AP Psychology: Introduction + Chp. 2

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"Morphine within" - natural, opiate like neurotransmitters linked to pain control and a pleasure

G. Stanley Hall

*American psychologist and educator focused on childhood development and evolutionary theory*, was a student of Wundt's, *established the first American psychology lab*

Wilhelm Wundt

*Established the first psychology lab, father of experimental psychology*, one of the founding figures of modern psychology, a German physician, psychologist, philosopher and professor, his basic research tools introspection; inner sensations

William James

*First educator to offer a psychology course*, the father of American psychology, trained as a physician, associated with *pragmaticism*

BF Skinner

*Study learning behaviors of animals* Published "the behavior of organisms"

________ neurocells are contained within the size of a grain of rice


A baby's brain weighs less than...

2 lbs

Rehabilitation psychology

A branch of psychology that focuses on treating individuals dealing with disabilities (mental emotional or physical)

Applied research

A form of systematic inquiry involving the practical application of science Accesses and uses some part of the research communities accumulated theories, knowledge, methods and techniques

Myelin sheath

A layer of fatty tissue segmentally encasing the fibers of many neurons; enables vastly greater transmission speed of neural impulses as the impulse hops from one node to the next


A nerve cell; the basic building block of the nervous system

Humanistic psychology

A psychological perspective that emphasizes the study of the whole Humanistic psychologist look at human behavior not only through the eyes of the observer, but through the eyes of the person doing the behaving

Counseling psychology

A specialty within professional psychology that maintains a focus and facilitating personal and impersonal functioning across the lifespan


A theory of the mind that's core idea is that mental states are constituted solely by their function role; they are casual relations to other mental states, sensory inputs, and behavioral outputs


Affects mood, hunger, sleep, and arousal. Undersupply linked to Depression Prozac and similar antidepressant drugs raise serotonin levels

Forensic psychology

Apply psychological knowledge to legal matters such as criminal and civil areas

Rosalie Rayner

Assisted with the little Albert experiment *Published articles about child development and familial bonds*

Socio-cultural psychology

Based on the idea that society and culture shape cognition

explain why, at every level, our existence is both part of a larger system and a combination of smaller systems

Body organs such as the stomach, heart, and brain, which are composed of smaller systems (cells), form larger systems for digestion, circulation, and information processing, which are part of an even larger system- The individual as a person, who intern forms a part of the family, community, and a culture. we are bio-psycho-social systems

Educational psychology

Branch of psychology in the school setting, studies teaching and learning methods

Label the neuron

Cell body: The area around the green dot Dendrites: the spidery branches on the left side Axon: the yellow pieces in the middle Myelin sheath: The casing around the yellow Neural impulse: the impulse that travels from the left side to the right side Terminal branches of axon: the spidery branches on the right side


Chemical messengers that traverse the synaptic gaps between neurons. When released by the sending neuron, neurotransmitters travel across the synapse and bind to receptors sites on the receiving neuron, thereby influencing whether it will generate a neural impulse

Biopsychosocial approach

Combines the mental, biological and social health science Uses a persons surroundings and their mental health to try and explain why some illnesses in the body develop and wise some conditions worsen with negative thoughts and feelings implies that the body's condition affects the mind as much as the mind affects the body

Educational psychology

Concerned with the scientific study of human learning and teaching

Corpus callosum

Connects the two hemispheres of the brain

Social psychology

Deals with behavior within groups and the influence of social factors to the individual

describe the structure of a neuron and the process by which an action potential is triggered

Each neuron consist of a cell body, branching fibers call dendrites that receive information from other neurons, and then extension fiber called an axon through which the neuron passes information to other neurons or two muscles or glands. Some axons are insulated with a myelin sheath, which helps speed neural impulses. And there'll impulse, or action potential, occurs if the excitatory signals minus the inhibitory signals received by the neuron on its dendrite or cell body exceeds the neurons threshold. Then, the gates of the axon open, allowing positively charged atoms to rush inside. This depolarizes that part of the axon, which causes the axons next chance open and leads to the electrical chain reaction by which electrically charged Adams ions travel down the axon into junctions with other neurons and with the muscles and glands of the body

Blood brain barrier

Enables the brain to fence out unwanted chemical circulating in the blood, and some chemicals don't have the right shape to slither through this barrier

discuss the significance of endorphins, and explain how drugs influence neurotransmitters

Endorphins are morphinelike neurotransmitters found in the brain that are released in response to pain and vigorous exercise. The existence of endorphins may help explain good feelings such as the "runners high", the painkilling effective of acupuncture, and the indifference to pain in some injured people Drugs have a number of different effects on neurotransmitters. Some, agonists, mimic a particular neurotransmitter; other, antagonists, block a particular neurotransmitter. Still others interfere with the breakdown or reabsorption of a neurotransmitter. Opiate drugs, for example, may cause the brain to stop producing endorphins

Charles Darwin

English naturalist and geologist Contributed to the evolutionary theory Wrote "origin of species"

John B Watson

Establish the psychological philosophy of *behaviorism* Little Albert experiment

Human factor psychology

Examines human behavior and capabilities in order to find the best ways to design products, equipment and systems for maximum safety


