APUSH 1945-present day Unit and Period 7, 8, 9 (Postwar Communism and Present) Alan Brinkley

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[Protesting Deseg @ Little Rock] Which of the following anti-desegregation actions most forced federal executive interference in the South? A.State and municipal defiance of federal court orders and accompanying violence B.Local police barricading of entrances to "whites only" public establishments against entry by African Americans C.The urging by southern members of Congress to defy the U.S. Supreme Court rulings regarding segregation D.A continuing series of large rallies by white southerners, like that in the photo, which sometimes ended in violence.

State and municipal defiance of federal court orders and accompanying violence

[George Marshall] Which of the following provides the best rationale for the economic focus of the policy being supported in the above speech? A.A strong and swift economic recovery of the war-devastated countries would provide political stability against communism. B.The growth of the U.S. economy depended solely on the growth of the European economy. C.Providing economic assistance was key to distinguishing American democracy from Soviet-dominated communism. D.An economically stable Europe would keep Germany from rising again as a major power.

A strong and swift economic recovery of the war-devastated countries would provide political stability against communism.

[Map of South and Latin American Intervention Sites] In the evolution and execution of the policy represented in the above map, which of the following aspects most led to considerable political debate and controversy in the United States? A.Americans found themselves supporting non-communist regimes in Latin America, who were engaged in repressive and undemocratic political actions against their citizens. B.Frequent intervention in Latin America and Caribbean destabilized the overall region. C.A history of U.S. intervention eventually left all the Latin American countries hostile to the U.S. D.American intervention usually helped pro-democratic political activism occurring in the Latin American country.

Americans found themselves supporting non-communist regimes in Latin America, who were engaged in repressive and undemocratic political actions against their citizens.

[Revising the Patriot Act] Which of the following 20th century developments might most be in the mind of the editorial writer in suggesting caution? A.Anti-communist hysteria of the mid-century B.Civil rights movement against segregation C.Violent anti-war demonstrations D.Nuclear arms race with the Soviet Union

Anti-communist hysteria of the mid-century

[Protesting Deseg @ Little Rock] Which of the following best describes why the event that led to the protest in the above photo might be considered a turning point in U.S. civil rights history? A.It was a watershed moment by raising public outrage in the North regarding segregation laws the South had implemented since the end of Reconstruction. B.It brought into prominence the political debate over federal power vs. states' power. C.It jump-started the movement for improved education for African Americans in the South. D.By breaking the "separate, but equal" doctrine, it began the eventual dismantling of segregation laws.

By breaking the "separate, but equal" doctrine, it began the eventual dismantling of segregation laws.

"Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military security more than the net income of all United States corporations. This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence -- economic, political, even spiritual -- is felt in every city, every State house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together." -- President Dwight D. Eisenhower, speech delivered threedays before the expiration of his second term in 1961 The debate reflected in this speech is most reflective of which of the following periods of U.S. history? A.Roaring Twenties, during which the United States underwent a return to isolationism B.Cold War, during which the United States and Soviet Union struggled for global supremacy C.Great Depression, during which the United States saw a massive increase in federal power D.World War II, during which the United States experienced a rapid increase in war production

Cold War, during which the United States and Soviet Union struggled for global supremacy

[Reaction to the Young Delinquent] Which of the following groups from the 1960s and '70s represented the greatest continuity with the spirit exemplified by the group discussed in this excerpt? A.Counterculture movement B.Conservative evangelical movement C.Native American civil rights movement D.Women's rights movement

