APES Fall Exam

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population change is calculated using which of the following formulas?

(births + immigration) - (deaths + emigration)

What are producers

1. Acquire energy from an outside source 2. they respire 3. responsible for NPP 4. Can be eaten by consumers

What is true about age structures

1. Age structure can affect how rapidly a population will grow 2. Can be used to predict the future age structure of a population 3. used to predict future size of a population

What are potential consequences of competition

1. Character displacement 2. Niche partitioning 3. Exclusion 4. Population regulated below carrying capactiy

What are examples of density-dependent effect on population growth

1. Competition for food resources 2. Stress-related illness from overcrowding 3. Competition for nesting sites

What is true of oceanic currents

1. Dense, Down welling currents move to the equator 2. deep oceanic currents meet surface currents at zones of up-welling 3. oceanic currents can have profound effects on the climates of regions where they flow

What are true statements about the study of ecology

1. Describes how organisms affect the environment 2. Describes how the environment affects organisms 3. Studies how biotic and abiotic factors affect each other

What is true of Boreal Forests

1. It is one of the largest biomes 2. Pines and other conifers are commonly found in them 3. Little altered by humans

Physiological response curves

1. Show how well an individual or species performs under different environmental conditions 2. can be used to help determine a species' niche 3. vary among individuals in the same population

What is true of cohort life tables

1. a group of organisms must be followed throughout their lives 2. Data is difficult to obtain

What is true of life tables

1. based on life-cycle as well as age 2. the age-specific survival rate is the chance that an individual of one age will survive to the next age class 3. Fecundity is the number of offspring per female in age group

What are stem and leaf succlence

1. it is found in plants in the desert of both east and west hemispheres 2. enables plants to store water 3. helps plants survive drought

What do chemosythesis and photosynthesis have in common

1. store energy in carbon-carbon bonds 2. Fix carbon

what is chinas current population in 2011?

1.3 billion

the crude birth rate is the number of live births per ____ persons in a given year


Suppose that the net primary productivity of a particular ecosystem is 80 units per year. The respiration rate of primary producers is 30 unites per year, and the respiration rate of herbivores is 10 unites per year. the gross primary productivity is ..... per year


Suppose that the net secondary production in a community is 530 unites of energy. The respiration of heterotrophs is 1,400 unites and egestion is 350 units. Plant net production is 20,500 unites, and plant respiration is 2,700 unites. How much plant material did the heterotroph ingest.

2,280 units

If the NPP of an ecosystem is 240 unites per year, and the respiration by autotrophs is 110 unites, what is the amount of energy available for increases in plant biomass

240 unites per year

what percentage of people don't have their basic needs met?


the 2011 US population is nearly

311 million

what percentage of the that will be added to the human population by 2050 will be born into less developed countries?


Which of the following populations would be expected to grow in size

A population with an r of .5

assuming that average population growth rates and all other factors are equal, what population would most likely be at risk for extinction

A small population with high variation in its growth rate

In experimental studies of competition, competitive effects in plants are often shown to be strongest in

Above ground growth when there is limited light

A tourist travels to the Himalayas. At first she has difficulty hiking due to shortness of breath, but after a week, her performance has improved. This is most likely an example of ____ to lower partial pressure of oxygen. The lower oxygen condition is also known as ____

Acclimatization; hypoxia

Which of the following is false?

Air at the lower lattitudes tends to cool and fall or sink downward

What is true about symbiosis

All mutualsims and commensalisms are cases of facilitation

which statement about endoparasites is true

All parasites living in the alimentary canal are endoparasite

Black walnut tree release juglone and other chemicals that can be toxic to other plants. This is an example of?


A leaf from a deciduous forest that falls into a large stream is consumed by insects would be a source of ....... energy, which is more important in a ...... stream ecosystem

Allochthonous; first order

Thick, spongy mats of low-growing plants are typical of the

Arctic tundra

Organisms that can convert energy from sunlight or from inorganic compounds in their environment, without having to consume other organisms for their energy needs, are called .....


