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a crown of ciliated tentacles that function in feeding of lophotrochozoans

head or capitulum Inflorescence

a dense cluster of sessile, or almost sessile, flowers or florets


a diploid cell resulting from the fusion of two haploid gametes; a fertilized ovum. first diploid cell after fertilization


a group of free-living unicellular and colonial flagellate eukaryotes considered to be the closest living relatives of the animals. sessile or motile, sister group to metazoa, marine or freshwater, ONE flagellum within collar of microvilli, tiny cells <10 mm


a group of parasitic flagellates with a parabasal bod(modified Golgi app), heterotrophic, anaerobic, 4-1000s flagella, some with intracellular bacteria and surface attached spirochaetes

basal angiosperms

a group of plants that probably branched off before the separation of monocots and eudicots, paraphyletic


a group that does not uniquely share a common ancestor - undesirable classification, polyphyletic


a group whose members share key biological features but not by shared common ancestry or excluding some descendants


a group with an ancestor and only some of its descendants - undesirable classification, paraphyletic

Kingdom Fungi

a kingdom a of multicellular, eukaryotic organisms, such as mushrooms and molds, that have a cell wall containing chitin; classified under Domain Eukarya


a lineage including all descendants of a single common ancestor


a lineage including some but not all descendants of a single common ancestor


a lineage or trait found in independent lineages (not a clade)


a lineage with a single common ancestor


a mature haploid male or female germ cell that is able to unite with another of the opposite sex in sexual reproduction to form a zygote. last haploid cell


a membrane or fold of skin between the forelimbs and hind limbs on each side of a bat or gliding mammal

pollen grain

a microgametophyte of a seed plant


(dwarf) parasitic on crenarchetoe

ambulacral groove

A channel along the oral surface of echinoderms through which the tube feet protrude


A connective tissue that has collagenous fibers + Protein-carbohydrate. complex (chondroitin sulfate) Strong but flexible Embryonic skeleton cartilage is replaced by bone But some remains: vertebral discs, nose, outer ear, etc.

what is a flower

A determinate sporophyll bearing shoot above the peduncle(stem that leads to flowers) Borne from a receptacle(single point of origin for sporophylls)


A flexible rod that supports a chordate's back helps with muscle attachment, development questions, and derived from mesoderm

incomplete flower

A flower that lost one or more of the four organs: sepals, petals, stamens, or pistols (usually petals)


A plant-like Protist that has some animal like characteristics (flagella, eyespot)


An animal that possesses a true coelom (a body cavity lined by tissue completely derived from mesoderm). example) earth worms, humans


An animal whose body cavity is not completely lined by mesoderm, false fluid filled, example) round worm


An increasingly popular name for the lineage called land plants; reflects their retention of a fertilized egg.


An organ covered with teeth that mollusks use to scrape food into their mouths, rasping tongue


Any single green algae that lives symbiotically withing the body of many freshwater and some marine invertebrates and protozoans


Archaea that live in extreme environments. thermophiles, acidphiles, halophiles

Class Crinoidea

Arms with pinnules (branched) Filter feeders Some sessile, some stalked, some motile (Ex. Sea lilies, sea feathers) sea Lillies are sessile, sea feathers are motile

circinate vernation

As in ferns, the coiled arrangement of leaves and leaflets in the bud; such an arrangement uncoils gradually as the leaf develops further.

evolution of Planes of symmetry

Asymmetry ---> Radial symmetry ---> Bilateral symmetry ---> 2^0 radial symmetry

7 clades of SAR

Bacillariophyta, Phaeophyta, Dinoflagellata, Apicomplexa, Ciliophora, Radiolaria, Foraminifera

pore fungus

Basidiomycota , shelf fungus (wood decay)


Bilateral symmetry Cephalization - first organisms to have true heads Mesoderm in the embryo--->Triploblastic Organs and organ systems Acoelomate--->Pseudocoelomate*--->Eucoelomate

Order Primates

Binocular vision, thumbs with fingernails, endangered (Ex. lemurs, tasiers, monkeys, apes, and humans)

Phylum Ctenophora

Biradial symmetry (comb jellies) Has Colloblasts -Gluey cells Iridescence Bioluminescence Locomotion -Not like cnidarian jellies microscopic Ctenes- Rows of fused cilia


Body temperature is constant (that's us, mammals).

Main Components of Immune System

Bone marrow, lymph nodes, thymus, spleen, lymph vessels

Main Components of Skeletal Muscle System

Bones, tendons, ligaments, cartilage are the

Main Components of Nervous System

Brain, spinal cord, nerves, sensory organs are the


Branchlike parts of a neuron that are specialized to receive information.


Butterflies, moths holometabolous


C. elegans is an important research model organism. What does C. stand for?

Order Gymnophiona (Apoda)

Caecilians look like giant earthworms, they are not live in rainforest eyes rudimentary- blind usually underground the young feed on liquid secreted by gland at end of mothers tail, and the skin she regrows every three days

3 Classes of Porifera

Calcarea, Hexactinellida, Demospongiae


Cell division that produces reproductive cells in sexually reproducing organisms


Cells in connective tissue that engulf foreign particles leukocyte, comes from a transformed monocyte


Cells that house the stingers in cnidarians. contains nematocysts. When cnidocil is triggered , the nematocyst inverts and launches into what is attacking it (can be Lethal)

evolution of Levels of organization

Cellular ---> Tissue ---> Organs and Organ systems

Classes of Myriapoda

Chilopoda and Diplopoda


Choanoflagellates have a collar of _______. Microcilia Microflagella Microvilli Microalveoli

Groups of Fungi

Chytridiomycota Zygomycota Glomeromycota Ascomycota Basidiomycota

obligate anaerobe

Clostridium botulinumis a pathogenic bacterium that causes botulism in humans and other animals. C. botulinumwill die in the presence of oxygen, making it a(n) ____________ anaerobe.


Club-shaped, reproductive structure in which club fungi produce spores

Connective Tissue Fibers

Collagen, Elastic, Reticular


Collar cells that line the body cavity and have flagella that circulate water in sponges and filter food


Comb jellies are in what phylum?

More Characteristics of Arthropods

Complex musculature - smooth and striated muscle attached inside of exoskeleton •Circulatory system - heart, arteries,hemocoel, OPEN •Nervous system-Antennae, eyes (ocellus [-i] and compound eyes) •Respiration- cutaneous, gills, book gills, book lungs, tracheae •Reproduction- dioecious, usually internal fertilization •Oviparous or ovoviviparous •Metamorphosis in some


Contractile unit of muscle fibers

Cardiac Muscle Tissue

Contractile wall of the heart Striated, but with branched fibers Connected by intercalary discs Involuntary movements 1 nuclei per cell

Kingdoms of domain archaea

Crenarcheota Korarcheota Euyarcheota Nanoarcheota

Crutose Lichen

Crust-like, growing tight against the substrate

Radiata Phyla

Ctenophora, Cnidaria, radial symmetry


Eukarya evolution trend being sporophyte dominant is more derived than being gametophyte dominant


Eukarya evolution trend oogamy is more derived than isogamy and anisogamy

4 kingdoms of Archaea

Euyarcheota, Crenarcheota, Korarcheota, Nanoarcheota

convergent evolution

Evolution of analogous characteristics is distantly related clades

divergent evolution

Evolution of homologous characteristics into new forms/ phenotypes in same clade


Evolutionary history of a species

Coconut (Cocos nucifera)

Example of Arecaceae

Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera)

Example of Arecaceae

Palmetto (Sabal palmetto)

Example of Arecaceae

Bird Vertebrae

Example of apomorphic characteristic

Fish and whales (whales are mammals not fish, share more in common with raccoon)

Example of grade

Almond and walnut

Examples of drupes, YOUD think are nuts

4 clades of protists

Excavata, SAR, Archaeplastida, Unikonta


Externally regulated body temperature, adjust body temperature by sunning, shading, etc.


Extreme pH


Extreme salt

pineal eye

Eye-like structure on top of the head that is capable of light detection. Young tuatara have these

Two general types of cells produces matrices

Fibroblasts, Macrophages


Fibrous connective tissue that connects bone to bone


Fibrous connective tissue that connects muscle to bone

Phylum Zygomycota

Form sexual spores where hyphae fuse, bread molds, sugar molds and pin fungi thick -walled, dormant zygospores, coenocytic, feed on dead material, spores have no flagella

Phylum Chytridiomycota

Form spores with flagella, aquatic fungi with flagellated zoospores including parasites of amphibian skin, microscopic, polyphyletic, common in soil

c. rhodophtya

Found in deeper marine habitats, source of agar and carrageenan


Found in sponges, these cells are mobile and perform numerous functions, including reproduction, transport of food particles to nonfeeding cells, and secretion of material that forms the spicules

Adipose Tissue

Functions to pad organs, insulate, and store chemical energy Specialized loose CT Fat is stored in adipose cells Need to produce hormones Each cell contains a fat droplet that grows or shrinks as fat is stored or depleted

derived, not as common

Fusion between different whorls is ____

derived, not uncommon

Fusion of segments of a single whorl is ______

repugnatorial glands

Glands in millipedes that secrete noxious substances to repel enemies

Phylum Nematomorpha

Gordian worms, horsehair worms, thread like, Parasitic larvae, Non-feeding as adults, Vestigial digestive tract, Tale from Gordia and Alexander the Great Knot, found in dead insects


Green algae Cellulose cell walls Unicellular or multicellular Chlorophyll a and b Store food as starch Gave rise to plants large cup shaped chloroplasts; photosynthetic

e. chlorophtya

Green algae, Volvox, Chlamydomonas, Ulva

Alveolates clade

Group of eukaryotes that have membrane-enclosed sacs at the periphery of cells, composed of ciliates, dinoflagellates, and ampicomplexans.


Groups of cells that are similar in structure and function

Dracunculus medinensis

Guinea worm, found in Crustaceans , we get it by drinking water the Crustaceans were in, worms get into our muscles and borrow through them, head pops out and rest of body is stuck in muscles


Haloferax volcaniiis a prokaryote often found in the Dead Sea and the Great Salt Lake. This organism thrives in waters with high salt concentration. H. volcaniimost likely belongs to which domain?

imperfect fungi

Have no known sexual stage Typically produce spores by mitosis Conidia produced on conidiophores Not a taxonomic grouping Found in all fungal phyla


Having different kinds of teeth; characteristic of mammals, whose teeth consist of incisors, canines, premolars, and molars.

Necator americanus

Hookworm, can get by walking barefoot on soil

Actin slide over Myosin and the myosin locks in, then relaxes

How do muscles contract?

two pairs

How many pairs of antennae does a crab have?

