Bible Test #2

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Which of the following is a prime number?


When was Jesus born?

7-5 BC

Which of the following statements is not a foundational belief that evangelical Christians generally hold concerning the Bible?

the bible is contradictory

A document known as ________ is purportedly an early "pre-gospel" collection of Jesus sayings that stood alongside of Mark.


What political debate may have influenced the plot of The Wizard of Oz?

the gold standard

Which of the following does not help to construct American culture?

the great wall of china

The gospel of Luke and Acts are both addressed to a man named ________.

theophilus (fill-in-the-blank answer)

Which book is considered an "apocryphal gospel"?


To whom does Paul write the words, "Flee from the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace."?


Which of the following does not comprise the historical-cultural context of a text?


A person's cultural background can limit the possibilities of a text before a reader actually grapples with the intended meaning.


Augustine is remembered for his allegorization of the Good Samaritan.


Authorial intention assumes that the author is communicating to the reader through the text.


Familiarity with a passage often leads a person to think they know all there is to know, which makes them more prone to skip over the passage without studying it carefully.


For an interpretation of any biblical text to be valid, it must be consistent with the historical-cultural context of any text.


For communication to occur between the author and reader it is often important for the reader to study the historical context of the author.


Give highest priority to the immediate context when determining the meaning of a passage.


Hyperbole is another name for exaggeration.


In Acts, God's sovereignty is expressed through the spread of the gospel.


New Testament letters are situational, meaning they address specific situations faced by the earliest churches.


Probably the most important fact to know about a biblical writer is to know why they were writing.


The application of a biblical text is specific to the life of the reader.


The book of Acts continues the story told in the gospel of Luke.


The book of Acts tells the story of the birth and growth of the church.


The church in Acts is marked as a people of prayer.


The genres of gospel and history both appear in the New Testament.


The gospel writers arrange Jesus' actions thematically.


When studying the historical-context of a passage use internet sources with caution.


What is the central question asked by authorial intention?

what does the author mean?

What is the central question asked by reader response?

what does the text mean to me?

Which of the following comprises the surrounding context of Romans 12:1-2?

all of the above: Romans 12:3, the book of Romans, the entire bible

When identifying how a book is divided into paragraphs or sections, which of the following observations makes a change or transition in the text?

all of the above: conjunctions, change of topic, change in location

Which of the following is a sign (a convention of written language) that is used by an author to communicate meaning?

all of the above: grammar, syntax, word meaning

Which of the following is a danger associated with studying historical-cultural context?

all of the above: inaccurate background info, elevating the background of the text above the meaning, becoming nothing more than a database of historical facts

Which of the following can play a role in forming preunderstanding?

all of the above: sunday school lessons, sermons, pop music

Which of the following is a standard narrative question that should be applied when using Acts?

all of the above: who, what, when

The _________ were regarded as guardians and transmitters of the Jesus tradition.


_______ describes the response of the reader to the meaning of the text.


The traditional approach to interpretation assumes that the ______ determines the meaning.


What type of commentary focuses on the historical-cultural context to grasp the meaning?


What is the best resource for finding detailed biblical maps?

bible atlas

If you want to learn more about the topic of slavery in the ancient world, which of these resources is best suited for the task?

bible dictionary

Scholars are inclined to view the Gospels as what type of literature?


The Jewish high priest named __________ gathered the Sanhedrin together in an attempt to find Jesus guilty.


The Galilean city of ______ became Jesus' new home.


Which resource provides the most up-to-date, detailed info about the historical-cultural context of a biblical book?


What is the most important principle of biblical interpretation?

context determines meaning

The _________ of communication is a fixed agreement between author and reader about how to communicate?


Which interpretive strategy for Acts views Acts as inspiring and valuable, but not necessarily binding?


Acts should be read as a kings of comprehensive _________ manual.

discipleship (fill-in-the-blank answer)

"If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out..." is an example of which special literary form?


What preaching attempts to follow an author's flow of thought through a particular text?


Chapter and verse divisions are part of Scripture's original autographs.


Every genre of literature follows the same rules of communication.


The ascension of Jesus is only recorded in the book of Acts.


The culture a person lives in has little to no impact on the way they read scripture.


The word "gospel" literally means "bad news."


Topical preaching, in all cases, is an invalid approach to preaching.


When interpreting a parable it is important that each detail of the parable stand for something.


When studying the life of a biblical writer it is of no importance to learn about the nature of the writer's ministry.


A person's what provides them with their strongest farm of reference regarding relationships?


Which of the following genres does not appear in the NT?


_______ Criticism argues that brief episodes in the Gospels circulated orally in the earliest Christian communities and the gospel writers picked these up and strung them together.


The ________ source hypothesis suggests that each gospel saying and story can be attribute to one of four sources.


What two words best describe Luke's vocation?

historian and theologian

Which gospel did Augustine and the church fathers consider to the the literary source of the Synoptics?


The _______ of a text refers to that which the author wishes to convey with his/her signs.


"You are the salt of the earth" is what literary form?


In Matthew, which OT person serves as a template for Jesus' life?


To read Acts ________ means that churches of all times imitate the experiences and practices of the early church.

normatively (fill-in-the-blank answer)

"You are lie whitewashed tombs" (Matt. 23:27) is an example of which special literary form?


Ancient biographies follow a ________ outline, beginning with the birth or arrival of the main character and ending with his death.

simple (fill-in-the-blank answer)

What word best describes the posture that our preunderstanding should take with respect to the biblical text?


Which aspect of Jesus' ministry does Matthew emphasize?


What is the goal of Biblical interpretation?

intimate relationship with God

Narrative _______ is grounded in the principle of contrast-contrast between what is expected and what actually happens.

irony (fill-in-the-blank answer)

The death of _______ prompted Jesus to flee to galilee.


Which book is NOT considered part of the Synoptic Gospels?


Which of the following is not considered one of synoptic gospels?


Where did Jesus make his first public appearance?

jordan river

Which of the following genres is not found in the Old Testament?


Who was emperor of Rome when Mark was written?


Which gospel is largely interested in the "poor" and the lowly?


The majority of scholars today now agree that ________ is one of the two literary sources of the Synoptics.


A _________ is anyone who is not an ethnic Jew.

Gentile (fill-in-the-blank answer)

Acts is best described as ________ history.

God-centered history (fill-in-the-blank answer)

Jesus' temptation evoked what OT phenomenon?

Israel's wandering in the desert

The city of _______ became for Jesus the theological symbol representing the city that resisted God's messengers.


Which Synoptic g does not include a birth narrative?


What is the name of the slave owned by Philemon?


Which person claimed that Matthew had a Hebrew "dialect" or "Hebraic style"?


The Good Samaritan is what literary form?


A _______ is a story with two levels of meaning, where certain details in the story represent something else.

parable (fill-in-the-blank answer)

The Jewish festival of _________ was celebrated during Jesus' death.


When did the Holy Spirit descend upon, indwell, and empower the disciples of Jesus?


Who are the two primary church leaders in the book of Acts?

peter and paul

Which of the following movies do the authors of Journey into God's Word suggest impacts the way most people interpret the book of Jonah?


What refers to all of our preconceived notions and understanding that we bring to the text before we actually study the text?


Where was Paul living when he wrote Philippians 4:13?


_______ questions are designed to make a point rather than retrieve an answer.

rhetorical (fill-in-the-blank answer)

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