anthropology chapters 1-5

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the school based on boas principales

historial particulism

In his study of New York department store employees, Labov found that. what was this study called

. it was called the elite dialects /r/ was pronounced most frequently by workers in the upper-middle-class store (Saks).while rs in poor stores werent pronounced that often

what did levi streuss believe in

. thinks we have a universal grammer of culture we all have the same hardware but just few dirrerences interested in connections of opposites

horiticulture how big is it, what is some characteristics who does this do they trade and starve often? know 3 characteristics

300- 400 people, infrequent food shortages, yanomamo does this dont trade. have to have lots of land, slash and burn cultivation, move around every 10 years once run out of food in that area

team studies

5 or 6 anthropologists working together doing work.

In the one article we read by a sociolinguist, Deborah Tannens (written way back in 1997), it is observed that:

America has become an argument culture where debate and opposition are automatic in public discourse.

what did geertz believe in

Culture not locked in people's heads, but embodied in public symbols (available for anyone to interpret) believes everyone is an outside on their culture

Anthropologists have noted that culture is often contested. This means that

different groups in a society struggle over whose ideas, values, goals, and beliefs will prevail

What distinction do Gezon and Kottak draw between culture and society

People share society―organized life in groups―with other animals, but culture is distinctly human.

A project discussed in the chapter 1 lecture (and briefly in our textbook) that illustrates some of the weaknesses of relying solely on survey questionnaires was

Rathje's garbage projec

Which one of the following reasons for the conflict in Darfur, Sudan, is most clearly related to issues of making a living as discussed in chapter 5?

Rivalry between agriculturalists and pastoralist groups due to drought-related land and water scarcity.

In survey research, what is sampling?

The collection of a representative sample of a larger population

Although rap music began in the United States, it is now popular all over the world. Which of the following mechanisms of cultural change is responsible for this?


What is the most critical element of cultural traditions?

Their transmission through learning rather than through biological inheritance.

Real" anthropology can be done when

a Western anthropologist goes to a tribe a Non-Western anthropologist goes to a Euro-American culture. a Western anthropologists goes to a modern nation. the anthropologist works in his/her own culture

Linguistic displacement is

ability to talk bout things that arent present

What is the term for cultural change that results when two or more cultures have continuous firsthand contact, want to trade with each other.


What mechanism of cultural change is responsible for pidgin English?


field work

actually going to the place you are studying

Because general anthropology is holistic and comparative, research within the discipline involves:

all human populations both living and dead

Generalized reciprocity is usually played out

amoung family and close friends

According to Aihwa Ong, spirit possession of female factory workers in Malaysia is

an unconscious protest against stressful and exploitive working conditions.

Ethnology i

compartive generalizing aspect of cultural anthropology

Among the Hopi, as indicated in "Ties that Bind," clan heads and chiefs of religious societies:

are typically worse off materially than the average member of the clan

What kind of social unit is common among foragers?


market distrubution

bargain, law of supply like the us.

who came up with the concept of cultural relativism


cultural relativism

boas did this with native americans. so cultural relativism is the idea that we should give different values and standards respect and try to see what they do from their perspective.


borrowing between cultures either directly or not directly

For anthropology, "ethnographies" are know 3 things

building blocks of cultural anthropology, a detailed examination of a single culture, the end product of field work

slash and burn technique

burn the ground to make sure it is fertizlied

Studies of the differences in the use of color terms between female and male Americans suggest that

changes in culture produce changes in language and thought

name 5 fields of anthropology

cultural anthropology, archaelogy, biological anthropology, linguistic anthropoloy, and applied anthropology.

Washoe and Lucy's effort to teach sign language to other chimpanzees is an example of:

cultural transmison


did the study on the yanomomo


culture is an organiztion of conventional understanding manifest in art and artifact which persists through tradition and it characterizes a human group

The American Anthropological Association's Code of Ethics is

designed to ensure that all anthropologists are aware of their obligations to the field of anthropology, the host communities that allow them to conduct their research, and to society in general.

symobolic capital

discrimantion based on language. humor in social knowledge


dominent culture wants minor culture. minority blends in with the majority. no longer two separate culture units.

As suggested in our article "Understanding Eskimo Science," the quote that Nelson believes epitomizes relationships to the natural world among many Native American people i

each animal knows way more than you do

The process by which children learn culture is known as


hunter gathers what is this also called and name some characteristics of itt and who uses this know 2 characteristics do they starve and trade?

eskimos, native americans. also called foraging, can work in low population, the girls get the fruit, nuts, etc while guys look for bigger game. dont starve or trade

Which of the following accurately distinguishes ethnography from ethnology

ethnologists look beyond the particular cultural data that ethnographers describe and interpret to compare and contrast and make generalizations about society and culture

The generalizing, comparative, and theory-building part of cultural anthropology is known as: (and this term also occasionally stands in for the entire sub-field of cultural anthropology)


Noam Chomsky used the term adaptive strategy to describe a society's system of economic production. true or false


There are 6 vowel phonemes in American Standard English, corresponding to the letters a e i o u and sometimes y. true or false


name some facts about yanomomo 2 major facts

fight with clubs if promised wife wasnt offered etc cause there violent the more bumps on the head the more you are respected. , have to offer something to them in order to receive,


final r's and s;s dropped. ex: you tired

agriculture how big is it, do they trade, and do they starve often what is some characteristics of this

frequent food shortages and trade, spread throughout the world. leads to more disease, work, and risk. more work because multiple steps to produce one item, more risk because depending on the weather everything could be ruined, and more disease because eat one thing not varied diet, close together with people so disease is spread plus we get diseases from animals

school based on malononski principles


negative reprocity

give gifts by bringing something in silence, doesnt accept the gift first makes sure if his gift is accepted if it is still there then they keep adding more to it until it is accepted then he finally takes it.


give their goods away but you need neighboring villages to do this.


going from hunter gathering nation to agriculture soceity

Which of the following statements about culture is not true? think about humans and culture

humans differ in their capacity for culture

vcrs in madagascar

if child kneeds bread then he can watch movies on vcr this leads to globization because influence in movies

emic perspective

insider perspective on your own culture

generalized reprocity

no strings attached on gift giving

For anthropologists today, the term "primitive

is a misleading term that should be avoided.

