Anthropology Final

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The mating of a male who has the allele combination: Tt and a female who has the allele combination: TT for the trait tongue rolling will result in offspring who could be:

TT and Tt

In the material on globalization world systems theory is discussed. One characteristic of a periphery is:

consumer of finished value added products

Small group of related households, occupying a particular region, that come together periodically, but do not yield sovereignty -- one reason for gatherings? Finding mates


The branch of anthropology that includes the study of material remains to describe and explain human behavior is:


______________ attempts at adaptation by humans are on an individual basis, short term and reversible


The initial response humans make to environmental stresses are ________________.

Biological Cultural Behavioral Pick Any

Evolution results from survival of the fittest

False Title:evolution produce

If the mother of a child is Japanese and the father is Chinese, who will determine the race of the child? (Use the Race Codes chart to answer this question.


One of the crucial pieces of evidence used in the nature "fixed or changing" debate was


There were more and larger _____________ on the left side of the large houses than the right.


A zygote with the following allele combination for the trait tongue rolling: RR is:

Homozygous Dominant

Labor as the most important input is characteristic of:


The kind of archaeology that Hayden carried out is known as


Another important issue for the Cree was what would happen if _____ was successful in gaining independence from Canada.


The Cree live in __________ province.


Height is determined by genes and _________.


Plasticity means that _________ has an influence on phenotype


Hayden argued that the population of the site was 1200-1500 based on extrapolations from ______________.

ethnographic data

The process of cell division known as "mitosis" produces

exact copies of the original cell

The example, used in class, of the appropriateness of the clothes worn by male and female dolls was an illustration of culture as:


The importance of Mendel's work, the discovery of DNA and heredity is in

explaining variation between members of the same species explaining variation between parents and offspring explaining variation in sexually reproducing species all of the above

Humans are no longer evolving.


In our bi-lineal society you consider your self related to your mother's brothers and so does your father.


The herds of pastoralists mostly consist of:

females and castrated males

Hayden established that the sizes of the large houses had remained relatively constant for a long time by:

finding midden deposits around the houses

Tools associated ONLY with H. sapiens sapiens include

fishhooks, needles

The fact that the better salmon was caught in the middle of the stream which meant that the occupants of the larger houses had access to better __________

fishing platforms

The major differences between a chimpanzee pelvis and a hominid pelvis is that the Hominid pelvis is

flared, shorter

The interdependence between men and women in highland Papua New Guinea subsistence and social organization is based on the mens control over access to one resource, and the womens control over access to ____________.


The use of animals for ______________ was the crucial step in the development of full pastoral societies

food hides transportation Pick Any

If you find a fossilized cranium you can determine if the species was bipedal through an examination of the placement of the _______________

foramen magnum

Homo sapiens have big brains and bipedal locomotion which makes them


The social organization of highland Papua New Guineans is related to what subsistence production problem


The interdependence between men and women in highland Papua New Guinea subsistence and social organization is based on the mens control over access to _____________


The recruitment of men into a clan also leads to the need for more _________ and thus lead to conflicts with other clans which undermines the original purpose of recruitment


The interdependence between men and women in highland Papua New Guinea subsistence and social organization is also based on women as the primary caretakers of the _______ which are the mens source of wealth and status

land food pigs Pick Any

When people begin to do horticulture and plant with the intention to harvest at some later time, what becomes very important

land tenure

In the material on Cambodian refugees it was explained that resettling refugees in sites with houses all in a row was a way of making them ___________

legible happy wealthy Pick Any

May deal with the description of a language or the history of a language:

linguistic anthropology

In the material on globalization world systems theory is discussed. One characteristic of periphery is:

low skiled, low paid labor high skilled, high paid labor Pick Any

From what you know about genetics you can say that the chart: (Use the Race Codes chart to answer this question.)

makes no biological sense at all

Highland Papua New Guinea social organization is based on clans which has a core group of _________


Homo sapiens are furry, homeothermic, and give live birth which makes them


When a newly married couple settle near the family of the husband

patri-local post marital residence

Pastoral societies are most commonly:


Eye color and hair color are examples of

phenotypes genotypes chromatotypes

Adaptation to environmental stresses by human beings is mostly:

physiological biological behavioral Pick Any

All of the following animals can be found as important animals among pastoralists EXCEPT