What is the difference between bioaccumulation and biomagnification

Bioacculmulation is the buildup of substances within one orgasm, whereas bio magnification involves these substances moving up the food chain as one organism eats another

which of the following represents the correct order, from largest to smallest, of levels of biological organization

Biosphere; ecosystem, community, population

In the process that takes place during the second part of photosynthesis, the "light-independent" reactions

CO2 is fixed, producing carbohydrates

rank these countries in the order from largest to smallest population: US, China, India

China, India, US

Which of the following microclimate effects is incorrect?

Cities tend to have lower temperatues and higher wind speeds then the surrounding countryside

Compared with land at the same latitude, ocean water tend to be_____ in the summer, because water has a _____ heat capacity than land has

Colder; Higher

Suppose a salamander and a small tree are engaged in a ecological relationship in which only the salamander benefits but the tree is not harmed. This relationship is a ...... , and for the tree it is

Commensalism; faculative

If herbivores eat 160 Kg of plants, and the total plant biomass is 800Kg, the ...... efficiency is .........

Consumption, 20

which of the following best explains why the mammal families in the Philippines are more similar to those in Africa than in New Guinea

Continental drift and biogeography

You are likely to lose more heat on a cold, windy day than on an equally cold day without any wind, due to the movement of heat via ______


In the Lotka-Volterra equations, b stands for ..... and an incrase in this factor would cause the

Conversion rate, predator population to increase

Addicott's study of mosquito larvae in pitcher plants found that presence of this predator.....species diversity in the community. Paine's study of starfish in inter-tidal pools found that presence of this predator.....species diversity in the community.

Decreased, Increased

The competitive exclusion principle was formulated by

Deorgii Ghause

Refer to the figure below based on Kiesecker's field experiments testing the effects of parasites and pesticides on the frogs. Which of the following is the most valid interpretation of the results

Exposure to pesticides increased the percentage of frogs that became deformed

Assuming the river continuum is correct how would first, second, and third order rivers be ranked, in terms of importance of terrestrial vegetation as a food source for the organisms within it


The salinity of salmon is about .9% Salmon living in water with .2% salinity would be described as hyperosmotic to the environment, and would tend to ____ water and ____ salts.

Gain; Lose

In a small grove of aspen trees, what would the correct term for a group of trees that are genetically identical


What processes can directly cause appreciable change in allele frequencies over short periods of time

Genetic drift, Gene Flow, Directional Selection

In a Type 3 survivorship curve, such as found with fish and many insects, mortality is

Highest at young age

As a habitat becomes fragmented, the population sizes of the species within fragments should decrease, genetic drift should have ...... impact, and genetic variation with species should .....

Increased, decrease

Two species of birds actively fight over berries. Injuries have been observed, and the presence of one species limits the survival and reproduction of the other. What type of competition is this


How does the proteins transferrin assist in defenses against parasites

It removes iron from the blood serum in vertebrate hosts and stores it in intracellular compartments

Organisms whose life history involves producing young several times over the course of life are known as


Ponds and lakes are _____ systems


The fundamental niche is usually ____ the realized niche, due to factors including competition, predation, disease, and human intervention

Less restricted than

Plant species from resource-poor communities often have low growth reponses to fertilization because these plants typically have

Low intrinsic growth rate

A researcher who is interested in the number of individuals in a population of butterflies and also in their movement patterns would most likely use which method


In many species of Drosophila, flies of any genotype that are reared in a cold environment tend to be larger than flies of the same genotype raised in a warm environment, is this an adaptation

Maybe, but we need further experiments examining survival and reproduction of different sized flies.

The ..... describe changes in the Earth's orbit shape, axis tilt, and position in the universe. These cycles explain regular changes in

Milankovitch cycles, climate

How does one estimate the NPP is you know the NEE

NPP=NEE+heterotrophic respiration

Not all consumed matter is incorporation into the biomass of a heterotroph. A heteritroph's growth is determines by its...... secondary production, which equals ingestion minus......

Net, egestion and respiration

Rubisco, which is an important catalyst in photosynthesis, is also a catalyst in the process of photo respiration. Photorespiration differs from photosynthesis on that in photorespiration ......is taken up, ........ is released, and there is a net ........ of energy

O2; CO2 Loss

The retention in the adult of infantile or juvenile characters is called


What is an example of evolution of mutualisms and commensalisms

Parasites and hosts often coevolve Host-Parasite relationship can evolve into mutualisms Host-parasite relationships can evolve into commensalisms

Which of the following are found only in the photic zone


What areas of earth receive the least precipitation on average

Regions near 30* N and S latitudes

In some trees and shrubs, competition among seedlings causes individuals to be spaced relatively evenly through the habitat. These plants exhibit a ----- type of dispersion pattern


If multiple species find themselves competing for the same resource, the competition can be reduced by which of the following?

