Bio exam 4

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The _____ refers to the tendency of an individual who observes an emergency to help less when other people are present than when the observer is alone. A Flynn effect B bystander effect C audience effect D ambiguity effect


John Dollard's frustration-aggression hypothesis states that A frustration is caused by aggression. B aggression is independent of frustration. C frustration always leads to aggression. D aggression might cause frustration.


The term _____ refers to experiencing one's psychological gender as being different from one's biological sex. A gender bias B heterosexuality C hermaphroditism D transgender


Which of the following is a defense mechanism according to Freud's psychoanalytic theory? A castration anxiety B Oedipus complex C fixation D sublimation


Which of the following is an example of a secondary sex characteristic? A growth of facial hair in males B development of gonads in females C production of testosterone in females D release of androgens in males


A professor is explaining autism spectrum disorders to his students. He is most likely to state that A they are also known as attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders. B they are caused when children experience rejection from their parents. C they refer to a range of neurodevelopmental disorders. D they are caused due to childhood vaccinations.


According to Gray's reinforcement sensitivity theory, the _____ is involved in avoidance learning. A behavioral activation system (BAS) B behavioral inhibition system (BIS) C reticular inhibition system (RIS) D reticular activation system (RAS)


Hiroko's fifth-grade teacher was disappointed when he performed poorly in math. She believes that Asian students are academically excellent and never perform poorly. In this scenario, the teacher's beliefs best illustrate A polarization. B stereotyping. C altruism. D deindividuation.


_____ is the study of how people think about, influence, and relate to other people. A Abnormal psychology B Social psychology C Experimental psychology D Clinical psychology


According to Jung, the deepest, impersonal layer of the unconscious mind that is shared by all humans is called the A archetype. B animus. C collective unconscious. D persona.


_____ is a psychological disorder, commonly diagnosed in childhood, in which an individual exhibits one or more of the following symptoms: a lack of concentration, excitability, and impulsivity. A Borderline personality disorder B Autism spectrum disorder C Depression D Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder


_____ is the defense mechanism used when the ego shifts feelings toward an unacceptable object to another, more acceptable object. A Regression B Sublimation C Repression D Displacement


If Cathy blames her history teacher for her poor performance on a history test, she is most likely engaging in A self-serving bias. B self-objectification. C altruism. D the false consensus effect.


A fear becomes a phobia when A it occurs without warning B an individual will go to any length to avoid the situation that he or she fears C an individual fears a specific object or situation for more than eighteen months D it occurs without any known cause


Walter Mischel's view of situationism implies that A personality consists of traits that are consistent across situations. B personality varies considerably from one context to another. C personality is determined primarily by biological factors. D personality is almost entirely determined by the unconscious mind.


According to Freud, the ego acts as a mediator because it A is the first to form and therefore the most established personality structure. B functions primarily in the unconscious mind. C balances the demands of the id, superego, and the real world. D is the only personality structure that generates psychic energy.


Harry has been diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder. Which of the following statements is applicable to him? A He shows an excessive attachment to moral codes and is excessively orderly in daily life. B He is prone to mood swings, excessive self-criticism, and extreme judgment of others. C He lacks empathy for others, is egocentric, and is willing to use others for his own personal gain. D He perceives himself as helpless and depends on others for emotional and physical needs.


Anxiety disorders involve fears that are A uncontrollable. B disproportionate to the actual danger the person might be in. C disruptive of ordinary life. D all of these.


Dissociation refers to a psychological state in which a person feels A persistently anxious and nervous B overexcited and unrealistically optimistic C miserable and worthless D disconnected from immediate experience


According to the cognitive dissonance theory, when attitudes and behavior conflict, individuals are most likely to reduce cognitive dissonance by A changing their attitudes to fit the behavior. B moving on to a different task. C ignoring the conflict. D consulting others.


According to the evolutionary psychology approach to gender development A organisms with the fittest genes are most likely to survive and reproduce. B the differences between contemporary men and women can be explained by the environmental challenges they face. C competition ruins the chance for species to evolve naturally. D choice has no role to play in the evolution of the human species.


