APUSH - A People and a Nation AP Review

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Internment of Japanese Americans

In 1942, Roosevelt ordered all foreign-born Japanese and Japanese Americans living in California, Oregon, and Washington be moved to "relocation centers"

March on Washington

In August 1963, civil rights leaders organized a massive rally in Washington to urge passage of President Kennedy's civil rights bill. The high point came when MLK Jr., gave his "I Have a Dream" speech to more than 200,000 marchers in front of the Lincoln Memorial.

Civic rituals

In Chesapeake, rituals happened in every court on every election day. All of the men got together to settle everything and court practices.

Why did Europeans try to gain and retain control of such the volcanic islands that suffered constant hurricanes?


Seminole Wars

In FL, small group called Seminoles resist- leaders in 1832 Treaty of Payne's Landing to relocate in 3 years to West; some opposed, some did not know it existed Minority under Osceola refuse to leave homes and fought pro-treaty leaders → 1835 federal troops sent to impose removal; guerilla war against them led by Osceola Florida Indians are Seminoles and Indian-African Americans (ex slaves, descendants of slaves) → US army saw all as Seminoles subject to removal Kept fighting under Chief Coacoochee (Wild Cat) 1842 Us give up on removal effort 1858 some Osceola leave to go west, others stay in Fl

The Sussex

In March 1916, a U-boat attack on a French vessel crossing the English Channel, took the United States a step closer to war. Four Americans were injured on that ship, which the U-boat commander mistook for a minelayer

John Brown

In May; pro-slavery posse sent to arrest Free-Soil leaders sacked Lawrence, Kansas where they killed several people, and destroyed a hotel with a canon shot --> Radical abolitionist John Brown murdered five pro-slavery settlers

The Bolshevik Revolution

In November 1917, the liberal-democratic government of Aleksander Kerensky, which had led the country since the czar's abdication early in the year, was overthrown by radical socialists led by V. I. Lenin. Lenin seized power vowing to change world politics and end imperial rivalries on terms that challenged Woodrow Wilson's

28. the Munich Conference

In September 1938, British and French leaders again chose appeasement. They caved in to Hitler's demands to annex the Sudetenland to Germany and then persuaded the Czechs to surrender the Sudetenland without a fight. In exchange, Hitler assured Britain and France that he had no further plans to expand his territory. The Czech crisis revealed the Nazi menace.

Collective security vs unilateralism

In a world dominated by imperialist states unwilling to subordinate their strategic ambitions to an international organization, Americans preferred their traditional nonalignment and freedom of choice over binding commitments to collective action

Individual representation

In colonies, lower houses of assimbles representing the regions that had elected them

The southern Conservatives

Same as above.

Lincoln's "10 Percent" Plan

In his plan for reconstruction, Lincoln argued that all pardons would be granted to all ex-Confederates except for high-ranking military and civilian officers. Then, as soon as ten percent of the voting population had taken an oath to the United States and established a government, the new state would be recognized.

24. "Brain Trust"

In preparing for a national political platform, Roosevelt surrounded himself with a _______ of lawyers and university professors. These experts reasoned that bigness was unavoidable in the modern American economy. The cure for the nation's ills was to place large corporations, monopolies, and oligopolies under effective government regulation. Also agreed that it was essential to restore purchasing power to farmers, blue-collar workers, and the middle classes, and that they to do so was to cut production. If demand for a product remained constant and they supply was cut the price would rise. Producers would make higher profits, and workers would earn more.

44. Japan's "New Order"

In response, the Roosevelt administration during the late 1930s gave loans and sold military equipment to Jiang's Chinese government

Accommodationists vs. traditionalists.

Indians adopt white customs, sell land, and move west to survive vs. others advocate return to native ways and refuse to give up land.

"civilizing act" of 1819

Indians struggle to adjust, but as more Americans move west, they assimilate Plough, Bible, industry, morality; missionary lobbying funded for "civilizations of tribes adjoining to the frontier settlements" Protestant missionaries administer funds; new mission school In 5 years, 32 new boarding schools for indians Taught agriculture and Christian gospel

The Sugar Act

Iniated in 1764 by Parliament. It revised existing customs and regulations

The Currency Act

Inicated in 1764 by Parliament. It outlawed most colonial paper money

Arab Israeli Conflict

Iran and Egypt nationalists causing problems. Britain's tries to enlist US officials in the effort to find a solution to how to spit Palestine between Arabs and Jews. US refuses and they turn to UN instead which voted to partition Palestine into separate Arab and Jewish states. Arab rejects but Jews create Israel

Arab Oil

Israel's ruling shah granted American oil companies 40% interest in a new petroleum consortium in return for CIA help in a successful overthrow of Mossadegh

The Thirteenth Amendment

It abolished involuntary servitude everywhere in the United States, and it declared that Congress shall have power to enforce this outcome by "appropriate legislation".

Virtual representation

It is how parliament viewed representation. All Brit's were represented by parliament

25. the Rome-Berlin Axis and the Anti-Comintern Pact

Italian and German alliance, and Germany and Japan union against the Soviet Union

Battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa

Iwo Jima- during the Yalta Conference, Japanese troops battled for the island less than 5 miles lon. US fought for 20 days, only 200 Japanese survived. Okinawa- Fighting raged for two months, monsoon rains turned battlefields into seas of mud, Japanese pilots intentionally crashed bomb-laden planes into American ships

The Palmer Raids

J. Edgar Hoover planned and directed the operation; government agents in thirty-three cities broke into meeting halls and homes without search warrants. More than four thousand people were jailed and denied counsel

Battle of New Orleans

Jackson takes New Orleans even though it took place 2 weeks after the diplomats ended the war and signed the Treaty of Ghent. Didn't help militarily but did make Jackson popular and brought more nationalism.

Stuart Monarch

James and Charles I had less tolerance for Puritans and Separatists.

Settlement Houses

Jane Addams - created most famous one, take in immigrants, teach English, alleviate problems of working poor

43. the Panay incident

Japanese aircraft sank the American gunboat Panay, an escort for Standard Oil Company tankers on the Yangtze River. Two American sailors died during the attack. Tokyo apologized and offered to pay for damages.

41. the Sino-Japanese War

Japanese forces seized Beijing and cities along the coast. The gruesome bombing of Shanghai intensified anti-Japanese sentiment in the United States. In an effort to help China by permitting it to buy American arms, Roosevelt refused to declare the existence of war, thus avoiding activation of the Neutrality Acts

Election of 1804

Jefferson and Clinton run to keep up tradition of a North and South balance. They win. Creates more hatred between Burr and Hamilton.

Election of 1808

Jefferson declines and for the first time 3 people run for president. Younger Federalists make most of people's disaffection with Democratic Republican policies. Still Madison wins.

Democratic Republican frugality

Jefferson sees national debt as corrupting unlike Hamilton and cuts army, navy budget by half. Closes 2/5 of America's diplomatic missions. Repeals internal taxes.

Danbury letter

Jefferson sends letter to the Baptists who gave him mammoth cheese and says that the First Amendment supports a wall of separation between Church and State. Ruins Federalists' plan to label him as an atheist.

Customs collectors

Jefferson wants loyal public servants who are loyal so dismissed Federalist _____________________ and gives many of the offices to Republicans.

Louisiana Purchase

Jefferson wants to appease people so sends militiamen to New Orleans and Monroe + Livingston to get Louisiana. France offers Louisiana for amazing price of 15 million. Napoleon needs money more than empire. Greatest Jeffersonian success. Appealed to all Americans and many westerners settle. Easterners get cheap and fertile land plus displaced Indians can live there. Critics doubted its constitutionality and Federalists dislike it because spreads people away. Already had many diverse people who are angry that don't have rights that Americans do.

Johnson's "swing around the circle"

Johnson's personal campaigning strategy to bring him around the Northeast, the Midwest, and back to Washington to get his message across to all citizens,

The Seven Years War

July 1755, the British were being attacked by the French and the Indians. The British were first defeated but then Britain declared war on France

Lecompton constitution

Kansas Popular Sovereignty 1857 Kansas vote on Lecompton proslavery Constitution Ten thousand votes in prohibited referendum showed distaste for slavery; yet forced upon by President Buchanan Slave Power was evident- Buchanan/south push for pro-slavery despite majority dissatisfaction Douglas against Lecompton Constitution bc popular sovereignty → S. Dems mad Beginning of when South thinks they must secede and be separate

The Glorious Revolution

King James II's policies outraged the people of England and he was asked to resign King William II and his wife, Mary II, took the thrown without any war or bloodshed (hence the term "glorious") political - a change in control without any war or bloodshed

Bennet Barrow

LA cotton planter is newly rich planter of 1840's; cotton crop is risky with unpred weather, more sympathy for horse than slave; worry of slave insurrection (Ginney Jerry) tried to run off and was whipped and shot


LOOK AT WS --> type up?

The Red Scare

Labor union leaders emerged out of the war determined to secure higher wages for workers, to meet rising prices, and to retain wartime bargaining rights. Employers instead rescinded benefits they had been forced to grant to labor during the war, including recognition of unions. The result was a rash of labor strikes in 1919, which sparked the Red Scare

17. 20th Amendment

Lame-duck amendment, ratified in 1933, shifted all future inaugurations to January 20th. Left the nation in trouble.

Lord Dunmore's War

Large scale conflict between Virginia militia and Shawnees. Virginia gained uncontested rights to lands south of the Ohio Country in exchange for northern claims.

violence against slaves in the antebellum South

Lash and whip keeps them in order- less frequent on small farms than large ones; show authority of master and tyranny of slave Slaveholders rarely respond to law and state Caribbean-treatment so poor and death rate so high that male slave population shrank US- steady increase more births than deaths Coercion; belong to someone, n chance of mobility or change

personal-liberty laws

Laws enacted in many northern states that guaranteed to all residents, including alleged fugitives, the right to a jury trial.

Compromise of 1850

Laws passed in 1850 that were meant to resolve the dispute over the status of slavery in the territories. Key elements include the admission of California as a free state and the Fugitive Slave Act.

Lord North and Lord George Germain

Leaders of Great Britain's troops.

30. the American Liberty League

Leaders of several major corporations joined with Al Smith, John W. Davis, and the disaffected Democrats to establish the ____. Members contended that the New Deal welfare payment were subverting individual initiative and self-reliance.

Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner

Leaders of the opposition to Lincoln's 10% Plan. Congressional Republicans locked horns with Lincoln and proposed a harsher approach to reconstruction.

Booker T. Washington

Leading black figure of the late nineteenth century; stressed education and accommodation.

Black Panthers

Led by Bobby Seale and Huey Newton, A black political organization that was against peaceful protest and for violence if needed. The organization marked a shift in policy of the black movement, favoring militant ideals rather than peaceful protest.

Women's Movement

Led by Susan B. Anthony,Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Sojourner Truth

Chief Dragging Canoe

Led group of cherokees to try to regain land and failed. Ultimately fled west.

Voting regulations

Left to individual states to decide. In New Jersey women had right to vote until 1807. Also in most states African Americans can vote but local customs limit there.

Hepburn Act

Legislation that strengthened regulatory powers of the Interstate Commerce Commission, particularly over railroads, and later other businesses and industries.

Patriots War

Second war happening in the South. Private American army with secret help from Madison try to take Florida from Spain. Federalists condemns them for attacking neutral land and Senate refuses the military seizure of Florida. Madison withdraws his support and it fails.

Republican Party

Lincoln argues that the founders kept word slavery out of Constitution and banned in NW because it was like cancer for nation; Lincoln warn that this Act would not be ensuing liberty Many agree with Lincoln; anti-slavery Whigs and Democrats, Free-Soilers, and other reformers of NW join to form (¼ of n.Democrats switch) Republicans were dedicated to keep slavery out of states --> quickly spread to East, and they won 1854 elections (also earned majority of n. seats)

The Emancipation Proclamation

Lincoln issued this Proclamation in two parts, one freeing the slaves in the Confederacy, the other part in the North.

presidential election of 1860

Lincoln won, yet all other three candidates with vote together had majority; Lincoln won electoral votes, only 40% of total vote, name not even on ballot for ten states

New York City draft riot

List of disturbances in relation to the draft. People were now in violent opposition to the government, especially the ordinary citizens who were facing the draft.

American System

Made by Madison and introduces a national bank and a transportation and protective tariff. Would ease sectional divide and the tariff would create more industry.

Second Bank of the US

Made under the American System. Oversaw state and local banks to make sure paper had specie backing.

Tariff of 1816

Made under the American System. To help industries started during war and now threatened by consumption of oversea products. Helps levy taxes on imported goods. Southerners object.

Presidential Election of 1812

Madison wins this again.

Francis Scott Key

Major battle at Baltimore where American Ships on hold. Writes Star Spangled Banner during bombardment of Fort McHenry while war is at a stalemate.

Chief Justice John Marshall

Makes Supreme Court retain a strong Federalist mold. Very influential and made judiciary branch equal to other parts of the government. Made it more united. Wrote 24/26 decisions and 85% of opinions.

Samuel Slater

Makes first cotton mill and ushers in a cotton revolution along with the British Manufacturing Company that makes a model industrial village. Lobbied to get cheap British textile included in Tariff.

Eli Whitney

Makes the cotton gin so one person can remove much more cotton and not short staple of cotton can be used and spreads. Increases demand for slaves. Makes Americans rely on New Orleans port

39. Japanese seizure of Manchuria

Manchuria served Japan both as a buffer against the Soviets and as a vital source of coal, iron, timber, and food. More than half of Japan's foreign investments rested in Manchuria. violated the Nine-Power Treaty and the Kellogg-Briand Pact, but the United States did not have the power to compel Japanese withdrawal, and the League of Nations did little but condemn the Tokyo government

Formosa and Chinese island dispute

Manu and Jinmen islands bombarded by Communist China; Eisenhower decides to defend the outposts that was held by Taiwan

African immigrants

Many came between 1700 & 1800, about 11 million Africans came to America but only 250000 made the journey. This greatly increased the population

Advanced education in eighteenth-century colonial America

Many people went on to collage to learn more. This meant less people in the field but it also meant that once they came back there could be better farm production.

Sino Soviet schism

Mao leaned more towards the Soviet side but resented Soviet's refusal to aid communists during the civil war

Marbury vs. Madison case

Marshall appointed Federalist Marbury as justice of peace and Madison declines this instead Jefferson appoints Republican. Marbury sues. Wants a writ of Mandamus: court order forcing president to appoint him. Dilemma: Should Federalist judges make it and president won't comply or lose court case to Republicans. Marshall finds genius solution. Allows judicial review.

Theory of judicial review

Marshall says that Constitution doesn't allow Supreme Court to issue a writ of mandamus and this part of Judiciary Act is unconstitutional. Now court can have greater independence and judge constitutionality of Congress laws.

the Niagara movement

Meeting in 1906 after the break with Washington and Du Bois being the leaders. It was on the Canadian side because no U.S hotel would admit blacks. The movement had an impact far beyond scattering of members and local bodies it organized. The principles it affirmed would define the struggle for the rights of African Americans: encouragement of black pride, an uncompromising demand for full political and civil equality and the denial that the African Americans were inferior and could be put up with insults and more.

enslaved peoples music

Meetinghouse; thrust arms, music with feet, swaying, Fist and Heel worshippers "Yes" and "amen" Sorrow songs; imminent rebirth Songs have intimacy and closeness with God Some have unremarkable rebelliousness Folklore where weak can win by wit

Thomas Oliver Larkin

Merchant in. Monterey, CA, did NOT assimilate into Mexican culture white working with Mexican politicians and landowners.

William Dawes, Paul Revere, and Dr. Samuel Prescott

Messengers warning of the impending British troops on Lexington and Concord.

22. Lazaro Cardenas

Mexico leader who strengthened trade unions so they could strike against foreign corporations

Battle of the Bulge

Military offensive led by Germany. Named for the eighty-mile-long and fifty-mile-wide "bulge" that the German troops drove inside the American lines

Lewis and Clark Expedition

Military style mission to chart region's commercial possibilities and diversity there. Want to claim it before British. Discover many unknown Indian tribes. Called the Corps of discovery and goal was peace with Indians who they wanted to take advantage of. Brought many gifts for Indians who aren't impressed by them and tensions rise.

landless whites of the antebellum South

Minority of white southern workers-25-40% hired men with no land and worked in countryside/town Property was few household items and animals (Ex Irish immigrants-hard work such as building railroads and digging ditches) Hard to get land with low wages; if rent, unpredictable market price of crops → some manage to be at rank of yeoman farmer (Bennetts-10 years to get land, unstable cotton along with corn/wheat) → 300,000 and 400,000 in VA, NC, SC, GA-⅕ of total white population lived in poverty Land and slave determine wealth in South-many had neither

Missouri issue

Missouri petitions Congress for statehood and wants to permit slavery but this would unbalance the slave and non slave states in the Senate. At same latitude as IL a free state so scared slavery will move into North.

Dred Scott case

Missouri slave Dred Scott and wife sue for freedom since slave owner took them to IL (free state) and Minnesota territory (free under Missouri Compromise) → won then lost over 11 years as it moves up to appellate, state, fed, and SC Result: 1857 SC Justice Taney report that Scott was not citizen of US/Missouri, residence in free state did not mean he was free, Congress had no power from barring slavery → Overturned Compromise of 1850 and Wilmot proviso/ popular sovereignty Slave Power had seemed to won; and Taney emphasized that founders believed slaves were not meant to be citizens, and are inferior (Wrong because they are citizens in original states/voted)

2nd Missouri Compromise

Missouri wants to prevent black people from entering their state and this compromise says that Missouri guarantees that none of its laws would discriminate vs. citizens of other states.

Nuclear Buildup

Moscow built first intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) and launched "Sputnik" into space; NASA created

The Real Whigs

Most of the colonists in the colonies identified themselves with theorists opposing centralized governments


Movement demanding women's voting rights

. The Social Gospel

Movement launched in the 1870s that stressed that true Christianity commits men and women to fight social injustice wherever it exists.

4. the Washington Naval Conference

Multinationals conference led by US Secretary of State Hughes to address the problem of the United States, Great Britain, and Japan edging toward a dangerous (and costly) naval-arms race

Paul Carrington Cameron

NC's largest slaveholder, thought with this mentality, sympathy and moral responsibility as slave owner

Ellis Island

NY harbor, inspect immigrants for disease, register them, some forced to Americanize last names

Bacon's Rebellion

Nathaniel Bacon vs. Governor William Berkeley He led a group of people to the governor's house and they burned it.

Native Americans

Nationalists overlook their claims to American land. Jefferson has sympathy for them but still lobbied for a constitutional amendment to transport them west of Mississippi river. when legal actions fail wants to use trickery and have traders put them into debt.

Compare and contrast the sexual division of labor among Native American, African, and European cultures?

Native American: *men hunted, protected home, *women gathered food/processed it, made clothing, bore children *both took part in politics, however, men tended to have more say, both took part in religion African: *men hunted, managed livestock, and did most of the fishing *women took care of children, food preparation, made clothing, primary local traders *agricultural duties were shared, as were politics European: *men did most of the fieldwork, herded livestock, was trained in a trade of some sort *women helped a little in the field, primarily took care of children and house *men dominated in all areas in life of Europe

slave resistance and rebellion

Seize opportunities to change work conditions; slack off, never lay strength out freely Theft of food, crops, liquor,livestock Attack overseer and even their owners violently - flogged, sold, hanged Attempt to run to the North (assistance from Underground Railroad); some just temporarily → 80% male flee, women could not leave children behind (slavery was insecure institution)

National Road

Need for better transportation so this made along with many different canals that help connect south and north.