Resource Partioning

Suppose that 2 species of Darwin's finches live on the same island and eat seeds, but one species tends to eat larger seed that the other one does. Based on this observation we can conclude that these species are engaged in

Resource partitioning

A major difference between conditions and resources is that _____

Resources are consumed, conditions are not

Lindermann's rule states that .......

Roughly 10% of energy available at one trophic level reaches the next trophic level

if the human population levels off dying the 21st century, it will move from a j shaped curved to what curve?


In the simplest host-pathogen mode above, which of the following terms describes the rate at which a susceptible individual encounters an infected individual


Which of the following plant strategies described by Grime do you think would best characterize a cactus living in an Arizona desert


In a ..... speciation event, a group within an existing population becomes segregated temporally or behaviorally which eventually leads to reprodu


Biomes can be predicted by

Temperature and precipitation

Jeremy has measured pine needle length from 1,000 needles from 100" young" pine trees on the trail, using a standadized design and randomized location. he calculates a 95% Cl of 5.62-5.78cm. what does this CL indicate

That the true needle length fir the young pine trees on the trail should be between 5.62-5.78cm

What are some examples of natural selection

The development in bacteria of resistance to antibiotics It is an evolutionary process whereby different individuals survive and reproduce at different rates based on particular characteristics they posses Those who survive and reproduce at a greater rate pass more of their genes to the next generation

Which of the following statements of cause and effect is false?

The earth's rotation is faster under air at the poles causing the prevailing winds

The major difference between logistic and exponential models is that

The exponential model assumes unlimited resources

The primary reason why southern sea otter recovery is important is

They are a keystone species.

What was the primary reason the southern sea otter nearly went extinct by the early 1900s?

They have thick, luxurious fur.

The climate of a certain region is warm to hot, with little seasonal variation in temperature, but with a pronounced dry season. Vegetation is mostly grasses, but with some shrubs and trees. This region is most likely

Tropical Savanah

In which biome would you most likely see the greatest percentage of NPP devoted to roots

Tundra in Alaska

In the process that takes place during the first step, or "light reactions" of photosynthesis, ......

Water is split tp provide electrons to synthesize ATP and NADPH

In a logistic growth scenario when does the growth rate of a natural population equal zero

When N/K is exactly 1

Wildebeest graze grasses in the African Savannah. Females give birth once per year, and the young wildebeests are favorite prey for many predatory. 95% of the young are born during just 2 months of the year. If the timing of birth is driven by predation, which of the following might explain why most births happen within a small time period.

Wildebeests create a refuge in time from predation for their young, such that the sheer number born during the two month window means that the risk of predation for each young wildebeest is lower.

A meteorologist collecting data in the field is least likely to use what equipment?

a computer model

If you dug down around the roots of a big tree in a tropical rain forest, you would be surprised to see...

a deep, vertical taproot

Desert ecosystems are threatened least by

a nomadic lifestyle

a parisitiod is generally considered to be

a parasite and preditor

What type of population would be associated with a population pyramid that had an extremely broad base

a rapidly expanding population

Which of the following would cause a population to overshoot its carrying capacity?

a reproductive time lag between birth and death rates

Which of the following is an example of primary succession?

a rock exposed by a retreating glacier

The predator-prey cycle is most likely to occur when the predator is

a specialist

If the resilience of a damaged area is low enough, the degraded area may not be restored by secondary succession. When this happens, the damaged area has reached

a tipping point

Which of the following is true of demographic transition as countries become industrialized?

a. Death rates drop, followed by birth rates.

