Bk 1 lines 1-33
Hic illius arma, his currus fuit, hoc regnum dea gentibus esse (16-17).
His accensa super (29).
accensa in line 29 describes
Arma virumque (1).
The word posthabita (line 16) modifies
Samo (line 16)
metuens in line 23 modifies
Saturnia (line 23)
Altae moenia Romae (7).
Transferred Epithet (enallage)
In lines 8-11, Vergil follow the old epic tradition of asking for inspiration from
a muse
A figure of speech that occurs in lines 16-17 is
The clause multosque per annos / errabant acti fatis maria omnia circum (lines 31-32) is best translated
and driven by the fates they wandered over many years around all the seas.
The metrical pattern for the first four feet of line 28 is
dactyl- spondee-spondee-dactyl
The case and number of superum (line 4) are
genitive plural.
In the line 19, duci is
The form of the word tenuere (line 12) is
perfect indicative
The antecedent of quae (line 20) refers to
progeniem (line 19).
In line 30, reliquias refers to
the Trojan refugees
In line 5, dum is translated
The word qui (line one) refers to (that is, the antecedent of qui is)
virum (line 1)
In lines 19-22, we learn that Juno has head that the descendants of the Trojans
would destroy Carthage someday.