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Which period was the peak of manifest destiny?


Based on the map above, what was the primary reason for the growth of the Columbian Exchange?

Improvements in technology and more organized methods for conducting international trade

As a result of the process illustrated above, what major shift occurred in the Spanish colonies' encomienda system?

Indian labor was gradually replaced with African slavery

Who of the following provided the strongest influence on President Monroe in the writing of the Monroe Doctrine?

John Q Adams

The policies stated in the above law can best be seen as an example of


the concerns that sparked the legislation above were most similar to concerns during which of the following wars?

World War 1

in the late 19th century, Great Plains tribes illustrated in the map above experienced

a dispersal to small reservations

president jackson's veto of the bank bill would contribute most significantly to

a financial panic

the arguments expressed in the passage above most clearly warn against the perceived dangers of

a strong central government

the excerpt above was most clearly written in response to

debates over the ratification of the united states constitution

The controversy highlighted in the cartoon above was most directly a result of

determined southern resistance to northern effects to change its culture

the excerpt above can best be seen as an example of the united states seeking dominance over the north american continent through

diplomatic efforts

which of the following most directly prompted the arguments in the speech above?

disagreements over the french revolution and foreign policy

the north american colonial settlements referenced in the passage above tended to

establish like-minded, close-knit, homogeneous communities

the opening of canals and new roads in the united states, as depicted in the map above, had the LEAST impact on which of the following?

european immigration to the united states

The excerpt above most clearly reflects the

fears many people had of centralized federal power

which of the following groups would most likely have supported the arguments in the excerpt above?

federalists in the 1790s

the excerpt above would be most useful to historians analyzing the

focus in colonies on gaining new sources of labor

the ideas expressed in the passage above most clearly show the influence of which of the following?

greater religious independence in the colonies

The excerpt above is best understood in the context of

idea of manifest destiny

the sentiments expressed by Polk in the speech above were most similar to those of

imperialists before the spanish-american war

which of the following was a strategy used by the new national government to raise revenue?

import tariffs

what feature of the articles of confederation most contributed to the issue addressed by joseph jones

inability to tax

which of the following developments LEAST contributed to the grievances articulated in the petition above?

increased agricultural production resulting from technological inventions

which of the following resulted from the sentiments expressed in the excerpt above?

increasingly bitter national debates over the institution of slavery

what was the impact of the "miraculous plague" mentioned in the excerpt above?

it stimulated cultural and demographic change

After Columbus's arrival in the West Indies, Spanish religion and Christian conversion were often used as a rationale to

justify the subjugation of American Indians

The author of the excerpt above was most interested in

justifying the takeover of american indian lands

which of the following groups would most likely have supported the arguments in the petition above?

laissez-faire capitalists in the early 1900s

the scene depicted in the image above was most directly result of

lincoln's decision to issue the emancipation proclamation

which group was most likely the intended audience of the cartoon above?

members of the republican party

By going to war, the US gained the territory labeled as the

mexican cession

which of the following groups was most likely the intended audience of the cartoon above?

moderate republicans

the expansion of national borders during the antebellum era most directly led to

national debates over how to use the new territories

which best explains why the American people were so supportive of the monroe doctrine


which of the following groups most strongly supported the sentiments in the excerpt above?


the argument in the passage above was most similar to the criticisms of

nativists towards the influx of european immigrants in the mid 1800's

U.S. foreign policy during which of the following time periods was closely aligned with the ideas expressed in the speech above?

neutrality prior to world war 1

the federalist impulsive expressed by the promoters of the constitution compares most closely with the policies of what other era?

new deal

the letter above was most likely written in response to

passage of the missouri compromise

The arguments in the excerpt above were most similar to those of which later group?


which of the following documents is most directly the result of the incident described in the excerpt

quebec act

which of the following groups would most strongly have supported the sentiments in the excerpt above?

radical republicans in the 1860's and 1870's

the maps above are best seen as evidence of

regional basis of early american political parties

the excerpt above was most likely a reaction to which of the following historical trends?

regional economic and demographic changes between the north and the south

which 19th century group would most likely oppose the regulations in the legislation above?

republican party members

the excerpt above was most likely a response to which of the following?

the abolitionist criticism of the treatment of slaves in the south

which of the following events or processes in the 1840's or 1850's most directly contributed to the "irritations" that Jefferson warned about in the letter above?

the acquisition of new territory in the west and the U.S. victory in the mexican-american war

the passage above was most likely a reaction to which of the following events or processes?

