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oval building with tiers of seats; CF. arena

Bull Leaping from Palace of Knossos

*Bronze age (period) *Crete (location) *Minoan (culture) *Fresco(type) *Ca. 1400-1370 BCE. 1.) This is depicting the Minoan ceremony of bull-leaping, where a young man would grab the bull by the horns in order to vault over its head 2.) The characters in this fresco are highly stylized with features like the Minoan pinched waist

Ashurbanipal Hunting Lions

- Assyrian artist carved hunting reliefs - nineveth palace of conquerer Elamite Susa, Ashurbanipal - Ashur is the creator of the son

Catal Hoyuk Deer Hunt wall painting

- Neolithic - regular appearance of the human figure


- Neolithic monument thought to have had an astronomical purpose - rough-cut sarsen (form of sandstorm) - served as a center of healing that attracted the sick and dying from throughout the region

Venus of Willendorf

- Paleolithic - Laussel France - earliest relief sculpture - stone chisel to cut into the relatively flat surface of a large rock in order to create an image projecting from the background

Hall of Bulls, Lascaux

- Paleolithic ; 1600 - 1400 BCE ; Twisted perspective; profile

Palette of King Narmer

- Predynastic Egypt. c. 3000-2920 B.C.E. Greywacke. - one of the earliest historical artworks perserved - might record the unification of two kingdoms "kingdom of the two lands" - formalized version of a utilitarian object commonly used to prepare eye makeup - front has two felines forming circular depression where eye makeup would go

Sculpture of Akhenaton

- ancient egypt - exaggerated facial features - attempt to portray the pharaoh as a combination of both male and female divine

The dying gaul

230-220 BCE, Hellenistic, by Epigonos. Bronze original, marble is from 2nd cen. AD. Gual=barbarian (anyone not Greek). looks tortured and pained, can't hide anguish like a Greek hero can. he is realistic. has a mustache, rope collar, messy hair, make him look like a barbaric animal. unkempt. physical and emotional weakness and fragility.

New York Kuoros

600 BCE, Greece, Archaic Period (background info: stiffness in body, stiffness influenced by the Egyptians, contrapposto) - served as a grave marker for a young Athenian Aristocrat


A Renaissance intellectual movement in which thinkers studied classical texts and focused on human potential and achievements


A carved stone slab used to mark graves or to commemorate historical events.

twisted/composite perspective

A convention of representation in which part of a figure is shown in profile and another part of the same figure is shown frontally


A fortified hilltop in an ancient Greek city

additive sculpture

A kind of sculpture technique in which materials (for example, clay) are built up or "added" to create form.

subtractive sculpture

A kind of sculpture technique in which materials are taken away from the original mass; carving.


A large stadium in ancient Rome where athletic events took place


A nineteenth-century literary movement that was an extension of realism and that claimed to portray life exactly as it was.


A painting that creates the illusion of a real object or scene, or a sculpture where the artist has depicted figure in such a realistic way that they seem alive


A rectangular tiered temple or terraced mound erected by the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians


A row of windows in the upper part of a wall.

Profile Perspective

A side view of an object or structure


A solid shape with a polygon as a base and triangular faces that come to a point (vertex or apex)

hemispherical dome

A type of Roman Vault; used over circular structures

Vanishing point

A vanishing point is a point in space, usually located on the horizon, where parallel edges of an object appear to converge.

corbeled vault

A vault formed by the piling of stone blocks in horizontal courses, cantilevered inward until the two walls meet in an arch.

Spring (Fresco)

Aegean (Minoan) 2500 BCE. Wall Painting from Akrotiri. Pure landscape with wavy and pulsating lines and bright colors celebrating life and nature.

this artowork was created by which mesopotamian culture?


Victory stele of naram-sin

Akkadian, 2254-2218 BCE - comemmorates the akkadian ruler's defeat of the lullbim people from Iranian Mtns. East - carries the name of two kings: Naram-sin & Elamite King

Venus de Milo

An ancient Greek statue of Venus, famous for its beauty, though tis arms were broken off centuries ago. The statue is now in the Louvre.


An ancient Greek wide-mouthed bowl for mixing wine and water.


