BIO 142 - Exam 1 (ANS and Senses)

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Which effectors have alpha-1 receptors? 1. Blood vessels 2. Uterus 3. Arrector pili muscles 4. Heart muscle

1, 2, and 3

In which structures would you find muscarinic receptors? 1. Blood vessels in skeletal muscle 2. Sweat glands 3. Adrenal medulla 4. All parasympathetic receptors 5. Cardiac muscle cells

1. Blood vessels in skeletal muscle 2. Sweat glands 4. All parasympathetic receptors

When you are hit in the epigastric region, the sensation of "getting the wind knocked out of you" is partially due to effects on which two plexuses

1. Celiac plexus 2. Solar plexus

Vestibular nerve axons project first to which strucutres? 1. Cerebellum 2. Cerebrum 3. Medulla oblongata 4. Pons

1. Cerebellum 3. Medulla oblongata

Which are true of conjunctiva? 1. it is vascular 2. It contains goblet cells 3. It does not contain nerve endings 4. It does not cover the cornea

1. It is vascular 2. It contains goblet cells 4. It does not cover the cornea

Which organs receive postganglionic axons from the superior mesenteric ganglion? 1. Kidneys 2. Liver 3. Rectum 4. Jejunum of small intestine 5. Stomach 6. Proximal ureters

1. Kidneys 2. Jejunum of small intestine 6. Proximal ureters

Which are examples of encapsulated receptors? 1. Krause bulbs 2. Root hair plexuses 3. End bulbs 4. Tactile discs

1. Krause bulbs 3. End bulbs

Sympathetic postganglionic axons innervating thoracic viscera extend from neuron cell bodies within the ________ 1. middle cervical ganglion 2. inferior mesenteric ganglion 3. inferior cervical ganglion

1. Middle cervical ganglion 3. Inferior cervical ganglion

Which are ligands for adrenergic receptors? 1. Norepinephrine 2. Epinephrine 3. Acetylcholine 4. Muscarine

1. Norepinephrine 2. Epinephrine

Which organs receive postganglionic axons from the inferior mesenteric ganglion? 1. Rectum 2. Reproductive organs 3. Kidneys 4. Spleen 5. Urinary bladder 6. Gallbladder

1. Rectum 2. Reproductive Organs 5. Urinary Bladder

In response to a specific stimulus, autonomic reflex arcs can trigger which responses? 1. Secretion by glands 2. Cardiac muscle contraction 3. Smooth muscle contraction 4. Skeletal muscle contraction

1. Secretion by glands 2. Cardiac muscle contraction 3. Smooth muscle contraction

Which organs are innervated by postganglionic axons from the celiac ganglion? 1. Spleen 2. Urinary bladder 3. Liver 4. Rectum 5. Stomach

1. Spleen 3. Liver 5. Stomach

Which are the subdivision of the abdominal aortic plexus? 1. Superior mesenteric plexus 2. Inferior mesenteric plexus 3. Celiac plexus 4.. Hypogastric plexus

1. Superior mesenteric plexus 2. Inferior mesenteric plexus 3. Celiac plexus

Which axons could be found within an autonomic plexus? 1. Sympathetic postganglionic axons 2. Parasympathetic postganglionic axons 3. Somatic motor axons 4. Sympathetic preganglionic axons

1. Sympathetic postganglionic axons

the utricle and saccule are involved in function involving which positions of the head? 1. static equilibrium 2. hearing 3. angular acceleration 4. linear acceleration

1. static equilibrium 4 linear acceleration

Nerve signals arriving at the superior olivary nucleus are involved in which functions? 1. turning our head toward the sound 2. distinguishing the pitch of the sound 3. decreasing the vibration of the sound 4. localizing the sound

1. turning our head to the sound 3. decreasing the vibration of the sound 4. localizing the sound

In which structure will you find nicotinic receptors? 1. Smooth muscle 2. Adrenal medulla 3. Postganglionic neurons

2. Adrenal medulla 3. Postganglionic neurons

Which are functions involving alpha-2 adrenergic receptors? 1. Blood vessel constriction 2. Facilitating blood clotting 3. Inhibiting insulin secretion

2. Facilitating blood clotting 3. Inhibiting insulin secretion

Which receptors would provide stimulus information to a somatic sensory neuron? 1. Stretch receptor in carotid artery 2. Tactile receptor in the skin 3. Sensory receptor in the lung

