AP World Unit 3 Practice Quizzes

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"It is most evident that kings, queens, and other princes . . . are ordained of God, are to be obeyed and honored by their subjects; that such subjects as are disobedient or rebellious against their princes, disobey God." An Homily Against Disobedience and Willful Rebellion, Church of England, 1570 What could most reasonably be concluded from the sermon above? A. The clergy generally appointed kings, queens, and princes. B. Rulers often used religious ideas and institutions to justify their rule. C. Rulers were most often chosen from members of the clergy. D. The clergy believed in the separation of church and state.

B. Rulers often used religious ideas and institutions to justify their rule.

MAJOR AFRO-EURASIAN LONG DISTANCE TRADE ROUTES (circa 1500 C.E.) Which of the following about Afro-Eurasian trade is supported by the map above? A. The states of the Middle East did not participate in the Indian Ocean trading system. B. The Ottoman Empire was located at the intersections of major trading routes. C. The Delhi Sultanate relied primarily on sea routes to participate in the silk trade across Asia. D. The Islamic states of West Africa maintained close commercial ties with eastern Europe.

B. The Ottoman Empire was located at the intersections of major trading routes.

Which of the following accurately describes a significant difference between the Ottoman and Mughal Empires in the early seventeenth century? A. The Mughals practiced religious tolerance toward non-Muslim subjects, while the Ottomans did not. B. The Ottomans ruled over people who were predominately Muslim, while the Mughals did not. C. The Mughals used gunpowder weapons to expand their territory, while the Ottomans did not. D. The Ottomans made Shia Islam the official state religion, while the Mughals made Buddhism the official state religion.

B. The Ottomans ruled over people who were predominately Muslim, while the Mughals did not.

TOTAL STATE MILITARY PERSONNEL AND TOTAL STATE REVENUES FROM SELECTED STATES, 1550-1700 Which of the following developments in the period 1450-1750 is best understood as a response to the trends shown in the table? A. The creation of divine-right theories of monarchy B. The creation of larger state bureaucracies C. The emergence of tribute collection as a form of taxation D. The emergence of banking systems

B. The creation of larger state bureaucracies

MAP 1: EXPANSION OF THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE, 1300-1683 MAP 2: DECLINE OF THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE, 1683-1922 The changes depicted in Map 1 were mostly a result of which of the following? A. The Ottoman alliance with France against rival Christian powers B. The decline of surrounding empires and the Ottoman Empire's use of gunpowder weapons C. The Ottoman Empire's unrivaled naval superiority in the Mediterranean D. The power vacuum left by the collapse of the Umayyad caliphate

B. The decline of surrounding empires and the Ottoman Empire's use of gunpowder weapons

"When the initial siege failed to take the city,* [the Ottoman] Sultan Mehmet II summoned the cannon-makers and spoke to them about what cannon could be used to demolish the northern wall of the city, along the bay of the Golden Horn. They assured him it would be easy to demolish that wall if they could construct another massive cannon. The Sultan immediately provided them with everything they needed. So they constructed the cannon, a thing most fearsome to see and altogether unbelievable. With an astounding thunder and a flame that lit up all the surroundings, the canon hurled stones that hit the wall with tremendous force and velocity and immediately knocked it down. After a long and bitter struggle, the Ottomans prevailed and their entire army poured into the city through the breach in the walls. They robbed and plundered, and the whole city was despoiled and blackened as if by fire. The Sultan then entered the city and saw its great size, grandeur, and beauty. When he saw what a large number had been killed and the wholesale ruin and destruction of the city, he was filled with compassion. Tears fell from his eyes as he groaned: 'What a great city we have given over to plunder and destruction!'" *The Byzantine capital Constantinople, which was conquered by the Ottoman Empire in 1453 and renamed Istanbul Michael Kritovoulos, Byzantine noble, History of Mehmet the Conqueror, written in the 1460s The conduct of the siege as described in the passage could best be used to explain which of the following processes in the period 1450-1750? A. The transmission of new weapons along trade networks B. The use of new weapons by expanding imperial states C. The use of new weapons to establish trading-post empires D. The development of new processes of manufacturing to create new weapons

