Bible Semester Exam

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What does "Revelation" mean?

"unveiling" or "uncovering"

Identify three key themes that run through 1 Thessalonians.

1. Believers should strive to live holy lives. 2. Encouragement during persecution. 3. The second coming of Christ and the end times.

Identify two key themes from 1 Peter.

1. Christians should expect to experience suffering on some level. 2. Holy living in the face of suffering is a powerful testimony.

What is Philemon encouraged to do in the letter written to him? (Choose two answers)

1. Forgive Onesimus. 2. Display Christ's love to Onesimus.

Identify two key themes from the book of Philemon.

1. Forgiveness 2. Love

"For the word of God is ____________ and __________, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the _________ and ________ of the _____" (Hebrews 4:12).

1. Living; 2. active; 3. thoughts; 4. intentions 5. heart

There are two incorrect approaches to studying Revelation; identify these below.

1. Nothing in the book can be understood. 2. Everything in the book can be understood.

What does 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 say the "will of God" is for a believer's life? (Choose three answers)

1. Pray without ceasing. 2. Give thanks in all circumstances. 3. Rejoice always.

The book of 2 John is addressed to "the elect lady," who remains unidentified in the text. According to scholars, what are the three possibilities for the identification of this unknown title/reference? (Choose three answers below)

1. The Church. 2. A godly mother. 3. A house church in Asia Minor.

What two key themes are found in 2 Peter?

1. The Old Testament prophets provide true testimonies about the revelation of God. 2. False teaching is dangerous and destructive.

Identify three key themes from Revelation.

1. The agents of evil. 2. The Trinity. 3. The end times.

Identify four key themes in 1 Corinthians.

1. The centrality of Christ's resurrection from the dead. 2. The nature of love and how Christians should display it. 3. Believers should strive to live a godly lifestyle. 4. Believers should strive to be unified with one another.

What were the two main reasons Paul originally wrote 1 Corinthians?

1. To address issues within the church. 2. To answer questions the church had.

What was the threefold purpose for the letter to Titus being written? (Choose three answers)

1. To warn Titus against false teachers. 2. To tell Titus to live out his faith. 3. To encourage Titus to appoint godly leaders in churches.

What two words frequently point to Christ's supremacy in the book of Hebrews? (Choose two answers)

1. better 2. perfect

One study tactic involved identifying key words. What key words are used multiple times through 2 John? (Choose six answers below)

1. commandment 2. teaching 3. walk 4. love 5. deceivers 6. truth

When reading/studying Titus, an individual should notice the emphasis placed upon what two things? (Choose two answers)

1. faith 2. good works

According to 2 Timothy 1:7, God "gave us not a spirit of ______ but of _______ and _______ and self-control."

1. fear 2. power 3. love

Who is Jesus in Revelation? (Choose seven answers)

1. glorified, risen Savior 2. Lord of heaven and earth 3. Lord of the Church 4. Lamb of God 5. Judge of mankind 6. miracle-born male Child 7. coming King

When studying the book of Philippians, you should pay attention to the role of Christ in the life of every believer. He is our (choose four answers):

1. goal 2. life 3. example 4. strength

Identify five fruits of the Spirit.

1. goodness 2. peace 3. love 4. joy 5. self-control

Paul writes 2 Timothy to encourage Timothy to (choose three answers):

1. guard the gospel against false teachings. 2. persevere in the gospel through persecution. 3. preach the gospel in all circumstances.

The book of 1 John affirms Christ's ___________, _________, and focuses on God's __________ in Christ.

1. humanity 2. deity 3. love

"I have no greater _________ than to hear that my children are walking in the _____________" (3 John 4).

1. joy 2. truth

Philippians 4:8 says that believers should think about whatever is (choose seven answers):

1. just 2. commendable 3. true 4. lovely 5. pure 6. worthy of praise 7. honorable

According to 2 Timothy 3:16, all Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for (choose four answers):

1. training in righteousness 2. reproof 3. correction 4. teaching

How many times does the word "suffering" appear in 1 Peter?


What is the result of the following behaviors/emotions in an individual's life? Bitter jealousy, selfish ambition, boastful, and falsehood.

A life of disorder.

What is the result of the following behaviors/emotions in an individual's life? Pure intentions, peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, and sincere.

A life of peace.