the assertion of U.S. power in the western hemisphere

one immediate direct result of the event listed in the excerpt was...

the boston massacre

the image above can best be seen as decipting

the british government constraining colonial rights

The passage above best serves as evidence of which of the following?

the changing purpose of the civil war

the image above best serves as evidence of which of the following?

the changing purpose of the civil war

which of the following continuities in the united states history is best demonstrated by the excerpt above?

the debate over the balance of liberty and order

which of the following actions of the Lincoln administration best exemplified the belief expressed in the quotation above?

the decision to issue the emancipation proclamation

Some of the concerns expressed in the passage above were best echoed in the legislative reforms supported by which of the following political parties?

the democratic-republicans

the ideas expressed in the excerpt above reflect which of the following continuities in united states history?

the desire for resources causing environmental transformation

As shown in the map above, the national system of roads and canals most closely linked which regions' economies together?

the east and midwest

the sentiments expressed in the passage above most directly reflect which of the following continuities in United States history?

the economic and class tensions resulting after migration to the western hemisphere

The sentiments expressed in the excerpt above were most directly a result of which of the following?

the election of Lincoln in 1860

The painting above is best understood in the context of

the emergence of a new national culture

The arguments in the excerpt above are best understood in the context of

the emergence of african american abolitionist movements

the passage above was most likely written in response to

the ethnic and religious diversity of the middle colonies

the american independence movement was least fueled by

the fear of attack from other european powers

the maps above most clearly demonstrate which of the following antebellum-era historical processes?

the free and forced migration of people across the continent

which of the following antebellum-era historical developments most conflicted with the goals of Jeffersonian Republicans as outlined in the excerpt above?

the growth of northern industry and regional economic specialization

the ideology of the supreme court as characterized in the ruling above was most similar to supreme court rulings in which of the following time periods?

the late 1960's

which of the following best exemplified the Jeffersonian embrace of the ideals described in the excerpt above?

the louisiana purchase

the process illustrated in the maps above most closely paralleled

the nation's transformation to a more participatory democracy in the early and mid-1800s

the ideas expressed in the passage above most directly led to political controversies in the 1870s and 1880s over

the new definitions of citizenship

what contributed most to the process illustrated in the maps above?

the over cultivation of arable land in the southeast

the excerpt above is best understood in the context of

the passage of the 14th and 15th amendments

The practices described in the excerpt above most directly led to

the progressive stripping away of the rights of african americans

which of the following did NOT result from the supreme court ruling above or similar rulings by the Supreme Court in the early 1800s

the promotion of regional interests over national concerns

which of the following 20th century events or movements compares most closely with the ideas expressed in the excerpt above?

the red scare of the 1920's

the ideas expressed in the excerpt above can best be understood in the context of debates over

the relationship between the federal government and state governments

The sentiments displayed in the painting above were most similar to national attitudes during which conflict?

the revolutionary war

the excerpt above is best understood in the context of which of the following?

the shared labor market of the Atlantic economy in the 18th century

which of the following most directly supports the assertion expressed in the excerpt above?

the slow population growth of the South

the excerpt above would best serve as evidence of which of the following?

the social and economic continuities that characterized the antebellum and post-Civil War South

By the eve of the Civil War, sentiments such as those expressed in the excerpt above most clearly formed the basis for

the southern defense of slavery as a positive good

The most devastating impact of the Spanish conquest and exploration was

the spread of deadly epidemics

the ideas expressed in the passage above most directly led to political controversies over

the spread of european enlightenment ideas

In the map above, Southwest American Indian communities benefited most from

the spread of the maize culture

The expansion of the U.S. transportation network by 1837, as shown in the map above, benefitted MOST from which of the following technological advances?

the steam engine

the sentiments expressed in the painting above best reflect which of the following antebullum-era historical developments?

the struggle to create an independent global presence

the legislation above was passed in response to which of the following challenges?

the threat posed by foreign alliances and entanglements

what would most likely be an offshoot movement related to the struggles of the colonists depicted in the excerpt above?

the unionization movement

The ideas expressed in the passage above most clearly show the influence of which of the following?

the use of states rights for the defense of slavery

as a consequence of the new European crops and livestock brought to America as part of the Colombian Exchange illustrated above

there were far-reaching effects on native settlement patterns as well as on economic, social, and political developments.

according to johnson, what was the primary reason for the tribes to unite?

to provide for self defense

which of the following factors best explains why native american efforts to unite were rare?

