BM3200 Final Exam

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A group incentive program that measures improvements in productivity and distributes a portion of the profits to each employee is called: a. productivity bonuses b. crowdsourcing c. crowdsharing d. gainsharing


the least complex, costly and uncertain type of change is ___________.

pay structure

the pay policy resulting from job structure and pay-level decisions is called the _______ _____________.


A human resource professional is trying to establish _________ validity when he or she exposes the job applicant to situations that will likely occur on the job.

formal, workplace

According to Edgar Schein, two key mechanisms to changing culture are _______ statements and __________ design


According to the text, which of the following is a popular way to empower employees? a. design work so that it's performed by teams b. design a company structure that has many layers c. design work so that managers are responsible for decisions d. design work so that it's performed by autonomous workers


After the company installed a new phone system, Robert asked employees to complete a questionnaire. The responses provided Robert with insight as to which areas of the new system employees needed more information. This example demonstrates the idea of: a. task analysis b. instructional design c. outsourcing d. person analysis

standard hour plan

An incentive plan that pays workers extra for work done in less than a preset time is referred to as a _________ ________ _________.

task design

As a component of a high-performance work system, ________ ________ determines how the details of the organization's necessary activities will be grouped.

job structure

At the manufacturing facility where Kendall works, entry-level accountants are paid $42,000 and entry-level mechanical engineers are paid $49,000. This shows how the relative pay varies for different jobs at the compayny and is an example of _________ ___________.

differential piece rate

Caroline woks in a candy production plant. If she fills at least 10 boxes of candy in an hour, she ears $1 for each box but if she fills more than 10 boxes, she earns $1.50 per box. This demonstrates the idea of a ______ __________ _________.

Adventure learning

Challenging, structured outdoor activities like rock climbing would be used in experiential training programs called __________ ___________.


Change falling midway on the continuum of complexity, cost, and uncertainty is: a. innovative b. adaptive c. radically innovative d. transformational


Companies with a(n) __________ culture have an external focus and value flexibility. a. clan b. market c. hierarchy d. adhocracy


Computer systems that incorporate decision rules used by people considered to have expertise in certain areas are referred to as ________ systems

case study

During the training session, attendees were given a detailed report describing a hypothetical situation in which four employees were thought to be funneling money into their own private accounts. The trainees needed to analyze the situation and come up with ways they would handle this problem. The detailed description they were provided is called a _____ _______.


Elements of a high-performance work system include organization structure, task design, people, reward systems, and _________ systems


the __________- or end results of a change should be consistent with a firm's strategic plan

data gathering

the first step in the career management process is ________ _________.


the implementation of a change in the same organizational unit at a later time or imitation of similar change by a different unit is referred to as: a. external change b. adaptive change c. internal change d. innovative change


the key ___________ or starting point for change should be asking and answering the question, "Why change?"

espoused values

the second level of organizational culture is ________ _________.


a needs assessment typically begins with the _________. a. training analysis b. employee analysis c. tasks analysis d. organization analysis

core competency

a set of knowledge and skills that makes an organization superior to competitors and creates customer value


a system of consciously coordinated activities or forces of two or more persons

a, c, d

what are the three areas of recruiting for which all companies must make decisions? a. personnel policies b. sales figures c. recruitment sources d. recruiter behavior e. retirement benefits

a, c, d

what are the three steps in human resource planning? a. strategic planning b. customer support c. goal setting d. forecasting e. feedback analysis


when attempting to change culture via rewards, it is important to remember the concepts of ________.


which is the most common form of employee ownership? a. a profit-sharing plan b. a stock option plan c. an employee bonus plan d. An ESOP plan


which of the following traits is not part of the assessment process for employee development? a. ability to learn b. communication style c. communication skills d. behvaior


Focusing on "what the organization must excel at" to meet its objectives measures the effectiveness of: a. open boundaries b. internal processes c. innovation d. operational excellence


For which type of job is a gainsharing plan most useful: a. for a complex job b. for a simple job c. for an entry-level job d. for a repetitive job


companies are using electronic ____________ as a tool to promote different types of cultures.


computer depictions of a trainee which he or she manipulates when doing online role-play simulations are called __________.

employee stock ownership

Giuseppa works for a company that distributes shares of stock to all the employees by placing the stock in a trust. Her company has an _____________ ____________ ____________ plan.

realistic job preview

Giving recruits a realistic idea of what lies ahead by presenting both positive and negative aspects of the job is called _________ _____________ _____________.

piecework rate

Janine works as a seamstress at a tailor shop and sews buttons on clothing. She earns $2 for each item she completes. Her pay is an example of a ____________ _________.