An example of this form of human adaptation is: height and nutritional stress when young


The marriage pattern of one woman and more than one man at a time is called


The marriage pattern of one man and more than one woman


Cultural adaptations operate at the level of the


Genetic adaptations operate at the level of the:


Homo sapiens have upright posture, grasping hands, stereoscopic vision which makes them:


In the material on globalization world systems theory is discussed. One characteristic of a core is:

producer of raw materials producer of finished products source of migration Pick Any

The source of meat for Homo habilis was very likely from


Homo habilis tools are also known as ________ because of the way they were used


The process of cell division known as "meiosis" produces:

sex cells

Gametes are

sex cells (sperm or egg)

In archaic homo sapiens large browridges are

similar to H. erectus

In archaic homo sapiens thick cranial walls

similar to H. erectus

In archaic homo sapiens cranial capacity more than 1000 cc

similar to modern H. sapiens

In archaic homo sapiens rounded occipitals

similar to modern H. sapiens

The presence of pine needles and grass seed was indicative of:

sleeping areas

Hunter gatherers live in ________ scale societies


In terms of the development of subsistence systems (hunting and gathering to agriculture) pastoralism is

specialization of agruculturalist

One of the the factors leading to increased village life as a result of the the coming of Europeans was _____________.

the fur trade and trading posts

What does the chart infer about the genes of Hawaiians? (Use the Race Codes chart to answer this question.)

they are dominate over other genes

The most important characteristic of an animal species that make it suitable for pastoralists is

they can eat food unsuitable for humans

Skin color is an adaptation to:

ultraviolet radiation

The most important characteristic of the DNA molecule is the ability to:

unzip, or split in half while maintaining the sequence of bases on its own, synthesize proteins combat viruses Pick any answer

Natural Selection is possible because there is:

variation between individuals within a species

If the assimilationist model is correct, then H. neanderthalis and H. sapiens sapiens were:

variations within one species not living at the same time Pick Any

The remains of stone tool making activities, debitage, was found around hearths and between the hearths and _____________.


Slash and burn and ringing trees are methods of ________ used by horticulturalists.

warfare land clearance harvesting Pick Any

A big man in highland Papua New Guinea society was one who attained this status through the production and redistribution of _________


Characteristics that can be considered part of kinship classification include all of the following EXCEPT:


The leaching of soil nutrients which leads to soil fertility problems is greatest when

when a rainforest is cleared

Homo habilis butchering sites were:

where Homo habilis brought scavenged animals and butchered and ate them

In the process of making gardens in the highlands of Papua New Guinea, Harvesting is the responsibility of:


In the process of making gardens in the highlands of Papua New Guinea, Planting is the responsibility of


In the process of making gardens in the highlands of Papua New Guinea, Transfering Sweet Potato Cuttings is the responsibility of


In the process of making gardens in the highlands of Papua New Guinea, Weeding is the responsibility of


Genes are found in:


Marriage in Highland Papua New Guinean society is primarily defined as a relationship between

the husband and wife a man and his fellow clansmen the clan of the husband and the clan of the wife Pick Any

In the example of the refugee resettlement in Cambodia the resettlement sites were used to illustrate:

the increasing legibility imposed by globalization on prostrate populations such as refugees. the persistence of traditional ways of life in response to globalization. the way Cambodians always wanted to live Pick Any

Sedentary but dispersed are patterns of land use that apply to:

the location of villages and gardens C.the location of cities and towns D.the location of houses and villages

If the "multi-regional" hypothesis is correct then

there had to be a lot of gene flow during the transition period

If the replacement hypothesis is correct then:

there should be evidence in meteorites from Mars there should be evidence of conflict between australopithecines and H. sapiens sapiens there should be evidence of conflict between H. neanderthalis and H. sapiens sapiens Title homo erectus

When excavating the large house sites Hayden discovered:

there were very few features to be found within the houses there was a difference between the left and right sides of the houses there was evidence of alien contact Pick Any

______________ attempts at adaptation by humans are on a population basis, longer term, transmitted synchronically to other people and diachronically, across generations and reversible


One of the organization that globalists point to as an example of globalization is:

World Trade Organization

Homo Neanderthalis is found in:

Europe and Middle East

There is evidence that Homo habilis buried their dead


There is evidence that Homo habilis created cave art.


