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Pine trees -Human Significance of Leaves

- Pine needles can be used as mulch


-A mature cacti can hold 200 gallons of water -They can ration that water out over 3 years -The stems have an accordion shape that expands when it rains and shrinks during a draught

What Happens after fertilization?

-After fertilization the ovule develops into a seed -The ovary enlarges to become the fruit

1. Seeds dispersed by animals

-Animals eat ripe fruit -Animals then poop out the seeds and spread it around

Swiss Chard -Human Significance of Leaves

-Can see the blades vs. Petioles

1. Stems that Store Water -Modified stems

-Common in hot dry places (Deserts) Examples: --Cactus--> Green Material=Stem

Rubber Significance continued

-Cooked to make mattresses -10 bowls of latex make one mat of rubber -Natural rubber is most used in auto industry

Example of animals who are attracted to these advertisements BEES

-Drawn to yellow and blue petals -Sweet scent -UV ability


-Ford predicted that he'd need more rubber than was available for the boom he wanted in the auto industry -He built a rubber farm in *Brazil* in the middle of the rain forest -Made a mini america in his community


-Little hairs that project from the surface -# varies depending on plants -Size and Shape vary EXAMPLE -Stinging nettle (Most vicious) -Lamb's ear (Super soft)

Leaves of Carnivorous plants -Modified Leaves

-Live in environments where soil does not have enough nutrients -Eats animals as a supplement -leaves attract animals, trap it, digest it, and absorb nutrients EXAMPLES 1. Venus fly trap 2. Sundew 3. Pitcher Plant

Ol Factory attraction flowers have on animals

-Petals can emit different chemicals that have smells (produces a cocktail of smells) -Rose have 400 Different substances -Different animals are attracted to different colors and smells

Visual attraction flowers have on animals

-Plants have Nectar Guide -Any sort of pattern that guides animals to the nectar -The guides can be: Speckles Linear Guides UV Patterns

Some plants trick animals into pollinating without giving a reward --Rafflesia

-Provides no nectar -Gets flies to pollinate by smell -Smells like a dead buffalo carcus -Inspired a Pokemon Character

Example of animals who are attracted to these advertisements BIRDS

-Red Flowers -Very Little Odor --> Birds have a bad sense of smell -Tubular in shape --Length of beak = length of flower

Herbs -Human Significance of Leaves

-Rosemary -Basil -Bay Leaf -Cilantro

4. Stolon -Modified Stems

-Similar to Rhizomes because it is also HORIZONTAL -DIFFERENT because it is above ground -It produces a mini plant down the stem --> The parent plant and the baby plant share water and minerals -The stem (STOLON) is not very strong, so the baby and parent will eventually separate but remain exact copies of each other

What is the Stoma/ Stomata

-Small pores on the surface of the LEAF that connects the inside to the air outside -They can be opened and closed by the plant --They can also control how many are opened and how many are closed

5. Thorns -Modified Stems

-Thought to protect plants from animals -Thorns = Stems -->Short, sharp, Pointy -Found on citrus plants

Tobacco -Human Significance of Leaves

-Trichomes store all the nicotine -Nicotine keeps herbivores away -Different Tobacco plants carry different levels of nicotine -Pregnant butterflies lay their eggs on tobacco plants

Cloves are a spice -Human Significance of flowers

-Typically found in food and drinks around holidays -Also used in cigarettes and natural air freshers -It's an unopened flower = "Bud" -Found in Sri Lanka and Indonesia

Example of animals who are attracted to these advertisements BATS

-White Petals -Open at night and emit odor -Relatively large

Flower facts

-Whole purpose of flower is to reproduce -Buds open to reveal flowers -Some plants produce one flower at a time while others produce multiple (Inflorescence) -Inflorescence flowers have new flowers at top and old at bottom

Two steps to plant sex

1. *Pollination*: Movement of pollen from one flowers anther to another flowers stigma 2. *Fertilization*: Fusion of pollen grain with ovule to form seed

Two ways plants are pollinated

1. Animals 2. Wind

Modified Leaves

1. Aquatic Leaves 2. Spine 3. Succulent Leaves 4. Bulb 5. Leaves of Carnivorous plants 6. Reproductive Leaves 7. Leaves that produce food for ants 8. Ant House leaves

6. Seed dispersal by hitch hiking

1. Burrs -Hooks that make it easy to stick to hair and fabric --Velcro mimics this ability 2. Grapple Plant -Fuit with a hard structure that contains seeds -If animals step on the fruit then the animal carries it around--> Ostriches

6 Ways seeds are dispersed

1. By animals 2. Some seeds are dispersed by Wind 3. Dispersed by Squirting 4. Dispersed by popping 5. Dispersed by floating 6. Dispersed by Hitch Hiking

What is the function of trichomes

1. Deter herbivores 2. To provide shade--> Keeps cool and prevents UV damage --Old man cactus

Three reasons animals visit flowers

1. Drink Nectar = Most common 2. To eat pollen = Rich in Protein 3. To collect its sense = Use plant perfumes for its own reasons --> VERY RARE