B. The use of new weapons by expanding imperial states

Which of the following best describes the relationship that the Chinese and Aztec empires had with their respective peripheral states during the fifteenth century C.E.? A. Both empires used military force to severely limit the sovereignty of their peripheral states to their core states. B. Both empires welcomed the diffusion of cultural traditions from their peripheral territories. C. Both empires established tributary relationships with their peripheral states. D. Both empires actively sought to assimilate the citizens of their peripheral states into their respective core cultures.

C. Both empires established tributary relationships with their peripheral states.

Which of the following statements is true about both the Mughal and Ottoman empires in the sixteenth century? A. In both empires the majority of the people were Muslims. B. Both empires had powerful navies that engaged European navies. C. Both empires expanded through the use of gunpowder weapons and extensive bureaucracies. D. Both empires gave little monetary support to artistic and cultural endeavors.

C. Both empires expanded through the use of gunpowder weapons and extensive bureaucracies.

Which of the following statements is true about both the Mughal and the Ottoman empires in the sixteenth century? A. In each, the majority of the people were Muslims. B. Each had a powerful navy that engaged European navies. C. Each had developed an efficient administrative structure. D. Each enjoyed peaceful relations with its neighboring states. E. Each gave little monetary support to artistic and cultural endeavors.

C. Each had developed an efficient administrative structure.

Which of the following describes a major cause of the expansion of the Ottoman Empire in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries? A. The Ottoman Empire successfully pursued mercantilist economic policies. B. Ottoman citizens unified by their recent conversion to Islam were strongly motivated to conquer. C. Exploitation of artillery and small arms gave the Ottomans advantages over many of their political rivals. D. The decentralized federalism of the Ottoman Empire encouraged competition and technological innovation.

C. Exploitation of artillery and small arms gave the Ottomans advantages over many of their political rivals.

TOTAL STATE MILITARY PERSONNEL AND TOTAL STATE REVENUES FROM SELECTED STATES, 1550-1700 The trends in military personnel and state revenue shown in the table are best understood in the context of which of the following changes in the relationship between states and local elites in the period 1450-1750? A. States often relied on local elites to supervise provincial administration. B. Local elites began looking to the state to provide titles that demonstrated their legitimacy. C. States increasingly centralized their authority at the expense of local elites. D. Local elites began to command their own military forces.

C. States increasingly centralized their authority at the expense of local elites.

Which of the following contributed the most to the Ottoman Empire's successful expansion in Europe and the Middle East in the period from 1450 to 1600 ? A. The Ottomans' use of revenues from transoceanic trade to build a powerful army B. The Ottomans' use of nomadic tribes as cavalry troops C. The Ottomans' adoption of the latest gunpowder and artillery technology D. The Ottomans' exploitation of Muslim desire to avenge the crusades

C. The Ottomans' adoption of the latest gunpowder and artillery technology

ILLUSTRATION IN A MANUSCRIPT WRITTEN TO CELEBRATE THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE OTTOMAN SULTAN SULEIMAN THE MAGNIFICENT, CIRCA 1560 The image shows Ottoman officials forcibly enlisting boys from the empire's Christian subjects in the Balkans to train them for service in the Ottoman army and bureaucracy. The recruitment depicted in the image is best understood in the context of which of the following developments in the period 1450-1750? A. Attempts by imperial states to expand their economic power B. Attempts by imperial states to prevent religious conflict C. Attempts by imperial states to centralize their authority D. Attempts by imperial states to control population growth

C. Attempts by imperial states to centralize their authority

The photograph above of a sixteenth-century Mughal mosque in India built by Akbar is an example of which of the following? A. Emergence of capitalist economies B. Expansion of coercive labor systems C. Creation of a global trade network D. Cultural syncretism