Neolin and Chief Pontiac

Neolin was a Dewlaware prophet. Chief Pontiac was a war chief. The two clashed ideas and caused a great "war"


Network of transportation and communication

Parsian politics

New Baptist and Methodist groups based on democracy say that all humans are equal and inspired by talk of equality and non-elites spread political visions work to reshape debates by doing more than taking a stance.

personal-liberty laws

New England adopts this where they block the federal enforcement of the Fugitive Act

Restoration Colonies

New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, South Carolina, and North Carolina


New print culture and give national importance to local events like mammoth cheese. Mostly parsian and about 260-396

Scottsboro Boys

Nine black boys were accused of raping two white women near Scottsboro, Alabama. Without given a defense lawyer, 8 of the 9 were convicted to death

Kitchen Debate

Nixon traveled to Moscow to open an Americans products fair, communism vs capitalist

The East St. Louis riot of 1917

Northern whites who resented "the Negro invasion" vented their anger in riots, as in East St. Louis, Illinois, in July 1917. The next month, in Houston, where African American soldiers faced white harassment and refused to obey segregation laws, whites and blacks exchanged gunfire. Seventeen whites and two African Americans died, and the army sentenced thirteen black soldiers to death and forty-one to life imprisonment for mutiny

Confederate States of America

Separate state conventions with Miss, FL, AL, GA, LA, TX, with SC - new government

Bleeding Kansas

Northerners send in abolitionists/armed Free-Soilers/Southerners send in re-enforce slavery and prevent north from taking it away→ bloodshed In elections, and John Brown affairs, bloodshed was inevitable among two conflicting ideologies and parties

The nonimportation-nonconsumption movement of 1768-1770

Not useing, selling or buying any British products. Some merchants broke a vow in support of the movement

John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry

October 1859 took 18 white and blacks to federal arsenal waiting for slave rebellion to erupt December Virginia execution of John Brown Abolitionists had financially backed him → Fear of South intensify; called it midnight terrorism, dread of "abolitionist emissaries" who incite slave rebellion, Reps condemn Brown's actions, but condemn slavery more

The Stono Rebellion

September 9, 1739, 20 enslaved men escaped from their plantation. They went on killing people but were soon stopped and killed.

The Seven Days' Battles

Series of engagements when Lee struck at McClellan's army. Lee never managed to close his pincers around the retreating Union forces, but the daring move of taking the majority of his army to attack forced McClellan to retreat toward the James River.

Special Field Order No. 15

Set aside 400,000 acres of land in the Sea Islands region for the exclusive settlement of the freed people.

mayflower compact

Set of agreed upon and voted for laws for the members of the Plymouth Colony to live by and run their government

The Proclamation of 1763

October of 1763. To help govern all new land from France. It forbidden colonists from moving onto Indians land.

The Homestead Act of 1862

Offered cheap, and sometimes free, land to people who would settle the West and improve their property.

Lord Dunmore's proclamation, November 1775

Offered freedom to any slaves or indentured servants who left their masters. Intended to disrupt Southern Economy.

War Refugee Board

Set up refugee camps in Europe and played a crucial role in saving many Jews from death

The Boston Massacre

On March 5 1770 a group of people gathered and started throwing snowballs. Customs officers then shot killing 4 and injuring 8

The mail bombs of May 1919

On May 1, a day of celebration for workers around the world, bombs were sent through the mails to prominent Americans. Most of the devices were intercepted and dismantled, but police never captured the conspirators

Frederick Douglass

One of the most prominent African American figures in the abolitionist movement; escaped from slavery; advocated freedom from slavery & full citizenship rights for all blacks.

Thaddeus Stevens' plan for land redistribution in the South

Only 1/10 of the land affected by his plan was earmarked for freedman, in forty-acre plots. The rest was to be sold to generate money for Union veterans' pensions, compensation to loyal southerners for damaged property, and the federal debt.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

Organization that called for sustained activism, including legal challenges, to achieve political equality for blacks and full integration into American life.


Organization that challenged segregation in the courts and is one of the oldest civil rights organization in the US, founded by W.E.B. DuBois in 1909.

the Second Continental Congress

Organized the colonies for war.

Voting Rights Act 1965

Outlawed literacy test and sent federal registrars to the south to register African America voters.

committees of observation and inspection

Oversaw implementation of the boycott and became the defacto government.

John Sutter

Owner of the mill where gold was discovered that helped start the California Gold Rush

"ostrich game"

Sexual relations with planters and slaves; wife should ignore and be virtuous, creates racial problem

The Amnesty Act of 1872

Pardoned most of the remaining rebels and left only five hundred barred from political offense holding.

Naturalization Act of 1802

Pardons people under Sedition and Alien acts. Instead citizens wait 5 years for residency and need to ally with the constitution and get rid of foreign alliances

3. "Hoovervilles"

Shantytowns made by the homeless, where they lived in shacks made of everything from egg crates to discarded boards and bricks

War of 1812 vote

Sharply divided and won by a close tie. Both parties are very closely divided. Madison points to assaults on American sovereignty, impressments, violation of neutral trading rights, and British alliance with western Indians. Many of militants were land hungry Southerns and Westerners.

National Security Act

Passed in 1947 in response to perceived threats from the Soviet Union after WWII. It established the Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and National Security Council.

the Mann Act

Passed in June, 1910. Barred the passage of persons across state lines for the purpose of prostitution or any other immoral purpose. Intended to curb commercial prostitution, not private relationships. Johnson is found guilty for paying to move Bell Schreiber to Chicago to start her own prostitution house. Flees country on bail

Carlisle Indian School

Pennsylvania, take Indian youth and make them learn to be like white people, can only speak English, taught trades

Religious rituals

People sat in very different sections in the church. People had to buy their own peiw. They were separated by sex, age, wealth or status.

the Enlightenment

People started to dable in the new sciences. Started to become more interested in things like witchcraft and astronomy.

Acadian deportation

People that once lived in Nova Scotia were shipped out back to France or to the Caribbeans. Many people never went back "home" and many family's were separated

Urban poverty

People who were poor, were rich enough to own some nice things. They worked hard to preserve religion and pass it on to the next generation.

Royal African Company

People who were sent to run it ended up returning to England.

Appomattox Court House

Place of surrender by General Lee. Ending battle of the Civil War.

General Robert E. Lee

Placed as chief military adviser by Confed. President Jefferson Davis. Initially opposed secession, but gave his allegiance to this state and became a staunch Confederate nationalist.

presidential election of 1848

Polk does not have a second term; Democrats elect Cass who supports popular sovereignty doctrine, and does not allow gov to interfere with expanding slavery. Southern Democrats don't trust Cass and vote Whig Zachary Taylor who also believed Congress should not interfere with slavery. The third party called Free Soil Party committed to Wilmot Proviso and more white jobs, but only won 10% of vote nominating Van Buren

Women in the work force

Shortage of labor --> Some white women left domestic service for factories, shifted from clerking in department stores to stenography and typing, or departed textile mills for employment in firearms plants

Trench warfare and poison gas

Since the fall of 1914, zigzag trenches fronted by barbed wire and mines stretched across France. Between the muddy, stinking trenches lay "no man's land," denuded by artillery fire. When ordered out, soldiers would charge enemy trenches. If machine gun fire did not greet them, poison gas might

The Battle of Antietam

Single bloodiest battle in American history. McClellan moved slowly and failed to use his larger forces in simultaneous attack, and allowed Lee's stricken army to retreat to safety across the Potomac. When the battle was over, Lincoln removed McClellan from command.

The Fourteenth Amendment

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."

Zachary Taylor

"Old Rough and Ready", (1849-1850), Whig president who was a Southern slave holder, and war hero (Mexican-American War). Won the 1848 election. Surprisingly did not address the issue of slavery at all on his platform. He died during his term and his Vice President was Millard Fillmore.

National Farmer's Alliance and Industrial Union

Populist movement, complain that railroads are taking advantage of them when the rates actually decreased, said they were losing purchasing power when it actually was increasing

Plessy v. Fergusson 1896

"separate but equal", legalizes segregation, always separate, not equal

Manhattan Project

$22 billion secret effort tot build an atomic bomb. Acheivede the world's first sustained nuclear chain reaction

Henry VIII

(1491-1547) King of England from 1509 to 1547; his desire to annul his marriage led to a conflict with the pope, England's break with the Roman Catholic Church, and its embrace of Protestantism. Henry established the Church of England in 1532.

Harriet Beecher Stowe

(1811-1896) American author and daughter of Lyman Beecher, she was an abolitionist and author of the famous antislavery novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin.

enslaved peoples religion

(1830's)-native born Americans Men hair into rows and fancy designs Women hair worn in string, secured with cloth W Africa style and color of kerchief Decorate grave with glass Music, Religion, Folk tales Sacred world-view; affect work, leisure, self understanding African instruments and dancing patterns, ring shot call and response Deceased relatives on earth until they can go to hell Develop racial identity → sense of separatism from past to present; some cultural adaptation, new response to US experience

slaveholding planters of the antebellum South

(1850)-50% of southern slaveowners had fewer than 5 slaves, 72% less than ten, 88% less than 20 Avg slaveholder was not wealthy aristocrat but aspiring farmer

the Seventeenth Amendment

(1911) The Seventeenth Amendment reformed the process by which senators were appointed. Starting with the Continental Congress, senators had been chosen by the senator's state legislature. With the introduction of the Seventeenth Amendment, however, senators were elected directly by the people.

the Clayton Anti-Trust Act

(1914) was the response to wilson's call for steps to be taken to break up monopolies, modified the sherman anti-trust act by now exempting unions from restraint of trade provisions, but only when pursing legitimate aims.

Social Security Act

(FDR) 1935, guaranteed retirement payments for enrolled workers beginning at age 65; set up federal-state system of unemployment insurance and care for dependent mothers and children, the handicapped, and public health

Denmark Vesey

(Like Gabriel's rebellion where 1000 slaves conspired to attack in VA in 1800)- Denmark Vesey - similar in Charleston in 1822 led by free black named Vesey, determined to set ppl free or die trying. - alleged insurrection that led to 37 executions

22. Roosevelt's fireside charts

(March 12). Roosevelt broadcasted the first of his ______, and 60 million people heard his reassuring words on their radios. His message: banks were once again safe for depositors'savings. On Monday morning the banks opened their doors, but instead of queuing to withdraw their savings, people were waiting outside to deposit their money. The bank runs were over; Roosevelt has reestablished people's confidence in their political leadership, their banks, even their economic system.

The Red Summer of 1919

(so named by black author James Weldon Johnson for the blood that was spilled), race riots rocked two dozen cities and towns


Powhatan brother who launched a series of attacks on the James river after observing english attempt to expand and covert natives to christianity.

Thomas Jeremiah

Slave who led revolt and was later executed.

George Greenville

Prime minister elected by King George III in 1763. Had the colonists pay more money in order to help pay the bills

Charles Townshend

Prime minister in England. He renewed the attempt to obtain additional funds from America

Lord North

Prime minister of Britain from 1770 to 1782. He proposed repealing the Townshend duties

Compromise of 1850

Pro-North; California becomes a free state, Slave trade eliminated in District of Columbia, Large chunk of Texas paid for and given to potentially free New Mexico Pro-South; Texas paid $10 million for the boundary, New Mexico and Utah adopt popular sovereignty which could make them slave states, Fugitive Law is strengthened

separate-state secession strategy

Pro-slavery efforts focus on most extreme state hoping others would follow;Union was broken Encourage other states to join, those that want compromise should find it outside of Union Not all southern states approve of this

48. the Lend-Lease Act

Program proposed by Roosevelt to supply war material to cash-strapped Britain

Davis's emancipation plan

Proposed that the Confederate government purchase forty thousand slaves to work for the army as laborers with a promise to free them at the end of their service.

The United States Sanitary Commission

Provided crucial nutritional and medical aid to soldiers. Although most of its officers were men, the bulk of its volunteers who ran it seven thousand auxiliaries were women.

Cato's Letters

Published in London in 1720-1723, written by John Trenchard and Thomas Gordan. Said in the letters that political power was always feared

Causes of Panic of 1893

Railroads overextended and overbuilt, people cannot pay back loans, banks fail, banks failing leads to deflation - harder to pay off debt, overproduction of silver, wheat farmers over farm

Agricultural Adjustment Act

Recovery: (AAA); May 12, 1933; restricted crop production to reduce crop surplus; goal was to reduce surplus to raise value of crops; farmers paid subsidies by federal government; declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in US vs Butler on January 6, 1936

Dust Bowl

Region of the Great Plains that experienced a drought in 1930 lasting for a decade, leaving many farmers without work or substantial wages.

Dust Bowl

Region of the Great Plains that experienced a drought in 1930 lasting for a decade, leaving many farmers without work or substantial wages. Strong winds caused enourmous dust storms

The Second Great Awakening

Religious revival in America - People began turning to the evangelical religion - People began to rethink the ways of society and wanted to free society from sin - some began to establish separate communities that model a new form of social relations

What misconceptions might a non-historian have about Native Americans before European arrival that were illuminated in the text?

-Native Americans were war-hungry savages (violent and aggressive) -Native Americans were primitive people, and many people view their society as similar to that of a third-world country

Non Importation Act of 1809

Reopened trade with all countries but France and Britain until they would respect America's neutral rights. Embargo fails.

Two Treatises of Government

Report written by John Locke in 1691. It challenged to concepts of divinely scanted power

Hernan Cortes

-Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs and conquered Mexico in 1485-1547

Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men

Republican Appeal Republicans appeal to those that want economic development in West Commercial farming booms in Great Lakes are, but ppl want canal, road, internal improvement - no credit Homestead Program allow w. land to be free to those who farm/make home Self image of northerners Traditional values of equality, freedom, and opportunity under self-gov; heritage of republicanism Cut charges saying Republicanism was abolitionist and radical Northern economy booms; thousands move west to farm, make comm, MW have new machines, railroads carry goods to market

presidential election of 1856

Republican Fremont (dominant party in North), Democrat Buchanan, "Know-Nothing" Fillmore nominated to run --> Buchanan won

The Presidential Election of 1868

Republican Ulysses S. Grant defeated Democrat Horatio Seymour.

Bartolome de las Casas

-a 16th-century Spanish historian, social reformer and Dominican friar -advocated for the Native Americans


-a society characterized by temple mounds and autocratic priestly rulers -survived in the lower Mississippi River valley until the 1720s

The Black Legend

-a style of nonobjective historical writing or propaganda that demonizes Spain, its people and its culture in an intentional attempt to damage its reputation


-a unintentional byproduct of the Columbian Exchange -spread through human contact -killed millions of natives in the area

Montezuma (Motecuhzoma II)

-at the coronation of this particular Aztec king, 5,000 people are thought to have been sacrificed to Huitzilopochtli, their god (of war)

Examine the impact of disease in the new world

-averaging 25-50 percent of the tribes members lost to disease. Additionally, smaller tribes neared extinction after facing severely a destructive spread of disease. -millions upon millions of Native Americans killed

Hundred Years War

-between England and France, initiated by the English for claiming the French throne -1337-1453

How does each party tend to view free silver?

Republicans - opposed, Democrats - support (farmers, miners out west)

After reading the chapter, what was the overall impact of European exploration on the Americas in the 15th and 16th centuries?

-complete disruption of Native American life/their weakening and demise -disease (SMALLPOX) -Columbian Exchange of plants and animals

Gold Coast

-composed of 30 little kingdoms known as the Akan States -also known as Slave Coast, because by the 18th century, it supplied most of the slaves in the English colonies -kings encouraged the founding of slave-trading posts and served as middlemen in the trade


-corn -large grain plant first domesticated by indigenous peoples in Mexico about 10,000 years ago

John Cabot

-credited for bringing to Europe the first formal knowledge of the northern coastline of the continent which is now known as the the US and Canada -supported by King Henry 7th of England

Black Death

-devastating epidemic of Bubonic plague, spread by rats and fleas as well as by human contact -arrived in Europe from China, traveling with long-distance traders along the Silk Road in 1346 -at least 1/3 of Europe's population died

Mayan civilization

-developed over 1,000 years after the Aztecs on the Yucatan Peninsula -large urban centers with tall pyramids and temples -studied astrology, created the 1st writing system in the Americas -kings of Mayan city-states started wars with each-other to gain more power, but the fighting and overpopulation led to the demise of the empire


-discovered in America -at first believed to have beneficial medicinal effects, later discovered to contribute to lung cancer -chewing it was a huge and popular fad in the Old World

American (Know-Nothing) Party

Republicans also drew in the American party, who responded "IK nothing" to questions Exploit fears of immigrants; think that the Irish and German Catholic pledge allegiance to pope and not America; can't vote. Along with temperance movement, the suffrage for citizenship was postponed

Christopher Columbus

-experienced sailor and mapmaker -argued it would be easier to reach Asia by sailing west rather than sailing around the tip of Africa -Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain (Portugal rejected him) financed his voyages

Henry Hudson

-explored the North American coast for the Dutch West India Company in 1609+1610 -looking for the "Northwest Passage" through the Americas

Francisco Pizarro

-explored the western coast of South America -acquired the richest silver mines in the world by conquering and enslaving the Incas in 1535

Jacques Cartier

-financed by the French in 1534 -looking for the "Northwest Passage" through the Americas

Roanoke Island

-first English colony -established in present-day North Carolina in 1590 -over 100 colonists disappeared without a trace, leaving on the word "Croatoan" on a tree

Franciscan and Dominican Orders

-friars devoted their time to persuading Mesoamercian people to move into new towns, build Roman Catholic churches, and fully embrace the Catholic religion as well as European life

What were the chief motivations for European exploration?

-god, gold, and glory -looking for easy access to African and Asian goods

Encomienda system

-granted tribute from Indian villages to individual conquistadors as a reward for their services to the Crown-thus legalizing Indian slavery -installed in colonies to ensure control -idea created by the Spaniards


-human beings that migrated to the Americas during the Ethiopia time-period, who then became separated from the rest of humanity after the glaciers melted -nomadic hunters of game and gatherers of wild plants

What accounted for the rise of African slavery in the Spanish new world?

-in 1542, a new code of laws forbade Spaniards from enslaving Indians while still allowing them to collect money and goods from their tributary villages, thus conquers started importing Africans in order to increase the labor force under their direct control

Pueblo Bonito

-in Chaco Canyon, a city that by 1,000 C.E. consisted of many large clay buildings constructed along the sides of the canyon -major regional trading center


-in agricultural societies, each home housed an extended family defined through a female line of descent


-in modern states of Arizona and New Mexico -cultivated maize and other Mesoamerican crops, but they didn't construct temple pyramids, nor did their towns resemble those found in Mexico


-largest Mississippian city which was located near modern St. Louis -at its peak, covered more than 5 square miles and had a population of at least 15,000 -a religious and trading center

What developments in Europe in the 14th and 15th centuries led to new exploration (ultimately leading to the "discover" of the Americas)?

