Geography Ch. 24 Study Guide

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Describe life of the region including the people, culture, urban vs. rural, language, education, economy.

*English is the official language of Australia *They are multicultural lands. *New Zealand has three official languages (English, Maori, and New Zealand sign language) *Christianity is the most common religion in the region, but Buddhisim, Islam, and HIndusim are also practiced *People who live in cities/urban (majority) face everyday challenges, such as noise, traffic, urbanization, crowding, rising housing prices, pollution, and crime. *Australia's rural areas move at a slower pace, many families lie alone on huge sheep or cattle ranches. They lived "in the bush," which means any locaton that is wild, unsettled, and rough. Students used modern methods of communication to receive and turn in their lessons. *Previously, students relied on mail services to deliver assignments today, the Internet is used. *Australia's economy relies helvily on exports of its many natural resources, which are coal, iron orek, and gold. It also depends on its exports of meat, wool, wheat, and manufactured goods. *New Zealand has become an industralized, free market economy. Its government has plans to increase productio of wood and paper products, food products, machinery, and textiles. Agriculture is still a key part of the economy. A main export is kiwifruit. It is 48th in the world in per captia gross domestic product (GDP).


A fast-growing evergreen Australian tree that has been widely introduced elsewhere.

Describe the first people of Australia and New Zealand.

Aboriginals and the Maori. The Aboriginals have a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. The Maori have a spriitual belief system that is based on the concept that everything inthe world is connected.

introduced species

An introduced species (also known as an exotic species) is an organism that is not native to the place or area where it is considered introduced and instead has been accidentally or deliberately transported to the new location by human activity.

New Zealand's chief and trading partners are ___________, China, and the U.S.


What are the natural resources of Australia and New Zealand?

Australia's natural resources are coal, iron ore and gold. New Zealand's natural resources is geothermal energy.

Describe the plant and animal life of the region.

Bandicoots, kangaroos and koalas, eucalyptus trees are in Australia. Lizards, geckos, alpine plants, the kiwi bird and the moa are in New Zealand. (The moa was hunted to extinction).

What is the most common religion in the region?


About 92 % of Australians are of _______descent.


What are the challenges and conflicts that impact Australia and New Zealand?

Humans from other parts of the world moved to Australia and brought animals (introduced species) with them such as dogs, rabbits, and poisonous cane toads, which caused major problems for the environment. The rabbits multiplied quickly and ate up grass and wildflowers. The toads crowded out and killed native animal species.

New Zealand has three official languages: English, Maori, and ????

New Zealand sign language

What are the waterways of New Zealand?

Pacific ocean, and Lake Taupo, and Rotorua

Describe the Aborginal and Maori culture of the region.

The Aboriginal people used a boomerang to stun their meal and then finish them off; the Maori people used Kapa haka to combine music, dance, singing, and facial expressions for their arts.

What are the waterways of Australia?

The Murray-Darling river system

Describe the history of Australia and New Zealand.

The first humans to live on the islands of New Zealand were the Maori. The Maori people came to New Zealand much later than the Aboriginal people came to Australia.

Describe the climate in Australia and New Zealand.

The northern third is a tropical climate and the other two thirds of Australia is subtropical climate.

What are the current issues facing Australia and New Zealand?

Their current issues result from their locations, populations, climates, and physical geography. They are facing major lawsuits over land rights and environmental issues filed by Aboriginal activist groups. Other issues are drought, limited water supplies, bush fires, and threats of the Great Barrier Reef. Climate change and water pollution are other issues.

Describe British Australia and New Zealand.

When New Zealand was colonized by the British, many Maori began speaking English. Australia was colonized by the British, also.

action song

a children's song involving dramatic movement, especially of the hands.


a curved flat piece of wood that can be thrown so that it will return to the thrower, traditionally used by Australian Aboriginal people as a hunting weapon.


a hot spring in which water intermittently boils, sending a tall column of water and steam into the air.


a large single upright block of stone, especially one shaped into or serving as a pillar or monument.


a large, bamboo & wooden musical instrument of the Australian aboriginal people


a legal case brought to settle a dispute between people or groups


a location along a river or stream used for gauging or other measurements.


a mammal of an order whose members are born incompletely developed and are typically carried and suckled in a pouch on the mother's belly.


a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall; a shortage of water resulting from this.

coral reef

a ridge of rock in the sea formed by the growth and deposit of coral.

hot spring

a spring of naturally hot water, typically heated by subterranean volcanic activity.


a wild or half-domesticated dog with a sandy-colored coat, found in Australia.

What is a key part of New Zealand's economy?


A major industry in eastern and northwestern Australia and Tasmania is

coal mining


customs and traditional values, especially in a Maori context.

A musical instrument called the ___________ is used by Aboriginal musicians to make traditional music.


Australia's three leading exports are coal, iron ore, and ???


The vast majority of Australians and New Zealanders live

in urban areas


inhabititing or existing in a land from the earliest times or from before the arrival of colonists; indigenous.

One food export is the ____, which is a type of gooseberry fruit that originated in East Asia but has become a symbol of New Zealand.



sovereignty or control

What are the landforms of Australia and New Zealand?

the Great Dividing Range in Australia; the North Island Volcanic Plateau and Southern Alps in New Zealand; and the New Guinea Highlands in Papua New Guinea.


the edible berry of several species of woody vines

geothermal energy

the heat that comes from the sub-surface of the earth.


the remote and usually uninhabited inland regions of Australia.

kapa haka

the term for Maori action songs and the groups who perform them. group (kapa) and dance (haka)


used to describe land where people do not live, land a long way from cities, or forests.

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