Dymatrix Inc., a real estate firm that has been around for over 50 years, is recruiting personnel for its management positions. The senior management at Dymatrix interviews people from different ethnic backgrounds: Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, and others. Ultimately, the senior management hires only White candidates, even though some of the Black candidates have better qualifications. This apparent discrimination in the hiring process at Dymatrix is most likely facilitated by the attitude of A prejudice. B egoism. C empathy. D altruism.


Felicia tells her mother that she failed the biology test because her professor made the test too difficult. Felicia is attributing her performance to _____ causes. A external B intuitive C stable D controllable


Hallucinations are A sensory experiences that occur in the absence of real stimuli B false, unusual, and sometimes magical beliefs that are not part of an individual's culture C recurrent thoughts that persist despite efforts to suppress them D repetitive, purposeful acts that are performed in a ritualistic manner


In the context of gender-related attributes, individuals who are low on both instrumental and expressive qualities are referred to as A undifferentiated. B androgynous. C instrumental. D expressive.


It has been over two years since the death of her husband, but Jenna still cannot cope with her loss. She is constantly preoccupied with thoughts of death and cannot seem to find much pleasure in life. In the context of disorders involving emotion and mood, it can be inferred that Jenna is most likely suffering from A major depressive disorder. B bipolar disorder. C social phobia. D disruptive mood disorder.


Jude is constantly worried. He avoids meeting new people and avoids new situations. He gets anxious if his routine is disturbed and indulges in self-pity. According to the five-factor model of personality, Jude is most likely to rate high on A neuroticism. B extraversion. C agreeableness. D openness.


Lily and her classmates are asked to write an essay on what they want to be when they are older. Although Lily wants to be a florist, she does not write about it. Instead, she writes about wanting to be a doctor because most of her friends want to be doctors. In the context of social influence, Lily is best exhibiting A conformity. B obedience. C reactance. D altruism.


Meyer plans to obtain quick money through gambling, but he realizes that he might get arrested by the police. This prevents him from going ahead with his gambling plan. According to Freud's psychoanalytic theory, which of the following structures most likely stopped Meyer from going ahead with his plan? A superego B ego C id D animus


Ramesh was born a boy, but he strongly identifies himself as a woman. Even though he has the genitals of a male, he receives hormones to support his transgender identity and also subsequently undergoes a surgery to reconstruct his genitals. In this case, Ramesh underwent a A gender-affirming surgery. B gender-assignment surgery. C gene surgery. D cisgender surgery.


The _____ of close relationships asserts that the partners in a relationship keep a mental balance sheet, tallying the pluses and minuses associated with each other. A social exchange theory B investment model C social identity theory D elaboration likelihood model


Which of the following statements best defines personality? A It is a pattern of enduring, distinctive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that characterize the way an individual adapts to the world. B It refers to the tactics the ego uses to reduce anxiety by unconsciously distorting reality. C It refers to the impersonal, deepest layer of the unconscious mind, shared by all human beings because of their common ancestral past. D It is a behavioral pattern that aims to regulate arousal around an individual's baseline level.


_____ is an individual's sense of belonging to the male or female sex. A Gender identity B Gender bias C Sexuality D Sexual orientation


_____ refers to the properties of a person that determine his or her classification as male or female. A Sex B Gender C Sexual orientation D Identity


_____, included in DSM-5 as a new diagnosis, is considered a depressive disorder in children who show persistent irritability and recurrent episodes of out-of-control behavior. A Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder B Depression C Autism spectrum disorder D Generalized anxiety disorder


According to the five-factor model of personality, a person who is reserved and somber is most likely to rate A high on energy. B low on extraversion. C high on openness. D low on negativity.


For Sigmund Freud, which of the following was the most important motivator in human life? A financial security B the sexual drive C self-respect D the superego


Jenna constantly experiences feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness. Jenna's doctor, Jacob, advises her to start taking anti-depressant drugs that contain serotonin and dopamine. According to Dr. Jacob's diagnosis, Jenna's depression is a result of the imbalance and improper functioning of the neurotransmitters in her brain. In the context of the theoretical approaches to psychological disorders, this diagnosis conforms to the A sociocultural approach. B biological approach. C psychological approach. D social cognitive approach.


