biology 2 connect questions

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if a major predator is removed form a community which of the following is likely to happen

a decrease in biological diversity

which of the following describe what happens to a population as it approaches its carrying capacity

as a population approaches carrying capacity are used up and growth rate declines

_____ harvest light or chemical energy and use the energy to synthesize carbon compounds form CO2


a population with a per capita growth declining to zero would begin to approach its _____

carrying capacity

the larva of which of the following can use milkweed as a food source

caterpillar of the monarch butterfly

mustard oils are deterrent to many predators. which of the following predators can break down this substance and eat the mustard plant

caterpillars of cabbage white butterfly

overall the evolutionary changes observed in the fossil record of the horse family can be understood as adaptations to changes in global_____


_____ is the process of reciprocal evolutionary change that occurs among groups of species as they interact with one another


symbiotic interactions often lead to which of the following


which is the term used to describe cases where two or more species reciprocally affect each other's evolution


structures that have evolved separately but look very similar exhibit_____ evolution, in contrast, structures that evolved through modification from a common ancestral trait are_____ structures

convergent, homologous

organisms that are believed to share a common ancestor often show similarities in their early_____ development before diverging into varied forms


parasites that live within the body of their hosts are termed _____


tapeworms, because they live inside of their hosts, are called ____


in an ecosystem, matter is constantly being recycled. in contrast, _____, such as that form the sun is never recycled


in an ecological pyramid, each box is more narrow than the other one below it due to the rules of

energy flow

_____ growth models assume resources are unlimited


rapid population growth occurring when per capita growth rate remains above zero is called _____ growth


unchecked _____ growth of a population can result in a population explosion which would theoretically continue infinitely


which of the following accurately defines density independent mortality factors

factors for which mortality remains unchanged in response to population density

true or false: secondary chemical compounds of plants contribute directly to the growth and development of the plant


despite the presence of many dinosaurian traits, archaeopteryx fossils possess_______ which are a definitive trait of birds


the sequence of species shown in the image is referred to as a(n) _____ chain


a linear illustration of energy flow between organisms, such as the one shown on this diaphragm, is called a(n) _____

food chain

which of the following best describe how/when patterns of unrestrained or exponential growth of populations generally occur

for short periods of time

which of the following is the most direct evidence for evolution


which of the following is the most direct evidence of evolution


all modern members of the horse family are large,______ legged,______ running animals adapted to living in open______

four, fast, grasslands

the leaf cutter ants of the tropics forms a symbiotic relationship with which of the following


evolutionary changes in the horse family can be related to changes in their habitat in North America, in particular, horse evolution was related to the widespread appearance of...


a major source of limitation for population _____ is the fact that some individuals have fewer surviving offspring than others


the fossil record reveals that during the last 25 million years most of the lineages in the horse family have exhibited a rapid and substantial______ in size

growth, increase

consumers that feed on primary producers, such as plants are called ____


a bottom up effect on an ecosystem results in an increase in which of the following

herbivores and eventually carnivores

the parasite, dicrocoelium dendriticum, reaches adulthood in which of the following organisms

herbivores mammals

_____ is a general term that describes all organism that obtain their nutrition by breaking down pre made organic compounds


_____ is a general term that describes all organisms that obtain their nutrition by breaking down remade organic compounds


organisms in all trophic levels above the primary producers are called ____


what organisms obtain their nutrition by consuming other organisms


structures with different appearances and functions that are all derived form the same body part in a common ancestor are called_____ structures


evolutionary biologists believe that even though they serve different functions, the forelimb of a frog and the forelimb of a bat share structural similarities and are derived from a common ancestor. This makes these forelimbs an example of....

homologous structures

the forelimbs of vertebrates are an example of_____ structures, while the human appendix is an example of a_____ structure

homologous, vestigial

one of the best studied examples of evolutionary change is that of the_____ family. This family includes zebras and donkeys, among other animals


as the horse family fossil record became more complete, scientists realized that the evolution of horses was not linear, constant, and unidirectional, why

in some lineages completely opposite trends are observed - changes often occurred simultaniously across the different lineages of the horse family - the rates of evolution varied through time with long periods of little or no change

the poison dart frog produces a toxic alkaloid. where is this poison located

in the mucus that covers the brightly colored skin

one reason why the fossil record is incomplete is that many fossils occur in rocks that are_____ to scientists


what does rN represent in the logistic growth model

inartistic rate of increase

over the last 55 million years, the limbs of animals in most lineages of the horse family have_____ in length

increased, grown

mortality factors whose influence is not affected by changes in the number of individuals per unit called density _____ factors


even though there are gaps in the fossil record, some of the most direct evidence for evolution comes from fossils called______ fossils that illustrate how certain major transformations in life forms occurred

intermediate, transitional

Darwin noted that_____ communities are often missing plants and animals typically found on continents


some species, for example frogs, are very sensitive to saltwater and therefore have almost no chance of island colonization. Why is saltwater so harmful to these animals

it causes some animals to dehydrate

how does the amount of available energy change as the energy captured in chemical bonds passes from primary producers to other trophic levels

it decreases exponentially

which of the following is predicted for a community with a large number of species

it is better able to resist disturbance

species that have a disproportionately high impact on a community are called _____ species


teeth of modern members of the horse family are....