Class Hydrozoa

Hydras, obelia, and physalia(Portuguese man-of-war)

4 classes of cnidarians

Hydrozoa, Scyphozoa, Cubozoa, Anthozoa

the anus

In Deuterostomes the blastopore becomes

the mouth

In Protostomes the blastopore becomes

Phylum Ecdysozoa

Nematoda, Nematomorpha, Arthropoda, the molting protostomes


Nightshade family, (Eudicots)

Integumentary System

Organ systems, functions to protect from mechanical injury/thermoregulation

a. bacilliariophyta

Organisms from this phylum can also be called, "diatoms." Bacilliariophyta Diplomonadida Dinoflagellata Foraminifera


Organisms in the phylum Porifera have an inner matrix called

Main Components of Reproduction System

Ovaries, testes, etc are the


Palm family, only group with trees, flowers in three, monocot


More than one genus


More than one phylum

Loose Connective Tissues

Most widespread type in vertebrate bodies Binds epithelia to other tissues Holds organs in place Loose weave with all three fiber types In skin and throughout the body

Connective Tissue

Mostly Extra-Cellular Matrix (ECM) with embedded cells Hold tissues and organs in place Matrix

ancestral trends in fungi

Motile via single, posterior flagellum Hyphae coenocytic (aseptate) Microscopic Isogamous

Main Components of Digestive System

Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, anus are the


Movement toward or away from a stimulus.

stratified squamous epithelium

Multi-layed Quick regeneration New cells produced at basal face (bottom) Comprises outer layers of skin (older cells) Also lining of mouth, anus, and vagina


Mustard family, (Eudicots), multiples of 4


Mutualistic (?) symbiosis between a fungus (mycobiont) and a photosynthetic organism (photobiont) not a clade most are ascomycetes but not all

Tasmanian Tiger

Native to Australia Extinct: hunting was main source; disease and human encroachment onto the habitat as well

Class Trematoda

Platyhelminthes, all parasitic, liver flukes, comes from eating raw freshwater fish or salt fermented fish

Class Turbellaria

Platyhelminthes, free-living flatworms, some parasitic, mostly free living, brightly colored, Have circular, longitudinal and parenchymal muscles Amazing powers of regeneration!

Class Cestoda

Platyhelminthes, tapeworms, all parasitic,


Red blood cells that trasport oxygen from the lungs to the body and carbon dioxidefrom the cells to the lungs.

Class Holothuroidea

Reduced dermal ossicles Extended oral/aboral axis Some bilateral in symmetry Spacious coelom Feed with tentacles Evisceration for defense (autotomy and regeneration) (Ex. Sea cucumbers, sea apple, etc.)


Refers to a difference in gamete size in males and females. Eggs large and costly, sperm small and cheap

Class Reptilia

Reptiles are tetrapod animals comprising today's turtles, crocodilians, snakes, lizards, tuatara, and their extinct relatives.

Muscle Tissue

Responsible for movement Filaments of actin and myosin Vertebrates have 3 types 1. Skeletal 2. Smooth 3. Cardiac

P. Nemertea

Ribbon worms are in which phylum?

Orders in Infraclass Eutheria

Rodentia, Artiodactyla, Cetacea, Chiroptera, Perissodactyla, Carnivora, Primates

Eudicot Flowering Families

Rosaceae Brassicaceae Solanaceae Fabaceae Lamiaceae Asteraceae


Rose family (Eudicots), multiples of 5

Lophotrochozoa phyla

Rotifera, Gastrotricha, Annelida,


Rotiferans have ______ that beat in metachronal synchrony to create currents and bring food to their mouths


S is for

Class Concentricycloidea

Sea daisies Most recently discovered class (1986), 2 spp. Deep ocean (>1000 m), near New Zealand Simple structure Small (<1cm), disc shaped Tube feet around periphery, no arms

epithelial tissue

Sheets of closely packed cells anchored together by tight junctions Covers the outside of body Lines the organs and body cavities Barriers to injury, pathogens, fluid loss Environmental interfaces Polarity: have apical and basal faces (top and bottom)

d. bacillariophyta

Silicious frustule of two valves, centric and pennate


Similar not based on shared common ancestry common function

Domain Archaea

"Ancient ones" , found in extreme environments


"Anus outside of ring" AKA Bryozoa "Moss animals" •Marine and freshwater •Colonial •Zooid within zooecia (s. zooecium)

Class Merostomata

"Living fossils" •Similar to forms that existed over 200 mya •Simple and compound eyes •Book gills •Chelate chelicerae, and other chelate appendages •Telson -ex) horse crabs

Subphylum Cephalochordata

"Notochord in head" (also tail) Exhibit all 4 chordate characteristics as adults. (Ex. lancelets)

Class Pycnogonida

"Sea spiders" •All marine Not actual spiders Hard to find •Predators and external parasites on cnidarians •Sucking proboscis •Reduced abdomen, organs within legs •Males carry eggs on modified legs (ovigers)


"Spiny skin" All marine Pentamerous radial symmetry Endoskeleton formed of calcareous plates within integument = dermal ossicles Pedicellariae (some) Oral/aboral axis (aboral surface usually up) Little sensory development, no head(can't see, taste) Autotomy and regeneration(really easy to loose parts and grow back) water vascular system

Class Amphibia

"double life" breathe through skin - Cutaneous respiration 3 chambered heart (2 atria, 1 ventricle) double loop circulatory system, partial separation of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood poikilothermic (Ex. frogs, toads, salamanders, caecilians)

Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm)

"itchy anus", Fecal-oral transmission, Intestinal infection causing anal pruritus, Diagnosed by seeing egg via scotch tape test, Treatment: bendazoles (because worms are bendy), females migrate to perianal region art night and lay eggs


"spring" One of the 4 kingdoms of Archaea, containing sulfur thermophiles and marine mesophiles.

pseudostratified columnar epithelium

Single layer of cells Nuclei are staggered Have beating cilia Line mucous membranes of respiratory tract

simple squamous epithelium

Single layer of plate-like cells Sites of diffusion/exchange of materials Thin and leaky, lots of surface area Blood vessels, air sacs

Main Components of integumentary System

Skin, hair, claws, sweat glands, fingernails, feathers, scales are the


Something has changed

Difference between spiders and daddy long legs

Spiders have narrow area between protosoma and opistosoma , daddy long legs have broad fusion and no area to separate.

alternation of generations

Sporic meiosis. A life cycle in which there is both a multicellular diploid form, the sporophyte, and a multicellular haploid form, the gametophyte; characteristic of plants and some algae.

Caenorhabditis elegans

(Elegans) most famous nematode worm, famous from developmental biology (its simple)


Stramenopiles, Alveolates, Rhizarians


Study of body function

cell morphology

Study of cell shape and size.


Subphylum of arthropods named for jaw-like mouthparts. Myriapoda, Crustacea and Hexapoda


Superphylum group of the eucoelomate bilateral that is made up of organisms with lophophores and a trochophore larval stage. non molting protostomes

no nucleus, being cellular, ribosome, DNA, unicellular, limited cell morphology

Symplesiomorphic traits of prokaryotes


The displacement of organs outside of the body.


The female reproductive organ of a flower, consisting of the stigma, style, and ovary.

spike inflorescence

The flowers are directly attached to the central peduncle of the inflorescence.

d. Polyphyly

The four chambered hearts shared by birds and mammals is an example of a _____. Paraphyly Monophyly Holophyly Polyphyly


Which of the following are ingested by the Anopheles mosquito in the Plasmodium life cycle? Trophozoites Sporozoites Merozoites Gamonts


Which of the following enter the liver of someone becoming infected with Malaria? Trophozoites Sporozoites Merozoites Gamonts


Which of the following is a not a derived characteristic of Domain Eukarya? Cells with a nucleus Mitosis and meiosis DNA Linear chromosomes

Crenarcheota AND Korarcheota

Which of the following kingdoms of Archaea may contain thermophiles? Euryarcheota Crenarcheota Korarcheota A and B B and C

d. diplomonadida

Which of the following phyla are not included in the group of Alveolates? Dinoflagellata Apicomplexa Ciliophora Diplomonadida

b. apicomplexa

Which of the following phyla has NO photosynthetic members?Phaeophyta Apicomplexa Dinoflagellata

capsule and fimbriae

Which of the following structures is used by prokaryotes to attach to a host?


Which of these groups, if any, are all non-motile organisms? Euglenophyta Gymnamoeba Kinetoplastida Phaeophyta None of the above


are most familiar bird pollinator in US

Moths Flowers

are typically white or cream Flowers open at night Often have scents to attract

Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis life cycle


Zygomycota life cycle

asexual and sexual


asexual spores


baby fern sporophyte

form endospores

bacteria and archaea can


bacteria do not have


bacteria have no nucleus, so they have

binary fission

bacteria reproduce by _____ not meiosis or mitosis (breaking into two) (asexual) undergoes HGT

gram negative

bacteria with cell wall no made of peptidoglycan are


basal bilaterians, flatworms, tissues, bilateral symmetry, 3 germ layers

Bird nest fungi



bat pollination

Order Chiroptera

bats; wings supported by digits for flight patagium connects legs and hands


bees can see this color, but we can't. important because bees are the main pollinators

of flowers

bees exist because of ____

Order Hymenoptera

bees, wasps, ants advanced insects with social behavior ants are secondarily wingless holometabolous

Order Coleoptera

beetles, weevils, fireflies shield wing holometabolous

B) paraphyletic

being a seedless vascular plant is a. polyphyletic , b. paraphyletic, c. monophyletic

ancestral trait

being seedless for vascular plants is


berry having a thick leathery rind and juicy pulp especially (oranges and other citrus fruits)


berry with hard rind (watermelon, cucumber)

Phylum Gastrotricha

bilaterally symmetrical, complete gut, hair belly-covered in cilia, Microscopic, worm-like, aquatic, <1000 spp. known


bioluminescent, ex of dinoflagellates


bird pollination

Class Aves

birds considered reptiles for some feathers use to be for insulation, but is essential now eggs are same as reptilian eggs but with calcareous shell 4 limbs adapted for flying, besides penguins, no teeth 4 chambered heart endothermic and homeothermic pneumatic bones no urinary bladder

single loop circulatory system

blood travels from the heart to the gills, then to the rest of the body and back to the heart in one circuit

pneumatic bones

bones that contain air cavities, makes bird lighter weight

Class Osteichthyes

bony fish All fish have a single-loop circulatory system and a 2 chambered heart (1 atrium and 1 ventricle. There is no separation between oxygenated and unoxygenated blood (Ex. Coelacanth, lungfish, rayfinned fish(Actinopterygii))


cell membrane in euglenas


cell wall of fungi are made of


cell with two nuclei

Glial Cells

cells in the nervous system that Support, Nourish, Insulate, Replenish, Modulate and protect neurons (s. glion, pl. glia)

bryophytes, seedless vascular, gymnosperms, angiosperms

the major plant groups


the male reproductive organ of a flower, anther and filament


the most complex organisms known

a.alternation of generations

the most derived form of sexual reproduction


the muscular pharynx in rotifers, modified pharynx


the part of a plant embryo that develops into the primary root


the reproductive structure where spores develop on sac fungi


cellular organisms that lack a true nucleus, membrane bound organelles, membrane. Has nucleiod


central cavity in sponges


changes in shape in response to changes in humidity

may have accessory tissues to aid in dispersal

characteristics of seeds

nutrition for embryo

characteristics of seeds

organs and tissue systems already develop

characteristics of seeds

telescoping generations (diploid embryo)

characteristics of seeds

they're multicellular

characteristics of seeds

single, totipotent cell

characteristics of spores

small, don't require much to make

characteristics of spores

they are haploid

characteristics of spores

very limited resources

characteristics of spores

derived characteristics in Eukarya

characteristics that are: cells with nuclei, membrane bound organelles, sexual life cycles, and linear chromosome, cytoskeletons, microtubules, actin microfilaments


concentration of sense organs and nerve cells at the front of an animal's body


containing two complete sets of chromosomes, one from each parent.


