AP Euro Study Guide Period 1-1

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reconciliation; Protestants

In addition to reforming the Church, the other goal of the Council of Trent was to secure ______________ with the ___________.

civil war

St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre lead to a lengthy ____ ___.

patronage; wealthy; rulers

The basis of financial support for the evolution of the renaissance artist was the __________ of ________ individuals and ________.

security; order; safety; populace

According to Machiavelli, government should be judged on how well they provide _____, _____, and _____ to its _______.

Lutheran; Catholic

As a result of the Peace of Augsburg, the people of Germany became either ________ or ________, depending on the preference of their prince.

redistribution; lands; upper classes; Tudor

As a result of the dissolution of the English monasteries, the _____________ of _____ strengthened the _____ ______ and tied them to the _____ dynasty.

Henry IV; France; conscience; worship; Calvinists; France

The Edict of Nantes was a document issued by _____ __ of ______ in 1598, granting liberty of __________ and of public ______ to __________, which helped restore peace in ______.

Henry VIII; disagreements; pope; marriages

The Reformation in England was the result of _____ ____'s _____________ with the ____ over his ________.

education; morality; clergy; Protestants

The overriding goal of the Catholic religious orders established in the 16th century was to improve the _________ and ________ of the _____ (although it was also a counter-reformation against the _________).

Habsburg-Valois War

What conflict did The Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis end?

Christian humanists

What individuals believed the merging of Christian and classical traditions could provide reform for the church and deepen the spiritual lives of people?

Cosimo de Medici

Who was the wealthy Florentine responsible for the vast patronage of Renaissance artists?

conduct; impact; salvation

The Calvinist doctrine of predestination led to the belief among Calvinists that one's _____ had no ______ upon their own _________.

printing press

The _________ _____ aided Martin Luther as his call for reform emerged.

anti-secular; burned; burned

The main characteristics of Girolamo Savonarola were that he was ____-________, wanted everything ______, got ______ (literally)


What Florentine artist was commissioned by Pope Julius II to build his tomb and paint the Sistine Chapel?


What French word was coined by historian Giorgio Vasari to describe the "rebirth" of the culture of classical antiquity?

The Courtier

What educational book by Baldassare Castiglione provided a treatise on training a young man in the discipline and fashion needed for the courtly ideal of being a gentleman?

Ursuline Order

What new religious order for women emerged in the 16th century?

skilled; prepared ruler; prince; lose; realm

What was the importance of "fate" was important in Machiavelli's analysis in the The Prince because the most _____ and _______ _____ could not cause a _____ to the operations of fate that might cause a _____ to ____ his _____.


What was the name given to French Protestants?


What was the name given to the Catholic and Huguenot moderates in France?

peasants; freedom; opposing; secular powers

Martin Luther's first response to the Peasant's War was to side with the ________, but he then changed his mind because he did not think that _______ meant _______ legally established _______ ______ (he thought it would be the end of civilized society).

political loyalty; attachment; individual city-state

A unified Italian state failed to develop in the 15th century because of _________ ________ and feeling centered on a passionate __________ to the __________ ____-_____.

Charles V; power

France supported the Protestant princes of Germany because they wanted to prevent _______ _ from increasing his _____.

middle course; Church of England; Catholics

In religious affairs, Elizabeth I of England took a ______ _____ between Catholicism and Protestantism, but the _____ __ _______ was the official English religion (but she did let the _________ worship in their homes).

classics; human nature

Italian humanists stressed the study of ________, in order to learn about _____ _____.


John Calvin rejected the idea of free will because he believed in ______________.

spiritual priesthood; Catholic

Luther believed that the Church consisted of all believers in a _________ __________, and not just a fixed place or person (differed from the _________ Church).

faith alone; salvation

Martin Luther's doctrine of salvation was that _____ _____ would yield _________.

Jews; Christianity; Christian; accurate; Spanish nationalism; blood

On the Iberian Peninsula, the people referred to as the "New Christians" were ____ who accepted _______________ but since many had become __________ centuries earlier, the word new is not ________; ________ ___________ stressed purity of _____.

fixed place; created world; freely choose; heavens; animals

Pico della Mirandola's understanding of the uniqueness of humankind was that humans, lacking a _____ _____, were the one part of the ______ _____ that could think ________, ________ to rise to the ________, or sink into the realm of _________.

glorification; individual genius; individualism; humanism

The central components of the Italian Renaissance were the __________ of __________ _______ ( _______________ and _____________)

world; oneself; one's will

The Renaissance idea of virtu was the ability to shape the _____ around ________ according to _____ _____.

Johann Gutenberg

Who was the most prominent metal smith who helped develop metal movable print?

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