Bio Exam 3

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The absorption spectrum of chlorophyll

is not the same as that off carotenoids, it approximates the action spectrum of photosynthesis, explains why chlorophyll is green pigment, and shows that some colors of light are absorbed more than others

Why might inbreeding among close relatives be generally a bad idea?

it allows more harmful recessive traits to appear through increased homozygosity

The particular position of a gene on a chromosome is known as


Males are more often affected by sex-linked traits than females because

males are homozygous for the X chromosomes

In Mancusos discussion plants are portrayed by Aristotle as

on the edge of living and nonliving

A couple has a child with Down syndrome. The mother is 39 years old at the time of delivery. Which of the following is the most probable cause of the child's condition?

one member of the couple underwent nondisjuction in gamete production

What have you inherited IN TOTAL from ONE of your parents?

one set of 22 autosomal chromosomes and a sex chromosome

When Mendel crossed the offspring of 3 tall and one short, which of his laws does this establish?

particulate inheritance

In Mancuso discussion of plant intelligence, what did he describe the pattern of growth of young plants?


Cystic fibrosis affects the lungs, the pancreas, the digestive system, and other organs, resulting in symptoms ranging from breathing difficulties to recurrent infections. Which of the following terms best describes this?


The Calvin cycle reactions

produce carbohydrate, convert one form of chemical energy into different form of chemical energy, regenerate more RuBP, and use the products of the light reactions

Chromosomes become visible during


What two kinds of molecules from a base pair?

purine + pyrimidine

In the process of carbon fixation, RuBP attaches a CO2 to produce a six-carbon molecule, which is then split to produce two molecules of 3-phosphoglycerate. After phosphorylation and reduction produces glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P), what more needs to happen to complete the Calvin cycle?

regeneration of RuBP

Which of the following is an example of polygenic inheritance?

skin pigment in humans

The glucose formed by photosynthesis can be used by plants to make

starch, cellulose, lipids and oils, and proteins

A research team began studying a cultured cell line and observed that the cell line did not exhibit density-dependent inhibition or anchorage dependence. What could they conclude right away?

the cells show characteristics of tumors

During _____ both the contents of the nucleus and the cytoplasm are divided.

the mitotic phase

What is the ultimate source of energy in the food we eat?

the sun

What does a frequency of recombination of 50% indicate?

the two genes are likely to be located on different chromosomes

What is the reason that linked genes are inherited together?

they are located close together on the same chromosome

loan possible result of chromosomal breakage is for a fragment to join a non homologous chromosome. What is this altercation called?


The result of the cross below indicate that the _____

two genes are linked

The final acceptor of electrons in the noncyclic electron pathways is


The centrimorgan is a unit named in honor of Thomas Hunt Morgan. To what is it equal?

1% frequency of recombination btw two genes

For a species with a diploid number of 46 chromosomes what is the haploid number?


If you know a DNA molecule contains 20% adenine nucleotides, what percent guanine nucleotides does it have?


The light reactions of photosynthesis supply the Calvin Cycle w


Two people, one with blood type AB and one with blood type A have a child w blood type B. What would you expect the Childs genotype for blood type to be?


What is the basis for the difference in how the leading and lagging strands of DNA molecules are synthesized?

DNA polymerase can join new nucleotides only to the 3' end of a growing strand

A plant with the genotype AABbcc___

is homozygous at two loci

Carbon fixation involvers the addition of carbon dioxide to


When homologous chromosomes cross over, what occurs?

Specific proteins break the two strands and rejoin them with their homologs

Which of the following designates a normal human male?


Height in humans generally shows a normal (bell-shaped) distribution. What type of inheritance most likely determines height?

a combination of polygenic inheritance and environmental factors

In Mancuso discussion of plant intelligence to what did he compare the "brain ara" of plants

a computer network

A human cell containing 22 autosomes and a Y chromosome is

a sperm

according to Mancuso, what is the largest organism on earth?

a tree

For a species with a haploid number of 23 chromosomes, how many different combinations of maternal and paternal chromosomes are possible for the gametes?

about 8 million

Mendel crossed a tall pea plant with a short pea plant in his early experiments. Had his theory of dominance been wrong, what would the resultant phenotype have been?

all medium height

What was a significant conclusion that Gregor Mendel drew from the research?

alleles are different versions of the same gene

What is one way to accurately describe cancerous cells?

always actively mitotic

If a fragment of a chromosome breaks off and then reattaches to the original chromosome at the same place but in the reverse direction, the resulting chromosomal abnormality is called _____.

an inversion

centrometers divide and sister chromatids become full-fledges chromosomes during


Epigenesis involved what key concept for the passage of traits?

blending inheritance

The function of the light reactions is to

concert light energy to useable for of chemical energy

One difference btw cancer cells and normal cells is that cancer cells ____

continue to divide even when they are tightly packed together

Recombination between linked genes comes about for what reason?

crossovers btw these genes result in chromosomal exchange

A frameshift mutation could result from

either a insertion or a deletion of a base

Cells with one of each kind of chromosome are described by the term:


In general, the frequency with which crossing over occurs between two linked genes depends on what?

how far apart they are on the chromosome

In Mancusos discussion, what evidence was given for the presence of neutral network?

increased oxygen activity

During _____ the cell grows and replicates both its organelles and its chromosomes.


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