AP Human Geography: Unit 5 Test

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Define agriculture and crops

Agriculture is deliberate modification of Earth's surface through cultivation of plants and rearing of animals to obtain sustenance or economic gain. A crop is any plant cultivated by people.

What is the quaternary sector?

- information - research - management

How does agricultural production impact the landscape?

Deforestation Shifting agriculture Terraces Irrigation systems Draining wetlands

Define sawah, paddy, chaff, threshed, winnowed, hull and double cropping.

Sawah is a flooded field. Paddy is a flooded field, but is also the Malay word for wet rice. Chaff is the husk of a rice plant. Threshed is the process of separating the grain from a plant, typically by beating. Winnowing is blowing air through grain in order to remove the chaff. Hull is the outer covering of a fruit or seed, especially the pod of peas and beans, or the husk of grain Double cropping is the obtaining of two harvests per year from one field. Three regions in which the above are practiced are South Asia, East Asia, and West South America. Three toponyms are Indonesia, India, and China.

Define Subsistence agriculture

Subsistence agriculture is found in developing countries and is the production of food primarily for consumption by the farmer's family. Three examples of this are shifting cultivation, pastoral nomadic and plantation farming.

Define sustainable agriculture

Sustainable agriculture is intended to protect the environment, expand the Earth's natural resources base, maintain and improve soil fertility. The three principal practices that distinguish sustainable from commercial agriculture are sensitive land management, limited use of chemicals, and better integration of crops and livestock. Sensitive land management protects spoils in part through ridge tillage and limited use of chemical crops. Limited use of chemicals is a lack of pesticides and chemical based fertilizers. Better integration of crops and livestock deals with how crops and livestock can benefit each other in mutual ways for more productivity.

Define swidden

Swidden is a patch of land cleared for planting through slashing and burning. The land is cleared through swidden, lading milpa, chena, and kaingin perhaps with the help of a simple implement such as a hoe.

Describe the movements of pastoral nomads

The movement of pastoral nomads is to control a piece of territory to contain the forage and water needed for survival. The actual amount of land a group controls depended on its wealth and power. The migration patterns evolve throughout time based on intimate knowledge of the area's physical and cultural characteristics.

What is the quinary sector?

The quinary sector is a new theoretical sector within the quaternary sector of high level management jobs. - executive decision makers

Define transhumance and pasture

Transhumance is the seasonal migration of livestock between mountains and lowland pasture areas. Pasture is grass or other plants grown for feeding grazing animals, as well as land used for grazing.

Define truck farming. Summarize commercial gardening and fruit farming.

Truck farming is commercial gardening and fruit farming, so named for the Middle English word 'truck', meaning barter or exchange of commodities. Commercial gardening and fruit farming is the predominant type of agriculture in the southeastern United States with a long growing season and humid climate. They grow many of the fruits and vegetables that consumers in developed countries demand, such as apples, asparagus, cherries, lettuce, mushrooms, and tomatoes.

Long Lot

a survey method to divide the land into narrow parcels stretching back from rivers, roads, or canals.

Intensive commercial characteristics

profit high labor high financial investment medium amount of land

Clustered definition (land settlement)

when houses are built very close together.

Define Horticulture. Summarize Mediterranean agriculture and where it is located

Horticulture is the growing of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and tree crops. Mediterranean agriculture is mainly grown for human consumption rather than animal feed, and is typically found in Southern Europe (Italy), North Africa (Algeria) and western Asia(northern Iran).

Explain what Hunters and Gatherers do to survive

Hunters and Gatherers kill animals and gather berries, plants, and herbs to eat for survival. They can be found in west Africa, central Asia and more specifically in Russia, India, Somalia ect.

biodiversity of plants and animals issues

Innovations can have created debate over the biodiversity of plants and animals because of innovation that fueled the green revolution led to loss of this biodiversity. This is because, in reference to plants, the hybrid and GMO seeds are taking over what is preferred to consumption and there is also debate because the similar seeds and cloned GMOs are susceptible to the same diseases.