Job _________ refers to adding challendges or new responsibilities to an employee's current job.

knowledge, skills, abilities, characteristics

KSAO stands for ______________, ____________, ____________, and other ________________.


Karen likes to use the website when recruiting chief information officers because the website only specializes in this area. The website she uses is an example of a _______ board


- Best used in exploring new markets by partnering with other firms or rapidly deploying a new business model - the pro of this structure is its nimble response to market opportunities and low exit costs - the con of this structure is that it requires a high level of communication and likely fails to promote strong employee loyalty


- Best used in firms looking to escape silos through horizontal integration - the pro of this structure is its lines of formal authority along two dimensions - the con of this structure is that poor managerial support for processes can lead to failure, especially since some will report to two bosses.


- Best used in heavy price competition and pressure to cut costs - the pro of this structure is its lower cost of entry and overhead - the con of this structure is its loss of in-house skills and internal capacity to control supply


- Best used in large firms with separate divisions build on different technologies - the pro of this structure is that workers in each area can have more product focus - the con of this structure is that communication can be siloed across divisions


- Best used in small firms, large government firms and divisions of large firms - the pro of this structure is its clear roles and responsibilities - the con of this structure is that communication can be siloed across functions.


- the con of this structure is that there are potential conflicts between processes and non process functions - Best used in firms seeking to improve internal coordination to create better value - the pro of this structure is the rapid communication and reduction in cycle time of work


- when it is feasible for multiple vendors to join up and function - the pro of this structure is the potential for cost savings and ability to switch vendors for best fit - the con of this structure is that not all product can be chunked and can hold up innovations

self assessment

A ______-_____ tool like the Myers Briggs Type Indicator helps employees determine their career interests, values, and behavioral tendencies.


A _______-__________ pay system is set according to the employee's levels of skill or knowledge and what they are capable of doing.

Workforce utilization

A ________ __________ review is a comparison of subgroups within a company to the proportion of subgroups within the labor market.

lead the market

A _________-_________-_________ pay strategy exists when an organization is willing to pay more than the current market wages when hiring an employee.


A ____________ job preview provides background information about a job's positive and negative qualities


A community of ________ consists of a group of employees who work together, learn from each other, and develop a common understanding of how to get work accomplished.


A company that uses a network of remote servers hosted on the Internet to store, manage, and process data uses ________ computing.


A firm where management has largely succeeded in breaking down external barriers between the company and those with whom it does business is called a _________ organization.

HRM Audit

A formal review of HRM outcomes based on key functions and measures of business performance is called a(n) _______ ______.

organizational socialization

A key mechanism used by organizations to embed their organizational culture is through _________ _________.

organizational socialization

A key mechanism used by organizations to embed their organizational culture is through ____________ _____________.

scanlon plan

A program in which employees receive a bonus if the ratio of labor costs to the sales value of production is below a set standard is referred to as a _________ ___________.


A structured interview in which the interviewer describes a scenario that is likely to occur on the job and asks the candidate how they would respond is called a situational interview.

merit pay

A system of linking pay increases to ratings on performance appraisals is called _______ _______.

relational database

A system that stores information in separate files that can be linked by common elements is known as a __________ ___________.


A transitional matrix is a good tool for planning for the future when conditions allow and it also is useful for... a. organizing financial costs b. developing product lines c. charting historical trends d. designating work loads


A wide variety of specific selection programs that use multiple selection methods to rate applicants or job incumbents on their management potential is called a(n) ______________ center


A work-study training method that teaches job skills through on-the-job and classroom training is know as a(n): a. role playing b. work simulation c. apprenticeship d. internship


HR departments can improve their organization's performance by using technology that usually involves automation and ___________. a. collaboration b. coordination c. arbitration d. computation


Human resource __________ refers to measuring a program's success in terms of whether it achieved its objectives and whether or not it delivered value in an economic sense.


In a _________ meeting managers discuss employee performance ratings and provide evidence supporting their ratings with the goal of eliminating the influence of rating errors.

action plan

In the final step of the career management process, employees develop their __________ _________.

Straight piecework plan

Incentive pay in which the employer pays the same rate per piece produced is called a _______ _________ __________.

Behavior modeling

It has been shown that one of the most effective ways to teach interpersonal skills is through the use of ___________ _____________.

espoused, enacted

It is important for managers to reduce gaps between ___________ and ____________ values because the gap can influence attitudes and performance.


Jackson asked his five staff members to complete the customer service training course online. The program will allow him to see which staff members have enrolled and how much of the program they have completed. This computer program is an example of a(n) _________. a. task analysis b. organization analysis c. needs assessment d. learning management system

incentive pay

Jake's sales team earned a 5% bonus for meeting their goals last quarter. This bonus is an example of ________ _____.