-lateen caravel (more room underneath the boat) -lateen sail (triangle) -astrolabe: relating to time and the position of the Sun and stars in the sky -understanding the direction of winds


-lived in the now mid-western and southeastern United States around 1,000 C.E. -civilization based on the cultivation of maize, beans, and squash -large cities with plazas and earthen pyramids

slave-master relationship (dialectical)

-master Relationships "Special" bondsmen Warm feelings; enjoy autonomy privilege and fame Distrust and antagonism prevail; beasts of burden 1852 yellow fever is karma; punishment of white ppl for treatment of blacks


-modern Mexico and Guatemala -area where agriculture led to the growth and development of major civilizations

"Cotton Kingdom"

-national and world dominion Westward migration made planters sectional and southern (Calhoun)-national expansion binds Republic together Political dominance in south moves west; 1840-50's, energetic capitalist planters aware of world market and fearful slave economy under attack, expand system Before expansion, other groups had land Before 1830-large swaths of upper GA was for Cherokees AL, Miss. for Creek, Choctaw, Chickasaw land → Indians on move of forced migrations; Indians in way of their empire expansion Taking Indian land was "natural course of history"; civilizers displace children of woods bc progress (1830's Jackson on why Indians must go)


-nomadic bands of the Great Plains, were most often related through the male line of descent

moundbuilders (Ohioans)

-of the Ohio River region 2,000 years ago -contructed earthen mounds which were used as burial sites -economy was based on hunting and gathering


-one man having many wives, each of whom lived separately with her children -many West African societies practiced this

Spice Islands

-originally named Moluccas -Europeans wished to expand their wealth and convert others to Christianity -known for its spices, silk, dyes, perfumes, jewels, gold

Aztec Empire

-series of Mesoamerican civilizations -3,000 years ago lived near the Gulf of Mexico in large cities dominated by temple pyramids

Treaty of Tordesillas

-signed by Spain, Portugal, and Pope Alexander the 6th, stated Portugal's dominance in Africa and Brazil in exchange for Spanish preeminence in the rest of the New World

How did England attempt to gain a foothold in the new world? Explain challenges to colonize and initial failures.

-started planting colonies in the Western Hemisphere, gaining access to valuable trade goods *challenges: other European presence, Native American tribes, unequipped colonists *failures: Roanoke and initially Jamestown

Analyze the development of American civilizations in the Pre-Columbian era (before the arrival of Europeans)?

-the Natives were disbursed over the continent. Their society was based on what the land around them produced, which they saw as land for everyone's use, but not to own. They were a matrilineal society and women hand important roles in religion (which they associated with the natural world). They divided tasks between gender as many other societies did. They had elaborate social systems, and civilizations emerges in South, Central, and what is now Mexico. The Incas created largest empire in America with a large network of paved roads. The Myans developed a written language, a calendar, a numerical system, and trade routes. In the North, empires were not as big, but they still existed on hunting, fishing, and gathering.

Columbian Exchange

-the widespread transfer of animals, plants, culture, human populations, technology, and ideas between the American and Afro-Eurasian hemispheres in the 15th and 16th centuries

San Salvador

-where Columbus landed on an island in the Bahamas (called Guanahani) -Columbus renamed the island San Salvador


-wielding of power by women


-worshiping of many gods -common thread between beliefs was the gods integration with nature

"the era of good feelings " (1816-1829)

1) The Democratic Republicans had adopted many federalists ideas+ the federalists disappeared. 2) There was political agreement 3) James Monroe defeated Rufus King in 1816

What were the 3 major topics (or themes) Columbus wrote about in his logs? What do they reveal about European attitudes toward indigenous people?

1. Columbus consistently asked Tainos natives where he could find gold, pearls, and valuable spices. The natives told him they were on another island yet he did not believe nor trust them 2. Columbus wrote of strange and beautiful plants and animals. 3. Columbus described the islands' human residents, and he seized many to take them back to Europe. He wished to convert all the natives to Christianity as well. -Europe wished to exploit the Americas' natural resources, including plants, animals, and people

Abolition Movement

1.) Abolitionists were a radical minority who believed that slavery should be abolished throughout the entire nation 2.)Most people who opposed slavery were not abolitionists. Most wanted to stop the spread of slavery out west.

Stronger Foreign Policy

1.) Florida was causing problems for Georgia 2.) Slaves escaped to Florida (which was owned by Spain) 3.) Seminole Indians attacked settlements in Georgia

Erie Canal ( 1817-1825)

1.) Governor DeWitt Clinton insisted that would make New York City the center of trade. 2.) The Erie Canal connected Albany (Hudson River) with Buffalo (Lake Erie)

Seneca Falls Convention (1844)

100s of women's rights leaders met in upstate NY +issued the Declaration of Independence for women

John Tyler

10th president; proslavery; called for the annexation of Texas

ideal of free labor

14 northern state legislatures endorse Wilmot Proviso and defended this proviso for the new wage earning jobs it would open to them if slavery was not allowed in these territories (majority are not abolitionists, they want to secure white labor opportunities) -united abolitionists and anti-blacks

Protestant Reformation

16th century series of religious actions which led to establishment of the Protestant churches. Led by Martin Luther

Abraham Lincoln

16th president of the United States; helped preserve the United States by leading the defeat of the secessionist Confederacy; an outspoken opponent of the expansion of slavery.

Boston's smallpox epidemic

1720-1721, spread from parts of Europe to Boston's ports. Caused a lot of sickness

removal of the Shawnees

1795 gave up 17 million acres in Ohio; move to Indiana and e. Missouri Some get help from British in Canada or Mexico Others move to Kansas; Shawnees in 1825 (open to white settlement) gave up 1.4 mil acres Removal Impact; Men lost traditional role as providers; hunting useless Grain is tribe's dietary staple Shawnee women as providers, get gov aid under treaty provisions Still keeps language and culture intact

Oregon Treaty

1819 jointly-occupied Northwestern territory with Great Britain was settled with this Treaty through diplomatic measures. Pol wanted to avoid conflict with Mexico and Great Britain. In 1846, Britain accepts the line at t 54°40' as the 49th parallel --> New Era of Conquest

Cherokee renaissance

1819-29; economically self sufficient and self governing; 15,000 Cherokee adults thought they were a nation, not a bunch of villages

proslavery arguments in the antebellum South

1820's; slave owners call slavery "positive good" and not a "necessary evil" Antiquity of slavery, use examples of slavery from Bible in historical context Slavery-natural status of blacks; inherently physical and destined for labor (whites are intellectual Whites create civilization, blacks get them water, wood

task system

1830's labor motivated by clock→ labor is required in allotted time then they may do what they need to, tend garden, etc; task system works best when there's reciprocated trust

democratic reform movements in the antebellum South

1830's non-slaveholding w parts of seaboard states - yeoman show disdain for their underrep. and corruption in gov→ reformers win battle (Old SW)-white manhood suffrage, popular election of governors, legislative appointment by whites only, locally chosen county gov → Slaveowners with new wealth knew this could lead to troubling conflicts, and want to hold rein of power Not as much conflict as tensions should have brought on; identity as white brought them together, lavery was basis of equality Desire for social mobility also alleviate some tension Yeoman were unhindered by slave owning planters; work for their farms, earn money, void debt, mark progress for families in rural habitat Slaveholders pursue indep goals ; for own benefit; suppression of dissent (1830's)-white southerners that mock slave system attacked by white racial solidarity → Signs of class conflict still exist Cotton lands fill up, non-slaveholders face narrow economic prospect, and slave holders enjoy profits (risk of cotton production and cost of slave too high for yeoman to rise up) 1850's; slave owners held 50-85% seats in state legislatures and Southern congressional seats, planter interests control institutions like college and church

Wilmot Proviso

1846 proposal that outlawed slavery in any territory gained from the War with Mexico

Underground Railroad

1850's loose and illegal network of fugitive slaves that was not very organized. Required courage and help from northern abolitionists (Harriet Tubman)

Kansas-Nebraska Act

1854 - Created Nebraska and Kansas as states and gave the people in those territories the right to chose to be a free or slave state through popular sovereignty.

Lincoln's "House-Divided" Speech

1858 Republican nominee against Democrat Stephen A. Douglass gave this speech on how America divided into slave and free states cannot last, accused Democrats of trying to making slavery a national institution

attack on Fort Sumter

1861 Charleston Harbor; fort ran low on food, Lincoln said he'd send a ship Secretary of war sent troops to bombard, fed garrison surrendered - left unarmed

Chinese Exclusion Act

1882, prohibits Chinese immigration for 10 years (renewed after the 10 years for longer)

the Federal Reserve Act of 1913

1913, placed banks under control of Federal Reserve Board, system helps protect American economy from having too much money end up in the hands of one person/bank/region

The assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand

1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist while on a state visit to Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. Alarmed by the prospect of an engorged Serbia on its border, Austria-Hungary consulted its Triple Alliance partner Germany, which urged toughness. When Serbia called on its Slavic friend Russia for help, Russia in turn looked for backing from its ally France. In late July, Austria-Hungary declared war against Serbia. Russia then began to mobilize its armies

5. Herbet Hoover

1929-1933. Although he activated more of the federal government's resources than had any of his predecessors in an economic crisis, he opposed direct relief payments for the unemployed, and voters turned him out of office in 1932.

Brown v. Board of Education

1954 - The Supreme Court overruled Plessey v. Ferguson, declared that racially segregated facilities are inherently unequal and ordered all public schools desegregated.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

1964; banned discrimination in public acomodations, prohibited discrimination in any federally assisted program, outlawed discrimination in most employment; enlarged federal powers to protect voting rights and to speed school desegregation; this and the voting rights act helped to give African-Americans equality on paper, and more federally-protected power so that social equality was a more realistic goal

Little Rock 9

1st group of black students who were able to attend an all white school because the President used the military to enforce the Brown v. Board of Education decision


2/5 of the European American population.

Trail of Tears

20,000 evicted Cherokees, held in detention camps, and marched to Oklahoma (¼ die of disease and exhaustion

Eighteenth-century colonial population growth

250000 people in 1700 2.5 million people in 1775 The American population doubled every 25 years

50. the Greer, the Kearny, and the Reuben James

3 American ships that were attacked by German ships

The Panic of 1873

3,000,000 people lost their jobs, and the clash between labor and capital became the major issue of the day.

Treaty of New Echota

Resistance was hopeless-accept removal (minority-leaders of the minority agree in 1835) to exchange southern home for western land;

Populist Party (People's Party)

3rd party started by farmers, most support in South and West, Northern Alliance and Southern Alliance unify to support one candidate

Neutrality Acts

4 laws passed in the late 1930s that were designed to keep the US out of international incidents

the Society of American Indians

50 educated Native American men and women founded. First attempt establishing intertribal campaign group. Campaigned for rights in healthcare/education.

the First Continental Congress

55 delegates from 12 colonies meeting to: -define American grievances -define a plan of resistance -articulate a constitutional relationship with Great Britain

Red sticks

Responded to Tecumseh and resist US expansion kill many.

6. the Kellogg-Briand Pacts of 1928

62 nations agreed to disprove of war as a course of action in resolving conflicts. Lacked enforcement provisions, but reflected popular opinion that war was barbaric and wasteful

59. the Scottsboro Boys

9 African American Teenagers were riding a freight train were arrested and charged with roughing up some white hobos and throwing them off the train. 2 white women removed from the same train charged the boys of raping them. Medical evidence showed they were lying. Eight of the ____ were convicted of rape. After the failure of several appeals, the first defendant, Haywood Patterson, was condemned to die. A Supreme Court ruling intervened, however, on the ground that African Americans were systematically excluded from juries in Alabama. Patterson was found guilty again in 1936 and was given a 75 year jail sentence. 4 of the others were sentence to life imprisonment. Not until 1950 were all five let out of jail.

African-American Familys

95% of the Africans in America were married when they were enslaved. They often lived in different places, that left little time for them to see each other.

54. the radio and Hollywood movies


The Loyal Nine

A Boston artisans club that was against the stamp act. They protested against the stamp act to higher ranking officals.


Retained reverence for the crown and believed failure to protect the king sacrificed honor.

The First Great Awakening

A Christian revolution across the colonies. It deemphasized the importance of church and instead put a greater importance on the individual and their spiritual experience.

Tennessee Valley Authority

A New Deal agency created to generate electric power and control floods in a seven-U.S.-state region around the Tennessee River Valley . It created many dams that provided electricity as well as jobs.

William Bradford & Plymouth

A Pilgrim, the second governor of the Plymouth colony, 1621-1657.

A Mitchell Palmer

A Progressive reformer, Quaker, and ambitious politician, Palmer declared that "revolution" was "eating its way into the homes of the American workmen, licking the altars of the churches, leaping into the belfry of the school bell."

31. Father Charles Coughlin

A Roman Catholic priest whose weekly radio sermons offered a curious combination of anticommunism and anti-capitalism. In addition to criticizing the New Deal, _____ became increasingly anti-Semitic, telling his listeners that the cause of their woes was an international conspiracy of Jewish bankers.

Taylor Grazing Act

A United States federal law that regulates grazing on federal public land.

Considerations on the Propriety of Imposing Taxes on the British Colonies

A book written by Maryland Lawyer Daniel Dulany. In it it said how the colonies need Britain and so we need to respect them

The Virginia Stamp Act Resolves

A book written by Patrick Henry. In the book, it said how the stamp act helped the colonists


A child that was given birth to between an European man and an Indian woman. Lack of English women lead to more marriage and intercourse with natives.

30. the Nye Committee

A congressional committee headed by senator Gerald P. Nye that held hearings on the role of business and financiers in the US decision to enter the first World War

Abolition of Negro Slavery

Revolutionary war and Enlightenment allowed people in upper South to have anti-slavery sentiment, gradual emancipation hopes to end profitable system never materialized John Quincy Adams and others saw that southerners froze when asked about human rights for slaves

pautuxet village

Rhode Island

Joseph Galloway

A conservative delegate from the colony of Pennsylvania. Proposed parliament and American legislature agree jointly to all laws in the colonies.

covenated community

A covenant community is a religious group whose members bind themselves to one another and to the group by a solemn agreement called a covenant. The group may be members of one religious faith, e.g., Roman Catholic or Episcopalian or the group may be diverse in religious affiliations.


A dialect that combined English and African terms.

"New Lights" and "Old Lights"

A dispute between the new and old generations of the church. The new lights questioned religious and political authority while the old lights did not want anything to change.


A document written by the Pilgrims establishing themselves as a political society and setting guidelines for self-government.

Covenant Chain

A formal alliance between the New Yorkers and the Iroquois in 1677 where the English offered little assistance and weapons to their training partners.

The Sons of Liberty

A group of New Yorkers that were all against the stamp act. The shouted "Liberty" which was freedom from the stamp act.

The Radicals

A group of Republicans in Congress who were instrumental in creating a special House-Senate committee on the conduct of the war, which investigated Union reverses, sought to make the war effort more efficient, and prodded the president to take stronger measures against slavery.

34. the "Black Cabinet"

A group of influential African Americans who advised president Roosevelt to make sure African Americans would be included in the New Deal.


A group of investigative reporters who pointed out the abuses of big business and the corruption of urban politics; included Frank Norris (The Octopus) Ida Tarbell (A history of the standard oil company) Lincoln Steffens (the shame of the cities) and Upton Sinclair (The Jungle)

Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania

A group of letters from John Dickenson, a lawyer. He said that parliament could regulate trade but they couldn't raise the price on goods.

Committees of Correspondence

A group of men who told the colonists their rights and laws. They later created a document that was distributed to all of the colonists

Albany Congress

A group of representatives of the 7 northern most colonies. Meet with each other and sometimes with Indians to discuss things

Nonimportation associations of 1765

A group organized by merchants and ended up being able to push 1/4 of all British stores and merchants out of the colonies

28. the Civilian Conservation Corps (March 31, 1933)

A job agency that ultimately put 2.5 million young men aged 18-25 to work planting trees, clearing camping areas and beaches, and building bridges, dams, reservoirs, fish ponds, and fire towers.


A landholder in New Netherland who, under Dutch colonial rule, was granted proprietary and manorial rights to a large tract of land in exchange for bringing 50 new settlers to the colony

The Tea Act

A law on where the tea came from and who sold it. Caused fury among all of the colonist because they did not like being told who to buy tea from

Duke's Laws

A legal code proclaimed in 1665, applied to English immigrants from Long Island, New York. -made no provision for a representative assembly -autocratic governor would live in New York until 1683

The Massachusetts circular letter

A letter drafted by the colonial legislative. It was quickly recalled by Townshend

Civilian Conservation Corps

A major public works program in the United States during the Great Depression, Relief: (CCC) March 31, 1933; reduced poverty/unemployment, helped young men and families; young men go to rural camps for 6 months to do construction work; $1/day; intended to help youth escape cities; concerned with soil erosion, state/national parks, telephone/power lines; 40 hr weeks

Eighteenth-century colonial assemblies.

A mini government in America since there could not be a king there. They collected tax and even controlled the military.

Stephen Douglas

A moderate, who introduced the Kansas-Nebraska Act in 1854 and popularized the idea of popular sovereignty.


A native Indian of America, daughter of Chief Powahatan, who was one of the first to marry an Englishman, John Rolfe, and return to England with him; about 1595-1617; Pocahontas' brave actions in saving an Englishman paved the way for many positive English and Native relations.

The 1768 treaty conference at Fort Stanwix, New York

A negotiation between Iroquis and people such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson. They agreed to move the boundary line further west

The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved

A pamphlet created by James Otis Jr. It protested the stamp act but left colonist confused for the next 10 years

The Boston Statement of Rights and Grievances

A pamphlet sent to all colonists

Common Sense

A pamphlet written by Thomas Paine that claimed the colonies had a right to be an independent nation

squatter sovereignty

A plan promoted by Democratic candidate Senator Lewis Cass under which Congress would allow settlers in each territory to determine its status as free or slave.

free-soil movement

A political movement that opposed the expansion of slavery. In 1848 the free-soilers organized the Free-Soil Party, which depicted slavery as a threat to republicanism and to the Jeffersonian ideal of a freeholder society, arguments that won broad support among aspiring white farmers.

American, or Know-Nothing Party

A political party formed in 1851 that drew on the anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic movements of the 1840s. In 1854, the party gained control of the state governments of Massachusetts and Pennsylvania.

32. Dr. Francis E. Townsend

A public health officer in California, who was thrown out of work at 67 with only $100 in savings. Distributed by the plight of old people, ______ devised the Old Age Revolving Pensions plan, under which the government would pay monthly pensions of $200 to all citizens on condition that they spend the money in the same month they relieved it. He claimed his plan wouldn't only aid the aged but would cure the depression by pumping enormous purchasing power into the economy. The plan was fiscally impossible but recognized the real needs of elderly Americans.


A religious group who wanted to purify the Church of England. They came to America for religious freedom and settled Massachusetts Bay.

Experiments and Observations on Electricity

A report written by Benjamin Franklin about electricity. The same basic theory on electricity is still used today.

King Philip's War

A series of battles in New Hampshire between the colonists and the Wompanowogs, led by a chief known as King Philip. The war was started when the Massachusetts government tried to assert court jurisdiction over the local Indians. The colonists won with the help of the Mohawks, and this victory opened up additional Indian lands for expansion.

The Coercive (Intolerable) Acts

A set of laws that Boston was ordered to adhere by. The port was closed to everything but food and firewood.


A shawnee brother that led traditionalist revolts vs US. Wants a pan-indian federation. He is more political than brother. Wants to make pan indian towns in Indiana where Grenville wanted to move them for huge expeditions. Whites scared of his message.


