APUSH Review Ch 6-7 M/C Set 3/6

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512. Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) XYZ affair, (B) Neutrality Proclamation, (C) Jay's Treaty, (D) Kentucky and Virginia resolutions. (A) C, B, A, D (B) B, A, C, D (C) B, C, A, D (D) C, B, D, A (E) A, B, D, C


Treaty of Greenville

(1795) Drawn up after the Battle of Fallen Timbers. The 12 local Indian tribes gave the Americans the Ohio Valley territory in exhange for a reservation and $10,000.

536. According to the Federalists, the duty of judging the unconstitutionality of legislation passed by Congress lay with A) state legislatures. B) the president. C) state supreme courts. D) the Supreme Court. E) the people.


511. Washington's Neutrality Proclamation of 1793 A) was based on calculations of American self-interest. B) fulfilled America's obligations under the Franco-American Treaty. C) was opposed by both Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. D) dealt a severe blow to French military and naval strategists. E) had little impact on future American foreign policy.


513. During its first quarter-century as a nation, one of the major problems facing America was A) the rivalry and warfare between France and Britain. B) a lack of good political leadership. C) the continued fighting between the United States and the Armed Neutrality League. D) Indian affairs. E) separation of church and state.


521. One of George Washington's major contributions as president was A) keeping the nation out of foreign wars. B) the signing of Jay's Treaty. C) his advice against forming permanent alliances with foreign nations. D) securing a pledge from Britain to stop arming Indians on the western lands. E) establishing the political party system.


528. The immediate cause of the undeclared war between the United States and France was A) the XYZ affair. B) the Genêt mission. C) the Neutrality Proclamation. D) Washington's Farewell Address. E) Jay's Treaty.


533. The Sedition Act A) threatened First Amendment freedoms. B) established criteria for deporting dangerous foreigners. C) changed naturalization requirements for new citizens. D) was never enforced. E) was found by the Supreme Court to be unconstitutional.


535. According to the compact theory advocated by Jefferson and Madison, A) the national government was the creation of the thirteen sovereign states. B) nullification was an invalid policy. C) the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions were illegal. D) legislation such as the Alien and Sedition Acts was proper. E) individuals, not the states, created the federal government.


539. For its continued success, Hamilton's financial program relied heavily on A) trade with Britain. B) removal of the Spanish from the Mississippi Valley. C) aid from France. D) retiring the national debt. E) high taxes.


526. The French grew angry with the United States after 1794 because A) of Jay's Treaty. B) Congress appointed second-rate ambassadors. C) of the XYZ affair. D) John Adams had been elected president. E) Thomas Jefferson was removed as ambassador.

A (They were at war with Britain but the US enters into a treaty with them so france obviously would get mad.

538. Federalists strongly supported A) law and order. B) states' rights. C) strict construction. D) popular democracy. E) a weak military.

A B) is wrong as the Republicans wanted more states rights versus more power centralized at the federal level. C) The Republicans were the ones that insisted on a strict construction, or interpretation, of the Constitution. The Constitution, they insisted, meant exactly what it said, no more and no less. Any addition to the powers listed there, was unconstitutional (against the law) and dangerous. Federalist on the other thing used loose contraction in order to give the Federal government more powers than were stated in the Constitution. D) Both believed in democracy E) Federalist want a strong military. Remember that Jefferson (a Republican) actually cut the military.

516. Britain made neutrality very difficult for the United States during the French and British conflicts of the 1790s by A) granting America numerous trade privileges. B) seizing American merchant ships in the West Indies. C) leaving frontier outposts on American soil. D) helping to relieve tensions between Indians and Americans. E) blocking the major United States' seaports.


523. Washington's Farewell Address in 1796 A) warmly endorsed the appearance of two contending political parties in America. B) warned against the dangers of permanent foreign alliances. C) was delivered to a joint session of Congress by Washington himself. D) proposed a two-term limitation on the presidency. E) all of the above.


527. Foreign relations between the United States and France deteriorated in the late 1790s over A) the deportation of Citizen Genêt. B) French seizure of American merchant ships. C) the adjustment of the Florida boundary. D) America's unilateral withdrawal from the Franco-American alliance. E) Pinckney's Treaty.


529. The United States finally negotiated a peace settlement with France in 1800 mainly because Napoleon A) had also reached a peace agreement with Britain. B) wanted to concentrate on gaining more power in Europe. C) realized that the French could not win a military victory over the American forces. D) had been convinced by the Democratic-Republican pleas for cooperation. E) had been removed from power.


532. The Federalist-dominated Congress's Alien Act was aimed at ____________________, whereas the Sedition Act was primarily aimed at _____________________. A) rebellious slaves, newspapers B) recent immigrants, newspapers C) recent immigrants, merchants D) merchant smuggling, rebellious slaves E) Indians, farmers


537. Federalist advocated rule by A) the majority. B) the "best" people. C) farmers. D) industrial workers. E) native born citizens only.

B Federalists believed that the country should be ruled by "best people" - educated, wealthy, public-spirited men like themselves. Such people had the time, education, and background to run the country wisely. "Those who own the country," said Federalist John Jay bluntly, "ought to govern it." Democratic-Republicans had no patience with the Federalists' view that only the "best people" should rule. To Democratic-Republicans, this view came close to monarchy, or rule by a king.

525. The 1796 presidential campaign focused heavily on A) the Bank of the United States. B) the candidates' personalities. C) slavery. D) foreign trade. E) real issues.

