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Define a near miss and explain how it relates to unsafe conditions.

A near miss is a safety event that nearly results in employee injury but does not examples of near misses include slipping on a wet floor and falling, but not sustaining An injury or container falling off overhead pallet racking that does not strike anyone A mature and robust safety system will track and respond to near misses as a leading indicator rather than only react to actual Injuries improvements and employee safety can also be sustained by paying particular attention to the potential severity of the Near miss that is to focus as top priority those near misses that could have resulted in life threatening injuries.

When is it appropriate to start work for unsafe conditions instead of coaching employees on safe practices?

A safe workplace in safe condition should always be top priority. However, safety is always considered in the context of the workplaces Primary prediction for operational purpose. Therefore, it is important to recognize truly serious unsafe conditions That must be responded to with a stop work order instead of coaching employees. Stopping growth is appropriate for immediate dangerous situations, Especially those that have not had a proper hazard analysis or are new procedures. It is also appropriate when there are no control mechanisms Available to the supervisor or work team. Coaching employees is appropriate for correcting failure to adhere To establish safe work practices and for responding to individual Please failure rather than a systemic work condition.

When should a supervisor alert managers of a safety situation?

A supervisor is the first line management representative charged with ensuring the safety of employees. The supervisors charged with enforcement of policies, ensuring proper PPE is available and worn, And monitoring the physical environment for hazards. Supervisor should alert upper managers of a safety situation that is either out of his or her ability To fix or When a systemic safety hazard exists. For example, if a piece of equipment is unsafe and needs costly repair, The supervisors charge to bring this to the attention of management so that Expenditures can be authorized to either replace or repair the equipment. Supervisor must take an active role in developing safe work procedures and Not complacently accepting an unsafe workplace.

What are some effective techniques a supervisor can use to coach employees on safe practices?

A supervisor should be instrumental in coaching employees on safe work practices, not just assigning tasks and following up to See they are done. Daily work planning meetings that included brief safety overview or excellent coaching opportunities. While correction of unsafe behaviors is important and essential, Supervisors should also give employees positive reinforcement they are seen to be performing safely Or taking safety into account when planning non routine task. The supervisor should seek to provide meaningful feedback on employee safety performance Ann should use every opportunity to coach employees on how to brainstorm about improving safety on the job and removing obstacle Executing the work safely.

Provide examples of common unsafe acts and explain how they contribute to an unsafe workplace.

An unsafe act is an action an employee takes that is counter to safety policy and procedures; Contrast this with an unsafe condition, which refers to the physical conditions present In the work environment or systemic unsafe practices. Examples of unsafe acts include not wearing the required inappropriate PPE When it has been communicated what is correct, failure to follow established safety Operating procedures, deliberate removal and bypass of machine guarding, Or reaching into machinery despite having been trained not to. Elimination of unsafe acts requires training in proper procedures, So people are aware of what they are, followed by supervision And correction when employees failed to adhere to the safe practices.

How can safety professionals coordinate with human resources professional in disciplinary situations?

Applying the disciplinary policy to violation of safety related policies And procedures, thinking the resources department should take the lead. Fashion is an advisor, whereas the lawn supervisor The enforcer of safety (Explore this operational) Policies and procedures. Consultation with the safety department, The progressive disciplinary consequences Violating safety policies in must retain the documentation Any verbal or written warnings issued to employees. Any termination of employees must be backed up with documentation to ensure termination is lawful.

What are the key elements of implementing a successful behavioral based safety program?

Behavioral based savings first start with the sound assessment types Of behaviors that are important in a given work environment to reduce The incidence and severity of injuries. Past data on injuries, first aid, and near misses should be evaluated To determine the unsafe acts that could lead to incidences. these are behaviors that can be concentrated on first. Second, teams of safety observers must be recruited for participation End the behavior based safety program. The line level workers must be trained in how to make observations Of behavior from unsafe acts, And the workers who had performed the unsafe acts Need to be notified and corrected on the spot but not in a punitive way. There should also be ongoing feedback to the entire team On the aggregate behavior observations and how the team is improving Overtime so that the benefits of the system can be observed.

Describe how an effective training course is designed.

