AP World-Chapter 5

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In general, how did Athenians view women?

-"infertile male" -inability to produce sperm was frowned upon -lacked rationality to take part in public life -reamin inside -no economic power

Describe slavery life in China:

-1% of the population were slaves -convicted criminals and their families were the first slaves -peasants might sell their children in desperate times -it was not a major source of labor for agriculture or manufacturing

What are some of the continuities that occurred in Classical era civilizations?

-China's scholar gentry class remained through the changing dynasties -India's caste system still endures for many on the South Asian Peninsula -Slavery from post-Roman Europe was continued in the Islamic world and Europe's American colonies -Patriarchy

What are some of the changes that occurred in Classical era civilizations?

-Greek conquest of Persians was unexpected -Roman Empire got all of the Mediterranean basin under one political system -Buddhism and Christianity emerged -Chinese and Roman dynasties collapsed

What were "jatis"?

-a Hindu caste or social group of which there are thousands throughout India -a special characteristic is often the exclusive occupation of its male members (ex: barber or potter)

What occupations could Roman slaves engage in?

-anything except military services -common jobs for slaves were: in the household, labor, artisans, teachers, doctors, business agents, entertainers or actors and actresses

What were some of the benefits of being a wealthy landlord in China?

-avoided taxes -decreased state revenues -could own military forces

What were slave owners' impressions of a slave?

-barbaric -lazy -unreliable -immoral -thieves -slaves by nature

What is the relationship between varnas and jatis?

-blended together -assocaited with a varna

In what ways did the expression of patriarchy in China change after the fall of the Han Dynasty?

-centralized government vanished -Confucianism disappeared while Buddhism and Daoism grew -pastoral/nomadic people invaded northern China

Describe slavery life in India:

-criminals, debtors and prisoners of war had the possibility of becoming a slave -protected a little bit by secular law office and religious writings -owners could not abandon their slaves at old age and needed to provide them adequately with necessities -could own property -could make money in their spare time -they weren't depended on economically

How did Greco-Roman slavery differs from that of other classical civilizations?

-depended greatly on slavery (large population) -provided not only labor but sexual desires for their owners -could not become citizens or gain political rights -could not own land or marry citizens -had to pay a special tax

What are some of the similarities India's society shared with China?

-determined social status -little social mobility -inequality

How did Indian society justify the caste system?

-emerged from Hindu notions of karma, dharma and rebirth -ritual purity -pollution

Why did women have more freedom in Sparta than Athens?

-encouraged to participate in sporting events to build strong bodies for childbearing -prescribed education from the state -not secluded or segregated -married men of their own age -more authority in the household

How did the caste system affect politics in India?

-focused on the loyalties of people which weakened the appeal of a single authority -facilitated the exploitation of the poor by the powerful and the wealthy

What were some of the disadvantages to being a slave in the Mediterranean world?

-harsh beatings -hard labor -sexual abuse -could not legally marry -all possessions belonged to the owner and could be taken away at any time

What were some of the benefits in being a member of the Chinese bureaucracy?

-high privileges -prestige -polished speech and good manners -horse drawn carriages available for use -decoration (crowns, robes, jewelry) -cultural sophistication

What are some ways women could gain authority or influence within the Chinese society?

-lead peasant rebellions -honored for producing the next generation of men -able to have the authority of a mother-in-law -received their own property in upper classes -production of textiles

What are some of the reforms attempted by Wang Mang?

-loans to peasants -land limits -end to private slavery

What are some ways that the Roman empire acquired slaves?

-long distance commerce -prisoners capture during wars -kidnapped by pirates -natural reproduction (born into it) -abandon or exposed children could legally become the slave of the person that found them

What were the Untouchables?

-lowest possible class -not technically apart of the system

What were the women's political participation in Athens?

-no role in the Assembly, the councils or the juries -court proceedings did not acknowledge them by name -represented by a guardian

How did peasant life compare to that of the landlord classes?

-often had to work for landlords -hard labor -tiring -uncomfortable -poor -hungry

What factors helped promote the creation of slavery as a labor system in the world?

-private property -war -patriarchy

How did Daoism and Buddhism help facilitate these changes?

-provided new images of feminine and roles for women -female deities were introduced

What were the Kshatriya?

-second highest class -warriors or rulers -in charge of protecting and governing society

What were the Sudra?

-second lowest class, fourth highest -labor -could not read or hear the Vedas -weren't valued

Describe peasant life in China:

-small households and land -barely surviving -high taxes -required to perform a month's labor for public projects -men taken for the military

In what ways did China discriminate against merchants?

