AP Euro Units 1-7 Information

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queen mary I

"Bloody Mary" - daughter of Catherine of Aragon (Henry's first wife). moved england back towards catholicism executed hundreds of protestants: hence bloody mary married phillip II dies in 1558 before she completes her completion of converting england back to catholicism

what was the answer to the essay written by kant?

"Dare to know" (seek answers for yourself, don't depend on dogma, tradition or established ideas.)

pico mirandola

"Oration on the Dignity of Man", tried to justify humanistic reasoning & pushed idea that man can be whatever he wants. said that god gave us this stuff, so we need to use it

newton's famous quote

"Stood on the shoulders of giants"

popolo grasso

"fat people" - the elite in Italian city states; including nobles, wealthy merchants, and manufacturers. Made up around 5% of the population

laissez faire capitalizm

"let it happen" little or no role for the government in the economy

saint simon

"social engineers" who steer production for the good of the people

robert owen

"villages of cooperation" - New Lanark

vasco de gama

(1498): portuguese: makes first trip to india using new trade route around africa, which connected atlantic to indian ocean.

the 95 theses

(1517) - Were LUther's challenges to the church, which he nailed to his church's door for all to see. His ideas quickly spread around germany/holy roman empire. ?

spanish fury

(1576) **Spanish "sacking of the city of Antwerp

Charles I

(1625-49) - son of james I, becomes king, Key conflict will be over finances/taxes. Charles' government is in need of money (due to war with Scotland: he wants them to be more episcopal (bishops etc) and they want to be presbyterian); but does not want to go to parliament for funds (parliament would require concessions or conditions charles would not want in exchange for money).

peace of alais

(1629) - stripped the huguenots of their military power, political power, and territory. maintained freedom of worship (for now).

Antonie Leeuwenhoek

(1647) Magnification through glass - Forerunner of the microscope

prides purge

(1649) - New Model Army is used to remove and intimidate more moderate members of the house of commons. led by colonel Pride.

Christiaan Huygens

(1656) Developed Pendulum clock - proved the Earth spins and allowed for precise time.

Conflict over Foreign Policy: Treaty of Dover

(1670): Between England and France: at first the Treaty is a secret agreement. In this agreement, Charles II agrees to return England to the Catholic Church, France's Louis XIV provides Charles one and a promise of troops if needed As the Treaty becomes public - causes a split in parliament.-Later evolves into 2 political parties (see below).

declaration of indulgences

(1672): Issued by Charles II Grants some religious freedom to Catholics - creates concerns in Parliament which leads to Test Act

Parliament's response to the declaration of indulgences: THE TEST ACT

(1673): reasserts that the Church of England (Anglican Church) is the official government religion. only Anglicans can hold government office, and teach in universities. Had to take Anglican Communion to serve in office.

battle of narva

(1704) Russian Defeat - Charles XII then invades Poland. This gives Peter time to improve the army.

battle of potalva

(1709) - Russian victory. Peter keeps petrograd. Sweden declines as a major power peter acquired much of the baltic shore, providing him with warm water ports

the bubonic plage

(Black Death) - During the 1300's much of Europe fell victim to plague. It is estimated that nearly 1/3 of Europe's population died during this time (approx. 25 million people).

categorical imperative

(Kant)In deciding whether an action is right or wrong, or desirable or undesirable, a person should evaluate the action in terms of what would happen if everybody else in the same situation, or category, acted the same way.

The consideration of the greatness and declien of rome

(MONTESQUIEU) Compares Rome to Great Britain. Means Britain has the power/ability of "self-correction" - ability to recognize mistakes and make changes. (SHOWS separation of power and checks and balances)

Persian Letters

(MONTESQUIEU) (Satirical criticism of the French Government - satire is used by authors to avoid censorship) - first to be critical of slavery - said it was against natural law, that "all men are born free and independent."

plymouth county

(Massachusetts/Boston): it was also during this time (1620) that english puritans fled the volatile religious environment in england for the new world. many early northeastern us settlements were puritan.

the streltzy

(a Russian military force loyal to the Council of Boyars) had been part of an attempted assassination of Peter during this period. He had most of them executed! Sometimes Peter assisted in the executions.

battle of the nile/abukir

(aug 1798) naval battle France vs. Great Britain-British victory. Admiral Nelson key antagonist

democratic movements

(constitutionalism) - democratic movement begin to emerge (England and Netherlands)

coup d'etat of brumaire

(dec 1799) leads to napoleon becoming the dictator of france as first consul


(hobbes) Purpose was to discover the legitimate basis of government. Written in shadow of English Civil War which ended one year earlier. Often compared with The Prince.

henry of navarre

(later Henry IV) - major political leader who supported the huguenots


(local governments where king had to register laws before they can go into effect). This allowed local areas to ignore national laws. Richelieu wants to undo this

insurrection of vendemiare

(month in new calendar): Food Riot and May of 1795, Royalists try to raid the National Assembly.


(private business owners) to fill growing demand. Used the "putting-out system" to circumvent the guilds. used rural people outside of the towns (guilds) to create goods. entrepreneurs would deliver raw materials, workers would then create a finished product in their homes. they would be picked up later and sold for profit, which is also known as cottage industries or the domestic system.

status quo ante

(the state before the war): situation returns to the prewar status meaning any captured land is returned. Louis gains nothing, but also loses nothing.


(traders, manufacturers, and bankers) grew to be more wealthy and powerful than traditional nobility. Noble families began to marry into wealthy merchant families.

sinking of the spanish armada

(vs. England) 1588- eventually causes Spain to compromise.

Night of August 4 1789

- abolishes feudalism -catholic church agrees to be taxed -catholic church gives up"forced tithe" -women gained rights to property and divorce, financial rights to illegitimate children (child support), etc. but not citizenship or equal rights

why did peter move the capital to st. petersburg

- coastal, for warm water purposes - to get trade source - to make a super european area

deductive reasoning

- deductive - you start with an established premise, and then try to figure out how it's true.

cogito ergo sum

- descartes - i think therefore I am

why does it take so long for governments to begin to address these issues

- industry is new, so when something is brand new it takes a long time to see and understand and fix all of the issues. - rich people own factories, so majority government people are factory owners. so, they don't want to increase pay etc, because theyd lose money

People were afraid to travel because

- it was dangerous - their manor had whatever they needed

military reform under louis

-Army swells to 700,000 - largest in europe at the time -improves training, uses merit for promotion (like today) -improves logistics of moving and supplying an army: develops medics to aid wounded soldiers

blase's options towards the belief towards god

-Bet there is no God and act accordingly - If you're wrong you lose everything. -Bet there is a God and act accordingly - if you're wrong you lose nothing.


-England, Dutch Netherlands - centralization varies -rule by law -rule over relatively homogenous population -practice mercantilism: later capitalism -power of the king is shared with parliament -recognition of some individual rights -think william and mary of england

American Revolution

-Fought against a mother country -Fought in North America - far from -Europe/Britain -Single goal = independence (liberty) from mother country -No consequential wars

French Revolution

-Fought within France = civil war -Goal was to challenge France's social and political structure; -End absolute monarchy and aristocratic privilege -Multiple goals = "Liberty, equality, fraternity (brotherhood)" -Sparks a larger, European war; also subsequent wars into the 19th century


-France, Prussia, Russia, Austria -Highly centralized state (control from one place or person) -Rule by divine right -rule over relatively homogenous populations -practice mercantilism -no sharing of power with a parliament -no recognition of individual right -think louis xiv

western europe traits

-Great Britain, France, Netherlands -Increasingly Secular -Feudalism is dying out (new economic elites) -Government is more modern/efficient (GB is more democratic) -Nobility/peasants system is breaking down

was peter good or bad? what are some things he did?

-He personally killed opponents in some cases -cared deeply about those loyal to him -turned russia into a modern/western nation -personally ripped out boyar beards -ruled and participated personally in state affairs (lived in a cabin in St. petersburg, built ships)

modernizing domestic reforms for peter

-Improved (required) education for sons of nobles - this ensures they "-Westernize" -Created the Russian Academy of -Science (1721) -First newspaper "Pravda" -Switched Russian calendar to the Julian Calendar (even though Western Europe was using the Gregorian Calendar - included leap year). - Gave russia a flag! Needed to identify ships in the navy -will declare russia an empire in 1721 (lasts until 1917)

why did the renaissance start in italy

-Key mediterranean area for trade re establishing during the crusades -trade urbanized much of italy (Genoa and venice grew large, wealthy and diverse from middle east trade prior to the renaissance cultural blending (new ideas exchanged -Roman empire's foundations (literaly and figuratively) were in italy

why were the french in debt?

-Louis XIV and Louis XV's wars -Selling the titles of nobility -Royal expenses -French supporting the american revolution

David Ricardo

-National specialization -comparative advantage -iron law of wages

Humoral Theory

-Old school thought on medicine -Body fluids must be in balance for that individual. Four fluids or "humors" - black bile, yellow bile, blood, and phlegm. Dates back to Galen (Ancient Roman). - includes bloodletting

The roman empire fell because of

-Political issue: Generals and Emperor fight for power -Economy sunk

eastern europe traits

-Russia, Poland, Austria, German States -More Sectarian (divided between religious groups, varying ethnicities, etc.) -Feudalism still firmly in place (Nobles are powerful/Serfdom still in place) -governments are inefficient -old class structure still in place and will be for a while

why did the industrial revolution begin in britain?

-Strong economy -agricultural revolution -abundance of coal -abundance of iron -abundance of cotton -protestant work ethic


-Supporters of King -Nobility/Gentry (Countryside landholders: think Downton Abbey types) -Rural

"ecrasez l'infame"

-Voltaire's motto; 'crush the infamous thing', the 'thing' being bigotry and intolerance of religion

major problems with cromwell

-calvinist views inspire law - censored press, forbade sports, closed theaters (not popular). Remember calvin in Geneva? -But also perceived as too dictatorial for some:

what all did peter do for the military

-creates the first russian navy -drafted serfs: conscription -increased the size of the russian army to 300K (2nd largest in europe) -nobles required to service in officer corp -established a military academy -improved training and discipline -church bells were melted into cannons

african slave trade happened for several reasons:

-decline of mining and movement towards agriculture -mestizos were exempt from service, which led natives to purposely dildute their racial identity. -many natives dying from european diseases shows the unreliable work force

what are some common causes of revolutions?

-depression of 1837 -Hungry 40's -High Inflation and unemployment -varying political demands from each side -nationalism -urbanization and poor urban conditions

Ivan III (1462-1505)

-developed the third rome -believed that russia would be the center of the orthodox christianity as constantinople once had

how do monarchs modernize their armies?

-focus on development of infantry (foot soldiers) -stockpile modern weapons: guns, mobile cannons, etc -construct elaborate fortifications to hold and display their power -scientific research: the monarchs are also investing money in scientific research, which is new for this time period. they can now do it as the church is getting weak. -

two goals of mercantilism

-focused on creating a favorable balance of trade: value of exports is greater than value of imports. this leads to a surplus of government money (gold and silver) -focus was on the economic self sufficiency of a nation

significance of the battle of trafalgar

-makes a direct invasion of a great britain impossible -also signifies complete british naval superiority

In what ways did the IR and factories change our lives?

-mass produced cheap products -fostered consumerism -governed by time -standardized times -schools are modeled on the factory system -led to the minimum wage -workers rights -mechanized warfare

example of louis' reach

-people want to be like the french -france is the lingua franca - countries model palaces after versailles

why is the printing press so heavily important?

-shares information between scientists, and speeds on the process (like the internet today) -limits the duplication of work/study, so you can build upon people's previous works.

why is the english bill of rights important?

-shifts england to a limited or constitutional monarch (From an absolute monarchy) -shifts england to a government based on social contract theory (not divine right of kings -inspires usa to do the same (later of course) -later inspires major events like the frenh revolution


-supporters of parliament (House of Commons) -Middle Class (Puritans)- Urban (London)

what are some conditions in the petition of right?

-that martial law (military rule) may not be imposed in time of peace. -that prisoners must be able to challenge the legitimacy of their detentions through the writ of habeas corpus. (must have evidence to charge with a crime or appear before a judge). Due Process! -The Petition's ban on the billeting (housing) of troops is reflected in the Third Amendment to the United States Constitution.


-the father of humanism -wrote in vernacular language -from the late late medieval

what is the significance of malthus' theory?

-theres a lot of human misery and starvation through it -government cant help -darwin bases evolution on this -malthusian trap

specific things from the english bill or rights

-they could not raise a standing army -parliament would be called at least every three years -freedom from royal interference with law -freedom from taxation by royal prerogative. parliament became necessary for the implementation of any new taxes -freedom for protestants to have arms for their own defense, as suitable to their class and as allowed by law. - freedom of speech and debates; or proceedings in parliament ought not to be impeached or questioned in any court or place out of parliament.

how have factories gotten safer over time?

-they had safety precautions, like the alarms, cautionary tapes etc. -no children working -they have to be ultra clean -workers comp exists -protective clothing -it's a cleaner working environment



the first estate were approximately

1% of france's population

choices after edict of fontainbleau

1) Convert to catholicism 2)Leave france 3)Die

Catholic reformation

1) Faith and good works = salvation 2) Bible and Catechism - church teachings/traditions 3) Latin only 4) Priests needed for relationship with God (middleman) 5) Transubstantiation - Bread & Wine actually blood/body of Jesus 6)Support power of pope 7)Maintains Celibacy 8)Very ornate churches 9) Maintain 7 sacraments (Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation, Reconciliation, Anointing of the sick, Marriage, Holy orders)

protestant reformation

1) Justification by faith 2)Bible is the only theology 3) Use of vernacular languages 4) Faithful have a direct relationship with God 5) Consubstantiation - Bread & Wine not actually blood/body of Jesus 6) Reject power of Pope 7) Rejects celibacy of priests (marry) 8)Less ornate churches 9)Reduced # & importance of sacraments You can read the bible for yourself, and disagree to the pastor.

advantages of conscription

1) you always have a large standing army, even in peace time 2) if our army is dying, and we need to bring older people to fight, they already know what they're doing

the council reaffirmed the following

1. Papal Infallibility (pope is needed). 2. Free will/ importance of Good Works (still valid). 3. Kept all 7 sacraments-all vehicles for Grace. 4. Celibacy maintained. 5. Latin only acceptable language. 6. Priest essential to personal salvation. 7. Transubstantiation 8. Bible and church traditions equally important

the treaty of tilsit causes napoleon to gain

1/2 of prussia, as they had just defeated prussia

how much of the earth does britain rule?


england was divided into ___ military districts


the hundred years war time period


henry the navigator

1430's: sponsored portuguese voyages along east africa. created a navigation school (think university) that improved navigation technology.

when was the war of roses?


how long did lorenzo de medici rule


copernicus time period


bartholemew dias

1488 - portuguese nobleman, discovered the southern tip of africa (cape of good hope), thus enabling trade ships to sail around africa and sail to asia.

the treaty of tordesillas

1494 portuguese gets what is east of the line, spain gets what is west of the line

if you were in the working class and were poor, youd die around


ivan's not so bad time period

1540-1560 -opens trade with western europe -begins diplimatic relations with france and england -in 1560, his wife anastasia dies

the scientific revolution was from


phillip reigned from


info card: queen elizabeth

1558 - 1603 - daughter of Anne Boleyn (Henry's second wife). Refused to marry Phillip II, in fact, she never married (Virgin Queen) allowing her to avoid tangled web of alliances that marriage brought. Angered Phillip by aiding Dutch resistance in Netherlands. Elizabeth later murdered Mary, Queen of Scots (a staunch catholic who had fled scotland for elizabeth's protection) for plotting to murder her and for offering her successions rights to PHillipII) when she dies without a child, the tudor dynasty dies with her. this leads to a whole new dynasty: Elizabethan Settlement - reaffirmed british monarch s head of anglican church, demanded public acceptance and loyalty to the church of england and monarch as head of church, but did not worry about private worship. Religious tolerance? Naval Power - Sir Francis Drake - first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe. Cultural Revival - Elizabethan England - focus on cultural growth, she wrote poetry and music. This is the era of Shakespeare!

ivan's pretty fricking bad time period

1560 -Begins violence/terror against supposed political threats. Hates the nobles! -centralizes his power -creates the secret police. rebels were captured and often cooked or skinned alive! -royal monopoly -built the st. basils cathedral -killed his son

the french wars of religion time period


galileo time period


council of blood time period


the battle of lepanto

1571 spnaish armada defeats ottomans for control of the mediterranean. this is the peak of spanish power.

johannes kepler time period


st. bartholomew's day massacre time period


Thomas Hobbes Time Period


Rene Descartes time period


edict of nantes time period


the times of trouble

1598-1613 period of instability, where russia lacks a strong central government

when did withcraft start?

16-17 century

James i time period


Bohemian Phase:


Bohemian Phase: Battle of White Mountain time period


Danish Phase lasted from


petition of right

1628 the petition is most notable for its confirmation of the principles that taxes can be levied only by parliament,

blase pascal lived from


Swedish Phase time period


John Locke time period


long parlament time period

1640-48/ but really 1660

the english civil war time period


newton time period


alexis i time period


england was a commonwealth from


leviathan was written in


navigation act

1651 which prohibited English colonies from trading with foreign ships. Only English ships could be used (mercantilism).

cromwell dies in


act of indemnity

1661 Forgives all of his father's political enemies. Exceptions: Cromwell, Pride, Barebones Parliament members

war of devolution year


peter the great


James II

1685-88 Brother of Charles II, staunch Catholic. HE ultimately antagonized the tories who were very anglican and held monopolies on public office. now Catholicss were allowed to hold office furthering the declaration of indulgences. This pushed the Whigs and Tories together. Things worsened for James when his heir was born and baptized as Catholic... a Catholic bloodline had now been established.

Edict of Fontainebleu

1685. Revoked the Edict of Nantes, provided for the destruction of Huguenot churches and closing of Protestant schools, mass exodus of Huguenots weakened the French economy and strengthened its rivals - major mistake of Louis XIV

The glorious revolution

1688 - Parliament negotiates with Mary (James' protestand daughter) and her husband, William III of Orange (king of the netherlands) to become the new king and queen of england

second treatise on government happened in


Baroque art time period

16th century-mid 18th century

war of spanish succession years


treaty of utretch

1713 Ends the war of spanish succession

the enlightenment time period


adam smith

1723-1790 His philosophy leads to emergence of capitalism

Industrial revolution time period


outcomes of the treaty of paris of 1815

1789 Borders (pre-Napoleon) War Damages (equivalent of 30 million dollars) legit

invasion of the british colony of egypt happened in


dutch golden age

17th century

Treaty of Amiens year


when is napoleon elected as first consul


when is napoleon a emperor?


Battle of Trafalgar was in


congress of vienna year


By what time does the IR spread to America, Belgium, and Netherlands?


when was the new lanark developed? when was it sold? what did they use their earnings for?

1815 1824 Village of Cooperation

from how long to how long did louis xvii rule?