cord of tissue running through the shell of a nautiloid, connecting all chambers with the animal's body

example of adnation

cotton plant, fusion of androecium and gynoecium

Phylum Cycadophyta

cycads, palm-like shrubs and trees, dioecious, first to attract insects, micro and megasprangiate strobilus, herbivores feed on pollen cones precursor to zoophily

Order Opiliones

daddy long legs, not a spider, feeds on dead stuff, not venomous


dandelions are related to

dry fruits

dehiscent and indehiscent, legume, capsule, follicle, achene, samara, nut, caryopsis


densely branched network of the hyphae of a fungus, plural (mycelia)


derived characteristic


derived from Chlorophyta(green algae) multicellular terrestrial or secondary aquatic photoautotrophic vascular or nonvascular sessile sporic meiosis cell walls made of cellulose

d. polyphyletic

describes a taxon that is the result of convergent evolution? a.Monophyletic, b.Holophyletic, c.Paraphyletic, d.Polyphyletic

Stramenopilia clade

diatoms and brown algae(Bacilliariophtya and Phaeophyta)

Basidiomycota life cycle

dikaryotic mycelium basidium basidiospores primary, secondary and tertiary mycelium

dorsal tubular nerve cord

directs the development of the central nervous system derived from ectoderm is tube shaped and located above the digestive tract and develops into spinal column.

Phylum Cycliophora

discovered in 1995 lobster parasites found on hairs of mouth part of lobsters mouth ringed with cilia complex life cycle with strange dwarf male

Filarial worms

disease-causing roundworms that infect over 250 million people in tropical countries

mitotic division

division is asexual

meiotic division

division is for sexual reproduction

Dirofilaria immitis

dog heartworm, transmitted by mosquitoes

Suborder Caniformia

dog-like carnivores (Ex. wolves, dogs, bears, skunks, weasels, walrus, sea lion, foxes)

example of ectozoochory

dogs runs through field and comes back with seeds on it


doing or requiring a lot of sitting. do not move. examples of sedentary polychaete: feather duster, lug worm

peptidoglycan cell wall

domain bacteria has this but domain archaea does not

Domain Bacteria

domain that has members with and without peptidoglycan

archaea and eukarya

domains have no members with peptidoglycan

Bryophyte life cycles

dominated by gametophyte, but with prominent sporophyte

fleshy fruits

drupe, berry, pome, drupelet, multiple fruits

types of fruits

dry and fleshy fruits


dry, dehiscent, open along 2 sutures, peas, peanuts,


dry, dehiscent, open along more than 2 sutures, more than one carpel , cotton, poppies


dry, dehiscent, opens along 1 suture, 1 carpel, milkweed, Magnolia, aggregate (multiple in one flower)


dry, indehiscent fruit with usually with one seed where the pericarp is very thick and hard, acorn, hazelnuts


dry, indehiscent fruit with wings for wind dispersal , elm trees


dry, indehiscent one seeded fruit, the seed connected to the pericarp at single point. sunflower seed, strawberries, ACCESSORY FRUIT ->Receptacle forms fruit AGGREGATE FRUIT -> Each achene is a separate carpel from a single flower


dry, indehiscent, endocarp fused to seed, found in grass family, grain

haploid to diploid

during fertilization the cell goes from ____ to ____

diploid to haploid

during meiosis the cell goes from ___ to ___


each of the branching filaments that make up the mycelium of a fungus. singular (hypa)


egg laying


egg-laying mammal with webbed feet no teeth so the grind prey in cheek pushes with gravel use electrolocation no nipples, females secrete milk from abdomen males have venomous spur on back of hind feet

Wuchereria bancrofti

elephantiasis; transmitted by mosquitoes


embryonic stage of hollow ball of cells


endosymbiont with coral, ex of dinoflagellates


example of a group of organisms that is characteristic of having one flagella would be _______. Dinoflagellata Rhodophyta Euglenophyta Choanoflagellata

Toxoplasma gondii

example of apicomplexa

Cabbage (Brassica oleracea)

example of brassicaceae

Radishes (Raphanus raphiaistrum)

example of brassicaceae

Wasabi (Eutrema japonicum)

example of brassicaceae

brocolli (Brassica oleracea)

example of brassicaceae

Canola (Brassica rapa)

example of brassicaceae, rape seed

Giardia lamblia

example of diplomonadida; intense parasite

Alfalfa (Medicago)

example of fabaceae

Eastern Red Bud (Cercis canadensis)

example of fabaceae

Peanuts (Arachis hypogaea)

example of fabaceae

Soybeans (Glycine max)

example of fabaceae

blackbeans (Phaseolus vulgaris)

example of fabaceae

mimosa tree (Albizia julibrissin)

example of fabaceae

Tryponosoma brucei

example of kinetoplastida; African sleeping sickness

Basil (Ocimum basilicum)

example of lamiaceae

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

example of lamiaceae

mints (Mentha)

example of lamiaceae, Sage (Salvia officials) , Thyme (Thymus vulgaris), Oregano (Origanum vulgare)

Trichomonas vaginalis

example of parabasala, human urogenital tract

some of excavata, SAR, and archeplastida

example of polyphyly with photosynthetic characteristics

Carolina Rose (Rosa carolina)

example of rosaceae

Flowering Cherry(Prunus)

example of rosaceae

Strawberry, (Fragaria spp.)

example of rosaceae

apples (Malus)

example of rosaceae


example of rosaceae

raspberries (Rubus idaeus)

example of rosaceae

Eggplant (Solanum melongena)

example of solanaceae

Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum)

example of solanaceae

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)

example of solanaceae

bell peppers (Capsicum annuum)

example of solanaceae

chili pepper (Capsicum annuum)

example of solanaceae

Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)

example of solanaceae, cash crop


fly pollination


food-rich tissue that nourishes a seedling as it grows

Archaea and Eukarya

form a monophyletic clade, distinct from bacteria; this indicated that bacteria are more ancient than Archaea


found naturally in outdoor soils from fields, landscapes, gardens, etc. It produces sclerotia, which are tough, brownish-black structures that allow it to survive in the soil or infected plant tissue for years

Gnetophyta, Ginkgophyta, Cycadophyta, Coniferophyta

four phyla of gymnosperms

Pteridophyta Equisetophyta Psilophyta Lycophyta

four phylum of seedless vascular plants

Bodo saltans

free living kinetoplastid

Order Anura

frogs and toads, no tail external fertilization


fruit of the oak tree

indehiscent fruits

fruits that do not split open at maturity (1 seed)


fungi are heterotropic by


fungi reproduce by ________, have a great variety of these


fused dermal ossicles. when the ossicles die, it leaves this behind


fusing within a whorl


fusion between whorls


fusion of nuclei


fusion of segments to form body regions


gametes are equal in size

gametic meiosis

gametes are the only haploid cells; all of the other cells of the individuals in the life cycle are diploid. mitosis occurs in diploid. life spent mostly diploid (animals, humans)

protenema and prothallus w antheridia and archegonia

gametophytes of true ferns

Tridacna giganteus

giant clam, has gills, bivalve, complete gut


grape-like clusters


grass family, no petals, flowers small, no corolla, loose petals bc of wind, monocot

prokaryotic metabolic diversity

greater than eukaryotic metabolic diversity


greek for "cap", relates to mushroom


green alga or cyanobacterium or both

pilus (pili)

hairlike appendages on many gram-negative bacteria that functions in conjugation and for attachment. connects two cells together to pass DNA; useful for antibiotic assistance

earth worm

has 5 aortic arches that pump blood through body

complete flower

has all four whorls : sepals, petals, stamens, and carpels.

perfect flower

has both male/female reproductive parts


have apical and basal faces (top and bottom)

dioecious plants

have male and female gametes on different plants


have silica shells that extend & look like sun rays


having no body cavity between gut and outer wall, no fluid, small and flat, example) flat worm


having two germ layers; ectoderm and endoderm

Main components of Circulatory System

heart, blood, blood vessels are the

niches of fungi

heterotrophic Decomposers Pathogens Mutualists


heterotrophic and motile by cilia ex of ciliophora


heterotrophic fungus

nutritional modes for prokaryotes

heterotrophic, autotrophic, photoautotrophic, chemoautotrophic

Characteristics of animals

heterotrophic, gametic meiosis, eukaryotic, true multicellularity(diploid), lack cell walls, locomotory structures


heterotrophic, most free living, fresh water and marine, soil, complex organelles and behavior, has cytosine, cytopharynx, food vacuole, cytoproct, cilia cirrus(-I) does. zygotic meiosis


heterotrophic, usually symbiotic, flagellates, mostly parasitic, kinetplast(mass of DNA within mitochondrion), trailing flagellum attached to cell.


higher vertebrates (reptiles, birds and mammals) possessing an amnion during development of embryo



example of endochory

horse eats an apple, then poops


in cnidarians, the jellylike material located between the ectoderm and the endoderm

after fertilization of zygote till meiosis as diploid

in gametic meiosis, mitosis comes

Guniea Worm

in order maxillpoda, found in freshwater

must be heterosporous

in order to have seeds, plants must______

during diploid or haploid organisms

in sporic meisos, mitosis comes

after meiosis and is haploid till fertilization

in zygotic meiosis, mitosis comes


kingdom grouped by derived characteristics, not holophyletic, not really a kingdom, not a single clade(made of several)

why angiosperms have important families

large(speciose), economically important (food, fuel, fodder)


largest class in phylum Animalia, 850,000 species

Family Curculionidae (weevils)

largest family in order of Coleopetra, more than 86,000 species

Order Rodentia

largest order in Eutheria in terms of species Dental trait of ever growing incisors, feed by gnawing (Ex. squirrels, marmots, chipmunks, gophers, muskrats, mice, beavers, capybara, and rats)


largest order in class Insecta, more than 350,000 species


largest phylum in kingdom Animalia, 1,000,000 species

Phylum Arthropoda

largest, most diverse, of all phyla, >80% of described spp. •size range- < 0.1 mm to 7 ft. abundance and broad ecological distribution rich fossil record economic importance: parasites, disease transmission, agricultural and domestic pests •food, pollination, honey, wax, silk, dyes, drugs


last universal common ancestor; probably prokaryote before

foliose lichen

leaf-like lichen

book gills

leaf-like plates that are a surface for gas exchange between the horseshoe crab and the water


leaves with a highly branched vascular system (more than one)

lichenized fungi

lichens, two organisms functioning as a single, stable unit. Lichens comprise a fungus living in a symbiotic relationship with an alga or cyanobacterium


like a baby in a lunchbox, has embryo, cotyledons, epicotyl, hypocotyl, endosperm, seed coat



Phylum Hepatophyta

liverworts, nonvascular, dichotomously branching thallus(into 2), Gemma within Gemma cups, asexual reproduction, foot and capsule connected to sporophyte, elaters on spore


lobe-finned fish having both lungs and gills; fleshy fins with bones, can live out of water and walk on fins for short periods (beginnings of a lung) C: Osteichthyes O: Sarcopterygii


lobe-finned fish thought to be extinct, but then found in deep water off Madagascar in 1938 muscles at base of fins are very much like the muscles of a salamander C: Osteichthyes O: Sarcopterygii

Vaejovis carolinensis

local species of scorpions


loops of DNA with genes

Derived trends in fungi

loss of flagella septate hyphae macroscopic Anisogamous

Main Components of Respiratory System

lungs, trachea, other breathing tubes are the


the union of the cytoplasms of two parent mycelia

endosymbiotic theory

theory that eukaryotic organelles, mitochrondria and chloroplasts, formed from a symbiosis among several different prokaryotic organisms

SAR and Excavata

these clades are MONOPHYLETIC with respect to protists lineages. In other words, which clades include ONLY protists and no other eukaryotic kingdoms.

