

The feeble-minded

unable to make intelligent decisions or judgments -breeding amongst the feeble-minded causes more problems for the elite

Race realism

view race as a natural phenomenon to observe, study, and explain. race is biological- associated with Pioneer Fund

Harry Laughlin

wanted eugenics across the country, administrator for Eugenics Records Office, helped restrict immigration

The reality card

we don't want this to be true but we have to follow the facts (taboo)

Das Kapital - 1867

written by Karl Marx, in which he pointed out that workers make the whole product, yet they receive pay for only a small fraction of the product, spoke against capitalism

A.L. Kroeber

wrote on the role of environment in how native Americans adapted

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