Kotter believes that change most often fails not because of poor planning, but due to ineffective ___________.

flatter, empower

Leaders are moving toward ___________ organizational structures to __________ employees and increase employee involvment


Lillian is always late for work and the human resource manager feels she won't be a good candidate for the assistant manager position because of her tardiness. The HR manager's bias is an example of the _______ error.


Match the era of business development to the management focus. Self-contained within organization's boundaries a. traditional b. horizontal c. open


Match the era of business development to the management focus. opened beyond organizational boundaries a. traditional b. horizontal c. open


Match the era of business development to the management focus. team and process orientation a. traditional b. horizontal c. open


Match the stressor with the correct level or type. Sexual Harassment: a. individual b. group c. organizational d. extra-organizational


Match the stressor with the correct level or type. Work Overload: a. individual b. group c. organizational d. extra-organizational


Match the stressor with the correct level or type. information overload: a. individual b. group c. organizational d. extra-organizational


Match the stressor with the correct level or type. socioeconomic status: a. individual b. group c. organizational d. extra-organizational

cost per hire

Nanci is trying to determine the cost of using an outside hiring firm to fill the director's position that recently opened up at her company. She is trying to determine the _____________ ______________ ___________.


On-the-job use of knowledge, sills, and behaviors learned in training is called ____________. a. principles of learning b. acceptance of training c. readiness for learning d. transfer of training.


One negative aspect of an ESOP is that it carries significant risk for (employee/employers)

centralized, decentralized

One of the first questions to ask before deciding on an organizational design is whether the firm would do well with centralized or decentralized decision making.

a, b, d, e

Select the mechanisms for changing organizational culture: a. systems and procedures b. rite and rituals c. organic development of subcultures d. organizational goals e. work flow and structure

decision support

Software systems designed to help managers solve problems by showing how results vary when assumptions or data are altered are referred to as __________ __________ systems.


Some studies suggest that organizations perform better when which category of employee is eligible for stock options? a. new employees b. administrative personnel c. experienced line staff d. top managers


Susan received a second interview and was told that during the interview she would be placed into an actual work situation and the interviewee would observe how she handles the situations she is presented with. This represents the idea of ____________ validity.


Tara is a sales representative for an office furniture manufacturer. Her company recently provided all sales people with an iPad so that they could have quick access to changing product information and shipping details when meeting with customers. This provided empowerment to the sales staff and demonstrates how __________ contributes to high performance. a. recruitment b. a reward system c. continuous learning d. job design


Tests for selecting managers may take the form of a(n) ___________. a. external training work shop b. supervisory panel c. executive commission d. assessment center


Tests that measure a __________ validity demonstrate a consistency between a high score on a test and a high level of intelligence or leadership skills


The HR _________ is a display of a series of HR measures that show human resource goals and objectives and the progress toward meeting those goals.


The average amount an organization pays for a particular job is referred to as: a. commission b. pay level c. pay structure d. salary


The biggest concern with the use of electronic monitoring of an employee's performance is __________. a. advocacy b. reliability c. validity d. privacy


The change model based on the notion that any change no matter how large or small, ahs a cascading effect throughout a firm is called: a. a systems approach b. OD c. Lewin's Model d. change management

critical incident

The company had received many complaints about Susan's work as a repair technician. In order to evaluate these complaints, her manager started keeping a record of her ineffective behavior which showed how she failed to show up for an appointment, failed to bring necessary tools to work on calls and failed to offer the extended warranty to a customer. This is a way to rate behavior by using the ________ _______ method.


The creation of something new that makes money is called an _____________.


The first step in the human resource planning process is... a. strategic planning b. forecasting c. goal setting d. feedback


The first two steps in an effective performance management process involve identifying what the company is trying to accomplish and _________. a. providing feedback to employees and their managers b. developing organizational support for the process c. encouraging ongoing performance discussions on an informal basis d. developing employee goals and actions to achieve these outcomes


The process by which a person learns the values, norms and required behaviors which permit him to participate as a member of the organization is called: a. behavior normalization b. organizational normality c. organizational socialization d. socialized acceptance

succession planning

The process of identifying and tracking high-potential employees who will be able to fill top positions when they become vacant is called __________ _________.

instructional design

The process of systematically developing training to meet specific needs is called ____________ _____________.

transaction processing

The process of using computations and calculations to document HRM decisions and practices is called ____________ ______________.