Example of fruits who's seeds are dispersed by animals

1. Mistletoe- Fruit= White Pearls -The fruit is sticky, so the poop is sticky-->The bird has to wipe the poop on the tree spreading the parasite 2. Durian- Strong odor to notify animals of where it is -Prominent in SE Asia -Smells like gas leak -Apes love it

How is Fertilization accomplished

1. Pollen grain germinates on stigma 2. Pollen grain grows a tube down the style 3. Pollen fuses with ovule and creates a seed

Some plants trick animals into pollinating without giving a reward

1. Rafflesia 2. Titan Arum 3. Poop Plant 4. Bee/Wasp Orchid

6 Types of Modified stems

1. Stems that store water 2. Climbing stems 3. Rhizomes 4. Stolon 5. Thorns 6. Photosynthetic Stems

Two examples of Stolon plants

1. Strawberries 2. Spider Plant--> Sold as a hanging plant because each baby plant hangs down looking for soil to plant itself in

What is the Cuticle?

A waxy layer on the surface of a LEAF -Sealant -Function=Prevents the leaf from drying out and conserves water supply

Example of a thorned plant

Acacia Tree -Has thorns with swollen bases -Ants live in the thorns -Mutualistic relationship to have the ants living in the thorns because they protect the tree --Ants can fight off elephants and giraffes by attacking their mouth and eyes when they try and eat the plant

Leaves that produce food for ants -Modified Leaves

Acacia tree not only provides a home for ants, it provides food -Sugar, water, nectar -Leaves produce a vitamin packet

Open Stomata -Advantages and Disadvantages

Adv= Allows CO2 inside DisAdv= Loses water

Closed Stomata -Advantages and Disadvantages

Adv= Conserves Water DisAdv= No CO2 coming in

Broccoli -Human Significance of Flowers

All the tips of broccoli are flower buds

Ant House Leaves

Ant Plants -SE asia/ Australia on porr nutrient soil -Ants live inside leaf pouches where there are ariel roots -Uses ants for fertilizer = poop

Venus Fly Trap -Carnivorous Plant

Attracts bugs by color, taste, smell -Has trigger hairs (trichomes) that tells the plant its time to close -Leaves will secret a substance and begin to digest -It will open again and reveal circus -Could have a memory -Only uses trap when its nutrients are poor in soil

Some animals steal nectar without pollinating flower

Called Nectar Robbers -Punctures a hole through the sepals and steals nectar -Bees, birds, and squirrels do this if they can't get inside the flower

Pitcher Plant -Carnivorous Plant

Leaves are modified to look like a pitcher and a holds "water" -This water= digestive juices and bacteria to help it digest small animals and insects -Glands on the inside of the pitcher absorb nutrients -Lots of different types -FOUND in Bornea -Small mammals use the plant as a bathroom while it sucks the nectar --Mutual relationship between the SHREW and the Plant -Bats live in certain types of pitcher plants and poops in it during the day -Inspired the invention of S.L.I.P.S. -2 types of leaves 1. Normal leaves to photosynthesize 2. Modified Pitcher --The plant can control the ratio of normal to modified leaves --> depends on the environment it lives in -It lures insects through UV light and the tip produces spiked nectar to attract animals and hope the bug falls in

Aquatic Leaves -Modified Leaves

Leaves that live in aquatic habitats -They have extremely long petioles to allow the blade to reach the surface and get sunlight -Roots are in the ground -STEMS= Rhizomes EXAMPLE -queen victoria water lilies --26 ft petioles --7-10 ft blades (diameter) --Can hold small children --Air filled pockets to keep it floating --Found in amazon --Flowers= a foot across

Bulb Leaves -Modified Leaves

Live underground -Has tiny stem, bulb, and a lot of fleshy leaves that store sugar -NO photosynthesis because it lives underground -When its read it will use the sugars and sprout above ground to show leaves and flowers EXAMPLES: -Onions--You eat the stored leaves

Findings of Darwin's experiment with the Sundew plant

Milk, Meat, and Urine= Blades to close Paper and Stone = No closing ***Any substance containing nitrogen cause it to close

Some plants trick animals into pollinating without giving a reward --Poop Plant

Mimics smell and shape of poop -Attracts dung beetles

Under a microscope leaves are...

NOT flat -Their topography= Trichomes

What animal collects the plants perfume?

Orchid Bees (Males) -South and Central Americas -Rubs the petal -Wants the smell to get laid -Special anatomy --Front legs= Paint brush --> Very Hairy --Back Leg= Has a perfume pocket

Carnauba Wax -Human Significance of Leaves

Palm Trees -Very thick Cuticle -Car and Furniture wax -Dental Floss -Cosmetics -Tic Tac= shiny appearance -Gum= same company chicle

Dandelion -Human Significance of Leaves

People try to kill the weed -More nutrients than spinach -Tastes very bitter

Leaf Anatomy

Petiole does NOT equal the stem -The petiole attaches the blade to the stem Petioles will vary in size depending on the plant

What do fruits promote?