Counterculture movement

"Nixon and his advisors saw no contradiction in treating the communist world as both adversary and collaborator: adversary in fundamental ideology and in the need to prevent communism from upsetting the global equilibrium; collaborator in keeping the ideological conflict from exploding into a nuclear war. "Yet, having traversed the full emotional distance of America's disillusionment in Vietnam, many Americans began to look for reassurance through the reaffirmation of a moral commitment rather than a calculation of interest. "In the absence of a morally persuasive presidency, many of those reared on the traditional approach to American foreign policy—in both the liberal and the conservative camps—joined forces in opposing Nixon's new approach." - from Diplomacy by Henry Kissinger, political scientist and former Secretary of State, published in 1994 Which of the following accurately characterizes the "new approach" to foreign policy that Kissinger references in this excerpt? A.Isolationism saw the United States withdraw from global affairs to avoid the possibility of nuclear war with the Soviet Union. B.The process of Vietnamization transferred opposition to the Soviet-backed North Vietnamese forces to local South Vietnamese troops. C.Détente sought to form a relatively stable and peaceful co-existence between the United States and Soviet Union. D.Under the theory of containment, the United States acted to oppose the spread of Soviet influence worldwide.

Détente sought to form a relatively stable and peaceful co-existence between the United States and Soviet Union.

[Reagan on Defense and Spending] In keeping with the spirit of his Cold War stance reflected in the above excerpt, Reagan pursued which of the following foreign policies? A.Supporting stricter control over the aeronautics industry in supplying U.S. military needs B.Promoting American aid organizations to provide direct humanitarian assistance to impoverished countries, in order to lessen their likelihood of falling into communist hands C.Initially supporting arms control treaties D.Employing military action in developing countries against any internal, ideologically communist-leaning forces

Employing military action in developing countries against any internal, ideologically communist-leaning forces

[Protesting Deseg @ Little Rock] Which of the following best explains the central goal of the African American civil rights movement in the first half of the 20th century and how it had evolved by the latter half? A.Ending legal segregation to ending socialized discriminatory practices B.Ending the system of sharecropping and tenant farming to overturning segregation laws C.Obtaining citizenship under the Constitution to working for passage of a voting rights act D.Stopping white supremacy actions, like lynchings, to securing laws of equal opportunity

Ending legal segregation to ending socialized discriminatory practices

[Growing GDP, Constant Budget, Surplus during 90s, Deficit large; 1940s-present] Aside from an enormous jump in costs associated with popular government programs, which immediate federal policies most helped grow the deficits in the 1980s? A.An increase in federal taxes, leading to less investment in private economic enterprises B.Federal tax cuts and large increases in military spending C.Federal cuts in discretionary domestic spending, such as a reduction in federal assistance to states and cities D.Costs associated with various military anti-communism campaigns

Federal tax cuts and large increases in military spending

[Betty Friedan] Which of the following best describes a key motivator for the feminist movement of Friedan's era, which also played a key role in instigating the women's movement during the antebellum period? A.Desire for equality in voting rights and laws of property ownership B.Frustration at restrictions posed by societal ideas of proper roles for women vs. that of men C.Women's desire to refine the domestic role of women rather than redefine it D.Women's struggle to alleviate poverty within their communities

Frustration at restrictions posed by societal ideas of proper roles for women vs. that of men

[Reagan on Defense and Spending] Despite Reagan's stance, as reflected in the above speech, which of the following eventually led Reagan to negotiate a significant nuclear arms control agreement with then Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev? A.Gorbachev's sincerity in reforming Soviet politics B.Gorbachev's reckless and threatening rhetoric leading to fear of a nuclear confrontation C.Increased public demonstrations in the U.S. and Europe for nuclear arms control D.Gorbachev offering deep concessions, in light of Reagan's military initiative to build a "shield" against nuclear missiles using lasers and satellites

Gorbachev's sincerity in reforming Soviet politics

[Kissinger Diplomacy] Which of the following was an effect of the foreign policy shift discussed in this excerpt? A.U.S. forces began to resist communist troops in Vietnam B.Growth of the U.S. nuclear arsenal temporarily slowed C.Cold War tensions increased as diplomatic relations broke down D.Nixon warned of the power of the military-industrial complex

Growth of the U.S. nuclear arsenal temporarily slowed

[Reagan on Defense and Spending] Which statement best characterizes the effect that the Reagan administration sought to achieve through the above policy? A.Heavy arms spending would display U.S. military commitment in the Cold War. B.Rapid escalation of missile power would end rising tensions between Eastern and Western Europe. C.Investment in military technology would spur economic growth. D.Shared development of new military technology would ease relations with communist countries.

