Bio 11-13

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A(n) ______ is a feature that provides a selective advantage to an organism because it improves its ability to survive and reproduce.


The ability of an organism to camouflage with its environment is an example of a(n)


Darwin noted that natural selection occurs because

adaptive traits that are heritable can pass to offspring and increase their survival and reproduction.

Charles Darwin consulted John Gould about the birds that he had collected on the Galápagos Islands. Gould identified 13 distinct types of finches based on the birds'


ADNA technology is especially useful in detecting and treating human diseases that are

caused by mutations of a single gene.

Gradual genetic changes in organisms from an ancestral species describes

descent with modification.

DNA sequencing is a technology that allows scientists to

determine the nucleotide sequence of genes, chromosomes, or genomes.

Selection for dark-winged moths in a population of moths with pigmentation that varies from light to dark is an example of _____ selection.


Evolutionary Theory

has developed over several centuries.

In artificial selection, ______ determines the traits that give individuals the greatest reproductive success.

human choice

Modern scientists can splice DNA from different species together to produce what is referred to as ______ DNA.


Matching Question In this diagram of creating a transgenic plant using the Ti plasmid, match the letters to their correct labels.

A --- Ti plasmid B --- Agrobacterium cell C --- gene for herbicide D ---unaltered plant cell E---transgenic plant cell

Ordering Question Taking into account that natural selection resulted in the diversity of finches on the Galápagos Islands, rank the following in the order they occurred, beginning with the earliest event at the top.

A few finches flew from the mainland to one island. Most of the finches could only eat small seeds, but the island population outgrew the supply of small seeds. The finches that could eat other foods gradually made up more of the population.

Ordering Question Taking into account that natural selection resulted in the diversity of finches on the Galápagos Islands, rank the following in the order they occurred, beginning with the earliest event at the top.

A few finches flew from the mainland to one island. Most of the finches could only eat small seeds, but the island population outgrew the supply of small seeds. The finches that could eat other foods gradually made up more of the population.

Click and drag on elements in order Below is a list of steps used to create transgenic bacteria. Place them in order from first at the top to last at the bottom.

Acquire source DNA and cloning vector. Cut source and vector DNA with the same restriction enzyme. Mix donor DNA and vector DNA together. Insert recombinant DNA into recipient cells.

How did natural selection shape the evolution of finches on the Galápagos Islands?

Birds with different heritable differences were able to better survive and reproduce in different habitats.

Fill in the Blank Question _____________selection occurs when humans select for different traits in crosses of dogs, horses, or other animals, whereas selection occurs when environmental factors act on a desirable or undesira

Blank 1: Artificial, Blank 2: natural

What technology allows researchers to edit, remove, or turn off specific genes in the genome of an organism?


Select all that apply Select all of the following that are components of CRISPR technology.

Cas9 enzyme that cuts DNA editing of genes to change the nucleotide sequence guide RNA that binds to specific complementary DNA

What technique is being demonstrated in this diagram?

Creation of a transgenic organism

PCR is a technique used to amplify trace amounts of ______ to be used in scientific and forensic analyses.


In biotechnology, the process of analyzing variable parts of a genome to detect genetic differences between individuals is called

DNA profiling.

The process of determining the order of DNA nucleotides in a stretch of DNA is called

DNA sequencing.

The manipulation of genes for practical purposes, such as medicine, agriculture, or criminal justice, is called

DNA technology.

Why are short tandem repeats (STRs) useful in DNA profiling?

Different people have unique numbers of repeats.

T/F Cloning and sexual reproduction result in two genetically identical cells/organisms.


True or False Question True or false: The goal of natural selection is to produce perfect organisms.


On what islands did Darwin spend five weeks gathering observations that would later shape his ideas about natural selection and evolution?

Galápagos Islands

As part of his voyage on the Beagle, Darwin spent about 5 weeks off the coast of Ecuador making observations on the

Galápagos Islands.

Darwin collected birds from the _______ Islands and took them back to England to study, where John Gould identified 13 species of birds called ______. Multiple choice question. Caribbean; finches

Galápagos; finches

Fill in the Blank Question ______ therapy is the process of replacing a faulty gene that may be causing a disease with a healthy version.


Select all that apply Select all the statements that are true about mitochondrial DNA.

It can be used for analysis when nuclear DNA is not available. It can be useful in verifying the relationship between woman and child. It has been used in studies of human evolution.

______ acts to eliminate individuals with nonadaptive phenotypes in a population.

Natural selection

What is a small circle of DNA that is used during the construction of recombinant DNA?


______ DNA is DNA that has been cut and spliced together from multiple organisms.


Multiple Select Question Select observations and inferences that Charles Darwin made in support of natural selection.

Some individuals survive due to their inherited characteristics, making them more likely to reproduce. Organisms are varied and some variations are inherited. Natural selection can change the characteristics of a population over many generations. There is competition among individuals for limited resources. More individuals are born than can survive to reproduce.

T/F Gel electrophoresis is an important tool used in biotechnology for forensics and paternity test.


T/F Transgenes for herbicide resistance have been accidentally transferred from crop plants to their weedy wild relatives.


Select all that apply Select all the diseases that are caused by mutated alleles of genes and that can be detected and possibly treated using DNA technology.

Tay-Sachs disease sickle cell disease cystic fibrosis hemophilia

Select all that apply Select all the potential ethical issues in using genetic testing.

Tests that reveal a high risk of cancer may cause anxiety or depression. Parents may use genetic testing to select for desirable traits in embryos. PGD is expensive and may only be possible for the wealthy.

How would a biologist explain how an animal became well camouflaged to its environment?

The best camouflaged animals in previous generations were most reproductively successful.