large with a complex pattern of ridges

a(n) _____ represents the probability of survival and reproduction of a cohort of individual organisms, as it relates to their age

life table

the pattern in which population growth slows down as is approaches the carrying capacity is termed _____ growth


the sigmoidal growth curve in this figure represents which of the following models of population growth

logistic growth

which of the following describes logistic growth

logistic growth occurs when the population is restricted by some limiting factor

which is true concerning ecosystems

matter is recycled but energy is not

early horses had four toes on the front feet and three toes on the hind feet, all encased in fleshy pads. What statement correctly describes how the toes have changed during the evolution of modern horses

modern horses have a single toe enclosed in a bony hoof

cardiac glycosides protect which of the following from predators

monarch butterflies and caterpillars

typically, how are species on islands related to species on a nearby continent

more closely

in _____ mimicry two or more noxious animal species develop similar appearances as a shared protective device against predation


the beneficial relationship between aphids and certain ants is referred to as ____


the beneficial relationship between aphids and certain ants is referred to as _____


which symbiotic integration involves a relationship between two organisms, in which both species benefit


which element do the ants provide the Central American acacia plant


an animal that eats plants as well as some animals is called a(n) _____


_____ selected species are those with unstable populations that have a high rate of per capita population growth


what is exponential growth

rapid growth with a constant rate of increase

mycorrhizae are associations between fungi and which of the following

roots of most plants

rock fossils are created when three events occur, dead organisms are buried in______ hard tissues ______, the material that surrounds the remains______ to form rock

sediment, mineralize, harden

molecular analysis of lactase DNA_____ in humans shows that genes for that enzyme have_____ evolved in Africa and Europe to produce the same result

sequences, independently

the feet of modern horses have_____ toes, in contrast, early horses had_____ toes on their front feet and_____ toes on their hind feet

single, four, three

fast swimming marine predators such as dolphins, sharks, and tuna, have a_____ body shape that minimizes_____ in the water

sleek, resistance

the teeth of early member of the horse family were...

small and relatively simple`

the fossil record shows that early species of horses were generally_____ in size, but many lineages since about 30 million years ago exhibit change toward_____ in size

small, an increase

which of the following best describes why populations remain at a relatively constant size regardless of how many offspring are born

some individuals have fewer offspring than others

island species are usually most closely related to...

species on nearby continents

what are r related species

species with high rate of per capita population growth but poor competitive ability

a graph os the proportion of surviving individuals at each age is called a(n) _____ curve


a long term, more or less permanent, relationship between two or more species is called which of the following


the relationship between leaf cutter ants and fungi is called _____


even though it has feathers similar to modern birds, archaeopteryx also has many features of carnivorous dinosaurs, for example______ in its mouth and a bony _______

teeth, tail

which describes a trophic cascade

the addition of secondary carnivores to an ecosystem affects primary producers populations

in the logistic growth model, (K-N)K represents

the fraction of the carrying capacity that is still unused

in recent years, scientists have discovered remarkable fossils, such as a four legged aquatic mammal and a snake with legs. These are examples of...

transitional fossils

fossils contain characteristics of two separate groups of organisms are called______

transitional, intermediate

which of the following are reasons why island trees belong to plant families that typically do not have tree members

tree seeds rarely make it to isolated islands - tree niche is empty and so a flower can evolve through natural selection to be tree like

a _____ occurs when changes in one trophic level affect not only the levels immediately before or after that trophic level but further removed trophic levels as well

trophic cascade

the evolution of members of the horse family is...

well documented by the fossil record

the short legs and broad feet of early horses made them well adapted to their habitat which was...

wooded areas

according to the logistic growth model, when the number (N) of individuals in a population approaches its carrying capacity (K), the populations growth rate should approach (and eventually become) which of the following


when a populations size does not change over time, the populations growth rate is _____


select all of the following that describe types of symbiotic relationships

- one species benefits and the effect on the other is neutral - one species benefits and the other species is harmed - both interacting species benefit

select all of the following that are types of symbiotic relationships

- parasitism - mutualism - commensalism

match types of autotrophs with their sources of energy

- photoautotrophs- light - chemoautotrophs- inorganic oxidation reactions

match the following examples of photoautotrophs and chemoautotrophs

- photoautotrophs- plants, algae, cyanobacteria - chemoautotrophs- prokaryotic microbes in deep sea water vents

select all tropic levels in ecosystems

- primary producers - secondary carnivores - primary carnivores - herbivores

_____ selected species exhibit high per capita growth rates with poor competitive ability, whereas _____ selected species exhibit low per capita growth rates with strong competitive ability

