Bio Final

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Salt and water would have a pH of


Something which neutralizes Hydrogen ions in a solution is

A base

Proteins are made of building blocks called

Amino acids

A substance with a pH of 6.4 is

An acid

Towards the front


Where would you find a condyloid joint

At the base of the fingers

Which of these has a pH greater than 7


Which best describes cardiac muscle


Which of the following need energy to accomplish

Bulk transport

Inorganic chemicals would not contain

Carbon and Hydrogen

Carrier proteins are used in which of the following


-System containing esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas -Primarily responsible for getting nutrients into the bloodstream

Digestive system

Far away from the point of origin


Area along the backbone


The particle with the negative charge is the


-System that contains pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, thymus....etc. -Produce hormones to control homoeostasis of the body levels

Endocrine system

Bulk movement of large molecules into the cell is called ________________


Which part of the skin has sweat glands in it


Which part of the skin has the melanocytes


Which of the following statements about epithelial tissue is true

Epithelial tissues are tightly packed together

Increasing the angle of a joint


T or F: An adult who has all of their teeth has (16) molars

False; 12

T or F: There are (7) thoracic vertebrae

False; 12

T or F: Movement of the body part in a complete circle is called (rotation)

False; circumduction

T or F: The long shaft of long bones is called the (epiphysis)

False; diaphysis

T or F: Most digestion is completed in the (ileum)

False; duodenum

T or F: The most stretchy connective tissue fiber is a(n) (collagenous) fiber

False; elastin

T or F: A cut which has no bleeding would have penetrated the (dermis)

False; epidermis

T or F: The fastest dividing off all tissues is (connective tissue)

False; epithelial

T or F: The liver stores extra energy as a carbohydrate called (glucose)

False; glycogen

T or F: Teeth that grind up food are the bicuspids

False; molars

T or F: Bone eating cells are called (osteoblast)

False; osteoclasts

T or F: Pepsin is an enzyme in the stomach which begins digestion of (fats)

False; proteins

T or F: Simple columnar tissue has cilia on its surface

False; pseudostratified

T or F: Tissue which makes red blood cells is called (yellow) marrow

False; red

T or F: Acne results from a clogged (sweat) gland

False; sebaceous

T or F: Muscle tissue with long parallel fibers is (cardiac) muscle

False; skeletal

T or F: The epidermis is made of (simple cuboidal) epithelium

False; stratified squamous

T or F: Turning the palm of the hand upward is called (pronation)

False; supination

T or F: The fluid which lubricates joints is called (serous) fluid

False; synovial

T or F: (Skeletal) muscles have no striations

Fasle; visceral

A person who has their gallbladder removed would have to watch their intake of


The largest single bone is the body is the


The tissue you would find in the vertebral discs of the backbone is


Separating the body into anterior and posterior portions


A molecule that cells use for energy is


Enzymes that need to be secreted outside the cell would be packaged by the

Golgi apparatus

The roof of the mouth that has ridges on it is called the

Hard palate

Articular cartilage is

Hyaline cartilage

The type of bond where Hydrogen atoms are attracted to an Oxygen or Nitrogen in another compound is

Hydrogen bond

A solution which causes water to leave the cell is called


Muscles increasing in size due to excessive use is called


Which layer insulates the body from loss of heat


Which part of the skin has adipose tissue


Which part of the skin is the most vascular (blood supply)


Teeth that bite through things


Below, farther down


The end of the muscle attached to a moveable part of the skeleton is called


-Includes the skin, nails, hair, and membranes -Protects the body from drying out, infections, and uv radiation -Plays a key role in regulating body temperature

Integumentary System

Turing the sole of the foot towards the medial plane is called


RNA is different from DNA, because RNA

Is single stranded

When the concentration of solutes is equal to that of the cells, the solution is called ____________


Most of the absorption of nutrients takes place in the


Which of the following make skin waterproof


Tiny holes in the cartilage where the living cells reside are caled


Towards the sides; away from the middle


What tissue connects bone to bone


Fats belong to the group


Smooth ER makes


Bile is produced by the


Which of the following is not a function of HCl in the stomach

Lubricating food

-Contains vessels, nodes, and organs like the tonsils and spleen -Responsible for cleaning the blood of dead cells and debris -Fights infecting organisms

Lymphatic system

"Little packets of digestive enzymes" would best describe


Towards the middle


Which of the following makes hair dark


The source of ATP for the cell is the


The alimentary (digestive) canal is lined with __________ to protect and lubricate