Karl Marx was born in the year ____, in ______, to _____ parents

1818; Germany; middle class

when did the peterloo massacre happen?


Congress of Troppeau was in


greek revolution was in


decembrist revolt was in


when did they abolish slavery in the british empire?


From what years did Queen Victoria rule?


the anti corn law league banded together in the year


when does britain begin to pass legislation against child labor


when do labor unions start to spring up?

1840s (but they were generally illegal)

when was the corn law repealed?


When was the Meeting at Plombieres? Who is it between? What was the result?

1858; Napoleon III and Cavour; Napoleon agrees to defend Piedmont Sardinia if Austrian Empire attacks them

when did labor unions get legal in europe?


serfdom is in russia until the

1860s: they're far behind

in what years did the communist international meet?

1864, 1867, and 1870

the seven weeks war happened in


franco prussian war happened in


when did the government of germany take control over schools? what did they do to the jesuits?

1871; expelled them

when does karl marx died? what happens to communism?

1883; communism starts to die a little

when does wilhelm II become kaiser?


when does bismarck resign?


peter ruled russia for forty years and was at war for all time except

2 years

the second estate makes up

2% of the population

the reign of terror responded to the ________ facing france

3 fold crisis

if you were in a working class and poor, youd die around


if you were wealthy and lived in the city, you would die around


if you were wealthy and in a rural area, youd die aroun


After the fall of the Roman Empire, much of Europe (mostly western) fell into a Dark Age that lasted from approx.

500 AD - 1350 AD

Napoleon Enters Russia in June of 1812 with _________ troops - leaves in December with __________

500K, 10K

Emergence of Witchcraft: how many women were killed for witchcraft

60,000 people

the dutch netherland's government was made up of

7 provinces that were politically independent

how long did louis reign over france?

72 years

peter created __ russian republics with a _______ each

8, governer (who had some control over local issues)

the dutch golden age lasts for

80ish years

who was in the third estate

95% of the population

LouisXVII is

: is placed on the throne in France, meaning the Revolution has gone full circle, and they are back where they originally started.

English Bill rights

: it was a document William and Mary had to agree to in order to become the King and Queen of England (Social Contract) and it made Parliament the number one power in England.


A Renaissance intellectual movement in which thinkers studied classical texts and focused on human potential and achievements

How are schools modeled after the factory system?

A bell tells you its time to go, you cannot leave any room without the teachers permission or a bell, we work in shifts etc.


A form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator

peace of augsburg: info card

A settlement in the Holy Roman Empire to end the religious wars springing up. The conflict was over which Christian faith to follow - Catholic or Protestant (Lutheran). The Peace basically said that each HRE state would follow the religion of their prince. Charles knows that war is on the horizon if he doesn't intervene. However, this was a mere bandaid, and isn't really helping in the long term. In seventy years, it's going to cause the thirty years war


A state of final purification or cleansing, which one may need to enter following death and before entering Heaven

What were two major reforms that Alexander II implemented?

Abolished serfs, vows to make a parliament (Duma) (but died before he could)

how is government involved in the scientific revolution? (ACADEMIES ETC.)

Academies of science start to develop, with military and economic advantages.

say's law

Act of producing products creates the ability to buy those products. aka "Supply creates demand"

what did the triennial act abolish?

Also-Abolished the Star Chamber (King's Court started by Henry VII [Tudor]), but became a symbol of tyranny.

Emergence of Witchcraft: This happens in _____ too, at approximately the same time

America (Salem)

why was the disease thing so one sided?

Animals also bring over the diseases, and the old world brought them over. they had already grown immune to the diseases, unlike natives


Another well known Renaissance painter/sculptor. Michelangelo was also an architect. In his lifetime, Michelangelo painted or sculpted some of the best known Renaissance art.

ancient science: crystalline spheres

Aristotle's belief that the stars and other planets were on perfect circles around the earth. This explains why things move around the earth (they did not know the earth moved).

la pieta

Artists of renaissance were revered (individualism), unlike the Dark Ages Glorification of the artist. No longer simple artisans, but artists!

role of coffee houses

As coffee is a stimulant, many historians believe there is a connection to the growing number of coffee houses across Europe and the Enlightenment.

Leader of the Inca


French Phase

Balance of Power kicks in and France decides they must enter the war. They ally with the Protestants to defeat the Catholic Habsburgs. War is now more political and not as religious. This is now a European War!

What art was used during this time period?


the CCotC forces bishops and priests to

Be elected, making them accountable to people

why did the enlightenment begin in france (governmental-wise)

Because French monarchs weren't as restrictive as others in eastern europe, french writers were tolerated. plus, french leaders wanted to be a cultural influence on the world.

Great Fear of 1789

Because the peasantry believed that the nobles were hoarding the grains

social contract theory

Belief that government is formed voluntarily. Individuals voluntarily giving political power to government (Popular Sovereignty - people choose).

science of mechanics

Belief that the physical universe operates like a machine - not random and chaotic.

Information card: The Pope's BS

Between 1378-1417, three men simultaneously claimed to be the true pope. They were driven by politics. This was ended by the Council of Constance (1414-1418) This dispute (corruption) greatly weakened the power of the Church and Pope as many saw the political dispute as a deviation from the Church's true purpose(religion). Many reformers began to come forward to challenge Catholic corruption. Most reformers of this time were arrested and executed by the church.

Info Card: Castiglione

Book of the Courtier: handbook that instructs how to become the perfect noble gentleman (think well-rounded). The Book of the Courtier also encouraged education for women. (An education designed to help women support men as they rose in power)

Huguenots are in the faction


Edmund Burke is from



Broad view of salvation - faith = salvation Consubstantiation - mystical presence of Christ in bread and wine Churches slightly ornate

medieval architecture info

By the end of the Dark Age religious emphasis resulted in the construction of some of the most magnificent structures ever built. These religious structures are known as Cathedrals. This Medieval style is known as Gothic. Cathedral trademarks include flying buttresses and gargoyles.

institutes of the christian religon

Calvin's 1536 book. This book was also written in his native French and helped spark French into France's national language. Calvin's teachings in France will lead to the French Religious wars (Huguenots or Calvinists vs Catholics).

parititons of poland

Catherine led the division of Poland between the major Central/Eastern European leaders this is called the Partitions of Poland (1772, 1793, 1796) - wanted better access to the Black Sea and Western Europe. Poland, a longstanding constitutional monarchy, which had been a powerful Kingdom in the 17th century (under the leadership of King Sobieski) began to decline in the 18th century. This happened because of the power of the Polish Nobility in the Sejm (Polish Assembly). Russia, Prussia, and Austria - very strong absolutist nations, take over and divide up Poland. Done in three parts over several years. Poland would not return to the map until after WWI - 1919.

henry is going to be assassinated by a


During the Medieval Era, the _________ dominated people's daily lives.

Catholic Church

1633 papal inquisition

Catholic Church tried Galileo in 1633 and found him "gravely suspect of heresy", sentencing him to indefinite imprisonment after he recanted (Galileo was a devout Catholic). Galileo was kept under house arrest until his death in 1642. Pope John Paul II apologized for this in 1992.

alliances TTYW

Catholic League vs. Protestant Union (symbolizes growing division).


Catholic, but the pope has no political power in france

Battle of White Mountain was when

Catholics defeat the Protestants and gain control of Bohemia.

In the Bohemian Phase, ____ wins


results of the plague

Challenged the authority of the Church and Pope Anti-Semitism - many Jews were blamed for the plague and murdered. SYNTHESIS: Hitler and the Nazis Prices rose New opportunities for those who survived New outlook of life: why?

martin luther

Change Agent! - a monk from Wittenberg, Germany. "Experience in the tower" where he had his revelation that faith was the key to salvation (God's grace through faith). Justification through faith

what sparks the civil war

Charles I responds by sending the army to disband Parliament

when charles II dies, what happened?

Charles II had no legitimate children, so his brother James was next in line. James was VERY Catholic. This led to a split in parliament over supporting James succession.

who was joanna's kid?

Charles V/Charles 1

the edict of worms

Charles declared Luther an outlaw and his books were to be burned, but he was protected by local princes (frederick of saxony) throughout germany and they paid little attention to charles.

Cardinal Fleury

Chief Minister under the early years of Louis XV-died in 1743-Significance: last capable chief minister before the French Revolution.

Legal reforms of frederick

Codify laws, protect private property, improved training for judges, outlawed torture except in murder and cases of treason

what were some early steps to unification taken by Cavour?

Crimean War, meeting at Plombieres

the travel was important because

Cultural diffusion: Europe learns stuff of their culture and they pick up stuff from Europe's culture. At this time, the Middle East was not in the Dark Ages. Though they wanted to, bringing their technology and medication was taboo due to the fact that they were using the other sides things.

How did the Crimean War effect Russia?

Czar Nicholas I died, their relationship with Austria was tarnished, shows that Russia is significantly behind other

tycho brahe

Danish Astronomer who builds observatory

christian humanism: info card

Developed in northern europe (northern humanism) Education in classical Greek & Roman focused on religion: translated older christian texts; led to desire for simpler christianity, unlike catholicism wanted reform and change in church: Led to schools, use of vernacular languages these ideas push europe into the reformation Thomas More & Erasmus' writings are good examples

coup d'etat of fructidor 1797

Directors closest to Napoleon take over the government-most significant- Sieyes. Staged the coup because Royalists were poised to take majority in the directory.

may laws (1873)

Discipline and Training of clergy is done by the government and civil ceremony was required for marriage

renes descartes wrote _______ and ________, and manufactured _________ geometry

Discourses, and Six meditations, analytical

artisans/working class

Disgruntled because they wanted to get inflation (prices) under control (bread prices skyrocket), also high unemployment

cartesian dualism

Divides what people know into the physical & the Spiritual. Concluded what we know through our minds is more accurate than what we know through our senses. Spiritual is more certain than the physical (mind cannot be doubted, but the body/senses can)

berlin decree

Document issued by Napoleon creating the Cont. System (1806)

changes to banking that the bank of amsterdam added

Double entry bookkeeping

erasmus: info card

Dutch humanist - The Praise of Folly (1509) - Social criticism of the Catholic Church (even though he was Catholic). Should the church burn heretics? Where does such power come from? It's not in the Bible, in fact it's the opposite. The Bible says to let people go if they won't turn their lives around! Church leaders should be more lifestyle. the real apostles (poor and humble), not living rich, decadent lifestyle

declaration of the rights of man and the citizens

EQUIVALENT TO THE BILL OF RIGHTS! abolishes titles of nobility and all legal social classes (estates) creates equality under the law establishes a republic (voters elect representatives: much like the usa_ liberty, equality, security (later a big slogan of the french revolution will be liberty, equality, fraternity Establishes a Republic (Voters elect Representatives - like USA) Liberty, Equality, Security (later a big slogan of the French Revolution will be Liberty, Equality, Fraternity)

dontatello info card

Early Renaissance sculptor (1386-1466). Brought back classical sculpting styles. Contrapposto - symmetrical stance, weight shifted to one leg. Inspired Michelangelo.

laissez faire capitalism:

Economies are self-regulating and need little or no government involvement

what two places was napoleon exiled to?

Elba and St. Helena

other outcomes of utrecht

England gains Gibraltar: entrance to mediterranean spain loses spanish netherlands/austrian netherlands: later belgium political leader of prussia gains the title of king in prussia louis xiv dies in 1715: "a very nasty and swollen death"

William Harvey

English physician (1628). He was the first known to describe completely and in detail the systemic circulation and properties of blood being pumped to the brain and body by the heart, argued against the Humoral Theory

anglo dutch naval wars of 1652-74

English ultimately defeat the Dutch-signals the rise of England in International Trade.

age of absolutism

Europe is entering an era of absolute rulers (monarchs with full or absolute control within their countries)


Explains how Education can solve the evil created by society - based on the idea of Tabula Rasa (clean slate)- Education is the solution.

mercantilism: developing coutnries

Exploration (think New World and empire building) motivated by mercantilism. they gain natural resources from colonies and create sheltered markets

donatello's david

First free-standing nude sculpture since classical period (Greece & Rome). Bronze 1430

forced loans

Forcing loans on certain individuals/groups

protestant alliances

France Netherlands Sweden Protestant German States (mostly in the north)

swedish phase

France (Richelieu) pays Sweden to enter the war

treaty of pressburg

France and Austrian Empire - Marries the Daughter of the Austrian Emperor

french phase of 30 years war

France directly aided Protestants against the Habsburgs

treaty of frankfurt

France is forced to pay war damages and Germany gets Alsace-Lorraine back

Swedish phase of 30 years war

France paid Sweden (Lutheran) to fight the Habsburgs (Catholic).

war of devolution

France vs. Spain (Spanish Netherlands)-French victory/gains ½ of the Spanish Netherlands.

where does the revolutions o f1848 begin?

France, in february

who did piedmont ally with in the crimean war? how does this help them?

France; Now napoleon III owes Cavour a Favor

new sparta

Fred Wilhelm I wanted to model prussia after ancient sparta by making it a powerful military state. in other words, life revolved around the military.

prussia gets worried about france, and assembles their armies on the __________, causing _________

French border; napoleon III to abandon Cavour

siege of la rochelle

French navy and troops surrounded (siege) the port city which had grown to be a stronghold for the Huguenots. 14 months later the Huguenots surrendered, losing its mayor and religious privileges. Big victory for Louis XIII and the Catholics.


French nobility who fled country to escape the Revolution (they were scared of the peasantry)

Baron de Montesquieu (1689-1755)

French noble = Bordeaux Parlement, He is part of the Noble Resurgence / Feudal revival (Refers to the nobility reestablishing its power after Louis XIV).

darwin's theories seem to leave out _____. However, Darwin would ______ and say that ________

God; would disagree; god made all of this (LIKE NEWTON)

according to locke, the social contract is

Government protects natural rights

second treatise of government includes

Governments form to protect the natural rights of man (Locke's social contract). Only valid government is the one based on the consent of the governed. people have rights to dissolve any government that denies them their rights (think american revolution!!) supports limited (constitutional) monarchy greatest evil is violation of natural rights

progressive income tax

Graduated tax rate goes up as income rises

war vs the league of augsburg included these countries

Great Britain, Dutch Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, Austrian Empire, and Protestant German States

in his blood and iron speech, what is bismarck saying?

Great moments of history are decided through warfare and conflict (power), thus stressing the need for military funds in Prussia. Historically, it can also be talking about industrialization with iron, as that is what france and britain did.


Greek anatomist whose theories formed the basis of European medicine until the Renaissance (circa 130-200)

why did the reign of terror occur

Growing economic crisis (inflation), losing war effort, counter-revolution (aristocracy)

where did the thirty years war begin?


weakness caused by the thirty years war for prussia

Had lost ⅓ of its population Had limited mineral resources (especially coal/iron) poor farmland: "The sandbox of europe" divided geographically and politically

Thomas Malthus

He believes the population grows exponentially, while food supply grows arithmetically

david lloyd george

He is the head of the secretary of treasury, and later becomes the prime minister during WW1

thomas more: info card

Henry VIII's Chancellor (England), Classical Scholar, Catholic Martyr. Beheaded by Henry VIII Author of Utopia ("No Place") - 1516, inspired by Plato's Republic. Utopia is about the ideal state/society. How do we get rid of poverty? Social Reform!!! How does hanging someone for stealing food help solve the poverty issue? Lose class distinctions and work together. Is from England. Talks about what perfect society looks like. He wants social reform. He is way ahead of his time, as they finally force socialislm later in the eighteenhundred

Who is the first bourbon ruler of france?

Henry of Navarre

Bohemian Phase: 1618

Holy Roman Emperor puts his son (Ferdinand) on the throne in Bohemia. He did this to try to limit protestant influence in bohemia.

Edict of Restitution (1629)

Holy Roman Emperor states he will reclaim all Catholic lands lost since 1552.


Holy Roman Empire

catholic alliances

Holy Roman Empire (HRE) SPain Catholic German States (mainly in the south)

civic humanism: info card

Humanism should be applied to everyday life deemphasize the role of the church in people's lives Admired political institutions of Ancient Greece & Rome Favored a secular government: not controlled by the church be a model citizen de medici's: being patrons in florence Castiglione's - The Courtier - promotes civic humanism SYNTHESIS - Nobles for centuries to come will follow Castiglione's ideas Machiavelli's the prince how to be a leader or prince

What is the significance of the comparative advantage?

IT is the basis of the global free trade, and now every nation specializes and trades with each other

No Bishop, No king

If my bishops can't dictate religion, I (the king) cannot dictate laws." He favored Anglicanism over Puritanism.

What factors made the Church and the popes so powerful during the time?

Illiteracy and lack of education Peasants believed their reward was the afterlife

Info Card: The fall of constantinople

In 1453, the Bosporus trading city of Constantinople finally fell to the Turks/Ottomans/Muslims. When this happened, many Greek scholars fled and brought with them many Latin and Greek texts. This led to Plato and other ancient philosophers having their works translated into Latin and brought to Italy/Western Europe. This fueled the humanist and secular movements

Info Card: Francisco Pizarro

In 1531, Pizarro led 200 men into south america to take on the Inca. SImilar to Cortes, Pizarro was invited to meet with Atahualppa the Inca emperor. Atahulpa was easily captured and imprisoned. In exchange for rooms filled of gold, he was promised his life. After getting their gold, he was promised his life. After getting their gold, the spaniards killed Atahualpa. HE was baptized as a Christian first, though.

The Magna Carta

In England, the nobles tire of King Geogre charging them. SO, they hold him at gunpoint and cause him to sign away his power to tax. the power goes to the parliament (nobles) Great Charter was signed by England's King John in 1215. This signaled the re-emergence of democracy in Western Europe, limiting the power of a king and guaranteeing certain rights to all. Still, it would be centuries before this concept would spread into other European countries.

things marat did

In his newspaper he argued for the radical revolution He openly called out the "enemies" of the revolution Incited violence against counter-revolutionaries Responsible for thousands of deaths via his rabblerousing

Why were the poor not interested in changing their stature?

In the dark ages, the Roman Catholic church believed that God wanted you to be a peasant. During the time, they were devout Catholics and believed that if they changed (and techincally went against God) they would go to Hell.

join stock company

Investors (shareholders) pool money together to form a business. if business fails, only lose initial investment. if successful, the investors share profits (Britain and other nations will have these)

Mary, Queen of Scot's son

James I

who starts the Stuart Dynasty

James I

Frederick has religious tolderation, but there were limitmations. For example,

Jews have some tolerance, but not all. (Prussia later becomes Germany, and at the time there was a little anti semetic. Hitler will later use Frederick to his advantage)

Maria Theresa

Joseph's mother, ruled from 1740-1780. Raised Joseph to be an enlightened ruler. She used her kids as pawns in political games, and was verbally abusive to her kid.

the reign of terror

June 1793-July 1794

Danish Phase Info Card

King Christian of Denmark organizes German Protestant leaders against CAtholic forces in the HRE. HRE responds with mercenaries (30K-100K strong) under Albert of Wallenstein. Fought as long as he and his troops were allowed to plunder. Catholics defeat Protestants Edict of Restitution (1629) - Holy Roman Emperor states he will reclaim all Catholic lands lost since 1552.