soil and water usage issues

Innovations have created debate in the following area of soil and water usage because of innovation of the irrigation of fields and innovative agricultural practices which cause harm to the soil. There are deep wells which are drilled which can deplete aquifers, irrigation and receivers can deplete rivers and streams, and evaporation of irrigated water can cause salt to build up in the soil. The poor agricultural practices can cause damage to the soil. This can be through the example of monocropping which leads to loss of soil fertility and how the use of machinery can lead to compaction.

use of fertilizers and pesticides issues

Innovations have created debate in the use of fertilizers and pesticides because of the environmental impact of fertilizers and pesticides. Fertilizers can cause pollution in lakes due to runoff from farms, pollution on the air due to being released which causes human health problems, and fertilizers can cause acidification and mineral depletions in soil. Pesticides can also runoff into water sources causing pollution and can create toxic soil conditions and kill beneficial microorganisms. In addition to this, pesticides can negatively affect wildlife and beneficial insects.

Define Pastoral Nomadism

Pastoral Nomadism is a form of subsistence farming based on the herding of domesticated animals in dry climates, where planting crops is impossible. Three regions where pastoral Nomadism occurs is in Southwest Asia, North Africa, and east Asia. Three toponyms within those regions where it is practiced are Egypt, China, and Saudi Arabia.

Define Ranching. Summarize livestock ranching and where it is located.

Ranching is the commercial grazing of livestock over an extensive area. It generates lower income per area of land, but has lower operating costs. Livestock ranching is conducted in serveled developed countries besides the United States and has been increasingly located in developing countries. An example shows that developed countries were responsible for only one-third of world meat production in 2013 compared to two-thirds in 1980.

What is an intensive agriculture system?

- require large amounts of labor and capital - use small plots of land usually located near large populations - are characterized by high yields per acre - examples include rice, milk, truck farming

What is the tertiary sector?

- retail and wholesale trade - personal and professional services

What is the primary sector?

-agriculture -gathering industries -extractive industries

What is salinization?

-is the process by which water-soluble salts accumulate in the soil. -this is a resource concern because excess salts hinder the growth of crops by limiting their ability to take up water. -this may occur naturally or because of conditions resulting from management practices.

What is the secondary sector?

- manufacturing - processing - construction - power production

Define agribusiness

Agribusiness is commercial agriculture characterized by the integration of different steps in the food-processing industry, usually through ownership of large corporations. Three examples of agribusiness would be food processing, packing, and storing.

Define Commercial agriculture

Subsistence agriculture is found in developing countries and is the production of food primarily for consumption by the farmer's family. Three examples of this are shifting cultivation, pastoral nomadic and plantation farming.

Describe the process of Shifting Cultivation

The process of Shifting Cultivation is to clear land for planting crops for only a few years. They will then move onto another plot of land because the prior was depleted of nutrients. Three regions are Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, and Southeast Asia. Three toponyms within those regions where it is practiced are Brazil, Peru, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Dispersed definition (land settlement)

a rural settlement pattern characterized by isolated farms.

Linear definition (land settlement)

a settlement or group of buildings that is formed in a long line

What is agriculture dependent on?

climate and physical geography

Extensive subsistence characteristics

local minimal labor minimal financial investment large amount of land

What are the 5 requirements for plants to grow?

space, light, water, nutrients, and suitable temperature

What is an extensive agriculture system?

- are characterized by low capital and labor inputs - use large plots of land that are away from population centers - are characterized by low yield per acre Examples include shifting cultivation and livestock ranching

The first Agricultural Revolution occurred around

8,000 BC

Define plantation. Explain plantation farming

A plantation is a large farm in tropical or subtropical climates that specializes in the production of one or two crops for sale, usually in a more developed country. It is primarily used to grow crops for sale and grow crops such as cotton, sugarcane, and coffee. Three regions are Costa Rica, Latin America, Madagascar, Africa, and Sri Lanka, Asia.

Examples of irrigation

Ditches and trenches - shrinking aral sea

Example of draining wetlands

Dutch Polder Landscape

What are governments, agribusiness and other organizations doing to achieve a sustainable system of agriculture?