Excite by mimicking a particular neurotransmitter or blocking it's reuptake. An agonist can be a drug molecule that is similar enough to the neurotransmitter to mimic its effect. Some opiate drugs, for example, produce a temporary high that ampliiesy normal sensations of arousal or pleasure


Field of study about the theory of techniques of psychological measurement This feel deals with the measurement of skills and knowledge, abilities, attitudes, personality and educational achievement

Mary Whiton Caulkins

First woman to become president of the American psychological Association Served as president of the American philosophical association Invented paired association technique Self psychology

Industrial organizational psychology

Focuses on the behavior of employees in the workplace, tries to improve work environment, include performance, communication, personal satisfaction and safety


Helps control alertness and arousal, undersupply can depress mood

Health psychology

Helps individuals or groups prevent illness and promote healthy behaviors -clinical -research -public policy work

Evolutionary psychology

How nature select streets that promote the perpetuation of one's jeans focuses on how evolution has shaped the mind and behavior

Cognitive psychology

How we encode, process, store, & retrieve information Revolves around the notion that if you want to know what makes people tick, we need to understand them in their thoughts and behaviors

Behavioral psychology

How we learn observable responses Focuses on the study of people's behaviors including actions, emotions and thoughts

Cognitive psychology

How we perceive, think, and solve problems Scientific study of mind and mental function, including learning, memory, attention, perception, reasoning, language, conceptual development and decision-making Rests in the premise that the brain can be understood as a complex system


Influences movement, learning, attention, and emotion Excess activity at dopamine receptors has been linked with schizophrenia If the brain is starved of dopamine, the brain produces the tremors and decreased mobility of Parkinson's disease


Inhibit by blocking neurotransmitters or by diminishing their release. An antagonist can be a drug molecule that is enough like the natural neurotransmitter to occupy its receptor site and block it's effect but not similar enough to stimulate the receptor, rather like foreign coins that fit into, but won't operate, a soda or candy machine

Clinical psychology

Integrate science, theory, and clinical knowledge Diagnoses and treats mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders Traits learning disabilities, substance abuse, depression, anxiety, and eating disorders

Experimental psychology

Investigates basic psychological processes

community psychology

Involves the study of how individuals relate to their communities and the reciprocal effect of the community on the individual


Is one of the best understood neurotransmitters. In addition to its vital role in learning and memory, ACH is the messenger every junction between a motor neuron and a skeletal muscle

Counseling psychology

Maintains a focus on facilitating personal and interpersonal functioning across the lifespan Focuses on emotional, social, vocational, educational, health-related, and organizational concerns


Observes the brain and nervous system to see how they affect a persons cognition and behaviors Specifically, how injuries and illness affects of the cognition and behavior

the tremors of ________________ disease are due to the death of neurons that produce the neurotransmitter ___________ . People with the condition can be helped to regain control over their muscles by taking __________.

Parkinson's dopamine L-dopa

Edward Bradford Titchener

Psychologist known for creating his own version of psychology called *structuralism*, created largest doctoral program in the US, in 1904, he founded the society of experimental psychologists

Basic research

Scientific research and to improve scientific theories for improved understanding or prediction of natural or other phenomena

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)

Serves inhibitory functions and is sometimes implicated in eating and sleep disorders, undersupply linked to seizures, tremors and insomnia

Personality psychology

Studies personality and it's variation among individuals Investigates inner traits


Study of forces that influence human behavior, feelings, and emotions

Franz Gall

Suggested that bumps on the skull represented mental abilities, his theory, though incorrect, never the less proposed that different mental abilities were modular

Humanistic psychology

The approach which that is the whole person, and the uniqueness of the individual


The bushy, branching extensions of a neuron that receive messages and conduct impulses toward the cell body


The extension of a neuron, extended and branching terminal fibers, through which messages are sent to other neurons or to muscles or glands

Margaret Floy Washburn

The first woman to receive a PhD in psychology Synthesizes research on animal behavior in "the animal mind"


The junction between the axon tip of the sending neuron and the dendrite or cell body of the receiving neuron. The tiny gap at this junction is called the synaptic gap or cleft


The level of stimulation required to trigger a neural impulse

Biological psychology

The link between the mind and the brain The application of the principles of biology to the study of psychological, genetic, and developmental mechanisms of behavior and human and nonhuman animals

Nature vs nurture

The long-standing controversy over the relative contributions that jeans and experience make to the development of psychological traits and behaviors


The medical field dedicated to the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders

Resting potential

The positive outside, negative inside polarization that occurs because an unmyelinated axon's membrane is selectively permeable

Natural selection

The principle that, among the range of inherited trait variations, those contributing to reproduction and survival will most likely be passed on to succeeding generations


The process by which excess neurotransmitters are reabsorbed by the sending neuron


The science of behavior and mental processes

Developmental psychology

The study of how and why humans change over the course of their life

Developmental psychology

The study of how and why humans change over the course of their lives

Social psychology

The study of how people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by others How we view and affect one another

Sports psychology

The study of how psychological factors affect performance and how participation of sport and exercise affect psychological and physical factors

