Basic Troubleshooting: Hardware I

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Make sure the CD you have currently in the computer is not bad or being misread by the computer by inserting another known good audio CD into the computer. If another audio CD works it is likely either that the CD is dirty or may be an enhanced CD incompatible with the CD Audio player.

Bad or non audio CD is inserted

1. Windows Memory Diagnostics Tool 2. MemTest86 3. DocMemory 4. Reseat / Swap memory. 5. Replace memory.

Bad RAM failure solutions

1. Computer does not boot, and you are getting POST beep code. 2.Random computer crashes causing BSOD, General Protection Fault error messages, Illegal Operations, Fatal Exceptions, etc. 3. Random computer reboots. 4. Windows or other program installation failure.

Bad RAM failure symptoms

1. Scandsk 2. Chkdsk 3. Replace Hard Drive

Bad hard drive failure solutions

1. Errors when reading, copying, moving, or deleting data on the computer. 2. Extremely slow. 3. Operating system unable to boot. 4. Other random errors or computer reboots.

Bad hard drive failure symptoms

1. Verify network adapter is installed / detected. 2. Verify connections. 3. Verify network card. 3-1. Ping localhost (127.0.01) 4. Verify router. 5. Verify firewall ports. 6. Verify Internet access (ISP).

Basic network troubleshooting steps

0. Use CD/DVD Drive Cleaner kit to clean disc drive. 1. Software test CD/DVD drive: 1-1. CDRoller, CDCheck, CD/DVD Diagnostic 2. Replace disc drive.

CD-ROM and DVD drive failure solutions

0. multiple discs do not work in the drive. 1. Error when reading CD or DVD. 2. CDs or DVDs may not play audio or video properly. 3. CD or DVD programs may not install or encounter errors after being installed

CD-ROM and DVD drive failure symptoms

1. Verify hardware connections. 2. Verify microphone functionality. 3. Verify sound drivers.

General microphone troubleshooting

1. Verify software volume control settings 2. Verify the installed driver settings 3. Verify speaker connections 4. Sound card drivers 5. Defective hardware

Missing or lost sound in Windows

1. Computer frozen 2. Mouse conflict 3. Not connected properly 4. Mouse software or driver conflict 5. Outdated or missing mouse driver 6. Bad Port / Mouse 7. Corrupt operating system files

Mouse not being detected or working in Windows

1. Reboot 2. Background programs 3. Delete temp files 4. Free hard drive space 5. Bad, corrupted or fragmented hard drive 6. Scan for malware / viruses 7. Hardware conflicts 8. Update Windows / drivers 9. Reboot again 10. Memory upgrade 11. Hard drive upgrade 12. Run Registry cleaner 13. Computer or processor is overheating 14. Erase computer and start over

My computer is running slow, what steps can I do to fix it?

1. Monitor is not on. 2. Computer is asleep. 3. Connections not properly connected. 4. Monitor settings are not correct. 5. No POST 6. Bad video card or monitor

No display or black screen on a computer monitor

1. Check your connections 2. Test the keyboard outside Windows 3. Update your drivers 4. Check for the keyboard in Device Manager

No keys on my keyboard work

1. Power cord not connected properly 2. Third-party hardware 3. Bad power cable 4. Incorrect power supply 5. Bad battery 6. Bad power supply, power button, power board, or inverter

No power or computer does not turn on

0. no software utility to test the integrity of computer power supplies 1. Testing with multimeter is NOT recommended. 2. Replace PSU.

PSU failure solutions

1. Bad or non audio CD is inserted. 2. CD audio driver not installed or is corrupt.

Windows error "Data or no disk loaded" with audio CD

1. Visual hardware check: 1-2. bulged or blown capacitors 1-3. Remove / check CPU 2. Software solutions 2-1. Hot CPU tester, Intel Processor Diagnostic tool 2-2. PC-doctor, Ultra-X 3. Replace Hardware 3-2. CPU, Motherboard

motherboard and CPU failure solutions

1.Computer does not boot, instead you get a beep code. See the POST and beep code page for additional information about beep codes. 2.Random computer crashes causing General Protection Fault error messages, Illegal Operations, Fatal Exceptions, etc. 3.Computer randomly reboots.

motherboard and CPU failure symptoms

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