Which type of membrane has the thickest, stickiest fluid secreted from it


Which type of membrane is found on body cavities with openings to the outside


-Includes muscles attached to bones (biceps, triceps, ...etc.) -Responsible for movement of the body -Creates most of the body's heat

Muscular system

When an atom gains an electron is becomes a(n)

Negative ion

-Contains the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves -Influences that homeostatic levels of all the other systems -Sends info to and from parts of the body

Nervous system

Which is a component of all nucleic acids

Nitrogenous bases

Any cut that isn't the other three, ex: diagonal


Why are skin cells, hair cells, and fingernail cells dead

Once they grow out of the root, they are dead

The process of bone building is called


Bone building cells are called


Which molecule would be able to pass directly between the units of the cell membrane


Towards the feet


Bones are covered with a thin membrane called


Around the edges


The cell membrane is made mostly of


Describe origin

Point of attachment to the skeleton that WILL NOT move when muscles contract

Describe insertion

Point of attachment to the skeleton that WILL move when muscles contracts

_______________ fats are thin liquid at room temp. and are considered to be the healthiest of all fats


Towards the back


Describe the main digestive function of the large intestine

Produce enzymes and store energy from the food we eat

Describe the main digestive function of the small intestine

Produce enzymes to help in the chemical digestion of food

Near the point of reference


-Contains ovaries, testes, uterus, etc. -Responsible for producing gametes

Reproductive system

-System containing the larynx, trachea, lungs, and diaphragm -Responsible for getting oxygen to the bloodstream -Responsible for removing carbon dioxide from the blood

Respiratory system

The part of the cell involved in making proteins

Rough ER

Separating the body into left and right portions


Better known as the "groin muscle" is the


If a fatty acid chain that has no double bonds, it is said to be


Describe the main digestive function of the stomach

Secrete gastric juices to help chemically alter food also to mix and mash food into the paste called chyme

A membrane that allows some thins to pass through, but not others is said to be

Selectively permeable

Which type of membrane is found on body cavities with no openings to the outside


The stomach is lined with

Simple columnar tissue

The glandular portion of salivary glands would be made of

Simple cuboidal tissue

Air sacs of the lungs and walls of the capillaries are lined with

Simple squamous tissue

The simplest of all the carbohydrates are called

Simple sugars

Which type of muscle has multiple nuclei


Which type of muscle is voluntary

Skeletal muscle

-System controlling all of the bones -Protects softer parts of the body -Produces the body's blood cells

Skeletal system

What type of muscle would you find in the blood vessels


Which type of muscle has no striations


Red marrow is found in the

Spongy bone

Saliva contains enzymes to begin digestion of


The epidermis of the skin is made of

Stratified squamous tissue

The simplest of the carbohydrates is


On the surface, shallow


Above, higher up


Which type of membrane surrounds the joints


What tissue connects muscle to bone


Where would you find elastic cartilage

The external portions of the ear

Describe a hypotonic solution and describe its water movement and what will happen when a cell is placed into it

The salt concentration in the cell is greater than the surrounding water -Water goes into cells -Cells expand and burst as a result

What is the main function of a lysosome

-"Cleaners of the cell" -Contains enzymes to break up unwanted materials


-Are found in the small intestine -Increase surface area for absorption -Are filled with blood vessels **********All of these********

Describe osteoblasts

-Bone builders -Secrete mineral salts that harden to form new bone, called ossification

Describe osteoclasts

-Bone removers -Secrete acids to dissolve bony matrix -Useful for keeping Ca+ ions levels stable

Describe connective tissue and describe its structure, cell division rate, and functions

-Cells are very far away from each other, intercellular space is filled with non-living material called matrix -Slow cell division rate -Bind structures together, provide support and protection, store materials, repair damage

A muscle is

-Contractible -Flexible -Elastic ***************All of these***************

Which part of the skin has keratin

-Epidermis -Dermis -Hypodermis *************All of these****************

Explain synovial membrane and list where it is found, what type of fluids they produce, and what type of tissue they are made of

-Form inner lining of joints between the bones (ex: knee elbow) -Made of cuboidal epithelium and dense connective tissue -Produce synovial fluid to lubricate joints between bones

Epiphyseal discs are

-Found in the ends of long bones -Made of cartilage -The area where secondary growth occurs *************All of these******************

What is the main function of the rough ER

-Has ribosomes attached, creates proteins

Explain serous membrane and list where it is found, what type of fluids they produce, and what type of tissue they are made of

-Line body cavities with no openings to the outside (ex: thoracic cavity) -Made of simple squamous epithelium and loose connective tissue -Produce a thin watery fluid to keep organs moist and pliable