tribes had traditions of independence

The process illustrated in the map above

triggered extensive demographic and social change

Based on the voting patterns shown in the chart, support for federal funding for internal improvements was strongest in

undeveloped regions

the cartoon above is best understood in the context of the

variety of proposals leaders made that ultimately failed to reduce sectional conflict

which of the following groups provided the greatest support for the jackson's veto of the bank?


the Spanish and other European powers frequently justified the approach depicted int eh image above on the basis of (ch 1-4)

white superiority

the passage above best reflects which of the following historical trends or patterns?

whites, asians, and african americans seeking new economic opprotunities

the excerpt above was most likely a response to

widespread protestant evangelical religious revivals

One attempt to prevent slavery in the territories was the

wilmot provisio

Which phrase by Burleigh best addresses the motives of the largest number of immigrants coming to the United States during the years from 1816 to 1848?

"good pay for labor"

The sentiments expressed by Columbus in the excerpt above best support which future Spanish goal?

Attempting to change American Indians' beliefs and worldviews

Monroe counted on which of the following European nations to be an ally if any nation challenged the Monroe Doctrine?


which of the following turning points set the stage for the controversy depicted in the cartoon above?

Britain's victory over France in North America

What accounts most for the scant success of the above law in modifying English colonial behavior in North America?

Decades of the British government's relative indifference to colonial governance

which of the following most directly resulted from the arrival of American crops in the Old World?

European population growth

which of the following had the most impact in shaping colonial resistance to the above law?

Political thought shaped by the Enlightenment

Based on the map above, in which region were American Indians the most mobile?

The Great Basin and Western Plains

which of the following 20th century ideas or developments were most similar to those described in the excerpt above?

arguments that americans were destined to expand their culture and norms to non-white nations prior to world war I

which of the following was most likely the intended audience of the excerpt above?

agriculturalists of the southeast and southwest

which of the following listed persons would be the most sympathetic to the concren raised by joseph jones

alexander hamilton

After the Seven Years' War, Britain shifted its position on imperial regulations to

alleviate its massive debt from the war

during the antebellum era, which of the following groups shared the most similar experience to that described in the excerpt above?

american indians

Support for the bill would have been consistent with support for which of the following?

american system

which of the following reinforced the message that burleigh was sending to people who wanted to move to america?

american system

The author's sentiments in the excerpt above can best be understood as

an expression of southern pride in the institution of slavery

which of the following best explains why many state governments in the north continued to restrict african american citizenship during the antebellum era?

anti-black sentiments persisted in popular politics and culture

the sentiments expressed in the letter above foreshadowed later 18th century

backcountry social and ethnic tensions

In the passage above, Columbus likely mentioned the American Indians' interest in glass beads and weapons

because it exemplified the very different worldview of American Indians

the excerpt above best serves as evidence of the

bitter political debates of the 1790s

The sentiments such as those depicted in the cartoon above most directly contributed to which of the following?

breakdown in trust between sectional leaders

Passage of the above legislation was most consistent with the sentiments of

british laws passed after the end of the seven years' war

zinn's views best reflect the influence of which of the following developments in colonial resistance movements in the 1770's?

committees of a correspondence

Based on the excerpt, which of the following groups was President Jackson trying to help?

common individuals

what was the most effective long-term response of Afrian slaves to the treatment depicted in the image above?

cultural and linguistic adaptations to achieve a degree of cultural preservation and autonomy

The speech above best reflects which of the following continuities in United States history?

debates over the proper rule of political parties

the concerns expressed in the letter above can best be understood in the context of

debates over the extension of slavery into the western territories

The sentiments expressed in the quotation above are best understood in the context of the

debates over the federal government's role in the economy

which European approach to colonization is most consistent with the arguments in the excerpt above?

sending men and women to acquire land and populate settlements while having relatively hostile relationships with the native inhabitants

which of the following spanish imperial goals were least advanced by the conquest and exploration illustrated above

shifting from feudalism to capitalism

During the 1790s, disagreements in which area were LEAST responsible for the emergence of political parties?


which of the following most directly contributed to the sentiments expressed in the letter above?

social and economic inequalities in colonial society

the underlying cause of the author's complaints in the passage above was

social tensions among back country inhabitants

which of the following was a major consequence of the ideas expressed in the passage above?

some women's equality activists abandoned the movement to grant and protect african american rights

The excerpt above is best understood in the context of

southern resistance to radical republicans' efforts to change southern attitudes

The map above indicates the encomienda system was least developed in which of the following areas?


in the 1830's and 1840's, the section of the US most affected by immigration was the

states west of the allegheny mountains

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