Which of the following would exhibit primary succession?

a. a rock exposed by a retreating glacier

Exponential growth followed by a steady decrease in population growth until the population size levels off is typical of

a. logistic growth

The biotic potential of a population is

a. the maximum reproductive rate of a population


adapted to periodic fires and is home to some shrubs that have seeds that sprout only after fire

Which term describes the relative amounts of energy or resources devoted by an organism for specific tasks



an organism's range of tolerance for physical and chemical conditions

Thick, spongy mats of low growing plants are typical of the...

artic biome

You visit the Museum of Natural History. The curator shows you a burrow dwelling small animal with thick fur. You predict that the animal came from the...

artic tundra

Population change is calculated using which of the following formulas?

b. (births + immigration) - (deaths + emigration)

Which of the following is not true of an r-selected species?

b. Offspring are large in individual size.

Which of the following statements about India is true?

b. There are many cultural norms that favor large families.

Which of the following is an r-strategist?

b. cockroach

When populations of two different species interact over long periods of time, changes in the gene pool of one species can lead to changes in the gene pool of the other. This is called

b. coevolution

Infant mortality rate refers to the number of children per 1,000 births that die

b. efore their first birthday

Which of the following is an example of a density-independent population control?

b. habitat destruction

Some species experience an explosion of population growth to a high peak followed by a crash to a more stable lower level. This is called which of the following?

b. irruptive

One way that species evolve over time to reduce niche overlap is called

b. resource partitioning

The exponential rate of growth of the total human population over the past 100 years resulted from

b. sharp drop in death rates

The intrinsic rate of increase (r) is

b. the rate at which a population would grow with unlimited resources

large terrestrial regions with similar characteristics are


The part of the lake that is lowest in oxygen at summer's end is usually the ____ xone


trees of the tropical rain forest are characterized by leaves that are

broadleaf and evergreen

Trees of wet tropical rain forests tend to be what?

broadleaf evergreen plants

Which of the following is not true about India?

c. 80% of rural people have adequate sanitation.

Which of the following is not an effect of a high level of AIDS in a country?

c. Increase in life expectancy

Which of the following would decrease the likelihood of a couple having a child?

c. Women have opportunities to participate in education and employment

The total fertility rate is

c. the average number of children born to women in their reproductive years

Emigration is

c. the one-way movement of individuals out of a population to another area

which of the following is not a greenhouse gas?

carbon monoxide

The maximum population of a given species that a particular habitat can sustain indefinitely without being degraded is the definition of

carrying capacity

The jaw size of lizard species A and species B is less similar in areas of overlap, relative to areas where each species occurs alone, this is an example of

character displacement


classified according to predominant vegetation and characterized by adaptions of organisms to that particular environment

Humans have effected coniferous forests by

clear-cutting for lumber, hunting predators, and large scale mining (all of the above)

the most important factor in determining which biome is found in a particular area is


The most common distribution of populations is which of the following?


When populations of two different species interact over long periods of time, changes in the gene pool of one species can lead to changes in the gene pool of the other. This is called


One species has little or no effect on the other is


Insects feeding on the leaves of a plant stimulate the plant to produce more leaves, this is an example of


an association of population of different species living in the same area is called a


Suppose that two species of rabbits inhabit an area. Which of the following technique would provide estimates of their relative population densities, as opposed to estimates of their absolute numerical densities

comparisons of the number of tracks made by each species

Resource Partioning might include species doing all of these except

competing for the best resources

Which of the following is the most common interaction between species?


Which of the following is an example of a density-dependent population control?

competition for resources

Trees with needlelike leaves that are kept year round are especially abudant in which biome?

coniferous forest

which of the following biomes has been most disturbed by human activites

coniferous forest

Rank the following in terms of their expected production efficiency (perch, cricket, mouse, deer)


Moths resting on the trucks of trees resemble that tree bark so well that potential predator do not perceive them as prey this is an example


the concept of an optimal human population level, which allows most people to live in reasonable comfort and freedom without impairing the future sustainability is called

cultural carrying capacity

The crude birth rate is the number of live births per ___ persons in a given year.

d. 1,000

The replacement-level fertility rate is ____ for developed countries and ___ for developing countries.

d. 2.1; 2.5

How much of the world's population is found in developing countries?

d. 82%

Which of the following statements is not true about China?

d. The increase in average age has slowed dramatically

Which of the following is not a method prey species use to avoid capture?

d. ambush


d. are generally less adaptable to change than r-strategists

"The maximum population of a given species that a particular habitat can sustain indefinitely without being degraded" is the definition of

d. carrying capacity

The concept that two or more species cannot share the exact same ecological niche for an extended period is called

d. competitive exclusion principle

Two useful indicators of overall health in a country or region are

d. life expectancy and infant mortality rate

In the demographic transition model, death rates fall while birth rates remain high during

d. the transitional stage

The non-poisonous ____ butterfly gains protection by looking like the bad-tasting ____ butterfly, which is a protective device known as ____.

d. viceroy; monarch; mimicry

If you were to make a census in a temperate deciduous forest in the United States, the most likely dominant mammal species would be...