- r - k

characteristics of r selected species include which of the following

- rapid development - early reproductive age - high reproductive rate

population growth cannot continue at the maximum rate forever because of the limited amount of _____ available in the environment. population growth slows and stabilizes at a size called _____ because of these limits

- resources - carrying capacity

in a(n) trophic cascade with top down effects, the addition of _____ carnivores results in an increase in the herbivore population size and a decrease in the population size of _____ producers

- secondary - primary

list all reasons why the boxes at the tops of ecological pyramids are smaller than those at the bottom

- some energy is lost at detritus - some energy is lost as feces - heat is lost chemical bond conversions

which of the following assumptions would be made when modeling exponential growth

- space is available - water is unlimited - food is plentiful

what types of species are most likely to be able to disperse to an island

- species that fly - species that drift - species that float

fossils include

- specimens preserved in permafrost - specimens in amber - specimens preserved in dry caves - remains preserved in rocks

which of the following is true about transitional fossils

- they help fill in the gap in the fossil record between two separate groups - they illustrate how major transitions in life occurred

select all ways in which keystone species may affect community composition

- they maintain species richness - they prevent competitive exclusion - they alter the environment to create new habitats

identify the possible role of secondary chemical compounds of plants

- they may be attractants for pollinators - they may offer protection against microbial infection - they may offer protection against herbivory

choose examples of morphological defenses of plants against herbivores

- thorns - accumulation - granular, sticky hairs

match each trophic level with the organisms it contains

- trophic level 1- primary produces - trophic level 2- herbivores - trophic level 3- primary carnivores - trophic leve; 4- secondary carnivores

match the different types of anatomical evidence of evolution to an example

- Homology ---> vertebrate forelimbs - embryonic development ---> languo - vestigial structures ---> human coccyx

what is a life table

- a life table is a date table of the proportion of individuals surviving and reproducing in different age classes

choose the two examples of populations that might exhibit the ailed effect

- a sparsely distributed population, in which individuals have difficulty finding mates - a population of a species that relies on large groups to deter predators

demography is the study of which of the following

- birth and death dates - age distribution - population sizes

in a population with a female- biased sex ratio,

- birth rates are not closely related to the number of males

the _____ of monarch butterflies which feed on plants containing cardiac glycosides are able to store these chemicals in their bodies and use them in later stages of their life cycle as a _____ defense against predators

- caterpillars - chemical

select all options of top down effects

- changes in herbivore populations affect carnivore populations - changes in carnivore populations affect herbivore populations

select all examples of bottom up effects

- changes in primary producer populations affect herbivore populations - changes in herbivore populations affect carnivore populations

the study of birth and death rates, age distributions, and sizes of populations is called _____

- demography

a populations growth would be limited as the density of that population increases because of _____ factors

- density - dependent

which of the following are common misconceptions about revolution that were traditionally thought to be revealed by the fossil records of horses

- evolutionary change is constant through time - natural selection is a progressive guiding force pushing evolution in a single direction

in this figure, line A represents _____ growth, whereas line B represents _____ growth

- exponential - logistic

which of the following are typical characteristics of all modern members of the horse family

- fast runners - adapted to grasslands - long legs

in many species males compete for the opportunity to mate with females, consequently some males mate often while others do not mate at all. in this case the sex ration is _____ biased

- female

which of the following are reasons why the fossil record is incomplete

- fossils can be destroyed before they are collected - organisms decay or are scavenged before forming fossils - many fossils occur in rocks that are inaccessible

the mean period between birth of females and birth of their offspring is called the _____ time

- generation

what is the mean period between the time a female is born to the time her progeny is born

- generation time

developmental patterns seen in a group of organisms often reveal evolutionary relationships. Place the developmental descriptions in the order that they would occur in a group of related organisms, beginning with the earliest description at the top

- greatest similarity present - different characteristics are lost/formed - final form is attained

lichens are a symbiotic relationships between certain fungi and which of the following

- green algae - cyanobacteria

match each trophic level with its food source

- herbivores- consume primary producers - primary carnivores- consumer herbivores - secondary carnivores- consumer primary carnivores

select all likely effects of higher species richness on ecosystem stability parameters based on scientific studies

- higher biomass stability - higher productivity - higher resistance to invasive species

which of the following accurately describe the following features of a typical K selected species