The rate of pay for each month is called a(n): a. unit wage b. piecework rate c. salary d. hourly wage


The rate of pay for each unit produced is called a(n): a. unit wage b. piecework rate c. salary d. hourly wage


The results of a pay policy line reflects the pay structure in the (market/organization).

stock options

The right to buy a certain number of stock shares at a specified price is referred to as __________ _________.


The stressor of inconsistent manager behvaior affects which level or type: a. individual b. group c. organizational d. extra-organizational


The stressor of managing career and education affects which level or type: a. individual b. group c. organizational d. extra-organizational


The stressor of perceived lack of control over events affects which level or type: a. individual b. group c. organizational d. extra-organizational


The stressor of technology overload affects which level or type: a. individual b. group c. organizational d. extra-organizational


The third step in the performance management process involves ______________. a. making sure employee goals support the company goals b. providing employees with training c. identifying needed improvements d. trying to confirm a definitive date for employee follow-up.

b, c, d

The three phases in Daniel Feldman's Organizational Socialization model are: a. behavioral norming b. anticipatory socialization c. change and acquisition d. encounter


The variety of people within the network and individual uses for developmental assistance is called: a. diversity of developmental relationships b. socialized network of relationships c. developmental culture d. organizational socialization


This refers to the extent to which the selection method provides economic value greater than its cost

Pay differential

Thomas works the night shift and earns $4 more per hour than the employees who work the day shift. This extra pay to reflect the different working conditions demonstrates a _________ ______.

comparable worth

To remedy employers placing a lower value on occupations traditionally dominated by women, some policy makers have proposed a remedy called equal pay for ______________ ______________.

request for proposal

To select a training service, organizations typically send several vendors a _________ _____ __________.


Training design to prepare employees to perform their jobs effectively, learn about their organization, and establish work relationships is called ____________.


Training employees so they are able to understand and practice each other's skills and can step in and do another person's job is termed _________-__________.


Type of network which contains a few strong ties between an employee and developers from one social system


Type of network which contains a few weak ties from one social system


Type of network which contains strong ties among several developers coming from different social systems


Type of network which contains weak ties with multiple developers from different social systems


Under U.S. Laws for equal employment opportunity, it is the goal for employers to provide equal pay for equal ____________.

c, d, e

What are some of the costs that should be accounted for when analyzing a HR program? Check all that apply. a. utilities b. import fees c. compensation d. training e. employee development

a, b, c, d

What are the four components typically used in an OBM technique? a. use a measurement system to see if employee exhibits behaviors b. provide feedback and reinforcement to employee c. define a set of key behaviors necessary for job performance d. inform employees of the key behaviors e. compare employee behavior to other behaviors f. direct employee behavior through implied contact

a, b, d

What are the three approaches a manager can take in a feedback session? a. tell and sell b. problem solving c. ask and answer d. tell and listen e. finger pointing

a, c, d

What are the three steps in human resource planning? a. Forecasting b. feedback analysis c. goal setting d. strategic planning e. customer support.

a, c, e

What are the three steps in human resource planning? a. strategic planning b. customer support c. goal setting d. feedback analysis e. forecasting

a, d

What are the two components that make up readiness for training? a. employee characteristics b. external vendors c. management control d. positive work envirionment

c, d

What are two important conditions associated with a learning culture environment? a. generalization b. validity c. experimentation d. flexibility


What has been the most widely used method for reducing the labor surplus? a. designing job sharing positions b. reducing the number of work hours c. implementing early retirement d. hiring contract workers


What is an important downside to using customer surveys for performance measurement? a. customer surveys can be expensive to conduct b. customers are unlikely to complete surveys c. customers may not remember the employee when it's time to complete the survey d. customers may exaggerate the truth in their ratings


What is the major downside of using the ranking method as part of a performance appraisal method? a. subjectivity b. reliability c. validity d. acceptability


What is the performance measurement method that uses several statements describing each trait to produce a final score for that trait? a. simple ranking scales b. mixed-standard scales c. graphic rating scales d. paired-comparisons scales


What type of interview may have high validity in predicting job performance? a. a nondirective interview b. a structured interview c. a situational interview d. a behavior description interview


What type of selection interview gives candidates a change to meet more people and see how people interact in the organization? a. a situational interview b. a nondirective interview c. a structured interview d. a panel interview

a, b, e

What types of information would be included in a human resource relational database? Check all that apply. a. job history b. hiring date c. names of direct reports d. tax filing status e. employee name


What would happen in the final steps of the performance management process? a. provide employee training b. develop employee actions to meet the goals of the company c. employee and manager would identify what employee can do to capitalize on strengths d. identify ways company can achieve its goals


When a reference makes a statement that cannot be proved truthful and it damages an applicant's reputation, this is an example of _________________.