T/F DNA technology can be applied to prevent, detect, and treat genetic diseases.


In order to detect specific DNA sequences within an individual, a scientist may use

a DNA probe.

In somatic cell nuclear transfer, the nucleus that is injected into the egg is from ______.

a body cell

If humans are involved in perpetuating desired traits in organisms, the result is

artificial selection.

Selection of dairy cows that produce more milk for human consumption is an example of ______ selection, and selection of light-colored moths over dark-colored moths by a bird predator is an example of ______ selection.

artificial; natural

If a predator is more likely to prey upon fish that are brightest in color, then natural selection in this environment will favor

drabber fish.

Natural selection, mutation, genetic drift, nonrandom mating, and gene flow are all mechanisms of ______ and can change allele frequencies in populations.


___________is defined as a change in allele frequencies in a population over time.


Transgenic organisms are designed to

express the protein product of the recombinant DNA.

The genetic contribution of an organism to the next generation is referred to as ______.


A genotype's ___________ is the number of individuals with that genotype, divided by the total size of the population.


In a population, each genotype's ______ is the number of individuals with that genotype, divided by the total size of the ______.

frequency; population

The fact that different species use the same genetic code means that a(n) ______________from one organism can be transferred to and expressed by a different organism.


In what technology is a healthy gene added to a person's cells to supplement the function of a faulty, disease-causing gene?

gene therapy

A precise definition of evolution is the

genetic change in a population over multiple generations

In evolutionary terms, fitness of an organism is defined as an organism's

genetic contribution to the next generation.

How can parents determine if their growing fetus or newborn carries a disease-causing allele?

genetic testing

What is routinely done to screen for phenylketonuria (PKU) in newborns?

genetic testing

Which of the following is used to detect the presence of specific genetic disorders in fetuses, newborns, children, and adults?

genetic testing

The possible termination of embryos or fetuses with mild conditions or certain traits is a moral and ethical dilemma associated with

genetic testing.

The modern evolutionary synthesis connects natural selection and

genetic variation that arises by mutation.

Ethanol is used in the DNA isolation process because

it allows the precipitate to form.

Detergent is used in the DNA isolation process because

it facilitates homogenization.

Fossils present in ______ layers of rock are older, according to the principle of superposition.


Multiple Select Question Select all of the following that occur in natural populations and that violate the assumptions of the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium.

mating is often nonrandom allele frequencies can change due to chance events migration among populations occurs

What type of DNA is exclusively passed from mother to offspring and can sometimes be used in DNA profiling when nuclear DNA is degraded?

mitochondrial DNA

In the 1930s, scientists unified natural selection and genetics into the

modern evolutionary synthesis.

Darwin reasoned that the variety of finch species found on the Galápagos Islands descended from a common ancestor. He used the phrase "descent with___________ " to describe gradual genetic changes from the ancestral type.


When trying to detect genetic differences between two individuals, one advantage of DNA profiling over whole genome sequencing is that DNA profiling uses just the ______ regions of DNA for comparison.

most variable

What occurs when environmental factors cause the differential reproductive success of individuals with particular genotypes?

natural selection

Growth and development of a normal cell differs from a stem cell because

normal cells do not specialize into stem cells.

Where would the majority of the DNA be located within a eukaryotic cell?


Rock layers at the bottom of a geologic deposit are the


Mitosis of a stem cell in an embryo results in ______; mitosis of a specialized cell in an embryo results in ______.

one stem cell and one specialized cell; two specialized cells

During the construction of recombinant DNA, the source DNA is inserted into _________a , a small circle of double-stranded DNA that can carry DNA into a recipient cell.


What technology involves the examination of embryonic DNA for the presence of disease-causing alleles?

preimplantation genetic diagnosis

Fill in the Blank Question Fill in the blank question. A DNA ________________is short sequence of single-stranded DNA that is labeled with an isotope or tag and that can bind to a complementary DNA region of interest.


A bacterium that has received recombinant DNA containing the gene for human insulin will

produce human insulin along with the other proteins it normally produces.

Since its invention in the 1980s, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a very common tool, because PCR

rapidly replicates DNA sequences without the use of living organisms.

What refers to DNA that has been spliced together from multiple organisms?

recombinant DNA

One common way that scientists create transgenic plants is to use ______ to introduce genes into plant cells.

recombinant Ti plasmids

Select all that apply Select all of the following that are true about natural selection.

reproductive success of individuals differs occurs due to variation in environmental factors

_____ enzyme is a type of protein that can cut double-stranded DNA at specific base sequences.


What is a type of protein that can cut double-stranded DNA at a specific base sequence?

restriction enzyme

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is seldom seen in natural populations because

selection takes place in natural systems.

Electrophoresis is used in DNA sequencing to

separate DNA fragments

A difference in the appearance between males and females of a species is called

sexual dimorphism.

Regions in the human genome where one nucleotide has been substituted for another in at least 1% of the population are called

single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).

The cloning technique that was used to create the first cloned mammal (a _____sheep named Dolly) was called cell nuclear transfer.


An undifferentiated cell that can give rise to specialized cell types is called a ______ cell.


Short _______ repeats are repeated noncoding DNA sequences that vary in copy number among different individuals and that are useful in DNA profiling.


Methods that involve the manipulation of genes or specific sequences of DNA are part of a broad category of research and practical applications called DNA


A ______ organism is an organism that has been engineered to contain ______ DNA.

transgenic; recombinant

Stem cells are said to be ______, which means that they can give rise to specialized cell types but do not have a specialized role ye


A common feature of preimplantation genetic diagnosis, genetic testing, and gene therapy is the Multiple Choice

use of DNA technology to detect or treat genetic disorders.

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