bju bible doctrine- midterm exam review

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creation, fall, redemption

fill in the blanks- "summarize the bible's storyline in three words:_____, _____, _____"


god's purity is infinite in that he has no taint of sin in his nature and always does what is good

a. false data

matching- a particular passage of scripture is misinterpreted or taken out of context

f. attributes

matching- a person's internal drive toward a goal

d. legalism

matching- adhering rigidly to external regulations of human tradition in order to achieve a higher standing with god

a. spiritual illumination

matching- affirms a heightened state of spirit illumination of the bible authors but denies their writings are the breathed out words of god

c. poorly harmonized data

matching- all relevant passages have been considered and properly interpreted, but the data hasn't been fitted together into one coherent conclusion

f. regeneration

matching- being made spiritually alive (and thus able to understand and embrace god's word as he intended)

c. modalism

matching- claims that each part of the trinity is a manifestation of the same person

a. tritheism

matching- claims that three individual gods compose the trinity

b. partialism

matching- denies that each person of the trinity is full of god

b. natural inspiration

matching- denies the divine authorship pf the bible but considers it a book with great insight

e. open theism

matching- denies the full sovereignty of god

e. partial inspiration

matching- denies the plenary inspiration of the bible

c. conceptual inspiration

matching- denies the verbal inspiration of the bible

a. revelation

matching- god making himself known

e. sovereignty

matching- god's carrying out of his plan according to his will

d. providence

matching- god's preservation and care of his creation, especially his people

d. poorly harmonized conclusions

matching- one doctrinal conclusion contradicts another doctrinal conclusion that is clear from scripture

b. eisegesis

matching- reading one's own ideas back into the text of scripture

c. exegesis

matching- reading out of a bible passage what the author intended to communicate

f. simplicity

matching- refers to god not having any parts

d. one-many problem

matching- relates to the nature of the universe

d. mechanical dictation

matching- sees the human authors of the bible as passively recording spirit given words without incorporating their own personalties and writing styles

b. selective data

matching- several relevant passages of scripture have been considered, but others have been ignored

a. prooftexting

matching- supporting a conclusion based on a bible passage taken out of context

a. essence

matching- the core of god's most basic identity

c. attributes

matching- the distinct characteristics we recognize in god's activity and person

b. immutability

matching- the fact that god is unchanging

a. theology

matching- the general term referring to the study of god and his word

f. hermeneutics

matching- the guidelines for correct interpretation

b. illumination

matching- the holy spirit's work to enable believers to properly understand the bible

d. autographa

matching- the original manuscripts of scripture

c. canonization

matching- the process by which christians recognized which books belong in the bible

e. transmission

matching- the process of making copies of the bible

c. historical theology

matching- the study of how christians over time have developed an understanding of the bible's claims

b. biblical theology

matching- the study of how the big story of the bible unfolds

d. apologetics

matching- the study of how to defend the faith against accusations

e. systematic theology

matching- the study of theology that organizes data into logical categories based on major bible topics

e. license

matching- twisting god's grace to excuse one's lawless disregard of god's requirements for moral living

b. he found pleasure in creating

multi choice- god created the world because..

d. all of the above

multi choice- god has the right, and humans don' t have the right. to bring calamity on others because this right requires

a. sovereign will

multi choice- gods power to carry out his plan is called his..

d. no, god is a person with infinite power

multi choice- is god a impersonal force?

d. none of the above

multi choice- other than god, what else is infinite?

d. yes, god gave us the ability to reason and draw conclusions from his word

multi choice- should a christian use logic and reasoning when studying doctrine?

a. "i don't get it, lord, help me understand

multi choice- the best response to an apparent contradiction in the bible is...

d. both that humans are responsible and that god is sovereign the whole time

multi choice- the biblical account of joseph being sold into slavery proves

d. all of the above

multi choice- the biblical account of judas betraying jesus shows that

c. infallibility

multi choice- the term best used to communicate that the bible cannot contain error is...

a. el shadday

multi choice- this name of god means that he is god almighty, the god of all power

b. he is the one and only god, and all other god, and all other gods are counterfeits (not real)

multi choice- what does god mean when he says, "thou shalt have no other gods before me" (exod. 20:3)

c. god's plans are beyond our comprehensions, but god is all loving, all good, and all powerful

multi choice- what does the bible say about why bad things happen to good people?