3 types of horizontal gene transfer

transformation, transduction, conjugation

Turbatrix aceti

vinegar eels, not true eels, live in vinegar, feed on yeast and bacteria


viruses transfer genes between prokaryotes


wandering or straying, moving, examples of errant polychaete: sea mouse, palolo worms

ovary wall (pericarp)

made of the exocarp, mesocarp, endocarp

exoskeleton of arthropods

made up of protein + lipid + chitin (+CaCO3) - secreted by epidermis

Ginkgo biloba

maidenhair tree

Phylum Ginkgophyta

maidenhair tree, monotypic: Ginkgo biloba, deciduous, dichotomous venation, bilobed leaves, leaf extract, dwarf branches, dioecious(two genders of tree), fleshy seed coat but not a fruit. has short chained fatty acids


maintaining the body at the same temperature as the environment


make their own food


male container(like a tray on hand)

Class Polyplacophora

many plates, chitons, 8 valves embedded in thick mantle, Muscular creeping foot, Radula

Order Cetacea

marine filter feeders and predators (Ex. whales, dolphins, porpoises)


marine and fresh water, Group of protists that form "blooms", can be toxic. make up phytoplankton and can be bioluminescent. They generally have two flagella(transverse. in cingulum and. longitudinal. in groove), half are heterotrophic and the other half are photosynthetic, many species are luminescent. most. free living, red,brown, golden pigment, thecae(plates of cellulose. in. alveoli), whirl around, longitudinal fission


marine plankton, fresh water, delicate siliceous tests, axopodia (needlike motility)


means egg

Hirudo medicinalis

medicinal leech

what prokaryotes lack

microtubules, cilia, actin microfilaments, intermediate filaments, cytoskeleton

Class Diplopoda

millipedes •Detritivores- feed sin dead stuff, not a hunter •2 pair legs per diplosegment •repugnatorial glands

Order Acari

mites and ticks

DNA and ribosomes

mitochondria and chloroplasts has their own


mitochondria has ____ membranes


mkcolonial choanoflagellate


modified gills that help Chondrichthyes breath. takes in water that flows over gills

Angiosperm diversity

monocots and eudicots, and basal anigosperms

more food

more surface area, the more what for fungi?

why angiosperms are so successful

more than 250,000 species, more than 400 families

example of connation

morning glory, fusion of 5 petals in corolla

Zygotic meiosis Gametic meiosis Isomorphic alternation of generations Heteromorphic alternation of generations

most ancestral to most derived

cell walls

most prokaryotes have cell walls


mostly marine, A large group of amoeboid protists with reticulating pseudopods—fine strands of cytoplasm that branch and merge to form a dynamic net. They typically produce a test, or shell, which can have either one or multiple chambers, some becoming quite elaborate in structure. benthic, recticulopodia move with


moth pollination

negative phototaxis

movement away from light (-)

Domain Archaea

one of the two prokaryotic domains that is strictly gram negative

synapsid skull

one opening behind eye socket ex. humans


only extant genus of phylum equisetophtya

imperfect flower

only male or only female on different flowers

if peptidoglycan is cell wall with no other outer membrane

only way to be gram positive


orchid family (monocot)

from leaves

petals are derived from ____,


photosynthetic diatoms, fresh water and marine, cell wall and siliceous (glass like) frustule with 2 valves, asexual reproduction w/ decrease in size, gametic meiosis(usual diploid), centric (circular) or pennate (elongated, peanut) growth forms


photosynthetic macroalgae, marine, dwelling brown algae. Largest of the algae. Sometimes known as Kelp. hold fast, stipe, thallus, blade, meristem(hidden for protection), sporic meiosis


phylum represented by only one species

b. Apicomplexa

phylum that contains organisms with an apical complex

d. radiolara

phylum that contains organisms with apertures (siliceous test)


phylum that contains plantlike protists that move by means of flagella and have chloroplasts, colorless heterotrophs and green photoautotrophs, stigma, Euglena, 2 flagella (one for movement, one hidden), paraflagelluar body, phototaxis, chloroplasts

Infraclass Eutheria

placental mammals, long gestation, short lactation allantoin and yolk sac fused and repurpose into placenta to allow nutrition exchange between mom and embryo

dermal denticles

placoid scales, Teeth like skin, takes the place of scales on sharks, feels like sandpaper

gametophyte tissue

plant embryos are protected by

the angiosperms

plant phyla with the most successful lineage of plants


plants cell walls are made of

growth only

plants move by

sporic meiosis

plants undergo this meiosis


plasmodial slime molds, super cell, heterotrophic, sporic meiosis , no cell wall

Physarum polycephalum

plasmodial yellow slime mold

Infraclass Monotremata

platypuses, echidna egg laying mammals

photosynthesis in clades

polyphyletic trait

Infraclass Marsupialia

pouched mammals short gestation, young born slightly developed and climb into pouch where they latch onto nipple and continue to develop mostly from Australia , 100 in central and South America, 1 in USA (possum) (Ex. kangaroo, wallaby, koala, opossum, Tasmanian devil, Tasmanian tiger)

the colors butterflies would be attracted to

red, pink, orange, purple

Pteridophyte life cycle

remember seedless vascular, sporophyte dominant

cutaneous respiration

respiration through the skin

Phylum Nemertea

ribbon worms (proboscis),rhynchocoel, proboscis, complete gut, true circulatory system

Onchocerca volvulus

river blinds, Transmitted via female blackfly bite, Infection causes hyperpigmented skin and river blindness (black flies, black skin, black eyes/sight); allergic reaction to microfilaria possible -Treatment: Ivermectin

Bacillus (bacilli)

rod shaped


rollie pollie, in order Malacostraca. Crustacean

Anaerobic organisms

s, NO3-,Mn,Fe, U(!),CO2

Phylum Ascomycota

sac fungi, largest phylum of fungi, Asexual spores (conidia) and sexual spores (ascospores) produced in ascus, some macroscopic, most microscopic

Order Caudata

salamanders, with tail newts skin is covered in poison body morphs as it gets covered to water sometimes eats egg clusters for protein


sea lettuce ex of chlorophyta

whole thing, basically guts and gonads

we eat the ____ of the Crassostrea virginica (oyster)

the siphons

we eat the ____ of the Ensis directus (razor clam)

foot and siphon

we eat the ____ of the Mya arenaria (edible clam)

abducter muscles

we eat the ____ of the Pecten sp. (scallop)


we eat the receptacle of this fruit, its a pome


web of fibers embedded in liquid, jelly-like, or solid foundation


wheels in Rotifera


secrete a sticky substance in ctenophores that binds to their prey


seed dispersal by ants


seed dispersal by birds


seed dispersal by water; coconut


seed dispersal by wind


seed leaves


seedless vascular plant with jointed stems; needlelike branches

Class Anthozoa

sessile, Sea anemones and corals, No medusae, only polyps, Colonial and solitary forms, Large, subdivided GVC, Septum (-a), Acontia threads, Zoochlorellae and zooxanthellae, CaCO3 skeleton, Coral reefs!

umbel inflorescence

several pedicels are attached at one node


sexual reproduction in which one of the gametes (the egg) is large and nonmotile and the other gamete (the sperm) is smaller and motile


sexual spores of ascomycota

what protists(eukaryotes) can have, that prokaryotes can't

sexually reproduce, have mitochondria and other membrane bounded organelles, sometimes have chloroplasts, occasionally are multicellular

Syn- sym-



shared ancestral characteristic


shared derived characteristics

redwood tree

state tree of california, is the tallest tree on the earth over 370ft, Sequoia sempervirens


still in existence

Order Orthoptera

straight wings grasshoppers, crickets, katydids hemimetabolous


strict anaerobes that produce methane from carbon dioxide and hydrogen, swamp gas, decomposers


structure in ferns and some fungi that contains spores


structure that surrounds the mouth/anus of jellyfish

capsules (sticky), fimbriae(stay in place)

structures is used by prokaryotes to attach to a host


study of fungi


study of the diversity of life and the evolutionary relationships between organisms


superficially resemble clams and other hinge-shelled molluscs, but the two halves of the shell are dorsal and ventral rather than lateral as in clams C: Brachiopoda

water vascular system

system of fluid-filled tubes used by echinoderms in locomotion and feeding and respiration




where pollen lands


which bryophytes is photosynthetic sporophyte? a. Bryophyta b. hepatophyta c. anthrocerophyta

c. cycadophyta

which phylum was first to attract insects? a. coniferophtya b. gnetophyta c. cycadophyta d. ginkgophyta

Phylum Psilophyta

whisk ferns, lacking true leaves and roots (secondarily), dichotomously branching stems(2 equal size when it breaks), sporangia borne directly on stem, 3 party symmetry sporangia . smallest species size


white blood cells, fight infection

birds and dinosaurs lineage

why birds are considered to be reptiles, evolved from dinosaurs

its polyphyletic

why protista isn't considered a valid kingdom


term describes an organism that fixes carbon and absorbs energy from inorganic oxidation?


the action or process of classifying something according to shared qualities or characteristics.


the haploid spores released by basidia during reproduction, sexual spores


wind pollination Corolla typically reduced or absent (incomplete flowers) Produce LOTS of pollen Small flowers Grasses are anemophilous Cause of most pollen allergies is anemophilous plants


wolf; doesn't make sense with lycophyta




yellow, Dinoflagellates that live within the tissues of reef corals and other marine animals

the three most common colors of corollas

yellow, white, purple


a microscopic fungus we can see without magnetication that feeds on dead material


a moss, liverwort, or hornwort; a nonvascular plant that lives on land but lacks some of the terrestrial adaptations of vascular plants. dominant gametophyte , small plant, moist usually, water required for sperm dispersal


a nerve cell the basic building block of the nervous system Receives impulses via dendrites Transmits neurons via axons


a protist with cilia and two types of nuclei ex of Ciliophora


also the cephalothorax


amoeba, psuedopods(lobopodia), most are benthic, some planktonic, marine freshwater, has parasitic forms