D. Cultural syncretism

TOTAL STATE MILITARY PERSONNEL AND TOTAL STATE REVENUES FROM SELECTED STATES, 1550-1700 The relationship between levels of military personnel and state revenues as shown in the table is best understood in the context of which of the following global developments in the period 1450-1750 ? A. As military forces expanded and became more professionalized, states were forced to develop new ways to generate revenue. B. As agricultural technology became more advanced, less people were needed to farm and more people were able to be enrolled in state militaries. C. As commercial profits and urbanization increased, states were able to obtain more revenue. D. As states expanded their territories, they were able to acquire access to more natural resources.

A. As military forces expanded and became more professionalized, states were forced to develop new ways to generate revenue.

"When the initial siege failed to take the city,* [the Ottoman] Sultan Mehmet II summoned the cannon-makers and spoke to them about what cannon could be used to demolish the northern wall of the city, along the bay of the Golden Horn. They assured him it would be easy to demolish that wall if they could construct another massive cannon. The Sultan immediately provided them with everything they needed. So they constructed the cannon, a thing most fearsome to see and altogether unbelievable. With an astounding thunder and a flame that lit up all the surroundings, the canon hurled stones that hit the wall with tremendous force and velocity and immediately knocked it down. After a long and bitter struggle, the Ottomans prevailed and their entire army poured into the city through the breach in the walls. They robbed and plundered, and the whole city was despoiled and blackened as if by fire. The Sultan then entered the city and saw its great size, grandeur, and beauty. When he saw what a large number had been killed and the wholesale ruin and destruction of the city, he was filled with compassion. Tears fell from his eyes as he groaned: 'What a great city we have given over to plunder and destruction!'" *The Byzantine capital Constantinople, which was conquered by the Ottoman Empire in 1453 and renamed Istanbul Michael Kritovoulos, Byzantine noble, History of Mehmet the Conqueror, written in the 1460s The type of weaponry used in the siege, as described in the passage, could also help to explain the expansion of all of the following states in the period 1450-1750 EXCEPT the A. Aztec (Mexica) Empire B. Safavid Empire C. Mughal Empire D. Qing dynasty

A. Aztec (Mexica) Empire

Which of the following was a method rulers in Eurasia used to legitimize and consolidate their power during the period 1450 C.E. to 1750 C.E.? A. Developing professional militaries B. Promoting free trade C. Adopting the religious practices of minority groups D. Enacting reforms to decrease economic and social inequalities

A. Developing professional militaries

"The state of monarchy is the supremest thing upon earth; for kings are not only God's lieutenants upon earth, and sit upon God's throne, but even by God himself are called gods. In the Scriptures kings are called gods, and so their power after a certain relation compared to the divine power." King James I, speech to Parliament, England, 1610 The passage above is best understood in the context of which of the following? A. European monarchs' continued use of religion to legitimize political authority B. The influence of Islamic political thought on Europe after the Crusades C. The establishment of theocracies throughout Eurasia D. The differential treatment of Protestants and Catholics in England

A. European monarchs' continued use of religion to legitimize political authority

MINIATURE ILLUSTRATION INCLUDED IN A PERSIAN HISTORY OF THE MUGHAL CONQUEST OF INDIA SHOWING THE MUGHAL DEFEAT OF THE SULTAN OF DELHI AT THE BATTLE OF PANIPAT IN 1526 The illustrated history was prepared for the Mughal emperor Akbar in the late sixteenth century. Which of the following explains the most common effect that the process illustrated in the image had on relationships between states in Afro-Eurasia in the period 1450-1750? A. It led to deepening rivalries and conflicts as states' military capabilities grew. B. It led to the emergence of new religious disputes over theological interpretations. C. It led to the establishment of pan-Eurasian nomadic empires, such as the Mongol Empire. D. It led to the adoption of feudal systems of government, as monarchs could not prevent the rising power of military aristocracies.