By ________ years ago, all hominids are anatomically modern Homo sapiens.

200,000 100,000 35,000

Archbishop James Usher calculated that the earth was created in _________ using genealogical information from the Bible.

4004 BC

The average cranial capacity of Homo erectus was:

900-1000 cc

Your own biological brother or sister would be what kind of kin


The earliest Australopithecine was

A. Afarensis

If the replacement or the assimilationist hypothesis is correct then H. sapiens sapiens originated in:


The most important characteristic distinguishing Australopithecines from other, earlier, primates is:

Bipedal ism

The Cree live in __________


The idea that natural catastrophes wiped out all the species in one area and led to an inflow of species into that area from neighboring areas and thus led to changes in fossil record was known as:


He sailed on the Beagle, he stopped in the Galapagos Islands, he observed finches, he wrote books, he formulated the principle of natural selection, who was he?


Darwin's Evidence for Evolution included:

Domesticated plants and animals Geographic distribution of life forms Geological record and Paleontological record (fossil record) Embryology: embryological stages of different species resemble each other very closely during early embryonic stages All of the above are correct answers

All creatures that ever lived will leave fossils


All individuals of the same species are exactly the same:


Americans have lineages.


Evolution is directional.


Evolution is hierarchical


Evolution will produce "better" creatures


Hayden also argued that there were inequalities between the large houses and the small houses based on finding the bones of squirrels in the small houses and deer in the large houses


Hayden found that the greatest concentration of human bones within the large houses was on the side with smallest hearths.


Homo habilis migrated out of Africa


In a matrilineal society you could marry the son or daughter of your father's brother is he was married to your mother's sister.


Members of the species H. erectus made cave paintings


The basis upon which an individual is classified as Hispanic is the same as that by which an individual is classified as Black. (Use the Affirmative Action Information sheet and Definitions to answer this question.)


The definitions that are used to determine which category an individual belongs in are entirely consistent. (Use the Affirmative Action Information sheet and Definitions to answer this question.)


The main issue Hayden (author of Keatley Creek) was seeking to explore was the relationship between _Horticulturalists and generalized hunter gatherers.


The idea that organic forms changed through "effort," that the effort the organism makes in using those parts of its body that are most adaptive under given environmental circumstances and little by little as time goes on, that these changes result in new organs that are passed on through heredity, was developed by: Darwin


A corporate descent group whose members trace their genealogical links to a common ancestor and they can name all the links.


The first to come up with a comprehensive system of how species could change their form but not how new species appeared was:

Lyell Count De Duck Lamarck Pick any

If the Mother of a child is Japanese and the father is white, who will determine the race of the child? (Use the Race Codes chart to answer this question.)


Hayden also argued that there were inequalities between the large houses and the small houses based on finding the bones of pink in the small houses and sockeye salmon in the large houses.


Hayden explained the differences in salmon bones by arguing that the people living on one side of the house ate fillet of salmon while the people on the other side ate the backbone of the salmon.


Hayden found that the greatest concentration of salmon bones within the large houses was on the side with fewer hearths.


Homo habilis ate meat.


Hunter gatherers are highly mobile


In a matrilineal society you could marry the son or daughter of your father's sister


Members of the species H. erectus constructed shelters


Members of the species H. erectus controlled fire


Social organization is related to religion


The differences in the kind of salmon meant that the occupants of the larger houses had access to better salmon.


The main issue Hayden (author of Keatley Creek) was seeking to explore was the relationship between complex hunter gatherers and generalized hunter gatherers


The pink salmon was caught near the shore and the sockeye salmon was caught in the middle of the stream.