Swedish Phase

King Gustavus Adolphus - Swedish leader who sees himself as the defender of Protestantism. THis is when the thirty years war becomes an international war. people are now joining for different reasons. Military Innovation - adolphus was a military innovator. Used infantry and mobile cannons to control the battlefield Sack of Magdeburg - (1631) wallenstein (Catholic) sacks Madgeburg, unnecessarily violent - killed 20K inhabitants, burns the town. Wallenstein dismissed Battle of Breitenfield - (1632) - Protestant victory, Wallenstein returns! Battle of Lutzen - (1632) - Adolphus is killed. Protestants are defeated (lost leader)

Information Card: King Philip

King Philip was fighting a war against Britain. To get more money, he decides to tax the churches. After the pope telling him, no, he decides to make Unam Sanctam. In it, he says that the one and only Church there is one body and one head: Christ, and the Vicar of Christ, Peter and the successor of Peter (one of jesus' disciple, and technically the first pope) he is saying that people have to be their subjects to get into Heaven. He is attempting to justify this through Peter. He is saying this to the Kings and leaders in Europe. This way he'll stay in power.

Hugo Grotius

Law of War and Peace - written during 30 Years War, outlined concept of international law for first time. Focused on protecting civilians (Magdeburg, Spanish Fury in Netherlands).

The Great Stink

London's River Thames: it was so filthy, most people saw it as a river of death. The only reason people decided to change it was because parliament were right next to it, and it smelled so bad. They soon changed laws to regulate pollution.

Louis XVII is the brother of

Louis XVI

In France, post napoleon, who was placed on the throne?

Louis XVII; who's a bourbon.

economic policies of louis

Louis loved to spend money - Expansion of his government, building Versailles, and modernizing his military proved expensive.

jean baptistse colvert

Louis' chief finance minister. He was a mercantilist and is often viewed as the definitive and most famous of all mercantilists.


Louis' military power peaks (actually helps defend the HRE vs. Turks at the Siege of Vienna in 1689).


Lutheranism where focus on frugality, humility, restraint, sense of duty and order. Concept did spread into other protestant faiths.

Battle of Trafalgar

MAJOR naval battle France vs. Great Britain - MAJOR British victory. Admiral Nelson key antagonist (dies in battle)

why did Joseph II's reforms fail? (ON TEST)

Mainly because Joseph was.... an impatient ruler who simply acted without seeking advice or input from those who would be most impacted by his reforms. Peasants (who joseph tried to help) did not understand his reforms and often questioned or doubted his motives.It also didn't help that Austria was made up of at least 10 different ethnicities (many languages/customs).

congress of vienna

Major international conference to deal with the problesm created by the Napoleonic wars. in other words, they had to decide what to do with Napoleon and France.

how did jjr view man in the state of nature

Man is unhappy because he does not belong to something larger than self. Humans (in the state of nature) feel extreme alienation: intense loneliness

The Industrial Revolution began in _____ in the late ____ century

Manchester, 18th

sacraments that luther follows

Martin Luther only successfully finds three sacraments: communion, baptism, and marriage.

revolutionary socialism

Marx and Engels' idea that the working class should rise up and create a "dictatorship of the proletariat (working class)". This is also remembered as Marxist Socialism or Leninist Socialism.

donatello's penitent mary

Mary Magdalene 1455 Portrays Mary in a realistic, non-ideal, way. Made of wood.

newton's major work

Mathematical Principals of Natural Philosophy or Principia Mathematica.

republic of virtue

Maxmilian's book that said to care more about the nation than about yourself

people in the bourgeoisie were

Merchants and Professionals- doctors/lawyers/journalists

gold florin

Money used in the netherlands and internationally. It was always weighted and pure. this made it a preferred form of money across europe

northern renaissance

More Christian (Christian Humanism), more emphasis on ancient christian texts Humanisms is less self absorbed and more about helping others social reform The Scientific Revolution of the 16th and 17th Centuries had a bigger impact on the Northern Renaissance. "Emphasized man's ability to control the environment. Development of universities across Europe (liberal arts). (we're all in this together mentality)

Gian Lorenzo Berini

Most well known of baroque sculptors and architects, who completed interior of st. peter' s basillica

triennial act (1640)

Mostly addressed the king trying to rule for an extended period of time without parliament: required the parliament be brought into session at least once every three years.

Napoleon's 100 Days

Napoleon's escape from Elba and return to control France (March - May 1815)


Narrow view of salvation - elect only Bread and wine purely symbolic Churches very plain No Separation of Church & State - theocracy, religious leaders are political leaders.

Baruch Spinoza

Natural law and Pantheism


Naturalistic Religion - "God in nature". Forerunner of Deism, scientific observation merging with religion.

Agricultural modernization by frederick the great

New farming techniques crop rotation swamp reclamation introduced potatoes

st. bartholomew's day massacre

Night before the wedding of Catherine's daughter and to the leader of the Bourbon ( Protestants ). many Huguenot guests/leaders were murdered by Guise family agents and the French royal guards. Over the next month, 10-15,000 Huguenots were murdered across France.

what things can government not do, according to smith

No tariffs No forced labor No colonization No gov monopolies

social goals of frederick wilhelm I

Nobility & Serfdom/peasantry were still firmly in place. almost all noble males served as officers in the army noble lands could not be sold to non nobles. preserved noble power no culture: music, literature etc

what was the religious split

North: Lutheran South: Catholic

what do german states gain from the thirty years war?

North: sovereignty South: nothing (they're still under the rule of the habsburgs)

Peace of Westphalia (1648)

Officially ends the thirty Years war: reinstates the peace of augsburg: local prince chooses religion. adds calvinism as a choice


On the Family: Handbook that instructs fathers how to set up perfect Christian family. (Alberti, like Petrarch, was also in large part responsible for a renewed interest in Classical literature)

leonardo da vinci

One of the best known Renaissance painters. Best known for the Mona Lisa (1503-1519). Portraiture was popular during the Renaissance.

Why does Marx need the industrial revolution?

One of the goals of communism is that we are all the same. However, without the industrial revolution, the goal is unachievable. For people to be the same, mass production is necessary etc.

what were the four northern states of Italy?

Parma, Modena, Tuscany, Romagna

razins rebellion of 1670

Peasant Rebellion, led by Stephen Razin who used fugitive serfs and others to terrorize and murder Russian nobles, priests, and others. Finally captured and killed, result was harsher stances on serfs by nobles, which is a recurring theme in Russia. This will last a while! Bitterness and divide is growing between classes!

according to hobbes, the social contract is

People hand over rights to the government for protection from themselves.

according to rosseau, the social contract is

People rule themselves (contract with each other) according to the "general will."

how did the literacy rate lead to the enlightenment?

People were reading enlightenment ideologies of other people.

religious reform

Peter met a lot of early opposition from the Russian Orthodox Church. Attempted to put the church under government control. Peter was somewhat religious, but lived a mostly secular life.

beard tax

Peter ordered the boyars (nobles) to dress like Europeans. Their traditional dress of bearskin capes and beards had to go. Men who did not shave their beards were publically shaved, Peter was known to participate. Those who paid a penalty or tax, got to keep their beards (had to carry a special coin).

Charles Fourier made

Phalanxes and Phalansteries

spanish throne because of the treaty of utrecht

Phillip of anjoy becomes the king of spain, but louis xiv agrees to not unify thrones. in other words, anjou cannot claim the french throne Ends spanish habsburg dynasty: begins spanish bourbon dynasty (still in place today)

how did charles divide his land

Phillip received spain, netherlands, and the new world Ferdinand received the hre

What were the four major regions of Italy?

Piedmont, The Four Northern States, Papal States, Kingdom of Naples

boulanger affair

Plot to have General lead a Coup d'état against the Republican led government

north german confederation of 1867

Political union of the Northern German States under leadership of Prussia- Eventually leads to the formation of the German Empire.

bishop bossuet

Preacher in Louis' court and tutor to his son. Bossuet was a major supporter of divine right, even bashing his support from scripture.

Das Kapital (1864)

Premise of the book is that there are inherent problems in capitalism, which will bring about its undoing

what all a government do in economy, according to smith

Printing money national defense law enforcement infrastructure(also important in mercantilism) Public education

emergence of commercial capitalism

Private ownership of property and businesses that produce goods to be bought and sold on the free market. Producing products outside of the guild for sale at a future date.

Bohemian Phase: Defenestration of Prague

Protestant Bohemians throw Ferdinand's advisors (catholics) out of a window. This triggers the war.

Edict of 1864

Public jury trials, rights to a lawyer, better trained judges, gave judges lifetime tenure

Battle of Waterloo

Quadruple Alliance (Duke of Wellington) vs. France, where a Rainstorm delays the battle and gives Prussian army time to get to Waterloo

vitruvian man

Represents the ideal human form (humanism?). Da Vinci's study of human anatomy.

redistribution act of 1885

Requires election districts to be equal in population


Restoration of legitimate rulers of Europe

major issues of congress of troppeau

Revolutions in Spain and Naples, threatening conservatism and balance

The Huguenots and Richelieu

Richelieu wanted to weaken the Huguenots, but the Edict of Nantes had granted them religious freedom and the military protection of armies and fortifications. After a series of Huguenot rebellions, Richelieu went after La Rochelle the Huguenot stronghold in France.

natural rights

Rights people are born (state of nature) with/can't be taken away by government because they are given to us by God (the Creator). -Life -Liberty -Property


Ruled by the Sforza family. Militaristic control, little patronage.

jjr's ideologies on school

Rural Setting for schools: get away from evil of modern urban life (worship nature). One on one teaching - Emile = the student - Rousseau = the teacher Education should be hands on vs. book learning Student Centered - Trial and error- self-paced Emphasizes the Importance of education : Influences us today - Montessori method Goal of this education to create citizes vs selfish individuals and love of others vs love of self did this apply to women? Nope. they should be focused on cleaning, cooking, child bearing. he said that women do not belong in the public sphere. so , they don't really have a place outside of the household.

western dress/manner

Russian women traditionally wore veils over their faces (a Byzantine custom). He allowed women into his court (previous czars courts were all male), but they had to be unveiled - like European women.

what led to the enlightenment?

Scientific Revolution

Cromwell vs. ireland: penal code for ireland

Set of laws that discriminated against the native Irish population in favor of English migrants. Took away the Irish right to own land, to hold government offices, and to teach in universities. Cromwell also against Catholicism, which Ireland predominantly was. This begins English Persecution of the Irish... hatred and mistrust that persists in Ireland to this day.

emilie du chatelet

She helped stimulate interest in science in France by translating Newton's Principia Latin to French. This helped her boyfriend, Voltaire, too.

Why explore: God

Spread Christianity (Roman Catholicism - Jesuits), later protestant explorations/settlements. This is in direct competition with the Ottomans who are spreading Islam throughout the Middle East, Eastern Europe, and North Africa

what does richelieu do?

Strengthen the monarchy from internal threats, Strengthen france against external


Structure of the Human Body- (1543) - Used sketches from Da Vinci to outline the circulatory system (argued against the Humoral Theory).

age of louis xiv

Supported Enlightened Despotism (absolute monarchy): belief that best form of government in one controlled by a well educated, well trained, well intentioned, all powerful monarch . Based on the idea of Tabula Rasa

King Gustavus Adolphus

Swedish leader who sees himself as the defender of Protestantism

parliament bill of 1911

Takes away the House of Lords' vote on Budget issues. Now, any law can go into effect if the House of Commons passes It 3 times.

Information Card: The Crusades

The Crusades or "holy wars" took place beginning in 1096 and lasted until the 15th century. In these conflicts, Christian warriors were called on by the pope (originally Urban II) to retake the Holy Land of Jerusalem from the Muslim Turks. The First Crusade would prove to be the only successful Christian success in Jerusalem. The pope is sending christians to jersulem to reclaim their holy land from the muslims. However the land also belongs to the Muslims, who own it.

external threats to france

The Habsburgs

Who did Britain and France side with during the Crimean War?

The Ottomons

machiavelli: info card

The Prince - more on this later! Based on his time as a Florentine diplomat and Cesare Borgia's tactics as a "prince" and commander of papal armies. better to be feared than loved learn from success and failures of the past leaders the end justify the means

flight to varrennes

The Royal family's escape to run away- but they were captured and placed under house arrest.

who else got loans from the medici's?

The catholic church also came to them for money. This meant that the Medici family got more power than the church


The doctrine that actions are right if they are useful or for the benefit of a majority.

enlightened Greed

The driving force of a economic history is self interest

info card: printing press: info card

The humanist movement spread rapidly due to development of the printing press. Invented by Johann Gutenberg in Mainz, Germany in 1450. This often considered the most important invention in the modern era (possibly history). Why? Impacts of the Printing Press: Widespread availability of books (Bibles!!!!!) Renaissance ideas, like humanism, spread across europe books more affordable encouraged reading/literacy promotes commanality of vernacular over latin eventually leads to challenges of the catholic church's authority

Candide (1758)

The idea that God would allow so many to suffer and the fact that the Pope was arguing that the suffering was good-is what drove Voltaire away from the Catholic Church and towards his belief in Deism.


The period known as the Renaissance or "rebirth" was a time of great change across Europe. Cultural, technological, political, and religious reforms were on the horizon. At the epicenter of this change was Italy.

The ____ was the most influential/powerful religious and political figure in Western Europe

The pope

Info card: the pope and spain and portugal

The pope sees that portugal and spain are about to have conflict over the new world and the new trade route. as they are both good catholic nations, and he feels as though they need to intervene. the two are the only ones with the tech to do it rn. the pope sees the possible conflict and chooses to settle it. he takes a map and draws a line of demarcation. he gives spain anything left of the line and gives portugal the right of the line.

result of questioning of catholic church

The result would be a deunification of Catholic Europe and the formation of new Christian denominations or protestant faiths.

how did the strong economy help the industrial revolution?

There was a strong merchant class to invest in new businesses, with lots of capital

how did the abundance of coal help the industrial revolution?

There was cheap coal and it was available for power

house of lords

These were the people who made it to parliament through past family being there

Municipal Act of 1825

They provide sanitation to carry sewageway, trash pickup, police force, and city governments evolve.

how is government involved in the scientific revolution? (WAR/CONFLICT)

They want to have cannon fire distance increase with angles. This uses math.

why is the levee important?

This kept nobles from becoming involved in governmental affairs and/or plotting against Louis. In other words, he kept them distracted by making them fight for his attention.

Writer of Theory of Population

Thomas Malthus

what would happen to those who didn't follow the fashion laws?

Those in non-compliance had their clothes burned.


To formally withdraw

Louisiana purchase

US paid $50 million Francs ($11,250,000) for the Louisiana Territory, a territory they just got from spain. this doubled American size

pugachev's rebellion

Unsuccessful Peasant Revolt (wanted to end taxes, military draft, peasant's right to own land) - Pugachev captured and killed - rebellion ends Catherine Reforms (REACTIONARY)

During Post Industrial Europe, the society is _____ based, and the social issue is ____ vs _____

Urban Factory; bourgeoisie and proletariat

Maupeou Parlements

Used to bypass the local and provincial parlements (that had been reestablishing their power after the death of Louis XIV) and tried to impose taxation on nobles (who were exempt)

During the 1400's the ________ Dynasty was threatened both externally (England) and internally (Duke of Burgundy).


who was the king of piedmont-sardinia?

Victor Emmanuel II

what were things that the art of the renaissance did differently from medieval times

Vivid, Bright colors Perspective: depth and realism Balance Classical Themes Greek, Roman, & Biblical figures predominate


Western Europe's social and political structure revolved around Feudalism, a political system of landholding kings and nobles. Everyone knew their place and role to fulfill. NO social mobility!

invisible hand

When a person does what is best for themselves they automatically do what is best for society as a whole.

how does kaiser's assertiveness and loss of bismarck alter alliances through europe

While bismarck had maintained peace with russia and austria, kaiser wilhelm ruined it

why was louis the sun king?

Why? We're in the midst of the scientific rev. we have just learned that everything revolves around the sun. He acted as though europe and the world revolved around him.

Info card: Art of the renaissance

With the Renaissance came a great revival of classical art. Artists sought to make their paintings more real and lifelike. Naturalism : working to achieve lifelike accuracy perspective drawing was re-introduced. Wealthy class' interest in art fueled a quick gain in style and technique (like computers today)


Wrote Don Quixote (1605)-first publicly popular book other than the Bible. Most literate people owned a Bible and this book.

who is the greek leader?


Catherine the great of russia

a German who had married Peter the Great's grandson. Less of a reformer, more of a supported/patron of philosophes.

napoleonic code

a comprehensive written code of law by napoleon

because of the glorious revolution, we get

a constitutional monarchy

what did the germans want governmentally in 1848?

a constitutional monarchy and a two house legislature, like america. frederick william iv of prussia (kaiser of prussia) is offered the crown, but he won't accept it

the directory makes napoleon

a general head of the french invasion of italy

dutch east india company

a joint stock company that pushed Portugal out of the Asian spice trade. Helped make the Netherlands rich and powerful, for a time.

before he was a monk, luther was studying to be

a lawyer

what was candide written after

a major natural disaster in portugal. many died.


a middle class ideology


a movement to create a jewish state in israel: this almost happened after WWI, will happen after WWII.


a nationwide vote: usually yes or no


a professional revolutionary (also sometimes called a superpatriot)

what does the peoples budge make?

a progressive income tax, estate tax etc.