What flower is used as a spice

Saffron -Very expensive -Used in Rice -The stigma of the crocus flower -Harvesting = very tedious --1 lb takes 64,000 flowers -Iran -people sell fake flowers

2. Some seeds are dispersed by Wind

Seed is on the bottom with a parachute on top causing it to float to the bottom Example: -Dandelions -Maple Tree

Spines -Modified Leaves

Sharp pointy things on Cacti -A spine and thorn = DIFFERENT -spine= leaf -Thorn= stem -Important to keep animals away from its water supply

Sundew -Carnivorous Plant

Similar to venus fly trap -Blade of leaf has a trichome with stick dew on it -Insects are attracted to dew and when touched become stuck -Once the plant has an insect, it curls itself around the animal, suffocating it and digests it while its still alive -Darwin experimented on what caused it to curl

Some plants trick animals into pollinating without giving a reward --Titan Arum

Smells like a dead body so it attracts flies

Capers -Human significance of flowers

=Flower bud -Not dry/ pickle them -If not harvested they turn into beautiful flowers with many stamens -Found in Southerner Europe

What happened to Fordlandia

A fungus destroyed each crop and Ford lost $200 million trying to get it started -It still exists today


Invented by a harvard professor after observing the Pitcher Plant -A new material to make anything non-stick

Teas -Human significance of flowers

Jasmine: China --> Aroma therapy Chamomile: Bedtime/ Restfullness Hibiscus Tea: From the Sepal

Stevia -Human Significance of Leaves

Leaf= Sweet -Artificial sugar (0 calorie) -Our body does not digest the sugar -Green after taste

Reproductive Leaves -Modified Leaves

Kalachoe -Leaves have the ability to produce little baby plants that are attached to the parent at the end of the leaves--> Babies are genetic copies of itself

Human Significances of Leaves

1. Tobacco 2. Pine Tree 3. Coca 4. Spinach 5. Dandelion 6. Cabbage 7. Swiss Chard 8. Celery and Rhubarb 9. Herbs 10. Stevia 11. Carnauba Wax--> Palm Tree

3. Rhizomes -Modified Stems

2 features: 1. Horizontal Stem 2. Below ground --Everything seen above ground is a leaf Ex. -Grass -Iris--> Purple flowers -Ginger--> NOT A ROOT -Wasabi--> USA is green horseradish -Turmeric--> Commonly used in curry

How many people are allergic to pollen


Flower Anatomy

4 Parts: 1. Sepals- Outer most layer of flowers -To see you want to look under the flower -Can be mistaken for leaves -The bud is surrounded by the sepals 2. Petals-Most obvious part of the flower 3. Stamen- Male part of the flower --Contains two parts ---*Filament* (stem thing) ---*Anther*= Packed with pollen (sperm spaceship) 4. Pistil- Female part and very middle of the flower -3 parts ---*Ovary* (holds ovules--bottom) ---*Style* (tube) ---*Stigma* (landing pad/top of structure)

In 16 months, a single tree of rubber makes enough for how many tires

4 tires

What other tree makes latex

Chicle tree! -has a different collection process --Slash trees and boil it -Failed attempt lead to the creation of chewing gum -FOUND IN SOUTH AMERICA

Coca -Human Significance of Leaves

Cocaine is made from leaves

Some plants trick animals into pollinating without giving a reward --Bee/Wasp Orchid

Designed to look like a female wasp or bee -Wasp or bee humps flower trying to mate and gets pollen stuck on it -Very specialized--> As in a certain plant only attracts males of a certain species


Dominant photosynthetic organ

Cabbage -Human Significance of Leaves

Eating Leaves NOT stem -Cabbage competition in Alaska--> More sunlight to grow - World Record= 138.2 lbs

3. Seed Dispersal by squirting

Example -Squirting Cucumber -Water gun Action of black seeds -falls to the ground shooting seeds

4. Seed dispersal by popping

Example -Touch-me-not -Wind causes the plant to eject seeds in a spiral motion -Seeds pop up to 15 ft away

5. Seed dispersal by floating

Example 1. Coconut -Washes up on beaches to 2. Sean Bean -each segment contains a seed -grows along a river in africa -eventually the outer casing disintegrates and the seed washes up on a coast

6. Photosynthetic Stems -Modified Stems

In these plants the stem is the main synthetic organ EXAMPLE 1. Palo Verde - Arizona 2. Bamboo 3. Cacti- Also stores water in stem

Inputs and outputs of photosynthesis

Inputs: 1. Sunlight 2. Carbon Dioxide 3. Water Outputs: 1. Oxygen--> Waste product 2. Glucose--> Plant food

What is the world's largest inflorescent flower

Titan Arum

How to plants attract animals =Advertisments

Two ways: -Visual -Ol Factory (smells)

What does roots, stems, and LEAVES have in common


2. Climbing Stem -Modified Stem


Celery and Rhubarb -Human Significance of Leaves

Very large petioles and small leaves

Succulent leaves -Modified Leaves

Water storing leaves -best found in the desert EXAMPLE: -stone plant --very small underground stem with leaves that store water --Tricks animals by looking like a rock -Aloe --Leaves store water in a gel substance --Protects water supply by having sharp leaves and tastes gross

What do flowers represent

love, support, and remembrance

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