APUSH Chapter 11

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Who encouraged Congress to restrict abolitionist use of the mail system?

Andrew Jackson

Who were the major financial backers of the American Anti-Slavery Society?

Arthur and Lewis Tappan

What was one of the strategies that evangelical abolitionists used to attack slavery beginning in the 1830s?

Bombarding Congress with petitions to end slavery

What aspect of transcendentalism is seen in Henry David Thoreau's statement, "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer"?

Individualism * Beginning form this premise, Thoreau advocated a thoroughgoing individuality- urging readers to avoid unthinking conformity to social norms and peacefully to resist unjust laws

What does Herman Melville identify as the result of extreme individualism in his novel Moby Dick?

Madness * In Melville's Moby Dick, unbridled individualism did not lead to transcendence foe Captain Ahab but led to death foe him and his crew.

What was the most popular form of urban entertainment in the United States between 1820 and 1860?

Minstrel shows

Which of the following is suggested by the illustration that accompanied David Walker's An Appeal . . . to the Colored Citizens of the World (1829)?

That blacks on earth had a divine right to justice and liberty *The document the black figure receives from above shows the words "Liberta" and "Justita"- Latin for justice and liberty. The illustration aimed to make the point that these things were divine rights for African Americans just as they were for white Americans

Arthur Brisbane promoted the concepts of cooperative work and the phalanx in what work?

The Social Destiny of Man * Brisbane publicized Fourier's eight-stage theory of social evolution in The Social Destiny of Man

country would most likely be called the "Cotton Belt"?

The area with a slave population of 50 percent or more from Georgia to Texas * This region was home to a relatively high percentage of slaves in the population because it was the focus of the expansion of slavery in the first decades of the 19th century

What movement, which was launched in 1826, hosted lectures and discussions in many different towns and counted Ralph Waldo Emerson as its most popular speaker?

The lyceum

Which statement explains the popularity of minstrelsy after 1830?

The shows united white Americans in their sense of superiority over blacks * Minstrel shows were racist, making fun of African Americans and portraying them as lazy, sensual, and irresponsible. These shows declared the importance of being white and helped spread racist sentiments among immigrants

Which city was the most important center of urban popular culture in the U.S. between 1820 and 1860?

New York * The city of New York was the most important center of urban popular culture in the U.S. between 1820 and 1860 and for some time afterward

Experience in which movement helped the Grimké sisters become advocates for the equality of men and women?


After the murder of Joseph Smith, who led Mormon settlers to the Great Salt Lake Valley?

Brigham Young

How did the federal government respond to abolition between 1836 and 1844?

By blocking debate of antislavery petitions in Congress * The federal government's response to abolition was mostly negative and included the House of Representatives passing a gag rule to automatically table antislavery petitions, although when President Andrew Jackson asked Congress to ban abolitionist literature from the mails, Congress did not act.

How did Shaker communities become self-sustaining and even comfortable?

By perfecting their crafts * The Shakers developed the particular reputation foe quality furniture making. This trade made them self- sustaining, even comfortable.

Phalanxes were based on the ideas of which French utopian?

Charles Fourier

John Humphrey Noyes embraced which strategy as a means to liberate individuals and reform relations between men and women?

Complex marriage * In order to reform gender relations, Noyes, a perfectionist, advocated complex marriage, where all community members were married to one another

In his An Appeal... to the Colored Citizens of the World, who justified and advocated slave rebellions?

David Walker * A self-educated author, Walker ridiculed the religious pretensions of slaveholders, justified slave rebellion, and in biblical language warned of a slave revolt if justice were delayed.

Why did Dorothea Dix lobby the Massachusetts legislature for an enlargement of the state hospital for mental patients?

Dix objected to the fact that mentally ill women were jailed alongside men.

Who convinced one state legislature after another to expand state hospitals in order to accommodate the mentally ill beginning in the 1840s?

Dorothea Dix * Discovering that insane women were jailed alongside male criminals, Dix persuaded Massachusetts lawmakers to enlarge the state hospital to house indigent mental patients. Exhilarated by that success, Dix began a national movement to establish state asylums for the mentally ill. By 1854, her reports and agitation prompted many states to improve their prisons and public hospitals.

In what area did Susan B. Anthony gain the most success during the 19th century in her campaign for women's rights?

Economic rights * In 1860, Anthony's efforts secured a New York law granting women the right to control their own wages (which fathers or husbands had previously managed); to own property acquired by "trade, business, labors, or services"; and, if widowed, to assume sole guardianship of their children

What practice did the Shakers adopt as a result of their belief that God was both male and female?

Eliminating gender distinctions

Which leader of the women's rights movement of the nineteenth century organized the Seneca Falls Convention of 1848?

Elizabeth Cady Stanton * In 1814, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott organized a gathering od woman's rights activists in the small New York town of Seneca Falls. Seventy women and thirty men attended the meeting, which issued a rousing manifesto extending to women the egalitarian republican ideology of the Declaration of Independence.

What was Ralph Waldo Emerson's central message about what the individual had to "transcend"?

Existing customs * Emerson explained that people were trapped by inherited customs and institutions. They wore the ideas of earlier times- New England Calvinism, for example- as a kind of "faded masquerade" and needed to shed those values

Based on this chart, which of the following mat have contributed to the largest surge od immigration in the 19th century?

External factors * Immigration was as its highest in the late 1840's and early 1850's, as a result of the failed German revolutions and the Irish potato famine

Why did Ralph Waldo Emerson encourage listeners and readers to seek transcendence to a higher reality?