Take a few moments to look over the "Practical Advice for Study" section again in the notes. According to 1 John, if a person claims to be a follower of Christ, what should that person's life look like? How does your life line up with the "salvation test"? (200 word minimum)

A person who claims he is a follower in Christ should openly believe that Jesus is the Lord and Savior. They should have and display the Holy Spirit. They should want to live a righteous life. They should know that they are sinners and confess to God about it. They should refuse to give into sin. They should love one another. They should work towards having obedience to God. I believe that Christ died for my sins on the cross for me. I display the Holy Spirit when I help other people such as holding the door for someone or asking if they need any help. I want to live a righteous life because I want to please God. I do sin and I want to make it better and I ask God for forgiveness of my sins. I do not want to continually give into sin because I feel very guilty if I do. I love my friends, who I enjoy to be around. and family, who are there for me during hard times. I try to glorify God every day for the good things I do in his name. I hope to please God in every way possible to glorify his name.

The overarching message of 1 Peter is:

Believers should strive to remain faithful and to display Christ-like behavior in the midst of difficult circumstances.

What is the key theme of 2 John?

Believers should walk in truth and love.

How are Christians ultimately able to stand firm in their faith?

By relying on the Holy Spirit.

__________ is rebuked in 3 John for displaying a selfish attitude.


__________ is commended in 3 John for walking in truth and showing love to others.


What does 1 Peter 3:15 command believers to always be ready to do?

Give a defense of the Christian faith (with gentleness and respect).

What is the overarching message of 3 John?

God delights in believers who walk in truth and show hospitality and love to others.

What is the book of James about?

God's grace enables and compels believers to live out their faith.

_________ __________ is/are the result of salvation in Jesus Christ.

Good works

__________ __________ are the result of living a Spirit-filled life.

Good works

In Hebrews, Jesus is the __________ __________ __________.

Great High Priest

Other than for what you've been doing in this course, do you normally read the Bible on a regular basis? If so, how often? Do you have a plan in place for reading the Bible? If so, what do you use? If you don't currently read the Bible regularly and/or don't have a plan you use, consider referring to the notes in this lesson to help you with your response. Explain the importance of spending time in God's Word on a daily basis. (Answer all questions and explain importance of reading the Bible each day in 250 words or more.)

I would read the bible each day during the weekdays for this course. I don't entirely feel consistent with reading the Bible because of Saturdays and sometimes just not being able to read because of other school assignments. I have recently bought a devotional for reading the Bible and have been using that. It is called, "Total Devotional" by Kevin Johnson. But it is important to read the bible daily because God talks to you through the Bible, God also spends time with you, and God has amazing things to tell you through his word. God can tell you how to deal with problems such as sin. God can also explain to you wisdom and other facts that can help in your spiritual growth with God. We are sinful but God can stop us and help us get out of our sin and save us from our sinful desires. He can tell us this through his word. It is good to spend time with God because he is our creator and he wants us to know him. God has special plans for us and wants us to be able to experience those plans. God can tell us amazing things through his word such as the amazing way he guided Moses to bring Israel out of slavery in Egypt. Or even sending his one and only son to die on the cross for our sins so that we, his creation, could be with him in heaven for eternity. It is good to spend time with God every day.

One of the key phrases in James is: "Faith without works is dead" (James 2:17). Considering what you've learned in this lesson, and in previous lessons, how can you begin applying God's Word to your life in ways that will cause you to put feet to your faith? In other words, what are some practical ways you can live out your faith? (200 word minimum)

James 2:17 verse states "So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead." This verse means that if you have faith but no works you are not saved. If you do not display your faith in God by works you are just really saying that I believe in God but you really don't. In order to really display your belief in God, you should live out your faith by doing good works. I could live out my faith by doing random good works, encourage my friends, and continually read the Bible. A random good work could be just holding the door for someone or giving to charity. I could encourage my friends to stay strong in their faith and continue to do good works as well. I can forgive my enemies and pray that they would be forgiven. I can also continually read the Bible to gain wisdom in Christ and be able to defend my faith from people. I can evangelize people to tell them the good news about Jesus Christ. My church hosts youth mission trips, I can take part in them and help with the mission trip. There are many ways I can live out my faith in Christ.

All worship in the Church should be directed to...


Colossians explains that __________ is all we need in life; when we place something else at the center, we will never find true joy.


Who were two of Jude's most prominent siblings?

Jesus and James

What is Revelation about?

Jesus is King and Savior who will one day return to earth; God will renew His creation and His people will live with Him forever.

What is the book of Hebrews about?

Jesus is superior to angels, prophets, Moses, the law, the tabernacle, and the sacrificial system.

In Jude, __________ is the one who is able to keep individuals from falling away from the truth of __________ __________.

Jesus; His Word

Who wrote Revelation?


In 1 Corinthians, Jesus is the resurrected __________ and __________.

Lord; Savior

Colossians 3:23 has a lot to say about a Christian's work ethic. "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the _____ and not for ____."