The biome threatened by motorcycles and off road vehicles is the ____ biome.


Which of the following are not predators?


Which process differs the most from metamorphosis

direct development

A population with a certain mean and variance for a trait is exposed to an artificial selection process for 10 generation, After the process, that variance for the trait is the same, but the means is much smaller. What type of selection occurred in those 10 generation

directional selection

A powerful ice storm in 1998 felled a large proportion of trees across much of northern New England, New York state, and southeast Canada. Although the storm led to decline in abundance for many species of birds, it created opportunities for other bird species. With regard to its effects on the abundance of bird species, the 1998 storm would be considered a

disturbance event

According Grimes classification scheme, processes that destroy plant biomass are called ......



don't have large trees and shrubs because of seasonal droughts, large herbivores, and occaisonal fires

The rainshadow effect refers to...

drier conditions on the leeward side of mountain ranges

The author suggests that one of the most important statistics is that nearly 30% of the people on the planet are under 15 years of age. Why is this important?

e. Young people are poised to move into their prime reproductive years.

Which of the following would cause a population to overshoot its carrying capacity?

e. a reproductive time lag between birth and death rates

Which of the following is an example of a density-dependent population control?

e. competition for resources

Demographic transition may be hindered in some developing countries by all of the following except

e. surplus of skilled workers

Plants such as bromeliads share a commensalism interaction with large trees in tropical and subtropical forests. The bromeliads are an example of


In a chaparral, you are least likely to find

epiphytes and a dense understory

where does the largest input of solar energy occur?


Species interactions such as predation change a population by promoting more

evolution in gene pools

Humans effect moutain biomes by

expanding populations who may use the land in an unsustainable way, ecotourism and recreation, and increased air pollution from urban areas (all of the above)

When plotting the number of individuals in a population against time the data yield a J-shaped curve, which indicates which of the following?

exponential growth

True or false: Hawaiian honey creepers have evolved into species with specialized niches, which has increase the competition between these species


True or false: detritus feeders and decomposes are considered predators


which of the following is the big disadvantage of living in a chaparral region

fire hazard

Microclimates are least likely to be produced by what?

flat plains

Plants of the artic tundra are adapted to...

freezing temperatures, lack of sunlight, and constant high winds

Which of the following is an example of a density-independent population control?

habitat destruction

Active predators tend to ........ Relative to sit and wait predators

have better endurance and rely more on olfactory cues (to capture prey)

temperate deciduous forest

have four distinct seasons and are generally dominated by broadleaf deciduous trees

mature temperate deciduous forest __ than tropical rain forests

have more ground level plant life

Mature temperate deciduous forests ____ than tropical rain forests.

have more plant life at ground level

succulent plants

have no leaves and can store water and synthesize food in their tissue in order to survive in very dry climates

Which of the following is false? Temperate deciduous forests...

have nutrient-poor soil

Which of the following adaptions would you least expect to find in desert animals?

have thick outer coverings to minimize water loss

tropical rain forest

have very high NPP, warm temperatures, and are dominated by broadleaf evergreen plants

desert soils take hundreds of years to recover from disturbances because of all the following except

high soil bacteria activity

Which of the following is not characteristic of the tropical desert?

humid conditions

In a tropical rainforest, direct sunlight is strongest

in the emergent layer

What is true about ozone?

in the stratosphere it forms a thermal cap important in determining the average temperature of the troposphere

Which of the following describes where a natural grassland would most likely be found?

in the zone lying between forest and desert

Geographical perspective helps us to understand ecolody by helping us to make connections...

in time and space

The earth's biomes were most likely created step by step by...