Heavy arms spending would display U.S. military commitment in the Cold War.

[Kerouac on Bureaucracy, 1957] Which of the following describes a significant limitation of this historical source for the study of mainstream cultural views in the 1950s? A.Fears over the spread of communist influence led Congress to tamp down on some artists. B.Television was a new medium that spread rapidly during this time period. C.Ideals like that reflected in the excerpt represented a small minority voice within U.S. popular culture. D.Rock'n'roll transferred an African American art form to an increasingly white audience.

Ideals like that reflected in the excerpt represented a small minority voice within U.S. popular culture.

[Betty Friedan] Critiques like Friedan's above helped illuminate the contradiction in the idealized role for women versus which of the following economic realities concerning women's roles by the latter half of the 20th century? A.Increasing numbers of married women were in the workforce. B.More jobs were available for women. C.Increasing numbers of women were impoverished. D.Women were the dominant consumer decision-makers.

Increasing numbers of married women were in the workforce.

[Reaction to the Young Delinquent] How was the emergence of the "new music" referenced in this excerpt a turning point in the development of U.S. culture? A.It acted to centralize U.S. mass culture for the first time. B.It was the first truly American musical form. C.It helped create a separate and powerful youth culture. D.It proved the influence of celebrities on popular life.

It helped create a separate and powerful youth culture.

[George Marshall] In which of the following ways can the adoption of the policy suggested in this speech best be seen as a turning point in the history of U.S. foreign policy? A.The U.S. military was increasingly perceived as weak and ineffectual, because of its focus on economic aid rather than military defense. B.It signaled a major U.S. commitment to a foreign policy of collective security, in which economic security was recognized as a major component. C.Domestic opposition to the costs of the plan led to an extended period of practical isolation from foreign affairs. D.Providing military and economic aid placed the U.S. in the role of global partner, rather than as a superpower.

It signaled a major U.S. commitment to a foreign policy of collective security, in which economic security was recognized as a major component.

[Silent Spring] Why was the movement inaugurated by the text above especially successful in integrating into American public policy and popular culture? A.Legislators saw it as a way to distract the public from an unpopular war. B.Federal officials were among the first to call attention to these problems. C.Corporate interests were slow to begin lobbying against it. D.It was purposefully centrist and non-threatening.

It was purposefully centrist and non-threatening.

[Kerouac on Bureaucracy, 1957] Opponents of the social ideals exemplified in this excerpt would have most likely believed that such sentiments caused which of the following problems in U.S. society? A.Economic stagflation B.Juvenile delinquency C.Gender inequality D.Racial discrimination

Juvenile delinquency

[Kissinger Diplomacy] The overall purpose of the foreign policy approach Kissinger describes represents a continuity with which of the following preceding U.S. foreign policies? A.Securing international stability by asserting a willingness to use massive force B.Proposal to establish League of Nations to combat threats C.Making an alliance with Great Britain to stop Germany and Japan's aggression D.Limiting the threat of communism through a policy of containment

Limiting the threat of communism through a policy of containment

[George Marshall] Which of the following U.S. policies following World War II was a second arm of the policy expressed above and shared the same overarching purpose? A.Expansion of U.S. military presence in China in support of anti-communist forces B.U.S. invasion and colonization of many smaller countries to plant American democracy C.Maintaining the military at wartime levels and building up a nuclear arsenal D.A sole focus on strengthening the domestic economy