-stereotyped (called them "mean people") -social threat -forbidden to wear silk, ride horses or carry weapons -could not hold public office -state monopolies on salt, iron and alcohol

What were the Vaisya?

-third highest class -farmers, merchants or artisans -a part of the Aryans ("twice-born")

What was the ideal Spartan male?

-warrior -skilled in battle -able to endure hardship -willing to die for his city

What were some of the advantages to being a slave in the Mediterranean world?

-were provided the basics necessities of life -accumulated money and possessions -could be granted freedom

How did the Chinese society view women in general?

-women were meant to stay in -domestic -lower -inferior -lowly -responsible for worship in the home -subordinate to her father, then her husband and finally her son -no initiative -weak -industrious -was supposed to humble herself before others

How did India's social system differ from China's?

1. Gave priority to religious status and ritual purity whereas China elected political officials to the highest positions 2. Vast and distinct social groups in the caste whereas China had fewer and more broad 3. More defined and rigid social groups, as appose to China, and provided less social mobility

Which society would place more restrictions on women in general? A. Urban B. Pastoral C. Agricultural

A. Urban

What is ironic about how history often portrays Athens and Sparta?

Athens is celebrated for its democracy and philosophical rationalism but neglects women whereas Sparta is condemned for its military and enslavement of the helots, offers much more freedom and hope for women

In which group in society would women typically have more freedoms and why? A. Lower B. Upper

B. Upper Upper class women could enjoy higher privileges but still faced the restrictions and seclusion at home

What was a woman's portray role in Sparta?

Bearing warrior sons for Sparta (reproduction)

What are some examples of women resisting against ruling powers in the Classical era?

Both Buddhism and Christianity carved out small domains of relative freedom from male control

What three classes were considered pure Aryans?

Brahmins, Kshatriya and Vaisya

What is "scholar-gentry"?

Civil servants appointed by the emperor of China to perform day-to-day governance from the Han to the Qing Dynasty

Why did the changes occur after the fall of the Han Dynasty?

Empress Wu, the only woman emperor, began ruling China and created laws that built up women's social class and their views from society

What class conflicts disrupted the Chinese society?

Horrible conditions promoted peasant rebellions which have taken on toll on China for over 2000 years

What is latifundia?

Huge estates in the Roman time that provided grain, olive oil and wine for export

What was the probability of improving one's social status in the Indian society?

It was seemingly impossible but by buying land or adopting a higher caste's behaviors, you could increase your chances greatly

What group made up the highest class in China's social hierarchy and how were they chosen?

Male state officials were chosen by an administrator that looked at their merit and personal morality

To what extent would you describe Wang Mang's reforms as successful?

Not very successful because the measures were proved to be impossible and ultimately led to his assassination

What class made up the majority of the Chinese population?


What is one example of a rebellion against ruling powers in the Roman world? Is this rebellion successful or not?

Spartacus organized for 70 slaves to run away which they did but it hardly affected slavery as a whole, because big revolts like this never occurred again

What class would a peasant be apart of?


Why was the civil service examination system narrowed down to only men from the wealthiest families, but technically allowed open for all?

The families had the money to pay for the students to go to classes and pass the tests beyond the average students education level

What is the "Great Peace"?

The golden age of equality, social harmony and common ownership in China after the Yellow Turban rebellion?

What was a woman's primary role in Athens?

The management of domestic affrays and the production of sons

To what extent would you describe the Yellow Turban rebellion successful?

The rebellion founded leaders an organizational system and Daoism. It led to the overthrow of dynasties and the golden age of the "Great Peace"

What is slavery?

The state of being owned by a person to complete hard labor tasks

What is "class"?

The system of ordering a society in which people are divided into sets based on social or economic status

Why did Sparta develop a military oligarchy instead of a democratic government?

They immediately conquered their neighbors so they wanted to remain constantly ready for war to keep the helots in their place

How would someone go about becoming a Chinese government official?

They were enrolled in an academy that fought them important texts and Confucius's teachings

How did the Chinese society few merchants?

They were viewed as unproductive, greedy, luxury loving, materialistic and making a profit off of others works

Which class would a merchant fall into?


What is "varna"?

Varna is each of the four Hindu castes (Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra)

What were Brahmins?

-highest of the social caste system -teachers or priests -their rituals ensured proper functioning of the world

Describe examples of slaves resisting their masters:

-runaways -mass suicides

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