A. It led to deepening rivalries and conflicts as states' military capabilities grew.

Which of the following contributed most to the emergence of Russia as an expanding Eurasian power in the period between 1450 and 1750? A. Its absorption of traditions and technology from the Byzantine Empire and western Europe B. Its success in creating alliances with European powers to expel Turkish invaders from the south C. The eradication of Islam from Central Asia D. The fall of the kingdoms of Poland and Prussia E. The use of its strong navy to acquire colonial holdings worldwide

A. Its absorption of traditions and technology from the Byzantine Empire and western Europe

"In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. The Holy Qur'an says, "Rise not up against me, but come to me in surrender." This letter has been graciously issued by me Sultan Selim, the most glorious sovereign, the Caliph of God Most High in this world, haloed in victory, slayer of the wicked and of the infidel, guardian of the noble and the pious, the warrior in the path of God, the defender of the Faith, the standard-bearer of justice and righteousness—and is addressed to you, prince Ismail, the ruler of the kingdom of the Persians, the possessor of the land of tyranny and wickedness, the captain of the vicious, the chief of the malicious, the usurper of the throne of the ancient Persian kings. I have heard repeatedly that you have subjected the upright Muslims under your rule to your devious will, that you have undermined the firm foundation of the Faith, and that you no longer uphold the commandments and prohibitions of the Divine Law, but have incited your heretical faction to commit abominable deeds in the lands that you possess. Be informed, then, that both the opinion of the learned Islamic scholars and the consensus of the Sunni community agree that it is my obligation to extinguish and extirpate the evil heresy that you represent. But should you take up a course of repentance, become like one blameless, and return to the sublime straight path of Muhammad (Prayers and salutations be upon him), and should you proclaim your lands and their people part of my Ottoman state, then you shall be granted my royal favor and imperial protection and patronage." Letter by the Ottoman Sultan Selim I to the Safavid Shah Ismail I, circa 1514 Which of the following aspects of the international situation in early sixteenth-century southwest Asia is most relevant to understanding Sultan Selim's letter? A. The Ottoman and Safavid empires fought numerous wars for control over Iraq, Syria, and other regions of the Middle East. B. Both the Ottoman and Safavid empires developed extensive trade connections with European states and states in the Indian Ocean region. C. Both the Ottoman and Safavid empires made use of gunpowder weapons in the course of their territorial expansion. D. The Ottoman and Safavid empires brought a high degree of centralization to parts of southwest Asia that had been politically fragmented before.

A. The Ottoman and Safavid empires fought numerous wars for control over Iraq, Syria, and other regions of the Middle East.

ILLUSTRATION IN A MANUSCRIPT WRITTEN TO CELEBRATE THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE OTTOMAN SULTAN SULEIMAN THE MAGNIFICENT, CIRCA 1560 The image shows Ottoman officials forcibly enlisting boys from the empire's Christian subjects in the Balkans to train them for service in the Ottoman army and bureaucracy. The Ottoman Empire's recruitment of soldiers and bureaucrats through the system depicted in the image is most similar to which broader method that rulers used to strengthen their empires in the period 1450-1750? A. The collection of tribute B. Establishment of religious uniformity C. Abolition of feudal privileges D. The granting of autonomy to minority groups

A. The collection of tribute

Which is the most likely reason that rulers during the seventeenth century built elaborate palaces such as the one at Versailles, France, shown above? A. To demonstrate their wealth and power B. To provide jobs for artists, architects, and builders C. To create fortresses as a defense against invading armies D. To glorify and demonstrate the power of the official state religion

A. To demonstrate their wealth and power

From 1400 to 1750, Eurasian rulers sponsored the arts primarily for which of the following reasons? A. To display power and legitimize their rule B. To spend excess money collected in taxes C. To encourage tourism and pilgrimages D. To increase employment opportunities for struggling artists