Maintaining the military at wartime levels and building up a nuclear arsenal

[Brown VS BOE ruling] Along with legal challenges, which of the following was another common strategy for organized civil rights efforts during the mid-20th century? A.Race riots that often ended in destruction of ethnic urban neighborhoods B.Establishment of "Jim Crow" laws, which specifically affected African Americans C.Non-violent resistance, such as sit-ins and boycotts of segregated services D.Passage of constitutional amendments, including the Fifteenth Amendment expanding suffrage

Non-violent resistance, such as sit-ins and boycotts of segregated services

"We haven't built a new long-range bomber for 21 years. . . . Our land-based missiles are increasingly threatened by the many huge, new Soviet ICBM's. . . . At the same time, we're working in the START and INF negotiations with the goal of achieving deep reductions in the strategic and intermediate nuclear arsenals of both sides. We have also begun the long-needed modernization of our conventional forces. The Army is getting its first new tank in 20 years. The Air Force is modernizing. . . . Our nation needs a superior navy to support our military forces and vital interests overseas. . . . And we're building a real capability to assist our friends in the vitally important Indian Ocean and Persian Gulf region. This adds up to a major effort, and it isn't cheap. . . . Back in 1955, payments to individuals took up only about 20 percent of the Federal budget. For nearly three decades, these payments steadily increased and, this year, will account for 49 percent of the budget. By contrast, in 1955 defense took up more than half of the Federal budget. By 1980 this spending had fallen to a low of 23 percent. Even with the increase that I am requesting this year, defense will still amount to only 28 percent of the budget. The calls for cutting back the defense budget come in nice, simple arithmetic. They're the same kind of talk that led the democracies to neglect their defenses in the 1930's and invited the tragedy of World War II. We must not let that grim chapter of history repeat itself through apathy or neglect." --Ronald Reagan, address to the nation on Defense and National Security, March 23, 1983 Which action of earlier administrations was most rejected by the policy goals supported in this speech? A.Normalization of relations with communist nations B.Containment of the expansion of communist influence C.Military action in support of anticommunist regimes worldwide D.Economic support for developing nations near communist strongholds

Normalization of relations with communist nations

[Silent Spring] What was the most immediate effect of the rise of the movement exemplified by the above excerpt on federal government action? A.The passage of a federal tax on gasoline B.Participation in an international treaty setting pollution targets C.Passage of sweeping legislation to combat environmental pollution D.Constitutional crisis over the power of the federal government to regulate industry

Passage of sweeping legislation to combat environmental pollution

"There is a real danger that the new regime established by the [Patriot] act could produce a massive database on Americans, freely available to all units of government. The Patriot Act makes the same mistake the F.B.I. and C.I.A. have long made: favoring information quantity over quality. The universe of data that is shared should be narrowed, to focus on information closely related to suspected terrorism, and rather than being indiscriminately dumped, it should be given only to officials, at whatever agency, engaged in investigating terrorism." -- The New York Times editorial entitled "Revising the Patriot Act," April 10, 2005 Which of the following enduring debates in U.S. history does this editorial most reflect? A.Personal liberty v. social order B.Isolationism v. interventionism C.Separation of church and state D.Balance of power between the federal branches of government

Personal liberty v. social order

"The truth of the matter is that Europe's requirements for the next 3 or 4 years of foreign food and other essential products -- principally from America -- are so much greater than her present ability to pay that she must have substantial additional help, or face economic, social, and political deterioration of a very grave character. The remedy lies in breaking the vicious circle and restoring the confidence of the European people in the economic future of their own countries and of Europe as a whole. ... Aside from the demoralizing effect on the world at large and the possibilities of disturbances arising as a result of the desperation of the people concerned, the consequences to the economy of the United States should be apparent to all. It is logical that the United States should do whatever it is able to do to assist in the return of normal economic health in the world, without which there can be no political stability and no assured peace. Our policy is directed not against any country or doctrine but against hunger, poverty, desperation, and chaos. Its purpose should be the revival of working economy in the world so as to permit the emergence of political and social conditions in which free institutions can exist." -- George C. Marshall, remarks made at Harvard University on June 5, 1947 Which broad U.S. policy goal of the mid-twentieth century was supported by the implementation of the policy proposed in this speech? A.Reduction in the role of the federal government in relation to state authority B.Increased equality of opportunity through expansion of civil and human rights abroad C.Political and economic resistance to the spread of Soviet communist influence abroad D.Widespread reduction of poverty through active government intervention abroad