An artificial mound of earth and stones placed over a grave

Stele of Hammurabi

Babylonian 1792-1750 BCE, King Hammurabi - nearly 300 laws - made of black basalt - representation of high relief - laws covered all aspects of life - artist that did shamash explored the notion of "Foreshortening"

Parthenon East Pediment

Birth of Athena, Helios, and Selene, showed the birth of goddess athena from the head of her father Zeus

This artwork is from

Catal Hoyuk

Kritios boy

Classical Greek, one of the earliest statues of the Classical period. stance is indicative of the aims of classical sculptors

This gateway uses ___ which is when each layer of stones moves in slightly until they meet at the top


___ refers to the very large stones used at this site

Cyclopean Masonry

Bust of Queen Nefertiti

Egypt, New Kingdom - grace and power of a dominant egyptian queen - view of women as well as idealized beauty of the Amarna period

Sarcophagus with reclining couple

Etruscan 520 BCE, shows the high respect women had here, shows a man and his wife on a sofa at one of these banquets

The great pyramids of gizeh

Fourth Dynasty, c. 2575-2450 BCE, Granite and limestone funerary complex. - served as the tombs of the fourth dynasty kings Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure

Which period is exemplified by the sculpture "Man and Centaur"



Greek word for "male youth." An Archaic Greek statue of a standing, nude youth.


Hard-baked clay, used for sculpture and as a building material. It may be glazed or painted.

____ means that larger figures or objects are more important

Hierarchy of Scale

This sculpture depicts a ___

Husband and wife

Triumphal Arch

In Roman architecture, a freestanding arch commemorating an important event, such as a military victory or the opening of a new road.


In ancient Egypt, the immortal human life force.

black-figure painting

In early Greek pottery, the silhouetting of dark figures against a light background of natural, reddish clay, with linear details incised through the silhouettes.

red-figure painting

In later Greek pottery, the silhouetting of red figures against a black background, with painted linear details; the reverse of black-figure painting.

For the Ancient Egyptians, the ____ was a persons eternal life force that continued after death


The most well known Minoan palace is located at ___


___figures are of youthful men and were originally placed in cemeteries


Capitoline wolf

LATE ETRUSCAN 700-89 BCE -500-480 bc -classic Etruscan metal work -statue of the she-wolf was made for the Roman Republic -though the statue was not a roman art -product of Etruscan workshop

Aphrodite of Knidos

Late Classical, revolutionized the classical greek art world , contributes to the idealism of the woman figure, ideals of beauty and introduces the growing search for perfection

Akhenaton, Nefertiti, and three daughters

New Kingdom (Amarna), 18th Dynasty. c. 1353-1335 B.C.E. Limestone. - relief stele - Ankh, sign of life - Sunken relief - chisel deep outlines below the stone's surface instead of cutting back the stone around the figures to make them project from the surface

Neolitic means...

New Stone Age

Paleolithic means

Old Stone Age

Fresco buon and secco

Painting technique in which pigments suspended in water are applied to a damp lime-plaster surface. The pigments dry to become part of the plaster wall or surface. Sometimes called true fresco or buon fresco to distinguish it from painting over dry plaster

Spear bearer

Polykleitos, exemplifies the new method of representing the human figure in greek art during the high classical period

except for the Amarna Period, Ancient Egyptian religion was primarily


Statuettes of Two Worshippers

Sumerian, 2700 BCE - carved of soft gypsum and inlaid with shell and black limestone - libations what sumerians used for ritual pouring -men wear belts with fringed skirts, women wear long robe's with right shoulder bare

the sarcophagus of the spouses:

Tells us about the relatively high social status Etruscan women enjoyed

archaic smile

The smile that appears on all Archaic Greek statues from about 570 to 480 BCE. The smile is the Archaic sculptor's way of indicating that the person portrayed is alive.

Pylon temple

The wide entrance gateway of an Egyptian temple, characterized by its sloping walls


This style of column features simple, heavy columns without bases.

post and lintel construction

Wall construction utilizing a framework of vertical posts and horizontal beams to carry floor and roof loads.

Register, frieze, band

a broad horizontal band of sculpted or painted decoration, especially on a wall near the ceiling.


a generally agreed-upon practice or attitude


a government in which citizens elected representatives to rule on their behalf


a group of people held in high esteem for their great achievements

Hypostyle hall

a hall with a roof supported by columns


a large area with a particular kind of scenery, such as a desert landscape


a long projecting beam or girder fixed at only one end, used chiefly in bridge construction.

