Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)

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ANS control (Equal SNS / PNS; one predominates; or exclusive innervation)

-GI sympathetic NS dominates -Heart parasympathetic NS dominates -smoking both happen

Organs with one ANS input

-Visceral arterioles and radial muscle of iris have sympathetic -The iris sphincter muscle has parasympathetic(it constricts the pupil)

Referred pain for the heart

Arm or heart, neck, side of chin pain

If all autonomic input to the peripheral blood vessels were to stop what would happen?

Blood vessels dilate and blood pressure decrease

Divisions of the NS (Central, Peripheral, Somatic, Autonomic, Motor, Sensory)

Central Nervous System (brain and spinal cord) Peripheral Nervous System:Everything else Somatic Motor Division (striated or voluntary muscles) Autonomic Motor Division (Visceral motor) Autonomic Sensory Division (interoceptors) Sympathetic Division (flight, fight and fright Parasympathetic Division (rest,relaxation and rumination)

Autonomic receptors(cholinergic,adrenergic)

Cholinergic Receptors Found in synapses of sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglion -postganglionic parasympathetic target organs(effectors) Adrenergic Receptors only sympathetic postganglionic target organs(effectors)

atropine consumed what happens to pupil size


What does the Vagus nerve innervate?

Heart Lungs Digestive Organs Liver

What would happen if a sympathectomy were performed on the heart (i.e., all the sympathetic input was stopped)?

Heart rate increase and blood pressure increase

What happened when a gas like sarin that is a aniticholinesterase is consumed?

Miosis contrast the pupils

Effects the Para and sympa have on pupil size

Miosis-Constrict,circular muscle, parasympathetic(eye is small) Mydriasis-Dilate,radial muscle, sympathetic,relaxed(eye is big)

Cholinergic (Muscarinic vs Nicotinic)

Muscarinic receptors Found on parasympathetic target organs Acetylcholine (or muscarine) stimulating these receptors leads to Decreases heart rate Increases intestinal motility All parasympathetic Nicotinic receptors found in sympathetic and parasympathetic ganglia Stimulation of these (like with nicotine) leads to sympathetic and parasympathetic effects only short time of activation acetylcholine breaks down rapidly because of acetylcholinesterase (AChase or AChE)

Organization (Location of ganglia: Cranio-sacral vs Thoraco-lumbar, etc.)

Parasympathetic is "Cranial-Sacral NS" -Ganglia close to effectors , in organs Sympathetic is "Thoracic-Lumber NS" -Ganglia far from effectors, far away from oragans -some neurons have split axons

Referred pain for the kidneys

Rear end,legs, pelvic region pain

Referred pain for the liver and galbladder

Shoulder and back pain


Sympathetic -Short preganglionic neuron -NE or Noradrenalin effector -Adrenargic receptors relaxation of pupil is mydriasis -radial muscles contract Parasympathetic -Long pregangionic neuron -ACh effector -Muscarinic ACh receptors -Both ACh used in Ganglia and Nicotinic ACh receptors constriction of pupil is miosis -circular muscles contract

What nerves carry referred pain?

Visceral afferents and sympathetic nerves that come into CNS at level of thoracic and lumber spine. sensory branch of ANS

The lung and sympathetic innervation

no sympathetic innervation to the lung

The VAGUS nerve (targets and effects)

parasympathetic and Big its cranial nerve 10 and everything in abdomen and chest.

SLUDD; the three R's vs the three F's

parasympathetic- 3 R'S- Rest, Relaxation and Rumination or SLUDD-Salvation,Lacrimation, Urination,Digestion and Defecation Sympathetic- 3 F'S-fight,fright or flight

Adrenergic (Alpha vs Beta; subtypes)

α (alpha) stimulate contractions α1 Causes contractions of smooth muscle Found mostly in blood vessels of viscera except the heart α2 Presynaptic receptors Promotes clotting Often ignored except by close family members β (beta) inhibit contractions (except in heart muscle" myocardium β1 Heart muscle tachycardia and increased contractility β2 Relaxes the bronchioles Relaxes the uterus Almost all sympathetic target organs relaxed β3 Increases lipolysis

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