BE 3.03

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A customer asks Roger a question about a product, and he isn't sure of the correct answer. He immediately phones his supervisor to get the needed information. Which technique for building positive customer relations does this illustrate?

Be helpful. Roger is displaying helpfulness to this customer. He didn't know the answer to the customer's question, but he immediately went into action to find the person who did. This situation does not illustrate keeping promises, paying attention to internal customers (employees), or being thankful.

A business recently mailed 20-percent discount coupons to all its loyal customers. Which technique for building positive customer relations does this illustrate?

Be thankful. Customers appreciate it when businesses show gratitude for their loyalty. Special benefits and perks such as coupons are one way for businesses to say thanks. Coupons do not necessarily relate to displaying courtesy, keeping promises, or being helpful.

A business's tangible environment might include a

Comfortable waiting room. A business's tangible environment might include a comfortable waiting room. A tangible environment is physical—things that can be seen, felt, tasted, etc. A business's intangible environment, or corporate culture, might include aspects such as a spirit of teamwork, a courteous greeting, or a friendly employee.

Building positive customer relations is one of the least expensive ways for a business to

Compete with other businesses. Building positive customer relations is one of the least expensive ways for a business to compete with other businesses. A smile, a "thank you," and a helpful attitude are free, and even the smallest businesses with the most limited funds can afford to provide them. Positive customer relations does not affect the costs involved with attracting investors, manufacturing goods, or offering employee bonuses.

Businesses use technology to build positive customer relations by

Creating targeted marketing campaigns. Businesses use technology to build positive customer relations by identifying valuable customers and creating targeted marketing campaigns to reach them. Calling customers at home, placing pop-up ads online, and sending "junk" e-mails will create negative customer relations instead of positive ones.

Technology aids positive customer relations because it gives customers

Greater access to the business. Technology aids positive customer relations because it gives customers greater access to the business. They can visit the business's web site to get answers to FAQs, view photos and information, place orders, or track shipping. They can call the business's toll-free number to receive technical support or to provide feedback. Technology doesn't necessarily give customers reasons to buy products, discounts on products, or more power than businesses.

When someone says that a business has positive relations with its internal customers, the person means the business has

Happy employees. When someone says that a business has positive relations with its internal customers, the person means the business has happy employees. Employees are a business's internal customers, and keeping them happy is important because unhappy employees have difficulty creating and maintaining satisfied "external" customers. Positive employee relations does not necessarily relate to updated technology or strong managers.

Having positive customer relations means making customers

Happy. Having positive customer relations means making customers happy. Satisfying customers is not enough—businesses must exceed their expectations. Positive customer relations will not necessarily make customers more popular or richer.

The most important factor in a business's customer relations is its

People. The most important factor in a business's customer relations is its people. Employees make or break a business's efforts to build positive relations with customers. Business processes, business environment, and technology are also factors affecting a business's customer relations, but they are not as important as the human factor.

When a business strives to make every customer experience a positive one, it is remembering its

Touch points. When a business strives to make every customer experience a positive one, it is remembering its touch points. When a business remembers its touch points, it shows that it recognizes the importance of each interaction in building positive customer relations. Touch points don't necessarily relate to internal customers, competition, or the business's history.

Which of the following statements best describes positive customer relations: a. A business conducts 100 customer transactions per day. b. A business has no customer complaints. c. A business listens to customer feedback. d. A business advertises to attract new customers.

A business listens to customer feedback. When a business takes customers seriously and listens to their feedback, it is demonstrating positive customer relations. Just because a business conducts a number of transactions with customers does not mean that it has positive customer relations. An absence of customer complaints does not necessarily indicate positive customer relations; sometimes, resolving complaints or problems successfully creates positive customer relations. Advertising may or may not relate to a business's customer relations efforts.

Customer relations skills such as courtesy and friendliness should be emphasized during a business's

Hiring process. Customer relations skills such as courtesy and friendliness should be emphasized during a business's hiring process. Employees are the most important factor in a business's customer relations. Businesses must hire people who will present a positive "face" for the company to the public. Courtesy and friendliness are not skills that relate to market research, facilities design, or technology planning.

Which of the following is a true statement about making promises to customers: a. Customers don't remember broken promises. b. It is better to over-deliver. c. It is better to over-promise. d. Businesses should not make promises to customers.

It is better to over-deliver. It is better to under-promise and over-deliver than it is to break a promise. Keeping promises is very important for positive customer relations. Customers always remember broken promises. It's OK to make promises to customers, but businesses must be sure they can keep the promises they make.

Businesses strive to retain current customers because

It's less expensive than attracting new customers. Businesses strive to retain current customers because it's less expensive than attracting new customers (through personal sales, advertising, etc.). Current customers do not necessarily have fewer complaints than new customers. It is not necessarily too difficult to please new customers; however, it does cost money to attract them to the business. New customers may or may not spend as much money with the business as current customers.

he best way for businesses to communicate with customers is to

Listen respectfully. The best way for businesses to communicate with customers is to listen respectfully. Customers have a lot of useful information to give businesses if they will listen. Renting billboards, sending direct mail, and providing information about the business are all forms of communication, but none is as valuable as listening.

Businesses must keep in mind that word-of-mouth promotion can be

Negative. Businesses must keep in mind that word-of-mouth promotion can be negative as well as positive. It's important for businesses to build positive customer relations so word-of-mouth promotion will work in their favor since it cannot be avoided, cannot be bought, and is very powerful.

Businesses can encourage customer communication by

Offering incentives. Businesses can encourage customer communication by offering incentives such as coupons or free samples. Incentives capture customers' attention and encourage them to respond. Routing calls to an answering service or restricting business hours may discourage customer communication. Advertising is a form of communication, but it is a message to customers rather than from them.

To build positive customer relations, a business must be

Proactive. To build positive customer relations, a business must be proactive—striving to make every customer experience a good one—rather than waiting and reacting to problems and issues as they occur. A business does not necessarily need to act aggressively to be proactive. A business can strive to build positive customer relations before it has turned a profit. Even big businesses can build positive customer relations.

As an employee, you can help your company build positive customer relations by

Reporting customer feedback. As an employee, you can help your company build positive customer relations by listening to customer feedback and reporting it to your manager or supervisor. You may not have the authority or experience to identify the business's target market, conduct market research, or make strategic planning decisions, but you can take part in the effort through your daily interactions with customers.

Positive customer relations can boost productivity by

voiding wasted time and resources. Positive customer relations can boost productivity by avoiding wasted time and resources. If a business provides a positive customer experience the first time around, it won't have to worry about correcting as many mistakes or solving as many problems. Positive customer relations does not create new manufacturing processes or cut down on equipment costs. It does attract new customers, but this does not relate to productivity.

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