Better training course design starts with determining what the course objectives are for those who have completed it. What should the employees learn in the course, and how will it benefit them? This should be clearly communicated at the start of the course. ThE Course will begin with an overview of what will be covered and what the regulatory background and bases is for training that will occur. The training course utilizes a variety of learning methods; In addition to PowerPoint presentations, There should be handouts for reference (Some people digest information better when they read it as opposed to hearing it), And there should be video presentations included when possible for variety. Good training courses interspersed Classroom type learning with hands on activities and group discussions for reinforcement of concepts. Finally, a good training course will include a quiz to assess learning outcomes An evaluation of the course.

Describe methods of resolving conflict between two employees who are peers.

Conflicts are inevitable in the workplace, but proper management can minimize them and prevent them from becoming a distraction. Conflicts should be addressed sooner rather than later; Waiting to address conflicts never improve the situation. If a supervisor believes there is an escalating conflict between two periods, it is important to intervene and facilitate the Resolution. Both parties should be made to understand that the disagreements are not personal and should strive to ensure each party is Listen to and treated fairly. The problem should be Stated plainly and usually, and then each party should be given a chance to voice concerns. East person should be given the opportunity to voice what they believe would be a positive outcome And then to an agreement on what concrete steps will be taken to achieve this.

When should a disciplinary action be taken with regard to a violation of safe worth practices?

Consistent enforcement of safe work practices should take top priority in any workplace. Consistency means always enforcing safe work rules the wearing of personal protective equipment doing routine inspections and Following up to correct deficiencies and coaching employees they are observed taking safety shortcuts or doing an unsafe act. Before any disciplinary action is taken for violation of unsafe work practices an employee must be sure that all policies and Procedures are written for reference and are clearly communicated to employees. There should also be a progressive disciplinary policy that will be used to guide the severity of the disciplinary action taken. When there is clear evidence that an employee has violated a safe work practice disciplinary action should always be taken. In addition it must be consistently enforced not only when an unsafe act results in an injury (to only take action if an injury Occurs invites accusations of retaliation for reporting an injury which is illegal.)

Describe the elements of a robust contractor safety communication program.

Contractors over a potential liability to safety and safety culture at a company. They are on site infrequently you may be unaware of safety and emergency policies That may lead to incidents. There should be safety aspect to the selection contractors (Asking about insurance carrier and safety performance records). One selected, the contractor should be able to provide evidence that employees Ever seen relevant general and specialized safety training (e.g Confined space, respiratory protection, and PPE requirements) And are aware emergency evacuation in notification procedures.

What are some effective communication strategies to communicate safety importance to management?

Effectively communicate the status of a safety program to management Is important so that proper emphasis can be placed on it. While managers typically recognize the importance of keeping the workforce safe In an abstract sense, it may be difficult To grasp how they influence the culture and expectations that need to be in place To sustain a safe work environment. One can prepare information that puts a real dollar cost to the business Of workplace injuries, which is an effective tool To communicate its importance. Cost of injuries include actual workers compensation insurance premiums, Loss work days that lead to lowered productivity or increased overtime costs For those not injured, reimbursement of employee expenses While injured, and cost of turnover calls by unsafe work conditions.

What is restricted duty and why should all workplaces have a policy to accommodate restrictions?

Restricted duty refers to an injured employee who due to injury cannot perform his or regular work duties. For example a job may require lifting up to 50 pounds four to six times per hour and a person may be restricted to lifting no More than 10 pounds. However the person is still physically able To work within these restrictions. Restricted duty is a status given by the doctor to ensure the healing occurs in the injury does not get worse overtime. To manage workers compensation cost employees should have Establish accommodation procedures for employees on restricted duty. Studies show that employees who are accommodated return to work more quickly, and costs are minimized.

What are methods to overcome resistance to restricted duty programs?

Some managers or supervisors are not in the support of accommodating injured workers Who are on restricted duty. They may believe that this encourages people to report false injuries, So they can receive a less physically demanding job. However, there are several reasons that it is in everyone's best interest to accommodate Restricted duty, and these should be communicated to the supervisor staff: · When employees stay home from an injury, they heal more slowly And or more likely to retain legal counsel. · Accommodating restricted duty saves the company money; In the short term, costs are incurred for the wages, But in the long term, workers compensation insurance premiums will be reduced. · Staying home and collecting workers compensation, Even though it is generally 2/3 of one's salary, Is likely more of an incentive for false reporting than is working on restricted duty. · There may be opportunities to accomplish tasks no one has time for by using employee On restricted duty. Examples are data entry tasks, taking inventories, organizing shelves, and so on.

What is THE BCSP code of ethics and who does it apply to?