A shawnee brother that led traditionalist revolts vs US. Wants a pan-indian federation. Shawnees lost most land and he turned to whiskey and became a shaman. European disease ruins his village. Becomes religious leader and wants Native Americans to return to old ways. Makes a religious movement.

The New York conspiracy

A slave rebelion in 1712. The slaves revolted against their owners. 23 slaves revolted killing 9 white men.

Gadsden Purchase

A small slice of land (now part of Arizona and New Mexico) purchased by President Franklin Pierce in 1853 for the purpose of building a transcontinental rail line from New Orleans to Los Angeles.

the Atlanta Compromise

A speech by Booker T. Washington, where he stated that blacks were willing to cooperate and submit to segregation as long as they were given the oppurtunity to grow economically.

Pope's Rebellion

A successful Shaman who drove the Spaniards out of New Mexico; most successful Indian revolt

Andrew Oliver

A supported of the stamp act. Because he supported the stamp act apposers started a bonfire in front of his house and all of the window were broken.

The sharecropping system

A system in which farmers kept part of their crop and gave the rest of the landowner while living on his property.

Samuel Adams

A tax collecter and even though he was a tax collect he was on the colonist sides

Manifest Destiny

A term coined by John L. O'Sullivan in 1845 to express the idea that Euro-Americans were fated by God to settle the North American continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean.

The Ku Klux Klan

A terrorist organization that violently persecuted blacks. Nighttime harassment, whippings, beatings, rapes, and murder became common, and terrorism dominated some counties and regions.

domino theory

A theory that if one nation comes under Communist control, then neighboring nations will also come under Communist control.

Treaty of Paris of 1763

A treaty from the French towards the British and Spain. The British got all of Frances land and Spain got all west of the Mississipi

The Townshend Acts

A way for Britain to get more money out of the colonists. The acts taxed people on things like tea glass and paper

National Unity

A. after the War of 1812 the strengthening of America economy and the disappearance of the federalists the country became unified

Slave Power

Abolitionists warn of slaveholding oligarchy that would control federal power, suppress any disagreement (began with the gag rule and now new territories the northerners thought was to make slave states)

Scotch-Irish, Scots and Irish immigrants

About 150000 came to the Americas for a better life. Came due to high rent, poor harvests and religious discrimination

German immigrants

About 85000 German immigrants came to America between 1730 and 1755. Came as servants or recently freed, and struggled by in America.

Ostend Manifesto

Acquiring Cuba as slave state through this Manifesto; ministers urged Pres to take Cuba. Northerners see as Slave Power and are angered

Burr-Hamilton duel

Across Hudson River in New Jersey because outlawed. Burr kills Hamilton and indicated for murder. Burr flees to west

Francis Cardozo, P.B.S. Pinchback, Blanche K. Bruce, and Hiram Revels

African American men who led in some respect after the Civil War. All were very highly educated who brought not only fervor but experience to the political system.


African Americans from Mississippi and Alabama who move west to Kansas and Nebraska, sick of being mistreated

. W. E. B. Du Bois

African-American educator and activist who demanded full racial equality, including the same educational opportunities open to whites, and called on blacks to resist all forms of racism.

Peaecable coercion

After Chesapeake Affair Jefferson takes up this policy by closing US waters to British warships and increasing military spending.

state of Virginia's legislative and public debate over slavery (1832)

After Nat TUrner, -Proposed Until 1858, all blacks colonized outside of VA Gradual emancipation lost in House, 73 to 58 Do nothing, but VA enforce econ and moral defenses to slavery

Montgomery Bus Boycott

After Rosa Parks is arrested, MLK rallies the black community to do this. This seriously hurt the bus companies. This lasted more than a year, and ended in '56 when the SC declared segregated buses unconstitutional.

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

After battles and attacks on Mexico City (victorious), in 1848, they sign this treaty. It gave Mexico $15 million for the land the US acquired; California and New Mexico, Rio Grande also became the southern boundary of Texas

the Nineteenth Amendment

After eighty years of fighting for it, women were finally given the right to vote.

Panic of 1819

After the war economy booms but then Europe doesn't need American products anymore and Europe hoards their species while American Banks print paper money and expand credit. Second Bank of America more loans issued than can pay so starts horrible cycle. Unemployment 75% in Philadelphia.

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

Agency established in 1932 to provide emergency relief to large businesses, insurance companies, and banks.

Federal Trade Commission

Agency formed in 1914 to ensure fair trade and practices.

the Continental Association

Agreement on laws to repeal and implement an economic boycott on Great Britain.

52. the Indian Reorganization Act (June 18, 1934)

Aimed to reserve the increasing endlessness of Native Americans by restoring lands to tribal ownership and forbidding future division of Indian lands into individual parcels. Other provisions of the act enabled tribes to obtain loans for economic development.

The Iroquois policy of neutrality

Albany New York 1754, Iroquois and seven delegates meet. The delegates try to persuade them to abandon their traditional neutrality and to corroperate

Powhatan Confederacy

Alliance of Native American tribes living in the region of the initial Virginia settlement. Powhatan, leader of this alliance, tried to live in peace with the English settlers when they arrived in 1607.- traded but fights broke out and the English kidnapped Powhatans daughter Pocahontas.

Operation Overlord

Allied troops stormed a sixty-mile stretch of the Normandy coast in the largest amphibious invasion in history

popular sovereignty

Allows western territories to choose if they want to be free or slave state

The Presidential Election of 1864

Although Lincoln worried there was an extremely good chance he would not be re-elected, he ran against Democrat George McClellan. Lincoln, however, dominated in both the electoral and popular vote, and was re-elected president.

the Northern Securities Company

Roosevelt (Trust Buster) got the Supreme Court on his side case against JP Morgan's Northern Securities Company (railroad trust) in 1902. The Court called for the dismemberment of the company. Enforcement of the Sherman Antitrust Act

19. Roosevelt's first inaugural address

Roosevelt scored his first triumph as president, instilling hope and courage in the American people. He invoked, "the analogue of war," asserting that, if need be, "I shall ask the Congress for the one remaining instrument to meet the crisis - broad Executive power to wage war against the emergency, as great as the power that would be given to me if we were in fact invaded by a foreign foe".

Eighteenth Amendment

Amendment to the Constitution that established national prohibition of alcohol.

Battle of Thames

America defeats British and Indians forces and raze York. In return British set ablaze Washington DC.

First Barbary War

America relies on going near North Africa for slave trade and forced to pay tributes. American want seas to be free for all. The pasha of Tripoli declares war on US who don't pay tributes. 2 years of stalemate. Jefferson declares a blockade on them and they capture Philadelphia ship. Army of Americans and mercenaries sent and treaty ends war but US continues to pay other 3 tributes of other barbary states.

War of 1812

America very ill prepared for war under Madison. Very little officers and couldn't recruit enough forces. At first westerners and southerners motivated and want land then don't get their payments. In New England Federalists refuse to fight outside their states. England offers slaves their freedom if they join their side for war. North offers same thing but South scared and doesn't.

John L. Lewis

American leader of organized labor who served as president of the United Mine Workers of America (UMW) from 1920 to 1960. A major player in the history of coal mining, he was the driving force behind the founding of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO),

Margaret Sanger

American leader of the movement to legalize birth control during the early 1900's. As a nurse in the poor sections of New York City, she had seen the suffering caused by unwanted pregnancy. Founded the first birth control clinic in the U.S. and the American Birth Control League, which later became Planned Parenthood.

Walt Whitman

American poet who volunteered as a nurse in Washington, D.C. during the War. Despite the horrid wounds he was tending to, and all the suffering and hopelessness he saw, he found inspiration in all that suffering and a deepening faith in American democracy.

Cordell Hull

American politician from the U.S. state of Tennessee. He is known as the longest-serving Secretary of State, holding the position for 11 years (1933-1944) in the administration of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt during most of World War II. Hull received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1945 for his role in establishing the United Nations, and was referred to by President Roosevelt as the "Father of the United Nations"..

Invasion of Canada

Americans thought they could take down Canada and that French Canadians would welcome US forces. American strategy was to split Canadian forces and General William Hull left Midwest exposed. Some land victories at Fort Harrison. Soon British control Northwest because New York militia refuse to leave state.

Berlin Blockade

Americans, French and British sought to integrate West Germany into the western European economy, complete with a reformed German currency but Soviets cut off western land access to Berlin. Truman orders massive air-lift in response and Soviets lift blockade.

Ostend Manifesto

An 1854 manifesto that urged President Franklin Pierce to seize the slave-owning province of Cuba from Spain. Northern Democrats denounced this aggressive initiative, and the plan was scuttled.

The Stamp Act

An act created by Greeville. It required a tax on most everything bought.

The Quebec Act

An act that went with coercive act. It also granted more religious freedom to catholics

54. the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

An armada of sixty Japanese ships, with a core of six carriers bearing 360 airplanes, crossed 3,000 miles of the Pacific Ocean traveling in radio silence and sunk or damaged eight battleships and many smaller vessels

John Wilkes Booth

An embittered southern sympathizer who assassinated President Lincoln while he was watching a comedy at Ford's Theater in Washington, D.C. with his wife. U.S. troops found and killed him twelve days later.

"The Prayer of Twenty Millions"

An open letter to the president by Horace Greeley, who pleaded with Lincoln to execute the laws and declared, "On the face of this wide earth, Mr. President, there is not one...intelligent champion of the Union cause who does not feel that all attempts to put down the rebellion and at the same time uphold its inciting cause are preposterous and futile."

Thomas Hutchinson

Andrew Oliver's brother in law that was also a lieutenant. His house was also destroyed in a mob that also destroyed 7 other houses

slave traders

Antebellum white southerners made living off slave trade (1850's) in SC over 100 firms that sold 6500 slaves to sw. States They were moving west bc they were up for sale

George Washington as Commander in Chief if the Continental Army

Appointed by the continental congress.

29. the Public Works Administration

Appropriated $3.3 billion for hiring the unemployed to build rods, sewage and water systems, public buildings, and a host of other projects The key purpose of the PWA was to pump federal money into economy.

Teheran Conference

Roosevelt sought reconciliation through personal diplomacy. The three Allied leaders met in Tehran, Iran, in December 1943. Stalin dismissed Churchill's repetitious justifications for further delaying a second front that would draw German troops away from the Soviet Union. Roosevelt had had enough, too; he also rejected Churchill's proposal for another peripheral attack, this time through the Balkans to Vienna. The three finally agreed to launch Operation Overlord

William H. Seward

Arranged a vast addition of territory to the national domain through the purchase of Alaska from the Russian government.

The principle of self-determination

As for the breaking up of empires and the principle of self-determination, Wilson could deliver on only some of his goals

John Winthrop & Government of Massachusetts Bay Colony

As governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, Winthrop (1588-1649) was instrumental in forming the colony's government and shaping its legislative policy. He envisioned the colony, centered in present-day Boston, as a "city upon a hill" from which Puritans would spread religious righteousness throughout the world.

Johnson's impeachment trial

Attempted to prove that Johnson was guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. Although there was a majority of Senate votes to impeach Johnson, it was not the necessary 2/3 majority vote to carry the decision, causing Johnson to remain in office.

36. the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act (April 8, 1935)

Authorized the president to establish massive public works programs for the jobless. Established the Resettlement Administration, which resettled destitute families and organized rural homestead communities and suburban greenbelt towns for low-income workers. Rural Electrification Administration brought electricity to rural areas. The National Youth Administration, sponsored work-relief programs for young adults and part-time jobs for students.

Treaty of Kanagawa

Bay of Tokyo; two orchestrated landings Commodore Matthew Perry had intentions to trade with Japan Perry's Treaty negotiates two ports for coal stations and gave Japanese ("inferior") telegraph, whiskey, etc.

George III

Became King of England in 1760. Elected a prime minster who helped watch over and tax the colonists more.

President Harry S Truman

Became president and commander-in-chief after Roosevelt died before the war's end. Was inexperienced in foreign policy.

the women's suffrage movement

Began in *1848 with the first women's rights convention in Seneca Falls, NY* and evolved into two organizations. The National American Woman Suffrage Association (NAWSA) and the National Woman's Party (NWP). Their combined efforts brought about the passing of the 19th amendment which allowed women to vote in 1920

15. Secretary of State Cordell Hull

Believed that reviving world trade would end the crisis, wanted to increase trade which would also boost chances of global peace

King George's War

Between 1739 and 1748, brought prosperity to the middle colonies. During the war, it demanded sailors and ship builder's from New England.

The New Jersey, Vermont, and Hudson River valley land riots

Between 1746 and 1766, land was granted to people but when the true owner went to find his land, they found that squatters were living on the land.

The Regulator Movements

Between the 1760's and the 1770's backwoods farmers and plantation owners butted heads because the plantation owners basically ran the government while the backwoods farmer could do nothing.

women of the planter class in the antebellum South

Birth rate for white southern women was 30% higher than national average Expect 8 children in 1800, could get 6 with one miscarriage in 1860 Complication n childbirth was major cause of death (twice as often in South then NE) Marriage met with anxiety Sexual relations with planters and slaves; wife should ignore and be virtuous Little discussion with women on slavery issue (1840-50's women should stay at home) Women seek larger role Financial autonomy- decades before 1860 show 33% and over did not get remarried if they were a widow Controlling property, making dress increase

The Balfour Declaration of 1917

Britain also secured Palestine, on the condition that it uphold its wartime promise to promote "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people" without prejudice to "the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities"—the so-called Balfour Declaration of 1917

26. the policy of appeasement

Britain and France hoped to curb Hitler's expansionist desires by permitting him little territory, proved disastruous

Truman Doctrine

Britain requested aid in Greece and Turkey although Congress wanted less, not more, spending; believes it must by the policy of the US to support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugating by armed minorities or by outside pressures

Chesapeake Affair

British Leopard ship stops American Chesapeake Ship and demands that they search for British deserters and when Americans refuse they open fire. Shows American weakness.

War of 1812 causes

British alliances in west with indians and US neutral policies at sea

Convention of 1818

British and America decide to jointly occupy Oregon for 10 years.

Sir William Howe

British commander, gathered his 34,000 well-trained troops and 10,000 sailors, as well as ships to ferry them ashore on Staten Island at the southern edge of New York harbor.

Zimmerman telegram

British intelligence intercepted and passed to U.S. officials a telegram addressed to the German minister in Mexico from German foreign secretary Arthur Zimmermann. Its message: If Mexico joined a military alliance against the United States, Germany would help Mexico recover the territories it had lost in 1848, including several western states

Winston Churchill

British prime minister, did not want a large-scale invasion of Europe, wanted to win control of the North Atlantic shipping lanes first and promoted air attacks on Germany. Pushed for a smaller, safer attack on Axis positions in North Africa


British prime minister, warned that a Soviet-erected "iron curtain" had cut off western European countries from West, called for Anglo-American partnership

The Navigation Acts

British shipping regulations designed to protect Britain shipping from competition economic - limited the amount of goods available to the colonists political - another way for Britain to maintain complete control of her American colonies


British tactic to replenish supply of sailors when went against Napoleon . Forcibly recruited sailors who look British into British navy and deserters faced traitor's punishment. Showed complete disregard for US citizenship.

The southern Republican Party

Brought the south into line with progressive reforms adopted earlier in the rest of the nation. The new constitutions were more democratic; they eliminated poverty qualifications for voting and holding office, and they turned many appointed offices into elective posts.

What court case is the Plessy v. Fergusson case linked to?

Brown v. Board of Education (1954), this case overturns Plessy, flaw-must desegregate with all due speed - not specific

McKinley vs. William Jennings Bryan 1896 Election

Bryan=populist and democrat candidate, support in south and west McKinley=republican, strongest in NE, big businesses, McKinley wins

53. Operation MAGIC

By breaking the Japanese diplomatic code and deciphering intercepted messages, American officials learned that Tokyo's patience with diplomacy was fast dissipating

Cuban Revolution and Fidel Castro

CIA conspires to block Castro's rise to power, Eisenhower orders an overthrow of gov't. US cut sugar purchases, diplomatic relations broken

the coal strike of 1902

Cal miners walked out bc of low wages safety conditions and dishonest mine owners. Roosevelt used this to put into practice his belief that it was his job to keep society operating efficiently by helping settle conflicts between different groups and their interest?

John C. Calhoun's state sovereignty theory

Calhoun stated that territories are part of the states; we cannot limit slavery from expanding there, southern slaveholders can take slaves anywhere --> reverse slavery

Bonus Bill

Calhoun wants internal improvement and this promotes roads and canal building. Wants to get federal funding for public works. Madison vetoes it.

15. Franklin D. Roosevelt

Roosevelt was a well liked governor of New York. Served as assistant secretary of the navy under Woodrow Wilson and running as the Democratic vice-presidential candidate in 1920, he was stricken with Polio which didn't stop him. Supported relief payments for the unemployed. As governor he created jobs in publicly funded reforestation, land reclamation, and hydroelectric and power projects, and he endorsed old-age pension and protective legislation for labor unions

The Anaconda Plan

Called for a blockade of southern ports and capture of the Mississippi River to "strangle" the Confederacy.

The Peace Democrats

Called for peace, not war. Criticized Lincoln as a dictator who had suspended the writ of habeas corpus without congressional authority and had arrested thousands of innocent civilians.

Monroe Doctrine

Came from issue about recognition of new governments formed in Latin America who broke free from Spain. US scared that reactionary forces in Europe would return Latin America to its colonial rule. American continents are not subject for more colonization and America won't intervene in European affairs. Europe stays out of New World for fear of Royal Navy not US.

Daniel Boone

Captive of the Shawnees and adoptive son of chief Blackfish. Example of the ambiguous alliances during the revolutionary war.

st. kitts / st. christopher

Caribbean Islands

Homestead Strike 1892

Carnegie's factory, workers form barricade around factory, nobody goes in or out, Henry Clay Frick brings Pinkerton agents, shoot out occurs, many die, conditions did not improve afterwards


Carpetbaggers were whites from the North that were greedy crooks planning to pour stolen tax revenues into their sturdy luggage made of carpet material.

Anthony Burns

Case in 1852 of a fugitive fleeing from Virginia to Boston for a new life; was caught and jailed, but unsuccessfully let out by abolitionists. Pierce sent troops to shut it down, and northern fears of Slave Power triumphed, juries refuse to convict abolitionists in courthouse that day

Shadrach Minkins, Jerry McHenry, and the Christian riot

Cases of freeing captured fugitives by being released from jail or abolitionist causes --> Abolitionists think violence is a legit way to combat slavery

The charge of "Negro rule"

Charging that the South had been turned over to ignorant blacks, conservatives deplored "black domination", which became the rally cry for a return to white supremacy.

James Oglethorpe

Charter leader of Georgia in 1732. He founded Georgia and envisioned a providence with sturdy farmers.

Cherokee Nation v. Georgia and Worcester v. Georgia

Cherokees under Chief John Ross turn to federal courts to defend treaty with US → pol sophistication --> Marshall ruled that under fed constitution, indian tribe is not foreign nation or a state, so has no standing in fed courts; domestic dependant nations, Indians have title to their own lands

Memorial Day Massacre

Chicago Police Department shot and killed ten unarmed demonstrators in Chicago, on May 30, 1937. The incident took place during the "Little Steel Strike" in the United States.