B) You need to memorize the year with the campaigns. 1796 was between John Adams (Federalist) Thomas Jefferson (Republican) Thomas Pinckney (Federalist) Aaron Burr (Republican) Adams won with Jefferson as VP. THE MAJOR POINT IS THAT THIS WAS THE FIRST TWO PARTY ELECTION AND THE FEDERALIST AND REPUBLICANS HATED EACH OTHER SO THERE WAS A LOT OF NAME CALLING AND *PERSONAL ATTACKS* THUS IT WAS BASED HEAVILY ON THE PERSONALITIES OF THE CANDIATES

517. Hamilton's position on the war between Britain and France in 1793 was primarily influenced by A) his commitment to the Franco-American alliance of 1778. B) the threat of British naval action against the American coast. C) the national government's dependence on customs collections for revenue. D) his personal commitment to democratic government as a world ideal. E) all of the above.


531. The main purpose of the Alien and Sedition Acts was to A) capture French and British spies. B) control the Federalists. C) silence and punish critics of the Federalists. D) keep Thomas Jefferson from becoming president. E) provide support for the Democratic-Republican party.


534. The Virginia and Kentucky resolutions were written in response to A) the XYZ affair. B) Thomas Jefferson's presidential candidacy in 1800. C) the Alien and Sedition Acts. D) the compact theory of government. E) the Federalist papers.


524. In the election campaign of 1796, the Democratic-Republicans made their primary issue A) the content of Washington's Farewell Address. B) Washington's refusal to consult Congress before issuing the Neutrality Proclamation. C) the terms of Jay's Treaty. D) the terms of the Pinckney Treaty. E) Alexander Hamilton's idea for a national bank.

C) Remember that the Republicans were supportive of France and France and Britain were at war so the Republicans hated Britain and did not like the idea of working things out with them . To the contrary they wanted to form an alliance with france.

518. In Jay's Treaty, the British A) pledged to stop seizing American ships. B) released Americans from their pre-Revolutionary War debt obligations to British merchants. C) promised to evacuate the chain of forts in the Old Northwest. D) refused to pay damages for seizures of American ships. E) were denied most favored nation status.

C) is correct because in Jays Treaty , the British agreed to vacate the western forts by June 1796 (which was done) A) is wrong because the agreement did not make any promises of not doing it again ( although it was implied) B) is wrong because as part of the agreement, the United States guaranteed the payment of private prewar debts owed by Americans to British merchants that could not be collected D) the opposite is true, they did agree to pay for damages E) Actually they were granted "most favored nation trading status" as part of the agreement.

510. When the French Revolution developed into a war with Britain, George Washington and the American government A) supported Britain. B) assisted France militarily. C) tried to capture French possessions in North America and the West Indies. D) remained neutral. E) captured British possessions in North America.


514. Washington's Neutrality Proclamation clearly illustrated the truism that A) he was unprepared for the demands of foreign policy. B) foreign policy should be handled by a group and not by a single individual. C) the United States was trying to do what was best for its allies. D) self-interest is the basic cement of alliances. E) none of the above.


520. John Jay's 1794 treaty with Britain A) increased George Washington's huge popularity. B) provided further evidence of American support for France. C) alienated America from Spain. D) created deeper splits between Federalists and Democratic-Republicans. E) led to the election of Thomas Jefferson.


530. President Adams sought a peaceful solution to the undeclared war with France in order to A) ensure his chances of reelection in 1800. B) align himself with the Hamiltonian wing of the Federalist party. C) save the Franco-American alliance of 1778. D) prevent the outbreak of a full-scale war. E) keep trade with France in place.

D If you think about it, this was strange since Adams was a federalist and really felt more sypathtic with Britain. But like Washington he did not want war. He patched things up from the Quasi war and the XYZ affair by sending a new group to the Convention of 1800 also known as the Treaty of Mortefontaine to work out the differences.

519. The United States acquired free navigation of the Mississippi River in A) the Treaty of Greenville. B) Jay's Treaty. C) the Convention of 1800. D) the Pinckney Treaty. E) the Treaty of Paris.

D) is right - it was between the US and Spain a) established friendly terms between the two nations b)guaranteed the United States navigation rights on the Mississippi River. c) Fixed Florida boundary line A) is wrong, that was the treaty after Battle of Fallen Timbers. The 12 local Indian tribes gave the Americans the Ohio Valley territory in exchange for a reservation and $20,000 and annual payment of $9,000. They could also hunt in the land they gave up. Still they were never treated equally. B) is wrong because it was written to avoid war with Britain a) Britain to pay for Americans ships that were seized b) It said Britain had agreed to remove their troops from the Ohio Valley which they never left c) And granted Britain "most favored nation trading status" C) is wrong as The Convention of 1800 also known as the Treaty of Mortefontaine, was a treaty between the United States of America and France to settle the hostilities that had erupted during the Quasi-War. E) the Treaty of Paris is wrong as this was the agreement to end the REVOLUTIONARY WAR

522. Jay's Treaty contained all of the following provisions except A) a British promise to evacuate its chain of forts on U.S. soil. B) British consent to pay damages for the recent seizure of American ships. C) that Americans were bound to pay debts still owed to British merchants on pre-Revolutionary accounts. D) no promise by the British to pay for future seizure of American ships. E) a promise by the British to stop selling arms to the Indians.


515. The Treaty of Greenville signed in August with the Miami Confederation resulted in all of the following except A) giving to the United States vast tracts of land in the Old Northwest. B) the Indians receiving a $20,000 lump sum payment. C) an annual annuity of $9,000 to the Indians. D) the right of the Indians to hunt the land they had ceded. E) the establishment of an equal relationship with the Indians.

E (1795) Drawn up after the Battle of Fallen Timbers. The 12 local Indian tribes gave the Americans the Ohio Valley territory in exhange for a reservation and $20,000 and annual payment of $9,000. They could also hunt in the land they gave up. Still they were never treated equally. Tecumseh saw this giving in and started to rally the Indians against making these treaties.

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