A. To display power and legitimize their rule

"In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. The Holy Qur'an says, "Rise not up against me, but come to me in surrender." This letter has been graciously issued by me Sultan Selim, the most glorious sovereign, the Caliph of God Most High in this world, haloed in victory, slayer of the wicked and of the infidel, guardian of the noble and the pious, the warrior in the path of God, the defender of the Faith, the standard-bearer of justice and righteousness—and is addressed to you, prince Ismail, the ruler of the kingdom of the Persians, the possessor of the land of tyranny and wickedness, the captain of the vicious, the chief of the malicious, the usurper of the throne of the ancient Persian kings. I have heard repeatedly that you have subjected the upright Muslims under your rule to your devious will, that you have undermined the firm foundation of the Faith, and that you no longer uphold the commandments and prohibitions of the Divine Law, but have incited your heretical faction to commit abominable deeds in the lands that you possess. Be informed, then, that both the opinion of the learned Islamic scholars and the consensus of the Sunni community agree that it is my obligation to extinguish and extirpate the evil heresy that you represent. But should you take up a course of repentance, become like one blameless, and return to the sublime straight path of Muhammad (Prayers and salutations be upon him), and should you proclaim your lands and their people part of my Ottoman state, then you shall be granted my royal favor and imperial protection and patronage." Letter by the Ottoman Sultan Selim I to the Safavid Shah Ismail I, circa 1514 A historian would most likely interpret the rhetoric in the passage as evidence that rulers of imperial states in the period circa 1450-1750 continued to A. use religious ideas to highlight their political legitimacy and attack the legitimacy of their enemies B. prefer to resolve interstate conflicts through warfare rather than through diplomatic means C. patronize religious establishments and preside over religious ceremonies D. seek to unite forces to prevent the spread of secular ideas

A. use religious ideas to highlight their political legitimacy and attack the legitimacy of their enemies

"In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. The Holy Qur'an says, "Rise not up against me, but come to me in surrender." This letter has been graciously issued by me Sultan Selim, the most glorious sovereign, the Caliph of God Most High in this world, haloed in victory, slayer of the wicked and of the infidel, guardian of the noble and the pious, the warrior in the path of God, the defender of the Faith, the standard-bearer of justice and righteousness—and is addressed to you, prince Ismail, the ruler of the kingdom of the Persians, the possessor of the land of tyranny and wickedness, the captain of the vicious, the chief of the malicious, the usurper of the throne of the ancient Persian kings. I have heard repeatedly that you have subjected the upright Muslims under your rule to your devious will, that you have undermined the firm foundation of the Faith, and that you no longer uphold the commandments and prohibitions of the Divine Law, but have incited your heretical faction to commit abominable deeds in the lands that you possess. Be informed, then, that both the opinion of the learned Islamic scholars and the consensus of the Sunni community agree that it is my obligation to extinguish and extirpate the evil heresy that you represent. But should you take up a course of repentance, become like one blameless, and return to the sublime straight path of Muhammad (Prayers and salutations be upon him), and should you proclaim your lands and their people part of my Ottoman state, then you shall be granted my royal favor and imperial protection and patronage." Letter by the Ottoman Sultan Selim I to the Safavid Shah Ismail I, circa 1514 Based on the purpose of the letter, Selim's description of the followers of Shah Ismail I as a "heretical faction" can best be interpreted as a commentary of the Safavid Empire's A. military strength B. adherence to Shi'a Islam C. Turkic origins D. use of the Persian language