Haymarket Riot 1886

Chicago, strike at Cyrus McCormick factory, 2 workers killed, protests, demonstrations, someone throws a bomb into group of police, people found guilty and executed unfairly

21. the Emergency Banking Relief Bill (March 9, 1933)

Roosevelt's first measure, _____, passed sight unseen by unanimous House vote, approved 73 to 7 in the Senate, and signed into law by the President that evening. The new law provided for the reopening, under the Treasury Department license, of banks that were solvent and for the reorganization and management of those that were not. It also prohibited the hoarding and export of gold. It was a fundamentally conservative law that upheld the status quo and left the same bankers in charge.

Pendleton Act of 1883

Civil Service Reform Act, partial response to Garfield assassination - people in shock and want to change how jobs are appointed, might have to take exam to get a government position - positions based more on merit rather than friends

William Pitt

Civil officer who lead the war in 1757. He was able to get people to help in the war and to join the war effort


Clark's slave who helps Corps of discovery. Although allowed to vote on where the army would sleep he didn't get wages and wasn't freed after.

William Howard Taft

Roosevelt's hand-picked successor for president (1909-1913); later served as Supreme Court Justice.

Colonial Familes

Colonial families became more mixed race families because of the lack of English women coming over to America.

Sand Creek Massacre - November 1864

Colorado, tribe is caught, agree to go onto reservations, Chivington has soldiers get drunk, then orders them to attack tribe, warriors off hunting, unfair battle, Chivington never punished

Douglas MacArthur

Commanded Allied troops in the Pacific during World War II. He was forced to surrender the Philippines in 1941 and was thereafter obsessed with its recapture, which he accomplished in 1944. He later commanded the American occupation of Japan and United Nations troops in the Korean War.

The Black Codes

Compelled the former slaves to carry passes, observe a curfew, live in housing provided by a landowner, and give up hope of entering many desirable occupations.

The Union Pacific and Central Pacific Railroads

Congress chartered these two corporations and assisted them financially in connecting Omaha with Sacramento.

Non Importation Act

Congress responds with it against impressment and didn't allow British goods to enter the American ports. More of a warning with little impact. Pickney and Monroe try to make a treaty with British but fail.

Law to end international slave trade

Congress votes for it except for South Carolina. Focuses on what would become of slaves illegally smuggled after law. They will be sold in accordance with laws of state if illegal. Brought a more brisk and profitable illegal slave trade. Law said that government can capture slave ships but navy too small.

13. the Bonus Expeditionary Force

Congress was considering a bill to authorize immediate issuance of $2.4 billion in bonuses promised to to First World War Veterans by Congress in 1924, but not due for payment until 1945. To lobby for the bill, 15'000 unemployed veterans and their families converged on the tense nation's capital. Camped on vacant lots and in empty government buildings.

42. the New Deal coalition

Consisted of the Urban masses, organized labor, the eleven states of the Confederacy, and the Nothern black states

Great Lakes Campain

Control of Great Lakes becomes a shipbuilding race and key to the war in the Northwest. US out built British on Lake Erie and take control of it in Battle of Put-in-Bay.

8. the Federal Farm Board

Created by Hoover. Supported crop prices by lending money to cooperatives to buy crops and keep them off the market. But the board soon found itself short of money, and unsold surpluses jammed warehouse.

10. The Reconstruction Finance Corporation

Created in 1932 by Hoover and eventually empowered with $2 billion, the RFC was designed to make loans to banks, insurance companies, and railroads, and later to state and local governments. In theory, the RFC would lend money to large entities at the top of the economic systems, and benefits would filter down to people at the bottom. It didn't work; banks continued to collapse and small companies went into bankruptcy.

National War Labor Board

Created to settle labor disputes, forged a temporary compromise between labor union demands for a "closed shop", in which only union members could work, and management's desire for "open" shops

Major Pierre Charles L'Enfant

Creates the city of Washington even though French where all 3 branches can keep each other in check. Takes century to build and uses indigenous materials for elite houses.

The Battle of Vicksburg

Crushing defeat for the Confederacy. When Vicksburg fell, Union forces would control the Mississippi River, cutting the Confederacy in two and gaining an open path into its interior.

21. Fulgencio Batista

Cuban dictator- aligned cuba with US foreign policy goals

"Appeal of Independent Democrats"

Debate on Kansas-Nebraska Act- six congressmen published work of literature - Giddings, Chase, Sumner attacked Douglas' legislation

53. The Tennessee Valley Authority

Roosevelt's plan for the Tennessee river. Its dams wouldn't only control floods but generate hydroelectric power as well. In constructing power facilities, the TVA would provide a yardstick for determining fair rates for privately produced electric power. Most important, the goal of the TVA was the enhancement of the economic well-being of the entire Tennessee River valley.

The Slaughter-House Cases

Declared state citizenship and national citizenship separate. Also concluded that the butchers who sued had not been deprived of their rights or property in violation of the due process clause of the 14th Amendment.

The Wade-Davis Bill/Manifesto

Demanded a majority of white male citizens participating in the creation of a new government; to vote or to be a delegate to constitutional conventions, men had to take an "iron-clad" oath (declaring that they never aided the Confederate war effort); all officers above the rank of lieutenant, and all civil officials in the Confederacy, would be disenfranchised and deemed not a citizen of the United States.

Wilmot Proviso

Democrat David Wilmot suggest an amendment (proviso) that states that newly acquired land of Mexico shall not allow slavery and involuntary servitude

New Freedom

Democrat Woodrow Wilson's political slogan in the presidential campaign of 1912; Wilson wanted to improve the banking system, lower tariffs, and, by breaking up monopolies, give small businesses freedom to compete.

James Buchanan

Democrat leader who did not have defined stance on territorial dispute; southern support with 1.8 million votes. ("northern man with southern principles")

Which party absorbs Populist ideas? What is one idea they adopt?

Democrat, direct election of US senators

1860 Democratic convention

Democratic Party was only truly national party but in 1860 SC convention, Dems split

National Intelligencer

Democratic Republican voice

"Fifty-four forty or fight"

Democratic candidate James K. Polk's slogan in the election of 1844 calling for the opening up of lands for American settlement in Texas and sovereignty over the entire Oregon Country.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Democratic candidate who won the 1932 election by a landslide. He refused to uphold any of Hoover's policies with the intent on enacting his own. He pledged a present a "New Deal" (its specific meaning ambiguous at the time to the American people) to the American public.

Lewis Cass

Democratic senator who proposed popular sovereignty to settle the slavery question in the territories; he lost the presidential election in 1848 against Zachary Taylor but continued to advocate his solution to the slavery issue throughout the 1850s.


Democrats joined sixteen "Irreconcilables," mostly Republicans who opposed any treaty whatsoever, to defeat the treaty with reservations (39 for and 55 against). In the second vote, Republicans and Irreconcilables turned down the treaty without reservations (38 for and 53 against)

35. the Second New Deal

Denounced business leaders for placing their own selfish interests above national welfare. The first triumph of the ______ was the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act

The Confiscation Acts

Designed to punish the Confederates, the law confiscated all property used for "insurrectionary purposes". Thus if the South used slaves in a hostile action, those slaves were declared seized and liberated as contraband of war.

9. The Hawley-Smoot Tariff

Despite warnings from economists, Hoover signed the ______. The tariff raised duties by about 1/3 and further weakened the economy by making it even more difficult for foreign nations to sell their products and thus to earn dollars to pay back their debts to the United States and to buy American products.

Effects of lewis and clark expedition

Didn't find Northwest passage to pacific ocean or safe route across Rockies. Provided for nationalist visions of American expansion. Many fossils and artifacts found. Showed uniqueness of America.

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Differences on popular sovereignty and based on that, they do not tell the states what they should be, this gets rid of the Missouri Compromise which angers the Free-Soilers and anti-slavery forces. The fear in the North rose as this was passed by Pierce, opposition to Fugitive laws only increased.


Different areas of the country had different economic + political interests. - three sections of the country (north, south, and west)

The Exodusters

Disappointed people still searching for the American dream.

Freeport Doctrine

Doctrine developed by Stephen Douglas that said the exclusion of slavery in a territory could be determined by the refusal of the voters to enact any laws that would protect slave property.


Dominates New Orleans and secretly gave most of territory to Napoleon who wants to create a French empire in the New World. Violate Pickney's treaty and don't allow Americans to store products in New Orleans.

Battle of Put-in-Bay

During Great Lakes Campaign US beats Britain over Lake Erie.

Jonathan Edwards

During the 1730's a noted preacher and remarkable with youth. He helped many people obtain salvation.

Embargo Act

Economic pressure makes this that forbade all exports from US to any country as a short term measure to avoid war. Want to pressure Britain and France to respect US rights and prevents confrontation between warships. Hurts domestic market with manufacturing and starts an economic depression.

US in the Suez Crisis

Eisenhower angry cause attention taken away from Hungary and feared Nasser would seek help from Soviets, told London and Paris to pul out and they did

termination policy

Eisenhower's reversal of the Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, allowing Indians to end tribal status, removing their lands from federal protection and freeing them for sale; caused widespread Indian displacement as Natives were pressured to give up their lands

Lord Rockingham

Elected by King George III in the summer of 1765 as the new prime minister and he did not like the stamp act.

33. Huey Long

Elected governor of Louisiana in 1928. At first supported the new deal but he began to believe that Roosevelt had fallen captive to big business. Long countered with the Share Our Wealth Society, which advocated the seizure by taxation of all incomes greater that $1 million and all inheritances of $5 million. With the resulting funds, the government would furnish each family a homestead allowance of $5,000 and an annual income of $2,000. Gained 7 millions members. Was assassinated.

47. the United Auto Workers' strike of 1936

Employed the tactic of the sit-down - rather than leave the plant, workers halted production but remained inside. Police were called, tear gas, threats of imprisonment but they stayed strong. Got recognition from GM, Chrysler and later Ford. Empower the sit-down strike.

The Committee on Public information

Employing some of the nation's most talented writers and scholars, the CPI used propaganda to shape and mobilize public opinion. Pamphlets and films demonized the Germans, and CPI "Four-Minute Men" spoke at movie theaters, schools, and churches to pump up a patriotic mood

16. the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act

Empowered the president to reduce US tariffs by as much as 50 percent through special agreements with foreign countries

The Confederate conscription law

Enacted in April 1862. Thus the war forced unprecedented change on states that had seceded out of fear of change.

11. Farmers' Holiday Association

Encouraged farmers to take a "holiday" - a strike that would keep farm products off the market until they commanded better proces

Treaty of Ghent

Ends British and American tension. British drop promise to Indians. Not clear who won War of 1812. Affirmed that America would be independent and have sovereignty. America is out of European politics. Makes westward expansion, industrial takeoff, and slavery staples.

President James K. Polk

Engaged in territorial expansion in 1840's, annexed Texas and pushed conflict with Mexico; told Texans to push to Rio Grande and make that the southern border of US. This president wanted to fulfill the idea of Manifest Destiny; expand to Pacific

Algonquians vs English

English men regarded indian men as lazy because they did not cultivate crops and spent much of their time hunting (seen as a sport to english). English thought women were oppressed because they did heavy field labor. Algonquians land held communally and english had more individual farms

Harriet Tubman

Escapee of 1848 returned to Maryland and Virginia multiple times to help family, and led as many as 300 slaves. Slave owners were angry and were willing to pay $40,000 for capture

Essay on Human Understanding

Essay written by John Locke in 1690. It states that humans already know everything but it just needs to be relearned.

39. the Social Security Act (August 15, 1935)

Established old-age insurance under which workers who paid Social Security taxes out of their wage, matched by their employers, would receive retirement benefits beginning at 65. Also created several welfare programs, including a cooperative federal-state system of unemployment compensation and Aid to Dependent Children for needy single-parent families.

25. the National Industrial Recovery Act (June 16, 1933)

Established the Public Works Administration and the National Recovery Adminstration Established codes that set standards for production, prices and wages in several industries. Also, guaranteed workers' the right to unionize and to bargain collectively

Create a chart showing what was exchanged between Europe and Native Peoples in the Columbian Exchange

Europe: *maize, white potatoes, sweet potatoes, and tobacco *syphilis Natives: *wheat, barley, rice, and turnips *horses, cattle, sheep, goats, chickens, cattle, black rats, mosquitoes *carried SMALLPOX, measles, chickenpox, influenza, malaria, and yellow fever.

46. the Congress of Industrial Organizations

Evolved into a pragmatic, bread-and-butter labor organization that brought together millions of workers, including numerous women and African Americans who never before had an opportunity to join a Union. By the end of the 1930s the CIO had succeeded in organizing most of the nation's mass-production industries.

J. Marquette

Explored the Great Lake and the Mississippi Valley for France

L. Jolliet

Explored the Great Lake and the Mississippi Valley for France

R. de la Salle

Explored the Great Lake and the Mississippi Valley for France

32. Roosevelt's Chautauqua speech

Expressed prevailing isolationist opinion and made a pitch for the pacifist vote in the upcoming election. Promised the US would remain unentangled in the European conflict

Eleanor Roosevelt

FDR's Wife and New Deal supporter. Was a great supporter of civil rights and opposed the Jim Crow laws. She also worked for birth control and better conditions for working women

yeoman folk culture

Family , church, local region; Scots-Irish and Irish backgrounds Flock to religious revivals called camp meetings Hunting, corn-shucking, quilting bees; fun and fellowship; liquor and food in abundance Women's life at home Worked a lot in fields, referred to as "slaves of soil" Care and prep of food Household tasks, nursing, medical care; family responsibilities

Genteel Culture

Family's that lived a very more lavish life. They drank tea, attended parties, and lived in large houses.

Prigg v. Pennsylvania

Federal government enforced the Fugitive slave clause in this case

New York Evening Post

Federalist voice

Hartford Convention

Federalists lose all prominence when delegates from New England discuss pulling out of the republic while Jackson wins battles. Look like traitors.

Jefferson Davis

First and only president of the Confederate States of America. Strong chief executive. Adopted a firm leadership role toward the Confederate Congress. Although one of the Confederacy's ideas was for a less-centralized government, Davis realized that in order to get anywhere in this war, they needed to centralize.

The First Battle of Bull Run

First battle outside Manassas Junction, VA near a stream called Bull Run. Although Gen. "Stonewall" Jackson's Union army held up, the arrival of 9,000 Confederate reinforcements won the day for the South. Gave both sides a hint of what the war to come was going to look like.

The Civil Rights bill of 1866

First bill to define U.S. citizenship and affirm that all citizens are equally protected by the law. Mainly intended to protect the civil rights of Africans born in or brought to America.

The Battle of Shiloh

First majorly bloody encounter of the war. The Confederates attacked the Union in the early morning and inflicted heavy damage all day, until later in the night when Union reinforcements arrived, forcing the Confederates to retreat.

The Stamp Act Congress

First meet in 1754 to draft a protest. Gathered to try and reinforce the stamp act

house of burgesses

First representative form of government (elected assembly) to make laws to live by - Virginia

the battles of Lexington and Concord

First shots of the war. 8 americans killed and 10 wounded.

virginia company

First under the Virginia Company, and later under James I, settlers to Virginia could claim 50 acres of land as a headright. In 1619 the Virginia Company allowed major landowners to elect representatives to an assembly called the House of Burgesses. James I revoked the charter of the Virginia Company in 1624, making Virginia a royal colony.

5. the Five-Power Treaty, the Nine-Power Treaty, and the Four-Power Treaty

Five: set a ten-year moratorium on the construction of capital ships Nine: reaffirmed the Open Door in China, recognizing Chinese sovereignty Four: US, Britain, Japan, and France agreed to respect one another's Pacific possessions did not limit submarines, destroyers, or cruisers, nor did they provide enforcement powers for the Open Door declaration

Treaty of Fort Jackson

Following Battle of Horseshoe bend Creeks cede most of their land and Jackson becomes a major general.

Mammoth craze

Following the cheese there was this where people showed huge democratic support towards Jefferson with huge items.

Ex parte Milligan

S.C.O.T.U.S. declared that military trails were illegal when civil courts were open and functioning, and its language indicated that the Court intended to reassert its authority.

The Fifteenth Amendment

Forbade the states to deny the right to vote based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Free Soil Party

Formerly part of Liberty Party that restricted slavery to West to get more jobs for white employees. Motto was "Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men"

Stephen A. Douglas

Founder of Compromise of 1850, now introduce Kansas-Nebraska Act; economic benefit to IL > slavery.

Sally Hemings

Four children with Thomas Jefferson, didn't free her; need to publicly have dispensation of state legislator w/o removing from state - she dies a slave @65

Emmett Till

Fourteen-year-old Emmett Till was visiting relatives in Money, Mississippi, on August 24, 1955, when he reportedly flirted with a white cashier at a grocery store. Four days later, two white men kidnapped Till, beat him and shot him in the head. The men were tried for murder, but an all-white, male jury acquitted them. Till's murder and open casket funeral galvanized the emerging Civil Rights Movement.

Yalta Conference

Franklin Roosevelt called for the three Allied leaders to meet and discuss what to do with Germany. Britain sought to protect its colonial possessions and to limit Soviet power. the Soviet Union wanted Germany to pay reparations to fund its massive rebuilding effort. Insisted Germany must be permanently weakened. The US hoped to expand its influence and control the peace. Marked the high point if the Grand Alliance; each of the Allies came away with something it wanted

the Huguenots

French Protestants who migrated to Charles Town or New York. They created small rural community's for other Huguenots.

George Whitefield

From 1739, he went around preaching to people. He was such a famed preacher he became America's first real "celebrity"

Sephardic Jews

From Spain or Portugal and settled in places like the Netherlands and America (N.Y. R.I. etc)

presidential election of 1852

Gave southerners hope of protecting slavery under Democrat, Franklin Pierce who easily won Whig's General Winfield Scott Free Soiler John Hale rejected Pierce's stance on compromise and southerners hoped Peirce supported compromise (Whigs in 1852 rendered dead) → Pierce's embrace of the Compromise appalled northerners

35. The German invasion of Poland

German tank columns rolled into Poland. German fighting planes covered the advance, thereby launching a new type of warfare, the blitzkrieg (lightning war)—highly mobile land forces and armor combined with tactical aircraft. Within forty-eight hours, Britain and France responded by declaring war on Germany

The Lusitania

Germans sunk passenger ship Lusitania. 1,198 people had perished, including 128 Americans

Unrestricted submarine warfare

Germany estimated that they had to stop ALL British shipping to win. In early February 1917, Germany launched unrestricted submarine warfare. All warships and merchant vessels—belligerent or neutral—would be attacked if sighted in the declared war zone

51. the Tripartite Pact

Germany, Italy, and Japan had signed it to form the Axis powers, so Roosevelt slapped an embargo on shipments of aviation fuel and scrap metal to Japan

General George McClellan

Given command of the army by Lincoln. Better at organization and training than at fighting. Eventual goal would be to take Richmond, which was established as the Confederate Capital.

thomas mayhew

Governor Thomas Mayhew, the Elder established the first English settlement of Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket and adjacent islands in 1642. He is one of the editors of the Bay Psalm Book, the first book published in British North America.

James K Polk

Governor of Tennessee, slave owner, President, "Young Hickory", supported "re-occupation of Oregon and re-annexation of Texas"

Tallmadge Amendment

Gradual emancipation in Missouri compromise that Maine would be made a free state and Missouri would be made a slave state along with all of the Louisiana territory. Masked not suppressed political conflict over slavery expansion.