The Great Awakening

a religious revival that challenged established authority and incited resentment and division between traditional Protestants

john knox

a scottish from geneva who learned from calvin. he started the presbyterian church


a. Naturalism: everyday life/natural world b. commerce c.exploration/science/advancement

eminent property rights

ability to charge peasants rents for land, fees for inheriting land, and the right to hunt on land.

what all do the communists want to do?

abolish private property, graduate income tax, abolish all rights of inheritance, adn free public education

chapelier law

abolished guilds/made it illegal for workers to organize to gain hgiher wages etc.

specific reforms by josesph ii

abolished serfdom religious tolerance confides law abolishes death penalty and limits use of torture made german the official language of the empire

origin of species

about evolution of plants and animals

peter is an ______ ruler



absolute certainty is not possible. in other words, the truth of things is never known. this influences the scientific method. this influences the scientific method.

what types of government were the english people considering?

absolute monarchy and constitutional monarch

under hobbes' contract, the ruler is granted

absolute power in order to maintain order

why explore: gold

acquire riches (as much as possible) through bullion and other material means (spices, slaves, other resources)

government reform done by frederick wilhelm I

adopted cabinet model (like Louis XIV) and all government departments were geared toward the military.

encomienda gives way to the

african slave trade

why did louis think he was so special

after a lot of trying, his parents had him 20 years later. he is told all the time that he is a god given ruler to france.

england's war with spain

after elizabeth executed mary, queen of scots, the pope and phillip II decided to take on england

apres moi le deluge

after me, the flood (LOUIS XV)

"Swearing priests"

agreed to the civil constitution

What caused the industrial revolution?

agricultural revolution

During Early Modern Europe, the society is _____ based, and the social issue is ____ vs _____

agricultural; aristocracy v peasants

sir francis bacon helped spark the _________ revolution with his strong belief of the benefits of science


great london dock strike

all dock workers went on strike for four weeks

the formation of labor unions helps

allieviate the problems faced by industrial workers.

what action was taken to stop austria's revolution

allowed to invade naples to restore the monarch

levee en masse

allows government to take anything or anybody for the good of the nation, fighting the war, and to deal with the economic crisis (Inspired by rousseau)

what does france gain after the thirty years war

alsace-lorraine, border area with germany

spanish armada is where phillip

amplified spain's naval fleet

James I wanted to rule as

an absolute monarch (No parliament)

concordat of 1801

an agreement between Napoleon Bonaparte and the Pope. The Pope recognized napoleon's government as legitimate in return napoleon recognized catholicism as the "majority religion in france"


an area controlled by a hereditary signori


an instance of a form of reasoning in which a conclusion is drawn from two given or assumed propositions, each of which shares a term with the conclusion, and shares a common or middle term not present in the conclusion.


an instruction manual for a government: if you write down what the government can do, you also know what the government cannot do.


an ongoing military draft

newton was a devout


james I is


queen elizabeth I is the daughter of

anne boleyn and henry vii

a lot of philosophes are

anti slavery

the supporters of social darwinism are

anti welfare state- they say that the poor must find their way or die off

social darwinism tries to

apply concepts of evolution to society

spain was divided between ______________ in 1469

aragon and castile

true law of free monarchs

argues for divine right of kings, by james I

who supported the corn laws? who was against them?

aristocracy and landed gentry; bourgeoisie and working class

who favored conservatism?


what was ancient science based on? what time period was it?

aristotle 300 bc - 1500 ad

milan is wealthy from

armament manufacture and textiles

i accidentally put this in and can't find delete just type asdf


what was science made of in this time?

astrology, astronomy, alchemy and magic

what does e=mc^2 leads to

atomic energy and weapons

john dalton discovered

atomic weights

what did spain do against protestant europe

attempted to steer netherlands and england back towards catholics.

where is hitler from


where is theodore herzl from


After the congress of vienna, who was the most powerful german states?

austria (think of metternich and conservatism)

why did prussia want to leave out austria?

austria had grown weaker since 1815, austria was too multi ethnic, and austria was catholic, while the other germanic states were protestant

what does the treaty of prague entail

austria stays out of german affairs, venetia is given to italy, and prussia gets nassau, hesse, adn hanover

the seven weeks war is also known as

austro-prussian war

who made the scientific method?


edmund burke thought the revoluton was


frederick wilhelm I had a ___ relationship with his son

bad (Frederick II was more interested in French culture (illegal), reading, and music. He was often beaten by his father and humiliated in public. He attempted to run away to England with his tutor, but was captured. Frederick Wilhelm had the tutor executed in front of his son. It was said by Voltaire that the king wanted his son executed, but the HRE intervened, so Frederick was imprisoned. The relationship improved in time, but remained hostile. )

who was in the working class

bakers, blacksmiths, cobblers, small business owners

after 1685, what begins forming against france?

balance of power

italy often tried to preserve a

balance of power

escorial is in the______ art style


dominant art form of the sixteenth century

baroque art

how did jjr view man in the social contract

based on the idea that man is desperate to join something larger than themselves.

copernicus developed the

basic telescope

pope julius II

became known as the "Warrior Pope". Popes of this time were also great patrons, i.e. The Vatican/St. Peter's Basilica.


became the major paper currency during the french rev after the inflation

why does bismarck dislike the doctrine of papal infallibility?

because bismarck thought the unity of germany was threatened, and was scared how the south would react (they're catholic)

why did england tolerate marx?

because england is a tolerant country, which is important because the industrial revolution has been happening there

why did germany need the support of the workers

because germany was looking to industrialize rapidly, so they needed support from the working class- so they bought their support

why did people say earth was in the center

because god made us in his image, so we were special

why does marx hate capitalism?

because it began the industrial revolution

why is france so eager to defeat and declare war on germany during ww1?

because of how they became a country- where it all happened and the war

how did cavour defeat austria? why austria?

because they are holding a lot of their territories; helped france against them in the crimean war

why did napoleon marry into the hapsburgs?

because they are one of the oldest ruling famlies in the european area. and he's just a guy. but this marriage becomes very important to him as he now is legally 100% a king

why do the peasantry storm bastille?

because they believed the french national army was there to kill them

what was prussia's main goal after the tyw?

becoming a military state

frederick wilhelm (1640-1688)

began unifying prussia: gained support of the junkers/nobles; brought the huguenots into prussia


being able to speak in public


belief that all knowledge is learned or observed (senses).


belief that god created the universe based on natural law, but doesn't control/ impact the daily lives of humans.

Marx's Belief

believed that revolution is inevitable and necessary to improve the conditions of the working class, ending capitalism.

who was the conservative prime minister in british politics?

benjamin disraeli

evolution changes the way we read the


two models of german unification that emerged were

big germany and small germany

what is the difference between grossdeutschland and kleindeutschland?

big germany included austria and small germany didn't include austria. small germany wins.

Bismarck vs. Prussian Parliament issue

bismarck collects taxes to increase the size of the army like he wanted

why does bismarck want to strengthen the army?

bismarck sees france as a threat as France and German may share a border and he wants safety.

the thirty years war consists of four phases:

bohemian (HRE), Danish, Swedish, and French

vindication of the rights of women

book on women's rights by mary wollstonecraft

how are mary and phillip related?

both descendants of ferdinand and isabella

info: to compare peter and louis

both were threatened by people when younger, which dictates some of their laws

the thirty years war eventually turned into a political war, between the

bourbons and the habsburgs

Marx's partner Frederick Engels comes from the


who dominates life during this time?


who was the middle class for liberalism


what are the parts of the third estate?

bourgeoisie, artisans/working class, peasants

Jeremy Bentham is from


who disagrees with the collective action? who agrees?

britain and france; autrian empire, russia and prussia

in 1848, the two countries that were not involved in any revolutions were

britain and russia


british artisans who sabotaged factories and factory equipment

what was the first successful labor movement?

british labor union movement

orders in council

british response: "all nations adhering to the cont. system are at war with great britain (1807)

Robert Owen wanted to

build a model industrial community (which will ultimately fail)

palace of versailles

built by louis, showing his power and wealth. others copy this idea.

holy roman empire

bunch of little states ruled by charles the fifth. there were princes in the north who protected luther and didn't turn him in. they did this because they want power. they see that luther is weakening the power of the church. if luther dies, they go back to doing nothing. if he doesn't the pope gets weaker, and the kings get more powerful.


buying non essential items


buying nonessential goods for leisure purpose

newton invented ______- which helped him prove gravitational theory


revolutionary calendar

calendar starts dating frm aug 10 1792 (start of rev)

michel d'montaigne (skepticism)

called 1800 years of accepted knowledge in called into question

because the king feels threatened by the tennis court oath, he

calls in the french national army


calvinists who saw themselves as the elect of god

most popular/important writing of the enlightenment

candide (1758)

In feudalism, your social stuts

cannot change

richelieu used ______ to destroy noble castle walls


das kapital said that

capitalism will bring about its own destruction.

characteristics of commercial capitalism

capitalist families, entrepreneurs emerge

new ship design


who acted as louis' regents until he was old enough to rule

cardinal mazarin

enlightened despotism

caring, educated, well intentioned monarch

who are isabella and ferdinand's kids?

catherine and joanna

mary I parents

catherine of aragon and henry vii

enlightened rulers

catherine of russia, joesph II of austria, and frederick of prussia

who lead russia at the time?

catherine the great

mary is raised


most who believe in divine right are


the first estate

catholic church clergy

baroque art style is found in many

catholic churches

in 1480's, spain turned into a _____ nation and got papal permission to control spanish bishop etc.

catholic nation

henry the 8 strongly supports ___, despite making his own version called ___

catholic, anglican

after the thirty years wars, europe is no longer unified under


what religion was dominant at this time?


spain's decline: inflation

caused by vast amounts of gold and silver from new world. mines were also drying up.

who was the foreign minister of piedmont-sardinia?

cavour- a highly skilled diplomat

what did austria use to fight nationalism?

censorship: they censored books and universities

Spain: With goverment reform wanted to

centralize control

background of the war of spanish succession

charles II of spain is dying. there is no heir to the throne. He is horribly inbred, he has many disabilities. nobody seemed to take him super seriously. He could not have children either. So, he's not able to have a heir. Knowing he's going to die, he named Phllip of Anjou the king. This man was a bourbon, and is related to Louis XIV.

phillip of anjou

charles named as his succesor: his sixteen year old grand nephew, phillip, duke of anjoy, grandson of charles half sister maria theresa of spain the first wife of louis iv. in other words, a bourbon.

charles the fifth is the same as

charles the first

who did the peace of augsburg

charles the v

who is the last great hre?

charles v

who did louis phillipe replace?

charles x


chief executives of each Dutch province, much like US governers. in times of crisis, one stadtholder would be elected to govern the entire Netherlands.

why did child labor suck so much during this time?

children were paid approximately 10% if an adult's pay

compass was originally invented by the


Most of the early scientists were devout

christians (they were trying to reconcile new knowledge with religion)


church law is also governmental law


church theories dictate scientific study: try to merge science and religion. it uses logic with religious teaching.

petrarch saved and preserved many ancient texts, particularly those of


secular subjects included

civic duty, love, and pride

single biggest mistake of the leaders of the french revolution

civil constitution of the clergy

Marx believes that history was all about

class struggle

tabula rasa

clean slate: the mind is blank at birth -john locke

ways napoleon is good

cocordat, napoleonic code, military wins, abolished guilds and serfdom in conquered territories, "careers opened to the talented", plebicities, promoted education, left revolutionary reforms in place, sold louisiana territory to the usa, did not allow tax exemptions by birth, created the bank of france, ends traditional practices and noble privileges in conquered territories

catherine began the process of

codifying laws (religious toleration, improved education for nobles


colonization protective tariffs forced labor Government monopolies

columbian exchange vs triangular trade route

columbian exchange is the goods we trade, while the triangular terade is the trade route

structor of new government included

committee of public safety, committee of general security, revolutionary tribunals

how did nationalism take hold in greece?

common language, history, and orthodox christianity

during the reformation time, the catholic church wanted to use to arts to

communicate religious themes in direct and emotional involvement

what are some effects of urbanization?

concentration of poverty in urban areas (Ghettos and slums), overcrowding, pollution, disease and sanitation issues, public drunkness and prostitution increases, increase in crime

thompson and lorentz discovered teh

concept of electrons

what was the hre replaced by with napoleon

confederation of rhine

levee en masse let the government

confiscate rural area food, ration food, nationalize, control wage, draft, etc.

what did the congress of vienna lead to?

congress system

the congress sytem still follows


the essence of the 1848 revolution is ___ vs everyone else


realpolitik differs from the idealized views of ________ and __________

conservatism and romanticism

decembrist revolut was ____ in _____

conservatism; russia

Edmund burke was a


bismarck is politically identified as a


What political party was the congress of vienna following?

conservative because they wanted to prevent revolution/change

what were the two major political parties in britain during the late 1800s

conservative party and liberals

in april 1848, _____ win the elections

conservatives and moderates

renaissance period: da vinci:

considered the first scientist-especially interested in human anatomy and invention.

second treatise of governments supports

constitutional monarchy

ways napoleon was bad

continental system, nepotism, invaded countries without provocation and was responsible for many deaths, napoleonic code was authoritarian, established secret police, pillaged cultural artifacts and art in conquered areas, married a habsburg, restored catholic church to a priveleged position, self glorification

three major mistakes of louis

continental system, peninsular war with spain, invasion of russia


control of the african slave trade. spain allows other countries to sell african slaves to their colonies. england is a big part of this.


controlled breeding of humans- idea that certain people are fit to rule the world or over others or phase them out

why do the aristocrats like the corn laws?

controlling prices and keeping htem high

the church used the emotion of the art to

convey messages and meaning (looking toward heaven) during the crisis of the reofrmation

who came up with heliocentrism?


where was napoleon born?

corsica in 1769 (french colony)

lorenzo de medici

cosimo's grandson, remembered as lorenzo the magnificent. known for being a patron, ;using the family wealth to beautify florence. sponsored many artists including michelangelo

passive citizens

could not vote

active citizens

could vote

how did phillip try to regain control and make netherlands catholic?

council of blood

what are the major types of unions?

craft and industrial unions

the catholic church asked copernicus to

create a more accurate calendar

what were the three parts of Cavour's plan for italian unification?

create a strong, stable state (piedmont), find allies and unify the northern area of italy, and finish the unification

what is the goal of evolutionary socialism?

create the welfare state and improve the working conditions for workers

ventose laws of 1794

created a system for distributing land confiscated from nobles to the peasants.

what is the significance of the reform bills of 67 and 84

created universal manhood suffrage in britain

bismarck tries to gain the support of the working class by

creating the welfare state

cottage industry

creation of things in the home

political law

criminal law

immanuel kant wrote

critique of pure reason and critique of practical reason, and the essay "what is enlightenment"

Vasco nunes de balboa

crossed the isthmus of panama in 1513, becoming the first european to see or discover the pacific ocean

Peterloo Massacre

crowds gathered in Manchester to protest the Corn Laws and demand parliamentary reforms.

voltaire believed that religion

crushed the human spirit to be free


culture war of struggle

why is the battle of the nile/abukir relevant?

cuts french arm off former supply; creates an important bitterness between napoleon and britain

bohemia is modern

czech republic

three phases of the german unification

danish war, seven weeks war, franco prussian war

who was huxley for in the public debate?


peoples budget was made by

david lloyd george

the domestic economic crisis occurred because assignat

declined in value

what happens to spain due to the thirty years war?


because voltaire hated the catholic church and organized religion, he favored


what was the compromise between robespierre and the people mad about the dechristianization?

deism usage


democratic republic

the great awakening had a

democratizing effect in stressing individual worth and spiritual consciousness independently of religious authorities

what was the issue of the danish war?

denmark controls two german states

what book did charles darwin release in 1871?

descent of man

mercator projection

designed for sailing by providing lines of constant source. important for long distance exploration.


despot- ruler with total authority

what is the significance of freud's work

determined that human behavior isn't always rational

fostering mercantilism includes

developing colonies, fully utilize workforce, infrastructure improvement, government monopolies, protective tariffs, lower internal tariffs,

louis was a (religion) ______

devout catholic

galileo wrote

dialogue of two chief systems of the world (1632), which compares ptoelmaic to copernicus' theory

table of ranks

did not inherit titles/positions like nobles, which fosters loyalty to peter among new bureaucrats

"refractory clergy"

did not take the oath- became a kind of underground catholic church: tended to turn peasants in some areas against the revolution

saint simon wanted to use social engineers to

direct production more towards the needs of society, thus eliminating profit motive.

the national assembly abolishes the committees of public safety and general security. this creates the


what did freemasons encourage?

discussion of self improvement and improvement of others in the enlightenment

during the protestant reformation, many scientific ideas were _____ by the catholic church


according to the second treatise on government, people have right to

dissolve any government that denies them their rightss

spirit of the laws (1748)

divides laws (Montesquieu)

absolutism is tied to

divine right

separation of power

division of government power into different branches of government: keeps one person or part from becoming too powerful.



cottage industries are also known as

domestic system or putting out system

House of Commons

dominated by Puritans who wanted to eliminate remnants of the catholic church from england (essentially anglicanism)

international shipping

dominated by the Dutch for some time, eventually replaced by the British.

results of the war of austrian succession

doubled population: significant gain more soldiers, workers, consumers Silesia has much better farmland good mineral resources: especially coal and iron prussia emerged as a major european power

what is systematic doubt

doubting any knowledge that can be doubted.. The only thing we know for sure is that we are thinking (even if what we are thinking is wrong). Led him to new theories.

what are some tools for unlocking the subconscious

dream interpretation, word association, ink blot tests, hypnosis

why does the universal labor union fail?

due to lack of common interest across trades

Oliver Cromwell

during most of the 1650s-rules as a military dictator = "Lord Protector";

what happens to the hre due to the thirty years war?



early chemistry


early renaissance one of the best known medieval artists his many religious paintings best reflect the medieval art style

new world exploration caused an

economic boom


economic system of the middle ages based on mutual obligations between lords and serfs (peasants). peasants who lived on a noble's land were required to give them labor and certain fees (which were often "inkind" payments or taxes)


economic union of german states which placed high tariffs on imports from non member nations, but none of items traded within the zollverein

free market

economy without regulation, where natural law guides the economy


editor of the encyclopedia

the scientific revolution ended witchcraft because

education made it easier to dismiss superstition, and new science explained a lot of the strange phenomena

secular humanism: info card

education should focus on non religious or secular subjects. basically, the classical education. These would be the humanities - history, politics, grammar, rhetoric, ethics, etc. Examples: Bruni - revived classical texts ignored by medieval scholars (non-Christian texts) Alberti - also revived classical literature

henry vii's son

edward vi

rotten boroughs

election districts that had become unpopulation

what are three major differences between teh two industrial revolutions?

electricity's presence, the second one has leisure activity, and while the first one's main industry was textile, the second one's was steel, dynamite was made

who would run society in a communist society?

elite communists

example of politique

elizabeth 1

how do mary and elizabeth I challenge the traditional roles of women during this era?

elizabeth leads them to a cultural high point. all good things started with elizabeth. she defeated the spanish armada.

the commercial revolution

emergence of new trade across europe due to new world explorations and trade goods. think commerce.

who proves that dreyfus was framed? what did he publish to prove his point?

emile zola; j'accuse (one of the first major examples of investigative journalism)

baroque art

emotional ornate dynamic activity dramatic asymmetric

the donation of constantine

emperor constantine, (first christian emperor of rome) gave political power to the pope, saying that anytime any king or queen would question them, they would pull out this thing. However, the document was fake as the latin was from thousands of years ago, in which constantine would not write

labor unions

enabled workers to "collectively bargain" with their employers, that is negotiate as a whole rather than as individuals for higher wages, shorter hours, better working conditions,etc.


encompassed 17 acres, housed over 15,000 people in Louis' court. Would cost approx. $3 billion in today's money. No bathrooms!!

how did primogeniture help the ir?

encouraged other male children to seek wealth/opportunities on their own

goals of the peasants

end feudal obligations (rents, banalities, and eminent property rights0

the war of roses happened in


where did the agricultural revolution begin?


thomas hobbes lived in

england (before the english civil war)


england's rural middle class

why does the dutch golden age end?

england: they steal their trade routes and they have a war

mary wollstonecraft (1759-1797)

english, women's rights, viewed as founder of western feminism


enrages militants

Erasmus vs. Luther

erasmus thinks the church is able to be fixed, and can reform. he used satire to criticize the church luther says its too far gone, and thinks they should let the catholic church die. luther openly calls the church out.

louis changes _____ because of his rule. historically, we call the time period _____

europe, age of louis the fourteenth

many philosophers spent time with

european kings

gift tax

every five years, the first estate pays this tax

what does phillip ensure?

everybody under his rule is catholic

according to Abbe Sieyes, what is the third estate?


hobbes believes that humans are naturally

evil and selfish

what is another name for revisionist socialism?

evolutionary socialism

emergence of commercial capitalism was stimulated by

expanding markets and increased demand

what did de gouges want to do with her book?

expose the failures of the french revolution in the recognition of sex equality, but failed to create any lasting impact on the direction of the revolution.


extreme form of conservatism where old regime is restored. Fighting to rebuild the past as it was.

what is the group and the individual of revolutionary socialism?

fabian society and edward bernstein

what things does the legislative reform include?

factory acts, disability insurance, old age pension, unemployment insurance, minimum wage

what are the policies of early welfare state

factory acts, disability insurance, unemployment insurance, setting a minimum wage, old age pension, public education


factory owners

what did the factory acts ask for?

factory safety, better working conditions, shorter hours

peace of augsburd (TTYW)

failed to truly end the conflict. remember this gave religious preference to the local prince in the HRE. when the prince changed, the religion might change. the PofA was a band aid on a gaping wound: temporary healing.

phillip attempts to use this military power to retake Netherlands and conquer England and


english poor laws

families of unemployed men were forced into segregated work houses, really bad conditions. More or less like prison. these laws existed until the early 20th century.

ulrich zwingli

father of the swiss reformation


favoritism to relatives


fees they charged peasants for services such as ovens and grain mills

olympe de gouges

feminist, playwright, and supporter of the girondins beheaded during the reign of terror

who is the leader of the spd

ferdinand lasalle

in the new world, ___ animals had been domesticated


significance of the battle of waterloo

final defeat of napoleon

privileged estates

first and second

who did catherine marry?

first henry the eighths brother, then henry the eighth

frederick referred to himself as the

first servant of the state

Frederick the great II

first servant of the state violated the pragmatic sanction invaded silesia

significance of the peninsula war

first sign of weakness of napoleon gave the rest of europe hope that napoleon can be defeated

Louis became king at the age of


the directory

five member executive where most power is. however, theyre hella weak

why do the people of france choose to kill louis?

flight of varrennes

papal states included

florence, venice, naples, milan rome

infrastructure improvement

focus on improving roads, canals, bridges, etc. this encourages trade and helps commerce thrive.