B. adherence to Shi'a Islam

"To the count of Katzenellenbogen, Ziegenhain, and Nidda, my gracious lord. Pope Leo X, in the bull in which he put me under the ban, condemned my statement that 'to fight against the Turk is the same thing as resisting God, who visits our sin upon us with this rod.' I still confess freely that this statement is mine. The popes and bishops called for war against the Turks in the name of Christ. Yet because Christ taught that Christians shall not resist evil with violence or take revenge, it is against His name. In how many wars against the Turks have the bishops and clergy prevented Christians from enduring heavy losses? Indeed, the king of Hungary and his bishops were beaten by the Turks at Varna* and more recently a German army would perhaps have fought with more success, if it had not contained priests. If I were an emperor, a king, or a prince in a campaign against the Turks, I would encourage my bishops and priests to stay at home and mind the duties of their office, praying, fasting, saying mass, preaching, and caring for the poor, as not only Holy Scripture, but their own canon law teaches and requires. To this I say Amen, Amen." *a reference to a failed Christian Crusade launched against the Ottoman Turks in 1444 Martin Luther, German theologian, sermon addressed to a German prince, 1528 A historian could best explain the arguments made in the passage regarding the pope and the clergy in the context of Protestant claims that the Catholic Church A. had not adequately supported earlier Crusades against Muslims in the Holy Land B. had become corrupted by power C. had become too heavily influenced by Renaissance Humanism D. had failed to convert Muslims living in Europe to Christianity

B. had become corrupted by power

"When the initial siege failed to take the city,* [the Ottoman] Sultan Mehmet II summoned the cannon-makers and spoke to them about what cannon could be used to demolish the northern wall of the city, along the bay of the Golden Horn. They assured him it would be easy to demolish that wall if they could construct another massive cannon. The Sultan immediately provided them with everything they needed. So they constructed the cannon, a thing most fearsome to see and altogether unbelievable. With an astounding thunder and a flame that lit up all the surroundings, the canon hurled stones that hit the wall with tremendous force and velocity and immediately knocked it down. After a long and bitter struggle, the Ottomans prevailed and their entire army poured into the city through the breach in the walls. They robbed and plundered, and the whole city was despoiled and blackened as if by fire. The Sultan then entered the city and saw its great size, grandeur, and beauty. When he saw what a large number had been killed and the wholesale ruin and destruction of the city, he was filled with compassion. Tears fell from his eyes as he groaned: 'What a great city we have given over to plunder and destruction!'" *The Byzantine capital Constantinople, which was conquered by the Ottoman Empire in 1453 and renamed Istanbul Michael Kritovoulos, Byzantine noble, History of Mehmet the Conqueror, written in the 1460s The type of warfare described in the passage most directly helps to explain which of the following sixteenth-century developments? A. The growing political influence of religious scholars at the Ottoman court B. The granting of substantial religious and legal autonomy to Christian subjects in the Ottoman Empire C. The intensification of political rivalries between the Ottoman Empire and neighboring states in Europe and the Middle East D. The decline of the importance of the Janissaries in the Ottoman army

C. The intensification of political rivalries between the Ottoman Empire and neighboring states in Europe and the Middle East

Between 1450 and 1750, empires such as the Ottoman and Chinese shared which of the following? A. Dependence on trade as the main basis for the economy B. An elite fighting force made up primarily of slaves C. The use of a large bureaucracy to support the government D. Continual military campaigns against European armies

C. The use of a large bureaucracy to support the government

Which of the following was an important continuity from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing dynasty in the seventeenth century? A. The ongoing assimilation of Manchu cultural traditions by the imperial elite B. Maintenance of the Silk Roads to promote cultural exchanges with the Middle East C. The use of the examination system and other Confucian bureaucratic practices D. Financial support for maritime expeditions similar to those led by Zheng He

C. The use of the examination system and other Confucian bureaucratic practices

Which of the following world history processes was most responsible for the eighteenth-century cityscape of St. Petersburg, Russia, shown above? A. Disease diffusion B. World climate changes C. Westernization D. Democratization E. Isolation

