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Explain how the government has responded to social movements

can respond to social movements through court rulings and policies like Brown V Board, civil rights act of 1964, title 9 of the education amendment, voting rights act of 1965

Engel V Vitale (1962)

declared school sponsorship of religious activities violates the establishment clause

Brown V Board of Education (1954)

declared that race based school segregation violates the 14th amendments equal protection clause

First amendment

establishment clause and free exercise clause, reflect an ongoing debate over balancing majoritarian religions practice and free exercise, as represented by cases Engel V Vitale and Wisconsin V Yoder

Roe V Wade (1973)

extended the right of privacy to a womans decision to have an abortion while recognizing compelling state interests in potential life and maternal health RIGHT TO PRIVACY CASE

Gideon V Wainwright (1963)

guaranteed the right to an attorney for the poor or indigent in a state felony case DUE PROCESS CLAUSE CASE

Wisconsin V Yoder (1972)

held that compelling Amish students to attend school past the eighth grade violates the free exercise clause

affirmative action

includes justices who insist that the constitution is colorblind to those who maintain that it forbids only racial classifications designed to harm minorities, not help them

Right to privacy

not explicitly named in the constitution, the supreme court has interpreted the due process clause to protect the right of privacy from state infringement.

exclusionary rule

stipulates that evidence illegally seized by law enforcement officers in violation of the suspects 14th amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures cannot be used against that suspect in criminal prosecution

New York Times V US (1971)

supreme court bolstered the freedom of the press, establishing a heavy presumption against prior restraint even in cases involving national security

Explain how the US constitution protects individual liberties and rights

the US constitution includes a Bill of Rights specifically designed to protect individual liberties and rights

Application of bill of rights

the application is constantly interpreted by the courts

separate but equal doctrine

the doctrine established in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) that African Americans could constitutionally be kept in separate but equal facilities

Efforts to balance social order and individual freedom are relected in interpretations of the First Amendment that limit speech inlcuding

time, place, and manner regulations defamatory, offensive, and obscene statements and gestures that which creates a clear and present danger based on the ruling in Schneck V US

Civil rights

protect individuals from discrimination based on characters such as race, national origin, religion, and sex; these rights are guaranteed to all citizens under the due process and equal protection clauses of the US constitution, as well as acts of congress

Explain the extent to which states are limited by the due process clause from infringing upon individual rights

right to privacy, Roe V Wade

Mcdonald V Chicago (2010)

ruled the second amendments rights to keep and bear arms for self defense in ones home is applicable to the states throughout the 14th amendment

Due Process Clause

14th amendment clause stating that no state may deprive a person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law

equal protection clause

Constitutional guarantee that everyone be treated equally-14th amendment. Civil, womens, and LGBTQ+ rights are all evidence of how the equal protection clause can support and motivate social movements

debate over 2nd and 4th amendment

involves concerns about public safety and whether or not the government regulation of firearms or collection of digital metadata promotes or interferes with public safety and individual rights

explain how constitutional provisions have supported and motivated social movements

civil rights, due process clause, womens rights, LGBTQ rights

Bill of Rights

consists of the first 10 amendments to the constitution, which enumerate the liberties and rights of individuals

Civil Liberties

constitutionally established guarantees and freedoms that protect citizens, opinions, and property against arbitrary government interferences

How did the supreme court attempt to balance claims of individual freedom with laws and encforcement procedures to promote public order and safety?

court decisions defining cruel and unusual punishment involve interpretation of the 8th amendment and its application to state death penalty statues over time

Tinker V Des Moines (1972)

court ruled that public school students could wear black armbands in school to protest the Vietnam War

Explain how the supreme court has at times allowed the restriction of the civil rights of minority groups and at other times has protected those rights

decisions demonstrating that minority right have been restricted at times and protected at other times

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