Manchesters school of economics

followers of Adam Smith

Domestic economic crisis included

food hosrtages, rise in violence, and unemployment

sheltered markets

force colonies to buy from the mother country. think Britain forcing american colonists to purchase british goods like tea from colonial India.

spain's religious policy

forced Catholicism, wanted everyone in Spain and other landholdings to be Catholic.

how did peter implement his economic modernization

forced manufacturing, took from people, and taxation of everything

spain's decline: government debt

forced to borrow money to maintain colonies and armada (they're doing too much)

baroque art is characterized by

forceful and dynamic displays of passion or other theatrical displays of emotion

when napoleon III is gone, the french chose to

form a new government

best example of keeping money in the country?


best example of mercantilism




where did the enlightenment begin?


who allied with piedmont sardinia?


the franco-prussian war creates a lasting bitterness between

france and germany

after bismarck, who becomes allies?

france and russia

treaty of tilsit was between

france and russia

treaty of campo formio

france gains control of territory northern italy

from 1805 - 1810, what was going on in france?

france was at war with the rest of europe, defeats prussia early early, makes peace with russisa, adn defeats austria

the hundred year wars

france would emerge victorious thanks to the joan of arc at the battle of orleans. secured charles VII as France's monarch.

who negotiates over the new king after the bourbon is kicked out?

france, spain and prussia

winners of the thirty years war

france, sweden, brandenburg-prussia, northern netherlands, all german states

which war was the battle of sedan a part of

franco prussian war

what is voltaire's real name

francois maria arouet

who ruled austria and hungary?

franz josef

best example of a successful enlightened ruler

frederick the great of prussia

who are two of voltaire's famous friends

fredrick the great and catherine the great, who are both enlightened monarchs.

secret organizations included

freemasons, and the illuminati

what was the lingua franca from the mid seventeenth century to the mid eighteenth century



french skepticism becomes an important tool in the Scientific Revolution as it breaks down 1800 years of accepted knowledge.

how did the enlightenment start in france (social reform wise)

french enlightenment writers didn't just talk about social issues, they actually did something about them.

henry's policy includes

french exploration in the new world, infrastructure, royal corvee, etc.

nobles of the robe

french nobles who held important administrative/judicial positions

why did the enlightenment begin in france (language-wise)

french was the lingua franca of the time, so most educated men and women spoke french.

capitalist families

fuggers (germany) and medicis (italy): merchant bankers and venture capitalists.

the more eastward we go in europe, the ______ they are

further behind


future hre emperor, named after saint joesph, whom she prayed to for a male heir

what happens to the netherlands because of the thirty years war?

gain independence and becomes a major banking center

what does sweden gain after the thirty years war

gains some northern german areas (pomerania)

what are some disease and sanitation issues?

garbage water human waste spillage

red shirts

garibaldis army who started taking over territory

edict of nantes

gave huguenots freedom to worship. also allowed them to develop armies and fortify (build walls) their cities


gave spanish settlers the right to force natives to work their lands. they were requried to look after the natives well being too, yet most natives were treated harshly

reform bill of 1867 (conservatives)

gave the right to vote to well off workers and farm workers

what influenced maximilian's book the republic of virtue

general will by rousseau

whats another way to say ptolemaic theory?

geocentric theory

who is the leader of the radical republicans

george clemenceau

einstein's origins are

german and jewish (but moves to america)

what is the end result of the kulturkampf?

german catholics form the center party and they become rather popular, threatening bismarck's hold on power

immanuel kant is from


luther was from


where is edward bernstein from?


who was the first welfare state?


the hre eventually becomes

germany and the austrian empire

why is eastern europe moving slower than western europe

germany is completely destroyed, so they have to catch up etc. therefore, nothing is getting past them, and it's a barrier. not only this, but eastern europe does't really get to go to america.

how does the franco prussian war set the stage for WW1's outcome?

germany loses, they sign the treaty at versailles, france gets back alsace-lorraine, and france forces germany to pay reparation

the hohenzolern dynasty ruled another area: which is it?

germany: from the mid 1800s to world war 1 in 1918

england controls gibraltar, which means that they

get a trade source

what are some tactics of revisionary socialism

get workers the right to vote, and form political parties

charlotte corday

girondin who murdered jean paul marat on july 13,j 1793

the social contract according to hobbes has subjects ________________________ to a ____________ for ________________

giving power to a ruler for protection

who was bishop wilberforce for in the public debate?


divine right

god chose this to happen

divine right of kings

god gives king power

why did people explore?

god, glory, gold

medieval style


peter made a series of _____ like cabinets

government departmentes

emergence of mercantilism

government economic policy that spawned alongside capitalism. Build the wealth of the nation (accumulation of money - gold & silver).associated moe with absolutist kings (france is the best example)

how is government involved in the scientific revolution? (EXPLORATION)

government involvement in exploration and colonization, and lots of new science related to it.

government monopolies

government provides necessary products that a country may not naturally produce (goods acquired from colonies or trade. salt, gunpowder, mining, etc.


government taking control of private businesses


grand palance which has part palace and part monastery.

what is a violation of natural rights?

greatest evil

classical culture

greece and rome influence

big germany is also known as



group of elderse/ pastoer s who investigate and punish those with improper conduct. leaders (calvin) made law, locals (consistory)( upheld the law.


group that supported increased democracy in the english political system. (increasing the right ot vote to all men (universal male suffrage), expanding those who could serve in parliament, written constitution, etc.)

the industrial revolution caused a

growing discontent among the working class (socialism) and a power grab for bourgeoisie (liberals)

subsistence agriculture

growing just enough food to feed the population limited or no surpluses for trade

how did the french attack the spanish

guerilla warfare

increased demand

guilds could not keep up with demand for certain goods. population increase and national armies (needed uniforms) spurred this demand

the catholics are in the faction


who ws the chief minister during louis philippe's time?


joseph is a

habsburg (not the inbred spanish)

who lost the thirty years war


spain's decline: military failures: netherlands

had been part of Charles V/I's empire. Netherlands became Calvinist. Phillip tried to regain control:

which family was incestuous?


who dominated the hre and other territories after charles?


what does garibaldi do that shocks everyone?

he agrees to let emanuel have southern italy- unifying italy

what shows us that napoleon is enlightened?

he brings scientists, archaeologists, etc. with him when he invades british colony of egypt

why did charles divide his land the way he did

he didn't want his successors to have the same challenges he had

richelieu rules in a machiavellian style, showing

he does whatever is necessary to achieve his goals.

how did the pope respond to stage 2 of the revolution

he excommunicated the italian republic

because the school of athens painting was in vatican, what do we know about the pope?

he is becoming more secular

why di dthe people choose mikail I to start the romanov dynasty despite him being 17?

he is easily influenced

why does the pope say no to henry

he is friends and close to catherine. he is the nephew of henry's wife catherine. charles the 5, a few years before, rode down to rome and destroyed things. he imprisoned their pope for a while. when the pope gets the letter requesting the annulment, he cannot do it, as it will anger charles v

How did Cavour find allies and unify the Northern area of italy?

he joined france in the crimean war, helped "defeat" austria, and other allies fell into place

henry let the protestants create armies because

he knows he won't be king forever: this way, with the army, they have fortifications and can fight back.

how does napoleon help get the unification of germany?

he lessens the cultural differences in the area, so its easier to combine


he new athens that became the center of the renaissance. all the major artists and moments more or less flowed out florence

what does bismarck do with catholicism and marriage? what happens after?

he outlaws marriages in catholic churches. now you get married in a government office.

charles the fifth is super powerful because

he owns a lot of the land

how does cavour provoke the austrian empire?

he stages military drills near them, on their border

why did ivan have his pretty fricking bad time period?

he suspected the nobles poisoned his wife

how did luther get to roman and what did he see: info card

he walked all the way to rome. he firsthand sees all the corruption of the priesta nd sees it. when luther went up the catholic stairs on his knees like the other people. when he got up he questioned why he did it, as he sees so much corruption. luther had a lot of issues with salvation. he's a monk. he doesn't feel like he's going to go to heaven, so how does everybody else feel? the church offered goodworks, in which you would pay them to go to heaven? however, poor people could not pay for this. poor people feel quite left out, like luther. he believes that god thinks differently. He read the bible, and saw that "if you want salvation, you only need faith." This causes a lot of change. He wrote the ninety five things he hates about the catholic church. He nailed it onto the church doors. If luther did this fifty years ago, the church could have contained it. they could have murdered him, like they did to Joan of Arc. He also would have written it in Latin, meaning that nobody would be able to read it. Though, he wrote it in the vernacular, and a lot of people will be able to read it. What happens is, somebody got it, and they took it to the printer. then there were hundreds of copies floating around. it's going ALL over europe, and they're translating it into their language. HE happened to be at the right place at the right time. the church asked him to show up to something. he showed up and was asked to recant. Instead, Luther says that he has read the bible, the content the bible tells him. he asks them to correct him if he's wrong. they cannot. the church let him go, which was a fatal mistake

why must the nobles live at the versailles

he wants to control them and ensure that they aren't plotting against him

why is versailles fifteen miles off of paris?

he wants to get away from mob action. he doesn't want anything like the fronde to happen to him again.

how do we know bismarck is a conservative?

he was junker

how was louis xviii as a ruler?

he was weak and kept most revolutionary reforms like the napoleon code?

why did louis xviii keep the napoleonic code?

he was weak anyway, and was scared of a possible revolution

how did ivan kill his son?

he whacked him with a pointed staff

what were the two elements of aristotle?

heavy (rocks, lands, etc.) and light (Free, air, etc.)


helped determine latitude

the levee

helping louis get ready in the morning and follow his steps in routine. being a part of this is an honor

how does the english civil war end?

henry married a york, and brought the two families together.

the assassination of henry III (valois) led to the rule of

henry of navarre

leading huguenots

henry of navarre and admiral coligny

the tudor dynasty started with

henry the seventh

Emergence of Witchcraft: Women were also known to develop to

herbal remedies

who maid social darwinism

herbert spencer

who came to power in paris


the boyars

highest noble class and the czar's advisor


hired soldiers

louis' successor was

his great grandon, who started ruling at five as well

why does louis napoleon bonaparte win the presidential election of december 1848?

his name is napoleon, so people thought he was just that good

pope alexander VI

his son was Cesare Borgia, a great military leader, who inspired Machiavelli's The Prince.

Frederick Engels realizes that his main motive and caring should go towards

his workers


history continues through struggles and opposing ideas. those ideas clash, and humans work it out. the cycle continues.



who ruled the bradenburg prussia area

hohenzollern dynasty

what two states does denmark controls

holstein and schleswig

where would james I often lecture on the true law of free monarchy?

house of commons

who made up the british parliament?

house of lords and house of commons

who dominated the stadtholders?

house of orange, thanks to William the Silent of Orange during the thirty years war


hre/spain/new world

admiral coligny

huguenot military leader who will later be murdered

richelieu wanted to weaken the


what are some things freud believes in?

human behavior is caused by the subconscious memory

during the scientific revolution, people began to rely on ______ to understand scientific phenomena

human reason


humanism in art

john calvin: info card

hunted by the monarchy due to his wish to reform to a theocracy. In geneva, he sets it up. this threatens the monarchs in europe, as they are catholic. They aren't going to want to switch to calvinism. his rules included -no public drinking, swearing, dancing or gambling -strict dress code for men and women -strict family regulations (names, types of furnishings, etc.) when people realized that he was gone, things were out of order. they brought him back and gave order.

upon his death, louis said

i am leaving you, but the state remains forever.

l'etat c'est moi

i am the state

when does napoleon defeat the army of hte austrian empire?


utopian socialism

idea that perfect communities/societies can be engineered

what were some of the rules which castiglione support

ideal renaissance man liberal arts education physical/military.political skills social skills

in general, revolutionaries felt that the leaders of 1848 were to

idealist (they weren't as pragmatic as they should be)

nature vs. nurture says that

if blank state is true, then society is responsible for good and evil

queen elizabeth I's reason to not marry

if she marries phillip, and he starts a war with someone, she has to support him if she marries him

Workers compensation

if someone in a company was hurt while working for them, the employer would have to pay. if they choose not to pay, you could sue.

humanism: td

if you can think it you can do it talks about human potential -also supports the influences from greece and rome

declaration of pillnitz

if you hurt the french king adn queen, austria would attack french

what would happen to those who left versailles?

if you'd ask him for a favor he would look at you and say he doesn't know you. you would then be dismissed from court. you would then spend the rest of your life trying to get back in his favor.

parliament ____ chartists, leading to ____. but this never became revolution

ignored: violence


illness and disease were to come from bad air

what does the public debate of huxly and wilberforce reveal?

immediate religious conflict over evolution theory

governmental reforms of frederick

improved accounting, merit based bureaucracy (gain position b/c you're qualified)developed public education for nobility, attempted elementary education for all classes (through never realized)

what do socialists want during the revolutions of 1848

improved working conditions and worker ownership of production

galileo ______ the telescope, found ______ on other planets, and _______

improved, moons, milky way

factory act of the 1830s

improves safety and working conditions in factories

classical conditioning

impulses that occur naturally can be caused by an unnatural stimulus

why is italy so important for nmost of the fourteen hundreds and then become irrelevant?

in 1492, christopher columbus discovered the americas. Then, people were more interested in trade over there

the peasant revolt

in 1524-1525, German peasants revolted (inspired by Luther's defiance of the church) over poor economic conditions (tired of unjust noble and church taxes).

when did the second french revolution happen? how long did it last?

in 1830; 3 days

carlsbad decrees

in austria, metternich's government said any revolutionary writing would get censored. universities (traditionally progressive) would also get attacked with censorship because teachers who were generally progressive would teach that to their kids.

why are there two name for charles the fifth

in england there were many charles, so he was the fifth. however, in spain and the new world, he was the first.

royal corvee

in france, forced labor (peasants) to build roads, bridges, etc. essentially slavery

merchant bankers

in towns

what do the northern netherlands gain after the thirty year war?

independence and are the netherlands

the dutch netherlands recently got

independence from spain through the peace of westphalia.


individuals who take considerable risk to start their own business.