Traditionally, before the Europeans came the Cree lived mostly dispersed across the land and only gathered in large numbers seasonall


form of subsistence (hunter gathering, horticulturalists,etc) is related to the size of a society


form of subsistence is often related to the degree of social stratification egalitarianism in society


subsistence is related to social organization


One of the organization that globalists point to as an example of globalization is:


The idea that forces had been active in the past that are active today, and that the earth formed (mountains, valleys, hills, etc..) as a result of natural forces, i.e. erosion, sedimentation, etc..., operating over long periods of time,


One of the organization that globalists point to as an example of globalization is:

United Nations

One of the major question that Hayden sought to answer was:

Why there were differencesome in house sizes

Evolution is:

a change in allele frequency

According to World Systems Theory a _______ country is characterized by producing finished products, high skilled high paid labor, destination of migration, high industrialization

a core country

zygote is

a fertilized egg

The mounding and ditching characteristic of Highland Papua New Guinea Horticulture is a response to problems with:

a lack of water and low temperatures. high temperatures and a lack of water. low temperatures and too much water Pick Any

According to World Systems Theory ______ is characterized by producing raw materials, consuming finished products, low skilled, low paid labor, source of migrants

a periphery country

"Getting used to" an environment through a reversible physiological change is an example of what form of human adaptability?


The tools produced by Homo erectus are known as _______ tool


The beliefs and meanings ascribed to behaviors that people have as a result of growing up within a culture are examples of culture as:


The arrangement of the debitage, the needles and the grass seed, and the chemical analysis of the soil all indicated to Hayden that the large houses were not split according to __________,


your mother-in-law or father in-law would be what kind of kin:


Irrigation is important to:


Large scale societies are:


One of the major threats to the Cree's use of land was the province's desire to build _________

airports hydro-electric dams Pick Any

Another crucial factor in the development of pastoralist societies was the use of animals such they were worth more ________ than ________.

alive, dead

The presence of phosphorus, calcium, potassium in greater concentrations in the soil around _______of the hearths indicates that food preparation took place


The remains of stone tool making activities, debitage, was found around ___________ of the hearths.


The Great Chain of Being: 1600-1700s was the philosophy that:

all morphological forms were fixed and ordered

Homo sapiens have rounded occipitals, high foreheads, chins and flat faces which makes them

anatomically modern

According to highland Papua New Guinean belief, the physical environment was controlled by ___________________.

ancestor spirits

Public display and redistribution of wealth in highland Papua New Guinea society are required for a man to attain the status of ___________________

big man

Homo habilis were:


When the man gives gifts to the family of the wife

bride price

A period of time in which the man will go to live with his wife's family and do labor there

bride service

The only people who consider themselves related to the same people in a bi-lineal (have the same kindred) society are:

brothers and sisters

A regional polity in which two or more local groups are organized under a single chief, who is at the head of a ranked hierarchy of people.


The recruitment of men into a clan leads to the need for more _________.


A non-corporate descent group with each member claiming descent from a common ancestor without actually knowing the genealogical links to that ancestor.


The greatest difference between Homo erectus and anatomically modern Homo sapiens is found in the


The recruitment of non-agnates in to a clan is a result of high rates of ______________ among highland New Guinean clans.

crime warfare religious conversion Pick Any

The children of a brother (and his wife) and his sister (and her husband) would be

cross cousin

Highland Papua New Guinea social organization is based on agnatic clans in which the member all also consider themselves to be _________

descendents from a common ancestor

Natural Selection is based on:

differential reproductive success

One of the characteristics of the kind of archeology that Hayden pursuedo in order to reconstruct the way of life of the people who occupied the site was to

document the distribution of artifacts within the site use police k-9 units to find artifacts look for alien landing sites near the site Pick Any

The payment of woman's inheritance at time of marriage either to husband, husbands family or herself


As a result of being bipedal childbirth in Australopithecines and Homos is _______________ in Chimpanzees.

easier than faster than more difficult than Pick Any

The concept of "race" is a ________________ concept

genetic social molecular (Use the Race Codes chart to answer this question) Pick Any

Recessive alleles are those that exist in the ______ but are not found in the __________.

genotype, phenotype chromotype, phenotype somatotype, genotype

Homo habilis represent the persistence of _________ australopithecine characteristics


Hayden dug trenches into several house sites. The most important discoveryou that Hayden made was that

he could determine floor deposits from roof deposits

The greatest amount of variation within Australopithecines is found in their:

height weight dentition Pick any

Hayden argued that the population of the site was 1200-1500 based on _________________..