Entamoeba histolytica

amoebic dysentery ex of gymnamobea


an arrangement of flowers on a branch or stem


an asexual specialized fungal hypha that produces conidia

crystalline style

an enzyme-releasing rod in the stomach of bivalves

Griffith's experiment

an experiment carried out by Griffith using the heat-killed bacteria in mice to discover that a factor in heat-killed, disease-causing bacteria can "transform" harmless bacteria into ones that can cause disease


an imperfect fungi that controls other fungi, found in soil

facultative anaerobes

anaerobes that can live with or without oxygen

obligate anaerobic

anaerobes that die in presence of oxygen




ancestral characteristic


ancient plastids , all phyla photosynthetic


animal dispersal


animals are a. chemoautotropic b. heterotrophic c. autotrophic

Phylum Anthrocerophyta

anthoceros (our local genus), hornlike sporophyte; dehiscent(split open), photosynthetic sporophyte, nonvascular , simple charophyte like thallus, no flowers


apical. complex, flagellated microgametes, pellice(3 membranes),complex life. cycles(haploid dominant),sporozoite, trophozoite, merozoite, oocyst


cavity present above the mouth that houses the proboscis

Corn (Zea mays)

example of Poaceae

Rice (Oryza sativa)

example of Poaceae

Wheat (Triticum)

example of Poaceae

bamboo (bambusoideae)

example of Poaceae

Circulatory System

(aka cardiovascular system) Organ system, functions as internal distribution of materials


(young man) one of the 4 kingdoms of Archaea, hot springs

angiosperm life cycle

- Gametophyte development - Pollination - Double fertilization - Seed development

Order Scorpiones

- scorpions -chelate pedipalps -metasoma with sting -Vaejovis carolinensis - only local species

Order Araneae

- spiders -chelicerae =fangs, with venom -silk produced from spinnerets -males mate with pedipalps


-Lophophore -ciliated ridge -feeding -3 Phyla: P. Ectoprocta, P. Brachiopodia, P. Phoronida


-bee pollination -yellow, purple, white, UV light - Nectar guides- purple or UV to direct bees - corbicula or "pollen baskets" on hind legs

moving, dancing





A benthic sponge with siliceous 6-rayed spicules is most likely in class

Phylum Rotifera (rotifers)

-pseudocoelomates -microscopic -aquatic (marine and freshwater) -corona of cili used for filter feeding -mostly sexual reproduction Wheel bearer" Wheels= Corona Cilia beat in metachronal synchrony Currents bring food to the mastax, a modified pharynx


1 or many fused carpels


1 strand of vascular tissue/leaf


1 trailing and 1 leading flagellum (thickened by paraxial rod except at tip)

Nemotoda Characteristics

1. Bilateral symmetry 2. Cylindrical, unsegmented body 3. Pseudocoelomate 4. Complete digestive system 5. Dioecious (sexes are separate) 6. Body wall with longitudinal muscle fibers


1. Jointed appendages 2. Chitinous exoskeleton 3. Segmented body divided into distinct body regions: head, thorax and abdomen; cephalothorax and abdomen; or head and trunk 4. Extreme cephalization 5. Highly developed sense organs 6. Specialized respiratory structures

Evolutionary trends in animals

1. Planes of symmetry 2. Levels of organization 3. Embryological development 4. Body cavity

life cycle of ascomycota

1. in sexual part, two compatible haploid hyhphae become intertwined to form an ascogonium and an antheridium 2. ascogonium acts as female and accepts nuclei from the antheridium after plasmogamy has occured 3. the resultant dikaryon is then capable of forming cup shaped ascocarp 4. asci begin to form on surface of the ascocarp at tips of dikaryotic mycelium 5. karyogamy occurs to form highly transient diploid nucleus 6. diploid nucleus undergoes meiosis giving 4 haploid nuclei 7. after additional round of mitosis, the ascus now contains 8 haploid nuclei 8. these 8 nuclei will develop into 8 ascospores which are released from the ascus 9. hadploid mycelia arise from the aforementioned ascospores as the sexual cycle begins again

three ways to be gram negative

1. outer layer covering cell wall with peptidoglycan 2. no cell wall 3. cell wall with no peptidoglycan

Five types of epithelial tissue

1. stratified squamous- cube- replaces cells in mouth 2. cubodial- cylinder- makes up kidney and thyroid, secretion 3. simple columnar- brick- secretion is important-digestive juices 4. simple squamous- cube- functions diffusion- blood vessels 5. pseudostratified columnar- cube- forms mucous, respiratory

The Four synapomorphies shared in Phylum Chordata

1.Notochord- cartilaginous skeletal rod 2.Dorsal tubular nerve cord 3.Pharynx with gill slits 4.Postanal tail


10 legs Lobster, Crayfish, crabs, and shrimp,


1st pair of mouthparts in chelicerates that contain fangs and are used to stab and paralyze prey


3 germ layers: ectoderm, mesoderm, endoderm

Myxogastrida, choanoflagellata, gymnamoeba

3 phyla of unikonta

Class Asteroidea

5 arms, or multiples of 5 Most are predatory Pyloric and cardiac (eversible) stomachs Tube feet, within ambulacral groove, used for locomotion Pedicellariae 1 arm plus 1/5 of central disc - can regenerate entire body Asterias spp. (Ex. Sea stars, starfish)

Melitta quinquiesperforata

5-holed sand dollar P: Echinodermata C: Echinoidea


A is for


A large opening on a sponge through which filtered water is expelled


A long, whip-like filament that helps in cell motility. Many bacteria are flagellated, and sperm are flagellated. bacteria flagella is strutted different from eukaryotes (no microtubules)


A marine protozoan that secretes a shell and extends pseudopodia through pores in its shell ex of foraminifera


A mature ovary of a flower that protects dormant seeds and aids in their dispersal. can be dry or fleshy

lateral meristems

A meristem that thickens the roots and shoots of woody plants. The vascular cambium and cork cambium are lateral meristems. secondary growth


An analogous trait or characteristic


A protist with two flagella that causes toxic blooms called red tides. ex of dinoflagellates


A protist, usually marine, with a shell generally made of silica and pseudopodia that radiate from the central body. ex of radiolaria

C. Cestoda

A scolex, proglottids, oncosphere larvae and a cysticercus are all found in. what class?a


A sphere-shaped bacterium that grows colonially in a grape-like fashion might be called


A sphere-shaped bacterium that grows colonially in a twisted chain

symplesiomorphy, all

An ancestral characteristic or ___ is a trait that evolved from a group's ancestor and is present in ___ of its descendants a.symplesiomorphy, all b.synapomorphy, all, c.synapomorphy, some, d.monophyly, all

vascular tissue system

A system formed by xylem and phloem throughout a vascular plant, serving as a transport system for water and nutrients, respectively.


A term referring to a plant species that has two kinds of spores: microspores that develop into male gametophytes and megaspores that develop into female gametophytes.


A thick-walled protective spore that forms inside a bacterial cell and resists harsh conditions. tennis shaped "shell" formed around nucleiod


A threadlike extension of a neuron that carries nerve impulses away from the cell body.


A tiny cell that is able to grow into a new organism, first haploid cell in plant


A type of connective tissue Only in higher vertebrates Mineralized Osteoblasts produce a collagen matrix Ca2+, Mg2+, PO42- join the matrix to make harden bones

other tissues

Accessory fruits have _____ other than ovary wall

Alabama specific fish

Alabama cavefish, (Speoplatyrhinus poulsoni) vermilion darter (Etheostoma chermocki) Alabama sturgeon (Scaphirhynchus suttkusi) Cahaba shiner (Notropis cahabae) all threatened and on verge of extinction C: Osteichthyes


Alive through host

Phylum Trilobita

All extinct by end of Permian era (~250 MYA) right before dinosaurs Tagmata= head, thorax, abdomen 3-Lobed abdomen Branched (biramous) appendages

Class Calcarea

All marine Calcareous spicules Small All 3 body types

Class Polychaeta

All marine, "Many setae", Often with distinct head (antennae and eyes), Parapodia in most, respiration and feeding, sedentary or errant

Monocot flowering family

Amaryllidaceae Poaceae Arecaceae Orchidaceae


Amaryllis Family , monocots, money maker


An organism or cell having only one complete set of chromosomes.


An organism that can produce ATP from sunlight but requires carbon from other organisms to build structural molecules is a(n):


An organism that cannot make its own food, eats other organism

an aggregate

An what fruit is the magnolia fruit?

Tapeworm life cycle

Animals eat egg. Egg hatches. Tapeworm attaches to intestine and lives. Tapeworm releases eggs in animal's feces.

Orders of amphibia

Anura, Caudata, Gymnophiona


Daisy (Sunflower) family (Eudicot)

Class Hexactinellida

Deep marine spp. Siliceous, 6-rayed spicules Body sycon/leucon intermediate Cells fused as syncytium Spongicola shrimpsymbionts

fibrous connective tissue

Dense tissue, large number of collagen fibers organized into parallel bundles. Includes ligaments and tendons.



Class Echinoidea

Dermal ossicles fused - test Movable spines Pedicellariae Melitta quinquiesperforata - 5-holed sand dollar (Ex. Urchins, sand dollars, sea biscuits, etc.)

Phylum Chordata

Deuterostomes Eucoelomate Bilaterally symmetrical Has 4 shared things *At some stage in their development SubP: Urochordata, Cephalochordata, Vertebrata

cubiodal epithelium

Dice-shaped (cubes) Secretion specialists Line Kidney tubules, Glands (thyroid, salivary)


Diploblastic animals do not have

4 phyla of excavata

Diplomonadida, Parabasala, Kinetoplastida,Euglenophyta


Dispersal of seeds on the inside of animals by eating them


Dispersal of seeds on the outside of animals by attaching to them "hitchhikers"

Phylum Mollusca

Diverse!, Size range - microscopic to the largest of all invertebrates (giant squid, Architeuthis), Economic importance - food, pearls, shells, fossils(petroleum), Foot, Mantle, Radula, Crystalline style, Head (some), Well developed organ systems (circulatory, excretory), Soft bodied mollusks


Eukarya evolution trend Sporic meiosis is more derived than zygotic and gametic meiosis

isomorphic-> heteromorphic

Eukarya evolution trend being heteromorphic is more derived than isomorphic

Sea Biscuit

Don't confuse with a sand dollar P: Echinodermata C: Echinoidea

Order Odonata

Dragonflies and Damselflies (hemimetabolous)

facultative anaerobe

E. coli is a gram-negative bacteria that can use oxygen, nitrate, nitrite, DMSO, and a few other compounds as its final electron acceptor in cellular respiration. This makes E. coli a(n


Each cell has two nuclei, each associated with 2,4,8 flagella; Very deep-branching early eukaryote, lack mitochrondria, most anaerobic, live in guts of insects or veterbrates, heterotrophic, free living


Each member of which phylum has an excretory system composed of 2 nephridia per segment?

apical meristem

Embryonic plant tissue in the tips of roots and in the buds of shoots that supplies cells for the plant to grow in length.(root and shoots), primary growth, increase in height and depth(taller and deeper)

Phylum Glomeromycota

Endomycorrhizal fungi Mutualistic root-inhabitants Arbuscules (little trees) 90% of plant families! all asexual biotropic


Eukarya evolution trend Multicellular is more derived than unicellular and colonial


In bacteria, the direct transfer of DNA between two cells that are temporarily joined by pilli


In connective tissue, cells that secrete the proteins of the fibers.