Frederick promotes new

industries (iron manufacturing)

marx believes tha thte proletarian revolution is


why did spain decline

inflation, government debt, little to no production, military failure

whats some other stuff about new lanark?

initially, it was profitable with 800-1200 people. Kids were separated from parents with self sustaining agrdens.

the church, using this art, want people to think they feel they are



instead of trying to only be self sufficient, you should only produce what you produce best

law of nations

internation law

expanding markets

international and national made it difficult to predict demand

the communist international

international organization dominated by Revolutionary Socialists that met every three years

how did spain achieve government reform?

introduce use of bureaucracy- helped the king administer laws rule by pen and paper: written law, not through military power

phillip chose to_________, which screwed up his plans.

invade england

hernan cortes; info cards

invaded mexico (1519) and marched to the aztec capital of tenochtitlan with 600 conquistadors. spaniards were invited in by moctezuma II, the azrwtec leader. it is thought that he believed cortes to be quetzalcoatl (an qztec god: feathered serpent), although this is sometimes disputed by historians. the spaniards had beard and the aztec had never seen men with hair on their faces/ beards before. in the end, moctezuma was killed and the spaniards gained control over the aztec.

where elizabeth kills mary, phillip II

invades england

what was napoleon's biggest mistake?

invasion of russia


iron/steel; led to a new and cheaper construction materials. new machines too.

in the first phase, the church's land is taken from them. this is because france. . .

is in hella debt, so they choose to pay the money back to other people, by selling the land

Charles II

is new King of England. He is Catholic, but reserved about it. Although this will cause religious problems/concerns in England! Major Conflict with Parliament (house of commons) was over religion. Charles appoints catholic advisors.

the church uses baroque art to show that the church

is powerful, and if you want to go to heaven, here's how you get there

according to beccaria, the purpose of punishment

is to make an impression but not harm the human body. he's anti torture

what is another name for constantinple


why does marx hate the industrial revolution?

it brought upon the main issue: bourgeoisie and proletariat.

why was the decembrist revolt significant?

it causes russia to fall behind europe as nicholas I resists the industrial revolution

what happens to france due to the thirty years war?

it emerges as a major power

how does the less labor in farming help the ir?

it frees up labor for industrial factories

why is the star chamber soon cut out?

it gave the king way too much power

significance of the death of the paris commune?

it gives communists a bad name and governments in europe start to restrict communist activity

what happened to the government because of the peterloo massacre?

it grew even more conservative, and cracked down on reform

why did napoleon have a plebiscite

it legitimized his rule as he has people supports

how did the ir change warfare?

it mechanized it, so deadlier weapons were made in mass production. this makes wars more deadly

what is the significance of the repeal of the corn laws?

it signals great britain's commitment to free trade and reform

why is the church against nationalism?

it threatened church and papal power, as it was anti conservative

WHy did europeans pay a lot for imported goods from asia

it took a long time to get the items, and there were many obstacles

why was guillotine used

it was democratic (everyone died the same way) and humane (arguably, you died extremely fast)

what later happened in the plot?

it was discovered thanks to an anonymous letter. the conspirators were captured and executed.

how did louix xv tax people?

it was unequal. peasants/third estate paid most of the taxes, while nobles and catholic church paid nothing.

medieval art

it wasn't very good it was very religious

why is the storming event significant?

it's considered day one of the french revolution


italian nationalist who formed young italian revolution

peter paul rubens

italian trained painter who lived in the spanish netherlands

cesare beccaria is from


why does christopher columbus go to spain?

italy won't invest in him

Ivan IV (1540-1589)

ivan the terrible

napoleon was a (which french side was he on)


the stuart burger

james I charles I Chromwell Charles II James II

dreyfus affair of (1894)

jewish captain (alfred) dreyfus is accused of selling secrets to the germans. he was found guilty and sent to devils island (penal colony french guiana)

most influential writer of the enlightenment?


social contract is a book written by


discourse of inequality

jjr "The Noble Savage" - positive view of man in the state of nature. (Based in large part on the pro-American Indian feelings of the Enlightenment)

best example of enlightened monarchy and its limitations

joesph II

children of maria theresa

joesph, leopold, marie antoinette

who wanted theocracy

john calvin (From france)

who does napoleon marry?


marat and des moulin


louis philippe is known as the

july monarch

prussian leaders in germany called themselves


marx continually gets ________ of countries

kicked out

small germany is also known as


what does bismarck use to hurt the church?


worldly pleasures that even popes got

lack of celibacy among priests *even the pope fathered many children like B O R G I A) gambling, drunkness, extravagant lifestyles, etc.

the economic state in france

laissez faire

classical economics

laissez faire capitalism

smith's beliefs led to

laissez faire capitalism

what is liberalism favoring economically?

laissez faire economics

European trade had mostly been dominated by

land and sea trade routes with asia

service nobility

land in return for government service

who made up the house of commons?


spanish armada

large ships: difficult to maneuver older cannons (less accurate) sailors/commanders weak


later hre emperor

what is the significance of dual monarchy?

later, after ww1, it leads to a permanent, independant hungary

natural law

law is above government, governments can be judged for their actions. **This contrasts with divine right where kings have final authority.

Galileo's pisa experiment

law of free fall, same for all objects, no matter their mass.

newton developed the ________

law of gravity, brings the heliocentric theory together (always in motion)

spirit of the laws entails

law of nations, political law, and civil law

Fashion laws.

laws that required noble clothing to be made only in France

Marx and Engels linked widespread popular distrubances of the late 1840s with the idea that the seizure of political power by the workers would

lead to the replacement of competitive capitalism by collective ownership and cooperation


leaders (sometimes spelled tsar)

pope paul III

led the council of trent (1545 - 1563) where many reforms were created. This created the modern Catholic Church. For many, the reforms stabilized the church and Catholicism continued to flourish.

john calvin

led the reformation in geneva

what is the first phase of the welfare state?

legislative reform

what is the root word of liberalism?


why did the nobles want to be at versailles?

life was a party for them, and Louis paid for everything


light, maneuverable ships that could sail in the ocean. use lateen sails for speed and traveling windward

baroque art was created with

light, motion, and color

according to malthus, farmland is always


mine act of 1842

limited women and children from working in mines

ten hours act

limits the worksday of women and children to ten hours: eventually leading to a ten hour day for men (1850s)

cahiers de doleances

list of grievances

what four things led to the enlightenment?

literacy, reason, birth of social sciences, and belief in progress

Louis XVI had ______ to do with politics


according to smith, government has very

little involvement in the economy

popolo minuto

little people: italy's largest group consisting of laborers and artisans

the old world had many ____


what did the natives domesticate?


In the dark ages, people rather _____ ______ than traded with the rest.

locally bartered

transportation changes in the industrial revolution

locomotive or train, steam boats

how were working conditions terrible during the ir?

long hours, unsafe working conditions, low wages, few breaks, possibility of beatings/whiggings, no workers compensation during this time

the time period where the monarchs are summoning parliament into session is called the

long parliament

when he replaces the hre, napoleon makes himself the

lord protector

spain, after they invade,

lose their power

who else used a merit based bureaucracy?

louis and napolean

who becomes king after charles x?

louis phillipe, who's more liberal

what is an example of baroque helping absolutism?

louis the 14 palace of versailles

best example of an absolute ruler

louis the fourteenth

an example of an absolute ruler

louis xiv

why didn france adopt enlighted despotism

louix xv didn seem to care what happened after he was no longer king

who is the king of netherlands, italy, and spain at this time?

lucien joseph joseph (all of which are napoleons siblings)

steam power in the industry powered the

machines of industry

the declaration of pillnitz made the french

mad, because of their past

louis blanc

made social workshops to produce for trade and not progress

committe of public safety

made the laws (during the reign of terror) - robespierre dominates


made up about 90 percent of the french population, but only owned 30-50 percent of the land

what does the brandenburg-prussia area gain?


major battles of the austro sardinian war?

magenta and solferino (both piedmont wins)

background of dual monarchy:

magyars (hungary nobility) create a temporary revolution- which ultimately fails. the compromise of 1867 gives hungary control over its domestic affairs.

what is the only reason for government in marxist interpretation

maintain class distinctions (if this goes away, government goes with it)

Britain emerges as Europe's _________ during the 19th century

major and global power

Maxilmilian robespierre

major leader who wrote the republic of virtue

who controlled large amounts of territory during the middle ages?

major noble families

the commercial revolution reveals a

major shift from mediterranean trade dominated by italy

what is a move that bismarck did that helped lead to unification?

make a larger army

as a result of _________ and ______, major noble families already controlled large territories and populations and provided some services we normally associate with modern governments such as defense and law enforcement

manorialism and feudalism

who caused the deunification?

martin luther

when edward died, who took the throne?

mary I

wollstonecraft 's daughter

mary shelley

johannes kepler ______ proved that earth orbits the sun


leadership of the reign of terror included

maximilian robespierre

Mountain was led by

maximilien robespierre

In the industrial revolution, we move to producing


who controlled florence

medici family

st. thomas aquinas

medieval monk who wrote on scholasticism. heavily influenced by aristotle, and used church teachings with natural reason.

congress system

meetings to discuss and prevent crises from escalating into wars

who was in the freemason organization?

men from all social classes

Henry's Economic Policies has his financial minister (Duke of Sully) who favored


smith is opposed to

mercantilistic definition of wealth

how did industry spread during this time?

metallurgy steam power transportation interchangeable parts cement gas lighting paper machines agriculture mining glass infrastructure

the great awakening led to


who is an example of an old conservative


metternich conservative v. new conservative:

metternich said you HAVE to be conservative, or else you'll die. a new conservative, like bismarck, finds that the world has changed and that he must work with that.

when was germ theory discovered?

mid 1800's (and was believed way later)

voltair was in the

middle class (he hates aristocracy)

The bourgeoise

middle class people who were wealthy, Educated class that did not have political power or privilege

who did venice trade with

middle east


middle group of smaller merchants and master artisans. famous artists

council of blood

military force led by the Duke of Alba, this inquisition would see the deaths of many protestant leaders, causing even more resentment and resistance towards spain. kills about 20000 people over six years. alba also taxed the netherlands to pay for suppression of their own revolt.

napoleon went to france for

military school for the male children of the nobility


moderate jacobins; revolutionaries who want to spread revolution to neighbors

double entry bookkeeping

modern accounting that reduced errors

napoleon _____ french agriculture


stadtholders evolves into

monarchy with Will of Orange in 1673, he becomes the First King of the Netherlands (this is William and Mary, later king and queen of England).

copernicus sketched the _______, which had _______

moon, an irregular surface which violates the idea of crystalline spheres (ancient idea that heavenly bodies are perfect)

according to john locke, humans can be

moral and rational

what is the significance of the boulanger affair

more conservative forces and reinforced more Radical Republican views about fearing Monarchists/Catholic Church

italian renaissance

more secular and humanist (more pagan - think Botticelli's birth of venus or raphael's lady with unicorn) more emphasis on greek and roman writings Humanism - focused solely on the individual

muscovite russia



most extreme jacobins; supported sans-culottes

lorenzo valla

most famous use of textual criticism, which he used to prove that the donation of constantine was not authentic

how did the protestant work ethic help the industrial revolution?

most people in england at this time are protestant. the ethic pushes people to continue to work hard, pushing society.

main idea of joseph II

most radical reformer (makes the most changes) , least effective (everything gets overturned when he is gone)

reform bill of 1884

most working males get the right to vote

Where were most papal states?

mostly central italy

foreign policy of frederick wilhelm I

mostly isolationist: kept to themselves and stayed out of the affairs of other nations did ally with russia in the great northern war (against sweden), gains port city of stettin

who led the radical phase?


who took over the national assembly

mountain and sans coulottes

why was long distance trade risky?

mountains, sailing ships had to stay near land, bandits and robbers, going around africa, water, long time it took,

was freud right in his beliefs?

much of his work has been disproven

baroque spread in other art forms like

music and literature

natural selection

mutations that aid survival are passed on

new model army

name given to the military forces created by the puritan leaders of the house of commons leader is oliver cromwell. infused the army with protestant (puritan = calvinist) beliefs to foster morale, discipline, and the will to fight.

frederick 1 (1688-1713)

named king of prussia for helping defeat louis xiv, now sits at the table with other monarchs as he is now king

continental system

napoelon imposed an economic boycott of great britain by 1807, will include most of europe vs. great britain

who destroys the hre


france's youngest general


why does cavour resign in protest?

napoleon III negotiated with austria and abandoned piedmont

the idea of a german nation began to form after

napoleon and the hre shrinking

milan decree

napoleon's response: all nations not adhering to the cont. system are at war with france. (1808)

peninsular war continues until the end of the

napoleonic time period

comparative advantages

nation's ability to produce what they produce better (cheaper) than other countries. (During, this time Classical Economists believed that nation's should only produce the products in which they had a comparative advantage).

the new government by the third estate will be caleld the

national assembly

napoleon stirred a sense of _____ with other european dcountries


the pope of this era hates


how was religious policy forced in the new world

natives had to convert, spanish jesuits helped with this. latin america is primarily catholic today

locke believes in _______ rights


in the old world view, the universe is based on

natural law

none of the major scientists called themselves so. they called themselves

natural philosophers

Malthusian trap

nature or negative checks that control population: war, disease, famine etc

during the renaissance period, interest in _____ increases. we see it in the arts.


dutch republic


where did the idea of a free market begin

netherlands and britain

st. petersburg

new capital city conquered from Sweden

because all reformers do not agree all the time,

new protestant faiths/churches began springing up

what led to spain's rise

new world exploration, government reform, military might

the second scientific revolution was calle dthe

new world view

who heavily supported deism?


who is the patriarch?


best example of natural law in america?

nixon ( resigned before he was impeached )

Were the people of the cities prepared (infrastructure wise) for the population increase?


according to hobbes, can a government's power be limited


did bismarck support the revolution of 1848


did brahe use a telescope?


did the 1848 revolution of italian states succeed?


does martin luther support the peasant revolt?


does napoleon support the rights of women?


is there any civil war when james is ruling?


was there any women's rights prior to the french revolution?

no, because not all men could vote/participate in politics

do very many people support the luddites movement?

no, because they want cheaper price

ws the boulanger affair used?

no, but became public in 1888

does frederick reform serfdom?

no, he didbn't want to disrupt the social structure and upset the nobles.

was thomas malthus correct in his theory?

no, he didn't account for technology

was napoleon a part of the upper class?

no, moreso the lower middle class

were western and eastern europe similar

no, they had clearly defined differences

did the dutch have an absolute ruler at their time?

no, unlike most european areas.

during this time, could women get maternity leave?

no. in fact, a few days after having the child, they'd go back to work

is england is involved in the thirty years war? why?

no: they have their own Civil War (1642-1649)

are protestants truly trying to stamp out all the catholics during the french wars of religion?

no; catholics want to stamp them out, though.

did the edict of nantes end the war?

no; it created a cold war

AFter the resistence from the ________, Louis XV gave up on the concept of Maupeou Parlements


the most powerful person in the dark ages are the


the fronde

nobles of france attempt to take back the power they've lost. they're upset over taxation, and rebel. they attack the louvre, and louis was there. the rebellion, by the nobles, impacts him and he realizes that the nobles are too powerful. this is where he chooses to strip the nobles of any power they have.

The third estate

non privileged estates

did isabella and ferdinand have any male heirs?


did the people of spain know they got the better deal?


was marx right about the proletariat revolution?


the art ideas spread

north to italy

calvinism TTYW

not included in the choices of religion. lutheran and catholicism

how long was edward vi king? why?

not long; he died young

how often does baroque art show nudity?

not often, as they realize it's wrong

how much does england affect the thirty years war?

not that much, as they have a lot going on in their own country

according to Abbe Sieyes, what has the third estate been until now in the political order?


Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626) wrote

novum organum and advancement of learning

what does i am the state mean?

nything good about france is because of louis. not saying that france is the people.

empirical evidence


where does catherine get her warm water port?

odesa (warm water port on the black sea)

intendant system

officials appointed by the king registered laws in local areas and provinces

merit-based bureaucracy

officials won posts because of intellectual ability, gov't officials recruited were well educated, loyal, and efficient

french social classes are known as the

old regime

who is the author of the declaration of the rights of women and the female citizen

olympe de gouges

beccaria wrote an essay called

on crime and punishment

copernicus wrote

on the revolution of heavenly spheres

un roi, une loi, une foi

one king (Louis), one law (the code louis: attempted to standardize laws in france), one faith (everybody was to be catholic)

Leonardo Bruni

one of the first humanists


only the eldest son gets inheritance

westernization of russia was accomplished by

opens up trade with western europe brings in western european experts


opponents of the king (Charles II/James)


opposes women's education and says woman are in the home (emile)

what was the view of human nature in the old world view?

optimistic: based on human reason and we can learn and improve (john locke)

renaissance art

order reason nature symmetry


organized labor


organized massacre

who was the foreign minister/prime minister of prussia?

otto von bismarck

though he tried to ally with the socialists, bismarck also happened to

outlaw socialisma dn prevent them from getting in the government

by the 1900s over ____ of the European population lives in cities. This trend follows across to the US

over 1/2

catherine the great came to power by

overthinking/killing her husband


paid officials to manage money or business from the middle class. loyal to the king not to nobility.

rome referred to a lot of the

papal states

what does paris call itself when they try to become their own country?

paris commune

what is the first time women majorly participate in social movement?

parisian salons

john locke was pro


who is the head of the orthodox church?


disability insurance

payments to those injured on the job

unemployment insurance

payments to those who lose jobs

causes of the thirty years war

peace of augsburg, calvinism, alliance


people are being elected

rousseau favored direct democracy:

people completely rule over themselves (general will)

social contract theory

people form government voluntarily

the joint stock companies encouraged

people to begin investing in the new world

old believers

people who don't like the changes of the orthodox church

who got to vote in dutch republic?

people who owned land and were rich

during the ancient times, people believed stuff outside the earth was


Dimitir Mendeleev found the

periodic table (1886)

at the time, war was often viewed as a ______ to restore balance

periodical necessary

between 1530-1540, the official french policy was to

persecute huguenots

what was reintroduced during the art of the renaissance?

perspective drawing

in general, the new view of human nature is

pessimistic (human nature is not rational)

By 1628, Charles was forced to call parliament again. this time it refused to grant him any money until he signed a document known as the _____ of rights


louis is a lot like

phillip II

how was religious policy forced in spain?

phillip continued harsher policies similar to his grandparents (Ferdinand and Isabella)

who was joanna married to?

phillip the first, or the HRE

what were two conflicts with english monarchs?

philosophy of government and type of government

Galileo's law of intertia

physical bodies are constantly in motion acted upon by an outside force. . This idea opposed Aristotle - bodies at rest until acted upon.

generally, new physics is the belief that the

physical world is very complicated and constantly changing

in france, economic reformers were known as


why did people turn from mercantilism

physiocrats believed that government regulation hampered. They realize expansion of trade is impossible within mercantilism, as you aren't trading with others. we limit ourself in manufacturing, as we don't produce a lot. we also cannot grow an abundance of food

treaty of villa franca (1859)

piedmont sardinia is allowed to annex lombardy (part of northern italy)

who led the unification movement?


holy synod

placed a personal rep (procurator) in this committee of bishops to ensure they did not displease peter.


plague breaks out in france

tycho brahe acculates the most accurate data of the movement of the

planets and stars

johannes kepler made the laws of planetary movement. this said

planets have elliptical orbits

Ptolemaic theory

planets revolve around earth (believed the earth is special!)

committee of general security

police force that enforced the laws. (violent/brutal)

when france enters the thirty years war, the war is now

political and not as religious


political club of revolutionaries after the second rrench revolution


political ideology that favored the older way of doing things


political leaders who place their country's interests above all else (religion)

what did the bourgeoisie want?

political power and prestige


political system of the middle ages based on mutual obligations between lords (nobles) and vassals (knights). land in exchange for military government like service

what did rome control

politics and religon

richelieu is an example of a


you dont' see many universities in italy due to the fact that the

pope is located there. the church control is there.


popular politician

because of the agricultural revolution,

population increases food prices decrease theres less labor in farming

what painting type is super popular during the renaissance


Louis developed a cabinet system, which is

positions for people with specializations: war, economics, diplomacy, etc. he improved government accounting: more revenue

items from north america to eurasia

potato, turkey, pumpkin, squash, pineapple, tomato, corn, bean, vanilla, syphilis

Why explore: Glory

power, prestige, and empire building. Becoming bigger and better than other european nations. western european countries heading to the new world, cause rivalries and competition to develop. soon, countries commence war.

duke of burgundy

powerful French royal house that expanded its land holdings in the Netherlands, built their own armies, etc. Had loyalty of their own subjects

newton built on ___________

previous achievments (thanks to printing press)

religion in the netherlands

primarily calvinists

what is one of the most important discoveries during this time?

printing press

what did bastille have

prisoners and weaponry

the cahiers e doleances outlined

problems caused by the national debt blame the inability to tax nobles: but the estates general could not agree on a new tax plan

national specialization

produce only what a country produces best-import the rest: vs. Mercantilism

inherent contradiction

profit is essential to capitalism, but to maintain profit will bring about the end of capitalism

what was the working class called during this time?


careers open to the talented

promotion within the government and in the military based on merit rather than birth.

according to locke, the most important right was


according to beccaria, punishment should be

proportionate to the crime

john locke believes the purpose of government is to

protect the people, and protect their natural rights

hobbes believes the purpose of government is to

protect us from ourselves

corn laws of 1815

protective tariff against imported foods (Grain)

queen elizabeth was raised as a


where do you see most capitalism emerging?

protestant nations (england or netherlands)

what revolution starts during the time of the

protestant reformation

in the thirty years war, france sides with the


As the industrial revolution spread, who began to emerge as the major power via industry?


who dominates the german confederation?


who goes to war against denmark during the danish war? why? what is the outcome?

prussia and austria; over denmark's control of these german states, where they claim teh liberation of ethnic germans will happen; denmark loses adn prussia gets schleswig and austria gets holstein

what sparks the seven weeks war

prussia cut off austria's access to holstein

batle of sedan

prussia defeats france (napoleon III is captured_

war of austria info card

prussia wishes to contest austria. austria has the pragmatic sanction, where when the austrian, habsburg emperor was going to die, he had a daughter who was gonna get the throne (maria theresa) which was odd. he was stressed that people would take her power and her land, so he got the hre to call it her land. in the austria succession, frederick challenges the region's legitimacy. his attempt to take this region, which causes the following things. this helps prussia grow as a major european power. as they grow as a military and have a good one, there's really nothing austria could do against their power.

battle of sadawa had a ______ victory


siege of paris

prussian bombs the crap out of paris, and this goes on and on. their goal is to make them surrender. people aren't getting food etc and are straight up not vibin anymore.

men were in the ____ sphere, unlike women who were in the ______ sphere

public private


public education system: still the basis of the public system today

social services provided by ventose laws

public education, medical care for everyone, job creation, and abolition of slavery inthe colonies


purchasing privileges in the church

cromwell's religion is


how did spain strengthen their power in 1492?

pushing out the muslims in granada, which united spain in roman catholicism. this is remembered as reconquista


putting the nation over one's religion.

max planck discovered

quantum theory

montaigne and descartes

question knowledge and skeptic


radical member of the paris commune

rousseau was consdiered the most

radical or extreme of the philosophes

what are the results of the new trial of dreyfus?

radical republicans are proven correct again, so their leader is elected prime minister

herberists or enrages are a specific name of the most

radical sans culottes

sans culottes

radical working class/artisans of paris

What did the political spectrum look like?

radicals, liberals, moderates, conservatives, reactionaries

marie and pierre curie discovered

radium (radioactivity)


random mutations or physical adjustments

what kind of political ideology did charles x follow?