C. Westernization

"To the count of Katzenellenbogen, Ziegenhain, and Nidda, my gracious lord. Pope Leo X, in the bull in which he put me under the ban, condemned my statement that 'to fight against the Turk is the same thing as resisting God, who visits our sin upon us with this rod.' I still confess freely that this statement is mine. The popes and bishops called for war against the Turks in the name of Christ. Yet because Christ taught that Christians shall not resist evil with violence or take revenge, it is against His name. In how many wars against the Turks have the bishops and clergy prevented Christians from enduring heavy losses? Indeed, the king of Hungary and his bishops were beaten by the Turks at Varna* and more recently a German army would perhaps have fought with more success, if it had not contained priests. If I were an emperor, a king, or a prince in a campaign against the Turks, I would encourage my bishops and priests to stay at home and mind the duties of their office, praying, fasting, saying mass, preaching, and caring for the poor, as not only Holy Scripture, but their own canon law teaches and requires. To this I say Amen, Amen." *a reference to a failed Christian Crusade launched against the Ottoman Turks in 1444 Martin Luther, German theologian, sermon addressed to a German prince, 1528 A historian interpreting the passage would most likely explain that the audience of the sermon is an illustration of the fact that A. papal alliances with the Holy Roman emperors led to widespread religious persecutions in Germany B. the Protestant German nobility was wary of confronting the Ottomans without Catholic support C. political support from the German nobility aided in the development of the early Protestant community D. the Protestant German nobility adopted pacifist attitudes during religious disputes with their Catholic and Muslim opponents

C. political support from the German nobility aided in the development of the early Protestant community

MINIATURE ILLUSTRATION INCLUDED IN A PERSIAN HISTORY OF THE MUGHAL CONQUEST OF INDIA SHOWING THE MUGHAL DEFEAT OF THE SULTAN OF DELHI AT THE BATTLE OF PANIPAT IN 1526 The illustrated history was prepared for the Mughal emperor Akbar in the late sixteenth century. The methods of warfare shown in the image were instrumental in explaining the territorial expansion of all of the following land-based empires EXCEPT A. the Safavid Empire B. the Qing (Manchu) Empire C. the Aztec (Mexica) Empire D. the Ottoman Empire

C. the Aztec (Mexica) Empire

Source 1: A Mughal painting depicting a Mughal official (the kneeling figure holding a piece of paper near the center of the image) and his companions meeting a group of Hindu holy men (sadhus), circa 1635 C.E. Source 2: Sayings attributed to Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, circa 1500 C.E. • "Oh God, the tongue of man has given Thee numerous names; but 'the Truth' is Thy real name from time immemorial." • "We human beings are neither Hindus nor Muslims; but are bodies and soul of the Supreme Being; call Him Allah, or call Him Rama." • "Everyone is chanting: 'Rama, Rama'; but mere repetition is no remembrance of Rama. Only when the heart of man becomes saturated with God is such remembrance fruitful." • "Worthless is caste and worthless an exalted name; for all humankind there is but a single refuge in God." Source 2 indicates that all of the following were likely factors contributing to Sikhism's popularity in India EXCEPT: A. It offered a set of religious beliefs that combined elements of both Hinduism and Islam. B. It advocated a direct and personal approach to God that paralleled Islamic beliefs. C. It appealed to members of the lower socioeconomic strata by rejecting the rigid social hierarchy of Hinduism. D. It offered a set of principles around which all Indians could rally in resisting British imperial encroachment

D. It offered a set of principles around which all Indians could rally in resisting British imperial encroachment

Image 1: Ivory tip for a king's ceremonial scepter showing a female ancestor spirit, Kongo, western Africa, circa 1800 Image 2: Female figure on a crucifix, Kongo, western Africa, circa 1800 The object in Image 1 best illustrates which of the following continuities in world history? A. The power of traditional elites was continuously challenged by the emerging power of new elites. B. The power of states was based on the ability of rulers to monopolize the use of violence. C. Artists depended on royal patronage for their livelihoods. D. Rulers used religious imagery to legitimize their political authority.