Lord; men

When studying Jude, notice how false teachers are condemned based upon __________ __________ examples.

Old Testament

What was Timothy's occupation?

Pastor at the church in Ephesus

What was Titus' occupation?

Pastor of churches in Crete

What island was Revelation written from?


Who is the author of 1 Corinthians?


Who wrote Ephesians?


Who wrote the letter of Galatians?


What is 2 Thessalonians about?

Paul encourages believers to be diligent in ministering to others because Jesus hasn't returned yet.

_____ is the author of Philemon; _____ is the recipient of this letter.

Paul; Philemon

Who is the author of 1 Timothy? Who is the recipient of this letter?

Paul; Timothy

The author of this letter is __________; the recipient of this letter was ___________.

Paul; Titus

Who wrote Colossians and who was it written to?

Paul; church at Colossae

Who wrote Philippians and who was it written to?

Paul; church at Philippi

Who wrote 1-2 Thessalonians and who were these letters written to?

Paul; church at Thessalonica

Who wrote 1-2 Peter? Who was it most likely written to?

Peter; scattered believers

When reading/studying 1 Timothy, what's one thing that you should attempt to do?

Put yourself in Timothy's shoes.

Who is Jesus in 2 Peter?

Savior and Lord; the One who will return for His people.

Who was Revelation originally written to?

Seven churches in Asia Minor.

Why was 1 Timothy written?

So that Timothy could receive instruction on matters pertaining to leading a church.

What is the book of Jude about?

Stay true to the teaching of Scripture; don't be led astray by false teachers/teaching.

Who is the "man of lawlessness" in 2 Thessalonians?

The Antichrist

Who is Jesus in 2 Thessalonians?

The One who will return for His children.

Briefly mention each of the six pieces of the armor of God and explain what each piece is to be used for. (100 word minimum)

The Six pieces of armor are the belt, breastplate, shoes, shield, helmet, and sword. The belt is the belt of truth, which keeps our lives from falling apart. The Brest plate is the breastplate of righteousness, which is described as living righteously to guard your heart. The shoes are the shoes of the gospel of peace, which tells us to tell the good news of Jesus Christ. The shield is the shield of faith, which protects using the faith of Jesus Christ. The Helmet is the Helmet of Salvation, which guards our minds. Finally, the sword is the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God to defend and ourselves against sin.

Who were 1-2 Corinthians written to?

The church in Corinth.

What does 1 Thessalonians 4:3 say the "will of God" is for a believer's life is?

Their sanctification.

According to 1 Peter 3:18, why did Christ die for the sins of the world?

To bring humans to God (to restore their relationship with the Father).

Why was Philippians written?

To encourage believers to imitate the thoughts and actions of Christ.

Why was the letter of Ephesians written to the church in Ephesus?

To help them realize God's incredible grace, and the importance of relying upon His grace when attempting to stand firm in the faith.

Why was 2 Peter written?

To warn believers of the destructive nature of false teaching.

According to 1 Timothy, church leaders should be __________ __________.

above reproach

The letter of 1 Corinthians begins with a focus on the _____ and ends with an emphasis on the _____.

cross; resurrection

One of the key themes of Ephesians is: Living for Christ requires __________.


Justification is by ________ alone in _________ alone - this is the overarching message of Galatians.

faith; Christ

The book of 2 Peter has more to say about __________ __________ than any other New Testament letter.

false teachers

Ephesians 2:8-10 makes it extremely clear that we are saved by ______ through _____ in ____.

grace; faith; Christ

One of the practical applications from Colossians is that believers should strive to live __________ lives.


One practical application from 1 Thessalonians is: There is no excuse for idle living and __________ in the life of a Christian.


When studying the book of Galatians, notice the danger of ________ and the joy of ________ in Christ.

legalism; freedom

Colossians contains the most concise description of Satan's __________ in all the Bible.


Above all, what should followers of Christ put on?


In Colossians, Jesus is the __________ One; He __________ over all things.

preeminent; reigns

If Christians follow the example of Christ set forth in Philippians, what type of leaders should they strive to be?

servant leaders

Believers today should seek to determine what their __________ __________ is/are, and then use it/them to build up Christ's body, the Church.

spiritual gifts

One of the key themes through 2 Thessalonians is that believers should __________ __________ in their faith.

stand firm

Colossians gives the most concise description of Christ's __________ in all the Bible.


In Philippians 2:5-8, Christ is:

the humble servant.

The book of 2 Peter shows believers that they should live as if Christ were going to return __________.


When seeking to study Philemon, there are two things that should be noticed: 1) Christ __________ our relationships; and 2) the gospel brings __________.

transforms; freedom

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