BIO EXAM 1 1.1-1.6

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"Lucy," who belongs to the group ________, was a bipedal hominin with a brain smaller than that of humans.


Mass extinctions:

Can be responsible for an adaptive radiation where new species develop to occupy newly opened niche environments

The Burgess Shale deposits:

Contain fossils exhibiting modern body plans of animals

When two organisms share similar traits but don't share a common ancestor, these species are an example of?


The North American Pronghorn far outraces any predators remaining on the North American continent. If maintaining this speed means bearing fewer offspring, which of the following is the most likely to happen given enough time?

This species will slow down

A "ring species" is an example of parapatric speciation.


Based on mitochondrial DNA analyses the "Out of Africa" hypothesis about where modern humans came from is currently favored.


Beta hemoglobin is a conserved protein that is useful for comparing the lineage of species


Parental care is a characteristic shared by all primates.


Reduced allele variation reuslts in an increased chance of extinction.


The FounderEffect is the loss of genetic variation that occurs when a new population is established by a very small number of individuals from a larger population


The currently available fossil record documents gradual evolutionary changes that can link one group of organisms to another.


Which of the following is the first distinctively hominid trait to appear in the fossil record?

Upright walking (bipedalism)

This person independently converged on the idea of evolution by natural selection:


How does the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite locate planets?

Watch and keep track of the light of a star

What compounds and conditions did Stanley Miller need to perform his 1953 experiment to simulate an early atmosphere?

Water vapor , H2 , CH4, NH3 and Lightning

During the Cambrian explosion approximately 535 to 525 million years ago:

animals rapdily diversified in the oceans

Roses native to India are grown at a plant-breeding center in Arizona, where those with the thickest leaves survive and reproduce best in the drier climate. This evolutionary adaptation of roses to their new environment is due to

Directional selection

A rabbit population consists of animals that are either very dark on top or very light on top. The color pattern is not related to sex. No rabbit shows intermediate coloration (medium darkness). This pattern might result from

Disruptive Selection

Two populations of organisms belong to the same biological species when they

encounter with other, mate, and produce viable, fertile offspring under natural conditions

The K-T boundary is geologically identifiable because scientists found evidence of a massive asteroid impact in the form of depositions of:


A current leading hypothesis about the first system of inheritance in the earliest life forms involved:

self replicating RNA molecules aided by ribozymes

Speciation without geographic isolation is called __ speciation


Emergence is a property:

that is purportedly responsible for the formation of life

Which best describes Ida( Darwinius masillae)?

the possible missing link between early primates and modern looking primates

What was "Darwin's Dilemma" with evolution?

there was a lack of fossil evidence of ancestors to the Cambrian explosion

How did scientists change the behavior of the male polygamorous Montane Vole to become monogamous?

transferred to the male polygamorous vole a gene for a hormone that caused monogamy

Archaea have the simplest known genomes because they are the most ancient microorganisms.


In both protocells and cellular life RNA is used by ribosomes to construct proteins.


Predators have learned to associate desirable prey with bright colors


Protocell fossils were found in Australia


Stromatolites are deposits of plant materials found near the primordial ocean.


The discovery of Tiktaalik was so important because it was the missing ancestral link between fish and birds


The same criteria are currently used to define both animal and bacterial species


Which of the following options lists major events in the history of life on Earth in the proper order. From earliest to most recent

First prokaryotes; photosynthesis; then eukaryotes; colonization of land by plants and fungi

Which of the following are main categories of evidence that scientists use to study evolution?

Fossils and anatomical and molecular/biochemical molecular/biochemical

A small population of tortoises has been isolated on a small, remote island in the Galapagos for over 10,000 generations. While the population's characteristics are still similar to the ancestral mainland species, male sperm exhibit a variety of abnormalities and female fertility is much lower than on the mainland. What process may have been acting on this island's population?

Genetic drift

Which of the following options list the taxonomic categories in the correct order from the most specific to most general?

Genus, family, order, class, phylum

When there seems to be no contemporary selective forces that can explain the traits of recent organisms, such as the New Zealand Moa, evolutionary biologists often invoke the idea of:

Ghost of predation past

Which best describes Homo habilis?

Handy man - first to make and use stone tools

Which best describes the Permian Mass E xtinction Event?

Highest mass extinction death rate

The endosymbiotic theory explains:

How mitochondria and chloroplasts originated from free-living cells.

In coevolution with moths and bats:

Moths developed ears or ability to detect sonar and avoid predation by bats

The most recent evidence examining the relationship between modern humans and Neanderthals comes from analysis of:

Neanderthals genes in European lineage H. Sapiens


One of the three domains of life

The figures are histograms of the distribution of Geospirza fortis beak widths observed by Rosemary & Peter Grant in 1976 and in 1978 on Daphne Major Island. Which of the following statements either can be inferred or is supported by the data presented?

The G. fortis on this island is evolving toward having larger beak sizes.

A population of grasshoppers in the Kansas prairie has two color phenotypes, green and brown. Typically, the prairie receives adequate water to maintain healthy, green grass. Assume a bird that eats grasshoppers moves into the prairie. How will this affect natural selection of the grasshoppers?

The brown phenotype should be more easily seen by the predator and decrease in frequency.

The forelimbs of humans, cats, and bats have a number of detailed similarities in their construction. What best explains these similarities

The forelimbs are similar because of all these organisms inherited the basic forelimb design from a common ancestor

The reason that pea hens mate with pencocks with large tails and many eye spots is that

The size and spot density are indicative of peacocks fitness shown as an increased survival rate of chicks

The emergence of many diverse species from a common ancestor is called

Adaptive radiation

According to the fossil record, the genus Homo first arose in



Is the evolution of two populations of different species in response to selection pressures that individuals from the two populations place on each other.

Which of the following is not a quality of binocular vision?

Large field of view

What concept did the video on the Christmas Island crabs emphasize

More offspring will be produced than can possibly survive

Male bower birds build large, elaborate structures up to six feet high that they decorate with flowers, colored pebbles, and shiny objects. During the breeding season they use these structures as stages to display and court females. What process could drive the evolution of these remarkable bowers?

Sexual selection

Birds with average-sized wings survived a severe storm more successfully than other birds in the same population with longer or shorter wings. This illustrates:

Stabilizing selection

In the North Pacific Ocean, two groups of the same species of killer whales (Orcinus orca) appear to be forming two different species based on what they eat. One group eats fish which the other eats mammals such as seals. Scientists can tell what they eat based on their teeth because whales that feed on fish have significantly different wear patterns. Which of the following best describes the type of speciation event that is occuring in the whales?

Sympatric speciation

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