incoming solar energy and the earth's geometry create air and ocean currents that create climate patterns that create biomes

a country with a TFR that falls below 1.5 children per couple for a prolonged period will experience all of the following except

increasing number of working taxpayers

The ability of a living system to survive moderate disturbances is called


ocean currents

integral transports for water, determining weather patterns, and distributing dissolved oxygen and nutrients in oceans

Some species experience an explosion of population growth to a high peak followed by a crash to a more stable lower level. This is called which of the following


The greatest seasonal variation of temperature is likely to be seen over

land in the middle of a continent at high altitudes

Which of the following is not characteristic of some desert plants?

large leaves that droop in the bright sunlight

two useful indicators of overall health in a country or region are

life expectancy and infant mortality rate

In terrestrial plants, the closing of stomates to reduce water loss when water is scarce has two major trade-offs: photosynthesis is limited due to ......., and membranes can be damaged by ......

limited CO2 uptake; energy accumulation

most of the nutrients in the tropical rain forests are found in the

living organisms

Exponential growth followed by a steady decrease in population growth until the population size levels off is typic of

logistic growth

The fragility of the desert ecosystem is indicated by...

long regeneration time from vegetation destruction

which of the following would not be true of a tropical rainforest?

low net primary productivity

Artic tundra is perhaps earth's most fragile biome because of

low rate of decomposition, shallow soil, slow growth rate of plants, bitter cold (all of the above)

scientists expect human-enhanced global warming to do all of the following except

lower sea levels

what is not true of the us demographic?

lowest infant mortality rate

an age structure graph represents the number or percentage of

males and females among age groups in a population

If you were exploring a desert ecosystem, which of the following species would you least expect to find?

maple tree

Mountain biomes

may act as sanctuaries for animal species driven from lowland areas

which of the following is an example of a hemiparsite


the rain shadow effect refers to

moister conditions on the windward side of mountain ranges

Cool air is ..... warm area; as air cools it ......

more dense than, sinks

Population size is not determined by which of the following?


The relationship between clownfish and sea anemone is


Two or more species live together in a way that benefits both of them is


What are true about mycorrhizae

mycorrhizae are symbiotic association between plant roots and fungi

All of the following are greenhouse gases except...


which of the following is not one of the factors currently affecting birth and fertility rates?

number of people 60 and older

which of the following statements about oceans is not true

oceans currents flow counter-clowckwise in the northern hemisphere

In a tropical rainforest, you would expect to find a relatively open space free of vegetation

on the forest floor

which of the following is not a part of the degradation of forests by human activities?

overgrazing by livestock

An example is a tapeworm, fleas, or ticks


Humans affect grasslands by

planting crops, grazing domestic herds, and drilling wells for water (all of the above)

A group of interbreeding individuals of the same species in the same geographic region is called a


which of the following is not true of prairies?

prairies are typical of coastal regions of continents

which of the following is the primary limiting factor that controls the vegetative character of a biome?


Active feeding on a prey organism is


Chitons are ..... as shown by tide pool food web

primary consumers

In the tide pool food web shown above, acorn barnacles are .........

primary consumers

Which of the following is an example of ecological/secondary succession?

recently flooded land

Which of the following is not a general type of population change?


The size of a population will increase if this group is the largest in numbers.


Which of the following refers to the ability of a living system to be restored after a period moderate to severe disturbance?


Which of the following is not appropriate to use in describing a tropical rain forest?

rich soil

prevailing winds are the result of what

rotation of the earth on its axis

"Widely scattered clumps of trees, warm temperatures year-round, alternating dry and wet seasons, with herds of herbivores" are characteristics of which of the following?


If you were a National Geographic reporter assigned to cover large herds of grazing, hoofed animals, where would you most likely journey?


Which of the following examples represents secondary succession?

scorched earth left by a forest fire

the exponential rate of growth of the total human population over the past 100 years resulted from

sharp drop in death rates

Philodendrons and other office plants are most likely to come from which of the following layers of the tropical rain forest?

shrub layer

the primary limiting factors of the rain forest is

soil nutrients

Kelp forests are a very important ecosystem in marine waters by supporting important biodiversity. These kelp forests are threatened by all of the following except

southern sea otters

Many species of hoofed animals can live together in the African tropcial savanna because they have ____ eating habits that ____ competition for resources.

specialized... minimize

Animal species of the temperate deciduous forest often confine their life activities to a particular layer within the forest. Which of the following species, however, would be considered a "commuter" between the canopy and the forest layer?


