bible 105 exam 3 part 3: minor prophets (hosea-malachi)

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when was joel written

825 BC

post-exilic prophets

haggai, zechariah, malachi

key promise in obadiah

obadiah v.15:

why was zechariah written

prepare for the coming messiah


prophet of judah


prophet of judah

outline of habakkuk

prophet's question (faith tested and taught), prophet's praise (faith triumphant)

second commission

repentance(jonah preaches) and disobedience(jonah complains)

type in jonah

resurrection of christ

key promise in zechariah

zechariah 12:10 :

key warning in amos

amos 4:12

key promise in amos

amos 5:4

judgement vs. israel

basket of summer fruits, coming captivity

prophecies of christ

branch, king-priest, lowly king, betrayal, crucifixion, smitten shepherd, second coming

major events of OT

call of abraham, promise of the patriarchs, exodus from egypt, law given to moses, conquesr of land by joshua, problems of the judges, rise and fall of kings, babylonian captivity, return of the exiles, anticipation of the messiah

why was zephaniah written

call to revival

why was habakkuk written*

comfort judah and condemn babylon

theme of joel*

coming day of the lord

theme of zechariah

coming of christ


consolation prophet of judah


contemporary of isaiah


contemporary to zechariah

outline of zephaniah

day of god's wrath against judah, day of god's judgement against gentiles, day of god's deliverance of remnant

first commission

disobedience(jonah flees) and repentance(jonah repents)



divisions of prophecy

eight visions, four messages, two burdens

theme of malachi

elijah is coming to announce the messiah

why was haggai written

encourage them to rebuild the temple

prophecies of micah

fall of samaria, invasion of assyria, fall of jerusalem, babylonian captivity, return from exile, birth of messiah, salvation of gentiles

theme of haggai

finish the job


god commissions and jonah flees god hears and jonah prays god spares and jonah preaches god rebukes and jonah complains

outline of malachi

god's love announced, god's people denounced, god's messenger promised


great grandson of hezekiah

scene of jonah

great sea: jonah flees, great city: jonah preaches

key promise in habakkuk

habakkuk 2:4 :

key promise in haggai

haggai 2:9

national promise

her sin, her judgement, her restoration

key promise of hosea

hosea 3:4-5 :

present judgement


literary feature of malachi

interrogation and refutation

problem in obadiah

invasion of jerusalem by philistine and arabs during the reign jehoram

key promise in joel

joel 2:28-32 :

key promise in jonah

jonah 2:7-9 :

prophets to israel (north)

jonah, amos, hosea


judean prophet and priest

theme of amos


why was micah written

judgement and hope

theme of zephaniah

judgement and restoration of judah

theme of habakkuk

judgement of babylon

theme of nahum

judgement of ninevah

outline of nahum

judgement of ninevah decreed, judgement of ninevah described, judgement of ninevah defended

outline of micah

judgement of the lord, hope of the lord, pardon of the lord

setting of habakkuk

last days of josiah, fall of ninevah, rise of babylon


leader of the levites

key promise in malachi*

malachi 3:1 :



key promise in micah*

micah 5:2 :

key promise in nahum

nahum 1:7 :

setting of jonah

ninevah (capital of assyria)

prophets to judah (south)

obadiah, joel, micah, nahum, zephaniah, habakkuk



theme of micah



shepherd of tekoa

theme of jonah

sovereignty of god: god prepared

judgement vs. nations

syria, philistia, tyre, edom, ammon, moab

minor prophets

the twelve

setting of nahum

time of incredible cruelty by assyria

why was hosea written

to illustrate god's love for israel

future judgement


theme of hosea

undying love

personal problem

unfaithful wife

why was jonah written

universality of salvation

why was nahum written

vindicate god's judgement against assyria

why was malachi written

warn backslidden remnant

why was amos written

warned the wicked northern kingdom

why was joel written

warning of future judgement

hosea's family

wife- gomer, son- jezreel, daughter- lo-rehamah, son- lo-ammi

outline of haggai

word of rebuke on elhu, word of encouragement on tishri, word of promise on chisleu

literary forms in micah

word pictures, contrasts, questions

key promise in zephaniah

zephaniah 2:3 :

outline of zechariah

zion's sanctuary, zion's services, zion's savior

theme of obadiah

doom of edom

problem in haggai

glory of second temple: built by zerubbabel, remodeled by herod, place of jesus' ministry, destroyed by rome in 70 AD

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