The BCSP code of ethics is a set of guiding ethics principles that applies to Allstate professionals Who holds certifications issued by the board. Advion certified safety professionals to impartiality fairness protection of and safety and health of employees, Impartiality and adherence to scientific fact based conclusions. A written code of ethics is important as an explicit reminder that integrity is of paramount importance in executing the safety function in any organization. Unfortunately, one may encounter in one's career individuals who seek to sway you to take an unethical stance that would be against these principle; for example, a manager may try to get the site safety professional to allow an unsafe act "just this once" due to production pressures. It is important to remember this code of ethics should such a thing occur.

How can I an employer assess fit for duty?

The term fit for duty refers to an employee being physically able to perform the job task for certain job. When formulating a fit for duty program, The first step is to document what the physical and operation requirements are Performing the job. This can be part of a job hazard analysis or Injury and illness prevention plan development process. The document should list the physical requirements of that position with regard To lifting and other ergonomic requirements (Weight lifted in frequency), Stupid, bending, twisting, carrying loads, Standing in sitting time, grasping with hands, and so on. Assessing fit for duty against the written analysis can then be done By a qualified occupational physician. There are also companies that provide instruments to assess the lifting capacity And grip strength, for example, That can provide an independent and not easily fooled assessment Of fit for duty.

What are valuable resources to determine the compliance requirements of a job task?

There are numerous valuable resources available online that can assist in determining the compliance obligations of a job task. Putting the job task description and the word compliance into a search engine will yield results. In addition, one can review any applicable job safety has analysis to determine whether the task has compliance Requirements associated with it. Occupational health publications have articles on various processes that are valuable resources. In addition, all safety professionals should subscribe to their agency's email Notification service to be notified of any compliance changes. In addition, agency often published a what's new section on their websites That are valuable sources of information. Potion has an extensive library of safety and health topics that can also be consulted To regulatory applicability and compliance information. Finally, consult OSHA interpretation letters on the relevant topic to obtain interpretations Regulatory standards The others have inquired about over the years.

What are potential pitfalls of behavioral based safety program?

There are potential pitfalls in in the execution of behavior based safety program. The successful implementation quirze involvement and participation from line level workers to make the safe behavior Observations and provides feedback to their coworkers. Is proper training and support or not provided, observations made will not be useful. In addition, the team has to understand the potential benefits of improving safety Behaviors and cannot be made to feel that they are being blamed For injuries that are out of their control. There should be definite And observable connection between the safe behaviors observed And the types of injuries and incidents been reduced To improve behavioral performance.

Describe the elements of an enforceable safety disciplinary policy.

To be robustly enforceable, A safety disciplinary policy must have several elements, as follows: · The safety rules and the existence of the safety disciplinary policy must be clear. For example, what PPE is required for job task? When is it required to get a hot work permit? Training records should be retained to show that this information has been conveyed to workers. · The equipment to safely perform the job must be available. If he has run out and is not available, Then employee cannot be punished for not wearing the PP during the job task. · The rules must be consistently enforced. Disciplinary procedure must be applied to all employees, regardless of rank. · Displayer policy should be progressive, In that first offenses should not be grounds for termination, Unless the consequences of deviation from the safety policies Are severe and this has been communicated.

Describe best management practices for reporting workplace injuries.


Describe how adult learners differ from child learners.


Describe how you can design an on the job training program that incorporates safety mentoring.


Describe methods of resolving conflict between an employee and his or her supervisor?


Describe techniques to communicate safety information to employees other than a training class.




How should you determine the training needs for a project?


Name reasons why employees may not follow established safety rules in how these factors may be changed to increase compliance.


Name three major learning styles and how they may impact learning safe behaviors.


What are four OSHA standards that explicitly require documented initial training of employees?


What are important laws that govern workplaces with regard to worker limitations and accommodations?


What does move "yourself in order to move others" mean in context of safety management?


What is behavioral based safety?


What is of paramount importance in the code of ethics?


How can "make it within their control" be applied to motivating for safety behaviors?

the phrase "make it within your control" refers to structuring the job function and safe execution of the job given as much responsibility to the worker as can be within a given context. To make it within their control, the proper procedures in tools must be in place For the work to be safely conducted. This does not mean that it is left to employees to decide what working safely means Or that procedures and personal protective equipment selection is left to them. It does mean that the structure and framework exists, and employees are responsible for considering the safety of their Environment and can raise questions about safety without fear of reprisal with acknowledge that management will act upon their concerns.

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