According to the basic host-pathogen model, of the combined death and recovery rate from a disease doubles, and the effectiveness of the disease to spread from infected to uninfected individuals also doubles, the threshold density should

stay the same

Which of the following biomes does not belong with the others?


which of the following does alpine tundra receive in larger amounts than Arctic tundra?


All of the following would be considered types of temperate grasslands except...


If you find yourself in an extremely cold area covered primarily with spruce, fir, and cedar trees, you are most likely in a...


If you are walking through a forest dense with oak and hickory trees and thick with leaf litter underfoot, you would probably assume you are in a...

temperate deciduous forest

which type of desert would have high daytime temperatures in summer, lower temperatures in winter, and moderate precipitation

temperate deserts

You read the data records of a field ecologist who reports the following varieties of species: beetles, spiders, grasshoppers, many insects and invertebrates, earthworms, prairie dogs, rabbits, squirrels, meadowlarks, coyotes, foxes, hawks. You conclude that the field ecologist is located in a...

temperate grassland

The two most important factors in climate are what?

temperature and precipitation

the two most important factors determining the climate of an are are

temperature and precipitation

Climate is influenced by...

the amount of incoming solar radiation, the earth's rotation, the tilt of the earth's axis, and the moon's gravity (all of the above)

the total fertility rate is

the average number of children born to women in their reproductive years

The introduction of gasoline powered pumps to tap underground water supplies in the desert has served as a positive feedback loop to all of the following except...

the kangaroo rat population


the main reason tundras form many shallow lakes and ponds, as well as keeping methane gas locked in the soil

greenhouse effect

the natural phenomena that keeps te earth's temperature tolerably warm and habitable

Emigration is

the one-way movement of individuals out of a population to another area

You are going on a scientific expedition from the equator to the North Pole. As you leave the coniferous forest behind, you anticipate next exploring...

the role of lichens and mosses in boggy ecosystems

In context of host-parasite dynamics, a latent period is

the time between infection in a host and its own capacity to transmit the disease

The term greenhouse effect means what?

the trapping of heat energy in the troposphere by certain gaseous molecules

infant mortality rate refers to the number of children per 1000 births that die by

their first birthday

Nights in deserts are cold because of what?

there is poor insulating efffect from the desert's dry air

which of the following is not true about mountains?

they contain a minority of the world's forests

which of the following about temperate deciduous forests is false

they have nutrient poor soil

Late successional plants are largely unaffected by plants at earlier stages of succession, a factor called


which of the following is not an adaptation of desert plants for their environment

toxins in their stems to discourage being eaten

the term greenhouse effect describes

trapping of heat energy by molecules in the atmosphere

The parasite that has been linked to deformities in frogs is a

trematode worm

A bacterium provides essential amino acids to an aphid, which in turn provides sugars to the bacterium. assuming that each partner is benefiting from the interaction, this would be an example of a

trophic mutualism

A mature ____ has the greatest species diversity of all terrestrial biomes

tropical rain forest

True or false: animal predators tend to kill the sick, weak, aged, and least fit members of a species, therefore increasing the fitness of the prey species


True or false: grasslands have a high resilience and therefore can recover quickly from a fire


True or false: primary an secondary succession tend to increase biodiversity and the sustainability of communities and ecosystems


True or false: there are always limits to population growth in nature


"Treeless, bitterly cold most of the year, winters are long and dark, low growing plants permafrost" are the characteristics of which of the following?


An ecosystem with highest productivity in the ocean would most likely be found in

upwelling zones

the baby boom began in 1946 as men returned home from war. the increase in population was also the result of all of the following except

using children as part of the labor force

All of the following are forms of nondestructive behavior between species except

using the energy or body of another organisms as a food source

which of the following is a local area's short term temperature, precipitation, and humidity?


Which of the following statements about the earth's winds is not true?

wind increases global warming gases

There are fewer species in the coniferous forests than in the deciduous forests because few species can survive the...

winters, when soil moisture is frozen

all of the following reasons help explain why the untied states has one or the highest infant mortality rates of developed countries except

women delaying getting pregnant until later in life

which of the following would decrease the likelihood of a couple having a child?

women have opportunities to participate in education and employment

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