house sizes

Animal traction is important to:

hunter gatherers horticulturalists agriculturalists Pick Any

In the material on Cambodian refugees and globalization it was pointed out that refugees are considered to be:

illegible very happy wealthy Pick Any

The presence of phosphorus, calcium, potassium in greater concentrations in the soil around hearths indicates that food preparation took place _________

in all parts of the house outside of the house Pick Any

Examination of the bones of the feet indicates bipedalism if

in-line first (big) toe

Shallow kinship or shallow genealogies among highland Papua New Guineans allows for

inclusion into the clan of men who are not real agnates

Behavioral adaptations operate at the level of the


Acclimatization affects:


Exogamy and endogamy refer to:

marrying outside of or within a specified group of people

Highland Papua New Guinea social organization is based on clans which is a core group of _________


In the process of making gardens in the highlands of Papua New Guinea, Diging Drainage Ditches (Barrets) and Making Moundsis the responsibility of:


In the process of making gardens in the highlands of Papua New Guinea, Slashing and Burning is the responsibility of


The most important accomplishment of Homo Erectus from an evolutionary perspective was:

migration out of Africa

The importance of DNA is its role in determining which _________________ get made through DNA - RNA transcription.

minerals ribosomes polypeptide chains or proteins Pick any

In the material on globalization the concept of legibility was discussed in terms of deciding the ___________ line was in the War on Poverty.

misery poverty county Pick Any

The American marriage pattern is:


The marriage pattern of one man and one woman is called


Hunter gatherers have _______ egalitarian cultures than agriculturalists


Homo Habilis was placed in the genus Homo largely because:

of increased cranial capacity

Homo Habilis is associated with what kind of tools:


In a tropical rainforest environment most of the nutrients are

on the ground decomposing in the living plants above the ground washed away in streams Pick Any

During the making of gardens, Papua New Guineans use pigs as

pack animals plows entertainment Pick Any

Niezen in Defending the Land discusses several contemporary issues that create tension among the Cree between spending time in the land or in towns. One of these issues is _____________

providing health care

Niezen describes several ways the Cree still use the land, including _______


All of the following are characteristics of theach robust forms of australopithecines except

sagittal crest large jaws and teeth smooth, rounded occipital Pick Any

The arrangement of hearths and storage pits indicated that the large houses were split by _____________

social inequality

The long fallow periods that are characteristic of horticulture are the result of

soil fertility problems

In the globalization module a hyperglobalist is defined as:

someone who sees integration occuring in the world today as the continuation of a process begun in the 1500s someone who sees the integration occuring today as something fundamentally new and different. Pick Any

In the material on globalization world systems theory is discussed. One characteristic of a core is:

source of remittances artisinal production Pick Any

A centralized political system with the power to coerce, tax, conscript and prevent rebellion.


A fossil is


Hayden also argued that corporate groups residing in the same house owned or controlled hunting and gathering territories based on finding different kinds of ___________ for making tools in different houses.


There were more and larger _____________ on the left side of the large houses than the right.

storage pits

The primary acclimatization response of homo sapiens to heat stress is

sweating sooner

Hayden argued that the population size meant that there should be a lot of ____________ among the people who lived in the site.

technological change occupational specialization news reporting Pick Any

Parents choosing spouses for their children indicate:

that kinship counts

A big man in highland Papua New Guinea society also depended on assistance was provided him by _______________, as a result of him performing the correct rituals in just the right way.

the ancestors

The idea of Uniformitarianism was critically important to Darwin because it meant:

the earth was older than 4004 BC

Niezen in Defending the Land discusses several contemporary issues that create tension among the Cree between spending time in the land or in towns. One of these issues is _____________

the need to send children to school

One of the important factors leading to the development of pastoralism is

the under-utilization of good crop-land land by agriculturalists the development of markets the availability of non-arable land that can support animals Pick Any

The "Out of Africa," the "multiregional" and the "assimilation" hypotheses concern the:

transition from erectus to archaic to modern homo sapiens

A group of nominally independent communities occupying a specific region, sharing a common language and culture, which are integrated by some unifying factor.


Rapid nutrient cycling is characteristic of:

tropical rainforests

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