People of the catholic church could ________



reaffirmed british monarch s head of anglican church, demanded public acceptance and loyalty to the church of england and monarch as head of church, but did not worry about private worship.

count cavour was a follower of


according to hobbes, ______ is never justified


new conservatives

recognize the other side and is willing to work with other political groups, like bismarck

what did blase pascal try to do?

reconcile religion and science, made the modern probability theory, and wrote a major book: pensees

lancasters' heraldic symbol

red rose

Thermidorian reaction

refers to the conservative reaction to the reign of terror, which ended it and saw the execution of Robespierre

edmund burke wrote the response

reflections on teh revolution in france: 1790

what led to the factory act?

reform bill

civil law

regulates relationships between people

albert einstein made the theory of

relativity (1905)


release from sin

most other major works of voltaire are revolving around


women are kept of out positions of power for a long time. what does the catholic church use to justify this?

religion, or christianity, is used as the justification for this. their reason was because women make bad choices, like Eve's fault (she cast us out of Eden). they're going to say that women are more susceptible to temptations

why did the puritans come to america

religious freedom

france's king henry II had begun to stabilize the____;but____.

religious tension; died efore the peace could take hold.

what did philosophers want from absolute rulers?

religious toleration, freedom of speech/press, right to private property, patronage of the philosophes, and ending torture, codification of laws, limitations of serfdom, improving bureaucracy, improvements of infrastructure, and modernizing agriculture, well educated, well trained, well intentioned, and all powerful

blase pascal introduced the idea of

religious wager (betted on gods existence)

artists in this time period

rembrandt frans hais vermeer

the scientific revolution built on

renaissance ideas and further weakened the power of the roman catholic church.

the last supper is a good example of

renaissance painting

cromwell shifts england from a ______ to a ______, where he becomes the ___________

republic, protectorate, the lord protector

italy was broken into city states consisting of

republics and principalities not true republics, rather oligarchies controlled by a few merchant aristocrats

military goals of frederick wilhelm I

required all young men to register for military service. each regiment recruited a specific region from which to conscript soldiers created a military reserve (first in europe) where soldiers drilled for two months each year. this ensured prussian men had military experience.

in 1830, what did charles x try to do?

restore absolute power, power to the nobles and catholic church

the congress of vienna aimed to

return Europe to the past by restoring old regimes.

baroque and kings of europe also used baroque art to

reveal their power and wealth

info card: society of jesus

reveals the CC's desire to reestablish itself. This new order was founded by Ignatius of Loyola in 1540. This movement focused on education (think Catholic indoctrination), and missionary work - major impact in the New World converting (or trying) Native Americans and also in Japan.

The Scientific revolution began as a

revision of classical science (greek and roman theories) shifted to an era of observation and mathematics.

phase three of the socialism was called

revisionist socialism

what do the people do when the conservatives when?


decembrist revolt

revolt in russian army against the new czar nicholas I. army supported nicholas' younger brother, even though he didn't want to overthrow his brother.

according to revolutionary socialism, what is a necessity and is inevitable?


what is the only avenue to stem change?

revolution of the working class

phase two of socialism is called

revolutionary socialism

socialism phase 2 names

revolutionary socialism marxism scientific socialism

how does the formation of labor unions undermine the idea of revolutionary socialism?

revolutionary socialism calls for no revolts, but that is what labor unions do

Battle of Bosworth Field (1485)

richard the third died and the lancaster's won.

The Habsburgs v. France

richelieu saw this royal family as the biggest threat to France. AT the time, the Habsburgs completely surrounded France. He wanted to do everything he could to weaken their power. His chance would come during the Thirty Years War (more on this later) when he would side with the Protestants.

causes of the scientific revolution

rise in the number of universities, science began to be taught as a separate subject

marx's end game goal is that the proletariat would

rise up in revolution and create a communal society, meaning there would be a dictatorship for the proletariat

Background causes of the french revolution

rising french debt, weak leadership, french social classes

how did cavour make piedmont the strongest, most stable state?

road building and infrastructure was improved, united behind one powerful ruler (Victor Emmanuel), thriving economy

catherine the great

romanov (through marriage)

nationalism is


garibaldi's action of conquering sicily and mainland italy threatens

rome and the pope

napoleon was a student of



rousseau's idea which called for guillotine, mass drownings etc. it's goal was to foster unity and support for the revolution

revolutionary tribunals

roving street courts - punish those accused of being against the revolution.

cardinal richeliue

ruled in a Machiavellian style

the third republic

rules from 1871-1940, a very unstable, multiparty, coalition government

the reform bill of 1832 shifts representation in parliament from _____ to ______

rural southeast; new industrial northwest

The advanced society that had been built by the Romans rapidly regressed into a

rural-based society that was largely illiterate.

great nothern war vs. sweden is sparked by

russia's taking of petrograd

ferdinand magellan

sails westward with the goal of finding a way around the Americas. No one knew how big the continents were. Magellan would die along the way (spear through the heart in the Philippines), but one of his ships made it back. They were first to circumnavigate the globe.

who are two people that were a part of phase one of socialism?

saint simon and robert owen

the same reasons why spain rose up and became a global power are the _____ reasons they fall


quadruple alliance

same as the fourth coalition where each nation agrees to contribute 150,000 troops to defeat Napoleon and impose a peace on Europe.

why would people want to go back to civic cultures?

scholars would find documents and would read them. they realized that the old cultures were good and clean, people had rights, there was no catholic church that told people how to live. You were free to think how you wanted to an extent

main idea of bacon

scientific method and its practical benefits to society

the opposition to the catholic church indirectly supported the

scientific revolution

where is adam smit from


baroque style was also seen in

sculpture, architecture, and music

treaty of paris of 1815

second treaty of napoleon which is much more harsh

types of humanism

secular (italian) humanism civic humanism, christian humanism

another way to say worldly pleasure

secular pleasures

How did louis gain wealth?

selling titles to up and coming noble families and tax exemption


series of petitions

There were ____ crusades. The christians only wone ____.

seven one


seven republicans and three socialists working together to run government

what ended up happening to corday?

she was guillotined

What forms of revenue did Charles form?

ship money, forced loans

window on the west

shores of st. petersburg opened up russia to trade with the west

ivan pavlov's experiment: pavlov's dog

shows the concept of conditioned response, and implies that human action isn't always rational but conditioned

did napoleon end primogeniture


is napoleon a supporter of the french revolution?


major results of englands victory

signals england's emergence as a world power most powerful navy for next 300 years signals beginning of spains' decline spain fails to reconquer netherlands and conquer england

father of psychoanalysis

signmund freud

well known routes for trade before 1492

silk road and spice trade



newton revealed a ______ universe.

single; challenged Medieval thought of heavens and Earth as separate.

natural law

size/climate determines government. Governments that don't match their size and climate-won't work.

rene descartes was also a


what were some different goals of robert owen?

small villages supported by a factory, higher wages, shorter hours, mandatory bible study, public schools, no child labor, and safer and cleaner factories


smaller ships - more maneuverable modern cannons better commanders/sailor protestant wind: massive storm that sank much of the spanish armada.

When Napoleon takes over the HRE, he made it _________ and calls it the _______________

smaller; confederation of the rhine

items from eurasia to the new world

smallpox, influenza, typhus, whooping cough, pear, olives, citrus, honeybees, sugar cane, onion, grapes

why might kings use baroque?

so they show they have the divine right

because of the commercial revolution, new ____ begin to form? they are ____, but not _____

social classes; wealthy; nobility

most important political work

social contract

basis of democracy

social contract theory

what are the political parties of germany, great britain, and france

social democrats, labor party, and united socialists

Use of the scientific method in society allows discovery of the forces that govern nature and human interaction - like gravity governing the universe, lets ________ start

social sciences

the new napoleon is a


marx was a _____, but because of his work ____ came

socialist communist

Because utopian socialism failed to really take hold and change society, who began to grow more revolutionary to achieve their goals


the jesuits

society of jesus

frederick wilhelm I (1713-1740) is also known as the

soldier king

how did the country of france respond to the dreyfus affair?

some supported anti-semitism and others stood against it.

according to Abbe Sieyes,what does the third estate ask to become?


Louis XII

son of Henry and Margaret. His mom helped him rule, but got frustrated with her and sent her to a convent (nunnery). Ruled independently by 1614, but France was truly led by Louis' Chief Minister, Cardinal Richelieu.


sozialdemokratische partei deutschlands



in the line of demarcation, who got the better deal?


spain's decline: little to no production

spain had run out jews and muslims, jews had mainly been the merchant class, muslims had primarily been the farmers

price revolution

spain had way too much silver which weakened their economy. this influx devalued the currency amount.

info card: conquistadors

spain would sponsor many journeys across the atlantic. spanish troops, conquistadors, were hardened and experienced fighter after years of war with the moors/muslins. they ventured to the new world with confidence and weapons unmatched in the world. every single on that shows up has probably fought in a battle and has killed someone before. they aren't really afraid of what lies ahead. they have experience. the experience comes from the muslims. they got the moors out of spain in 1492, the same year columbus sailed the ocean.

spanish armada

spain's strong navy

in 1870, there is a revolution in ______. what family was the kicked out ruler from?

spain; bourbon

info card: atahulapa and his knowlege

spaniards aren't gods, and are just normal people. he meets pizarro and shows up to meet pizarro with almost seven thousand soldiers. pizarro only has 200. They were scared due to the high amount of people. Atualpa only makes one mistake: THey underestimated the spaniards. WHat makes it worse is that he sends his seven thousand men into the city, completely unarmed. he does this to show they aren't scared and that he knows some of his people that spaniards are living gods. if atualpha defeats all of the men without weapons, he's the real god. the 200 conquistadors slaughter all of the warriors. they only did it with guns, horses, and swords. not small pox or the diseases. the deal was that athualpa gets to continue to run his government, yet he is held captive. he also must give up his gold. he then learned to speak spanish and played chess. he soon died by strangling him by tying him to a pole, putting a leather strap around his neck and twisted around.

the inquisition forced who to convert to christianity?

spanish jews and muslims

what are some important concepts that darwin came up with?

species aren't permanent, evolution, natural selection, survival of the fittest etc

smith encourages

spending and only producing the products you produce best

richelieu used _____ against nobles



spirit of the people

Beginning in 1492, many European nations began

sponsoring vast missions of exploration

the northern renaissance

spread of Renaissance humanism outside of Italy and into the rest of Europe.

what is a building in baroque style?

st. peter's basicalla

marx believes that england would be the _________ _______ of the revolution. why?

starting point; because the workers would come to this conclusion here first as they were first to everything

papal states

states ruled by the pope

because the greek revolution being in europe, what is the concert of europe supposed to do? what do they do instead and why?

stop it; they don't, and actually support it and help them, because the ottomons are islamic, and not christian. they are outside invaders, from the middle east, so europe is rallying behind greece to push out ottomons

domestic policies of louis are to

strengthen his power and that of France in Europe/world

survival of the fittest

struggles (competition) for existence - strongest survive (important in imperialism too)

quantum theory

subset of physics explaining the physical behaviors at the molecular, atomic and sub-atomic levels

manorialism is based on

subsistence agriculture

what are some of the implications of social darwinism

successful people are the most fit, poor are unfit and deserve poverty (and death), and whoever won the inevitable conflict is the natural winner

patient optimism says that

suffering of some is necessary for the benefit of mankind.

what did the agriculture work with first?


how does economy regulate itself through competition?

supply and demand


supported moderate reform


supporters of the arts


supporters of the king

what did napoleon do to politically manipulate the people?

switched to conservatism

balance of power

system of temporary and constantly shifting military alliances designed to prevent any one state from becoming too powerful

what were the british government's reponses to the great london strike?

taff-vale decision, osborne judgement

what law was the labor party a result of? what does the labor party do?

taff-vale; they create their own party, and they're still a major party today

the CCotC forces clergy to

take an oath of loyalty

potsdam giants

tall soldiers frederick wilhelm used as personal guards



the commercial revolution creates a new

tax base for the new monarchs, more money - more power

privileges the second estate had

tax exemption, banalties, eminent property rights

ship money

tax on coastal towns for defense: gradually: become a tax on all cities/towns. Led to discontent among any english property owners who feared new taxes.

in the magna carta, in 1215, the people threatened John 1. With this, the king's right to ____ was gone and _____ was made

tax; parliament

lower internal tariffs

taxes on goods from other cities and towns within a country. supports the self sufficiency goal of mercantilism.

protective tariffs

taxes on imported goods encouraged people to buy products made within their country.

estate tax

taxes on inherited wealth

provisional government

temporary gov't used until new election

Treaty of Amiens

temporary peace treaty between France and Great Britain. By 1805 they are back at war with each other.

napoleon was to be the first consul for

ten years

first industry to utilize new factory system


what is cavour scared of when garibaldi threatens to take rome? what does he do?

that france will enter the conflict because they are predominantly catholic and support the pope- so, he sens troops to cut off Garibaldi and stop him taking rome

in 1871, bismarck abolishes

the Catholic ministry in the Prussian Ministry of Culture

Where was most of the thirty years war fought?

the HRE

what demand of the chartist doesn't go through? why?

the annual elections of parliament; members would get too busy trying to get elected for the next year

the secnod estate entails

the aristocracy/nobles

this image was adolf's favorite painting. he always considered himself more knowledgeable about art. he stole this when he conquered parts of europe. we got it back tho

the astronomers

the commercial revolution fosters competition in

the atlantic trade routes: war/conflicts

what book does James I quote in the true law of free monarchs?

the bible

marx believes that the final struggle is between

the bourgeoisie and the proteleriat

service nobility lead to

the boyars

the popularity and success of the baroque style was encouraged by

the catholic church

who was bernini's biggest patron? what does that show about them?

the catholic church they are getting more and more secular.

philip is nicknamed

the catholic crusader

the thirty years war was against

the catholics and protestants


the chartist make demands for change in parliament

guns: who came up with gunpowder?

the chinese

the number one patron from medieval times were

the church

Dual Monarchy

the combination of the austrian and hungarian empire in 1867

two major events during this time period that limited and pushed political ideologies are

the congress of vienna and the industrial revolution

locke says the only valid government is one based on

the consent of the governed

royal monopoly

the czar owns everything and everyone in russia

louis death signals

the decline of france as the dominant european power, adn the rise of great britain as the dominant european power.

in great britain, the leaders were

the duke of wellington (prime minister) and castlereagh (foreign minister)

bank of amsterdam

the dutch bank that dominates international banking until 1815


the elect have already been chosen for salvation (god already knows) spiritual purity was within these people

why does Marx's version of revolutionary socialism fail and never truly happen?

the emergence of labor unions and people's willingness to reform (evolutionary socialism)

napoleon held a plebiscite, resulting in him becoming

the emperor of the french

social sciences are sciences applied to society. it helped lead to

the enlightenment

why did the ventose laws abolish slavery

the enlightenment said that we should be equal

What were the new political ideas caused by?

the enlightenment, french revolution, napoleon, conservative reaction and the industrial revolution

who perfected the gun?

the europeans (made it more accurate and less dangerous to the operator)

what was the descent of man about

the evolution of man- stirs controversy with the church and christianity

textual criticism

the examination of historical documents in an attempt to prove or disprove their authenticity. This reveals inconsistencies in the catholic church's teachings, ultimately weakening their power.

what fueled the humanist and secular movement?

the fall of constantinople.

old world view

the first scientific revolution or mechanical view of the universe

how does the paris comune die?

the french army removes the paris commune, killing 30k supporters

john locke lived and wrote during/post

the glorious revolution


the gradual movement of the population to urban areas (cities)

frederick wilhelm I

the great: many wars, enlightened despot (cared about his people) most well known of the prussian kings. conquers silesia.