Governments are passing new laws to protect the environment from increasing levels of air and water pollution. Agribusiness has been adopting more sustainable practices due to demand from consumers. Other organizations are conducting campaigns to protest and hopefully end the agricultural practices that cause environmental harm and susceptibility, such as biotechnology, hybrid and GMOs, the usage of fertilizers, ect.

Which country produces the most milk? Explain

India produces the most milk because it imports European cows and cross-breeds them with varieties to help their production. India also cooperates with small farmers and their livestock to source more milk. This connection with small farmers solves the labor intensive aspect.

How do indigenous people decide which crops to grow?

Indigenous people decide which crops to grow based on the local custom and taste. The Kayapo people farm in concentric circles to give certain plants which need different nutrients the right amount. The further from the center of the crop circle, the more nutrients the plant needs due to the crowns of cut trees fall and rot providing more nutrients on the boundary of the crop circle

Intensive Subsistence characteristics

Local purpose high labor minimal financial investment small amount of land

Define milkshed. Summarize the regional distribution and challenges for dairy farmers

Milkshed is the rind surrounding a city from which milk can be supplied without spoiling. The regional distribution of dairy farmers is centered largely around their target consumers of people in the city in order to have the quickest delivery to have more time for the milk to go bad before consumption to allow for selling time. The challenges for dairy farmers is to find reliable wholesalers as well as find a processor based on distance.

Summarize ownership and use of land in shifting cultivation

Ownership and use of land in shifting cultivation has changed over time. Originally, the land was owned by a village as a whole rather than separately. The ruling party or person would delegate land to each family and the families or individuals would have the right to own or protect certain trees as well as retain the output of their land. This has changed to become private individuals which own the lands. The land of shifting cultivation accounts for approximately one-fourth of the world's land area with only 5% of the population having ownership over this land.

Explain the Von Thunen Model

The Von Thunen Model is a model of how in the absence of topographic factors, different types of farming are conducted at different distances from a city depending on the cost of transportation and value of the product. He also shows how a river would change accessibility of different land to the market site.

Explain the characteristics of mixed crop and livestock farming.

The characteristics of mixed crop and livestock farming is they are the most common form of commercial agriculture in the United States west of the Appalachians and east of 98 degrees west longitude and in much of Europe from France to Russia.The most distinctive characteristic is the integration of crops and livestock in the way that the livestock feeds on crops and produces manure to improve soil fertility. This also allows farmers to distribute the workload more evenly throughout the year.

List and explain five principal features that distinguish commercial agriculture from subsistence agriculture

The five principal features that distinguish commercial agriculture from subsistence agriculture is that commercial agriculture is practiced in developed countries, for sale off the farm, has a smaller percentage of farmers, uses machinery, and has a larger farm size. Subsistence agriculture is practiced in developing countries, for feeding the farmer's family, has a larger percentage of farmers which practices this, does not use as much machinery and tends to have smaller farms.

Explain intensive subsistence with wet rice dominant.

The intensive subsistence with wet rice dominant is most typically done with double cropping in a field. Wet rice is rice planted on dry land in a nursery and then moved as seedlings to a flooded field to promote growth. A farmer must follow by preparing the field, typically using animal power, having the field be flooded with water, having the rice seedlings grown for the first month in a nursery, transplanting them into the flooded field, and then harvesting the rice plants with knives. The chase is separated from the seeds by threshing the husks on the ground. The threshed rice is placed in a tray for winnowing.

Explain the reasons for the loss of farmland.

The reasons for the loss of farmland is urbanization and desertification. Urbanization is a population shift from rural to urban areas. As urban areas grow in population and land area, farms on the periphery are replaced by urban land uses. There has been a loss of 200,000 hectares of the most productive farmlands, known as prime agricultural land. This is because of urban areas expanding into the surrounding countryside. Desertification is the process of how human actions are causing land to deteriorate to a desertlike condition. Semiarid lands can support only a handful of pastoral nomads that are overused due to rapid population growth. In addition to this, there is excessive crop planting, animal grazing, and tree cutting which exhausts the soil's nutrients and reclude agriculture. Ex: Maryland, Iran, Afghanistan

Example of Terraced farming

Vietnam; Thailand

Summarize Whittlesey's 11 main agricultural regions.