In horseshoe crab, long spiked tail that is used in locomotion, helps balance them and flip when needed

Osteon units

In mammals, Concentric layers of mineralized matrix around a central blood vessel/nerve canal

Monophyletic AND Holophyletic

In order for a grouping to be a clade, it ideally would be: Monophyletic Holophyletic Paraphyletic Polyphyletic A and B


In seedless vascular plants, the production of just one type of spore.


In the Taenia sagittatalife cycle, what structure everts once inside the human digestive system?

D. Diplomonadida

In the lab, you look into the microscope and you see a protist with 2 nuclei and 2 flagella. Which of the following phyla does that protist likely belong to? Dinoflagellata Choanoflagellata Euglenophyta Diplomonadida -2,4,8 FLAGELLA

both gametic and zygotic depending o organisms

In the sexual life cycle of plants, which is the dominant ploidy? 1N-ZYGOTIC 2N-GAMETIC (HUMANS) Both are correct, depending on the organism Neither are correct

Subphylum Vertebrata

Includes 3 major groups of fish, as well as amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. teeth---> jaws---> rest of skeleton


Incomplete metamorphosis where the immature resemble the adults but some features are missing or different (wings, reproductive organs, color, shape, etc.). egg->nymph(or naiads(aquatic))-> dragonflies ex)bigs, grasshoppers, roaches, dragonflies

Solitary inflorescence

Indicates a single flower with a pedicel attached to the stem.

they are holometabolous

Insects that only produce wings as adults, such as flies, beetles, bees, and butterflies are


Iris Family (monocots)

Main Components of Excretory System

Kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra are the

monophyletic, holophyletic kingdom

Kingdom Fungi is what kind of kingdom?

Kingdom Eubacteria

Kingdom of domain bacteria

Kingdom Protista

Kingdom of domain eukarya

Anatomy of adult tunicate

Know where the oral siphon, atrial siphon, anus, pharynx with gill slits, stomach, heart, atrium, and coelom is

Symplesiomorphy trait

Lacking a nucleus is a _____ (prokaryotes)

simple columnar epithelium

Large cells Brick-shaped Sites of secretion/active absorption Secretes digestive juices Absorbs nutrients Intestinal lining

b. phaeophyta

Large, multicellular algae, many kelps

Bat Flowers

Large, wide, white flowers Bell or disc shaped Open at night May smell like fermenting or cabbage Lots of watery nectar

Class Ophiuroidea

Largest class in Echinodermata Central disc Long, slender arms Closed ambulacral groove Tube feet used in feeding Grasp food with arms, or filter feed Locomotive with arm movement, most mobile among phylum (Ex. Brittle stars, serpent stars, basket stars)

Class Demospongiae

Largest class of Porifera 80% of all spp. Marine and freshwater Silicious spicules Spongin fibers (one or both) Leucon body type


Liquid connective tissue ECM = plasma (90%Water, Salts, Soluble proteins) Erythrocytes, Leukocytes, Platelets


Liquid part of blood, made mostly of water, in which oxygen, nutrients, and minerals are dissolved very important , sustains life

Order Squamata

Lizards and Snakes the largest recent order of reptiles, differences between lizards and snakes are the limbs, snakes hear through vibrations from skull while lizards hear from ears, lizards can move eyes, lizards shed tail in danger, snakes have flexible jaws

Immune System

Organ system, functions to protect the body from bacteria, viruses, and other foreign substances

lophophore, trochophore

Lophotrochozoans have either a ________________ feeding structure or a ____________ larva

Ground Pine

Lycopodium obscurum; not real pine

Mammal synapomorphies

Mammary glands Keratinized hair, nails, claws, antlers, horns Four-chambered heart Homeothermy Possess sweat, scent, and sebaceous glands in skin Diphyodont and heterodont

Phylum Phoronida

Marine Chitinous tube dwelling Worm-like U-shaped gut

Class Hirudinea

Marine, freshwater and terrestrial forms, Ectoparasitic and predaceous, No setae, No septa dividing segments, Superficial segmentation in the form of annuli, Oral and posterior suckers(some w/o oral sucker), Hirudo medicinalis - medicinal leech

Class Oligochaeta

Marine, freshwater,and terrestrial forms, "Few setae", Clitellum , earth worms

ray-finned fish

Member of the class Actinopterygii, aquatic osteichthyans with fins supported by long, flexible rays, including tuna, bass, and herring, basically rest of fish

Pine life cycle

Microsporocytes undergo meiosis each=4 haploid microspores. Each microspore = a winged pollen grain consisting of 2 prothallial cells, generative cell, and tube cell. This 4-celled pollen grain represents the immature microgametophyte. (Male) When the pollen grain contacts the megasporangium, germination occurs and a pollen tube begins to grow toward the developing megagametophyte. About 1 year after pollination the generative cell of the microgametophyte undergoes divison= a sterile cell (stalk) and a spermatogenous cell (body). Spermatogenous cell divides into 2 sperm cells which make their way to the egg. one sperm fuses with egg nucleus and the other dies. (Female)


Mint family (Eudicot)

Bird Flowers

No scent Bright colors, red, pink, orange Long, stiff, curved floral tubes to accommodate beaks seeking nectar

Smooth Muscle Tissue

No striation In walls of (Digestive tract, Bladder, Arteries, Other internal organs) Spindle-shaped cells Involuntary movements 1 nuclei per cell

hold bacteria

Nodules in pea plants ______


Number of species , genera, (about 30 mill species+)

in anaerobic organisms

O2 form water

7 Big Orders of Class Insects

Odonata Orthoptera Hemiptera Coleoptera Diptera Hymenoptera Lepidoptera


One of five supergroups of eukaryotes proposed in a current hypothesis of the evolutionary history of eukaryotes. This clade, which is supported by studies of myosin proteins and DNA, consists of amoebozoans and opisthokonts. not photosynthetic, 1 flagella, paraphyletic

a. Euglenophyta

Only some members photosynthetic by secondary endosymbiosis


Opening from the atrium to the outside of the body to release water

Orders under Class Arachnida

Order Araneae, Scorpiones, Acari, Opiliones

Two Orders of Crustacea to know

Order Maxillopoda, Malacostraca

Respiratory System

Organ system, functioning in the process of gas exchange between the body and the environment

Skeletal Muscle System

Organ system, functions for body support, protection, movement

Reproductive System

Organ system, functions for gamete production, fertilization, embryo support

Muscular System

Organ system, functions for manipulation of the environment, locomotion, and facial expression. Maintains posture, and produces heat.

Digestive System

Organ system, functions in food processing, ingestion, digestion,absorption, elimination

Nervous System

Organ system, functions in the detection of stimuli, coordination of body activities

Endocrine System

Organ system, functions to coordination of body activities

Excretory System

Organ system, functions to disposal of metabolic wastes, osmoregulation of blood

important imperfect fungi

Penicillium Aspergillus Rhizoctonia Trichoderma

Portuguese man-of-war

Phylum Cnidaria Class Hydrozoa looks like a true jellyfish but isn't colonial

Phylum Platyhelminthes

Phylum of flatworms, mostly parasitic, some are free living, typically simple gut or no gut

B. Myxogastrida

Physarum polycephalum is a member of what phylum? Choanoflagellata Myxogastrida Gymnamoeba Animalia

Phylum Coniferophyta

Pines Firs. Spruces Yews Hemlock. Redwood Sequoia Larch Juniper Cedar has the oldest, biggest, and tallest trees biggest plant phyla size wise

Main Components of Endocrine System

Pituitary, thyroid, pancreas, adrenal etc are the

ground tissue system

Plant tissues that are neither vascular nor dermal, fulfilling a variety of functions, such as storage, photosynthesis, and support. fills space in-between DTS and VTS, Not root tissue

Plasmodium Life Cycle (Malaria)

Plasmodium life cycle and malaria: 1. When a mosquito (anopheles) carrying the infective stage of plasmodium, called a sporozoite, bites a human, sporozoites can be injected into the human. The sporozites are carried by the blood to the liver 2.) They undergo schizogony in liver cells and produce thousands of progeny called merozoites 3.) Merozoites enter the bloodstream and infect RBC 4.) Merozoite develops into ring stage in RBC 5.) The ring stage enlarges and divides repeatedly 6.) The RBC eventually ruptures and release more merozoites. Merozoites infect new RBC or some develop into male and female sexual forms (gametocytes) 7.) They can be picked up by the bite of another mosquito; they then enter the mosquito's intestine and begin their sexual cycle. 6.) Here the male and female gametocytes unite to form a zygote. The zygote forms an oocyst, in which cell division occurs and asexual sporozoites are formed. 9.) When the oocyst ruptures, the sporozoites migrate to the salivary glands of the mosquito. They can then be injected into a new human host by the biting mosquito.

3 protostome phyla

Platyhelminthes, , Lophotrochozoa, Ecdysozoa

Sub Phyla of Acoelomates

Platyhelminthes, Nemertea

Classes of Annelida

Polychaeta, Oligochaeta, Hirudinea

4 classes of mollusca

Polyplacophora, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Cephalopoda

Synapomorphic traits

Prokaryotes have shared derived characteristics so they are


Prokaryotes that use inorganic chemicals as their energy source and are the producers in deep-sea vent communities


Prominent body regions in arthropods, such as the head, thorax, and abdomen in insects

Bilatera Phyla

Protosomes(Acoelomates, Lophotrochozoa, Ecdysozoa)

General Arthropod Characteristics

Protostome eucoelomates •Metameric "through parts" •Tagmosis = body arrangment , tagmata- body parts •Jointed appendages •Exoskeleton= complex cuticle •Protein + lipid + chitin (+CaCO3) - secreted by epidermis •Ecdysis, exuvium


R is for

Nervous Tissue

Receive, process, transmit information neurons glial cells


Red algae: marine, multicellular; macro algae, cold water; grow at great depths; source of agar and carageenan(in ice cream) photosynthetic


Tail of scorpion

Orders of Reptilia

Testudines, Squamata, Sphenodonta, Crocodilia, Aves


The anterior end of a cestode tapeworm is called a


The base of a flower; the part of the stem that is the site of attachment of the floral organs.


The condition of having cell walls that separate hyphae into individual cells


The most diverse animal phylum, containing ecdysozoan animals with a segmented body and an exoskeleton.


The old shed skin left behind after an insect molts is known as the _________.

dermal tissue system

The outer protective covering of plants. like skin, prevents water loss


The part of a plant embryo directly below the cotyledons, forming a connection with the radicle. above ground tissue but below first leaves


The prokaryotic chromosome is found in a region called the:


The science of classifying organisms (1 taxon, 2 taxa)


The stalk of a flower.