Jonathan, a 15-year-old, loves ice cream and finishes an entire tub of ice cream for dinner. In the context of Freud's structures of personality, which of the following most likely dictates his behavior? A eros B id C superego D thanatos


Mathew is a 14-year-old adolescent. He is poor in academics but is a national-level basketball player. Despite his poor performance in academics, his parents never criticize him. They try to assist him in academics and encourage him in sports. Which of the following elements of Rogers's theory is demonstrated by Mathew's parents in this scenario? A conditions of worth B unconditional positive regard C defense mechanisms D reactance


Paula tumbles down the steps and twists her ankle. Parker, a passerby, stops to help Paula. He helps her to her car and drives her to the hospital so that she gets immediate treatment. Once she is with the doctor, he leaves, leaving Paula with no way to contact him. In the context of prosocial behavior, Parker has best demonstrated A egoism. B altruism. C reciprocity. D prejudice.


Rachel's new roommate, Berta, has not done laundry for an entire week. Her clothes are lying all over their room. This leads Rachel to assume that Berta is an untidy and undisciplined person. What Rachel does not know is that Berta is currently taking finals and working 40 hours per week. In the context of social cognition, Rachel is primarily _____ while explaining Berta's behavior. A using social comparison B making a fundamental attribution error C using the self-serving bias D relying on the false consensus effect


The _____ is a theory suggesting that preexisting conditions, such as genetic characteristics, personality dispositions, or experiences, may put a person at risk of developing a psychological disorder. A medical model B diathesis-stress model C five-factor model D elaboration likelihood model


What do traditional gender roles and stereotypes convey? A Men should be caring. B Men should be dominant. C Women should be rational. D Women should be strong.


According to Abraham Maslow, _____ is the motivation to develop to one's full potential as a human being. A self-deprecation B self-awareness C self-actualization D self-esteem


In cases of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), _____ frequently accompany obsessions and appear to serve the function of reducing the anxiety created by disturbing thoughts. A manias B hallucinations C compulsions D delusions


John often experiences unanticipated attacks of intense fear. During these episodes, he feels like he is going to faint and has trouble catching his breath. John cannot identify the source of his feelings and worries that he might die of heart failure. In the context of psychological disorders, John is exhibiting the symptoms of A disruptive mood regulation disorder. B paranoid personality disorder. C panic disorder. D social anxiety disorder.


Marcus and his wife are friends with their neighbors Allen and Jane. Marcus is sexually attracted to Jane. He, however, accuses his wife of being attracted to Allen. Marcus's behavior best illustrates the defense mechanism of A sublimation. B regression. C projection. D rationalization.


One explanation for the effects of deindividuation in groups is that groups A make people more inhibited. B reduce the diffusion of responsibility. C give people anonymity. D increase personal identity.


The hormone that is typically implicated in aggressive behavior is A estrogen. B thyroxin. C testosterone. D oxytocin.


Which of the following is a projective test? A Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) B Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) C Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) D Neuroticism Extraversion Openness Personality Inventory—Revised (NEOPI-R)


_____ is a psychological disorder characterized by a pervasive pattern of instability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and emotions, and by marked impulsivity beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts. A Autism Spectrum Disorder B Schizotypal personality disorder C Borderline personality disorder D Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder


_____ refers to a psychological state in which an individual feels overexcited and unrealistically optimistic. A Psychosis B Catatonia C Mania D Depression


_____ refers to the impaired group decision making that occurs when making the right decision is less important than maintaining group harmony. A Informational social influence B Social facilitation C Groupthink D Group polarization


_____, a symptom of schizophrenia, refers to the display of little or no emotion. A Neologism B Referential thinking C Flat affect D Catatonia


Hilda was physically abused as a child by her father. To cope with the trauma, Hilda developed an alternate personality called Max. During her adolescent years, she created another personality called Emma. The personalities of Max and Emma take control of Hilda's behavior often. In the context of psychological disorders, Hilda's case is a classic example of A somatic symptom disorder. B obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). C antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). D dissociative identity disorder (DID).


Random acts of kindness, such as helping a visually impaired person cross the street, are examples of A obedience behaviors. B inoculation. C discrimination. D prosocial behaviors.


The main criticism of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is that it A takes an overly sociocultural view of psychological disorders. B has very few categories of psychological disorders. C does not rely on social norms and subjective judgments. D mainly reflects the medical model.


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