Political and economic resistance to the spread of Soviet communist influence abroad

[Map of South and Latin America Intervention Sites] Which of the following demographic changes in the U.S. can be most directly traced to the geopolitical circumstances represented in the above map? A.Many Latin American immigrants returned to their native homelands to fight for their country. B.The American West experienced a sharp increase in the Mexican American population. C.More American Indians began to move from the reservations into the cities, as the cities became more diverse with Latin American immigration. D.Portions of the United States experienced increased immigration from Latin American and Caribbean nations, which were undergoing internal political turmoil.

Portions of the United States experienced increased immigration from Latin American and Caribbean nations, which were undergoing internal political turmoil.

[Protesting Deseg @ Little Rock] Which of the following best represents a recurring constitutional debate since the founding of the nation that most underlies the A.Power of the federal government over that of states B.Need for government officials to heed popular grassroots efforts C.Legal qualifications for voting rights D.Proper limitations on the practice of free speech under the Constitution

Power of the federal government over that of states

[Eisenhower Military-Industrial] Which development twenty years later can most be seen as a continuation of the process which Eisenhower said the U.S. should guard against? A.The process of deindustrialization reducing the power of labor unions and blue-collar workers B.Withdrawal of U.S. troops from Vietnam C.Proposal to build a system of satellites and lasers to protect the U.S. from incoming missiles D.Collapse of the Soviet Union after a long and costly arms race with the U.S.

Proposal to build a system of satellites and lasers to protect the U.S. from incoming missiles

[Silent Spring] Which of the following statements best characterizes the effect that publications like Silent Spring had on environmental action over time in the latter half of the 20th century? A.Environmental organizations and corporations increasingly partnered. B.Existing environmental organizations declined in importance. C.Federal efforts to preserve public lands temporarily slowed. D.Public awareness of environmental issues grew dramatically.

Public awareness of environmental issues grew dramatically.

[Revising the Patriot Act] Which of the following most represents a fundamental change in American foreign policy in the years immediately following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the United States, and partly facilitated by those events? A.An acceleration of a policy of cultural diplomacy B.An increased dedication to a policy of containment of radicalism around the world C.Rejection of the tradition of constraint, which was a legacy of the policy of containment D.An increase in economic aid to developing countries to prevent the outcropping of terrorists

Rejection of the tradition of constraint, which was a legacy of the policy of containment

[Revising the Patriot Act] Which best explains how globalization influenced the growth of world terrorism? A.Resentment of capitalist and Western incursions into traditional cultures and religions B.Growth of free-trade agreements brought too many nations into competition at once C.A radical backlash against traditional native culture systems keeping those in poverty from advancing economically and technologically D.With increased availability of media, a growing awareness in developing nations of technological advances in other nations and a resulting sense of resentment

Resentment of capitalist and Western incursions into traditional cultures and religions

[Map of South and Latin America Intervention Sites] The U.S. actions shown on this map were a direct development of which of the following foreign policies? A.The U.S. Constitution dictated a policy of non-intervention. B.European nations must be forced to give up colonial claims in the developing world. C.Soviet communism can best be fought through a policy of containment. D.The U.S. would not allow European powers to intervene in the Western Hemisphere.

Soviet communism can best be fought through a policy of containment.