What impacts Marx heavily to do what he does?

the growing division between the bourgeoisie and the working class

why does france side with the protestant?

the habsburgs are catholic, meaning that defeating them gives them more power.

family in the netherlands that are the stadtholders

the house of orange

heliocentric theory

the idea that the earth and the other planets revolve around the sun.

encomienda's justification was

the inca already had a mit'a system where inca were forced to do public service, like building roads. however, the inca never abused their people

why do the revolutions during this time fail because?

the isms cant agree on any ideologies, other than the fact that they hate conservatism

who fled spain during 1480s

the jews (150,000)

who won the war of the roses?

the lancaster's

what was the war of the roses

the lancasters (henry vi) versus the yorks (richard or the current king) fought over the english crown.

jean jacques rousseau (1712-78) was from

the lower class orphan. he was adopted by an aristocratic woman.

according to hobbes, who has sovereignty?

the monarch

how did global exploration push the scientific revolution?

the new people brought new ideas and contemplations. the government sponsored exploration , and began to star chart, make compasses, and pendulum clocks

another word for war vs. the league of augsburg

the nine years war

internal threats of france

the nobility, the huguenots, parlements

monarchs relied on who during the dark ages?

the nobles

stage 2

the north wants to unite, cavour and napoleon III agree to hold plebescites, they all agree to join a new Italy, and Victor Emmanuel II is king


the old medieval way of being scientific: trying to reconcile beliefs of christianity with logical reasoning of greek philosophy

in 1859, charles darwin wrote

the origin of species

who was greece against in their revolution

the ottomons: they had been ruled by them since the 1400s

after germany is made, the germans declare themselves as a german empire in

the palace of versailles, france

why were the communist international things held?

the paris commune (this is why they stopped too)

according to locke, who has sovereignty

the people

who owns the papal states?

the pope

vatican council of 1870's doctrine of papal infallibility

the pope cannot be wrong on matters of religious doctrine, as he speaks from God

what happened to the pope because of the failure of the italian revolution?

the pope turned against nationalism, so catholic support was lost

machiavelli's: info card

the prince, based on his time as a florentine diplomat and cesare borgia's tactics as a prince and commander of papal armies advice from him: -better to be feared than loved -learn from success and failures of the past leaders -the end justify the means

why is the time of the second industrial revolution called la belle epoque?

the quality of life for most people has improved, consumerism, because people were incredibly optimistic during this time period (the last one is most important)

who could afford the imported goods?

the really really rich people, like medici

Rump Parliament

the remaining members of Parliament, about fifty to sixty of them, are called "The Rump" Parliament. The Rump voted to execute Charles I for Treason.

who is the power base of europe?

the roman catholic church

witchcraft ends with

the scientific revolution

what leads to the paris commune?

the siege of paris (lasts four months)

frederick wilhelm I is known as

the soldier king: turned prussia into a military state; few wars though

why does phillip II fail?

the spanish armada has powerful ships. but in naval combat, size and power aren't the only important things. manuverability is also way important. when the battle begins, spanish ships cannot turn the canon in time. the british, smaller ships can get the ships destroyed MUCH faster. the spanish didin't know what to do with this. they move to the eastern coast of british. the protestant wind comes in. it pushes the spanish armada into the water.

specific things made with the factory system:

the spinning jenny, steam engine, and cotton gin

what did freud focus on?

the subconscious and its effect on human behavior

what's another name for louis the fourteenth?

the sun king

how was bismarck a realpolitik?

the taxes

after the paris commune government, what is the governmental system?

the third republic

what treaty ended the battle of sadawa

the treaty of prague (1866)

adam smith wrote

the wealth of nations (1776)

what is the altar of the fatherland also known as

the wedding cake

as we get into the mid 1800s, both political parties begin to realize the importance of

the working class

what do bismarck and the catholic church have in common?

their political ideologies: they're both conservatism

prior to this period, science was taught as a part of


how does the population increase help the ir?

there are more consumers and more labor/workers

why does the hre not centralize like spain?

there are too many things to unify.

how does the decreasing of food prices help the ir?

there is more money to spend on consumer goods, leading to new industries

how did the abundance of cotton help the industrial revolution?

there was cheap cotton and it was available for experimentation, as cloth was in high demand.

how did the abundance of iron help the industrial revolution?

there was cheap iron and it was available for building machines

social changes during the world war

there were factory changes, class changes

how did the agricultural revolution help the industrial revolution?

there were more urban workers and there was a rising population

why did conquistadors want to have kids with native women?

there weren't many women emigrating from spain, so they would be with native women instead

paris commune

these are parisian elected municipal government which is very progressive- they had workshops for jobs, very feministic

house of commons

these people were elected in through limited suffrage

why does england need the best navy?

they are an island and people will try to invade.

why does france and great britain not agree to the protocol of troppeau

they are competitive nations

why doesn't the dutch force people to be another religion

they are still unhappy about what spain did to them

how did germany try to unify in 1848?

they attempted to create a parliament (Frankfurt Parliament), who drafted a constitution to unify Germany

world war one causes a realization of the people. this was that-

they became less positive and people realized how to use things like dynamite and the railroads: for war

why does the netherlands accept the jews?

they bring money, ideas, work ethics. this makes the netherlands stronger and better

by what means do kings take control?

they centralize their power through many ways: build armies modernize armies develop revenue sources reduce the influence of the catholic church create their own judicial systems.

what did charles do to be beheaded?

they charge them with treason. they do this by not following the petition of right by not acknowledging the power of parliament.

why did the rich get to vote?

they could be educated and could afford to go to school. to vote, you must be educated to know what they're voting for/against

how did prussia provoke austria?

they cut off their austria's access to holstein

why are the first and second privileged?

they don't have to pay taxes

what happens to germany due to the thirty years war?

they get sovereignty which leads to the rise of prussia (NOT RUSSIA); is devastated because 1/3 of the population dies due to starvation from the war

why is england able to self correct?

they have a strong government and strong democratic reforms. they are also an island, meaning it is easier to detach from continental issues

how do the bourgeoisie's wealth dominates economic and politics

they have education and culture

why do the catholics put all of the cool stuff on the ceiling?

they have to look up to see it, towards God.

what just happened in italy in 1861? who helped them?

they have united; france

how did new writers help with science?

they helped make it popular with the non scientific public.

what is the laissez faire attitude towards the working class?

they need to help themselves, not be helped.

why did the romantics support greece?

they saw greek freedom as beautiful and necessary

international shipping: dutch

they snatch the portuegese's west african port (then the british take over that)

why is france and russia's alliance bad for germany?

they surround germany and can easaly invande

what was the proceeds of labor used for?

they take from people what was an economic necessity for expansion of production and insurance funds. He also believed that the state should take enough to cover administrative costs etc. Once enough was taken, marx believed that what was left should be shared out amongst the workers, each individual getting goods to the equivalent value of how much labor they had invested.

why are chartists called chartists?

they use charters to express their demands.

why would the dutch republic be making a republic

they want to be separate from spain and want to be different.

why do the first estate not want the french revolution

they want to keep their privileges

why did the great london dock strike happen

they wanted higher wages, better hours, and working conditions

why do the bourgeoisie hate the corn laws of 1815?

they wanted to pay the workers lower wages, but knew the workers couldn't afford high prices

what action was taken to stop france's revolution

they were allowed to invade spain to restore the monarch

witchcraft was associated mostly with women. this is because

they were believed to be more vulnerable to the devi's temptations. this is why they weren't allowed in any public/politic area because "she would easily be peRsuadEd By sAtAn"

why does france have an issue with leopold?

they will be surrounded with the hohenzollerns, like they would've been after the thirty years war with the habsburgs. they would be surrounded, leading to tension between france and prussia

why does Portugal lead the way?

they're on the coast

why did the germans declare themselves in versailles?

they're petty and are rubbing it in france's face

why did phillip want to invade england?

they're protestant

why did bismarck not want to take over austria

they're weak and his goal is to unify germany, not to take over austria. all he wants is for austria to stay out of the way of german unification.

novum organum truly says to

think for yourself

a lot of the nobles who stayed after the great fear sided with the

third estate

fabian society

this is in great britain and includes HG Wells and George B Shaw

what is the significance of the dreyfus affair

this is primarily responsible for the harsh terms of the treaty of versailles (after WWI), which will stir germany and cause wwII/rise of hitler, and foreshadows growing anti-Semitism across europe.

Phalanxes and Phalansteries

this is similar to the villages of cooperation but is more rural (like a a commune) and groups like skilled workers

what is the victorian age

this is the age of British Prosperity, and the rise of British culture. They were the Number 1 Global Power

what are the six acts?

this is the english government's response to the peterloo massacre. it censored and restricted public meetings

the gunpower plot

this memorable event occured in 1605 (november 5). a group of catholic sypmpathizers planned to blow up the house of lords (parliament), along with james.

july ordinances

this was charles' attempt to stop revolt by censoring press and dissolving the representative assembly, starting the next french revolution

economic theory of this time

this was classical economy: laissez faire capitalism

what is the protocol of troppeau

this was made by metternich, basically saying to take collective action to resist all revolution.

new lanark

this was where they put robert owen's ideologies in practice

treaty of paris of 1814

this will be the first of two treaties. Relatively mild treatment of France. Napoleon is exiled to the island of elba, and is the king of elba

the old regime is made up of

three estates

theory of relativity

time, motion, and space aren't absolute but relative: meaning that objects not only have three dimensions of length, width, and depth, but also the dimension of time- challenging newton's long established physics models


title of chief executives for the various provinces in the netherlands. during times of crisis each province (stadt) selects the same Stadtholder, which makes him a kind of chief executive of the entire netherlands. then, the netherlands becomes an independent nations.

how was the compass improved by europeans?

to be more accurate and not distracted by the iron on the ships

what was the basic idea communism?

to create a classless society (abolish the distinction between rich adn poor)

what did the pope say to the major earthquake in portugal

to follow patient optimism

what are the progressive income tax funds and estate tax fund used for?

to fund the welfare state via taxing the wealthy

why did louis avoid calling the estates-general into session?

to get more money via taxes

why would people say that pope alexander's children were incestuous

to kick him out of power

why does the US need steel?

to make taller buildings, steel leads to the railroad expansion, steel improves weaponary

according to locke, what is the purpose of government?

to protect natural rights

what is the goal of changing the calendar

to rid france of anything associated with the old regime

why did phillip send all of his ships out to the muslims?

to show his power

what was the main focus for the levee en masse?

to supply the army, food to paris, and ease unemployment

what do nationalists want during the revolutions of 1848

to unite behind common language, religion, and culture

the luddites sabotaged factories because the industrial revolution

took their jobs

another reason that the villages of cooperation fails is that it is a

top/down thing. it is coming from bourgeoisie owners- who are not willing to give up a lot of their profits- so there are hardly any utopian social workers anyway

beccaria is against

torture and death penalty


trade hub

economic modernization purposes with peter

trade with the west, and bring in new technology and science

Franco Prussian war ws solved by the

treaty of frankfurt


treaty of ryswick

by venturing into the absurd, we sometimes find


baroque came definite an age of religious

uncertanity and conflict

mercantilism: fully utilize workforce

unemployment is not allowed (leads to forced labor)

when cavour and garibaldi meet in Naples, they agree to

unify north italy and south italy without Rome.

who formed the labor party? when?

union leaders; 1905;

the harsh work conditions would soon result in

unions and revolutions

osborne judgement (1902)

unions couldn't pay members of parliament

craft unions

unions made up of workers who have the same skill, like carpenters union

taff-vale decision (1901)

unions would be held financially responsible for any business loss caused by a strike (effectively took away the power of unions)

newtonian synthesis

universal gravitation; physical laws apply equally to terrestrial (earth) and celestial realms

earliest unions were the

universal labor unions

what are some demands of the chartists?

universal male suffrage equal sized electoral districts voting by secret ballot no property qualification to be in parliament pay for members of parliament annual elections of parliament

what do republicans want during the revolutions of 1848

universal manhood suffrage (voting rights)

policies of the new provisional government

universal manhood suffrage, freedom of speech, national workshops

The Industrial Revolution brought about

unprecedented social, economic and political changes.

two adjective to describe the new world view

unstable and changing

who made up the bourgeoisie during this time?

urban industrialists and professionals


use architecture metaphors for God (Deists). Began in England and spread.

during the revolutions of 1848, there are national workshops, which

use government to implement socialist ideas: this is different from marx

inductive reasoning

use observation (empiracal evidence): no accepted truth to start, find truth at end after many observations: bottom up approach

economic goals of frederick wilhelm I

used his economy to serve the military. he cut out luxurious industries so workshops could make uniforms, left surplus of wealth to his successor, encouraged farming, stored grain during good times, and sold it during bad times, and invited the jews and huguenots into the country who brought wealth with them

cosimo de medici

used money to gain influence in 1434. his control was tolerated because he brought much needed stability to florence


using practical methods to achieve one's goals (relates to machiavelli's idea that the end justifies the means)

how did reason lead to the enlightenment

using scientific methods (observation) to examine and understand many aspects of life. This includes not accepting things on faith or due to tradition (challenging the church, and the established ideas of the absolutism/divine right)

how do european countries get materials without help from neighboring countries?

using the new world's resources

jeremy bentham came up with


phase one of socialism was called

utopian socialism

where was the school of athens painting located?

vatican city

galileo wrote in

vernacular italian

where and when do the french surrender? what happens as a result?

versailles in 1871; german empire is founded

great chartist meetings

very large peaceful demonstration (unlike rest of europe)

classical economics leads to a belief in

very limited government-economic policy

who was the first king of italy? who is the foreign minister?

victor emmanuel II; cavour

who was the altar of the fatherland in rome made for? why?

victor emmanuel II; he became the king of italy

Battle of Leipzig

victory for the Fourth Coalition-first real/major defeat of Napoleon on the battlefield. Ultimately causes Napoleon to agree to abdicate the throne in return for peace. Napoleon's army is largely green (new)

utopians (early socialism)

view the profit motive as the root of worker problems; desire to steer politics/economies away from profit motive. Want to create an ideal or perfect society.

richelieu supported

violence and assassination against nobles


violently opposed to change past

art of the renaissance had _________ colors

vivid and bright

two friends of frederick the great

voltaire and mozart

what are the two main issues in england during the 1830s?

voting rights with parliamentary representation and

the reform bill of 1832 increased _______ to the _____

voting rights; industrial middle class (liberals)

according to das kapital, what must be done to maintain profit?

wages have to go down and machines replace workers. people must constantly lower the cost of productions and cycles downward


wanted to maintain the status quo

political goals of frederick wilhelm I

wanted to use military power to show/threaten power: respect from other nations and within prussia. Uses ficals (officials) to ensure that his representatives served him well


wanting extreme change

the puritan led parliament ____ to get involved in thirty years war. James _____ to get in.

wants; doesn't want

what is something different that peter is trying to get?

warm water ports

catherine is looking for

warm water ports and is an expansionist

who led resistance against the council of blood by phillip?

was led by William the Silent of House of Orange (more on these folks later).

newton said that God was like a

watchmaker (he hasn't given up on god. he says god takes all the pieces of the universe, and puts them in place, winds it up, and then watches)

Louis XVI and Louix XV were _____ leaders


what is the goal of capitalism?


smith's view

wealth is defined as how much a nation can produce and consume.

who were the medici family

wealthy bankers who used their money to gain influence and power.

parisian salons

wealthy urban women held social gatherings that included philosophers, writers, artists, scientists.

why did the new lanark fail?

welfare programs cut into profits

illuminati goals

were to oppose superstition, obscurantism (dogmatism), religious influence over public life and abuses of state power.

what does peter the great try to do?

westernize russia this makes russia a great power, but puts him at odds with the orthodox church

general will

what a majority of the people would do if they knew what was best for themselves.

why does the french revolution fail

when they changed everything ion the night of august fourth, complete chaos followed. nobody knew what to do with it.

parliament splits over support of the king into these groups:

whigs and tories

york' heraldic symbol

white rose


who is the next ruler

economic determinism

whoever dominates an economic system will dominate every other aspect of society

catherine de medici

wife of the former king, Henry II. Acted as regent to her young sons (boy kings). She recognized the need to end the wars, which were destroying France. Catherine was Catholic, but wanted to tolerate the Huguenots.


wilhelm 1 is vacationing in germany called bad ems. while there, the french ambassador finds him adn meets with him. he says "can the german people give us a guarantee that we won't fight each other'. (they have tension because of the crown of spain) they have a cordial discussion, where the kaiser sends a message back to prussia, telling bismarck about their discussion. bismarck reads it and says that the people of europe should know about it, and publishes it. before, he twists the meaning of some of the words- in the end, it seems as though france has their honor challenged, and declare war on prussia. this is what bismarck wanted

who was the king of germany?

wilhelm I

who were the rulers of germany from 1871 to 1890?

wilhelm I, wilhelm II

who is the crown offered to? Where is he from?

wilhelm's cousin, leopole. he is a hohenzollern

who was the liberal prime minister in british politics?

william gladstone

who is the father of psychology

william wundt


willing to change

nickname for st petersburg

window on the west

who else worked with george on the peoples budget

winston churchill

treaty of dover

with Charles II of England - Louis promises financial and military support if Charles imposed Catholicism on England again.

information card

with the exception of the renaissance, beginning in Italy, every other major game changing thing starts from england to an eastward fashion across europe. If everything is coming eastwardly, russia is usually behind europe.

why did people stay in the cities, despite life being so bad?

without the city, they'd lack a job.

mary wollstonecraft argued that a

woman should not have to obey a man, viewed this as contradictory of enlightenment ideas that a ruler cannot be arbitrary.

what is the main idea of revisionist socialism

work with and within existing governments to promote socialist reforms

universal labor unions

workers of all types of work were members

division of labor

workers perform one stage in the production of a product, creating efficiency

industrial unions

workers regardless of their skill who work in the same industry, like steel workers working with dock workers

iron law of wages

workers will always be poor because even if they make more money, they will only have more children and be no better off. income will always remain at a subsistence level


working class

who made up the anti corn law league? what did they accomplish?

working class and bourgeoisie/ changed the law


working to achieve lifelike accuracy


worldly outside of religion, not anti religion

marie antoinette

would marry france's Louis XVI, both would be beheaded in the french revolution

luther and calvin similarities

write books in vernacular reform things

what do liberals want during the revolutions of 1848

written constitutions, civil liberties, economic freedom, limit church influence on state

coditication of laws

written, which makes them fairer to the people. Also easier for people to follow/obey the law,

Abbe Sieyes

wrote "What is the Third Estate?"

Edward Bernstein

wrote Evolutionary socialism and is credited for creating the idea of revisionist socialism


wrote a pro revolution newspaper called friend of the people

hasburgs rule ends after


what did roentgen discover


are ferdinand and isabella successful in reconquering spain from the grenada thing?


according to locke, can a government's power be limited?


according to locke, is there a right to rebel against government?


did elizabeth expect the fight with spain?


did luther believe in the separation of church and state?


did luther support the power of the stae


did voltaire believed in enlightened despotism?


did voltaire support free speech?


does louis the fourteenth believe in divine right?


does voltaire support toleration?


moscow is very far into russia. is this a problem?

yes, as people don't want to go there as it is super far. at this time, the city is quite introverted and aren't looking outwards

was jjr educated?


is the bishop bossuet biased or not?

yes. he is saying that divine right is real to continue to gain things from louis. however, it is said that he claims to have actually believed it.

was thomas pro king?

yes; he tutored charles II when he was younger

was the great london dock strike successful? what did that show? what did it cause governments to do?

yes; showed unions the power of strike; caused british governments to crack down on them out of fear

was victoria a strong ruler? was she progressive?

yes; yes


you need to baptize when older so that you can choose to do it

theodore herzl founded


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