Ulysses S. Grant

Grant was not a radical, but his platform supported congressional Reconstruction and endorsed black suffrage in the South.

43. the National Labor Relations (Wagner) Act (July 5, 1935)

Granted workers the write to unionize and collectively with management. Also created a new National Labor Relations Board empowered to guarantee democratic union elections and to penalize unfair labor practices by employers, such as firing workers for union membership.

Black Cabinet

Group of African Americans FDR appointed to key government positions; served as unofficial advisors to the president.


Groups of different Indian tribes including, Navajos, Pueblos, Paiutes, and Apaches living in small comunitys. They then slowly lost their individual Indian heritage.

The Civil Rights Act of 1875

Guaranteeing black people equal accommodations in public places, such as inns and theaters, but the bill was watered down and contained no effective provisions for enforcement.

enslaved peoples work routines

Gulf Coast Cotton districts-long hours and large work that are like factories on a field-overseers ring bell and they come with tools, etc "Sun to sun" working Slave women do hard work during pregnancy,old ppl care for the young children, light chores, spin cotton,

the resistance movement in Nova Scotia and Britain's Caribbean colonies

Had no reason to believe they would benefit from independence.

John Peter Zenger

He was a newspaper editor in 1735 for the New York Paper. He was imprisoned for "seditious libel"

Eugene V. Debs

Head of the American Railway Union and director of the Pullman strike; he was imprisoned along with his associates for ignoring a federal court injunction to stop striking. While in prison, he read Socialist literature and emerged as a Socialist leader in America.

John Collier

Head of the Bureau of Indian Affairs who introduced the Indian New Deal and pushed congress to pass Indian Reorganization Act

The American System

Henry Clay's plan to make the U.S. economically independent from Europe.

John Smith & Founder of Jamestown

His leadership and strict discipline helped the Virginia colony get through the difficult first winter (society of gentlemen who didn't want to work).

Johnson's Reconstruction Plan

His plan consisted in pardons being granted to those who take a loyalty oath, no pardons would be available to high Confederate officials and people owning property valued over $20,000. Also, a state needed to abolish slavery before being readmitted to the Union, and to repeal its secession ordinance.

16. 1932 presidential campaign and election

Hoover blamed international events for the economic crisis but the nation didn't care. Was Impatient with his critics. Didn't offer the leadership when the times required it. Roosevelt was a well liked governor of New York. Served as assistant secretary of the navy under Woodrow Wilson and ran as the Democratic vice-presidential candidate in 1920. Supported relief payments for the unemployed. Demanded that the federal government engage in centralized economic planing and experimentation to bring about recovery. Both campaigned as fiscal conservatives. More people went to the polls than in any elections since WWI. Roosevelt - 22.8 million votes and 42 states. Hover -15.8 million votes and 6 states.

Court Justice Samuel Chase

House indicates this judge for misconduct because he opposed Jefferson as a Federalist. This is unconstitutional because only criminal action should release you. Can't be kicked out because Senate doesn't get 2/3 majority and Court retains independence.

How and why did Spain take the lead in colonization in the New World?

How: by supporting Columbus, conquering and enslaving already weakened Native Americans (due to disease from the Europeans) Why: to find wealth from the natural resources of the area, and to convert its people to Christianity as well as capture and force them into slavery

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Humanity and suffering of slaves shown in novel by Harriet Beecher. Blamed slavery for being an evil institution with evil influence over slaveholders. Show northern racism by making slaveowner northern with southern values. Brings evil of slavery home - ppl see how bad it really is. South fear the spread of slavery and potential abolitionist spread

Battle of Quebec

In 1759, French troops attacked the British in an ambush. The British destroyed the French gaining control of the St. Lawarence

The Dan River Baptist Church

In 1760 had church rules apply to all equally. Some rules was that, inter-race sexual relations, divorce, and adultery were all forbidden.

Rituals of consumption

In 1770, 25% of income was spent on consumer goods. Buying these consumer goods soon became a leisure activity.

Lincoln-Douglas debates

In 1858, these two nominees for the US Senate engaged in this debate. Characteristics included political analysis, rebuttal, addresses, theatre, and direct confrontation. Thousands came by foot, train, wagon to watch this dispute between these two men. The issue of slavery was strong; Lincoln says it is an evil while Douglas takes neutral stance that he criticizes. Lincoln takes a free soil stance while Douglas thinks racial prejudice is needed for unionism

The Twenty-slave law

In 1862, the Confederate Congress exempted from military duty anyone who was supervising at least twenty slaves. It led to an explosion of angered protests throughout the South.

southern paternalism

Slaveholding men had paternalistic ideology over black slaves and white women → don't stress profitable commercial agric, but obligation of custodian of welfare and black families → guardian of an inferior race (Paul Carrington Cameron)-NC's largest slaveholder, thought with this mentality, sympathy and moral responsibility as slave owner Slaves encourage masters to think this way Use against abolitionist criticism-self denial, means of avoiding harsh realities of enslavement Give and take;owner take labor from bondsmen, slaves get autonomy and living space Benevolence changes in situation (Cameron)bristled after he saw AA in Civil war and made decisions not looking at welfare Southern women Raised to be mother,wife, subordinate companion Hard to challenge sexual and racial relations Planter's Daughters attend boarding school Women emotionally unfulfilled Cede to husband her legal rights when married Most of year, isolated on plantation to oversee cooking preserving food; boring and lonely; refuge with ex. Family and other women

practice of mortgaging slaves

Slaves are commodity and investment; source of wealth in south, hope for steady rise in market value - mortgages on slaves and used as collateral (ppl that dont have cash for slaves ask sellers to purchase the mortgage) - pay back loan with interest→ faith in a human collateral, thinking value could go up, thousands mortgaged, with them fully aware

Charleston demonstrations of October 1765 and January 1766

Slaves peraded through the streets crying "Liberty". Sons of Liberty were horified because it was not what they meant when they had protested for liberty.

Shell shock (war psychosis)

Some suffered shell shock, a form of mental illness also known as war psychosis. Symptoms included a fixed, empty stare; violent tremors; paralyzed limbs; listlessness; jabbering and screaming; and haunting dreams

Samuel Fleming-William Waightstill Avery affair

South values of aristocratic; privilege, pride, honor, refinement of person commands respect in South; code of honor motivate frontier and planter farmer alike Code Duello-men to fight for honor through violence lasted longer in S Samuel Fleming used "cowhiding" to settle disputes with lawyer William Avery on public street

Nat Turner

Southampton County, VA in 1831 with famous rebel Nat Turner, led rebels farm to farm in predawn darkness in Aug 1831; kill victims-kill 60 whites of all sexes and ages Q: How did he come to believe this? Crazy fanatic? → Reaction: soon put down, killed slaves at random (Turner killed)-along with 200 black slaves as a result of this, strict legal codes to black education and religious practice

proslavery novels

Southern novels published in 1850's to contradict Uncle Tom's Cabin. Awkward stories that say slaves being freed to North would only kill them by starvation


Soviet Union leader; called for "peaceful coexistence" between capitalists and communists and suggested Moscow would tolerate different brands of communism

34. the Nazi-Soviet Nonaggression Pact

Soviet leader Joseph Stalin believed that the West's appeasement of Hitler had left him no choice but to cut a deal with Berlin

Joseph Stalin

Soviet leader; had no wish for immediate war, aware of Russian weakness; believed German and Japan would rise again to threaten USSR; possibly clinically paranoid

Warsaw pact

Soviet military alliance formed between all communist countries of eastern Europe

Stalin's Aims

Soviets concerned of invasion of their homeland, wanted to push the USSR's borders to include the Baltic states, sought to ensure pro-Soviet gov. in eastern Europe

twin shocks

Soviets had exploded an atomic device, and communists in China completed their conquest; Truman reacted by beginning the production of a hydrogen bomb, the "Super"

population distribution in the antebellum South

Spread out to maximize production and income Density was low1

Oldest continuously inhabited european settlement in the united states.

St.. Augustine

the Declaration of Rights and Grievances

Stated: Americans would obey parliament voluntarily and would resist all taxes in disguise.

Morrill Land Grant Act

States that sold public lands granted to them under this Act were required to use the income to promote public education in agriculture, engineering, and military science.

lesser antilles

String of volcanic islands in caribbean

slave family

Struggle to Reestablish contact with loved ones lost 25% men said they had been forcibly ripped from previous wife → families separated for cotton economy

Macon's Bill Number 2

Substituted for Non Importation Act. Said that if Britain and France will stop violating American commercial rights they will end commerce with other country. Napoleon accepts it and American declares won intercourse on Britain.

The Freedmen's Bureau

Supplied food and medical services, built several thousand schools and some colleges, negotiated several hundred thousand employment contracts between freedmen and their former masters, and tried to manage confiscated land.

Burr Conspiracy

Supposed scheme between Burr and Wilkinson to make a new empire by taking Texas and convincing the west to leave US. Convicted for treason and flees to Europe.

Korematsu v. U.S.

Supreme Court upheld the government's action to move the Japanese

National American Women Suffrage Association (NAWSA)

Susan B. Anthony=2nd president, outcome of AWSA and NWSA merging, founded 1869, want women to vote

Rosie the Riveter

Symbol of the woman war worker; the bulging muscles represented her strength as she aided the nation's war effort by taking jobs vacated by men who fought in the war

Taos Revolt

Taking over New Mexico was not easy; Taos Hispanics and Indians revolt and kill government officials; insurgents were suppressed by 300 American troops, canon killed 150 and they hung 28 insurgents

Battle of Tippecanoe

Tecumseh is in South and Harrison moves to burn the Pan-indian towns in Indiana. Indians get revenge by starting an alliance with Britain.

Roosevelt Corollary

Teddy Roosevelt declared that the U.S. has the right to intervene in any Latin American nations for political economic,or military reasons

23. the First Hundred Days

Term coined after FDR's hugely productive first 100 days in office, during which legislature passed FDR's First New Deal acts, the Emergency Beer & Wine Act, and 21st Amendment, Emergency Beer and Wine Act (1933), 21st Amendment (1933). The nation rebounded from near collapse.

"Bleeding Kansas"

Term for the bloody struggle between proslavery and antislavery factions in Kansas following its organization as a territory in the fall of 1854.

Dred Scott v. Sandford

The 1857 Supreme Court Decision that ruled the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional. The Court ruled against salve Dred Scott who claimed that travels with his master into free states and territories made him and his family free. The decision also denied the federal government the right to exclude slavery from the territories and declared that African Americans were not citizens.

The Battle of Chancellorsville

The Confederate soldiers snuck in near the Union camp where the Union soldiers were just hanging out. Mass confusion caused the entire right side of the union army to back away. Jackson rode forward with a few officers to study the ground, and when they returned, southern troops mistook them for federals and shot and killed them.

The Food Administration, the Railroad Administration, and the Fuel Administration

The Food Administration, led by engineer and investor Herbert Hoover, launched voluntary programs to increase production and conserve food—Americans were urged to grow "victory gardens" and to eat meatless and wheatless meals—but it also set prices and regulated distribution. The Railroad Administration took over the railway industry. The Fuel Administration controlled coal supplies and rationed gasoline

31. the Neutrality Acts of 1935, 1936, and 1937

The Neutrality Act of 1935 prohibited arms shipments to either side in a war, once the president had declared the existence of belligerency. The Neutrality Act of 1936 forbade loans to belligerents. The Neutrality Act of 1937 introduced the cash-and-carry principle: warring nations wishing to trade with the United States would have to pay cash for their nonmilitary purchases and carry the goods from U.S. ports in their own ship

61. the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union and the Harlem Tenants League

The S.T.F.U boycotted stores, and launched the "Jobs for Negroes" campaigns. The HTL fought rent increase and evictions.

Battle of Stalingrad

The Soviet Army hung on against all odds and put Germany of the defensive

17. the most-favored-nation principle

The US was entitled to the lowest tariff rate set by any nation with which it had an agreement

Sherman's southern campaign

The Union Army's march to sea through Georgia under Gen. Sherman was most notable because the soldiers inflicted total destruction on the land and its economic resources.

40. the Stimson Doctrine

The United States would not recognize any impairment of China's sovereignty or of the Open Door policy, Secretary Stimson declared in 1932

38. the Federal Theater, Federal Arts, Federal Music, and Federal Writers Projects

The WPA also sponsored a multitude of cultural programs, which not only provided employment for artists, musicians, writers, and actors, but brought art in myriad forms to the people. Criticized as left wing propaganda. Goal of this "Popular Front" culture was to recover a tradition of American radicalism through remembering and celebrating artistically, the lives and labor or American plain folk.

"slavery follows the flag"

The assertion by John C. Calhoun that planters could by right take their slave property into new territories.

The War industries board

The assorted committees were disbanded in July 1917 in favor of a single manager, the War Industries Board


The collapse of colonial empires. Between 1947 and 1962, practically all former colonies in Asia and Africa gained independence.

20. National Bank Holiday

The day after his inaugural address, Roosevelt declared a four day _____ and summoned Congress to an emergency session, beginning March 9, that would launch the new deal.

Bloody Sunday

The day that marchers from Selma to Montgomery were attacked by a white mob.

Beaver Wars

The desire for the Iroquois and the Hurons to dominate over the fur trade in the 1640s.

United States v. Cruikshank

The duty of protecting a citizen's equal rights rests in the states alone.


The elite Mexican ranchers in the province of California.

Virginia Company

The first joint-stock company in the colonies; founded Jamestown-earned little money.

Espionage and Sedition Acts

The first statute forbade "false statements" designed to impede the draft or promote military insubordination, and it banned from the mails materials considered treasonous. The Sedition Act made it unlawful to obstruct the sale of war bonds and to use "disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive" language to describe the government, the Constitution, the flag, or the military uniform

27. the Agricultural Adjustment Act (May 12, 1933)

The government would pay farmers to reduce their acreage or plow under crops. Farmers would receive payments based on parity. In paying price supports, the government was making up the difference between the current prices for farm products and the income that farmers needed to survive.The subsidies would be funded by taxes levied on the processors of agricultural commodities.


The idea that a state could cancel a federal law that was harmful to the state.

The "indoor" affairs of farm households

The indoor affairs is what the mistress of the farm did along with help of the servants. They prepared food, cleaned, did laundry, cultivated the crop and smoked the meat.


The more than 80,000 settlers who arrived in California in 1849 as part of that territory's gold rush.

The numbers 45 and 92

The numbers were both symbolic in different ways. 92 was the number of votes casted to recall circular letter. 45 was the number of things like the amount of cups at a certain party

The Presidential Election of 1876

The outcome of the election was significant because it marked the ending of Reconstruction.

The "outdoor" affairs of farm households

The outdoor affairs is what that man of the farm did along with the help of the servants. They usually did the larger, heavier things like, built fences, chopped wood, and butchered animals.


The ship that brought the Separatists (We call them Pilgrims today) to the New World


The social movement claiming to improve the genetic features of human populations through selective breeding and sterilization, based on the idea that it is possible to distinguish between superior and inferior elements of society

33. the voyage of the St.Louis

The vessel left Hamburg in mid-1939 carrying 930 desperate Jewish refugees who lacked proper immigration documents. Denied entry to Havana, the St. Louis headed for Miami, where Coast Guard cutters prevented it from docking. The ship was forced to return to Europe. Some of those refugees took shelter in countries that later were overrun by Hitler's legions.

New Nationalism

Theodore Roosevelt's program in his campaign for the presidency in 1912, the New Nationalism called for a national approach to the country's affairs and a strong president to deal with them. It also called for efficiency in government and society; it urged protection of children, women, and workers; accepted "good" trusts; and exalted the expert and the executive. Additionally, it encouraged large concentrations of capital and labor.


There was some tension between Massasoit and the colonists when they refused to give up Squanto whom Massasoit believed to have betrayed him. This, however, was resolved in March 1623 when Massasoit was gravely ill and Edward Winslow nursed him back to health.[4] After his recovery, Winslow reports that Massasoit said, "the English are my friends and love me... whilst I live I will never forget this kindness they have showed me."[5] In return for their kindness, Massasoit warned the Plymouth colonists of a plot against them. He had learned that a group of influential Massachusett warriors intended to destroy both the Wessagusset and Plymouth colonies, and he warned the Pilgrims in time.

The culture of ordinary folk

There were not a lot of newspapers nor books around. Because of this, many people were illiterate

The Enforcement Acts and the anti-Klan law

These laws made actions by individuals against the civil and political rights of others a federal criminal offense for the first time.

Clara Barton

These, among many other, women pioneered the way for the acceptance of women as physicians by being among the first of their gender to attend medical school.

Treaty of Versailles

They gave up 13 percent of Germany's territory, 10 percent of its population, all of its colonies, and a huge portion of its national wealth

The Liberal Republican revolt

They had a distaste for federal intervention in the South and an elitist desire to let market forces and the "best men" determine events, both in the South and in Washington.

The Thirteenth Amendment

This amendment would abolish and prohibit slavery forever. It was passed by Congress in early 1865, thus making the war to save the Union the same war to free the slaves.

Lyndon B. Johnson

This president played an important role in the passage of two major acts (Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act) during the 1960's that advanced the cause of civil rights for African Americans.

Bonus Expeditionary Force

Thousands of World War I veterans, who insisted on immediate payment of their bonus certificates, marched on Washington in 1932; violence ensued when President Herbert Hoover ordered their tent villages cleared.

19. diplomatic recognition of the Soviet Union

Throughout the 1920s, the Republicans had refused to open diplomatic relations with the Soviet government, which had failed to pay $600 million for confiscated American-owned property and had repudiated preexisting Russian debts. In the late 1920s, U.S. businesses such as General Electric and International Harvester entered the Soviet marketplace, and Henry Ford signed a contract to build an automobile plant there. By 1930, the Soviet Union had become the largest buyer of American farm and industrial equipment.

18. The banking crisis

Throughout the U.S, depositors lined in front of banks to withdraw their savings. Banks with insufficient funds on hand to pay depositors had to close their doors and declare themselves insolvent. In February, Michigan and Maryland suspended banking operations, and by early March 36 other states, including New York, had declared bank holidays.

National War Labor Board

To keep factories running smoothly, Wilson instituted the National War Labor Board (NWLB) in early 1918. The NWLB discouraged strikes and lockouts and urged management to negotiate with existing unions

Mandate system

To the crushing disappointment of much of the world's nonwhite majority, the imperial system emerged largely unscathed, as the conferees created a League administered "mandate" system that placed former German and Turkish colonies under the control of other imperial nations

emergence of popularly elected provincial conventions, 1774-1775

Took over the government and won independence at the local level without bloodshed.


Trade cities in Canada

Rituals on the "middle ground"

Trade often became a ritual with Indians for animal pelts. Settlers would get natives drunk to get better deals.

49. the Bureau of Reclamation

Transformed the west with huge water and public power projects

Political role of women

Transition between governments was bridged by women who encourage political and diplomatic negotiations. Also buying power influential with the embargo. Democratic Republican women spin own fabrics and Federalists don't.

Potsdam Conference

Truman was less patient with the Soviets that Roosevelt had been, and learned during the conference that a test of the new atomic weapon had been successful. US no longer needed the Soviet Union's help in fighting the Pacific war. Allies did agree that Japan must surrender unconditionally

Fair Deal

Truman's ambitious goal entering his second term; aimed to "give every segment of our population" equality; included civil rights legislation for African Americans, a national health insurance program, and federal aid for education; largely unsuccessful

John and William Bartram

Two scientists who supplied Europe with knowledge of plants and animals in America. Europe was able to learn about America without even coming over.