When a reviewer favors the lower rankings on a scale, it is an example of the distribution error known as ___________.


When managers identify and seek the input of stakeholders, the information enables managers to develop the appropriate combination of: a. requirements b. equity partners c. organization structures d. effectiveness criteria

performance support system

When the printing press stopped working, Manny found detailed instructions on how to fix the line on the computer application his company had created. This application is an example of an electronic ___________ ___________ _____________.


Which federal agency requires companies to report executive compensation levels and the company's performance relative to its competitors? a. the Bureau of Economic Analysis b. The Federal Bureau of Investigation c. The U.S Commerce Commission d. The Securities and Exchange Commission


Which human resource strategy is a highly effective way to deal with a labor shortage? a. new external hires b. turnover reductions c. employee overtime d. technology innovations


Which method of performance measurement compares employees in the group with each other to establish rankings? a. forced-distribution method b. paired-comparison method c. alternation-ranking method d. single-ranking method

a, b, c

Which of the following are key features of a learning organization? a. knowledge is shared b. employees are valued c. the organization has a learning culture d. individualized thinking is valued and promoted e. knowledge is measured by profits

b, c, d

Which of the following conditions are important for success in gainsharing? Choose all that apply. a. employees who prefer to work individually b. goal setting c. employment security d. management encouragement of employee input e. A need to maintain current working conditions

a, b, d

Which of the following does an HR professional take into account when considering employee development? a. job experiences b. personality assessments c. family history d. formal education e. religious affiliation

a, b, e

Which of the following elements are part of a high-performance work system? Check all that apply. a. information systems b. task design c. competitive alliances d. education levels e. employee training

a, b

Which of the following guidelines should a company follow in order to make a performance management system support the company's goals? check all that apply. a. define and measure performance in precise terms b. link performance measure to customer needs c. correlate performance measures to historical trends d. orient employees to expected performance measures

c (managers work together with employees to set goals)

Which of the following is not a component of a management by objectives (MBO) system? a. goals are difficult to achieve b. goals are specific in nature c. managers set the goals to be achieved d. managers provide objective feedback through the rating period to monitor progress toward goal.


Which performance measure takes into account whether or not something is what the employees want to use? a. validity b. acceptability c. generality d. specificity


Which technique for making comparisons as part of a performance appraisal requires managers to rank employees in their group from highest performer to lowest performer? a. forced distribution b. complex ranking c. paired comparison d. simple ranking


_________ systems are one of the strongest ways to embed organizational culture


__________ structures are more likely to embed an orientation toward control and authority than flatter ones.

staff personnel

___________ ____________ do background research and provide technical advice and recommendations to their line managers


___________ is essential to an organization's continuous improvement and renewal over time. This type of company is one that proactively creates, acquires, and transfers knowledge and that changes its behavior on the basis of new knowledge and insights.


____________________ validation occurs when a test is administered to people who currently hold a job and their test scores are then compared to existing measures of job performance.


a _________ approach to change can be used to diagnose what to change and to determine how to evaluate the success of a change effort

learning management

a ___________ __________ system is a computer application that automates the administration, development, and delivery of training programs.

process innovation

a change in the way a product or service is conceived, manufactured or distributed is called _________ _________.


according to recent research, which is the least popular training method? a. training via social media sites b. online or computer-based training c. classroom training d. training via mobile device


according to research, job applicants perceive __________ as less credible when they act as recruiters. a. team leaders b. senior management c. human resource specialists d. first-line supervisors


an adaptive response to environmental demands that produce adaptive responses that include physical, emotional and behavioral reactions influenced by individual differences is called ____________.

glass ceiling

circumstances that resemble an invisible barrier that keep women and minorities from attaining top jobs in a company is called a ___________ _______.


in general, job applicants respond positively to recruiters whom they perceive as... a. informative b. the same age c. business like d. distant

mixed-standard scales

in the ___________-_______ ________ approach to performance management, a manager scores employees in terms of how the employee compares to each statement associated with a trait.


it can be hard to ________ and select people who fit a firm's culture


it is essential to consider various forms of __________ when attempting to change organizational culture


the values that employees actually exhibit based on their observations and what occurs on a daily basis are called: a. enacted values b. general values c. espoused values d. specific values

line managers

those who occupy formal decision making positions within the chain of command are called __________ ___________.


training __________ (administration/management) refers to the person(s) responsible for coordinating the overall training program when employees are sent outside of the office to train.


training that is conducted via the internet or an organization's intranet is called ____________.

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