The study of body structure


The tests of Foraminiferans are


The tests of Radiolarians are

horizontal gene transfer (HGT)

The transfer of genes from one cell to another through mechanisms such as transposable elements, plasmid exchange, viral activity, and perhaps fusions of different organisms. not by cell division

Order Sphenodonta

The tuatara is a strange, lizard-like animal of New Zealand with a remnant 3rd eye that can be seen on the top of the head of young animals.


The ventral (bottom) part of a turtle's shell, derived from sternum

Sea star

This animal is predacious, has pyloric and cardiac stomaches, and tube feet. What is it?


This class has members both sedentary and errant, but all members have many chaetae

a. Foraminifera

This protist has chambered tests made of calcium carbonate and has a net-like pseudopodia. This protist likely belongs to which phylum? Foraminifera Radiolara Ciliphora Bacillariophyta (calcarous)

Eukarya, Bacteria, Archaea

Three domains


True botanical nut

Classes of Platyhelminthes

Turbellaria, Cestoda, Trematoda

Paramecium multimicronucleatum

Typically has one macronucleus and 4 or more micronuclei. 3 or more contractile vacuoles.(Phylum: Ciliophora)

Phylum Uniramia

Uniramous appendages •Mandibles (not chelicerae) •1 pair antennae




Water enters a sponge through the

Phylum Gnetophyta

Welwitschia, "two leaves can not die", tweeblaarkanniedood, on desert(driest on earth), leaves are turned down, Nambia, Gnetum, Ephedra


What animal would have a corona and mastax?

Cartilage in the vertebral discs, nose, outer ear

What cartilage remains after the embryonic skeleton is replaced by bone?

C. Chrondrichthyes, it has gill slits , a spiracle, and placoid scales

What class in Subphylum Vertebrata does this stingray belong to? How do you know?

C. Crinoidea, It has long branched arms

What class is this Sea Lilly in? How do you know?

C. Ophiuroidea, pentamerous and has extended arms

What class is this basket star in? How can you tell?

C. Holothuroidea, it has an extended oral/aboral axis, spacious coelom

What class is this sea apple in? How do you know?

C. Concentricycloidea

What class of Echinodermata was just recently discovered? (Hint: they're extremely small!)

C. Anthozoa

What class of cnidarians has no medusa members?

the Bones

What connective tissue is only found in higher vertebrates?

b. chlorophyta

What group of protists will appear to be green in color? Rhodophyta Chlorophyta Phaeophyta Ciliophora


What has a chambered nautilus shell with a siphuncle?

loose connective tissue

What is the most widespread type of tissue in vertebrate bodies?

a. Archeplastida

What is the name of the clade that contains the Plantae, Rhodophyta, and Chlorophyta? Archaeplastida Stramenopila Rhizaria Unikonta

small circular loop

What is the shape of a plasmid? Long, thin,whiplike Small, circular loop Large, round mass


What is the structure that is molted in nematodes?

d. Apicomplexa

What phylum contains the malaria causal agent, Plasmodium? Gymnamoeba Alveolata Archaeplastida Apicomplexa

c. Phaeophyta

What phylum is characteristic partly for its organisms' holdfast? Rhodophyta Chlorophyta Phaeophyta Bacilliariophyta

goggle apparatus. (the folds)

What structure does a parabasal body most closely resemble? Mitochondria Ribosome Golgi Apparatus-FOLDS Endoplasmic Reticulum


What structure in Paramecium is analogous to our throats?

Oogamous (humans)

What term best describes the gametes that combine to form a zygote that will grow into a human? Isogamous Oogamous Anisogamous Hologamous

complete gut

What type of gut do nemertea worms have?

Alligators have rounded noses, boxier heads, and you'll see more of the maxillary teeth crocodiles have angular noses, triangular heads you'll see all of the teeth

Whats the difference between crocodile and alligators?

in a swamp

Where would you expect to find methanogenic Archaea?

C. Hexactinellida

Which Class does NOT belong in phylum Cnidaria? a.Cubozoa b.Hydrozoa c.Anthozoa d.Hexactinellida


Which fungal phyla is the only one to have flagellated zoospores

The wing of a butterfly and the wing of a bat

Which of these is an example of analogous structures? The wings of two different species of butterflies The wing of a butterfly and the leg of a human The right and left wings of a butterfly The wing of a butterfly and the wing of a bat

Peptidoglycan layer

Which of these structures is most important in gram staining? Peptidoglycan layer Outer membrane Cytoplasm Capsule

Annelida, Mollusks, Rotifera, Gastrotricha and Ectoprocta, Phoronida, Brachiopoda

Which phyla of Lophotrochozoans have trochophores? Which have locophores?


Without Metamorphosis; Young resembles the adult, except smaller. egg->immature->adult. No wings ex) silver fish or springtails

P. Zygomycota

You are eating a sandwich and notice some green fuzz on the bread. This green fuzz is most likely a member of


a blood cavity within the bodies of certain invertebrates in which blood bathes tissues directly; part of an open circulatory system


a free-swimming, ciliated larva of many worms and some mollusks

giant sequoia

a giant redwood tree; Sequoiddodandrum giganteum


a group including all the descendants of a common ancestor - desirable classification, monophyletic




about 70% is caused by it


absorbs heat from the surroundings


agent that increases urine output


aggregate of drupes, raspberries, blackberries, pits, 1 flower and many carpels

Phylum Nematoda

aka the roundworms; very long and narrow; body symmetry: bilateral; eg. ascaris Diverse, abundant, ubiquitous, Parasitic in plants and animals, Free-living in marine, freshwater and terrestrial, Longitudinal muscles only


all petals(sterile)


all seed plants are


all the sepals

Order Crocodilia

alligators, crocodiles, caimans 4 chambered heart, separates oxygenated and deoxygenated blood, some warm blooded don't shed scales good mothers

Class Cubozoa

box jellies and Chironex flickeri (sea wasps)

panicle inflorescence

branching of the pedicels with flowers


broad, one of the four kingdoms of Archaea, methanogens, extreme halophiles, (swamp, gas)


butterfly pollination


calyx and corolla together


can tell when in light or not, will move towards light

Order Carnivora

carnivores divided into dog like and cat like suborders Carniformia and Feliformia

Class Chondrichthyes

cartilaginous fish; basal members of Gnathostomata spiracles dermal denticles(placoid scales) (Ex. sharks, skates, rays)

Suborder Feliformia

cat-like carnivores (Ex. Tigers, Lions, Meerkats, mongooses, hyenas)


causes malaria ex of apicomplexa


chloroplasts have ____ membranes

Class Bivalvia

clams, mussels, scallops, oysters, flattened shell with 2 valves, paired gills, no radula, mostly suspension feeders, incurrent and excurrent siphons ex.Tridacna giganteus

Phylum Basidiomycota

club fungi, mushrooms and toadstools, no asexual spores, sexual spores = basidiospores which are produced on basidium

Phylum Lycophyta

club mosses, ground pine, resurrection plant, quillwort; possess true roots, stems, and leaves. asexual reproduction by rhizomes. sporangia occur on sporophylls clustered in strobili.seedless vascular, some homosporous, some heterosporous

Phylum Lycophyta

club mosses, resurrection plant, microphylls, strobulis, some homosporous, some heterosporous

sorus (-i)

clusters of sporangia


collective term for carpels


collective term for stamens


colonial green algae, ex of chlorophyta


compact cluster of spore-bearing structures in some seedless vascular plant sporophytes


complete metamorphosis Most recently derived - egg--> larva-->pupa-->adult (imago) ex)Flies, beetles, wasps, butterflies, etc.

Major types of tissues

epithelial, connective, muscle, nervous

Kindgom Protista

eukaryotic, unicellular, some are photosynthetic, some are consumers

Order Artiodactyla

even-toed ungulates most ruminants and non-ruminants (Ex. cattle, sheep, goat, deer, elk, pigs, hippos)


evolutionary branch of a cladogram that includes a single ancestor and all its descendants

Daffodil (Narcissus)

example of Amaryllidaceae

Garlic (Allium sativum)

example of Amaryllidaceae

Onion (Allium cepa)

example of Amaryllidaceae

Chrysanthemum (C. X morifolium)

example of Asteraceae

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

example of Asteraceae

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa)

example of Asteraceae

Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum)

example of Asteraceae

Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus)

example of Asteraceae

artichoke (Cynara cardunculus)

example of Asteraceae


extreme heat


eyes are sensitive to light, auricle- little ears but can't hear chemical sensors, mouth is also anus


falling off at a specific season or stage of growth as of leaves; Ex. ginkophyta


famous bacteria are _____, but not a lot


feather like arms in class of Echinodermata


female container (like a palm tree)

Reticular Fibers

fibers that join connective tissue to adjacent tissues

Elastic Fibers

fibers that make tissues elastic, able to return to form in connective tissues

Collagenous Fibers

fibers that provide strength and flexibility in connective tissue


fleshy fruit with a stony endocarp (pit), peach, nectarine, cherries


fleshy throughout, no pit/core, Pepo, hesiperdium, and regular berries


fleshy, has core, accessory fruits, (apple, pear)

Order Diptera

flies only order of insects with 2 wings hind wings help balance holometabolous


flowering plants that produce seeds in fruit, most successful lineage of plants, only one phyla (Anthophyta/ Magnoliaphyta), >250,000 species

Fly Flowers

flowers look like meat/corpses Red, brown, white Often striated (striped), and hairy Often smell like corpses Some very large flowers

body cavity (coelom)

fluid or air filled space between digestive tract and outer body wall

chondroitin sulfate

provides support and adhesiveness in cartilage, bone, skin, and blood vessels

Phylum Equisetophyta

horsetails, scouring rushes, and pot scrubbers can be called Anthrophtya or Spenophtya. 1 extant genus (Equisetum), hollow ribbed stem, toughened with silica, whorls of microphylls, strobili with sporangiophores, sporophytes, elaters function in spore disposal

plant only the male tree

how do you get rid of smell of ginkophtya?

4 whorls

how many whorls should an ancestral flower have?

Phylum Cnidaria

hydras, true jellyfish, corals, anemones, two germ layers (diploblastic) , two body forms (Polyp and Medusa)sessile and motile , has cnidocytes, 4 classes

Cnidaria Types of body forms?

hydrozoans, jellyfish, sea anemones, corals. 1. medusa-floating, umbrella-shaped body with tentacles (jelly fish) 2. polyp-sessile cylinder-shaped with rising tentacles (i.e. sea anemones) Some alternative between during their life cycle. two body forms

coenocytic hyphae

hyphae that contain no septa and appear as long, continuous cells with many nuclei

septate hyphae

hyphae with cross walls


hyphae without septa walls

changing of proteins; surface to disguise it

immune system will attack proteins so kinetoplastida ______ on the _____


imperfect fungi in Ascomycota, produce penicillin, a molecule that is used as an antibiotic, which kills or stops the growth of certain kinds of bacteria.


imperfect fungi in Ascomycota, spores are present in the air we breathe, but does not normally cause illness. In those people with a weakened immune system, damaged lungs or with allergies, can cause disease


incomplete flowers can still be ____


infection of the blood and tissues of healthy individuals by worm embryos or filariae


insect pollination

most common pollination syndromes

insect, animal, wind,

Ascaris lumbricoides

intestinal obstruction due to adult worms; no eosinophilia, 1/6 of world population is infected by it


iron-containing protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen for delivery to cells

Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd)

is a fungus that grows under frogs' skin been associated with declining harlequin frog populations fungus from P: Chytridiomycota

Order Malacostraca

isopods, amphipods, krill, decapods, rollie pollie!