Crittenden Compromise

Two sections divide land by Compromise line by 36°30' Failed bc Lincoln did not allow concessions on territorial issue

Ferdinand L. Steel

Typical southern yeoman farmer - farming in Miss; corn and wheat, cotton as cash product to get money for other things-handpick own cotton, if prices fall, he could be in debt and lose farm, nowhere close to owning a slave; focus of life is family and religion

Harry Truman

US President; preferred for the simple answer; plants foot down; "tough method"

Sumner-Brooks affair

US Senate of May 1856 Radical anti-slavery Sumner ripped on Andrew Butler, senator of SC In response, Representative Preston Brooks beat Sumner on the head Northerners saw this as southern violence and assault on free speech (ne) → South supports Preston Brooks and re-elect him, sending him canes

Wounded Knee Massacre - 1890

US army searches tepees for guns, everyone on edge, someone fires, chaos breaks out, soldiers firing everywhere, about 160 killed

Second Barbary War

US captures Algiers and wins war and never have to pay tribute again with the other 3 Barbary states.

US impact in Third World

US directed massive resources - foreign aid, propaganda, development projects - toward the Third World, Dulles declared that neutralism was a step on the road to communism when Third World refused to take sides; preferred to maintain the status quo and support European allies only

Adams-Onis Treaty

US gains Florida already occupied by Jackson and in return have to denounce claims to Texas and take up million of claims by American citizens vs. Spain. Also had defined borders about Louisiana purchase.

Winfield Scott

US general in the Mexican War; led the capture of Mexico City

Suez Crisis

US takes back offer to finance the Aswan Dam. This blunt economic pressure backfired for Nasser responded by nationalizing the British-owned Suez Canal, intending to use its profits to build the dam. Israelis joined by British and French conspire to bring down Nasser

Eisenhower Doctrine

US would intervene in the Middle East if any government threatened by a communist takeover asked for help, Nasserites insisted there was no vacuum but rather a growing Arab nationalism that provided best defense against communism


US, Canada, and nations of western Europe sign mutual defense treaty agreeing that an attack on any one of them would be an attack on all; would function as a "tripwire"

37. the Works Progress Administration

Ultimately employed more than 8.5 million people and built 650,000 miles of highways and roads, 125,000 public buildings, and 8,000 parks, as well as numerous bridges, reservoirs, irrigation systems, sewage treatment plants, and playgrounds and swimming pools. Among its construction projects, the ___ built or renovated 5,900 schools, 2,500 hospitals, and 1000 airfield. Also operated nurseries for preschool children, and it established school in which 1.5 million adults were taught to read and write.

Potsdam Declaration

Ultimatum Truman gave Japan to surrender unconditionally or face "prompt and utter destruction"

The Paris Peace conference

Unable to moderate the Allied position, the president reluctantly gave way, agreeing to a clause blaming the war on the Germans and to the creation of a commission to determine the amount of reparations (later set at $33 billion)

26. National Recovery Adminstration

Under ___ auspices, competing businesses with each other, as well as with representatives of workers and consumers, to draft codes of fair competition, which limited production and established prices.

Federal District Judge John Pickering

Under him the judiciary branch centralized and undemocratic. judges appointed and stay for life.

Ulysses S. Grant

Union commander who saw the strategic importance of Fort Henry and Fort Donelson in the Confederacy. He realized that if the Union army was to capture these forts, they would open two prime routes into the heartland of the Confederacy.

The First Reconstruction Act

Union generals, commanding small garrisons of troops and charged with supervising all elections, assumed control in five military districts throughout the South. Guaranteed freedmen the right to vote in elections for state constitutional conventions and in subsequent elections. Each southern state was required to ratify the 14th, ratify its new constitution with majority vote, and submit it to Congress for approval.

Nye Committee

United States Senate committee (April 12, 1934-February 24, 1936), chaired by U.S. Senator Gerald Nye (a Republican). The committee investigated the financial and banking interests that underlay the United States' involvement in World War I, and was a significant factor in public and political support for American neutrality in the early stages of World War II.

Rosa Parks

United States civil rights leader who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in Montgomery (Alabama) and so triggered the national civil rights movement.

Royal Navy blockades

United States very hurt by this and cause American trade declines by 90% oversees. US is almost bankrupt.

Kitchen Cabinet

Unofficial advisers to the president

The Tenure of Office Act

Used as an argument that Johnson violated this act, and that he should be impeached.

President Franklin Pierce

Vigorously enacted the Fugitive Slave Act, was in the midst of many sectional disputes over land, pacific expansion, internal development

55. Roosevelt's court-packing plan

Wanted the authority to add a federal judge whenever an incumbent failed to retire within six months of reaching age 70; the president also wanted the power to name up to 50 additional federal judges, including 6 to the Supreme Court. Liberals and conservatives opposed his plan.

President Jefferson Davis's southern offensive

Wanted to gain recognition of the Confederacy by European nations, and to try and gain northwestern states from the Union into the Confederacy.

Democratic Republicans vs Federalists

Wanted to limit national power and have an agricultural society while moving into west vs strong centralized power to promote economy

Radical Republicans

Wanted to transform the South. They believed it was essential to democratize the South, establish public education, and ensure the rights of the freedpeople.

General Andrew Jackson

Wants revenge for the Red Sticks attack and crushed them at HoseShoe Bend Battle.

Noah Webster

Wants to make English language more republican and bind Americans together with a national language.

Mammoth cheese

Wants to set himself apart from Federalists and has disdain for ceremonies. However happily awaits an inaugural gift of _________________ made by Jeffersonian Republic and Baptist town. Very happy that the president wants state separate from church and an agrarian society.

Dominion of New England

Was established from 1686-1688 took the place of all charters from Maine to New Jersey

The Iroquois Confederacy

Was made of of 5 tribes desired to control the fur trade for access to European goods the wars between the French and the Indians were crucial components of French Canada's plan to penetrate the heartland of North America economic - fought to take control of the fur trade social - ended up fighting with other tribes and the French

John Brown

Well-known abolitionist who led the Pottawatamie Massacre (Bleeding Kansas) and the raid on the arsenal at Harper's Ferry where he was captured, tried and hanged.

Election of 1800

What Jefferson called his election because changes government policies. Jefferson becomes president

Lincoln's plan for gradual emancipation

What Lincoln proposed was gradual emancipation, with compensation for slaveholders and colonization of the freed slaves outside the United States.


What the Republicans called the Peace Democrats.

Massachusetts bay company

When Charles I ascended to the throne in 1625 his anti-Puritan policy led thousands of Congregationalists to leave England for America, creating the massachusetts bay colony

Bradwell v. Illinois

When Myra Bradwell was denied the right to become an attorney, she claimed her 14th Amendment rights were violated. The S.C. rejected her claim, alluding to women's traditional role in the home.

The Boston Tea Party

When a group of people ransacked a tea ship. They took all of the tea and threw it in the ocean, destroying all of it.

Sphere of Influence

When a powerful nation has exclusive control over regions close to their homeland

Public rituals

When groups of people gathered together for a common cause. It was important for unifying and education functions

Oliver Cromwell

When the king was removed from the throne in 1644, this parliament leader took over in the interim.

The Battle of Gettysburg

When the two forces mistakenly collided, heavy fighting broke out over two steep hills, leaving federal forces in possession of high ground. Lee believed his forces could break the Union line at the hill. He was wrong, and he had to force his army to withdraw.

the Battle of Breed's (Bunker) Hill

Where the British incurred their greatest losses of the entire war: more than eight hundred wounded and 228 killed.

conscience Whigs

Whig politicians who opposed the Mexican War (1846-1848) on moral grounds, maintaining the the purpose of the war was to expand and perpetuate slavery. They feared that the addition of more slave states would ensure the South's control of the national government.

southern version of republicanism

White citizens in slave society can enjoy liberty/ social equality because blacks are enslaved. Slavery boosts every white's status, allow rich and poor man to be same. Southern Democrats use racism to keep common supporters

"fancy trade"

White planters open with behavior with slave women, not in way they talk about it "Fancy trade" 300% higher than normal; young attractive girls

Panic of 1857

Widespread unemployment Plummeting prices of wheat, lowered wages → bread riots and class warfare (MW)-clerks, railroad hands, domestic jobs lost significantly Bankers with bad credit system beginning with decade's western land speculation (Example-Georgia) - Class divisions; yeoman vs. coastal slaveholders- tight money policies blamed on rich → Southerners think this is temporary collapse of industrial prosperity → Northerners fear slave power once again

Social Darwinism

William Graham Sumner supports it, helps advocate this theory, takes Charles Darwin's theories and apply to society, those succeeding because they are adaptable, smart, don't succeed when morally corrupt

League of Nations

Wilson envisioned the League as having power over all disputes among states, including those that did not arise from the peace agreement; as such, it could transform international relations

Wilson's 14 points

Wilson reaffirmed America's commitment to an international system governed by laws and renounced territorial gains as a legitimate war aim

The submarine and international law

Wilson was interpreting international law in the strictest possible sense. The law that an attacker had to warn a passenger or merchant ship before attacking, so that passengers and crew could disembark safely into lifeboats, predated the submarine. The Germans thought the U-boats should not be expected to surface to warn ships, for surfacing would cancel out the U-boats' advantage of surprise and leave them vulnerable to attack

Woodrow Wilson

Wilson: Democratic president whose election in 1912 ushered in a second wave of progressive reforms on the national level; served as president until 1921.

John Monroe

Wins presidential Election of 1816 and supports tariffs and vetoes Bonus Bill like Madison. Rushes in the Era of Good Feeling.

The Declaratory Act

With the repealing of the stamp act, the declaratory act was put in. It allowed parliament to tax and legislate Britain's American positions

The Daughters of Liberty

Women throughout the colonies who bound together. They shared recipies on tea substitutes or coffee to get around tea tax

Jacob Riis

Wrote book "How the Other Half Lives", Danish immigrant, takes pictures of slums, writes stories about poor, opens up many eyes


Wyandot (or Wendat) indigenous people of North America, who were Native allies to the French during the French and Indian War

Theodore Roosevelt

Youthful successor to slain president William McKinley in 1901; U.S. president, 1901-1909; promoted an agenda of progressive reform.

Plessy v. Ferguson

a 1896 Supreme Court decision which legalized state ordered segregation so long as the facilities for blacks and whites were equal

Juan de Onate

a Mexican born adventurer that led a group of about five hundred soldiers and settlers to New Mexico. They began to torture, murder, and rape Acoma and Acoma killed several soldiers including Juan's son. The invaders responded by killing more than eight hundred people and capturing the remaining. Some had one foot amputated.

24. fascism

a collection of ideas and prejudices that celebrated supremacy of the state over the individual; of dictatorship over democracy; of authoritarianism over freedom of speech; of a regulated, state-oriented economy over a free-market economy; and of militarism and war over peace


a conqueror, especially one of the Spanish conquerors of Mexico and Peru in the 16th century

Anne Hutchinson

a dissenter who held meetings at her home where she emphasized the covenant of grace and asserted that the elect could be assured salvation and communicate directly with god. She threatened religious orthodoxy and gender roles. (puritans viewed women as inferior to men).

maryland act of religious toleration

a law mandating religious tolerance for Trinitarian Christians; passed on April 21, 1649, by the assembly of the Maryland colony, in St. Mary's City

Roger Williams

a separatist that migrated to Mass. Bay and said the king had no right to grant land already occupied by indians. and that the church and state should be kept separate. Puritans should not impose religious beliefs on others. he was banished and founded the town of providence.


a series of assumptions about the operations of the world's economic system

youth culture

a set of subcultures, but all were distinct from that of older generations; created within peer groups, and shaped by national media; shaped the economy

49. the Atlantic Charter

a set of war aims reminiscent of Wilsonianism: collective security, disarmament, self-determination, economic cooperation, and freedom of the seas


a system like the feudal system, where one the person on top gives land and protection to the people under it, in exchange for workers, servants, and ding work


a tribe that did not like when english people migrated into the connecticut valley

William Lloyd Garrison

a) Abolitionist from new England. b) He published the Liberator an abolitionist newspaper

Three part plan to the American System

a) Increase tariff b) Renew the National Bank c) Improve American infrastructure

Henry Clay

a) Kentucky b) Served in Congress,the cabinet and ran for president 5 times c) Clay favored compromise aka( Great Compromiser)

Daniel Webster

a) Massachusetts b) served in both the House + Senate + also the Cabinet c) Anti-slavery d) favored manufacturing e) favored tariff f) believed in a strong federal government

Adams-Onis Treaty (1819)

a) Pres. Monroe was furious with Jackson feared war with Spain. b) Monroe sent John Quincy Adams to Madrid to negotiate a treaty with Spain c) The U.S. paid $5 million for Florida

John C. Calhoun

a) South Carolina b) Senator, Vice Pres., and cabinet member c) Pro-slavery d) favored agriculture e) Anti tariff f) favored States' rights

Andrew Jackson

a) democratic republican b)from Tennessee c) War hero d) Champion of the common man e)self-made man

John Quincy Adams

a) national republic party b) from Massachusetts c) Talented diplomat

Henry Clay

a)Democratic republican b)from Kentucky c)Speaker of the House d)"Great Compromiser

Fredrick Douglass

a)Escaped from slavery on the Underground Railroad b)He spoke about the evils of slavery c)He published the newspaper,the North Star


a)created by Andrew Jackson from Democratic Republican b)farmers,factory workers,working class and poor c) liberal


a)created by formal Federalists and National Republic Party b)Big business,banking,professionals and military c)conservative

William Crawford

a)democratic republican b)from Georgia c) too ill to campaign

Eisenhower and Dulles

accepted the Cold War consensus about the threat of communism and the need for global vigilance; overall Dulles' influence was vast as the president occasionally tamed the more hawkish proposals of Dulles and VP Nixon

consumer culture

after decades of scarcity, the sudden availability of products was embraced enthusiastically; goods were used to express personal identities and to claim status within the broad boundaries of the middle class; cars especially popular

British Naval Policy

aimed to sever neutral trade with Germany in order to cripple the German economy. The British, "ruling the waves and waiving the rules," declared a blockade of water entrances to Germany and mined the North Sea

GI Bill of Rights

aka Servicemen's Readjustment Act; passed a year before the war's end in anticipation of an economic crisis upon return of the soldiers to America; attempted to keep the flood of people from swamping the US economy by providing year-long unemployment benefits and higher-education benefits, keeping the soldiers out of the workforce longer

War Production Board

allocated resources and coordinated production among thousands of independent factories

the Meat Inspection Act

allowed courts to have the final authority between inspectors and meatpackers, while giving the Federal government power to enforce health and sanitary standards in all phases of the interstate meatpacking industry.


an Algonquian word meaning leader or commander among the Powhatan confederacy of the Virginia coast and Chesapeake Bay region

John C. Fremont

an American military officer, explorer

Hawley-Smoot Tariff

an act sponsored by Senator Reed Smoot and Representative Willis C. Hawley and signed into law on June 17, 1930. The act raised U.S. tariffs on over 20,000 imported goods.[2]


an older or senior person who was in charge of the church


an unincorporated business owned and run by one individual with no distinction between the business and you, the owner

The Arabic

another British vessel, was sunk off Ireland. Three Americans died


any individual granted license by their government to attack shipping belonging to an enemy government, usually during a war

Bonanza Farms

as a result of modern machinery, farms turn into big business (used to be small business), businesses buy out smaller farms, transition from individual farms to being an employee of a bigger farming business

Interest-group democracy

attempt by the American President Franklin D. Roosevelt to create broad support for the New Deal by giving major interest groups at least part of what they wanted.

the Sixteenth Amendment

authorized Congress to implement a graduated income tax.

Formosa Resolution

authorizing the president to deploy American forces to defend Formosa and adjoining islands, formally surrendered the constitutional power to declare war

the Pure Food and Drug Act

ban foreign and interstate traffic in adulterated or mislabeled food and drug products, and it directed the U.S. Bureau of Chemistry to inspect products and refer offenders to prosecutors. It required that active ingredients be placed on the label of a drug's packaging

1834 Indian Intercourse Act

bill saying all land west of the Mississippi will be for Native Americans, only licensed whites can cross, not practical, can't be enforced

joint stock company

business entity where different stocks can be bought and owned by shareholders

The Known World

by Edward P. Jones; complex world of southern free blacks, VA family that begins from slavery to slave ownership

47. the Selective Training and Service Act

called for the registration of all men between the ages of twenty-one and thirty-five

Competition and Monopolies Description

capitalism requires competition, when a company continues to win, it is a monopoly, monopolies end capitalism because they end competition, government doesn't like monopolies

indentured servants

captured people or prisoners from england who were at first used as slaves for growing and cultivating crops such as sugar and tobacco.

Thomas Nast

cartoonist, famous, exposes the political corruption

growth of the Sunbelt

caused by new industry plants and military training camps that channeled federal money into the region; defense spending postwar continued the shift of development from Northeast/Midwest to South/Southwest


changes to improve society and politics

atomic civil defense program

children in schools practices "duck-and-cover" positions, learning to shield their faces from the flash and flying debris; people were encouraged to build backyard fallout shelters

John O'Sullivan

coined the term "manifest destiny"

Mao Zedong

communist leader in China

Transcontinental Railroad

completed after Lincoln's death, opens up west, moves bulky objects more efficiently

Sherman Silver Purchase Act 1890

compromise between NE and West/South, not free coinage, but Government promises to buy certain amount of silver

What sparks the Great Sioux War?

conflict between Sioux and settlers over the Great Sioux War (Sioux don't want to be pushed off land)

Pequot War

conflict between the Pequot tribe against english colonists. They were moving closer and closer to the Pequot tribe area and conflicts arise over unfair trading and destruction of crops; Ended up killing Pequot tribe

Father Charles Coughlin

controversial Canadian-American Roman Catholic priest based in the United States near Detroit at Royal Oak, Michigan's National Shrine of the Little Flower church. Commonly known as Father Coughlin, he was one of the first political leaders to use radio to reach a mass audience, as up to thirty million listeners tuned to his weekly broadcasts during the 1930s. He was forced off the air in 1939, harsh critic of Roosevelt

Edward Bellamy

cooperation not competition, work together, end poverty together

the National Consumers League

created by Florence Kelley; tried to get women to use their power as consumers to get businesses to improve working conditions for their laborers (example: don't buy from a company that doesn't pay its workers fair wages)

National Security Act

created the Office of Secretary of Defense to oversee all branches of the armed services, the National Security Council of high-level officials to advise the president, and the CIA to conduct spy operations; overall gave the president increased powers with which to conduct foreign policy

People's Republic of China (PRC) and US reaction

declared by Mao when Jiang fled to Taiwan; Truman hesitated to extend diplomatic recognition; alarmed by the Sino-Soviet treaty of friendship and by the harassment of Americans and their property in China; vocal group of Republic critics was winning headlines by asking "Who lost China" -- in the end rejected recognition

Eugene V. Debs

delivered a spirited oration extolling socialism and freedom of speech—including the freedom to criticize the Wilson administration for taking America into the war. Federal agents arrested him

planned obsolescence

designing a product to wear down or break in a certain amount of time, forcing the consumer to replace it (@apple)


disintegrating empires released from dependency created the new Third World

General Douglas MacArthur

disliked by Truman; envisioned turning the Pacific into an "Anglo-Saxon lake"; general of the Cold War in Asia; wrote a democratic constitution, gave women voting rights, revitalized the economy and destroyd the nation's weapons

environmental costs of growth

disposable products were convenient but not biodegradable; increasing consumption meant increasing use of natural resources; industrialization and transportation emitted toxins into the air, degrading environmental and human health; water diversion for farming and for industrialization destroyed ecosystems; nuclear waste piling up (not disposable)

fort orange/albany

dutch settlement in NY

middle class culture

emerged with the widespread prosperity after WWII; growth of suburbs created communities and schools and churches that spread this; national media provided advice that shaped society

the New Look

emphasis on airpower and nuclear weaponry, "more bang for the buck", practiced "brinkmanship": not backing down in a crisis even if it meant taking the nation down, and popularized "the domino theory" that small, weak, neighboring nations would fall to communism like dominos

Spanish Speaking Influence

established the present-day economic structure of the Southwest, Spanish were out west before mass immigration

2nd Industrial Revolution

explosion in industry, starts after Civil War, lasts into 1920s, society changes, factories, mass production, big cities


families were few, small and short lived. Schooling was "haphazard". indentured servants-slaves.


favor change

Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) 1887

federal government agency to regulate interstate trade, oversees railroads to prevent corruption

john rolfe

fell in love with Pocahontas and married her; when they went to england together, she ended up dying


female guide and translator for Lewis and Clark Expedition. Allowed to vote where army slept. didn't get wages.