2. Tactile receptor in the skin

Which is a type of tonic receptor that detects both continuous deep pressure and distortion of the skin? 1. Tactile corpuscles 2. Bulbous corpuscles 3. Lamellated corpuscles 4. End bulbs

2. bulbous corpuscles

Sympathetic postganglionic axons innervating thoracic viscera extend from neuron cell bodies within the 1. inferior mesenteric ganglion 2. inferior cervical ganglion 3. middle cervical ganglion

2. inferior cervical ganglion 3. middle cervical ganglion

Which structures receive sympathetic innervation from the superior cervical ganglion? 1. Muscles that dilate the bronchioles in the lung 2. Sweat glands of the head 3. Dilator puillae muscle of the eye 4. Smooth muscles in blood vessels of neck

2. sweat glands of the head 3. Dilator pupillae muscle of the eye 4. Smooth muscles in blood vessels of neck

Which is a result of sympathetic stimulation of the muscles of the iris 1. Relaxation of the circular muscle of the eye 2. Contraction of the circular muscle 3. Dilation of the pupil 4. Contraction of the radial muscle of the iris

3. Dilation of the pupil 4. Contraction of the radial muscle of the iris

Each macula of the utricle and saccule is composed of which structures? 1. Sensory axons 2. Otoliths 3. Hair cells 4. Supporting cells

3. Hair cells 4. Supporting cells

Which structure receives parasympathetic innervation from the vagus nerve (CN X) 1. Uterus 2. Bladder 3. heart 4. Penis

3. Heart

______ one adrenergic receptors are found in the heart where they increase heart rate and force of contraction.


________ one adrenergic receptors are found in the heart where they increase heart rate and force of


This adrenergic receptor is responsible for lipolysis in adipose tissues


Which branch of the parasympathetic preganglionic axons exiting the facial nerve terminates at the submandibular ganglion?

Chorda tympani nerve


Constricted pupils



True/False: The esophageal plexus consists of postganglionic axons from the vagus nerve.


Which structure associated with the autonomic nervous system has a cell body located within an autonomic ganglion in the peripheral nervous system?

Ganglionic motor neuron

Because they connect to all spinal nerves, the __________ rami communicantes allow sympathetic information originating from the thoracolumnbar region to be dispersed throughout the body


Axons of olfactory cells form fascicles of CN (#)


What type of receptors detects deep pressure and vibration?

Lamellated corpuscles

Which region of the brain contains the cardiac center responsible for sending parasympathetic input to the pacemaker of the heart to decrease heart rate and blood pressure?

Medulla oblongata

Which type of receptors binds acetylcholine and uses second messenger systems?


Which cranial nerve provides the parasympathetic innervation that causes the pupil to constrict when the eye is exposed to bright light?

Oculomotor (CN III)

What is the margin between the photosensitive and nonphotosensitive regions of the retina called?

Ora serrata

Where are end bulbs located?

Oral and nasal cavities

Which autonomic ganglion, located anterior to the ear, receives parasympathetic axons from the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)

Otic ganglion

Which gland receives parasympathetic innervation from the glossopharyngeal nerve (CN IX)

Parotid salivary gland

_________ include only the somatic sensory receptors within joints, muscles and tendons


True or false: Macular degeneration is the leading cause of blindness in developed countries


When the stereocilia of the maculae or the crista ampullaris distort, nerve signals are initiated through the ______ branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII)


Prevertebral ganglia are only located within the _______ ______

abdominopelvic cavity

All postganglionic parasympathetic axons and a few postganglionic sympathetic axons release the neurotransmitter _________ onto the effector


Generally, the effects of parasympathetic and sympathetic innervation of the same organ are _________, opposing each other to produce different results


The lamina propria is made of ______ tissue


The autonomic nervous system helps maintain homeostasis through the involuntary activity of ___________ or visceral reflexes


Spinal shock, the initial reaction to spinal cord trauma or injury, is characterized by the loss of _______ ______

autonomic reflexes

The centers for cardiac, digestive, and vasomotor functions are housed within the __________


