Biology - The Immune System SAT Questions

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Use pseudopods to engulf large numbers of germs Refer to terms below: A. T lymphocytes B. B lymphocytes C. Macrophages D. Antibodies E. Histamine


Vasodilation A. is triggered by histamine B. means englufing antigens C. is caused by interferons D. is part of an immunoglobin E. is an important part of the specific immune response


All of the following are autoimmune diseases EXCEPT A. arthritis B. lupus C. multiple sclerosis D. AIDS E. juvenile diabetes


All of the following are correct about the immune system EXCEPT A. the first line of defense is nonspecific B. the second line of defense is nonspecific C. release of histamine in responsible for the inflammatory response D. macrophages engulf huge numbers of microbes E. T lymphocytes release antibodies


All of the following are part of the first line of defense of the immune system EXCEPT A. leukocytes B. skin C. stomach acid D. cilia E. mucus


All of the following are true of the second line of defese EXCEPT A. increased production of histamine B. sneezing, redness, and itchy and runny nose and eyes C. inflammatory response D. stomach acid E. phagocytes


Antibodies are A. responsible for raising body temperature when you are ill B. memory cells C. plasma cells D. specific E. part of the first line of defense


Attacks and kills infected cells


A person with AB blood type had A. both A and B antigens on the surface of the red blood cells B. both A and B antigens circulating in the plasma C. O antigens circulating in the plasma D. no antigens on the surface of the red blood cells E. no antibodies on the surface of the red blood cells


A person with blood type A has A. A antibodies circulating in the plasma B. A antigens on the surface of the red blood cells C. B antibodies on the surface of the red blood cells D. A antigens circulating in the plasma E. O antibodies circulating in plasma


Certain danger in a blood transfusion comes when the A. recipient has antigens to the donor blood B. recipient has antibodies to the donor blood C. donor has antibodies to the recipient's blood D. donor has antigens to the recipient's antigens E. donor's blood contains gamma globulin


Fight pathogens by hand-to-hand combat Refer to terms below: A. T lymphocytes B. B lymphocytes C. Macrophages D. Antibodies E. Histamine


Neutralize specific antigens Refer to terms below: A. T lymphocytes B. B lymphocytes C. Macrophages D. Antibodies E. Histamine


Produce Antibodies Refer to terms below: A. T lymphocytes B. B lymphocytes C. Macrophages D. Antibodies E. Histamine


Reverse transcriptase is an enyme found in A. macrophacges B. T lymphocytes C. B lymphocytes D. HIV virus E. antibodies


Which is an example of passive immunity? A. Lifelong immunity. B. Babies who are nursing recieve antibodies from their mothers. C. You become resistant to an viral infection once you have recovered from it. D. You become resistant to mumps after recieving the mumps virus. E. People who have AIDS have antibodies against the virus but are still gravely ill.


Which is true about plasma cells? A. When activated, they turn into memory cells. B. They offer permanent resistance to disease. C. They are produced from activated T cells; whereas memory cells are produced by activated B cells. D. They fight antigens and die in battle. E. They are found only in people who are infected wit the AIDS virus.


Which of the following is CORRECT about the immune system? A. Vaccines can cure certain common viral infections. B. Allergies can be cured by antibiotics. C. Multiple sclerosis is caused by an allergy. D. Rheumatoid rthritis is an autoimmune disease. E. Antibiotics can prevent many diseases.


Which of the following is NOT part of the lymphatic system? A. Tonsils B. Spleen C. Liver D. Adenoids E. Lymph nodes


Which of the following is true about histamine? A. It is part of the body's first line of defense. B. It kills germs by dissolving them. C. It is a toxin released by microbes or germs D. It causes sneezing and a runny nose in an attemot to rid the body of germs. E. It is part of the body's specific immune response.

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