Whittlesey's 11 main agricultural regions relate to developing countries, developed countries, and the type of agriculture practiced. Reasons one through five relate to developing countries and regions 6 through 11 refers to regions predominate in developed countries.

Township and Range

a large section of land that is laid out in a grid and divided by baselines which run east and west.

Technology increases the ---------- of the land

carrying capacity

Extensive commercial characteristics

profit minimal amount of labor high amount of financial investment large amount of land

Metes and Bounds

the boundaries of a parcel of real estate that identified by its natural landmarks

What is the most important commercial agricultural practice near urban centers?

The most important commercial agricultural practice near urban centers is dairy farming. These are the most important due to their perishable nature and the expense to deliver them.

Discuss the major causes and effects of food insecurity in the world today.

The 4 major causes of food insecurity in the world today are food deserts, problems with food distribution systems, adverse weathers, and land lost due to suburbanization. Food deserts restrict access to healthy diets and cause limited options to buy food. This causes people to not have access to sufficient food. Problems with food distribution systems are when food spoils before it gets to the market, there is a lack of transportation to get food to markets, or there is hindered food distribution. This causes people to not be able to have access to food and crops with ease. Adverse weather conditions can destroy a crop. This causes food insecurity through not being able to have the crop available. The land lost due to suburbanization can take away prime agricultural land. This causes food insecurity through a loss of available land for the growing of crops.

Example of deforestation

The Amazon around 17% of the forest has been lost in the last 50 years, mostly due to forest conversion for cattle ranching. Malaysia - palm oil

Explain the characteristics of pastoral nomadism. How do they choose the type of number of animals for their herds?

The characteristics of pastoral nomadism is dry climate and having a strong sense of territoriality. They choose the number and type of animal for their herd according to local cultural and physical characteristics. The choice also depends on the relative prestige of animals and the ability of species to adapt to a particular climate and vegetation. The types of animals pastoral nomads might use are camels, goats, or sheep.

What conclusions can be drawn regarding the relationship between agriculture and climate?

The conclusions which can be drawn regarding the relationship between agriculture and climate is that types of crops and style of agriculture relate heavily to the climate patterns.

Describe the contribution of fishing to the world food supply

The contribution of fishing to the world food supply is consistently increasing and has quadrupled its size from 1960 to 2010. Developing countries are responsible for ⅚ of the increase. Fish and seafood however account for only 1 percent of all calories consumed. Three regions with toponyms include China, East Asia, United States, North America, and Brazil, South America.

Explain the differences between developed and developing countries in terms of diet, nutrition and source of nutrients

The difference between developed and developing countries in terms of diet is that developed countries have more consumption of food and developing countries do not have as much. Another difference is since there is a wider range of where food comes from in developed countries, they receive more nutrition from a wider variety of places and developing countries are limited to what they can grow and cannot receive nutrients from around the globe.

Discuss the distribution of undernourishment

The distribution of undernourishment is overall 795 million people in the world. Around one half of undernourished people are in South Asia and East Asia. All but 2 percent of the world's undernourished people are in developing countries. There are many counties with high percentages of undernourishment in sub-saharan africa and there is also a large percentage in Afghanistan.

List and explain the four strategies employed to increase the world's food supply.

The four strategies employed to increase the world's food supply are increasing exports from countries with surpluses, expanding the land area used for agriculture, expanding fishing, and increasing productivity of land now used for agriculture. Increasing exports from countries with surpluses will benefit food not going to waste as well as feed others. Expanding the land used for agriculture will generate more crops on average. Expanding fishing will allow for more use for a natural resource. Increasing productivity of land will increase the rate at which crops are produced from land.

Explain the health problems and export problems of GMOs

The health problems of GMOs have to do with consuming large quantities of genetically modified foods which may reduce the effectiveness of antibiotics globally and could destroy the outstanding ecological balances in local agriculture. The export problems of GMOs have to deal with different regulations for European countries. European countries require genetically modified food to be labeled because they believe that GMOs are not as nutritious as traditionally grown food. They shun GMOs and African farmers are concerned that European countries will no longer buy from them which will affect relations on a global scale. Locally it will affect the revenue the farmers make in Africa.

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