Which of the following is not a distinctive feature of four-field anthropology?

it has a focus on contemporary cultures

The Counts' article in our reader ("Too Many Bananas") was relevant to this section of our course because

it illustrated a different economic and exchange system than what is familiar to most Americans.

What does the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis argue?

languages people speak influence the way they speak


little things that we all have what makes each group different

focal voc

more words for a single object. ex: nuer has 400 words that they call cows because cows matter to that group

When studying a culture today, anthropologist must consider 3 things

must consider culture contact, external organizations, and power differentials and how they affect cultures.

kin based mode of production

not waged based work for family because they believe they owe their family something

During the first few weeks in the field, the anthropologist will

notice some of the most basic aspects of cultural diversity that eventually fade from consciousness


of, relating to, or believing in the principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities.


once a village has a lot of produce they invite neighboring villages to come and take all their sttuff. they believe if they trade things then they are generous.

balanced reprocity is often called what and what is it

or delayed reprocity. people who live somewhere else do this. they will give you something but expect to get something next time you see them

culture shock

out of water experience, if you can find a functional reason for them doing things the way they are doing then it isnt culture shock

etic perspective

outside perspective on a culture


people from 3rd world countries who leave to richer places and come back to their country, try to change their country because they think their country is poor and they want to modernize it.

tuscon garbage project

people were surveryed but there were two different sets of answers. when asked how much they thought they consumed, vs what they actually found in the garbage. gave them answers to make it seem like they really didnt drink that much beer.

In my comments on the language chapter, I illustrated the 11 vowel sounds in standard American English to help explain the concept of: outside perspective


What term did anthropologist Edward T. Hall coin to refer to the study of spatial relations between people?


name a thing made in madgascar and how it is made

put trees and leaves in the dirt bury it and light it on fire it makes charcoal

The term alienation is used to describe what phenomenon in industrial economies?

separation of workers from the things they produce

farwest generous spirit

showed the idea of the potluck and the different perspectives of it

Which of the following is associated with horticultural systems of cultivation?

slash and burn techniques


smallest unit of meaning in a language. adding an s at the end

Anthropology, as a discipline, has traditionally had the most in common with the field of


What do sociolinguists study?

speech in a social context

Anthropologists have worked among groups where goods are exchanged between people, not with an eye towards maximizing profits, but rather __________ .

strengthen social obligations

what is the school based on levi struess principles


Anthropology is a holistic discipline in that it

studies human biological, cultural, and linguistic variation across both time and space.

holistic perspective

study of everything

comparative perspective

study of everywhere go to different places to compare


study of human speech sounds inside perspective

what is the school based on geertz principles

symbolic antrhropology

participant observation

taking part in events one is observing, describing, and analyzing.

As practiced by cultural anthropologists, the classic method of gaining an emic understanding of a people's life is

talking with and participating in daily life of society

longintudial studies

team studies over time, pass on research to their students when they retire or die

Which of the following is not a characteristic field technique used by ethnographers?

telephone questionaries

Ethnography is

the first hand personal experience of a cultural

The anthropological concept of culture can include know 3 things 3 things involve people

the ideas people have, things people make and the way people behave

The problem with relying solely on a few main informants for ethnographic work is that

the informants themselves might not be representative of the rest of the group.

The name "Nacirema" is

the name anthropologist Horace Miner used to describe American culture


the people the antthropologists usually gets all their information from about the village

A study of bilingual Japanese-American women supported Sapir-Whorf in finding that

the same women responded in different ways to questions asked in English and in Japanese.

For Noam Chomsky, the "Universal Grammar" is

the underlying "rules" or similarities of all human languages

pastroalism. do they trade, do they have food shortages, name some characteristts of this and who does this? know 3 characteristics

they do trade with neighboring village usually to get veggies there is a frequent food shortage. they use animal products all of them dont eat meat, and use the blood of their animals as a source of protein. the nuer do this

what did malinoski do

thought of the process of participant observation

Cultural relativism tends to foster

tolerance in anthropologists as they attempt to understand other cultural practices.

Pastoral people in different parts of the world

trade with neighobring people

The key factor that distinguishes agriculturists from horticulturalists is that agriculturalists

use land intensively and continously

Ethnocentrism i

using the values of one's own culture to make judgments about the moral worth of other culture

Four-field anthropology shaped by what

was shaped by early anthropolists interst in native americans

what did chomsky believe in

we have a universal grammer- all languages know how our brain interprets language we grew up with, in all languages

Gmelch's article "Lessons from the Field" reports the results of his research into

what American students learned from an anthropological field school in Barbados

Deborah Tannen's research on the speech habits of men and women has revealed that

women tend to use language to build social connections with others.

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