Party Deadlock during late 1880s

few independents, civil war traditions - Democrats: white southerners, northerners in big cities, immigrants, Republicans: blacks, white northerner in small-mid town

john winthrop

first elected governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony, envisioned a society based on religion

Farmer's Holiday Association

formed by a group of unhappy farm owners, it endorsed the withholding of farm products from the market. In effect a farmers' strike, which although blockading several markets ended in failure.

Wagner Act

foundational statute of United States labor law which guarantees basic rights of private sector employees to organize into trade unions, engage in collective bargaining for better terms and conditions at work, and take collective action including strike if necessary.

German Democratic Republic

founded by Berlin Blockade and Airlift


go hand in hand with industry, fuel growth of industry, move raw materials to factories, move products to be sold

Niagara Movement

group of blacks not allowed to stay at NY hotel, too many blacks at once, must go to Canadian side to find a hotel

brains trust

group of intellectual advisers that wrote FDR's speeches and assisted him in the authorization of legislation

John F. Flintoff

had diary for struggle for success; went to Miss as slave overseer, then to LA and Miss again→ working on isolated plantation for low wages, faulty work; bought two negroes, sells them and gets money, later land- shows that farmers move in and out of slaveholding class, but never gets cotton planter status

Stalin's reaction to Marshall Plan and National Security Act

hardened Cold War posture, engineered a coup in Czech

Wilson's anti-Bolshevik actions

he ordered five thousand American troops to northern Russia and ten thousand more to Siberia, where they joined other Allied contingents in fighting what was now a Russian civil war. They fought on the side of the "Whites" (various counterrevolutionary forces) against the "Reds" (the Bolsheviks). Wilson did not consult Congress

General John J Pershing

head of the American Expeditionary Forces (AEF), insisted that his "sturdy rookies" remain a separate, pendent army

henry hudson

hudson river was named after him

Sherman Anti-Trust Act

impactful, US government realizes monopolies are bad, both parties support, no teeth - does not properly define a monopoly, nothing happens until Roosevelt is president

William Penn

in 1681, he received a land grant from Charles II and used it to make Pennsylvania, a pacifist and egalitarian haven for Quakers social and political - created PA and changed the separatist views of the people, showing pacifism and egalitarianism

50s poverty

increasingly urban due to the emigration of wealthier Americans from cities into suburbs; endured crowded and decrepit housing and poor schools; in rural areas, growth of agribusiness and mechanization of farming pushed small farmers off of land

acoma pueblo

indian city in new mexico

New England

inspired by religion. PURITANS AND SEPARATISTS

yeoman farmers

into south or underdev land of Indians owned no slaves Gulf lands, Kentucky or Tenns; inland and away from large rivers were small sufficient farmers Individualistic and hardworking; unlike northerners, transportation did not transform their lives Indep thinkers, and while majority, they could not set political and econ direction of larger society Not staple crops No slaves Southern Frontier Men clear field and build log cabins, est. farms Wives with household labor and recreate social ties; dread moving bc isolation → Some yeoman farmers got slaves and got large tracts of land and became planters; new wealth in cotton boom states of Miss and LA → others went for mountainous area and self sufficient manner of life; want control of own econ and domestic life

27. the Abraham Lincoln Battalion

joined the fight on the side of the Loyalist republicans defending Spain


kidnapped indian princess from the powhattan tribe

richard hakluyt

known for promoting the English colonization of North America through his works

Knights of Labor overview

labor union, leader=Terrence V. Powderely, more radical, all people allowed into Union - skilled, unskilled, whites, blacks (no Asians) no private ownership of factories, workers should run the factories, against Capitalism

Little Big Horn - 1876

led by Custer (US), Custer's job to enforce policy of forcing Natives onto reservations, Custer won't take reinforcements, thinks he can handle it, Natives win - biggest victory against US

What does Carnegie donate money to?

libraries, fire departments, parks, schools, medical research

Rush-Bagot Treaty

limits British and American navy forces to match in different bodies of water. First disarmament treaty.

Work Life during the 2nd Industrial Revolution

long hours, dangerous, hurt, fired if you get hurt, low pay

50s gender roles

males were breadwinners, females were homemakers; possible for families to live in modest middle-class comfort on just a father's income, and with discrimination high, mothers found it more appealing to stay home rather than work a double shift of cooking and housework

baby boom

marriage and birth rates soared upon the return of the soldiers after the war, producing a massive generation and forcing the economy to expand to compensate

Gold Rush 1849

massive amounts of people move to CA trying to strike rich, mining starts as small business, then turns to big business

What drives Western movement in the late 1800s?

mining and farming opportunities

Immigrants during 2nd Industrial Revolution

more from Southern and Eastern Europe, more religious diversity, more Jews, more moving to North

African-Americans in Workforce Late 1800s

more likely to be unemployed, work tougher jobs, panic affects black families hard, Mark Twain's Huck Finn shows how ridiculous racism can be

American Federation of Labor (AFL) overview

more moderate than the Knights of Labor, founded by Samuel Gompers, no blacks, no women, no unskilled workers, still exists today fair treatment, less hours, higher wages

Pullman Strike 1894

nationwide strike between the American Railway Union and Pullman, railroads lay off workers, lower pay because of debts, strike spreads throughout country, Debs vs. Pullman and Cleveland, Cleveland uses army to break the strike - mail must be delivered

John Sloat

naval commander who landed in California

Third World interests

new nations could by American goods and tech and supply strategic raw materials and invite investments, could build cultural ties, most wanted from both sides were votes in the United Nations and sites within the borders for military and intelligence bases

Cattle Drives

new type of cattle that are half Spanish and half English, raised in Texas, moved North - open range, put on trains to Chicago, slaughtered at meat processing plants

Progressive Party

nominated Henry A Wallace, a New Dealer, to run in the 1948 election; advocated friendly relations with the USSR, racial desegregation, and nationalization of basic industries

The Jungle

novel written by Upton Sinclair that highlighted numerous problems of the meatpacking industry and inspired the Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act


one of the world's oldest political association of states


organization designed to coordinate communist activities around the world

W.E.B DuBois

part white, part black, born in Massachusetts, treated fairly when younger, wants immediate change, need to fight to for political equality, end segregation, The Souls of Black Folks speech

the Progressive party

party started by Roosevelt when he lost the Republican nomination; "fit as a bull moose"; commitment to a wide range of progressive causes: regulate industry and trusts, government reform, worker's comp, senior citizens pension, women's suffrage

Bland-Allison Silver Purchase Act 1878

passed by Congress even though Hayes vetoed it, opposed by big Eastern businesses who want a pure gold standard, the act blended gold standard with silver coinage, compromise

National Industrial Recovery Act

permitted all workers to join unions of their choice, allowed workers to bargain collectively for wage increases and benefits, allowed workers to go on strike to try to force employers to meet their demands


places workers live in, dark, damp, overcrowded, look like dumbbells, share public bathrooms

political mobilization

politicians want local people to support them. People show their political support in parades, taverns and write petitions, parades, songs and debates.

What does the 1896 election end?

populist party, free silver debate

crisis of masculinity

postwar corporate employees had become "organization men", succeeding through cooperation and conformity, not individual initiative and risk; men who did not recover sense of adventure were blamed for putting the nation's future at risk, while those who did not conform with male ideals (husband, father, breadwinner) were condemned

The American Legion

preached an antiradicalism that fueled the Red Scare. By 1920, 843,000 Legion members, mostly middle- and upper-class, had become stalwarts of an impassioned Americanism that demanded conformity

Indian Removal Act of 1830

president can negotiate treaties of removal with tribes moving east of Miss, federal funds for relocation

Guatamala Intervention

president of Guatemala, owner of the United Fruit Company, CIA plans to overthrow him after communist charge

the Mann-Elkins Act of 1910

prohibiting interstate and international transportation of a woman for immoral purposes

Mutual Security Treaty towards Japan

provided for the stationing of US forces on Japanese soil, including a base on Okinawa

McKinley Tariff of 1890

raised tariffs, repealed in 1894, hurt Republicans b/c the cost of goods increased too high, hurt economy

the Underwood Tariff

re-imposed the federal income tax following the ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment and lowered basic tariff rates from 40% to 25%.

10. the Dawes Plan of 1924

reduced Germany's annual payments, extended the repayment period, and provided more loans. Scaled down Allied obligations, cutting the debt by half during the 1920s

11. the Young Plan of 1929

reduced Germany's reparations, salvaged as little as the world economy sputtered and collapsed following the stock market crash

John Calvin and Martin Luther

rejected catholic rituals denying the need for an elaborate church hierarchy, insisted that people could interpret the bible for themselves-stimulated the spread of literacy. They also asserted that the key to salvation was faith in god rather than a combination of faith and good works.

Selective Service Act

requiring all males between the ages of twenty-one and thirty (later changed to eighteen and forty-five) to register

Boss Tweed

runs political machine out of Tammany Hall

tobacco production

same as sugar production; at first, indentured servants were used, but then african slaves were used.

National Reclamation Act 1902

sell land that is used to fund irrigation projects (land out west is dry, needs to be irrigated)

Marshall Plan

sent $12.4 billion to western Europe; required that Europeans spend the foreign-aid dollars in the US on American-made products -- massive recovery plan. Mixed Success: caused inflation but spurred impressive production

King Philip's War

series of battles in 1675 between the colonists and the Wampanoags which were led by their chief King Philip stated in MA when the government tried to take control of the local Indians the colonists won with the help of the Mohawks this victory opened up more Indian land for expansion economic - new lands were opened for settling political - fought over the attempts of the MA government to control the Wampanoags; colonists formed new allies

The Salem Village Witch Crisis

several accusations of witchcraft Cotton Mather presided as judge and 18 people were hanged social - fears of uncertainties caused people to accuse those around them of witchcraft for wrongs they may have done to them (of course, this then INCREASED stress and tension)

Wabash Case (Wabash v. Illinois) 1886

severely limited individual state's ability to regulate interstate commerce, creates need of ICC

The Middle Passage

ship route between Africa and the Caribbean used to transport slaves economic - while many slaves died during passage, the Middle Passage supplied North America with many laborers

Doolittle raid

sixteen American B-25s appeared in the skies over Japan, did little harm, but had enormous psychological impact on leaders, pushed commander into bold action

Island hopping

skipping the most strongly fortified islands whenever possible and taking the weaker ones, aiming to strand the Japanese armies on their island outposts


skyrocketing, new technologies being invented - lots of patents, give time to make money off of product

Important issues

slavery and Missouri

US aims

sought forward bases overseas, quick reconstruction of nations, and a world economy based on free trade

African American migration to the northern cities

southern blacks undertook a great migration to northern cities to work in railroad yards, packing houses, steel mills, shipyards, and coal mines

U-2 Incident

spy plane carrying cameras crashed into Soviet Union, CIA pilot captured. USSR demands apology but when Washington refuses, Soviets walk out of the Paris Summit (meeting between Soviets and US)

John Rockefeller

starts poor, rises to the top, richest American, Oil company

Andrew Carnegie

starts poor, works his way up, becomes 2nd richest American, builds free public libraries

Civil Rights Cases 1883

states can't violate 14th amendment, but businesses and people can, overturned by Civil Rights Act in 1964


stay the same

President James Monroe's removal message of 1824

suggests moving Indians beyond Miss R. → indep and improvement 4 tribes reject Monroe's proposal Made 30 treaties with US during 1789-1825 just wanted to remain on ancestral land Monroe proposed this bc he had promised GA in 1802 that nw GA would be rid of Cherokees and Creeks if they renounce claims to western lands (1826)-Creeks gave all but small portion to GA and they were still unmoved (need complete removal of Creeks to west) Creeks-could not hold to last of lands in AL, 1829 they strengthen tribal authority and forbid chief from ceding land

Second Hundred Days

summer of 1935 is often referred to as this because Roosevelt passed a large amount of important legislation during this time. during this time, congress passed legislation that broadened the powers of the National Labor Relations Board, democratized unions, and pushed businesses with anti-union policies

20. the Good Neighbor policy

support for strong local leaders, the training of national guards, economic and cultural penetration, Export-Import Bank loans, financial supervision, and political subversion. The United States would be less blatant in its domination—less willing to defend exploitative business practices, less eager to launch military expeditions, and less reluctant to consult with Latin Americans.

Geneva Accords on Vietnam

temporarily divided Vietnam at the 17th parallel, meant to serve as a military truce line, not a national boundary. US set about trying to undermine the Geneva agreements, knowing that it meant a communist victory. CIA entered Vietnam and undertook secret operations against the North

military industrial complex

term used by Eisenhower in his farewell address to describe the increasing influence of the arms race; Eisenhower warned that it threatened democracy

Bataan Death March

the Japanese force-marched their captives to prison camps 80 miles away. Guards denied the prisoners food and water and bayoneted or beat to death those who fell behind. As many as ten thousand Filipinos and six hundred Americans died on the march.

Massive Retaliation

the administration's plan for the nuclear obliteration of the USSR or PRC if either one took aggressive actions


the cluster of ideas that Wilson espoused, consisted of traditional American principles (such as democracy and the Open Door) and a conviction that the United States was a beacon of freedom to the world

english reformation

the english reformation was when the king could not marry his wife because the pope said he couldn't, causing a big split in the churches of europe


the fact that you are decided whether you are going to heaven or hell in your life, without doing anything

thomas hooker

the founder of connecticut


the idea that states could ignore a federal law that was harmful to that state

Works Progress Administration

the largest and most ambitious American New Deal agency, employing millions of people (mostly unskilled men) to carry out public works projects,[1] including the construction of public buildings and roads.


the most important person from a native american tribe or group

the National Association of Colored Women

the nations first African american social service organization - concentrated on establishing nurseries, kindergartens, and retirement homes

Navajo code talkers

the non-Navajos who could speak the language since it was not written and was used as a code to communicate in war. Usually two code talkers were assigned to a battalion

46. the destroyers-for-bases agreement

the president began to aid the beleaguered Allies to prevent the fall of Britain. In May 1940, he ordered the sale of old surplus military equipment to Britain and France. In July, he cultivated bipartisan support by naming Republicans Henry L. Stimson and Frank Knox, ardent backers of aid to the Allies, secretaries of war and the navy, respectively. In September, by executive agreement, the president traded fifty over-age American destroyers for leases to eight British military bases, including Newfoundland, Bermuda, and Jamaica

42. Roosevelt's quarantine speech

the president called for a "quarantine" to curb the "epidemic of world lawlessness." People who thought Washington had been too gentle with Japan cheered.

sugar production

the production of sugar started in the South and they first used indentured servants to cultivate it, but soon resorted to african slaves


the right of succession belonging to the firstborn child, especially the feudal rule by which the whole real estate of an intestate passed to the eldest son.

Albert Gallatin

the secretary of treasury who upholds Democratic Republican frugality.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

the two Japanese cities that were bombed by the US and completely destroyed, killing mass amounts of people

Political Machines

they exploit working man, must choose one party or the other, factory owners give money to political bosses, everyone in factory must vote for certain party, fired if vote opposite

What do trains lead to?

time zones (need a standardization)


to leave the Union

"praying towns"

towns that were tried to be made into praying towns, but with little success

Overland Trail

trail that starts in St. Louis and goes out West, long and difficult, robbiers and conflict with Natives along the way

black robes/jesuits

tried to convince people to change religion through persuasion

Communist Party

tried to gain political footholds because capitalism was seen to be failing

Dawes Severalty Act

tries to turn the Indians into farmers, each family gets certain amount of acres, bad concept - do not want to farm, bad land

Battle of Midway

turning point in the Pacific war. Japanese strategists had hoped that the United States, discouraged by Japan's early victories, would withdraw and leave Japan to control the Pacific. Put Japan on the defensive

Sears Roebuck/Montgomery Ward

two companies, huge for people in rural areas, catalogs to order goods

Urban Society

urban areas rapidly growing, by 1900 - more people live in urban areas than rural areas, tensions between urban and rural areas

Horizontal Integration

used by Rockefeller, buys all the oil refineries in US, aggressive

Vertical Integration

used in Carnegie steel, Carnegie buys mines, transportation, etc so he does not have to pay those people money, has to buy little from others to make his product


voting rights


wanted to leave the church entirely because they believed the english reformation had not gone far enough. Wanted to abolish the church hierarchy all together. wanted to confine church to those that god had selected for salvation before birth.

thomas hariot

was an English astronomer, mathematician, ethnographer, and translator who has made advances within the scientific field.

george calvert/lord baltimore

was an English politician and coloniser. He achieved domestic political success as a member of parliament and later Secretary of State under King James I

Racism and Segregation

was refused service in the whites-only section of a restaurant, Indian ambassador, overall segregation hurt ties and ruined foreign policy


when a president est. a precedent in Foreign Policy


when two people are competing in the railroad business and agree to set the same high rate


when you own a bunch of companies that have the same board of trustees

Poor Women and Children during the 1800s

women not expected to work but if poor, women must work, sometimes children must work as well (grease monkeys)


worse than tenements, for the jobless, mainly in big cities

Ulysses S. Grant

young officer under General Zachary Taylor during the War with Mexico

free blacks of the antebellum South

¼ million free blacks in South in 1860 want mobility Condition better than slaves, worse than yeoman VA, Chesapeake region-slaves let go due to owner's religion and revolutionary ideals in war 1830's became free by running away → White Southerners want to restrict growing amount of free blacks Many live in rural areas and struggle to survive; few in N in towns or cities Many labor in other people's fields along with the slaves, no land, not given guns, vote, violate curfew, → despite obstacles, some bought land and found jobs as craftsmen in cities Some blacks prospered and bought slaves (1830)-80% of free black slaveholders are from VA, LA, SC, and MA- bought wives and children and petition exemption of anti manumission laws Mulattos in New Orleans were active slave traders

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