Identify ONE success of United States foreign policy from 1945 to 1980. Provide ONE piece of historical evidence to support your explanation. Contrast your answer against ONE of the failures of United States foreign policy from the same time period.

sample 1. Nixon Admin's visit to China (Ping Pong Diplomacy/ detente) 2.Ever since the establishment of Communism in China, this was the 1st visit by the US. While China and the USSR were in contest with the US's capitalism/democracy, the visit to China signified the goal of detente and stabilizing of Cold War tensions, rather than provoking more dissent between the contrasting nations. 3. interventions into the Middle east (3rd world) >> embargo that ruined the economy by Arab Nations, Iran Hostage crisis (inc anti-west tensions)

Describe ONE of the rapid economic or social changes in American society that fostered a sense of optimism in the years following World War II. Briefly explain the impact of this change on ONE of the following.IdentityPoliticsEnvironment Provide ONE piece of historical evidence to support your explanation.

sample 1. Truman's Fair Deal restoration 2. Expanding wage and housing for citizens through law changed the identity of society to favor citizens 3. Affluent Society's growth of the middle class and on avg. increased standard of living

"Today, education is perhaps the most important function of state and local governments. Compulsory school attendance laws and the great expenditures for education both demonstrate our recognition of the importance of education to our democratic society. It is required in the performance of our most basic public responsibilities, even service in the armed forces. It is the very foundation of good citizenship. Today it is a principal instrument in awakening the child to cultural values, in preparing him for later professional training, and in helping him to adjust normally to his environment. In these days, it is doubtful that any child may reasonably be expected to succeed in life if he is denied the opportunity of an education. Such an opportunity, where the state has undertaken to provide it, is a right which must be made available to all on equal terms. "We come then to the question presented: Does segregation of children in public schools solely on the basis of race, even though the physical facilities and other "tangible" factors may be equal, deprive the children of the minority group of equal educational opportunities? We believe that it does." — from U.S. Supreme Court decision in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 1954 Which of the following was an immediate effect of the U.S. Supreme Court decision excerpted here? A.Segregation was deemed unconstitutional in all public places. B.States could no longer legally maintain segregated public schools. C.Early childhood education efforts were expanded in low-income neighborhoods. D.Minority students gained preferential treatment in college admissions.

States could no longer legally maintain segregated public schools.

"Although older Americans grew up jitterbugging in the 1930s, and then lost their hearts to Frank Sinatra during the war—and although there were countless efforts to soften and disguise the raw edges of the new music of the 1950s—somehow, the new music appeared hostile, and aggressive. The sensuous strut of Elvis Presley was only the most obvious example of teenage music that seemed lower-class, cacophonous, and aggressive. But music could not be isolated, as both parents and teenagers recognized, from the seamless web of culture, centered on high schools, souped-up cars, teen magazines, and a social order of gangs, new dating customs, drive-in theaters, hair cuts, and clothes marked "inaccessible" to unsympathetic adults." — James Gilbert, historian, A Cycle of Outrage: America's Reaction tothe Juvenile Delinquent in the 1950s, published in 1986 The development described in this excerpt was in part a reaction against which of the following? A.The postwar era saw a sharp rise in the standard of living for the American middle class. B.Federal policies in the wake of World War II desegregated parts of society. C.Television and other media supported conformity to a homogeneous U.S. culture. D.The GI Bill allowed for more Americans to attain a college education than ever before.

Television and other media supported conformity to a homogeneous U.S. culture.

[Brown VS BOE ruling] Which of the following directly contributed to the swell of political sentiment that supported the issuance of the decision excerpted above? A.Postwar decolonization expanded international support for self-determination. B.The Cold War focused attention on U.S. cultural and social practices. C.The New Deal had greatly increased the role of the federal government in people's lives. D.Progressives had sought to reform political institutions to expand direct voter influence.

The Cold War focused attention on U.S. cultural and social practices.

[Map of South and Latin American Intervention Sites] American foreign policy as represented in the above map echoes which of the following stated U.S. policies from the early 1800s? A.The U.S. would not interfere in the internal affairs of Europe. B.America would remain neutral in Latin America's struggle against Spanish imperialism. C.The U.S. would consider any imperialistic movements by the European powers in the American continents as a hostile act. D.The U.S. would diplomatically recognize all new countries in Latin America arising from revolts against the Spanish empire.