Explain mucus membrane and list where it is found, what type of fluids they produce, and what type of tissue they are made of

-Line cavities with openings to the outside (ex: nasal, oral) -Made of columnar epithelial and loose connective tissue -Produce mucus to lubricate and catch germs and debris

Describe muscular tissue and describe its structure, cell division rate, and functions

-Made up of long cells called muscle fibers -Slow cell division rate -Main function is creation of movement of body parts -Produce body heat

Describe nervous tissue and describe its structure, cell division rate, and functions

-Made up of two types of cells - neurons and neurological cells -Slow or no cell division - tissue damage could be permanent -Communicate with other tissues to regulate body functions

What is the main function of the smooth ER

-No ribosomes, creates lipids

Describe epithelial tissue and describe its structure, cell division rate, and functions

-Packed tightly together -Rapid cell division (fastest) -Involved in protection, absorption, excretion, and secretion

What is the main function of the golgi apparatus

-Packing and shipping materials out of the cell

What is the main function of the mitochondria

-Power house of the cell -Site of cellular respiration where glucose is combined with oxygen to make ATP

Which type of muscles creates movement

-Skeletal -Smooth -Cardiac *************All of these**************

Which type of muscle is involuntary

-Smooth -Cardiac -Visceral *************All of these************

Explain what the body uses proteins for

1. Antibodies - fight off infections 2. Growth and repair of tissues

Explain what the body uses carbohydrates for

1. Primary source of energy 2. There are two types: simple carbs and complex carbs -simple are for short bursts of energy -complex are for longer bursts of energy

Explain what the body uses fats for

1. insulation 2. Secondary source of energy

Atoms of two elements bonded together form

A compound

A cell that creates mucus is called

A goblet cell

Water has the ability to retain its temperature because is has

A high specific heat

The elbow is an example of

A hinge joint

A large nerve cells which sends messages is called

A neuron

Moving a body part away from the center of the body is called


Substances which release H+ ions in a solution are called


__________ transport causes molecules to move against the concentration gradient


-Contains the heart and blood vessels of the body -Responsible for transportation of materials to and from cells of the body

Cardiovascular system

Towards the tail/tailbone area


In the center


What is the proper name for cartilage cells


The most common protein in the body


_____________ is a carbohydrate made up of a long chain of sugars that can provide long term energy

Complex carbs

The bond between two non-metals where electrons are shared

Covalent bond

The function of the epithelial cells is to

Cover body surfaces

Near the head, towards


The enzyme renin

Curdles the protein casein found in milk

Teeth that are for tearing meat off of a bone are called


Which membrane is better known as skin


Inside/internal, away from the surface


What type of connective tissue is a ligament made of

Dense connective tissue

Describe a isotonic solution and describe its water movement and what will happen when a cell is places into them

The salt concentration is equal inside and outside the cell -Cells remain unchanged

Describe a hypertonic solution and describe its water movement and what will happen when a cell is places into them

The salt concentration outside is greater than the salt concentration inside the cell -Water leaves the cell -Cells shrink and die as a result

Slight muscle contraction for posture and balance is called


The urinary bladder is made of

Transitional tissue

Divides the body into superior and inferior portions


T or F: (Cuboidal) epithelium is usually found in glands


T or F: (Smooth) muscle can remain contracted for the longest time without fatiguing


T or F: A circular muscle which prevent food from moving farther in the digestive system is called a sphincter


T or F: Adults have (206) total bones in the body


T or F: Food in the stomach is turned into a liquid called chyme


T or F: Food moves through the digestive system with rhythmic contractions called (peristalsis)


T or F: Sutures in the cranium are examples of (fixed) joints


T or F: Sweat contains water, salts, and (nitrogen) waste


T or F: The fluid found in the joints is called (synovial) fluid


T or F: The matrix of blood is called (plasma)


T or F: The proper name for a bone cell is a(n) (osteocyte)


T or F: The region of the fingernail where most growth takes place is called the (lunula)


T or F: The region of the hair shaft which contains living cells is called the hair (root)


T or F: The strongest contractions come from (skeletal) muscle


T or F: The thicker muscle fibers are made of the protein (myosin)


T or F: There are (10) pairs of attached ribs


-Contains kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra -Filters and removes nitrogen containing wastes from the blood -Regulates water and salt levels

Urinary system

Near the vent (belly button)


By mass, the compound that makes up the largest % of the human body is


Describe the main digestive function of the mouth

Where digestion starts and it helps break the food into smaller pieces that are easier for digestion

The ____________ is an example of a gliding joint


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