Bio M01 Exam 2

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gene regulation

Ability to increase or decrease protein synthesis in the gene

Bases of DNA

Adenine, Thymine, Guanine, Cytosine


An organism or cell having only one complete set of chromosomes; 4


Any of numerous flowerless, seedless vascular plants having roots, stems, and fronds and reproducing by spores.

G2 checkpoint

a cell is promoted to move through this after the genetic information has been duplicated


a chart that shows genetic relationship within a family over several generations

What is the most similar to a hippo?

a hippo and a whale are the closest living relatives


a permanent change in the DNA sequence due to an uncorrected mismatch error


a pig's pancreas is still not ready for transplant into a human even after inactivating all of the 62 porcine endogenous retrovirus genes in a pig embryo. The pig's __________ system genes would need to be manipuliated to help prevent organ rejection by the human

Why can DNA technology be used with all organisms?

all organisms share the same chemical DNA structure

result of natural selection

alleles that allow organisms to survive at a higher rate than other individuals become more common in the population


an ancient, giant continent


chromosomes that are not involved in determining gender

professional scientists benefit from citizen science because

citizens help report results from studies to other citizens

fossil record

contains strong evidence that major new groups of organisms arose from previously existing organisms

citizen science

contributes to scientific research by the public participating in the collection of data


created by the successful union of one male and one female gamete to form a new single cell

G0 phase

distinguished by the absence of preparation for DNA synthesis

photosynthetic bacteria

do not have chloroplasts

nuclear envelope

eukaryotic DNA enclosed in two concentric layers forms the

Which two processes work in conjunction to create genetic diversity and maintain chromosome number?

fertilization and meiosis


flowering plants that produce seeds in fruit

What information is not visible in a karyotype?

genetic mutations

What do mutations affect?

genotype, which may affect the phenotype

DNA polymerase and mutation

has the ability to proofread; if it did not have this power, more mutations would occur

gene expression

highly variable; it changes for many different reasons throughout the life of a cell

SRY gene

in humans, the master "sex switch" that determines if an embryo is male or female

angiosperm seeds

layers of tissue enclose and protect the ovules, which develop into seeds, turning the ovary wall into a fruit wall


liverworts and mosses; thrive as very simple plants with extremely flat, thin bodies that can directly absorb water into their cells

cat embryo

looks the most similar to a human embryo for the longest amount of time

molecules involved in translation



manufacture proteins in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

Prokaryotic Reproduction

occurs faster than in eukaryotic cells because they have a simpler structure, which allow more rapid reproduction


phase of mitosis in which the distinct individual chromosomes begin to spread out into a tangle of chromatin

bacteria and archaea are classified as



protists that break down waste material by consuming other dead organisms and releasing nutrients into the environment to be reused by producers and cycles back into the food chain

Most human genetic disorders are inherited on what type of allele?


Which of the following groups of characteristics defines prokaryotes?

singe-celled, single loop of DNA, no membrane enclosed organelles, asexual reproduction


small loops of extra DNA in the cytoplasm of prokaryotes

prokaryotic transcription

takes place in the cytoplasm because they lack membrane-enclosed organelles

X-linked diseases

tend to be expressed more in males than females

Why did Mendel analyze thousands of plants while conducting his research?

the likelihood of seeing a clear pattern is higher with a larger data set

common ancestor definition

the most recent ancestral form or species from which two different species evolved; explanation of two organisms having similar features


the observation that individuals afflicted with albinism also always have vision problems is an example

common ancestor

the proteins and DNA of two organisms with a common ancestor are more similar than two organisms that do not have a common ancestor


the resting phase between successive mitotic divisions of a cell, or between the first and second divisions of meiosis.

What is the significance of crossing over?

the resulting gametes will have novel gene combinations compared to their parent cells gene combination

Mendel's Law of Segregation

the two alleles of a gene found on each of a pair of chromosomes segregate independently of one another into sex cells; displayed during mitosis


three-nucleotide sequence on messenger RNA that codes for a single amino acid; UUU

DNA polymerase

used by the cell to attach DNA fragments to each other

Punnett square

used to predict the genotypes and phenotypes of a genetic cross


version of a gene


when chromosomes are lined up in the middle of the cell during cell division


when two copies of the same gene are on a single chromosome

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