The U.S. would consider any imperialistic movements by the European powers in the American continents as a hostile act.

[Map of South and Latin America Intervention Sites] Which of the following best represents how the Cold War policy demonstrated in the above map is different from the Cold War policy employed by the U.S. immediately following World War II? (Reagan Doctrine) A.The U.S. would act to oppose communist movements having a direct link to the Soviet Union, and not to any other communist movements. B.The U.S. would support any opposition to communism in the world, and not simply those with a direct connection to the Soviet Union. C.The U.S. would promote mutual coexistence over a policy of trying to "liberate" countries locked into the Soviet sphere of influence. D.The U.S. would take only defensive measures versus policies of actively promoting American democracy abroad.

The U.S. would support any opposition to communism in the world, and not simply those with a direct connection to the Soviet Union.

[Silent Spring] Aside from publications like Carson's, which of the following was the strongest force giving traction to the environmental movement of the latter 20th century? A.A massive demonstration in Washington D.C. B.Many politicians joined in the cause C.The actual damaged condition of the environment, which could be seen D.Efforts of the chemical industry to discredit ecological studies

The actual damaged condition of the environment, which could be seen

[Kissinger Diplomacy] Which of the following events most directly spurred the adoption of the new foreign policy approach discussed in this excerpt? A.The formation of an Eastern European military alliance had established a bulwark of communist power in Europe. B.The failures of military engagements had undermined public support for traditional anti-communist policies. C.Johnson's decision not to seek re-election had set the stage for the election of Richard Nixon in 1968. D.Nixon's visit to China opened formal relations with that nation for the first time since its adoption of a communist government.

The failures of military engagements had undermined public support for traditional anti-communist policies.

[Growing GDP, Constant Budget, Surplus during 90s, Deficit large; 1940s-present] Taking the three graphs into account, the argument could be made that federal budgets cuts did not have to be drastic in the late 20th and into the 21st century, because A.The gross national product created a counterbalance by decreasing in a parallel manner to the budget increase. B.The country experience some years of budget surpluses. C.The federal budget and deficit leveled off at a steady pace. D.The gross national product also experienced a similarly sharp increase.

The gross national product also experienced a similarly sharp increase.

[Protesting Deseg @ Little Rock] Which of the following federal measures most directly led to the protest depicted in the above photo? A.The judicial decision upholding the idea of "separate, but equal" B.Congressional passage of the Civil Rights Act C.The judicial decision overturning the precedent set by Plessy v. Ferguson D.Executive branch desegregation of the armed services

The judicial decision overturning the precedent set by Plessy v. Ferguson

[George Marshall] Which of the following statements best characterizes the larger effect of the policy stated in this speech on reshaping the role of the United States in global affairs? A.The nation became the political and economic leader of the Western world. B.Dedication of resources to national rebuilding left the United States unable to compete globally. C.The United States joined with democratic and communist countries to forcibly support anti-war policies. D.U.S. influence in the world became focused exclusively on Europe.

The nation became the political and economic leader of the Western world.

[Eisenhower Military-Industrial] Which of the following most directly helped the political and military complex which Eisenhower refers to in this speech flourish? A.The policy of "massive retaliation" promulgated in the 1950s B.Transformation of the U.S. as a manufacturing nation during the Second Industrial Revolution C.Communist revolutionaries in Russia successfully overthrowing their imperial government D.The research and testing of the first atomic bomb during WWII

The policy of "massive retaliation" promulgated in the 1950s

"They rushed down the street together, digging everything in the early way they had, which later became so much sadder and perceptive and blank. But then they danced down the streets like dingledodies, and I shambled after as I've been doing all my life after people who interest me, because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes 'Awww!'" - from On the Road, a novel by Jack Kerouac, 1957 Advocates of which of the following ideas would have been most supportive of the ideals expressed in this excerpt? A.The suburbs offered a respite from the growing crime and poverty of U.S. cities. B.Resistance to the Soviet Union was the United States' primary duty in the world. C.African Americans deserved to share in the constitutional rights of Americans. D.The rise of bureaucracy was damaging to the American spirit of individuality.