- long lifespan - usually low mortality rate - large size of offspring

death rate or _____ is the number of individuals that die in a certain period

- mortality

many of the best known examples of Bayesian mimicry occur among which group of animals

- moths - butterflies

from the list below, chose the two types of mimicry

- mullerian - batesian

the two types of mimicry that are used as defensive strategies are _____ mimicry and _____ mimicry

- mullerian - batesian

match each interaction with its description

- mutualism- both species gain from the interaction - commensalism- one species benefits from the interaction and the other is unaffected - parasitism- one species benefits, while the other species is harmed

series of events that must occur in order to produce rock fossil

1. organism becomes buried in sediments 2. hard tissues (such as bones) mineralize - surrounding sediment hardens into rock

which of the following structures on the Central American acacia provides ants with necessary protein

Beltian bodies

_____ selected species are those with relatively stable populations adapted to existing at or near their carrying capacity


what are some fossil findings in recent years that have bridged major gaps in our understanding of vertebrate evolution

a fossil snake with legs that links modern snakes to the lizards from which the descended - tiktaalik, a species that is transitional between fish and amphibians - a four legged aquatic mammal that links marine mammals to their terrestrial ancestors

a survivorship curve is defined as which of the following

a graph of the proportion of individuals surviving at each age

by creating dams, beavers have a large impact on community composition. consequently, beavers are considered to be which of the following

a keystone species

in which of the following situations would a population exhibit exponential growth

a population which reaches a new habitat with an abundance of resources

considering trophic levels, heterotrophs occur at which of the following levels

above primary producers

what type of poison is produced by the poison dart frog


today fossils have been found that link

all major groups of vertebrates

which of the following describes mullein mimicry

all the animals are poisonous or dangerous

in some cases, the growth rate of a population can increase with population size. this is known as the _____ effect


what type of species would be expected to have a short life span and an early age at first reproduction

an r related species

aphids and _____ have a symbiotic relationship called mutualism


which of the following is in a mutualistic relationship with the Central American acacia


which of the following is theintermedivte host for the flatworm, dicrocoelium dendriticum


henry _____ described a type of mimicry in the mid 1800s


the _____ is the rate at which a population of a given species increased when no limits are placed on its rate of growth

biotic potential

increases in primary productivity can lead to which of the following

bottom up effects

early horses inhabited woody areas where they probably browsed leaves and escaped predators by dodging through openings, this explains why those animals had_____ feet and_____ legs

broad, short

which of the following can be affected by density dependent factors

death rates and/or birth rates

microbes form a category of detritivores called _____. these organisms break up dead organic matter


microbes that break up dead organic matter are called which of the following


a reduction in the amount of available resources in an environment would cause the carrying capacity to _____


a populations growth would be limited as the density of that population increases because of _____ factors

density dependent

which of the following best describes the role of density dependent factors on population size

density dependent factors regulate population size by limiting growth as density increases

dead organic matter is best defined as which of the following


dead organic matter is called _____


what type of evidence for evolution is provided by fossils


parasites that feed on the exterior surface of an organism are called external parasites or ____


what do carnivores eat

other animals

_____ are insects that lay eggs in or living hosts


which of the following best describes the result of unchecked exponential growth

population explosion

which of the following accurately describe why populations cannot growth exponentially forever

population growth is limited by the amount of available resources

the consumption of one organism by another is called


which of the following is best defined as one organism eating another


what is the term for the organisms that form the base of a typical food chain (first trophic level)

primary producers

the carrying capacity is defined as.....

the maximum number of individuals that na environment can sustain


the most preserved remains of once living organisms

for a cohort in a population, fecundity is best defined as which of the following

the number of offspring produced in a standard period of time

which of the following is a form go morphological plant defense against herbivores

the presence of thorns on branches

which of the following is a form of morphological plant defense against herbivores

the presence of thorns on branches

the following diaphragm shows changes in the biomass of three trophic levels as a function of increasing light availability to primary producers. why does the biomass of carnivores increase, even though the biomass of herbivores does not seem to change much

the producers of herbivores increases, but their biomass does not change much, because they are kept in check by increasing numbers of carnivores

which of the following best describes biotic potential

the rate at which a population grows when no limits are placed on its rate of growth

which of the following best describes the amount of chemical bond energy available to herbivores in comparison to carnivores

there is more energy available

the trend observed in the fossil record of horses regarding the length of their limbs

they have verbally increased in length

how has the fossil record changed since Darwin

today the fossil record is far more complete

the human removal of top level carnivores from an ecosystem can cause a _____ effect by causing an increase in herbivores which results in a decrease in primary producers

top down

humans can cause top down effects in an ecosystem by removing which of the following

top level carnivores

how are traits produced by convergent evolution different from homologies

traits produced by convergent evolution have not yet evolved from a common ancestral trait, while homologies have

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