Postganglionic sympathetic axons from the cervical and thoracic sympathetic trunk ganglia and preganglionic axons from the vagus nerve form the ___________ _______

cardiac plexus

Postganglionic axons from the _________ ganglion innervate the stomach spleen, liver, gallbladder, proximal part of the duodenum, and part of the pancreas


The most superior of the prevertebral ganglia is the _______ ganglion


Earwax is a combination of dead skin cells and ______


Preganglionic axons from the oculomotor nerve (CN III) extend to which ganglion

ciliary ganglion

Prior to being stimulated by light, the retinal portion of rhodopsin is in a bent twisted shape called _____-retinal


The greater petrosal nerve is a branch of the parasympathetic preganglionic axons of the ________ nerve

facial (CN VII)

endolymph has a (low/high) potassium concentration


The _______ is the integration and command center for autonomic functions


The __________ __________ ganglion is adjacent to the origin of the inferior mesenteric artery

inferior mesenteric

The most inferior of the prevertebral ganglia is the ______ _______ ganglion

inferior mesenteric

The ______ segment of each photoreceptor contains organelles for the cell such as mitochondria


The _______ segment of the photoreceptors connect directly to the cell body


perilymph is similar to ________ fluid and endolymph is similar to ______ fluid

interstitial / intracellular

Ganglionic neurons in the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system located within the wall of the target organ are known as ________ __________

intramural ganglia

Cataracts are a disorder of the ______


Molecules, such as neurotransmitters, which bind specifically to receptors are called ________


Lacrimal fluid prevents bacterial infection because it contains an antibacterial enzyme called ________


During an emergency or crisis situation, the sympathetic nervous system can trigger ________ __________ in which many effectors respond together

mass activation

Otitis media is an infection of the _______ ear


Gustatory cells within the taste buds are a specialized type of epithelial cells called _______ cells


The majority of postganglionic sympathetic axons release _________ onto the effector


In the two branches of the autonomic nervous system., how many types of effectors are targeted to accomplish the antagonistic effects on the GI tract?


Olfactory hairs house receptor proteins for detecting how many specific odorant molecules


The eyelids are joined at the medial and lateral _______ commisures or _______

palpebral / canthi

Where are free nerve endings usually found?

papillary layer of the dermis

Accommodation is controlled by the _____ division of the nervous system


The regeneration of _______ in cones occurs much more quickly than the regeneration of _____ in rods; therefore, cone cells are not as negatively affected by bright light as rods

photopsin / rhodopsin

In phototransduction, the ________ responds to light stimulation by changing its resting membrane potential, resulting in a change in the neurotransmitter it releases


The abdominal aortic plexus is composed of postganglionic axons from the ________ ganglia and preganglionic axons from the vagus nerve


Postganglionic sympathetic axons from the thoracic sympathetic trunk ganglia and preganglionic axons from the vagus nerve come together to form the _____ ______

pulmonary plexus

The dissociation of _______ into its two components is called the bleaching reaction


When a figure skater does a lengthy spin on ice, it is the sensory receptors in her __________ canals of the inner ear that are informing her brain about the position of her moving head


In hyperopia, the eyeball is too _____ and in myopia the eyeball is too ______

short / long

The parasympathetic activities associated with defecation and urination are processed and controlled at the level of the _________ _____________

spinal cord

The ________ ganglion supplies postganglionic parasympathetic innervation to the submandibular and sublingual salivary glands to increase their secretions


The _________ ganglion supplies postganglionic parasympathetic innervation to the submandibular and sublingual salivary glands to increase their secretions


Postsganglionic axons from the ________ __________ ganglion innervate the distal half of the duodenum, part of the pancreas, the remainder of the small intestine, the proximal part of the large intestine, the kidneys and the proximal part of the ureters.

superior mesenteric

The middle of the the prevertebral ganglia is the ________ _________ ganglion

superior mesenteric

The terminal branches of sympathetic axons contain swollen beads called _________ knobs.


Tactile cells are associated with __________ _______

tactile discs

The inner ear is located in the ______ bone


Beta ______ adrenergic receptors primarily have inhibitory effects


the esophageal plexus consists of preganglionic axons from the ________ nerve


The conjunctiva is (Vascular/avascular)


Prevertebral ganglia are located anterior to the _______ ________ on the anterolateral surface of the ________

vertebral column / aorta

The roof of the cochlear duct is formed by the _______ membrane


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