The rise of bureaucracy was damaging to the American spirit of individuality.

[Brown VS BOE ruling] The source excerpted above would be the most valuable when researching which of the following topics? A.The constitutional provisions establishing the right to an education B.The types of restrictions imposed by black codes in the South C.The qualifications and duties of the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court D.The role of the federal government in promoting racial equality

The role of the federal government in promoting racial equality

"In the less than two decades of their use, the synthetic pesticides have been so thoroughly distributed throughout the animate and inanimate world that they occur virtually everywhere. They have been recovered from most of the major river systems and even from streams of groundwater flowing unseen through the earth. Residues of these chemicals linger in soil to which they may have been applied a dozen years before." --Rachel Carson, scientist, Silent Spring, published in 1962 The development of which of the following provided the most significant basis for the promotion of environmentalism in the latter 20th century, as exemplified in the above excerpt? A.Creation of public awareness efforts B.Legislative pressures from interest groups C.The scientific field of ecology D.Federal establishment of national parks

The scientific field of ecology

[Brown VS BOE ruling] Which of the following circumstances presented the greatest challenge to the implementation of the Court decision excerpted above? A.States had varying laws and practices regarding the treatment of various ethnic groups. B.Slavery had not been constitutionally barred until the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment. C.Traditional white Southern ideas of identity included support for white supremacy. D.African Americans had spread northward in great numbers during the early twentieth century.

Traditional white Southern ideas of identity included support for white supremacy.

[Betty Friedan] For which of the following labor issues, challenged by women since the early 19th century, did the women's movement make some legal progress by the mid- to late 20th century? A.Unequal pay B.Unsafe physical working conditions C.Society's view of women's employment outside of the home as immoral D.Long working hours

Unequal pay

[Growing GDP, Constant Budget, Surplus during 90s, Deficit large; 1940s-present] Which factor most explains why new conservative Republicans in the latter 20th century failed in their attempts to reverse the trend of the federal budget? A.Electoral support for conservative politicians plummeted during the 1980s. B.Voters opposed the elimination of popular but expensive federal programs. C.Americans united behind a system of centralized social welfare programs. D.Popular opinion typically supported raising tax rates vs. reducing the deficit.

Voters opposed the elimination of popular but expensive federal programs.

[Betty Friedan] Which of the following arguments best explains why the feminist movement of the latter 20th century was quicker to achieve gains and to garner public support than the feminist movements of earlier eras? A.Making amendments to the U.S. Constitution became an easier process by the 20th century. B.Women of the mid-19th century generally believed that they lacked the possibility of making social or economic progress. C.Women had experienced greater economic and social opportunities during the 20th century than in the past. D.Women of the mid-20th century were more likely to experience poverty or economic struggle than in the past.

Women had experienced greater economic and social opportunities during the 20th century than in the past.

"By the end of 1949, only one out of three heroines in the women's magazines was a career woman—and she was shown in the act of renouncing her career and discovering that what she really wanted to be was a housewife. In 1958, and again in 1959, I went through issue after issue of the three major women's magazines (the fourth, Woman's Home Companion, had died) without finding a single heroine who had a career, a commitment to any work, art, profession, or mission in the world, other than "Occupation: housewife." Only one in a hundred heroines had a job; even the young unmarried heroines no longer worked except at snaring a husband." --Betty Friedan, journalist, The Feminine Mystique, published in 1963 The mid-20th century idealization of womanhood as described by Friedan is most like which conception of womanhood from the 19th century? A.Moral superiority of women B.Women's role earning income outside the home, such as in the factories C.Limiting of "women's" work to social reform efforts D.Women's separate sphere of domesticity

Women's separate sphere of domesticity

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