Branches and Loops
While loop
A condition-controlled loop that is used for repeating the loop body until the condition is false. The condition is tested before entering the loop and each subsequent iteration.
if statement
A conditional statement. IF something is true then 'sequence A' will run. IF is it is not 'sequence B' will run. (allows selection to happen)
A program path that is only tkae if a condition is true
A sequence of instructions that will continually repeat
range() function
Allows iteration of a block of code a specific number of times. The function will always start at zero by default, incrementing by 1 by default, and ends at the specified number subtracted by 1.
If-Elif statement
Allows the checking of multiple conditions
If-else statement
Control structure that lets us do either one section of code or another depending on a test.
break statement
Ends execution of the loop inside of it
continue statement
Skips the rest of the current iteration to continue the loop.
For loop
Used for when the exact number of iterations is known. This loop iterates items of a sequence, such as a string or list. Range function can also be used to iterate a number a specific amount of times.
Python branch keywords
and, or, not, is
Types of Python branches
if, else, and elif
Two types of Python loops
while and for