c. modalism

multi choice- what heresy will a person be prone to fall into if he prioritizes god's oneness over his threeness?

a. his self-existence and independence

multi choice- what is god's aseity?

d. a serious error that a true christian cannot willfully and knowingly follow

multi choice- what is heresy?

c. he is present everywhere in all creation with his whole being

multi choice- what is the best description of god's omnipresence?

a. moral evil describes malicious acts of calamity done by humans; calamity is an event that causes suffering

multi choice- what is the difference between calamity and moral evil?

b. biblical data

multi choice- what is the source of doctrine?

a. when the bible was first written

multi choice- when did/does the divine inspiration of the bible happen?

b. immutability

multi choice- when god interacts with and responds to humans, he may appear to change, but he isn't changing in the essence of his nature because of his attribute of

d. his holiness

multi choice- which attribute does the textbook describe a foundational to the nature of god?

e. putting all the correct bible data together into a logical conclusion

multi choice- which is the best description of the bible harmonization?

b. fitting together puzzle pieces

multi choice- which of the following best illustrates harmonization?

e. all the choices above are part of the formal definition of doctrine

multi choice- which of the following is not part of the formal definition of doctrine?

c. visions

multi choice- which of these is not considered general revelation

a. both his oneness and his threeness should have equal priority

multi choice- which should be emphasized more- god's oneness or god's threeness?

b. someone who is preoccupied with one biblical truth while ignoring other important biblical truths

multi choice- who has a doctrinal hobbyhorse?

a. trinity is doctrinal term that expresses what the bible reveals about nature of god

multi choice- why believe in the trinity when the bible never uses the word trinity?

a. doctrince shapes beliefs, defining what is true, d. doctrine influences behavior, directing how one lives

multi response- identify two values or benefits of learning doctrine

the loves or inclinations (formed by your values) that direct your soul (mind, will, emotions)

short answer- define affections

the unity of god in which he is fully one in all his attributes, he is all his attributes simutaneously , and is not made up of many distinct parts

short answer- define divine simplicity

a reverence for god's grounded in a love that respects him, motivating a person to please god and avoid grieving him in all that he or she does

short answer- define fear of the lord

god's unfolding accomplishment of his establishes plan according to the counsel of his will

short answer- define god's sovereignty

god's absolute rightness, justice; to demonstrate justice is to reply to good or evil in the right way

short answer- define righteousness

both of them are expressions of god's love. grace- is god's act of loving us, giving us what we don't deserve. mercy- is god not giving people judgement they do deserve

short answer- explain the similarities and differences between grace and mercy

teaches that god limits his control and knowledge so that humans have full freedom over their own wills. limiting of gods power is a heresy because it wouldn't match what the bible says about his attributes.

short answer- explain what open theism teaches and why it is a heresy

one who take on the full wrath of the offended party for the sake of the guilty party

short answer- what is propitiation?


t/f- a christian should draw doctrinal conclusions completely on his or her own


t/f- according to the qur'an, to say that jesus is god or the son of god is blasphemy


t/f- bible class should always be an easy "a" for good christian students


t/f- by nature, every human is capable of the worst possible corruption


t/f- church tradition has essentially the same authority as scripture


t/f- general revelation refers to scientific observations


t/f- god's power is infinite because he is the source of power with no limits on intensity or supply


t/f- inerrancy means that the bible cannot be misinterpreted when read with honesty and humility


t/f- infallibilty means that the bible cannot make an error


t/f- it is accurate to say that god is love


t/f- it is idolatry to think of god as a man superpowers


t/f- jesus christ is the begotten son of the father


t/f- no one can reject god the son and know god the father


t/f- only a true christian can complete the entire process of understanding the bible correctly


t/f- since the bible is clear, it does not contain any difficult passages to interpret


t/f- the ability to spot doctrinal error requires a firm grasp of correct doctrine


t/f- the affections are the loves of your soul that determines what you have delight in


t/f- the bible is not completely inerrant because it records the errors, lies, sins, and mistakes of many people


t/f- the bible is, most importantly, a book about god- not about us


t/f- the holy spirit illuminates by providing a person with new revelation


t/f- the sufficiency of scripture implies that in the bible there is a general framework by which all the details of faith and life can be understood


t/f- the trinity refers to the three distinct persons of the one true god


t/f- the unity and diversity of christian worship reflects the unity and diversity of the trinity

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