Superclass Agnatha

jawless fish (Ex. hagfish and lampreys)


jawless fish, big problem in Great Lakes C: Agnatha


jellyfish, tissues

positive phototaxis

movement towards light (+) (photosynthesis)

multiple fruit

multiple flowers, one fruit, pineapple,

Skeletal Muscle Tissue

muscle tissue that is striated Attached to bones via tendons Voluntary movements Bundles of long cells: muscle fibers Many cells fuse during. development: multinucleate fibers Sarcomeres


naked seed; A plant that produces seeds that are exposed rather than seeds enclosed in fruits, 4 extant phyla, vascular, all seed plants, sporophyte dominant, larger plants, reduction of gametophyte generation, heterospory(prerequisite for seeds)

anapsid skull

no openings behind eye socket ex. turtles and tortoises

gametophyte dominant(n)

nonvascular plants are ____ dominant

characteristics of bryophytes

nonvascular, majority of life cycle is haploid, seedless, needs water for sperm dispersal, gametophyte dominant, small, moist habitats

ribosomes bc its shared ancestral

not a synapomorphy of eukaryotes

derived trait

not being seedless in vascular plants is

anatomy of a lancelet

note that it is not the same as the tunicate larvae, the notochord is in head and tail, not just tail

Urochordata larvae

note that larvae has all four traits of chordata

Subphylum Urochordata

notochord in the tail larvae have the 4 traits but adults do not (Ex. tunicates, sea squirts)


obtain resources from living cells


odd structures found only on male pycnogonids

Order Perissodactyla

odd-toed ungulates (Ex. horses, rhinos, zebras, tapirs)

Butterfly flowers

often have tubular corollas to accommodate the proboscis (drinking straw mouth) Often have scents to attract May have landing platform

Bristle cone pine tree

oldest tree >5000 years Pinus attenvata


one cotyledon, parallel leaf venation, vascular tissue scattered in stem, fibrous root system(no main root), pollen grain has one opening, floral organs in multiples of 3, monophyletic


organism that is photosynthetic but needs organic compounds as a carbon source


organism that produces own food by photosynthesis

plants, fungus

organisms. with. haploid multicellular

Order Maxillopoda

ostracods, copepods, barnacles, etc. guinea worm


pair of mouthparts in chelicerates that are usually modified to grab prey


paired lateral appendages used for locomotion, feeding, and respiration

gill slits

paired openings in the throat behind the mouth, important for filter feeding

all parts of fungus

part of fungi that can take in food and house too.


pea family (Eudicots), legume


process in which one strain of bacteria is changed by a gene or genes from another strain of bacteria (plasmid from environment)

Monoecious plants

produce male and female gametes on the same plant


produced by diatoms photosynthesized YEARS ago


produces both microspores (male gametophytes) & megaspores (female gametophytes)


produces mucus, used for sperm transfer and cocoon formation in annelida


producing living young from eggs that hatch within the body

chemically different from eukaryote cell walls

prokaryotes cell walls are

no cytoskeleton in prokaryotes, prokaryotes move by rotation and eukaryotes move by bending, prokaryotes have smaller, thinner flagella

prokaryotic flagella different than eukaryotic flagella?


protect the flower bud

paraphyletic and synamorphic

protists are _____ and have _____ characteristics

Archaea and Bacteria

protists have characteristics derived from


shell covering the back (of a turtle, tortoise, crab, etc.), derived from ribs and spine

fruticose lichen



sievelike structure through which the water vascular system of an echinoderm opens to the outside


similar based on shared common ancestry


similar to alphaprobacteria


similar to cynabacteria


single celled fungi


single celled, made of fine fibers


site of nutrient exchange between fungus and plants

Main Components of Muscular System

skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscle are the


slimy tie themselves in knots to escape predator or feed C: Agnatha

dermal ossicles

small calcerous plates that make up endoskeleton


snake, serpent

Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778)

specialized in taxonomy, developed a binomial system of naming organisms according to genus and species that is still used today. Also adopted a system for grouping similar species into a hierarchy of increasingly general categories.

coccus (cocci)




Dehiscent fruits

split at maturity and release the seeds (usually more than one)


sponges , most ancestral type of animal, basal animals, no symmetry ,cellular level of organization

Phylum Porifera

sponges, has 3 classes

Class Cephalopoda

squid, octopus, nautilus, cuttlefish, "Head foot", Mantle forms body tube, Arms and tentacles, Pen(squid only), Chambered nautilus shell with siphuncle octopus have arms, not tentacles

central disc

the central portion of a sea star from which the arms or rays radiate

club mosses

the earliest group of seedless vascular plants; lycophyta


the eukaryotic supergroup that contains flagellated single-celled organisms with a feeding groove

Class Mammalia

the extant synapsids mammary glands to produce milk for young hair/fur, claws, nails, horns, antlers of keratin 4 chambered hearts and endothermic/homeothermic of convergent evolution


the portion of seed plant embryo above the cotyledon, turns into stem

Pteriodophyta, equisetophtya, psilophtya

the three phyla that makes the super phylum Monoilophtya

dermal tissue, vascular tissue, ground tissue

the three tissue systems of vascular tissue


thick filament

acontia threads

thick threads attached to mesenteries below the filaments. With few nematocysts belonging to some of the same categories as those in the filaments.


thin filaments


thin, flat cells that line the outer surface of a sponge


this protist clade includes animals and fungi


this protist clade includes plants

Bryophyta, Hepatophyta, Anthocerophyta

three phyla of bryophytes


thrombocytes; cell fragments in the blood that are essential for blood clotting (coagulation), triggers mitosis in cells to seal wounds


tiny pincers that are used for surface maintenance by sea stars and some sea urchins


tissues, sea gooseberries and combjellies; diploblastic, radial symmetry; bioluminescent, tentacles lack stinging, but have adhesive cells; move by means of eight rows of ciliary combs

regular berries

tomato, blueberry, banana, avocado

seed coat

tough covering that surrounds and protects the plant embryo and keeps the contents of the seed from drying out

Trichina spiralis

trichina worm, caused by eating undercooked pork. spreads to carnivore hosts, larvae matures in small intestine, forms a cysts in the muscles, host dies and then cycle repeats when host is eaten

Phylum Annelida

trochophore larva, segmentation, somites- repeated organs in worms, partitioning of coelom, differentiation of segments, excretory system(pair of nephridia per segment). ex) earth worm


true body cavity, An organism that has a complete body cavity where the ectoderm and the endoderm is lined by mesoderm

Order Hemiptera

true bugs (half wing), look for X pattern on back to tell hemimetabolous

Phylum Pteridophyta

true ferns, megaphylls (frond=leaves), usually pinnately compound (looks like a feather) circinate venation, rhizome and adventitious roots, sorus(-i), indusium(-ia), annulus(-i), gametophytes are protenema and prothallus, sporeling. vascular plants that reproduce through spore.

Class Scyphozoa

true jellyfish


true mosses

Phylum Bryophyta

true mosses, gametophyte dominant, contains: meiospore, protonema, leafy shoots, rhizoids, antheridium (-ia), splash cup, sperm, archegonium (-ia), egg, sporophyte, capsule and seta, placenta, calyptra, operculum, peristome, dispersal, hygroscopic


tubular cells which make up the pores of a sponge known as ostia

Order Testudines

turtles and tortoises backbone, ribs, and sternum fused together to form shell carapace and plastron


twisted, twisted chain


two cotyledons, net like veins in leaf venation, vascular tissue arranged in ring in stem, tap root(main root), pollen grain with 3 openings, floral organs in multiples of 4-5, monophyletic

diapsid skull

two openings behind eye socket ex. all reptiles and birds

rhodophtya and chlorophyta

two phyla of archeplastida

Foraminifera and Radiolara

two phyla. of rhizarians


two sets of teeth in a lifetime, lose baby teeth and replace with adult set


type of vascular tissue that carries nutrients and food from place to place inside the cell

characteristics of seedless vascular plants

vascular, seedless(ancestral), larger than bryophytes, sporophyte dominant, gametophytes vary(photosynthetic or not), drier habitats, paraphyletic

raceme inflorescence

unbranched, elongated inflorescence whose flowers are attached to pedicels, not the peduncle

one flagella

unikonta means


union or yolk


unshared, derived characteristic


used for gas exchange, feeding, and brooding

Porphyra tenera -nori

used in seaweed wrap ex of rhodophyta


uunicellular green algae ex of chlorophyta

larger; dry light;photosynthesis

vascular tissue are ____ plants that like ___ habitats and have better access to ___ for ____

photosynthetic/non photosynethetic attached/unattached above/below ground

vascular tissue gametophytes can vary from

sporophyte dominant (2n)

vascular tissue is dominant ____

series of tubes

vascular tissue means...


vascular tissue that carries water upward from the roots to every part of a plant


vascular tissue that produces xylem and phloem cells as a plant grows, change in VTS

root, stems, and leaves

vascular tissues organs

zygotic meiosis

zygote undergoes meiosis immediately after it is formed, all individuals that are produced are haploid until the next zygote is formed. life is spent mostly haploid. mitosis occurs haploid (fungi, some protists) most ancestral of life cycles

zygotic meiosis

zygote undergoes meiosis to form haploid offspring, fungi undergo this

Class Chilopoda

•Centipedes Predaceous •Poison claws •1 pr. legs/segment can have 30-300 legs •Tagmosis: head + trunk

Phylum Chelicerata

•Chelicerae •Ancestrally chelate but may be fangs, needle -like or raptorial) •pedipalps •4 pair of legs NO ANTENNAE •Tagmosis= cephalothorax + abdomen = prosoma+ opisthosoma

Brachiopoda (lamp shells)

•Marine •2 calcified shells -Each symmetrical but upper different from the lower •Some with pedicel •Many fossil species

Class Insecta

•Over 1 million described species!!! •Tagmosis= head + thorax + abdomen •0, 1 or 2 pairs of wings •3 pairs of walking legs thorax holds the locomotive structure

Class Gastropoda

•Snails, slugs, cowry, limpets, abalone, conchs, "Belly foot", Torsion

Class Arachnida

•Spiders, scorpions, mites, ticks, vinegaroons, tailless whipscorpions, daddy long legs, pseudoscorpions •most are predaceous (also parasites and detritivores) •some are venomous, no antennae

Phylum Crustacea

•marine!, freshwater, terrestrial •2 pairs of Antennae (unique in Arthropoda) •branched appendages =BIRAMOUS •mandibles(jaw-like mouth parts) •tagmosis= cephalothorax + abdomen monophyletic

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