D. Rulers used religious imagery to legitimize their political authority.

ILLUSTRATION IN A MANUSCRIPT WRITTEN TO CELEBRATE THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE OTTOMAN SULTAN SULEIMAN THE MAGNIFICENT, CIRCA 1560 The image shows Ottoman officials forcibly enlisting boys from the empire's Christian subjects in the Balkans to train them for service in the Ottoman army and bureaucracy. The inclusion of the image in the manuscript best illustrates which of the following features of the period 1450-1750 ? A. Rulers using art as a way to communicate with their illiterate subjects B. Rulers using art to expand their territories C. Rulers using art as a way to increase literacy D. Rulers using art to legitimize their rule

D. Rulers using art to legitimize their rule

MINIATURE ILLUSTRATION INCLUDED IN A PERSIAN HISTORY OF THE MUGHAL CONQUEST OF INDIA SHOWING THE MUGHAL DEFEAT OF THE SULTAN OF DELHI AT THE BATTLE OF PANIPAT IN 1526 The illustrated history was prepared for the Mughal emperor Akbar in the late sixteenth century. Which of the following best explains the process illustrated in the image? A. States increasingly relied on slave soldiers to establish large empires. B. The invention of the stirrup allowed expanding states to use cavalry more effectively. C. The development of new types of armor reduced casualties and allowed states to expand faster than before. D. States used gunpowder weapons to establish large empires.

D. States used gunpowder weapons to establish large empires.

CHINESE SCROLL PAINTING CIRCA 1280 COMMISSIONED BY KHUBILAI KHAN OF THE MONGOL YUAN DYNASTY OF CHINA The painting shows Khubilai Khan and his hunting companions on horseback. To the left, a horse archer prepares his weapon. Which of the following conclusions is best supported by the way Khubilai Khan chose to have himself portrayed in the painting? A. The Yuan dynasty's potential monopolization of the Eurasian trade routes would force other Asian rulers to recognize Khubilai Khan's supremacy. B. The demonstration of military skill in the painting would encourage the Abbasid caliphs to submit to Khubilai Khan's rule. C. The Yuan dynasty's employment of a Chinese artist to create the painting would encourage the Japanese to accept Khubilai Khan's rule. D. The nomadic tradition depicted in the painting would bolster Khubilai Khan's claim to be the legitimate successor to Genghis Khan.

D. The nomadic tradition depicted in the painting would bolster Khubilai Khan's claim to be the legitimate successor to Genghis Khan.

Which of the following factors contributed most to Manchu expansion in Asia during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries? A. The development of large trading companies B. The adoption of Buddhist beliefs C. The military alliances with western European states D. The use of cannons and gunpowder

D. The use of cannons and gunpowder

"To the count of Katzenellenbogen, Ziegenhain, and Nidda, my gracious lord. Pope Leo X, in the bull in which he put me under the ban, condemned my statement that 'to fight against the Turk is the same thing as resisting God, who visits our sin upon us with this rod.' I still confess freely that this statement is mine. The popes and bishops called for war against the Turks in the name of Christ. Yet because Christ taught that Christians shall not resist evil with violence or take revenge, it is against His name. In how many wars against the Turks have the bishops and clergy prevented Christians from enduring heavy losses? Indeed, the king of Hungary and his bishops were beaten by the Turks at Varna* and more recently a German army would perhaps have fought with more success, if it had not contained priests. If I were an emperor, a king, or a prince in a campaign against the Turks, I would encourage my bishops and priests to stay at home and mind the duties of their office, praying, fasting, saying mass, preaching, and caring for the poor, as not only Holy Scripture, but their own canon law teaches and requires. To this I say Amen, Amen." *a reference to a failed Christian Crusade launched against the Ottoman Turks in 1444 Martin Luther, German theologian, sermon addressed to a German prince, 1528 A historian interpreting the views expressed in the passage would likely explain that those views were most strongly influenced by Protestant desires to A. promote religious war against fellow Christians B. encourage the creation of a united German state free of papal influence C. demonstrate that an individual's destiny was predetermined by God D. reform Christian society by adhering more closely to Biblical teachings

D. reform Christian society by adhering more closely to Biblical teachings

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patient care medical emergencies

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ATI Targeted Med/Surg Practice Assessment Immune System

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