He wanted them to experience self-realization. * In Emerson's view, individuals could be remade only by discovering their "original relation with Nature" and entering into a mystical union with the "currents of Universal Being," so they could attain individual self-realization

What did Godey's Lady's Book teach its readers in the mid-nineteenth century?

How to beautify their homes

Why did Brook Farm fail?

It was unable to become economically self-sufficient. * Brook farm failed economically and was unsuitable. It is true that it attracted mostly intellectuals with few practical skills, but this alone did not lead to failure.

What was the American Anti-Slavery Society's most successful tactic in affecting public opinion?

Mailing abolitionist pamphlets throughout the country * The American Anti-Slavery Society's mail campaign helped to spread their message and attracted thousands to the cause

What feminist wrote Woman in the Nineteenth Century and, in 1844, proclaimed a new era of gender relations?

Margaret Fuller

Which statement summarizes the publication of Herman Melville's Moby Dick?

Middle-class readers rejected the dark narrative. * Moby Dick was a commercial failure. The middle class audience that devoured sentimental American fiction refused to follow Melville into the dark, dangerous realm of individualism gone mad.

What two major works of the 1850s lauded social restraint and criticized individualism?

Moby Dick and The Scarlet Letter * Herman Melville's Moby Dick and Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet letter lauded social restraint and criticized individualism

Why did the Virginia assembly reject a bill providing for the gradual emancipation and colonization abroad of African Americans in 1831?

Nat Turner's Rebellion had raised the fear of black violence. * Virginians were deeply shaken by Turner's Rebellion and decisively turned away from the prospect of gradually ending slavery. Along with many other southern states, Virginia toughened its slave codes instead.

In Springfield, Illinois, in 1842, Abraham Lincoln, then a young politician, praised members of the Washington Temperance Society because they "teach hope to all—despair to none. As applying to their cause, they deny the doctrine of unpardonable sin." What had the Washingtonians done to earn Lincoln's praise?

Provided moral support for recovering alcoholics

What was a strategy that evangelical abolitionists used to attack slavery beginning in the 1830s?

Publicizing the evils of slavery * Theodore Weld teamed with Angelina and Sarah Grimke to write American Slavery as it is: testimony of a Thousand Witnesses (1839), which used reports from southern newspapers and firsthand testimony to present incriminating evidence of the inherent violence of slavery

Attacks on abolitionist meetings and newspaper offices revealed what underlying factor in white American society?


What former minister who moved to Concord, Massachusetts, was the leading voice of transcendentalism?

Ralph Waldo Emerson

By the 1840s, approximately one thousand escaped slaves reached freedom in northern states or Canada each year in what way?

Receiving help from the Underground Railroad

Why were most teachers women by the 1850s?

School boards believed that women were better suited for the profession.

Why did the Mormon community in Utah succeed?

Shared hard work * Using cooperative labor and an irrigation system based on communal water rights, the Mormon pioneers quickly spread agricultural communities along the base of the Wasatch Range

What was Margaret Fuller's most significant contribution to transcendental philosophy?

She believed that men and women were equally capable of transcendence * Fuller's greatest contribution to transcendentalist philosophy came with her expansion of the ideas of individualism to women

Why did young girls in mid-nineteenth century cities turn to prostitution?

Some poor young women did not like the alternative ways of making a living. * Young women who worked as domestic servants or in the needle trades in antebellum northern cities not only lived in dire poverty but also suffered sexual exploitation. Many instead turned to prostitution .

To whom did Brook Farm primarily appeal?

Teachers, writers, and students

Women at the Seneca Falls Convention based their Declaration of Sentiments on

The Declaration of Independence * Women at the Seneca Falls Convention based their rousing Declaration of Sentiments on the Declaration of Independence, declaring "All men and women are created equal" and adding "[yet] the history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the part of man toward women [and] the establishment of an absolute tyranny over her"

Why did Ralph Waldo Emerson's ideas have the greatest impact on the middle class?

The middle class had already embraced moral perfection and moral free agency * The middle class accepted Emerson because his ideas on individualism closely resembled the middle-class belief in moral perfection and moral free agency, as taught by Benjamin Franklin and Charles Grandison Finney

Why did Ralph Waldo Emerson's ideas have the greatest impact on the middle class?

The middle class had already embraced moral perfection and moral free agency * the middle class accepted Emerson because his ideas on individualism closely resembled the middle-class belief in moral perfection and moral free agency, as taught by Benjamin Franklin and Charles Grandison Finney.

How did northern white populations respond to African Americans' efforts to gain "respectability" in the early republic?

They lashed out violently. * The black quest for respectability elicited a violent response in Boston, Pittsburg, and other northern cities among whites who refused to accept African Americans as their social equals

William Lloyd Garrison's insistence on broadening the abolitionist agenda split the organization by pushing out which group?

Those who did not support women's rights * Garrison's insistence on including other reforms, especially his backing of women's rights, split the abolitionist movement

How did African Americans of the urban North aim to accomplish social uplift from the 1790's onward?

Through temperance and hard work * At a time when most African Americans still lived in slavery in the South and governments showed no interest in expanding rights, African Americans in the urban North had mow expectations regarding equal civil rights or a sympathetic city government. The only prospect foe improved living conditions was their own struggle for "respectability"

Henry David Thoreau named his most famous book after which location, where he went to experiment with a life of self-reliance?

Walden Pond

Perfectionists of the early 1800s believed that freedom from sin was possible

because the Second Coming of Christ had already occurred. * Perfectionists believed that the Second Coming of Christ had already occurred and that people could therefore achieve perfectionism in themselves and society with complete freedom from sins

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