Cognitive neuroscience

The study of the neural elements of the mental processes and their behavior


The theory about the bumps and groves on the brain


The theory that elements of human culture must be understood in terms of the relationship to a larger, over arching system or structure


The theory that human/animal psychology can be studied only through observing behavioral events

Industrial-organizational psychology

This study of human behavior in the workplace and applied psychological theories and principles organizations to help improve the work environment

School psychology

Uniquely chosen for their expertise and mental health learning and behavior, help support a student's ability to learn and the teachers ability to teach

Positive psychology

Uses scientific understanding and effective intervention to eight in the achievement of a satisfactory life focuses on personal growth, instead of curing illness

Sigmund Freud

Was an Austrian neurologist best known for developing the theories and techniques of *psychoanalysis*

describe how nerve cells communicate, and discuss the importance of neurotransmitters for human behavior

When action potential reaches the end of the axon, chemical messengers called neurotransmitters are released into the synaptic gap between the sending and receiving neuron. This junction is called a synapse. Neurotransmitter molecules bind to receptors sites on the receiving neuron and have either an excitatory or inhibitory influence on that neurons tendency to generate its own action potential. If the receiving neuron receives more excitatory then inhibitory inputs, more neural impulses are generated. A particular neural pathway may use only one or two neurotransmitters, each of which may have a specific effect on behavior.


Works on neurons involved in muscle action, learning, and memory. The neurons that produce this vital chemical messenger deteriorate when a person has Alzheimer's disease

Action potential

a brief electrical charge that travels down an axon. The action potential is generated by the movement of positively charged atoms in and out of channels in the axon's membrane


a major exhibitory neurotransmitter; involved in memory; oversupply can overstimulate brain, producing migraines or seizures

a neurotransmitter that is important in muscle contraction is _____________

acetylcholine (ACh)

the neural impulse, or ___________, is a brief electrical charge that travels down an ______.

action potential axon

drugs that produce their effects by mimicking neurotransmitters are called __________. Drugs that block the effects of neurotransmitters by occupying their _______________ are called ____________.

agonists receptor sites antagonists

the extensions of a neuron that transmit information to other neurons are the _________; some of these extensions are insulated by a layer of fatty cells called the _________ which helps speed the neurons impulses

axons myelin sheath

In the most basic sense, every idea, mood, memory, and behavior than an individual has every experienced is a ________________ phenomenon


explain why psychologists are concerned with human biology

biological processes underlie every aspect of our behavior and mental processes. By studying the links between biology and psychology, biological psychologists achieve greater understanding of such behaviors like sleep, hunger, sex, stress, disease, depression and other human conditions

researchers who study the kinks between biology and behavior are called ___________________________

biological psychologists

the molecular shape of some drugs prevents them from passing through the _________________ by which the brain fences out unwanted chemicals

blood-brain barrier

Ivan Pavlov

classical conditioning and learning (animals)

the poison ___________ produces paralysis by blocking the activity of this neurotransmitter (ACh)


the extensions of a neuron that receive messages from other neurons are the ___________


the strength of a stimulus ___________ affect the speed of a neural impulse.

does not

among the neurotransmitters that researchers have pinpointed are _____________, which influences movement, learning, attention, and emotion. ___________, which affects mood, hunger, sleep, and arousal; ____________, which helps control alertness and arousal, and ___________ which is an inhibitory neurotransmitter implicated in eating and sleep disorders.

dopamine serotonin norepinephrine gamma amino-buyric (GABA)

naturally occurring opiatelike neurotransmitters that are present in the brain are called _____________. When the brain is flooded with drugs such as __________ or _______ it may stop producing these neurotransmitters.

endorphins heroin morphine

in order to trigger a neural impulse, _________ signals minus ________ signals must exceed a certain intensity called the ______________. Increasing a stimulus above this level_________ increase the neural impulses intensity. This phenomenon is called a ________ response.

excitatory inhibitory threshold will not all-or-none

Neurotransmitters influence neurons either by _______ or ___________ their readiness to fire. Excess neurotransmitters are reabsorbed by the sending neuron in a process called ________

exciting inhibiting reuptake

the fluid interior of a resting axon carried mostly ____________ charged ions while the fluid outside has mostly__________ charged ions. This polarization is called the _____________________ and it occurs because the cell membrane is selectively ___________

negatively positively resting potential permeable

the chemical messengers that convey information across the gaps between neurons are called ____________. These chemicals unlock tiny channels on the receptor sites allowing electrically charged _________ to enter the neuron.

neurotransmitters atoms

Jean Piaget

observed children

the theory that linked our mental abilities to the bumps on our skull was _______


an action potential occurs when the first part of the axon opens it gates and _______________ charged ions will rush in causing that part of the neuron to become ___________.

positively depolarized

during the resting pause following an action potential, called the __________________, the neuron pumps _______________ charged ions outside the cell.

refractory period negatively

the junction between two neurons is called a __________ and the gap is called the _____________.

synapse synaptic gap/cleft

we are each a ________, composed of _________ that are parts or larger _______. Our body's neural system is built from billions of nerve cells, or _________.

system subsystems systems neurons

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