Atmospheric Perspective

a method of rendering the effect of spatial distance by subtle variations in color and clarity of representation


a sculpture, a group of sculptures or sculpture integrate with archietecture explicitly created to commemorate a person or event

Column of trajan

a source of military history and topographical information about the roman empire. served as a military propaganda, trajan and his soldiers are shown as brave and triumphant in their conquest of Dacian

Ara Pacis Augustae

a temple for the sacrifica of sacred animals where only priests and vestals participated

barrel vault

a vault forming a half cylinder


an ancient Egyptian mudbrick tomb with a rectangular base and sloping sides and flat roof

Veristic portraiture

an artistic portrait-style chracterized by hyper-realism and idealized traits

Hierarchy of scale

an artistic technique in which the most essential object in a painting or sculpture is the largest


an asymmetrical arrangement of the human figure in which the line of the arms and shoulders contrasts with while balancing those of the hips and legs.


art that represents objects in an exaggerated way to emphasize certain aspects of the object


belief in more than one god


bodies of work that are of "indisputable quality" within a culture or have passed an ambiguous test of value that deem the works worthy for study


building material made by mixing small stones and sand with limestone, clay, and water

Marine Style Octopus Flask

ca. 1500 BCE; Minoan; Crete, Greece; clay

Polykleitos used a rule, also known as a ___ to determine the proportions for the figure


Menkaure and a Queen sculpture

carved out of slate and dating to 2548-2530 BCE, is an example of Old Kingdom 4th Dynasty royal sculpture. ... In art history books, the pair have come to represent a prime example of Old Kingdom royal tomb sculpture.


city of the dead

Arch of titus

comemmortates the roman triumph awarded to Emperor Vespasian and to Titus, for their victory in the Jewish War

Sumerian art

consists of enormous temple platforms called Ziggurats and the development of coherent visual narrative devices, such as registers and hierarchy of scale


crowning member of a column, pier, anta, pilaster, or other columnar form, providing a structural support for the horizontal member (entablature) or arch above

Portrait of Tetrarchs

depicts the four rulers of the empire instituted by emperor Diocletian, the first tetrarchy


first system of writing developed by the Sumerians and used by many other later cultures

what is siginficant about this artwork?

first written law code

groin vault

formed at the point at which 2 barrel vaults intersect at right angles


fortified structure that is often located within a city or town. designed to protect or subjugate social groups

In this painting, the different skin colors probably indicate the figures



great audience hall in ancient persian palaces

A ___ is the line on which figures or objects appear to stand

ground line


guardian sculptures, typically appearing in pairs, that were often placed outside prominent sites

Knossos palace

had indoor plumbing; the concept spread when the Minoans spread - the ceremonial and political center of the minaoan civilization - all rooms painted with different styles during this time

A ___ is a space with a roof ssupport by columns, like the one at the temple of Amun-Re

hypostyle hall

relieving triangle

in Mycenaean architecture, the triangular opening above the lintel that serves to lighten the weight to be carried by the lintel itself

This vessel is a good example of ____ style pottery from the minoan Culture


Sculptural frieze

meant to convery a Panathenaix procession, the victory of Athenians at marathon, the power of Athens as a city-state, and the piety of its citizens

The Ancient Egyptians practiced ___ which preserved the body so the Ka could continue to inhabit it


a lot of etruscan artworks were created for funerary context and were recovered from a _____, also called a city of the dead


Paleolithic people were

nomadic hunter-gatherers


one of three column styles builders used in ancient greece


ornamental band on a wall

black-figure painting refers to

painting with only black

linear perspective

parallel lines appear to converge with distance

The architectural element labeled "18" is the triangular space at the end of building that is formed by the ends of the sloping roof and is called the


Portrait of Constatine

placid expressian, large deep carved eyes directed towards heaven, suggests that constantine as a rule appointed by god, constantine as victor or even constatine as divine - body consisted of a brick sore and wooden framework, possibly covered with gilded bronze


process through which artists strive to create images that approach perfection, according to the ideals of their culture and time

A __ is horizontal band used to arrange a narrative, such as those used in this artwork


figurine of a woman, from syros

represents dead women or fertility figures or goddesses

high relief sculpture

sculpture with a background plane from which the projections are relatively large

low relief sculpture

sculpture with a background plane from which the projections are relatively small


stone coffin

The great pyramids at Giza are symbols of the



technique of depicting an object or human body in a picture so as to product an illusion of projection or extension in space


the arrangement of elements within a work of art

ground line

the bottom line of the picture plane of a drawing in linear perspective.

rock-cut tomb/rock-cut temple

the creation of structures, buildings, and sculptures, by excavating solid rock where it naturally occurs


the front of a building


the preservation of dead bodies by embalming and wrapping them in cloth


the round central opening of a dome


the substance used to create an art piece


the triangular top of a temple that contains sculpture

Equestrian Sculpture of Marcus Aurelius

theme is one of power and divine grandeur - made of bronze

Augustus of Primaporta

transmit important imperial message to the viewer, strong victorious warrior and a god

Cyclopean Masonry

vast, massive and rough

Composite View

when a figure is shown in mostly profile, but a portion, usually the head, is turned to face the viewer

Etruscan temples were made out of ______ and no longer exist

wood, mud brick, and terracotta

A __ is a large raised platform with four sloping sides with a temple on top


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